Mkp1213 Chapter 2 Note
Mkp1213 Chapter 2 Note
Mkp1213 Chapter 2 Note
Sedimentary Basins
Sedimentary Basins
• Rift basins:
• Form as a direct result of crustal tension at the
zones of seafloor spreading.
• A rift basin is bounded by a major fault systems
• A number of rift basins; including Baikal rift,
Red Sea, North Sea, and Central Africa rift
valleys extending from Nigeria, Mozambique,
and Somalia.
• The lithosphere
heats up,
weakens, and can
rift. An example is
the East African
• Rift Valley
• Three major stages in the development
of extensional Basins (pre-rift, syn-rift
and post-rift.)
Sedimentary Basins
Sediments delivered by
major river systems
eventually deposit a non-
negligible load on the crust,
resulting in slight
deformation (subsidence) and
opens accomodation space
for further sediment loading.
(positive feedback).
Sedimentary Basins
• Intracratonic basins: sag.
• Intracratonic (intracontinental) basins were
regarded as somewhat enigmatic. Their
alternative description, "sags," illustrates their
form. Most tend to be broadly oval, shallow,
saucer-shaped basins .
• The total sediment infill package increases
from edge to center and major faults are
Sedimentary Basins
• Intracratonic basins generally contain abundant
reservoir rocks in both terrigenous and
carbonate facies.
• Source rocks tend to be poorly developed,
except in the more marine carbonate basins.
• Because these basins occur on stable granitic
crust, heat flow rates are low and major oil
generation may not have oocurred.
• Siries of Intracratonic basins occur in North
Africa, eg: Murzuq and Kufra basins
(terrigenous basins). Another example is the
Michigan basin (carbonate basin).
basins –
basin, Libya
Malay Basin
Sedimentary Basins
• Epicratonic basins: basins that lie on the edge
of continental crust.
• The Tertiary Gulf Coast of the US and the Niger
delta illustrate a terrigenous epicratonic basin,
and the Sirte embayment of Libya illustrates a
carbonate-filled basin.
• Epicratonic basins show that they are more
prospective than intracratonic basins.
Sedimentary Basins
Mesozoic to Tertiary
Foreland Basin
Pre-Cambrian Shield
Nasa Image
Evolution of Arabian Gulf
Foreland Basin
Compression &
Foreland Basin
Extensional margin
Extensional margin
Interior Sag
After Kingston et al, 1983
Sedimentary Basins
• 3. Strike-slip basins:
• Strike-slip or wrench basins occur where
sections of the crust move laterally with respect
to each other.
• Although a wrench system taken as a whole can
be of similar size to a rift, passive margin, or
foreland complex, individual basins are much
smaller than the other types of basin described
Sedimentary Basins