Teacher Observation Tool

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Name of Faculty Observed: ________________________ Subject: _________________

Date/Time: __________________________________

Purpose: This is an instrument used for observation of classroom performance, “on the spot”, or
scheduled. Encircle the number of those items observed to be implemented by the teacher under
each category. (30 points)

Direction: Please encircle the corresponding points in each of the item(s) you observed to have
been implemented or demonstrated by the teacher.
1 Provides positive experiences that motivate learning. 1 .75 .50 .25
2 Captures students’ attention through active involvement. 1 .75 .50 .25
3 Uses appropriate delivery strategy – ways of providing information
for students to acquire the learning.
Uses variety of appropriate learning aids that support delivery of 1 .75 .50 .25
Cites literature (books, journals, research studies non-print 1 .75 .50 .25
internet sources) during the discussion of the lesson.
Provides relevant examples and models of higher-level thinking 1 .75 .50 .25
skills by
verbalizing the processes of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.
Summarizes or reviews during the lesson to provide continuity. 1 .75 .50 .25
4 Relates new ideas with previous experiences. 1 .75 .50 .25
5 Uses questions to promote understanding.
Asks clearly stated questions that are relevant to the objective(s). 1 .75 .50 .25
Provides cues to prompt correct, or expand student answers. 1 .75 .50 .25
Asks students to explain and clarify answers. 1 .75 .50 .25
Asks more thought provoking (why, how) questions. 1 .75 .50 .25
6 Provides guided and/or independent practice.
Conducts relevant teacher-directed group practice-activities. 1 .75 .50 .25
Moves among students to give assistance during guided and/or 1 .75 .50 .25
independent practice.
7 Provides feedback on students’ responses.
Provides specific feedback on responses that are correct/incorrect 1 .75 .50 .25
why they are so.
Provides feedback to students by repeating, paraphrasing, 1 .75 .50 .25
applying, or
extending their correct responses
8 Closes lesson by using an appropriate strategy.
Involves students in summarizing the lesson 1 .75 .50 .25
Summarizes the main points of the lesson. 1 .75 .50 .25
Provides an interesting “clincher” to bring the lesson to an 1 .75 .50 .25
close and leave the students with something to think about.
Tells the students what they will be studying the next day and how 1 .75 .50 .25
relates to what they have been studying during the day’s lesson.
9 Provides summative evaluation that measures students’ achievement
at any point during the lesson.
Provides evaluation that matches the objectives. 1 .75 .50 .25
Provides evaluation that is appropriate for the learners. 1 .75 .50 .25
Communicates evaluation results to students. 1 .75 .50 .25
10 Organizes learning environment to maximize student time on task.
Organizes activities and arranges classroom to facilitate learning. 1 .75 .50 .25
Makes smooth transitions from one activity to another. 1 .75 .50 .25
Maintains an orderly system for housekeeping duties – 1 .75 .50 .25
prayer, distributing, and collecting materials/homework/test
11 Maintains behavior that is conducive to learning.
Monitors behavior that is conducive to learning and 1 .75 .50 .25
deals effectively with inappropriate behavior.
12 Helps learners develop positive self-concepts.
Focuses on student behavior rather personality. 1 .75 .50 .25
Accepts diverse opinions. 1 .75 .50 .25
Establishes mutual respect between teacher and students. 1 .75 .50 .25
Conveys warmth, friendliness and enthusiasm. 1 .75 .50 .25

POINTS: ___________



_______________________________ ____________________________
Signature of Teacher over Signature of Observer over
Printed Name Printed Name

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