Writing Unit 5 Procedural Writing Projection 2020 - 21

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Projecting Writing Unit for _Procedural Writing_

Grade: __3_ Year: ___2020-21__ # of weeks: __5__ Dates: _April - May__

Step 1: Look through a few mentor texts: Ask yourself these questions: What do you
notice about this type of writing? How can this help shape our primary and secondary
goals? As you look through the texts, make a list of possible ‘teaching points’ for mini-
Step 2: Look over the New Brunswick Outcomes and Highlight any that you think
would fit within this unit.
Step 3: Teachers write in the genre we want to project. (Can set timer for 10 minutes if

Primary Goals:
1. Chronological Order
2. Transitions(Fist, Second, Next, Then, Now) and beyond
3. Relevant Details

Secondary Goals: Writing Quality, Writing Habits, Revision, Community of Writers, Editing/Conventions
1. Effective Lists (Notes)
2. Writing Quality
3. Strong/Entertaining Ending
4. Word Choice
5. Comparatives
6. Noun/Adjectives

PYP and New Brunswick Outcomes: (Can attach a copy that is highlighted too)
PYP Outcomes:
PYP W 3.1 Engage confidently in the writing process.
PYP W 3.2 Write about a range of topics for a variety of purposes, using literary forms and structures modelled by
the teacher and/or encountered in reading
PYP W 3.5 Use appropriate writing conventions, for example, word order, as required by the languages(s) of
PYP W 3.9 proofread their own writing and make some corrections and improvements.
PYP W 3.15 with teacher guidance, publish written work, in handwritten form or in digital format.

NB Outcomes:

NB W 9.1 create written and media texts using a variety of forms

-Experiment with a combination of writing with other media to increase the impact of their presentations
NB W 10.1 Experiment with a range of prewriting, drafting, revising, editing/ proofreading, and presentation
-Use a variety prewriting strategies for generating and organizing ideas for writing (e.g., brainstorming, webbing,
story mapping, reading, researching, interviewing, reflecting)
- Use appropriate drafting techniques (focusing on getting ideas on paper, taking risks with temporary spelling
when necessary, experimenting with new forms/techniques, keeping audience in mind, using a word processor to
- Use revision techniques to ensure writing makes sense and is clear for the audience (e.g., reading/re-reading,
adding ideas, sequencing ideas/ information, crossing out repetition or unnecessary information, sequencing
ideas/information, rearranging, using feedback from conferences help revise)
-Use editing strategies (e.g., checking punctuation and language usage; checking spelling by circling words that don’t
look right, trying them another way, and checking with a resource such as a dictionary; using an editing checklist)
-Use appropriate techniques for publishing and presenting (e.g., a word processor to publish, illustrations, charts,
and diagrams to enhance writing where appropriate; sharing writing/representing orally; publishing in a class
newsletter; publishing online; submitting work to school/district newsletter)

Anticipated Issues:
1. Lack of ideas
2. Not explaining all steps involved

Projection of Possible Mini Lesson Topics: (Depends on the number of weeks you allow.)

Week 1: Introduction to Tell the topic of Flash Draft Review Day

procedural writing the new writing
(Video) unit Draft an Instructional Seesaw tutorial for text
Use brainstorm ideas to (fonts, alignment, color)
Guess the Topic Highlight key points
draft a procedural.
from the notice the day
What did you notice? before
*Writing on iPad draft
Brainstorm ideas

Week 2: Chronological Transitions/phrase Transitions/phrase Review Day

Order s (Inquiry) s (Inquiry) Day 2
Day 1
What is chronological? Introduce more
Why is it important to Look back at basic complex transition,
procedural writing? transitions, add them to Invite students to try
writing. adding more complex

Week 3: Relevant How to write a How to write a Review Day

Details/Revising procedural procedural
introduction? conclusion? Continue Revising and
Making sure that we tell /Editing Editing
our readers everything Hook, tell your reader
they need to know. the topic, give a fact or Wrap up your writing
interesting by celebrating with the
idea/question, transition reader. Remind them of
phrase to next what they have done.
paragraph Give them a hope for
the future.

Week 4: Why do people list Peer Conferencing Publishing/ Storyboards

materials?/ / Publishing Introduce New Create an outline, write
Revising Project dialogue, and organize
(Plan what you video your materials
Creating a list in our will look like and how
drafts. you will create it)

Week 5: Make a Tutorial Make a Tutorial Make a Tutorial Celebrations:

Video Video Video Glow and Grow
Answer any questions Answer any questions Answer any last What did you learn
about making their about making their questions about making about procedural
videos videos their videos writing?

Other Teaching Possibilities:


Mentor Texts:

OPTIONAL Task for Teachers: Create a ‘checklist’ of sorts, that highlights the main
goals for this unit, that you can use with students. Two Benefits: It helps students set
goals are for this type of writing and it can help teachers decide on conferring or small
group work.

Reflection on Writing Unit 2021:

Do we feel our students understood the Lauren nods head. Got chronological order. Level up
main purpose of this unit? How do we – transitional words used effectively. Team gives
know? thumbs up (it’s Friday afternoon and feels like 42C).
Focus on digital publishing – great things there – as
they typed out. Some used Pages for text boxes.
Helped them organize their writing into paragraphs.

What worked well in this writing unit? This was MUCH better than OLL. Giving choice
about their topic worked well. Liked the lesson to use
specific action words – it made a huge difference in
their writing.
What would we change the next time Some kids might overcompensated after the peanut
we teach this unit? butter sandwich video – be mindful of this – some
(Lessons, etc.) provided TOO MUCH detail – but the editing process
helped steer kids back on track.

Is there anything we would add or Make the video of the How to Tie Your Shoes ... share
emphasize in this unit? with several kids and have them practice at home.

The videos the students produced – have them focus

on things they can do in school so that this part will be
easier. G3 Blue didn’t have a chance to do this – but
amazing work from students. 1 to 15 minute videos.
MAX 5 minutes! Perhaps use the sushi video = share
in announcements? How to build a house in Minecraft
another option. Heyson had a video that was over 1
hour ... was able to trim down to 5 minutes. There was
a 45 minute video that trimmed to 11. They learned a
lot – how to handle technology – will be helpful for
G4. Can do so much more on iMovie. BYRON SAYS
“Grade 4 is SOOOO lucky that these kids had this

What did we learn about our students as Some writers don’t know how to tie their shoes. This
writers? is a good unit – writing a specific genre but passionate
about their topic – wanted to write, write, write. Less
pulling teeth in this case.

They have the skills to publish digitally – a good time

to introduce this. They are at a good place – BYRON
SAYS, “Grade 4 is sooooo lucky that these kids are

What were the authentic connections to PROCESS in both writing and UOI. Kids are saying
our Unit of Inquiry? this is a process for everything. Materials need to
use ...

What advice would we give to next See above. Don’t recreate the wheel. We can tweak
year’s team when they teach this unit? but don’t go crazy ....

***Created by Natashya Hays 2018, Erin Kent Consulting -

work inspired by Kath Murdoch

Reflection on Writing Unit 2020:

Do we feel our students understood the We saw transition words in their writing. At first,
main purpose of this unit? How do we chrono not as easy, but models helped as went along.
know? Many went back and would change their transitional

What worked well in this writing unit? Drafting at the beginning – they could see it as it
grew. Saw what they started with and ended with.
Some pointed this out in their reflections – saw how
much they grew. Scaffolding of lessons – zeroed in on
skills, changed transition words, built on it. Loved the
publishing – written and video. Showcased their
communication skills – writing process used to give a
nice presentation skills.

What would we change the next time No OLL. Tie this unit in with media – more of the
we teach this unit? product – have them come up with their product and
(Lessons, etc.) HOW they would make it. Their UOI were here, there,
everywhere. Make it tie into writing more in this unit
– connect closely with writing and product. At end of
UOI, can focus on environmental impact. If we did the
process – adventures of a water bottle, step by step –
how you make the product.

Is there anything we would add or Focus more on details – EXPLAIN the steps. Stuff in
emphasize in this unit? the middle was left out. There is a Facebook video –
dad having his kids make a sandwich. Funny hook at
the beginning. Making a peanut butter sandwich hook

What did we learn about our students as They have a variety of interests. From using Seesaw to
writers? finger weaving. Such a RANGE of writers. Some need
hand-holding, others just go with it. Some really have
more voice in their writing.

What were the authentic connections to (Note possible change for next year). Just how things
our Unit of Inquiry? were made – could be more explicit. Some did without
thinking about it. Some posted to writing folder rather
than UOI folder because procedural ...

What advice would we give to next Hope that the COVID is not impacting. Show some
year’s team when they teach this unit? YouTube videos. Have some more HOW TO
resources around. Seeing people doing different things
– like making pancakes. Share those things to give
***Created by Natashya Hays 2018, Erin Kent Consulting -
work inspired by Kath Murdoch
more ideas. Save the puppet videos and use a few as
authentic ideas – good videos that will show students
what the expectations are ... these exemplars are great.
Stella’s work should be shared.

***Projection Template created by Natashya Hays 2018, Erin Kent Consulting. Template is inspired and
replicated from work by Matt Glover and Mary Alice Berry.

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