2021-04-19 Minutes - Etobicoke York Community Council
2021-04-19 Minutes - Etobicoke York Community Council
2021-04-19 Minutes - Etobicoke York Community Council
Confirmed on
Minutes May 17, 2021
This meeting of the Etobicoke York Community Council was held by electronic means and the
proceedings of the Etobicoke York Community Council were conducted publicly.
These measures were necessary to comply with physical distancing requirements and as civic
buildings were closed to the public.
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
This application proposes to amend both the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code and City-
wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the properties located at 1306-1310 The Queensway. The
application proposes a mixed-use development containing 1,018 square metres of retail space at
grade and 840 dwelling units. The development would consist of a 10-storey mid-rise building
and two towers of 24 and 35-storeys connected via a 8-storey podium. The mid-rise building
would have an overall height of 38.5 metres, inclusive of mechanical penthouse. The tower
heights would be 81.7 and 113.3 metres, respectively, and the podium would have a height of
26.4 metres. The proposed development would have a total gross floor area of 67,458 square
metres, which would result in a Floor Space Index (FSI) of 5.72 times the area of the lands. A
new 1,575 square metre public park would be provided on the south-east corner of the site and
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The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and
conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020).
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-laws,
subject to the conditions outlined in this report.
Background Information
(March 30, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4 and 7 to 11 from the Acting Director,
Community Planning, Etobicoke York District on 1306 - 1310 The Queensway - Zoning By-
law Amendment - Final Report
Attachments 5 and 6
(March 24, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
1 - Motion to Withdraw an Item moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
That the item be withdrawn.
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
This application proposes to redevelop the lands at 1693-1707 Weston Road and 10 Victoria
Avenue East. The Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition applications
propose a 24-storey mixed use building with 254 residential units, including 15 rental
replacement units, and 466 square metres of retail space.
The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and
conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020).
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This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-laws.
The proposal represents appropriate intensification within the Weston Road Corridor, conforms
with the Official Plan and is generally consistent with the Tall Building Design Guidelines and
the Weston Urban Design Guidelines. The proposal fits within the existing and planned context
and includes affordable housing, rental replacement and on site POPS.
Background Information
(March 30, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4, 7 and 8 from the Acting Director,
Community Planning, Etobicoke York District on 1693-1707 Weston Road and 10 Victoria
Avenue East -Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final
(March 23, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
(March 23, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting - Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion
(March 31, 2021) Letter from CP Proximity Ontario (EY.Main)
1 - Motion to Withdraw an Item moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
That the item be withdrawn.
250 Wincott Drive and 4620 Eglinton Avenue West - Zoning By-law
Amendment Application - Final Report
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
This application proposes to amend both the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code and City-
wide Zoning By-law No. 569-2013 to permit a multi-building, mixed-use development
including a 1,700 m2 public park fronting Eglinton Avenue West, a 659 m2 privately-owned
publicly-accessible open space (POPS) abutting the public park, and a 465 m2 community
agency space 250 Wincott Drive and 4620 Eglinton Avenue West.
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The total gross floor area of the proposed development is 65,237 m2, of which 11,038 m2
would be non-residential gross floor area, 53,734 m2 would be residential and 465 m2 would
be community agency space. The development would contain 587 residential units, of which 54
would be purpose-built affordable rental dwelling units. A new 8.5 m L-shaped mid-block
private road is proposed connecting Wincott Drive and Eglinton Avenue West. A total of 932
vehicular parking spaces located within a 2-level underground garage and at-grade are
The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and
conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020). This
report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-laws to
permit the proposed development.
Background Information
(March 31, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 13 from the Acting Director, Community
Planning, Etobicoke York District on 250 Wincott Drive and 4620 Eglinton Avenue West -
Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Final Report
(March 23, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting
(April 1, 2021) E-mail from Milan Calic (EY.Main)
(April 4, 2021) E-mail from Eric Niskanen (EY.New)
(April 6, 2021) E-mail from John and Petra Velicevic (EY.New)
(April 9, 2021) E-mail from Jean Ustaszeski-Bula (EY.New)
(April 9, 2021) E-mail from Robert Bula (EY.New)
(April 12, 2021) Letter from Robert Ostry (EY.New)
1 - Motion to Withdraw an Item moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
That the item be withdrawn.
1. City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with appropriate City staff, to attend the
Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) in support of a settlement to the appeal of the Zoning
By-law Amendment Application for 2996 Weston Road, substantially in accordance with the
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revised proposal and draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 3 to the report
(March 30, 2021) from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
The purpose of this report is to seek City Council's direction for the City Solicitor and other
appropriate Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (the "LPAT") in support of the
appeal of the Zoning By-law Amendment application for 2996 Weston Road.
An application to amend the former City of North York Zoning By-law 7625 and City-wide
Zoning By-law 569-2013 respectively was submitted on May 10, 2018 with respect to the lands
located at 2996 Weston Road to permit five 3-storey single-detached dwellings.
City Council at its meeting on September 30, October 1 and 2, 2020 adopted By-law 843-2020
and By-law 844-2020 amending the former City of North York Zoning By-law 7625 and City-
wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 respectively. On November 4, 2020 the applicant filed an
appeal to City Council's decision related to the proposed amendment to City-wide Zoning By-
law 569-2013 via By-law 844-2020 requesting a reduction in the west side yard setback for Lot
5. The side yard setback on the west side of Lot 5 was approved as 11.75 metres as shown on
Diagram 5 of By-law 844-2020. The applicant has requested to reduce the setback to 1.8
metres to accommodate a larger dwelling on Lot 5. No changes are proposed to By-law 843-
The revised proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020) and conforms
with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) and
Neighbourhood policies of the Official Plan.
This report recommends that City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with appropriate
City staff, to support the revised proposal at the LPAT, as per the revised Zoning By-law
Background Information
(March 30, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 3 from the Acting Director, Community
Planning, Etobicoke York District on 2996 Weston Road - Zoning By-law Amendment
Application - Request for Directions Report
Peter Naumchuk
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Carried)
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ACTION Amended Ward: 1
2200 Islington Avenue - Application to Lift Holding Provisions (H) -
Status Update
1. City Council amend By-law 808-2018 to lift the holding provision (H) from the northeast
portion of the lands and direct the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District and
the City Solicitor to introduce bills at such time as the intent of the holding provisions
contained in the by-law are satisfied as set out in the report from City Planning dated March 29,
2021, or as otherwise may be determined appropriate by the Director, Community Planning.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other City staff to take such actions as are
required to implement the decision of City Council.
(March 29, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York
At its meeting on March 3, 2021, Etobicoke York Community Council requested the Director,
Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, to prepare a report with an update on the
holding provisions for 2200 Islington Avenue, including a complete list of conditions required
to lift the holding provisions, and an update on the status of the conditions. This report
responds to this request.
On October 16, 2020, an application was submitted to remove the Holding (H) symbol from the
lands subject to Site-Specific Zoning By-law 808-2018 at 2200 Islington Avenue. The Holding
(H) symbol only applies to the eastern portion of the site which is to be lifted upon the
fulfillment of four conditions related to the realignment of the Islington Avenue and Rexdale
Boulevard intersection (see Attachment 4: Schedule 'B' of Zoning By-law 808-2018). The
adoption of the site-specific zoning by-law was based on the applicant's proposed construction
phasing of the site, whereby the western portion of the lands would be constructed in advance
of the eastern portion of the site subject to the holding provisions. This was done to allow for
the reconstruction of the Islington Avenue and Rexdale Boulevard, as well as the sale of the
remnant City lands to the applicant to be consolidated as part of the development site. Since the
adoption of Zoning By-law 808-2018, the applicant has revised their construction phasing to
prioritize the development of the eastern portion of the site to occur in conjunction with the
development of the entire site.
Planning staff are of the opinion that the holding provisions have not yet been satisfied. While
the applicant has made significant strides in attempting to fulfill the holding provisions by
advancing the intersection realignment construction and working towards finalizing the sale of
the remnant lands, to date only one of the four conditions has been satisfied. Staff will prepare
a further report regarding the lifting of the holding provisions once the conditions have been
Background Information
(March 29, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4 from the Acting Director, Community
Planning, Etobicoke York District on 2200 Islington Avenue - Application to Lift Holding
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(April 19, 2021) Submission from John Livey and Michael Mendes (EY.New)
John Livey, RCG Islington 401 Inc. (Rice Group)
Michael Mendes, RCG Islington 401 Inc. (Rice Group)
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
1. City Council amend By-law 808-2018 to lift the holding provision (H) from the northeast
portion of the lands and direct the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District and
the City Solicitor to introduce bills at such time as the intent of the holding provisions
contained in the by-law are satisfied as set out in the report from City Planning dated March 29,
2021, or as otherwise may be determined appropriate by the Director, Community Planning.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other City staff to take such actions as are
required to implement the decision of City Council.
1. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 96 Superior Avenue under Part
IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the Statement of Significance:
96 Superior Avenue (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 3 to the report (March
1, 2021) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning.
2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 214 Queens Avenue under Part
IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the Statement of Significance:
214 Queens Avenue (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 4 to the report (March
1, 2021) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City Planning.
3. If there are no objections to the designation(s) in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act,
City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill(s) in Council.
4. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the
City Clerk to refer the proposed designation(s) to the Conservation Review Board.
5. If the designation(s) is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize
the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review
Board in support of Council's decision to designate the property.
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(March 1, 2021) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City
This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the two properties at
96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage
Act. City Council added the properties to the City of Toronto's Heritage Register in December
Located on the west side of Superior and Queens Avenues at the convergence of the two
streets, just south of Cavell Avenue and the CN railway. The properties at 96 Superior Avenue
and 214 Queens Avenue have design value as well-designed house-form buildings constructed
in 1923-24 that incorporate elements of the British-inspired Cottage style with their
symmetrically-arranged principal elevations and stone cladding. The properties represent the
two surviving examples in a fine collection of originally three stone cottages (along with the
demolished cottage at 98 Superior Avenue) that is unique in the Mimico area.
The adjacent property at 98 Superior Avenue was built together with the subject properties,
however, the cottage was demolished in the hours preceding the November 30, 2020 meeting of
the Toronto Preservation Board prior to considering staff recommendations for the intention to
designate the property.
Upon subsequent direction from the local councillor and members of the Etobicoke York
Community Council to further evaluate the surviving two properties at 96 Superior Avenue and
214 Queens Avenue, Heritage Planning staff have determined that both properties meet Ontario
Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed for municipal designation under Part IV, Section 29 of
the Ontario Heritage Act.
While the loss of the third cottage at 98 Superior Avenue is unfortunate, staff do not believe
that this negatively impacts the cultural heritage value of the two remaining original dwellings
at 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue.
Background Information
(March 1, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning,
Urban Design, City on the Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario
Heritage Act - 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue
(April 12, 2021) E-mail from Michael Harrison (EY.New)
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
6a Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act
- 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue
(March 24, 2021) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
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At its meeting on Wednesday, March 24, 2021, the Toronto Preservation Board considered Item
PB22.5, a report (March 1, 2021) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design,
City Planning on the Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage
Act - 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue.
This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the two properties at
96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage
Act. City Council added the properties to the City of Toronto's Heritage Register in December
Located on the west side of Superior and Queens Avenues at the convergence of the two streets,
just south of Cavell Avenue and the CN railway. The properties at 96 Superior Avenue and 214
Queens Avenue have design value as well-designed house-form buildings constructed in 1923-
24 that incorporate elements of the British-inspired Cottage style with their symmetrically-
arranged principal elevations and stone cladding. The properties represent the two surviving
examples in a fine collection of originally three stone cottages (along with the demolished
cottage at 98 Superior Avenue) that is unique in the Mimico area.
The adjacent property at 98 Superior Avenue was built together with the subject properties,
however, the cottage was demolished in the hours preceding the November 30, 2020 meeting of
the Toronto Preservation Board prior to considering staff recommendations for the intention to
designate the property.
Upon subsequent direction from the local councillor and members of the Etobicoke York
Community Council to further evaluate the surviving two properties at 96 Superior Avenue and
214 Queens Avenue, Heritage Planning staff have determined that both properties meet Ontario
Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed for municipal designation under Part IV, Section 29 of
the Ontario Heritage Act.
While the loss of the third cottage at 98 Superior Avenue is unfortunate, staff do not believe
that this negatively impacts the cultural heritage value of the two remaining original dwellings
at 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens Avenue.
Background Information
(March 24, 2021) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board on the Intention to Designate
under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 96 Superior Avenue and 214 Queens
1. City Council include the property at 60 Birmingham Street on the City of Toronto's Heritage
Register in accordance with the Listing Statement (Reasons for Inclusion), attached as
Attachment 3 to the report (March 25, 2021) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning,
Urban Design, City Planning.
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(March 25, 2021) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City
This report recommends that City Council include the property at 60 Birmingham Street
(including an active entrance address at 175 New Toronto Street) on the City of Toronto’s
Heritage Register for its cultural heritage value.
The subject property is situated on the north side of Birmingham Street, east of Islington
Avenue, south of New Toronto Street, and west of Dwight Avenue. It is the site of the former
Campbell Soup Company, Limited, of Canada, plant and is comprised of a complex of
structures that were constructed from 1931-c.2000s (Figure 3). Campbell Soup Company,
Limited, of Canada, continued to own and occupy the plant until 2019. It was designed by the
prolific Toronto architectural firm Mathers & Haldenby, and the principal (south) elevation of
the manufacturing building fronting Birmingham Street is a representative example of a
factory-style building fashioned in the Art Deco style. In 1944, Mathers & Haldenby designed
an eastern addition to the manufacturing building in the Art Deco style and continued to design
additions to the complex until the early-1970s.
Following further research and evaluation, it has been determined that the property at 60
Birmingham Street meets Ontario Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed for municipal
designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, which the City of Toronto
also applies when evaluating properties for its Heritage Register.
A Site Plan Approval application was submitted on June 4, 2020 and is currently under review.
Two community consultations were held on September 29, 2020. City staff have dialogued
with the applicant and their consultants in identifying the cultural heritage value of the large
industrial building complex.
Properties on the Heritage Register will be conserved and maintained in accordance with the
Official Plan Heritage Policies.
Background Information
(March 25, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 3 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning,
Urban Design, City Planning on the Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register- 60
Birmingham Street
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
(April 14, 2021) Letter from Toronto Preservation Board
At its meeting on April 14, 2021 the Toronto Preservation Board considered Item PB23.3, a
report (March 5, 2021) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Planning, Urban Design, City
Planning - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register- 60 Birmingham Street
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This report recommends that City Council include the property at 60 Birmingham Street
(including an active entrance address at 175 New Toronto Street) on the City of Toronto’s
Heritage Register for its cultural heritage value.
The subject property is situated on the north side of Birmingham Street, east of Islington
Avenue, south of New Toronto Street, and west of Dwight Avenue. It is the site of the former
Campbell Soup Company, Limited, of Canada, plant and is comprised of a complex of
structures that were constructed from 1931-c.2000s (Figure 3). Campbell Soup Company,
Limited, of Canada, continued to own and occupy the plant until 2019. It was designed by the
prolific Toronto architectural firm Mathers & Haldenby, and the principal (south) elevation of
the manufacturing building fronting Birmingham Street is a representative example of a
factory-style building fashioned in the Art Deco style. In 1944, Mathers & Haldenby designed
an eastern addition to the manufacturing building in the Art Deco style and continued to design
additions to the complex until the early-1970s.
Following further research and evaluation, it has been determined that the property at 60
Birmingham Street meets Ontario Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed for municipal
designation under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, which the City of Toronto
also applies when evaluating properties for its Heritage Register.
A Site Plan Approval application was submitted on June 4, 2020 and is currently under review.
Two community consultations were held on September 29, 2020. City staff have dialogued
with the applicant and their consultants in identifying the cultural heritage value of the large
industrial building complex.
Properties on the Heritage Register will be conserved and maintained in accordance with the
Official Plan Heritage Policies.
Background Information
(April 14, 2021) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board on Inclusion on the City of
Toronto's Heritage Register- 60 Birmingham Street
1. Granted the application for a fence exemption permit, without conditions, thereby allowing
the fence to be maintained as constructed. Direct and require that the installation be maintained
in good repair without alteration. At such time as replacement of the fence is required that such
installation will comply with Municipal Code Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
b. The gates (or doors) need to be kept locked at all times when pool enclosure area is not
in use, and that there can be no sightline obstructions.
c. If the enclosure is changed to make it part of the building, a new permit application is
3. Requested the Clerk to retain a copy of the submitted Engineer's letter and manufacturer's
specification as part of the meeting records.
(February 8, 2021) Report from District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, West
This staff report concerns a matter for which the Etobicoke-York Community Council has
delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council concerning an application by the property owner
of 109 Valecrest Drive for a site-specific Fence Exemption, pursuant to Section 447-5.C of
Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447- Fences. The property owner is seeking Council's
permission to allow for the existing fence, which does not comply with not being constructed to
the standards stipulated by Section 447-1.3(E)(2) of the bylaw.
The fence is located in the rear yard and forms a part of the pool enclosure fence. The material
used does not comply with the allowable construction materials stipulated by the bylaw. It
encloses the rear access point to the pool. The fence is made of a mesh like material.
Background Information
(February 8, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4 from the District Manager, Municipal
Licensing and Standards, West District on the Request for a Fence Exemption to the Toronto
Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - 109 Valecrest Drive
(March 23, 2021) Submission from Bryan Wyncoll and Stacie Morris (EY.New)
(April 14, 2021) Submission from Bryan Wyncoll and Stacie Morris (EY.New)
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. The Etobicoke York Community Council grant the application for a fence exemption permit,
without conditions, thereby allowing the fence to be maintained as constructed. Direct and
require that the installation be maintained in good repair without alteration. At such time as
replacement of the fence is required that such installation will comply with Municipal Code
Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
c. If the enclosure is changed to make it part of the building, a new permit application is
3. The Etobicoke York Community Council requests the Clerk to retain a copy of the submitted
Engineer's letter and manufacturer's specification as part of the meeting records.
1. Granted the application for a fence exemption permit, without conditions, thereby allowing
the fence to be constructed (as proposed). Direct and require that the installation be maintained
in good repair without alteration. At such time as replacement of the fence is required that such
installation will comply with Municipal Code Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
(March 30, 2021) Report from the District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, West
This staff report concerns a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has
delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council concerning an application by the property owner
of 156 Church St for a site-specific Fence Exemption, pursuant to Section 447-1.5 B of Toronto
Municipal Code, Chapter 447- Fences. The property owner is seeking Council's permission to
build a new fence, which does not comply with maximum fence height restrictions stipulated
by Section 447-1.2 B(1) of the bylaw.
The property owner is seeking relief from the by-law regulations to construct a board on board
fence, 2.4 metres in height, on the east side of the property running a length of approximately
30 feet in length; and on the north side (rear of property) a board on board fence, 2.4 meters in
height, running as length of approximately 45 feet in length. The property owner's intention to
have a fence of 2.4m is to maintain privacy and for the safety of his family including 2 young
On the east side the property neighboring this property, the property at 158 Church St has an
elevated deck of approximately 1.0m along with a verandah of approximately 1.0m in height;
thus providing no privacy if a 2.0m fence was installed. (Attachment 2,3,4,5)
Additionally, the owner requests a 2.4m height fence at the rear(North side) of the property due
to an elevated play structure within 8ft of the shared property line where the play structure is
approx. 1.5m in height when standing or playing on it.(Attachments 6,7,8).
Background Information
(March 30, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 8 from the District Manager, Municipal
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Licensing and Standards, West District on a Request for a Fence Exemption to the Toronto
Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - 156 Church Street
Mario Pillegi
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)
That the Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Grant the application for a fence exemption permit, without conditions, thereby allowing the
fence to be constructed (as proposed). Direct and require that the installation be maintained in
good repair without alteration. At such time as replacement of the fence is required that such
installation will comply with Municipal Code Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
1. Granted the application for a fence exemption permit, without conditions, thereby allowing
the fence to be constructed (as proposed). Direct and require that the installation be maintained
in good repair without alteration. At such time as replacement of the fence is required that such
installation will comply with Municipal Code Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
(March 28, 2021) Report from the District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, West
This staff report concerns a matter for which the Etobicoke-York Community Council has
delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to advise Council concerning an application by the property owner
of 9 Van Dusen Blvd for a site-specific Fence Exemption, pursuant to Section 447-5.C of
Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447- Fences. The property owner is seeking Council's
permission to allow for the installation of a new fence, which does not comply with maximum
fence height restrictions stipulated by Section 447-1.2(B) of the bylaw.
The fence will be located in the rear yard on the south property line and forms a barrier to the
neighbouring property. The projected fence will be 9 feet (2.7 m) in height. There is a grade
difference between the neighbouring properties of approximately 3 feet (0.9m). The new fence
will be constructed out of wood.
Background Information
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(March 28, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 4 from the District Manager, Municipal
Licensing and Standards, West District on a Request for a Fence Exemption to the Toronto
Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - 9 Van Dusen Boulevard
(April 8, 2021) E-mail from Suzanne McDougall (EY.New)
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
That the Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Grant the application for a fence exemption permit, without conditions, thereby allowing the
fence to be constructed (as proposed). Direct and require that the installation be maintained in
good repair without alteration. At such time as replacement of the fence is required that such
installation will comply with Municipal Code Chapter 447, or its successor by-law.
(March 24, 2021) Report from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
This report requests that City Council deny the request for a permit to remove one City-owned
tree located at 29 Craydon Avenue. The application indicates the reason for removal is that the
tree is too close to a proposed driveway related to the construction of a new building, as
proposed from recent Committee of Adjustment approvals.
The subject tree is a London plane tree (Platanus x acerifolia), measuring 83 cm in diameter.
The Tree By-laws do not support the removal of this tree as it is healthy and maintainable.
Background Information
(March 24, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry
and Recreation on an Application to Remove a City-Owned Tree - 29 Craydon Avenue
(April 15, 2021) E-mail from Jody Steiger (EY.New)
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Lost)
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No: 2 Michael Ford, Stephen Holyday
Absent: 1 Mark Grimes (Chair)
1. Deferred consideration of the item until the May 17, 2021 meeting of the Etobicoke York
Community Council.
(March 24, 2021) Report from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation
This report requests that City Council deny the request for a permit to remove two City-owned
trees located at 146 Stanley Avenue. The application indicates the reasons for removal are due
to the conflict with the proposed crane access for construction of a new home and driveway, the
new driveway itself, and concerns that the weeping willow is damaging their existing
foundation and driveway.
The subject trees are a weeping willow (Salix babylonica), measuring 58 cm in diameter and a
multi-stemmed white birch (Betula papyrifera), measuring 15 cm, 14 cm, 10 cm, and 6 cm in
diameter. The Tree By-laws do not support the removal of these trees as they are healthy and
Background Information
(March 24, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry
and Recreation on an Application to Remove Two City-Owned Trees - 146 Stanley Avenue
(April 16, 2021) E-mail from Astrid de Paola (EY.New)
(April 19, 2021) E-mail from Ben Figueiredo (EY.New)
(April 19, 2021) E-mail from Chike Udobi (EY.New)
Amaka and Chike Udobi
1 - Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
That consideration of the item be deferred until the May 17, 2021 meeting of the Etobicoke
York Community Council.
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1. Approved the name "Lloyd Janes Lane" for a proposed private street at 225 Birmingham
Street shown as Part 1 on Attachment 1 to the report (March 19, 2021) from the Director,
Engineering Support Services, Engineering and Construction Services Sketch Number PS-
2. Approved the name "William Jackson Way" for a proposed private street at 225 Birmingham
Street shown as Part 2 on Attachment 1 to the report (March 19, 2021) from the Director,
Engineering Support Services, Engineering and Construction Services Sketch Number PS-
3. Requested the applicant to pay the costs, estimated to be $1000.00, for the fabrication and
installation of the street name signage.
4. Requested the owner and successors of the subject lands to maintain, at their own risk, the
street name signage installed under Recommendations 1 and 2 above.
(March 19, 2021) Report from the Director, Engineering Support Services, Engineering and
Construction Services
This report recommends that the names "Lloyd Janes Lane" and "William Jackson Way" be
approved to identify two proposed private streets at 225 Birmingham Street.
This naming proposal complies with the City of Toronto Street Naming Policy which can be
found at https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/planning-development/street-naming/.
Background Information
(March 19, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Engineering Support Services,
Engineering and Construction Services on the Naming of two Proposed Private Streets at 225
Birmingham Street
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
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1. City Council authorize the installation of a pedestrian crossover on The Pond Road,
immediately east of Nelson Road.
(February 22, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation
As the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on The Pond Road, City
Council approval of this report is required.
Background Information
(February 22, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 and 2 from the Acting Director, Traffic
Management, Transportation Services on Pedestrian Crossing Protection - The Pond Road and
Nelson Road
Jennifer Del Riccio
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Carried)
1. City Council prohibit right turns on a red signal at the following locations:
a. Martin Grove Road and John Garland Boulevard for westbound traffic;
b. Kipling Avenue and Gardiner Expressway Westbound Off-ramp for westbound traffic;
c. Lake Shore Boulevard West and First Street for northbound traffic; and
d. Islington Avenue and Rexdale Boulevard for eastbound traffic, except during eastbound
right-turn green arrow phase.
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation
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This staff report is about right-turn-on-red prohibitions affecting roadways where the Toronto
Transit Commission operates bus service, requiring City Council approval.
One focus action in the Vision Zero 2.0 Road Safety Plan approved by Council in July 2019 is
addressing turning collisions at signalized intersections. This can be addressed through the
utilization of several tools, including the strategic application of right-turn-on-red prohibitions.
Background Information
(March 30, 2021) Report from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation
Services on Vision Zero Road Safety Plan Right-Turn-on-Red Prohibitions - Etobicoke York
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Authorized all-way compulsory stop control at the intersection of Dixfield Drive and Odessa
(February 22, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City
Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval to install all-way stop control at the intersection
of Dixfield Drive and Odessa Avenue. Based on the assessment undertaken, the installation of
all-way stop control is recommended and should enhance safety for all road users.
Background Information
(February 22, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management,
Transportation Services on an All-Way Stop Control - Dixfield Drive and Odessa Avenue
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Authorized all-way compulsory stop control at the intersection of Mary Chapman Boulevard
and Parrotta Drive.
(March 5, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City
Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has reviewed the need for all-way stop control at the intersection of
Mary Chapman Boulevard and Parrotta Drive. Based on the assessment undertaken,
Transportation Services does not recommend the installation of all-way stop control at this
intersection as the warrant criteria was not met.
Background Information
(March 5, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management,
Transportation Services on an All-Way Stop Control - Mary Chapman Boulevard and Parrotta
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Anthony Perruzza (Carried)
1. The Etobicoke York Community Council delete Recommendation 1 and adopt instead the
following new recommendation:
Traffic Calming Poll Results - Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and
Rectory Road
1. Authorized the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Holley Avenue, between
Parke Street and Rectory Road, despite poll results that did not satisfy the polling criteria for
the installation of speed humps pursuant to the City's Traffic Calming Policy.
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2. Subject to approval of Part 1 above, the Etobicoke York Community Council reduced the
speed limit from 40 km/h to 30 km/h on Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory
Road, in conjunction with the installation of speed humps.
3. Directed the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter the roadway to install two speed
humps on Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road, generally as shown on
Drawing DWG.NO.42IG.3769, dated September 2020 attached to the report entitled "Traffic
Calming Poll Results - Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road" from the
Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services.
(February 18, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City
Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the traffic calming poll undertaken on
Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road. Polling ballots were mailed to the
affected residents on November 30, 2020 to determine the level of support in the community
for the proposed installation of speed humps. Only 48% of the residents who received the
ballots responded, as a result the minimum response rate of 50% plus 1 votes needed to proceed
with the installation was not achieved. Therefore, staff do not recommend the installation of
speed humps on Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road.
Background Information
(February 18, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 and 2 from the Acting Director, Traffic
Management, Transportation Services on Traffic Calming Poll Results - Holley Avenue,
between Parke Street and Rectory Road
1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)
That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Holley Avenue, between Parke
Street and Rectory Road, despite poll results that did not satisfy the polling criteria for the
installation of speed humps pursuant to the City's Traffic Calming Policy.
3. Direct the City Solicitor to prepare a by-law to alter the roadway to install two speed humps
on Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road, generally as shown on Drawing
DWG.NO.42IG.3769, dated September 2020 attached to the report entitled "Traffic Calming
Poll Results - Holley Avenue, between Parke Street and Rectory Road" from the Acting
Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services.
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Yes: 3 Michael Ford, Frances Nunziata, Anthony Perruzza
No: 1 Stephen Holyday
Absent: 1 Mark Grimes (Chair)
1. Authorized parking by permit only on a street name basis from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., and
4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily on the odd (south) side of Yore Road, between Keele Street and
Richardson Avenue.
2. Amended the existing parking regulation in effect at all times from December 1st of one
year to March 31st of the next following year, inclusive, and from 1st day to the 15th day of
each month from April 1 to November 30, inclusive, on the north side of Yore Road, between
Keele Street and the east end of Yore Road, to be in effect at all times from December 1st of
one year to March 31st of the next following year, inclusive, and from 1st day to the 15th day
of each month from April 1 to November 30, inclusive, on the north side of Yore Road,
between Richardson Avenue and the east end of Yore Road.
3. Amended the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times from the 16th day to the last
day of each month from April 1 to November 30, inclusive, on the south side of Yore Road,
between Keele Street and the east end of Yore Road to be in effect at all times from the 16th
day to the last day of each month from April 1 to November 30, inclusive, on the south side of
Yore Road, between Richardson Avenue and the east end of Yore Road.
4. Amended the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Yore
Road, between Keele Street and the east end of Yore Road to be in effect at all times on the
north side of Yore Road, between Keele Street and Richardson Avenue.
(March 16, 2021) Report from the Director, Permits and Enforcement, Transportation Services
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City
Council to make a final decision.
Residents requested the implementation of overnight on-street permit parking on Yore Road to
accommodate their long-term parking needs.
Background Information
(March 16, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Permits and Enforcement,
Transportation Services on the Introduction of Overnight On-Street Permit Parking - Yore Road
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1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)
1. Rescinded the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times, on the south side of
Bartonville Avenue East, between Weston Road and a point 60 metres east.
2. Rescinded the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times, on the south side of
Bartonville Avenue East, between a point 137 metres east of Weston Road and Ray Avenue.
3. Prohibited parking at all times on the south side of Bartonville Avenue East, between
Weston Road and Ray Avenue.
(February 26, 2021) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City
Council to make a final decision.
Background Information
(February 26, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management,
Transportation Services on Parking Amendments - Bartonville Avenue East
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)
1. Approved the proposed sanitary system encroachment and enter into an Encroachment
Agreement contingent on the conditions provided by the City of Toronto Transportation
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Services as well as all recommendations and requirements set out by other divisions within the
City of Toronto.
(March 22, 2021) Report from the Director, Permits and Enforcement - Transportation Services
This staff report is regarding a matter that the Etobicoke York Community Council has
delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval from Etobicoke York Community Council to
grant and enter into an encroachment agreement for a private sanitary system associated with
the Kipling Bus Terminal Project located at 120 Subway Crescent.
Background Information
(March 22, 2021) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Permits and Enforcement -
Transportation Services on Encroachment Approval for Existing Sanitary System for the
Kipling Bus Terminal Project (120 Subway Crescent)
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Designated part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with
the Acting Fire Chief, Toronto Fire Services in respect of the municipal addresses set out
below, as a fire route pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 1515 Albion
Road, 38 Fontenay Court, 150 Ormont Drive and 2277-2295 Sheppard Avenue West; and
2. Authorized the Acting Fire Chief, Toronto Fire Services and City Solicitor to take the
appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route.
(February 8, 2021) Report from the Acting Fire Chief, Toronto Fire Services
To obtain Etobicoke York Community Council approval for the amendment of the Fire Route
By-law to designate certain locations as fire routes within the meaning of City of Toronto
Municipal Code Chapter 880, as amended.
Fire Services uses designated fire routes as a key mechanism in regulating fire prevention,
including the prevention of spreading of fires and the delivery of fire protection services.
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Background Information
(February 8, 2021) Report from the Acting Fire Chief, Toronto Fire Services on the
Designation of Fire Routes and Amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 1515 Albion Road,
38 Fontenay Court, 150 Ormont Drive, and 2277-2295 Sheppard Avenue West
Attachment 1: Amendment of Chapter 880 Fire Routes
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Removed the following director from The Kingsway Business Improvement Area (BIA)
board of management set out below:
Buttice, Giuseppe.
(March 15, 2021) Report from the Acting General Manager, Economic Development and
The purpose of this report is to remove a director from The Kingsway BIA board of
Background Information
(March 15, 2021) Report from the Acting General Manager, Economic Development and
Culture on the Removal of a Director from The Kingsway Business Improvement Area Board
of Management
(April 19, 2021) E-mail from David Lombardo, Chair, Kingsway BIA (EY.New)
Joe (Giuseppe) Buttice , Ottimo Ristorante & Pizzeria
1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Requested the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management, in consultation with
the General Manager, Transportation Services, to report to the May 17, 2021 meeting of
Etobicoke York Community Council on the request made by the property owner of 127 King
Street to purchase a portion of the untraveled public laneway at the rear of their property.
(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Frances Nunziata
An untraveled public laneway exists at the rear of the properties 109-169 King Street and 64-
164 Queens Drive. This laneway forms part of the rear yards of adjacent property owners.
The owner of 127 King Street has submitted a request to the city to purchase the portion of the
laneway currently contained within their rear yard.
Background Information
(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Frances Nunziata on Request to Purchase Portion of
Untraveled Public Lane - 127 King Street
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
1. Directed City Planning staff to continue discussions with the applicant to reduce the
height and massing of the proposed 37 storey buildings and bring the application for 1325-
1365 The Queensway in conformity with applicable planning policies and guidelines and
the existing context of The Queensway.
2. Directed City Planning staff to proceed with the scheduled community consultation
meeting on April 29, 2021 and report back on the community consultation in a future
report to Council.
3. Directed that notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and
residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions
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and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional
mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.
(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes
On March 3rd, 2021, Etobicoke-York Community Council considered EY22.4: 1325-1365 The
Queensway – Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Preliminary Report.
After consulting with City Planning, the item is requested to be reopened to direct City
Planning to proceed with a community consultation meeting on April 29th, 2021 and to provide
that notice of the community consultation be given to landowners and residents within 120
metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be
determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be
borne by the applicant.
Background Information
(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes on Re-opening Item EY22.4: 1325 -
1365 The Queensway - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
1. Re-open item EY22.4, titled “1325 - 1365 The Queensway - Zoning By-law Amendment
Application - Preliminary Report ".
1. City Council direct City Planning staff to expand community engagement for the
applications at 250 The East Mall and 2 and 10 East Mall Crescent, and to retain services for
third-party virtual consulting tools, as appropriate, with costs borne by the applicant in
consultation and agreement with City Planning.
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(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes
At its meeting held on December 4, 2020 Etobicoke York Community Council adopted the
recommendations in Item EY20.2 and EY20.3 made by staff at Community Planning to
schedule a community consultation meeting and expand notice, and to undertake the initial
review of the applications at 250 The East Mall and 2 and 10 East Mall Crescent in tandem.
To enhance public involvement, the developer and City Planning will be exploring a variety
consulting tools to consult and further engage with the public.
Background Information
(April 16, 2021) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes on Re-opening Items EY20.2 and
EY20.3: 2 and 10 East Mall Crescent - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary
Report and 250 The East Mall - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application -
Preliminary Report to Expand Community Engagement
1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Councillor Michael Ford (Carried)
1. Re-open Items EY20.2 and EY20.3 "2 and 10 East Mall Crescent – Zoning By-law
Amendment Application – Preliminary Report and 250 The East Mall – Official Plan and
Zoning By-law Amendment Application – Preliminary Report".
Enactment of By-laws
Confirmatory Bill
Etobicoke York Community Council passed a Confirmatory Bill as By-law 277-2021.
Introduction and consideration of Bills for enactment of By-laws.
1 - Motion to Introduce and Pass General Bills moved
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Withdrawn Bills
Bill No. By-law No. Status Title and Authority
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter
950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Mary Chapman
255 Withdrawn
Boulevard. Item EY23.17, adopted as amended, by
Etobicoke York Community Council on April 19, 2021.
To amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter
950, Traffic and Parking, respecting Holley Avenue.
256 Withdrawn
Item EY23.18, adopted as amended, by Etobicoke
York Community Council on April 19, 2021.
Procedural Motions
Motion to Adopt Minutes moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)
That the Etobicoke York Community Council confirm the minutes of its meetings held on
January 8 and March 3, 2021.
The Chair acknowledged that the Etobicoke York Community Council was meeting
on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the
Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to
many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The Chair also acknowledged that Toronto
is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.
Where the Members of the Etobicoke York Community Council listed in the attendance for this
meeting participated remotely, they were counted for quorum as permitted by Section 189(4.2)
of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, and City Council's Procedures.
Meeting Sessions
Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2021-04-19 Morning 9:36 AM 12:16 PM Public
Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
2021-04-19 Present Present: Michael Ford, Stephen Holyday, Frances Nunziata, Anthony
09:36 AM - 12:16 PM Perruzza
(Public Session) Not Present: Mark Grimes (Chair)
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