NATO Cyber Security Centre Bulletin: PAN/NU Rating
NATO Cyber Security Centre Bulletin: PAN/NU Rating
NATO Cyber Security Centre Bulletin: PAN/NU Rating
NATO Identified Malware Block List (NIMBL)
The NATO Cyber Security Centre continuously detects malware and reconnaissance activity from traffic flows, Open
Sources, and Forensic analysis, NCSC maintains a list of external IP addresses that are known to be the sources of
such activity.
To raise the overall protection of NATO's networks the NCSC distributes regular bulletins providing details of these
sources of activity.
The NIMBL Bulletin will be published as required. Any conflicts arising from the application of the NIMBL should be
reported to the NCSC immediately quoting the NIMBL # associated with the IP/URL.
The NIMBL consists of 2 types of entry: IP and/or Domain. All sites are to promptly ensure these sources are blocked
for both inbound and outbound connections at the appropriate Border Protection Devices at the perimeter of their
Internet-connected networks.
To ease the implementation of the NIMBL, the NCSC publishes 3 .txt files on its NU & NS Portals for download. These
files are updated daily at 1500 CET and consist of:
CISCO NIMBL– this contains ALL IPs in the current Active NIMBL in a format suitable for CISCO Devices
Web Proxy NIMBL– this contains ALL Domains in the current Active NIMBL in a format suitable for Proxy Servers (i.e.
Master NIMBL– this contains ALL IPs/Domains in the current Active NIMBL and can be used as required
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