Contraception: David and Rosa

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Grades 9-12, Lesson 1

Student Learning Objectives
After this lesson and the next lesson, the student will be able to ...
1. Identify risks and consequences associated with sexual intercourse, and how to make
healthy choices.

Materials: David and Rosa Handout


David and Rosa

(30 minutes)
1. Tell students that you will be talking about abstinence and contraceptive methods today.
2. Give each youth a copy of the "David and Rosa" handout. Ask them to read the scenario
to themselves. After students have finished reading the scenario, ask them to divide into
groups of three to discuss the questions written below and on the handout.
Each group should have three roles:
Facilitator: Keep group on task and encourage discussion of questions
Recorder: Write down answers
Speaker: Share answers during share period.
Give them about 15 minutes to complete this task.

1. What is happening in the scenario (in your own words)?
2. What risks are David and Rosa taking? What are some of the possible consequences of
their current behaviors?
Possible responses might be:

(-) (+)

Pregnancy Feels good

STIs including HIV Brings more intimacy

to their relationship

Emotional regret Experience, satisfies


Stresses on their

Parents might find


3. Why do you think David and Rosa are not using contraception consistently?
Possible responses might be:

o Worried about getting "fat" or getting "cancer" (misinformation about the birth
control pill)
o Doesn't feel good
o Not always available
o Not knowledgeable about options
o Embarrassed to talk about or obtain contraceptives
4. How could David and Rosa reduce their risks and lower the chances for an unwanted
Possible responses might be:
o Abstain from sexual intercourse (100% effective in pregnancy prevention)
o Use contraception correctly and consistently
5. What advice do you have for David and Rosa?
Possible responses might be:
o Talk about their needs and expectations with each other
o Get more information (from library, Internet, clinic, etc.)
o Visit a family planning clinic
o Return to being abstinent — find other ways to be intimate with each other (i.e.,
use "outcourse")
o Use contraception correctly and consistently — always use condoms to help
prevent against STIs
6. W h o should take primary responsibility for preventing pregnancy (by either abstinence or
o Both David and Rosa!

After 15 minutes, ask the small groups to share their answers to the questions with the whole
group. Give reinforcement when youth discuss responsible choices and give healthy advice.
Correct misinformation as needed.
David and Rosa
David is a junior in high school. He is a good student and hopes
college when he graduates. Rosa is also a junior and is also a go
She hopes to be an airline pilot one day. David and Rosa met over
summer at a party hosted by a mutual friend. They have been dati
months. They began having sex a few weeks ago. They both say the
love" with each other. David has had two previous sexual partners
Rosa. David is Rosa's first sexual partner. Rosa discusses almos
with her best friend Jennifer, including her relationship with Da
heard from Jennifer that birth control pills can make girls get f
also heard something about birth control pills causing cancer. Da
Rosa are using condoms ... most of the time. They definitely do
to get pregnant; it's just that sometimes they run out or someti
don't feel like using them.

Answer the following questions about David and Rosa in your small group:

1. What is happening in the scenario (in your own words)?

2. What risks are David and Rosa taking? What are some of the possible co
their current behaviors?

3. WHY do you think David and Rosa are not using contraception consistent

4. How could David and Rosa reduce their risks and lower the chances for

5. What advice do you have for David and Rosa?

6. Who should take primary responsibihty for preventing pregnancy (by eit

Reprinted from ReCAPP — ETR Associates' Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Copyright ©2004 ETR Associates

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