Decom Manual: Maintenance of Uasb FOR Domest C Manual For The Design, Construction, Operation, Treatm Ent Wastewater
Decom Manual: Maintenance of Uasb FOR Domest C Manual For The Design, Construction, Operation, Treatm Ent Wastewater
Decom Manual: Maintenance of Uasb FOR Domest C Manual For The Design, Construction, Operation, Treatm Ent Wastewater
JULY 1994
July 1994/7K
P0 Box 93190, 2509 AD THE HAGUE
Tel.: +31 70 30 689 80
Fax: +31 701i.O
35 899 64
LO: ~ ,4. 8
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1.1 History
The promising results of the feasibility study led to an extension of the project to
scale up the UASB-technology to fuil-scale level. The exiension also inciuded the
preparation of a manual for design, construction, operation and maintenance of
UASB treatment plants for domestic wastewater in warmer climates, based on the
experiences with the pilot-plant and the full-scale plant.
It stiJl can be developed further, on the basis of experience to be gained in the
future. Certainly not an objective of this manual therefore is to set the mark on
UASB-reactor design for domestic wastewater.
1.3 Users
5.1 Introduction 23
5.2 Bacterial growth and decay 23
5.2.1 Growth 23
5.2.2 Maintenance and decay 24
5.3 Environmental factors affecting reactor performance 26
5.3.1 pH 26
5.3.2 Inhibiting compounds 27
5.3.3 Volatile fatty acids 29
5.3.4 Specific compounds 29
5.4 Physical processes in UASB treatment 30
5.4.2 Sedimentation practice 32
5.5 Estimation of the sludge production for a specific wastewater 34
5.5.1 Solids retention time 34
5.5.2 Sludge production and minimum average HRT 35
5.5.3 Estimation of the methanogenic activity 36
June 1 994/7K
A2820.24/R1 6B/WMW/JLH
Site selection
Nobody wants a wastewater treatment plant in his or her backyard. This hoids for
both aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment plants. Therefore, during the
selection of the site, the distance to the nearest housing areas always is a very
important issue. 1f the distance is low, treatment of off-gases may be necessary.
The selection of the site of a wastewater treatment system always is a
compromise. On one hand, one would like to have the treatment system placed
at a location, where the costs of sewers is low, and on the other hand, it is
impossible to build a treatment plant in the middle of a city. Future possibilities for
treatment plant extension should always be taken in mmd in the choice of a
suitable site. A further constraint to the site of a treatment plant are the possibility
to discharge the effluent. The site should preferably close to a river with a large
enough flow that the effluent has as little effect as possible on the original river
water quality. Of course, the soil should of course be suited for the construction
of the plant.
1f possible, a wastewater treatment plant should be operated under gravity flow
as much as possible. 1f the site selection allows for a location where this is
possible, this location should be preferred over other locations. Last, but not least,
should the land prices be an element in the selection of the site.
Data collection
Before the system choice can be prepared and the design can be initiated, first
there should be sufficient data available on the topographical situation, and on the
wastewater. These data need to be representative for the actual wastewater
situation. Data to be acquired are flow data and data on the concentration of
parameters important for the design. 1f, for one reason or the other, only limited
data are available, the design necessarily has to be conservative. In Chapter 2
wastewater data are discussed in more detail.
System choice
It is imperative that the choice for some kind of treatment system is based upon
a sound analysis of various alternatives. Although this manual is not engaged with
the system choice, it should be noted that anaerobic treatment of domestic
wastewater may not always be a suitable alternative. In the system choice, the
complete system, post-treatment, air treatment and biogas use (in larger plants)
should be evaluated. In the system choice the effluent regulations will play an
important role. 1f, for instance, nitrogen concentrations in the effluent must be
very low, then a denitrification system might be a viable alternative. In such a
case anaerobic treatment would reduce too much BOD.
In the system choice, cost effectiveness will play an important role, as will the
capacities for the various treatment systems to comply with the effluent
Preliminary design
After the system choice has been completed (in which also assumptive design has
to be made for cost comparison), the actual preliminary design should take place.
This inciudes the process design. During this phase the size of the various units
is calculated, based on wastewater data, design criteria, and design assumptions.
These calculations should be reported in such a way, that other technologists can
follow the line of reasoning in the calculations, and that the calculations follow
Iogically from data, criteria and assumptions. The preliminary design also includes
the choice on crucial points of the UASB system, such as the type of feed inlet
system and the gas collectors.
Hydraulic profile
Based on the process design and topographical data of the selected site, the
hydraulic profile of the treatment plant can be calculated. This quite awkward
calculation should always be performed by a civil engineer specialized in this kind
of calculations. The calculation of a hydraulic profile over a wastewater treatment
plant is beyond the scope of this manual. Therefore, the reader is referred to more
specialised literature.
Detailed design
OnIy after the completion of the process design and the hydraulic profile, the
detailed design can take place. The detailed design will include the actual building
of the various units, in terms of construction materials, wall thickness, piping
between various units etcetera. This manual is not meant as a treatise on how to
build a wastewater treatment plant, so this kind of information is not supplied in
this manual.
Specified design
The specified design should be such that a constructor would be able to construct
the plant. This specified design will include calculations on the concrete thickness,
construction drawings, detailed electrical and mechanical design. and equipment
The construction documents should inciude the calculations on concrete,
construction drawings, detailed electromechanical design and equipment
specifications. On the basis of the construction documents the tender documents
can be prepared and a suitable constructor can be selected.
The actual construction of the plant is the final step in the realization.
In § 2.2 and 2.3 the relevance will be discussed of the type of sewerage system
and the presence of infiltration- and storm water in the sewage.
There are no generally applicable thumb rules for estimating design flows of a
sewer system. In the handbooks (see § 2.5) several methods for the estimation
of the flow are given. In each situation the most appropriate method should be
For existing sewer systems the best method to determine the flow rate of the
sewer is to carry Out continuous flow measurements. These measurements should
last at least a week and should provide statistically reliable data on the minimum,
maximum and average flow in the dry weather situation during the working week
and in the weekend (Figure 1C). It is important that measurements are repeated
under rain-weather conditions, in order to estimate the storm water flow. This is
also necessary for separate sewer systems, since erroneous storm water
connections exist in practically every sewer system.
Figure 1 shows an example of a 6-day continuous sampling. From the individual
daily flow curves (Figure 1A) an average daily flow curve can be derived (Figure
The shape of the discharge curve depends on many factors, such as:
- Iength of the sewer system
- type of system
- buffer capacity of the system
- water consumption and water consumption pattern
Usually a morning peak and an early evening peak can be distinguished (Figure
1B). Depending on the length of the system this peak will arrive more or less
retarded at the sewer out-faIl. Depending of the buffer capacity of the sewer
system the peak will be more or less levelled off.
When it is not possible to carry out flow measurements due to a lack of reliable
measuring devices or inaccessibility of the sewer, another but Iess reliable
approach can be followed:
- determination of drainage area, rainfall etc.
- estimation of population in drainage area,
- estimation of water consumption in drainage area,
(water meter reading where possible)
- taking a certain ratio between water consumption and sewage collection (0.7-
- assuming that the maximum flow rate (m3Ih) is 1 0% of the estimated daily
wastewater quantity (m3/d),
- estimation of storm water flow and frequency,
- estimation of infiltration/seepage.
L(~ 2(
10 12 14
TIME (h)
Figure 1. Individual flow curves (top, 1 A) and the average daily flow curve
(middie, 1B) from flow measurements. Bottom (1C): difference in
flow during the week days and over the weekend.
2.3 Composition of domestic wastewater
The composition of wastewater varies considerably from one situation to the other
and depends on the water consumption, the level of sanitation, the type of sewer
and the retention time in the sewer system, the climate and cultural habits.
The composition of sewage is complex as well as variable. In sewage a large
variety of organic compounds is present and it is impossible (and meaningless) to
characterize them all. Usually the concentration of organic compounds in a sewage
is expressed in terms of BOD or COD. Some inorganic compounds, e.g. nitrogen,
phosphorus, sulphate, chioride and pH, are also used to characterize sewage. A
schematic general composition of domestic sewage is presented in Figure 2. In
Table 1 some ranges of the characteristic components are presented for high,
medium and low concentrated sewage. The term strength of a sewage generally
applies for the BOD-concentration of the wastewater and can be characterized as
presented in Table 2.
PARAMETER Strong Medium Weak
Total solids 1200 720 350
Dissolved, total 850 500 250
Fixed 525 300 145
Voiat:ie 325 200 105
Total suspended solids 350 220 100
Dissolved 75 55 20
Fixed 275 165 80
Settleable solids (ml/l) 20 10 5
Biochemical oxygen demand BOD (5 d, 20°) 400 220 110
Total organic carbon TOC 290 1 60 80
Chemical oxygen demand 1000 500 250
Total nitrogen (as N) 85 40 20
Organic 35 15 8
Ammonia 50 25 12
Nitrites 0 0 0
Nitrates 0 0 0
Total phosphorus (as P) 15 8 4
Organic 5 3 1
Iriorganic 10 5 3
Chlorides1 100 50 30
Alkalinity’ 200 100 50
Grease - 1 50 100 50
999% 01%
70% 30%
An indicative parameter for the pollution bad per capita is the BOD. The per capita
BOD-production varies from one country to the other. The variations are largely
due to differences in quantity and quality of sullage that is discharged with the
wastewater, rather than of body wastes. Also variations in diet are important.
Some typical figures are presented in Table 3.
A suitable value for tropical deveboping countries is 40 g BOD per capita per day.
For conversion to COD a COD/BOD-ratio of 2.5 can be used. Thus, 100 g COD per
capita per day can be taken as a typical value. The nitrogen production is
approximately 8 g N per capita per day.
The concentration of domestic wastewater is governed largely by the type of
sewer. The water consumption on its turn depends on geographical location,
climate, size of the community and degree of sanitation (number of taps per
household). This can only be determined reliably by surveying each area
separately. The average recovery rate is in the range of 70% 90%. Apart from -
the influence of the water use of the community, the strength of the wastewater
is influenced by infiltration in the sewer from the subsoil and by inflow from drains
and overflows from the storm sewers.
Table 3. Typical BOD-production (in g/d) per capita for different regions.
Colombia 28-40
Zambia 36
Kenya 23
S.E. Asia 43
India 30-45
Rural France 24-34
U.K. 50-59
USA 45-78
Europe 54
When the wastewater flow and consumption has to be estimated for a projected
situation, data from comparable settlements in the same region can be used.
Although this manual is primarily prepared for UASB plants treating domestic
waste water, it has to be considered that sewer systems often contain a mixture
of domestic and industrial wastewater, especially in larger sewer systems. Certain
components or physico/chemical conditions as water temperature and pH may
influence the performance of a treatment plant, especially when the contribution
of industrial wastewater to the sewage flow is significant. It should be mentioned
here, that it is general practice to demand from industries to control the pH of the
wastewater between 5 and 9 and to keep the temperature below 40°C,before
discharge into the municipal sewer.
When industrial wastewater is discharged, a careful evaluation of its composition
and possible impacts on the treatment process should be made. Of special
importance are the heavy metals. Although their concentration in the sewage may
be low and their effects on the treatment process limited, they accumulate in the
sludge, making it unsuitable for agricultural use or even unacceptable for land site
disposal (See also § 4.3).
Industrial wastewaters may also contain high concentrations of sulphates. These
will be converted into hydrogen sulphide during the treatment process. Hydrogen
sulphide H2S is an obnoxious gas which should be removed as much as possible
before biogas is released in the air. H2S can cause odour problems in the
surroundings of the treatment plant. Air treatment is advised if high concentrations
of sulphate are present in the wastewater.
Table 4. Pathogenic organisms commonly found in wastewater. (Lit. 5)
Ascaris spp, Nematode worms Danger to man from wastewater effluents and
Enterobius spp dried sludge used as fertilizer
Shigella spp Baclllary dysentery Polluted waters are main source of infection
1. Fair, G.M., Geyer, J.C. and D.A. Okun: Water and wastewater engineering, Volume 1, Water
supply and Wastewater removed; John Wiley & sons, (1966). Chapter 3, 5, 7, 15.
2. Fair, G.M., Geyer, J.C. and D.A. Okun: Water and Wastewater engineering, Volume 2, Water
purification and Wastewater treatment and disposal; John Wiley & sons (1968). Chapter 19.
3. Metcalf & Eddy Inc., Wastewater Engineering: collection, treatment, disposal, McGraw - Hill
(1972). Chapter 2-5, 7.
4. Cairncross, S. and R.G. Feachem, Environmental health engineering in the tropics. An introductory
text; John Wiley & sons, (1983).
5. Mara, D.D., Sewage treatment in hot climates, John Wiley & sons, (1976). Chapter 1.
6. Feachem, R., McGarry, M. and D.D. Mara (eds.), Water, Wastes and Health in hot climates. John
Wiley & sons, (1977). Chapter 1.
hydrolysis .~r~-i lipolytic, proteolytic and
cellulytic bacteria
t fermentative bacteria
fermentation hydrogen producing bacteria
(acetogenesis) ‘~r
1 ACETATE/HYDROGEN 1 methanogenic bactena
One of the principal differences between anaerobic and aerobic treatment is, that
colboidal matter does not seem to be adsorbed by anaerobic sludge. This implies
that colboidal COD, in contrast with aerobic treatment, does not undergo any
3.1.2 Sulphate reduction
The development of the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor dates
back from the early 1 970’s. The basic idea of the UASB reactor is shown in
Figure 4.
The UASB concept initially has been developed for the anaerobic treatment of
industrial wastewaters, with a moderate to high COD and BOD. The basic idea is,
that fbocs of ariaerobic bacteria will tend to settle under gravity, when applying a
moderate upflow vebocity. In this way no separate sedimentation tank is
necessary. Basically, the anaerobic bacteria can develop and settle in the reactor
compartment, whereas the wastewater organic compounds are consumed by the
bacteria during passage of the wastewater through the sludge layer. During
anaerobic degradation of the organic components biogas is formed, consisting of
methane CH4, carbon dioxide C02, hydrogen gas H2, hydrogen suiphide H2S, and
traces of ammonia NH3. Nitrogen gas N2, and even some oxygen 02 may be
stripped out of the liquid phase as a result of the biogas production. This biogas
can be used as an energy source, and for this reason the biogas is collected in gas
collectors. The liquid-gas interface area underneath the gas collectors should be
large, in order to give the sludge particles to which biogas bubbles are adhered the
opportunity to Iose the biogas and settle back into the reactor compartment.
The zone between the gas collectors is a zone where virtually no gas bubbles will
be present in the liquid. Here the sludge particles which have been carried with the
water flow between the gas collectors can settle back into the reactor compart-
The wastewater passes the reactor from bottom to top. In order to guarantee
sufficient contact between the incoming wastewater and the bacteria in the sludge
layer, the wastewater has to be fed evenly over the bottom of the reactor. Further
mixing will be brought about by the production of biogas. 1f the concentration of
solids in the wastewater is not too high, some accumulation of solids will take
place without harming the efficiency of the conversion of wastewater organic
compounds into biogas. With high concentrations of solids in the wastewater,
however, the inert wastewater solids may replace active bacteria and process
deterioration will occur.
Since the early 1 980’s, the UASB reactor has become increasingly popular.
Especially for the treatment of highly concentrated wastewaters from agricultural
industries, like the potato processing and the sugar manufacturing industry, with
COD values up to 30,000 mg/I, the concept has been employed widely. Currently
it is the most widely applied process for anaerobic treatment of industrial
The use of the UASB reactor for the treatment of domestic wastewater asks for
design criteria which differ considerably from those for UASB reactors treating
industrial wastewater. With moderate to high strength industrial wastewaters, the
amount of biogas produced will be high. The dimensions of the reactor will be
largely dictated by the maximum activity of the anaerobic bacteria and by the
maximum biogas production the reactor can allow for. The maximum activity of
the sludge containing the anaerobic bacteria will depend primarily on the
temperature and the amount of suspended solids in the wastewater in relation to
the degradable dissolved COD.
In the treatment of domestic wastewater, the settling of the wastewater
suspended solids is of primary interest. So the design criteria are largely dictated
by the maximum upflow velocity the solids can withstand before being washed
out of the reactor. A second important design parameter is the average time the
solids spend in the reactor, the solids retention time (SRT). This average time has
to be Iarge enough to permit the growth of all relevant anaerobic bacteria.
In conclusion it can be stated that a UASB reactor for the treatment of anaerobic
wastewater is completely different from a UASB reactor for industrial wastewater,
with a totally different design.
The application of the UASB reactor for domestic wastewater is as yet limited to
warmer climates. With cold temperatures the conversion of dissolved organic
matter and the anaerobic degradation of suspended solids proceed too slowly and
the reactor merely acts as a settling tank. To date, UASB reactors for the
treatment of domestic wastewater have been installed in India, Colombia, Brazil,
and Portugal. In China experiments are performed with treatment at lower
temperatures, employing the UASB concept for the removal of solids in a first
(hydrolizing) reactor, and treatment of the soluble organics in a second UASB
Experiences gained with laboratory, pilot-scale and full scale reactors learn that the
application of the UASB process for domestic wastewater treatment is feasible,
both technically and financially. The experiences with fulI-scale UASB-plants for
domestic wastewater until now have shown clearly that the technical and
economical feasibility of a treatment system is not a guarantee for a successful
introduction of a treatment system.
allo wed. Until now there is only pilot experience with UASB treatment of domestic
wastewater at average water temperatures below 1 6°C.Below 20°Cno fuII-scale
experience is available Vet (see Chapter 5.2).
The UASB-reactor principally reduces the organic contamination of the sewage.
Nitrogen and Phosphorus are removed only partly and form a pollution bad at dis-
charge on surface water, especially because the nitrogen is discharged as
ammonium. Before discharge, post-treatment may be required, depending on the
discharge regulations.
Pathogen removal in the UASB-system is limited as well, though the removal of
helminths eggs is fairly efficient. 1f the hygienic quality of the effluent is important
it is advised to apply a specific disinfection post-treatment method.
20 -
Table 5. Average treatment efficiencies obtained in the Cali pilot-plant and the
Kanpur demonstration plant (several years of operation).
The values vary with the composition of the sewage. The Cali sewage is low-
strength and septic. The Kanpur plant treats domestic wastewater, containing a
relatively Iarge fraction of tannery wastewater. This wastewater contains high
concentrations of chloride, sulphate and chromium.
The reduction of the nitrogen- and phosphorus-concentration is around 20 %. The
pathogen-reduction has been found to be around 50 % for bacteria. A typical
composition of influent and effluent of the Cali 64-m3 pilot plant and the Kanpur
plant is given in Table 6.
Table 6. Typical composition of influent and effluent of the Cali pilot plant
and the Kanpur plant. All values are expressed in mg/l (= g/m3)
N-total 14 13 45 40
organic 5 1 10 2
ammonia 9 12 35 38
P-total 1.5 1.2 3 2
sulphate - - 1 65 70
alkalinity - - 120 145
S (1980).
21 -
2. Louwe Kooijmans, J. Lettinga, G. and A.F M. van Velsen, Applications of the UASB-process for
treatment of domestic sewage under sub-tropical conditions, the Cali case WPCF-conference,
Amsterdam, (Sept. 1986).
3. Lettinga, G et al., Use of the Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket process in wastewater treatment.
In: Wise, D L., Fuel gas systems, CRC series in bio-energy systems. CRC press, lnc.(1 983).
4. Velsen. A F M. and L.R. Wildschut, Anaerobic treatment of domestic sewage. IAWPRC cont.
Anserobic treatment, Bologna, (1 988).
5. Wang K. Integrated anaerobic and aerobic treatment of sewage. Ph. 0. Thesis, Wageningen
Agricultural University, The Netherlands (1 994).
6. Draaijer, H et al, Performance of the 5 MLD UASB reactor for sewage treatment at Kanpur, India.
Water, Science & Technology 25 (7) 123-134 (1992)
7. van der Last A.J.M. & Lettinga G., Anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewater under moderate
climatic (Dutch) conditions using upflow reactors at incteased superficial velocities.
8. Lettinga G. & Hulshoff Pol L.W., UASB process design for various types of wastewater. Water,
Science & Technology 24 (8): 87-107, 1991.
- 22 -
5.1 lntroduction
5.2.1 Growth
The growth rate of bacteria is primarily dictated by the concentration of the
components the bacteria consume. The higher the concentration (up to a certain
limit, which will be discussed later), the higher the growth rate of the bacteria,
until the maximum growth rate is reached. 1f the concentration is zero, the growth
rate will be zero. Usually this relation is described in a hyperbolic function:
= ,u~* S/(S + /Ç),
in which IÇ is called the substrate half-saturation constant. The substrate half-
saturation constant for BCOD in general is hard to define, because BCOD generally
consists of a large number of different components which all have different
constants. Approximate K5-values, suited for design purposes are presented in
Table 7.
Just like all other organisms, bacteria need energy to sustain themselves. Also,
they die after a certain period of time. In practice, there is no distinction in the
parameters between maintenance and decay of the bacteria. The amount of
energy needed to sustain the bacteria is directly proportional with the amount of
bacteria, so the formula for the conversion of substrate has to be extended:
dX/dt = Y * -dS/dt bX, -
in which b is the coefficient for maintenance and decay, with day’ as the unit.
This coefficient is mainly dependent on temperature, but also on the concentration
of toxic compounds. In Table 7 a number of values for the decay coefficient are
The net yield Y~depends on the amount of bacteria that have to be maintained on
a certain amount of substrate. ~N is related with the gross yield Y0 via the solids
retention time SRT, which is the reciprocal of the growth rate dX/dt (see § 4.5.1)
= * (1 + b * SRT).
Table 7. Values for growth rates, substrate saturation constant and decay rate for
various groups of important anaerobic bacteria. Values for growth rates
and decay coefficients given are for 20°C. K5 and Y0 do not change
significantly within the temperature range of 20-35 °C.
K, b
conversion Y~ 1
p,,,,, mg/l h’
kgVSS/ h
hydrolytic bacteria 0.18 0.1 - 1.0 - 0.1
tempera ture
Temperature has a distinct influence on the growth rate and the decay rate of all
biving beings, including bacteria. The higher the temperature the higher the growth
- 24 -
rate will be and the higher the decay rate will be. At a certain temperature, for
most bacteria in the temperature interval of 40 to 45°C,the rate of decay will
exceed the growth rate, and the net result will be negative growth. Above this
temperature the bacteria cannot grow any more.
So, all factors for growth and decay have to be corrected for the temperature. The
factors may vary between different groups of bacteria. Generally, the following
values can be used:
~ at 20°C =
107(T-20) (day
b/b at 20°C =
110(T-20) (day~).
The factors just described only hold for mesophilic bacteria, the normal bactena
the grow in the temperature range of 1 5 to 45 °C.In the higher temperature
range of 45 to 65 °C,thermophilic bacteria become active that have totally
different characteristics. This manual is not intended to deal with this type of
Temperature also has an important effect on the dissociation of several corn-
pounds, like ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. This effect will be discussed later.
5.2.3 Nutrients
All growing organisms need more than carbon and energy sources alone. They
need nutrients such as N, P, S, to build up proteins and genetic material, essential
elements as Fe, Mg, and Ca, which are used in various celI components, and trace
elements such as Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and others, which might be involved as catalysts
in essential enzymic reactions. From the build-up of bacterial cells, and those of
other organisms, it is not hard to imagine that the amounts of these nutrients
needed for growth follows more or less the sequence in which they were given.
In bacterial cells the ratio of carbon to nitrogen, phosphorus and sulphur is
approximately C:N:P:S = 100:15:2:1. From this ratio, the need for N, Pand S can
be calculated, if it is assumed that BOD consists for approximately 50 % of C. In
the wastewater, the ratio should be:
BOD: N : P: S = (200/Y~): 15 : 2: 1,
in which Y1~is the net conversion coefficient, with decay included:
= Y0/(1 + b * SRT).
This expression shows that the higher the SRT is, the lower the yield coefficient
of the bacteria will be.
One can easily see that the amount of nutrients needed for anaerobic wastewater
treatment are significantly lower than those for aerobic treatment, as the yield
factor for aerobic sludge is nearly ten times as high as that for anaerobic sludge.
In domestic waste water a lack of nutrients, essential elements and trace elements
is experienced only rarely. In industrial wastewater treatment, however, there is
often a lack of one or more of the nutrients and essential elements. Especially N
and P content of the wastewater should be measured before treatment starts,
because dosage of these compounds may be required for operation. 1f one
experiences a slowly decreasing treatment efficiency without any dear cause, one
should always check the soluble N and P and S content of the effluent. Soluble
- 25 -
nitrogen compounds (ammonium-N or nitrate-N) and soluble phosphate should
always be detectable in the effluent. 1f not, they should be added in the reactor
to give the approximate ratio as presented above.
A special case is the use of flocculating agents. Ferric iron chloride and alum tend
to precipitate phosphate, making it inaccessible for bacteria. 1f flocculation is used
before the wastewater enters the reactor, overdosage of flocculant may leed to
precipitation of phosphate. This may imply addition of phosphate or phosphorus
acid to the incoming wastewater, even though the BOD : P ratio seems to be fine.
1f a lack of other minerals is suspected, they can be added from a simple stock
solution in a laboratory experiment, to see if there is any effect. Only under
extreme conditions a back of trace elements may be experienced. They are needed
in ex-tremely low quantities. For instance, the occurrence of very low concentra-
tions of nickel in steel pipes is more than enough to sustain anaerobic growth.
Bacteria can only grow well if their basic requirements are fulfilled. These
requirements regard the availability of substrate, the temperature, the pH, the
concentration of inhibiting compounds, and the need for nutrients and trace
elements. Temperature and nutrients have just been discussed, but the others are
equally as important.
5.3.1 QEI
Bacteria and methane bacteria can only grow within a certain pH range. For
methane bacteria this range is rather narrow. They are only active in the range
between pH 6.5 and 8.5. Outside this range the activity of the methane bacteria
drops off quite sharply. Acid forming bacteria produce acids as their end product.
Generally, they are much Iess sensitive to a lower pH. These bacteria will continue
to be active with pH down to 4.5.
One of the main problems in the control of anaerobic waste and wastewater
treatment is pH control. As the acid forming bacteria both are much more active,
have a higher growth rate and are less sensitive to low pH, the effects of
overloading of a system in equilibrium are quite dramatic. A strong increase in the
laad of neutral compounds, like sugars, may lead to higher growth of acid-forming
bacteria than of acetate-consuming methane bacteria. Overloading of the methane
bacteria and acetate-forming converting, which consume higher volatile fatty
acids, leads to an accumulation of acids which may lower the pH. 1f the pH
becomes lower than 6.5, the activity of acid-forming bacteria still continues; the
methane bacteria however will become Iess active. This negative feedback will
eventually lead to still lower pH and ultimately to the death of the methane
- 26 -
The pH also has an important effect on some other environmental factors, like the
concentration of gaseous ammonia and hydrogen sulphide. This is dealt with in the
next section.
Ammonia is quite toxic for a Iarge number of bacteria. Ammonia dissociates into
3 + H20 <----> NH4~ + 0H
The toxic effect generally is caused by the free ammonia NH3, which can enter the
bacterial cells, and will dissociate again inside the cell. The cells will have to put
energy into the removal of the NH4~,and once it is removed, it will be entering
again as NH3. The overall effect is an huge increase in the amount of energy
needed for the maintenance of the bacteria.
NH3 is very toxic for methane forming bacteria, and much less toxic for acid-
forming reducing bacteria. To evaluate the effect of NH3 one has to calculate the
NH3 concentration from the total ammonium-N concentration (NH3 + NH4~)-N,pH
and temperature. The total ammonium-N concentration is the concentration as it
is measured. The fraction Fof the total ammonium-N concentration which is in the
form of free ammonia NH3 is calculated as follows:
10 pH
F = (1Q.PKb/1QPKW) + 10pH
in which pKb is the negative Iogarithm of the dissociation constant of NH3, and
pKw the same for water. The values can be found in the Handbook of Chemistry
and Physics. In Table 8 values for F are given as a function of pH and tempera-
ture. The free NH3-N concentration will be F * (NH3 + NH4~)-N.
Table 8. Fraction Fof the total ammonium-N concentration, which is in the form
of free ammonia, as a function of pH and temperature.
temperature 24 26 28 30 32 34
Free NH3 can be considered quite toxic for methane forming bacteria, and
somewhat less for acid-forming bacteria. Free ammonia levels of 1 50 mg Nu may
be considered too high for the anaerobic treatment of wastewater. On the very
long run, some adaptation of the methane bacteria to high ammonia levels can be
expected. In treatment in UASB reactors, one should not calculate with this
- 27 -
adaptation, without further research.
Finally, one has to realize that the NH4~-Nconcentration in the wastewater has no
relation with the actual NH4~-Nconcentration in the reactor. Organic nitrogen
containing compounds are generally readily converted into other organic
compounds under release of ammonium-N. So the Nk-N contents of the effluent
actually gives more information than the NH4~-Nconcentration of the incoming
With H2S the situation is even more complex. Basically, the toxic effect of H2S is
comparable to that of NH3. In the free form it will en-ter the celI, dissociate there,
influence the pH, and thus gets pumped out, only to re-associate again and re-
enter the cell. On top of this, H2S also damages critical cell components. Therefore
it is more toxic than NH3. H2S can be stripped out of the water phase by the
evolving biogas, thereby lowering the actual concentration in the wastewater.
Therefore, the calculation of the concentration of free H2S is influenced by the
amount of biogas produced during the treatment of the wastewater. The higher
the amount of biogas produced, the lower the H2S concentration in the water
phase will be.
The calculation of the free H2S concentration in the water phase includes the
calculation of the H2S content of the biogas. Therefore, It is an important
calculation. This calculation is carried Out as follows. First the fraction of free H2S
is calculated, analogous to the way the fraction F of free ammonia is calculated.
1f the amount of biogas to be evolving from one litre of wastewater is known, the
distribution of the amount of H2S over the water phase and the gas phase can be
- 28 -
and its concentration is
[/-/2S18 = [H2S10* 0.00066/(B + [H2S10 * 0.00066)
Table 9. Values of the fraction F5 of free H2S, and the coeffieicnt a, as a function
of pH and temperature.
tempera- 24 26 28 30 32 34
tu re
- 29 -
formaldehyde in the wastewater is such, that there are more bacteria killed than
growing, reactor failure will ultimately occur. Formaldehyde is toxic 1fl concentra-
tions above 50 1 00 mg/l, concentrations that are not likely to occur in domestic
A UASB reactor serves both as a biological reactor and as a settling tank. The
biological parts have been dealt with in a qualitative sense in the previous
paragraphs. The operation of a UASB reactor as a settling device is equally as
important as its biological function, especially in the treatment of domestic
The physical events occurring in a UASB reactor are quite complicated. Without
biogas production, the reactor would merely serve as a upflow sedimentation tank.
1 such a tank, filtering effects in the sludge blanket are important for the overall
treatment effect. The design of such tanks is mainly governed by the upflow
velocity of the water (equal to the surface beding rate in conventional design).
This upfbow design for conventional tanks generally can be calculated from settling
curves. Without exact knowledge of the settling characteristics of the wastewater
solids, a quite defensive approach has to be adopted. In the treatment of domestic
wastewater, generally upflow velocities of 1 .0 m/h are used for the design.
There are, however, quite some differences between a UASB reactor and a
settling tank for domestic wastewater solids. There is a complex biology going on,
- 30 -
which alters the characteristics of the solids. Particles become hydrolysed and
bacteria will grow using wastewater solids to attach to. Thus, the settling
characteristics of the solids will also change. During the bacterial conversions
there is biogas produced, increasing the turbulence in the reactor compartment.
Moreover, biogas bubbles tend to adhere to sludge particles, which will then tend
to rise. They have the opportunity to lose the biogas on their way up, or in the
interface between biogas and liquid in the gas collector. 1f the biogas is not
released in time, or the particles are too small to withstand the upflow velocity,
the particles will leave the reactor compartment and enter the settling compart-
ment. The entry of the settling compartment is the aperture between the gas-
solids-separators. The flow rate of the water near the aperture is much higher than
the average upflow velocity over the reactor. 1f particles just able to settle in the
reactor come in the neighbourhood of the aperture, they cannot withstand the
upflow velocity and they will enter the settling compartment. In the settler
compartment, the velocity decreases again, and some particles may grow into
Iarger particles and return into the reactor compartment. There will be some
gravity flow of accumulated sludge from the upper sides of the gas collectors,
which serve as the sloped bottom of a sedimentation tank.
in which
0 is settling velocity (mis) 2)
g is gravity acceleration (9.8 1 m/s
3 is density of particle
d1 is density of the liquid
D is particle diameter
F is kinematic viscosity
This law predicts that the settling rate of a sludge particle is related to the its
diameter and the difference in density between the particle and the liquid. Note
that the difference in density might seem important, but the particle size is the
parameter that actually matters.
For the majority of the sludge particles, however, the theory of hindered sedimen-
tation should be applied, for which there is no mathematical formulation.
Interesting though these theories may be, they cannot be applied quite well to
sludge, because sludge does not consist of particles of uniform size. On the
contrary, particle size in the sludge particles differs widely. In Figure 6 an example
of the size distribution of digested sludge particles is shown. Although wastewater
solids and digested solids from a UASB reactor will differ from the solids from a
sludge digester, it will be dear that in the case of domestic sewage treatment, the
particle size will also be widely scattered.
- 31 -
From the particle size distribution an idea can be obtained on how the upflow
velocity will influence the efficiency of the sedimentation. Each diameter will
correspond to a specific settling velocity. Particles with a smaller diameter will
tend to be washed out of the system. From the particle size distribution, the
distribution of the relative amounts of solids in each diameter class can be made.
Of course, due to the nature of anaerobic waste water treatment, a proportion of
the larger particles will leave the system due to adhering biogas particles.
In a UASB reactor, a number of events and parameters will influence its behaviour
as a settling tank with the purpose of containing as much solids as possible.
1 The upflow velocity of the waste water in the reactor compartment will be the
primary deterrnining factor for the efficiency of the settling of solids. 1f this
parameter (the overall upflow velocity) is not well designed, solids may even not
settle if there would be no biogas production at all. The upflow velocity that can
be tolerated by the sludge depends on the characteristics of the sludge. With
wastewaters with very low quantities of suspended solids and a high
concentration of dissolved organic cornpounds, the sludge may develop in the
form of so-called granular sludge. granules, which are particles up to 2 mm
diameter. The sludge granules are able to withstand very high liquid upflow
velocities up to 4 or even 8 mlh. With the treatment of domestic wastewater,
these granules will certainly not devebop, and the solids in the wastewater will
actually determine the settling characteristics of the sludge. As with the pre-
sedimentation of domestic wastewater, the efficiency of the sedimentation of
the solids is depending strongly on the upflow vebocity. The lower the upflow
velocity, the higher the efficiency will be.
- 32 -
2 The height of the sludge layer (the sludge blanket) on the bottom of the reactor
will have a distinctly positive effect on the efficiency of the retention of solids
in the reactor. Of course, if the sludge bed height is too close to the apertures
between the gas collectors, sludge will be swept into the settling compartrnent
because of the increased liquid velocity near the apertures. For this reason there
is a physically optimum height of the sludge blanket in given UASB reactor for
domestic wastewater. The reactor design should thus provide for both an
effective sludge bed height and enough distance between the sludge blanket
and the apertures between the gas collector to prevent massive sludge
3 The rate of the production of biogas will have a distinct influence on the
efficiency of the solids settling. The parameter of importance is the volume of
biogas per unit of surface area, the biogas loading rate, in rn3.m2.h’, or m/h,
which is the same. 1f the biogas loading rate is very low, every once-and-a-while
very large aggregates of sludge (up to tens of litres) may rise up and release
their biogas. This works like an explosion, and it will have a negative effect on
the solids in the effluent. 1f the biogas loading rate is higher, the interface
between sludge and liquid will be quite regular. Small gas bubbles will escape
all the time, and there will be a regular traffic of sludge particles with gas
bubbies adhered moving upward, and particles just having released their gas
bubbles moving downward. 1f the biogas boading rate becomes very high, which
is virtually impossible in the treatment of domestic wastewater, the turbulence
in the reactor compartment may become too high to have a regular distinction
between sludge blanket and overstanding liquid, if the sludge settling properties
are not very good. Massive sludge washout may be the result. So, with a highly
concentrated substrate one will need a sludge with good settling properties.
4 The area of llquid-gas interface in the gas collector will have an influence in the
ability of the sludge particles to release any adhered biogas bubbles. The larger
the interface area is, the better the release of the biogas will be, and the better
the efficiency of solids retention will be. 1f there is a vivid traffic of sludge
particles, near the water surface, they may become a scum Iayer which may dry
out and dag the gas outlet. Therefore, it is suitable to have a reasonably wide
top of the gas collector, providing for enough liquid-gas interface.
5 The upflow velocity in the settling zone will be important for the sludge to
return in the reactor cornpartment. As a large settling zone will imply a small
width of the gas collectors, and therefore a lirnited gas-liquid interface area, one
has to find en optimum between points 4 and 5.
6 The llquid velocity in the apertures is considered important too. This velocity
has en effect on the amount of particles swept into the settling compartment
of the UASB reactor.
7 The angle of the gas co/lectors has a distinct influence on the amount of sludge
in the settling compartment returning into the reactor compartment. For this
reason, the gas collectors are always designed with an angle of between 50 and
60°.This value is well-known from stationary gravity settlers without automatic
sludge collection. In this kind of settlers the sludge is just collected because it
is sinking into the deeper parts of the settler.
8 The overlap between the gas deflectors and the sides of the gas collectors, is
there to minimize the amount of biogas entering the settling compartment.
33 -
9 The Iength of overflow weirs is important to have an equal effluent outfiow. 1f
the weir overflow rate is too high, sludge from deeper parts of the settling
compartment may be swept along, thereby decreasing the efficiency of solids
settl Ing.
It will be dear that a lot of these more or less hydraulic parameters will be
strongly influenced by the characteristics of the solids. Therefore, it is hard to give
general values for all types of sludges and wastewaters. For domestic
wastewaters the parameter values are presented in Table 1 0.
Table 1 0. Important parameters during average flow for the design of UASB
reactors for treatment of domestic wastewater.
During the design of a UASB reactor, it is very important to have an idee about the
sludge production to be expected. First, some reactor parameters will depend on
the sludge production, and second, the sludge production itself is very important
for the design of the sludge removal facilities.
The solids retention time is SSR / L~SS.1f the ratio of bacteria to non-bacterial
solids in the reactor is identical to the ratio in the effluent, then XR / L~Xwill be
equal to the solids retention time. The solids retention time should be sufficient for
the degradation of the solids, and of course it should be sufficient to retain the
relevant bacteria in the reactor. The relative rate at which bacteria are removed
from the UASB reactor is equal to the reciprocal of the solids retention time. In
p = dX/dt = L~.X/Xfl
- 34 -
L~X/XR=removal rate of bacteria
dX/dt = = growth rate of the bacteria.
Now for the bacteria to be retained in the system, their growth rate has to be at
least equal to the rate at which the bacteria is removed. This is why the solids
retention time in mast reactor systems is very important. In a UASB reactor, the
SRTgenerally is far higher than necessary to maintain the bacteria in the system.
Only if the hydraulic boading of the UASB is qui-te high and the solids content of
the wastewater is also high, it is possible that the volume of the reactor has to be
based upon the solids retention time, in stead of any other parameter.
The SRTcan also be calculated in a different way: if one assumes a fixed reactor
concentration of solids, then the sludge production from the wastewater must be
equal to the sludge leaving the reactor. So, the solids retention time can be
defined as
1f there is more accumulation, the desired SRTcannot be maintained. For the SRT,
1 0-1 5 days is en absolute minimum (in industrial wastewater treatment), but 30-
50 days is more desirable. The higher the SRT, the more stabilized the sludge will
- 35 -
Now the accumulation TSSACC can be calculated. This possible accumulation of
sludge in the sludge bed is equal to the production of bacterial material, plus the
amount of TSS in the influent that is not degraded. So, per litre of wastewater the
sludge production is
= VSSIN * (1 Z/1 00) + Y~-* BCOD/N
in which
is the amount of VSS produced per litre of wastewater
is the total bacterial yield coefficient (0.08 to 0.10 kg BOD,
depending on SRT, and other factors);
VSSIN is the incoming VSS concentration (kg/m3);
BCOD/N is biodegradable CODiN (kg/m3);
Z is the percentage degradation that the solids will undergo during
their stay in the reactor (10 40 %, depending on the type of
With the ash percentage of the sludge fixed at ABED %, the TSS production will be
~TSS = P~ss * (1 A -
Please note that the contribution of bacteria to the total the sludge production
3.d’, is
this means
rather low. With a maximum allowed accumulation of TSSACC g.m
that the hydraulic retention time of a UASB cannot be shorter than:
- 36 -
20 25
Figure 7. Maximum specific methanogenic activity (in kg CH4-COD.
1.d1) of purely methanogenic sludge as a function of
kg VSS
The maximum activity of the sludge will be related to the fraction of methane
bacteria in the sludge, and the activity of purely methanogenic sludge, which is
a function of the temperature.
= FM * AM~Mf-T,f
- 37 -
It can be calculated that the amount of non-degradable solids in the wastewater,
relative to the total amount of BOD, has a major impact on both the minimum
hydraulic retention time and the maximum specific methanogenic activity. In the
treatment of domestic wastewater, this calculation may not be very important. In
industrial wastewater treatment, however, this calculation gives en insight in the
reactor loadings that can be applied. The calculation can be used as a check on
the expected methanogenic activity.
- 38 -
8.1 Construction materials 75
8.2 Treatment plant 77
8.2.1 Fencing 77
8.2.2 Screening 77
8.2.3 Pumping 77
8.2.4 Grit removal 79
8.3 UASB reactor 79
8.3.1 Reactor 79
8.3.2 Feed distribution system 80
8.3.3 Gas collectors 80
8.3.4 Effluent gutters 80
July 1 994/7K
A2820.24/R1 6C/WMW/JLH
The actual design of a treatment plant follows the evaluations and decision routes
taken in the planning phase. These decisions are based on infrastructural,
economical, social and technical criteria and are generally taken in the mark of a
master plan. The master plan provides a list of demands on the treatment system,
including treatment efficiencies, construction costs, operation and maintenance
costs, technical complexity, land availability etc.
Based on this information a treatment system can be selected, the site for the
treatment plant can be determined and the preliminary and final design can be
made. It will be dear that for the evaluation of the UASB technology in a master
plan specific knowledge on the system potentials is essential.
For site selection the following general remarks can be made. Sewerage networks
are designed in such a way that the fbow of sewage is by gravity. Pumping is
avoided as much as possible in order to make the network independent of external
power and to minimize costs and maintenance requirements.
The location of sewage treatment works depends on the following general prin-
1 The pumping head should be reduced as much as possible.
2 The site should be some distance from the nearest houses in order to avoid
visual or odour nuisance. Nuisance by odorous compounds should preferably be
avoided by air treatment.
3 The plant should be accessible for transport (trucks).
4 The site should be of a suitable shape and soil conditions should be adequate
to support the structures of the plant.
5 The site should be safeguarded against flooding.
6 There should be adequate land available for future extension.
For site selection of any wastewater treatment plant, including a UASB treatment
plant, particular attention should be paid to point 2. Anaerobic processes in grit
chambers, effluent gutters and the effluent may produce malodorous compounds
such as H2S. Escape of off-gases should be avoided as much as possible.
Preferably, treatment of escaping gases should be empboyed. Some escape of
odorous gases virtually always will occur. Therefore, the predominant wind
direction has to be taken into consideration in the selection of the plant site.
In a UASB treatment plant the UASB reactor is the key component, as it performs
the major reduction of the organic laad in terms of BOD, COD and suspended
solids. The remaining structures serve to accompllsh an optimal functioning of the
UASB reactor and to perform additional treatment steps.
The most simple treatment plant consists of a wastewater supply system
(pumping), a pre-treatment (screens and grit removal) and a UASB reactor. Apart
from this ‘minimum’ lay-out, some additional structures may be required which are
determined by the effluent standards (post-treatment, disinfection), nuisance
reduction (air treatment), disposal of side products (sludge and gas treatment) and
bocation factors (See Figure 8). This will be discussed in detail in § 1 .2.
A UASB reactor for domestic wastewater is a relatively plain treatment system,
as it does not contain any mechanical parts. This can be seen in the basic design
of a UASB reactor (see Part 1, Figure 4). The process control equipment required
- 42 -
for a proper operation of a domestic UASB reactor is low. These features play a
role in the evaluation of the UASB process as a wastewater treatment alternative.
- 43 -
water body substantially. In subsequent phases, a post-treatment system can be
added to polish the effluent.
3. Decentralization feasible
In conventional aerobic treatment plants there is a tendency to c~ntraIizesewage
treatment, because large plant sizes relatively reduce costs of mechanical equip-
ment such as pumps, aerators or compressors and control equipment. Furthermore
the costs of operation and maintenance of the equipment are relatively lower.
In a UASB plant the contribution of the mechanical equipment to the total
construction costs is Iow. UASB treatment plants require less complicated
operation and maintenance. As a result, the costs of donstruction and operation
depend less on the size of the plant and thus the difference in costs between one
44 -
large treatment plant and a number of decentralized treatment plants is small.
Regarding the high costs of collection systems, decentralized treatment in UASB
reactors often may be more feasible than centralized treatment.
In Chapter 6.1 features of the UASB system were discussed as far as they play
a role in the selection of treatment methods. In this chapter the components of a
UASB treatment plant (Figure 8) will be described to the level of preliminary
design. For most of these structures the design criteria are well defined and can
be found in the handbooks mentioned in Chapter 6.3. Only criteria that are
relevant for UASB treatment facilities will be mentioned in this chapter.
The detailed design criteria for UASB reactors will be discussed in Chapter 7.
- 45 -
6.2.2 Screeninq
A sewage treatment plant is located at the end of a pipe that often is used as a
general waste disposal system. Therefore, wastewater may carry large objects
such as wood, plastics, cloth etc. that may damage or obstruct equipment or
structures in subsequent stages of the treatment. These objects are removed by
system. The distribution system is a gravity fed system, working with overflow
weirs and low pressure falls and is therefore sensitive to obstructions.
It is recommended to use double screening: course screens, followed by fine
screens, as a sole fine screen will require frequent raking. It is recommended to
place only the course screen before the pumps and the fine screen after the pump,
at a location where the screen is more accessible for operation. Screens should
always be provided with a bypass, in order to avoid flooding of the plant in case
of obstruction of the screens.
The spacing between the bars of the course screen can be between 50 and
80 mm. This value is determined by the specifications of the pumps. For the fine
screen bar spacings between 1 5 and 25 mm are recommended.
6.2.3 Pumping
In some situations the topographical conditions are such that the treatment plant
can be fed by gravity and pumping is not necessary. It is dear that the elimination
of pumps from a plant considerably simplifies its design and reduces costs of
construction and operation and maintenance. Therefore, gravity flow is to be
preferred when the site permits it. The elimination of pumping should not be the
starting point of the design, however, thereby making operational aspects or
safety factors points of minor interest. A careful evaluation should be made of
cost reduction versus operational costs and maintenance aspects.
It is good practice in wastewater treatment to pump the sewage from the sewer
outfall to its highest point, after which the entire plant is operated under gravity.
The static head of the influent pumping can be calculated from the hydraulic
profile of a treatment plant. In Figure 1 0 the schematic flow diagram of the Cali
demonstration plant is given. The hydraulic profile of this plant is presented in
Figure 11.
An important aspect in this respect is the invert level of the UASB reactor; it can
either be constructed above ground level or in the ground. As all elements that
require access for operation and maintenance are located at the top of the reactor,
digging the reactor partially in the ground is favourable for an easy operation of
the reactor. A free board of 1 meter has found to be practical.
Local conditions may favour the construction of the reactor at ground level, such
as the soil structure, the ground water level, future implementation of post-
treatment and gravity feeding of other components of the plant.
It is preferable to use locally available pumps that can be locally maintained and
repaired, and of which spare parts are easily procured.
- 46 -
- 47 -
. . . .
6.2.4 Grit removal
,zzfl’flfl,-flJI,flflfl,flflfl ~
- 49 -
Grit production from domestic wastewater varies between 7.5 and 90 1 grit per
1 000 m3 wastewater with en average of 30 1/1 000 m3. The storage capacity of
grit in a grit chamber is usually designed at 2 to 3 days. The design of grit
chambers is not further elaborated in this manual, as it is adequately deelt with in
numerous textbooks.
The detailed design criteria of a UASB reactor for domestic wastewater will be
presented in Chapter 3. In this paragraph some general design considerations will
be given. The design of a UASB reactor is mainly based on hydraulic principles.
The UASB reactor is hydraulically designed for a maximum flow rate of a given
sewer system. The actual flow rate will show variations and peaks. These
variations have to be absorbed by the system to a certain level. A UASB reactor
for domestic wastewater is capable of operating up to peak flow rates of roughly
two to three times the average flow rate. For short periods, even higher flow rates
can be allowed. The other structures of the treatment plant should be designed in
such a way that the same flow variations can be allowed.
The capacity of the treatment plant is dictated by its service area. This manual
copes with the UASB reactor for off-site treatment, starting with sizes from 500
person equivalents (p.e.). Practically there is no upper limit to the dapacity of a
UASB treatment plant. An important design consideration for large plant sizes will
be the number of treatment units.
For reasons of flexibility of operation it is recommended to construct minimally
two UASB reactors at each plant site. In this way one reactor can be taken out of
operation, while the other unit(s) can be given a temporarily higher loading rate in
order to maintain the treatment capacity of the plant. In these unit(s) sludge can
be stored for posterior start-up of the reactor. The use of a modular approach is
thought to be dost effective at reactor sizes over 500 m3. A general optimum size
of one treatment unit is hard to give. Practical considerations as desired number
of treatment lanes, pump sizes, flow increase, manageability etc. will be decisive.
In the Cali pilot plant the excess sludge production of a UASB reactor was in the
range of 0.3 0.4 kg TS/kg TS influent. This is equivalent to 0.02 0.04 kg
- -
TS/p.e. day. This excess sludge has to be removed periodically from the reactor,
once in a period of one or two days for larger reactors to up to a week for smaller
In a well-performing reactor the excess sludge is well stabilized and does not
produce odour upon storage. The sludge does not need further treatment and can
be disposed of directly. It may be desirable to dewater the sludge before disposal,
when it has to be transported over long distances or has to be dumped on a
tipping site.
Various methods are available for sludge dewatering, varying from manually or
mechanically cleaned sludge drying beds to filter presses or belt pressure filters.
The preference for the system of sludge dewatering depends on the size of the
treatment plant, hence on the volume of excess sludge produced and on the
availability of land. The mast simple form is dewatering on sludge drying beds.
This system is preferable as it fits into the concept of a technically simple sewage
- 50 -
treatment system. At large plant sizes mechanical cleaning of drying beds can be
considered. 1f land availability is limited or climatological conditions do not favour
the use of sludge drying beds, more compact, mechanical sludge drying methods
will have to be employed.
Contrary to aerobic activated sludge and primary sludge, UASB sludge has high
settling and thickening properties and sludge can be discharged from the reactor
at concentrations between 50 and 1 00 kg/m3. This sludge can be concentrated
to 1 50 200 kg/m3 (1 5 20 %) by further settling or naturel dewatering.
- -
At present too little experience with dewatering is available to give exact design
criteria for sludge dewatering. Experience with the sludge from the Cali pilot plant
shows that the sludge can be dewatered in sludge drying beds to a consistency
of 40 % in a period of Iess than 14 days. Bed loadings of 20 kg TS/m2 were found
to be the optimum. The resulting bed loading rates of 10 kg TS.m 1 are
considerably higher than those for aerobic or primary sludge. In the Kanpur
bed boadings were even two times higher. However, these data cannot be used
as general criteria for the design of sludge drying beds as the drying characteris-
tics largely depend on local climatological conditions. Until more practical
experience is available on design criteria for sludge drying the following procedures
can be followed:
- The land reservation for the total size of sludge drying beds should be based on
the one third of the land required as calculated with criteria for aerobic sludge.
In this way still a rather conservative design is made (anaerobic sludge dewaters
far easier than aerobic or primary sludge).
- At construction of the plant only part of the total number of sludge drying beds
is constructed and in the first period of operation of the plant the production,
loading rates and drying times for the sludge can be fixed.
- On basis of these data the definitive size of the drying beds can be calculated
and constructed.
The future experiences will contribute in determining design criteria for UASB-
The possibilities for final disposal of wet or dried excess sludge depends on its
quality, Iegal aspects and demands for the sludge. Especially when good quality
anaerobic sludge is not readily available in the region it can be used as seed sludge
for the start-up of other anaerobic reactors. It the concentrations of heavy metals
in the sludge are bebow the locally legal levels, as can be expected to hold for
purely domestic wastewater sludge, it can be used in agriculture. A limit may be
its content of pathogenic organisms. Sun drying of sludge in open drying beds
considerably reduces the pathogen content of sludge.
%; H~S:< 1 %.
The production of biogas from3/kg domestic wastewater
COD removed. is relativelytolow.
This is equivalent 10 It15can
estimated at 0.15 0.25 m
biogas per p.e. per day. Due to the low organic laad of the reactor, a relatively
large fraction of the gas dissolves in the water and leaves the reactor with the ef-
fluent. At a temperature of 25°Cand a HRT of 6 h, about 50 % of the methane
is dissolved in the effluent.
- 51 -
At small plants can be gas released to the air. It even may be considered to
construct open gas collectors (Figure 1 3). Here, a possible odour nuisance should
be foreseen and it is strongly recommended to apply open gas collectors only at
Iocations quite distant from urban areas. In any other situation the gas is collected
to be blown off via a chimney or preferably via a flare. It is not advised to have
release of the biogas without flaring, because of the possible odour nuisance.
At larger plants utilization of the biogas becomes feasible. Lat-ter will depend on
the local situation. Biogas can be used for heating or for the generation of
electricity, thus making the plant independent of external energy supply. The
energetic value of biogas containing 75 % methane can be illustrated by the fol-
Iowing comparison. Theoretically, 1 m3 biogas is energetically equivalent to: 0.8
1 petrol, 1 .3 1 alcohol, 1 .4 kg charcoal, 2.7 kg fire wood, or 1 .4 kWh electricity.
6.2.8 Post-treatment
The effluent quality of a UASB treatment plant has been discussed in Part 1,
§ 4.4. Situations exist in which a further polishing of the effluent is required,
which can concern: increase of the 02 concentration, solids removal, nitrification,
nutrient removal, or pathogen removal.
Oxygenation is a simple way to upgrade the effluent. As the effluent leaves the
reactor under anaerobic conditions, a direct oxygen demand exists, rising from
components that oxidize in contact with the atmosphere, such as hydrogen
sulphide and ammonium. This oxygen demand will be satisfied at contact with the
air. In order to avoid discharge of an anaerobic effluent to the receiving water
body a simple cascade system is sufficient.
- 52 -
Addition of Fe24 can be applied to decrease the concentration of H2S in the water,
and therefore reduce both the odour nuisance as the immediate oxygen demand
of the effluent.
Sollds removal can be accomplished by a secondary settling tank. It will be
necessary to maintain aerobic conditions in the settling tank in order to avoid
floating of the settled sludge due to the production of methane. Due to the high
settling velocities of UASB sludge the design of such a settling tanks is not
critical. The same criteria as used for secondary clarification of aerobic treatment
plants can be u5ed.
Nitrification is the oxidation of ammonium to nitrate. Ammonium is formed in the
biological reduction of organic nitrogen. Ammonium has a direct oxygen demand
and is toxic to water organisms. The nitrification of ammonium takes place under
aerobic conditions, i.e. in the receiving water or in an aerobic post-treatment.
Many aerobic post-treatment methods are in printiple suitable for nitrification, but
only facultative and maturation ponds and trickling filters are fitting into the
general concept of UASB treatment plants. With both systems exists some
practical experience. At this stage design criteria cannot be presented and will
have to be assessed in pilot scale studies at the treatment site.
Nutrient removal may be considered from two different viewpoints:
- reduction of eutrophication of the receiving water body.
- reuse of nutrients.
Chemical P-removal is a welI-accepted method for eutrophication control and is
very effective. Nitrogen removal is less effective as nitrogen can be taken up from
the atmosphere by blue-green algae. At present systems for reuse of nutrients are
still in the development phase, such as hydroponic growth of crops and algae,
duckweed and water hyacinth ponds. The widely employed system of sewage
farming can be considered as a form of nutrient removal and reuse method.
Anaerobic treatment appears to be particularly interesting as pre-treatment in
wastewater reuse schemes, as it reduces the major part of the organic contamina-
tion, while nutrients are hardly removed and remain in a form that is favourable
for uptake by plants.
Pathogen removal is of special interest in waste water treatment as it constitutes
the sanitation impact of the treatment scheme. The UASB reactor does not give
a significant pathogen removal. A complementary treatment will be necessary if
a high hygienic quality is desired. A generally accepted method for pathogen
reduction is pounding in facultative or maturation ponds, where the residence time
is the key criterium. As the land requirement of pond systems is large, disinfection
may be an alternative.
6.2.9 Disinfection
- 53 -
6.2.10 Tre~tmentof off-qases
- 54 -
7.1 Introduction
In the design of a UASB reactor, as with any other wastewater treatment system,
it is the wastewater characteristics that will determine the design of-the reactor.
In this chapter the wastewater characteristics are assumed to be available.
Without any knowledge of the wastewater characteristics, especially the solids
and BOD concentrations and the flow patterns, itis impossible to design a UASB
The design of a UASB reactor follows a strict pattern. This pattern is also followed
in this chapter: first the number of reactions should be chosen, then the reactor
shape. Next comes the calculation of the reactor volume, and the approximate
dimensions. From there, the UASB reactor is designed from bottom to top, so first
the wastewater distribution system has to be designed, and thereafter the
definitive dimensions are fixed. The next step is the calculation of the gas
collectors. Effluent and sludge discharge follow, and the final step is the gas
collection system. For smooth operation, facilities for the monitoring of the sludge
content of the reactor and for the removal of scum layers should be included.
The critical general design parameters for a UASB reactor, either for domestic or
for industrial wastewater treatment, are
- the solids retention time in the reactor;
- 55 -
- the liquid upfbow velocity of the wastewater;
- the surface loading of the biogas.
All other design parameters are more or less related to these central parameters.
The minimum hydraulic retention time, for instance, is inversely related with the
maximum liquid upflow velocity. The maximum volumetric loading rate is related
to the minimum solids retention time SRT.
The solids retention time SRTin a UASB reactor will depend on the wastewater
characteristics. For industrial wastewater, a high conversion rate is aimed at. The
desired SRT can be cbose to the minimum (with inclusion of a safety factor)
allowed by the anaerobic bacteria, especially the acetate forming and methano-
genic bacteria. With domestic wastewater the desired SRTdoes not depend on the
growth rate of the bacteria, but on the degree of stabilization that the wastewater
solids have to achieve. In both cases the desired SRTis strongly depending on the
The applicable liquid upflow velocity is mainly determined by the settleability of
the sludge. In the treatment of industrial wastewater with low contents of
suspended solids, the sludge may have very good ~ettling proper-ties allowing
liquid uptlow velocities of over 4 m/h. In the treatment of domestic wastewater,
however, the liquid upflow velocities should be much lower. The applicable liquid
upflow velocity in domestic wastewater treatment largely depends on the degree
of solids removal that is aimed at in the treatment.
The surface boading of the biogas gives an indication of the turbulence in the
reactor. This maximum surface loading is not significantly changing with
temperature. Once the SRT, the liquid upflow velocity and the biogas loading rates
are set, the data for the design are there.
- 56 -
demands will result in the definitive gas collector dimensions.
7 After completion of the calculations on the gas colbectors, the feed inlet
distribution and the effluent gutters can be calculated.
This general outline of the design procedure for a UASB reactor is iblustrated in
Figure 14.
- 57 -
7.6 Design criteria
The values of the design parameters to be used are presented in Table 11.
Table 11. Design values for UASB reactors for the treatment of domestic
gas collector gas oading2 maximally 3.0 m3.m2.h1
average aperture velocity maximally 2.0 m3.m2.h’
maximum aperture velocity maximally 5.0 m3.m 2.h1
peak aperture velocity maximally 8.0 m3.m 2.h1
weir overfiow loading maximally 5.0 m3.m1.h1
overlap minimally 0.15 m
distribution density minimally 0 25 m2
disribution over bottom:
pipe velocity minimally 1 .0 mis
pipe velocity maximally 5 0 m/s
nozzie velocity minimally 0.5 m/s
nozzle velocity maximally 4 m/s
distribution over top:
inlet box servicing area maximally 70 m2
feed inlet pipes minimally 0.30 m/s
1 : Relating to the height of the sludge bed under average fbow conditions, for instance,
early in the morning.
2: Not important in the treatment of domestic wastewater
- 58 -
7.8 Start of design procedure: initial settings
As a first approach, the reactor height and the gas collector height should be set
The minimum design SRTfor a UASB reactor for domestic wastewater treatment
is dependent on the temperature and is given in Table 1 3. In Table 11 the design
criteria for UASB reactors for domestic wastewater are summarized.
°C days
20 38
22 35
24 31
26 28
28 26
30 24
The maximum average liquid upflow velocity to fulfil the demands on the SRT is
calculated as
= H / HR TM,N,
in which H is the reactor height, set at 4.0 m, and HRTM/N is calculated as follows
(see § 5.5.2 (Part 1) of this manual).
The average sludge content TSSAVG over the total reactor volume is a function of
the average sludge concentration in the sludge bed, and the height of the reactor
and the gas collector.
The SRT can be estimated from the sludge production and ther average sludge
content of the reactor, see § 5.5.2.
- 59 -
in which
SRT is sludge retention time (h or days)
TSSA VG is average sludge concentration (see below, kg/m3)
PTss is sludge production (see below, mg TSS/l)
vup is upflow velocity (m/h)
H is reactor height (m)
in which
TSSA VG is the average sludge concentration over the reactor (kg/m3)
TSSS is the average sludge concentration over the sludge bed (kg/m3)
H is reactor height (m)
HG is height of the gas collector (m)
A is the sludge bed percentage, the percentage of the height from the
bottom of the reactor to the gas collectors, which is occupied by
the sludge (%).
Now the average sludge concentration over the reactor can be estimated. The
sludge bed concentration may be assumed to be 90 kg TSS/m3. The height of the
gas collector has not been calculated yet, but can be assumed to be 1.2 m. 85%
of the height of the reactor to the gas collectors can be assumed to be occupied
by the sludge bed. The calculation is illustrated in Figure 1 5.
Figure 15. Average sludge concentration over the total reactor as a function of
reactor height (X-axis) and gas collector height (indexed in the
Figure). The average sludge concentration is expressed as the
percentage of the sludge bed concentration. 85 % of the volume to
the gas collectors is assumed to be occupied by the sludge bed.
- 60 -
The sludge production per m3 of wastewater can be calculated as follows (see also
part 1, § 5.5.2):
Pvss = TSSIN * (1 (A,N / 100)) * (1 (Z / 100)) + Y~
- -
07.* BCQD,N
in which 3 of wastewater (kg VSS/m3)
TSS/N is the total
of the
m wastewater (kg TSS/m3)
A,,,, is the ash percentage of the wastewater solids (%)
BCODJN is the BCOD (biodegradable COD) of the wastewater (kg/m3)
Z is the percentage of the VSS in the wastewater which is degraded
during its stay in the UASB reactor
~ToT is the conversion coefficient for the conversion of BCOD and into
bacteria (kg VSS/kg BCOD)
P~s P~ / (1 - (A
8~/ 100))
with ~Ts$ relating to TSS and ~ is the ash percentage of the sludge bed
The average liquid upflow velocity to satisfy the demands on the upflow velocities
depends on the ratio between maximum and average upflow velocity. 1f the ratio
between maximum and average flow is higher than the ratio between the
maximum applicable maximum and average upflow velocities, the average upflow
velocity will be determined as follows:
vliP -a avg /in mat
— max
- 61 -
It can be calculated that in domestic wastewater, for instance with a COD of 500
mg/I, which is converted to methane for 50% and the biogas contains 65 %
methane, the biogas loading rate at a maximum wastewater upflow velocity of 1 .0
m/h (with 1 kg of CH4-COD 3 at 0°C) is still only 0.500 * 0.50 * 1 .0
* 0.35 * (3031273)/0.65 = 0.15 0.35m/h.
m Maximum allowable biogas loading rates
in the treatment of domestic wastewater will be around 1 m/h. For this reason it
will be dear that the biogas surface bedIng never is a critical parameter in the
design of UASB reactors for domestic wastewater. This will convenientby reduce
the number of truly criticab design parameters to only two: SRT and liquid upfbow
The bowest of the three liquid upfbow vebocities, calculated in the previous
paragraphs, should be taken for the further design. However, if the lowest upfbow
velocity is determined by the demands on the SRT, it may be possible to increase
the height of the reactor to fulfil the demands on the SRT. This will result in a
lower total volume of the reactor. The reactor height may be increased up to the
level that either the other two liquid upflow velocities become limiting, or the
maximum reactor height is reached.
Once the definitive average upflow velocity is calculated, the surface area of he
reactor will folbow logically from the wastewater data. The approximate surface
area AA is simply calculated as:
AA = °avg / Vup,.vg
in which
0avg is average wastewater flow (m3/h)
~ is average upflow vebocity (m/h).
- 62 -
From the surface area of the reactor, the choice of the reactor length and width
is not quite simple. It should be based on considerations on
- how to piece the influent distribution system;
- the dimensions of the gas collectors.
The influent distribution system should be placed in a fashion that albows even
distribution of the wastewater over the bottom of the reactor. As the feed inlet
system will be placed evenly over the bot-tom of the reactor, and the gas
collectors have to be placed evenly over the top of the reactor, the design of feed
inlet system and gas collectors is interrelated.
The design of the gas collectors for UASB reactors treating domestic sewage, and
with feed inlet over the top of the reactor, is strongly infbuenced by the feed inlet
system. The design is illustrated in Figure 1 6. In this figure the following
parameters are used:
- The gas dome width is the internal width of the gas dome. For the calculation
of the total width of the gas dome, it is also necessary to know the dome
thickness, which is the width of the material forming the gas domes.
- The height of the gas dome is the height above the sides of the gas collector.
- The collector width is the total width of the gas collector. The total width is
determined by the total gas dame width and the plate projections.
- 63 -
- The plate projection and the angle a together determine the height of the gas
collector, and the plate wfdth of the plates forming the sides of the gas
- The aperture width is the distance between two gas collectors. Aperture width
and collector width together form the total width of the collector system. This
total width is determined by the density of the feed inlet points.
- The deflector beams are necessary to lead all thew biogas into the gas
collectors. They should have en over/ap with the sides of the gas collector, to
coblect all the biogas onto the gas collectors.
- The advised location of the effluentgutters is indicated in Figure 1 6. The design
of the effbuent gutters is dealt with in the next paragraph.
The aperture width is one of the most important aspects for the design of the gas
collectors. The aperture width is calculated by first calculating the percentage of
the reactor surface area-that should be occupied by the apertures. This percentage
can be calculated from the upfbow liquid vebocities allowed for in the reactor, and
the upflow velocity allowed in the aperture. 1f the albowed upfbow liquid velocity
over the reactor is ~ and the aperture velocity is abbowed to be VA, the aperture
width of the total of the apertures should be VA / ~ (This is also referred to as
the aperture percentage AP (in %). lf the total width of gas collector plus aperture
(which is determined by the feed inlet density) is TW, then the aperture width is
With the aperture width, also the collector width is determined. The collector
width is
CW= (l~VA/Vup/*TW
Depending on the placing of the sides of the gas collectors, the calculation of the
dimensions of the plates should either include or exclude the concrete thickness.
It is strongly advised to construct a gas collector as in Figure 1 6, with the plates
forming the sides of the gas collectors mounted to the insides of the gas dome.
In this case the plate projection PP (the projection of the sides of the gas
collectors onto the horizontal plane) is calculated as
PP = (CW-HW)/2
in which HWis gas hood width.
The angle at with the sides of the gas collectors should be placed is a. This angle
should be between 50 and 60°;in mast cases 500 is considered sufficient. Once
the plate projection is known and the angle a is set, the height of the gas
collectors and the width of the plates forming the sides of the gas collectors can
be calcubated.
The plates of the gas collectors should preferably be placed in such a way, that
if for some reason a pressure build-up occurs in the biogas collection system, the
gas is allowed to leave the gas collectors. This can be done by attaching the
plates to the gas dome with a few millimetres space to allow for gas escape.
- 64 -
The height of the gas dome is not subject to any calculation. Normally a height of
50 cm is used.
The deflector width is determined by the aperture width and the overlap between
the deflector and the gas collector. The defbector width DWis
in which OVis the overlap, which is normally set at 10 to 15 cm.
The deflectors should have a distance to the gas collectors which is equal to the
aperture width (indicated by the circle in Figure 1 6). The values of the design
criteria used for the design of gas collectors have been summarized in Tabbe 11.
It is the hydraulic residence time in the settling zône which ultimately determines
the minimum size of the gas collectors. The minimum size of the gas collectors is
calculated as folbows:
With HRT~is the hydraulic residence time in the settling zone, the average cross-
sectional height CH of the settling zone becomes
CH = V~p*HRT~~(m),
with Ve,,, is the definitive average upfbow velocity.
The ratio between the cross-sectional surface of the settling zone to the total
width of the gas collector system is
R = (TW- (HW + PP)) / TW(-)
in which
R is the ratio (-)
TW is the total width of the gas collector system (inclusing aperture) (m)
PP is the plate projectiofi (m)
No-te that TW is not known yet, so that a tentative value of 4.00 m should be
- 65 -
Figure 1 7. lterative calculation of minimum gas collector dimensions.
1f the feed inlet point density is one point per D m2, the width of the area serviced
by one gas collector is
W = D5 *
The definitive reactor dimensions are now determined by the total width of-the gas
collector system. As the calculation of the gas collector accounted for the feed
inlet density, the width of an even number of gas collectors will also result in a
whole number of feed inlet pornts.
So, one un/t width of a UASB reactor will be the width of two gas collectors. In
UW 2*TW(m)
The length of the reactor can now be calculated as a function of the number of
width units.
- 66 -
in which
LN is the length belonging to the number of width units (m);
AA is the approximate surface area as calculated 1fl § 7.11 (m2);
UW is unit width (m)
is the number of width units
ROUND denotes rounding off to the nearest integer (whole number)
This calculation can be carried Out for N~= 1 to 6. The def/nftive number will be
the N~for which the difference between LN and UW * N~(reactor width) is
smallest. This will result in the definitive Iength L
0 and width UW * D of the UASB
This definitive Iength and width of the reactor will lead to dimensions which may
not fit the calculated approxinate surface area completely, but may differ by a few
percent. 1f the difference is consered too large, the feed inlet density can be
changed by a few percent to result in more appropriate surface area.
The definitive number of feed inlet points is
NF = Lb*UW*D/(AF),
in which AF is the area for one feed inlet point (1 per AF m
7.14 Wastewater distribution system
The wastewater inlet system is determined by the area serviced by one single feed
inlet point. A distribution box for the feed inlet system may mast suitably contaifi
piping to 6, 8, 1 0 or 1 2 or even more feed inlet points. The distribution boxes are
placed at the sides of the top of the UASB reactor in smaller reactors, and
between the gas collectors (with the piping via the aperture) in larger reactars. A
feed inlet box located in between two gas collectors will always serve an even
number of gas collectors. 1f the feed inlet of the UASB reactor is over the top of
the reactor, the dimensions of the reactor will be determined by the placing of the
wastewater distribution boxes. This is illustrated in Figure 1 8.
The number of distribution boxes depends on the admissible length of the inlet
tubes and thus on the size of the reactor. Two factors are important in the
deciding on the number of distribution boxes to be constructed:
1) At langer lengths of the inlet tubes the danger of obstruction increases and
tubes will be more difficult to clean.
2) A lower number of distribution boxes means that the boxes are larger and
more difficult to maintaifi.
No exact criteria can be given for the Iength of the inlet tubes and the number of
distribution boxes. Distribution boxes should preferably serve an area of maximally
approximately 40 to 70 m2.
- 67 -
• S
• •
• •
• •H
• S S
• Si. S
1f all calculations are carried out correctly, the number of -feed inlet points
calculated for the definitive reactor dimensions will lead logically to a suitable
number of distribution boxes.
NDB = A0/A8 =AD/(NF*AF)
in which N
05 is the number of feed inlet boxes
is the definitive surf ace area of the UASB reactor
is the servicing area of one disrtibutian box
NF is the number of feed inlets per distributian box2)
AF is the area per feed inlet point (1 inlet per AF m
NF should be chosen such that
- NF = 2,4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 24 etcetera;
- NF should be equal or smaller than the maximum number NM,~to result in the
maximum servicing area for one distribution box;
- NF should be such that N~Bis a whole (integer) number
- 68 -
7.14.2 Pipinci
The diameter for the piping for a feed inlet system over the top of the reactor
should provide for easy dleaning.
in which
O,,.~ is the minimum wastewater flow (m3/s)
NF is the number of feed inlet pipes (-)
V is the minimum wastewater velocity through the pipes (mis)
Design criteria for the water velocities in the feed inlet piping have been presented
in Table 11.
For a feed inlet system over the bottom of the reactor, the piping should be such,
that the flow velocity the length is approximately constant. This implies a
decrease in diameter over the length of the pipe. For the nozzle diameter, an
calculation, identical to that for the pipe diameter can be carried out. The nozzle
diameter should be between DM,N and DMA» to be calculated for Q~,and Vmax and
°max and V,~,,respectively.
The static hydraullc head of the distribution box above the water level in the UASB
should be 0.3 0.5 m at the minimum. The theoretical head losses over the inlet
tubes will be small (some 7 1 5 cm). However, in practice higher losses will occur
due to partial clogging of the tubes and additional pressure losses at the bottom
caused by highly concentrated sludge. The spare static head will enable some self-
unplugging at a sudden clogging of a tube.
The effluent has to leave the UASB reactor via effluent gutters, which are bocated
at the tap of the gas collectors. The aspects of the effluent gutters aspects are
illustrated in Figure 1 9. The effluent gutters have to be designed in such a way
- the weir overflow rate (in m3.m1.h~1)does not exceed a maximum value;
- the effluent leaves the reactor with a weir overflow whioh is as even as
- the effluent gutters are able to cantain the maximum flows allowed inta the
reactors, which implies that the water level in the gutter should always be
below the V-notches.
- 69 -
Completely level weirs are very difficult to construct. Therefore, V-notches are
used to allow for an even averflaw if the gutters are not completely level. The V-
notches have to be such that
- their density is high enough to allow for an even overflow;
- the dimensions of the notches are suited to receive peak flows.
in which h is the height of-the V-notch in m. The angle v usually is set at 45°.
The dimensianS of the gutters are calculated as to allow the flow to be contained
by the gutters. The water height at the outflow will be:
- 70 -
h1 2 * .9.8 1)) “~
= (Q2 / (B
whereas the water height before falbing of the water Out of the gutter is
2 = h1 *~~/3.
To this the pressure drop in the gutter should be added, which for gutter with a
length Iess than 20 m can be taken as 1 0 % of h2. So the height of the effluent
gutter should be
2 * .9.81)) ~ +
HE = 1. 1 * ~ * (Q2 / (B
in which
HE the height of the effluent gutter (m)
/~I~= the depth of the V-notch (m)
B = effluent gutter width
The pasition of the effluent gutters should be along the sides of the gas collector.
A position along the sides af the gas collector will provide for easy fixation af the
gutters, the easy access for cleaning and maintenance over the top of the reactor,
and a good hydraulic distribution of the wastewater as the flow is divided over
both sides of the settler compartment. It is also it is easy to construct scum bef-
fles when desired.
removed from the reactor. This removal takes pIece either by washout of solids
in the effluent, ar by sludge removal. In order to minimize sludge washout, sludge
should be removed from the rector on a regular basis. Sludge removal should be
possible at different locations from the reactor, and at different heights. Different
heights are needed to prevent vartexes in the sludge due to which sludge removal
will be Iess efficient. Sametimes debris is accumulating in the lower parts of the
reactor, which may be removed, or low-quality sludge is accumulating in the
higher parts of the sludge bed.
With only one sludge remaval point, during sludge removal so much sludge may
be remaved that only water from above the sludge bed is remaved. It is advised
to have one sludge removal pipe (with outlets at different heights) per 200 m2.
-71 -
The amount of sludge to be removed can be calculated:
from the reactor bottom), and one outlet above the gas collectors. The last outlet
is used for flushing of the piping.
The sludge removal shauld preferably have a provision to prevent tao much sludge
to be removed.
The SRTof the sludge is important in the evaluation of the functioning of a UASB
reactor, and the SRTcan anly be estimated by measurements of the total amount
of sludge in the reactor. Therefore it is advised to construct facilities for the
monitoring of the sludge content in a UASB reactor.
A qui-te exact assessment of the sludge quantity and level in the reactor can be
made by means of a sludge sampling device that is lowered through an orifice at
the top of the gas collector to various levels in the reactor. An example of such
a design is given in Figure 21.
The biogas should be led from the tap of the gas collectors to the biogas utilization
system, ar to the flare. The piping should be laid out in such a way, that condens
water in the piping does not have the opportunity to accumulate in the piping
system. 1f accu mulation does accur, the pressure drop may become toa high, and
the biogas will leave the system via the gas dames.
- 72 -
Figure 20. Different examples of sludge discharge facilities. A: Telescopic
sludge pipes; B: sludge collection pit with pumping; C: direct
pumping of excess sludge.
- 73 -
Figure 21. Sampling device entered in-to the reactor through orifice in the
gas collector.
The gas that is formed in the reactor is saturated with water. At cooling, the
water tends to condensate in the tubes. The tubes should be constructed under
a small angle directed to a water trap. The water trap always should be located
at the lowest point in the gas piping.
A gas meter always should be located at a high paint in the gas piping as to avoid
as much as passible the accumulation of candense water. In any case the gas
meter shauld be located after the water trap or pressure vessel.
- 74 -
Concrete is widely available in mast develaping countries and generally a lot of
experience exists in working with concrete. It is known that concrete is corroded
in sewer systems due to the formation of H2S04. In anaerobic reactars it was
found that the Concrete below the water surf ace is attached by C02 that is farmed
in the biological process. Above the water surface concrete is not attacked. It is
quite possible, that the quality of the concrete strongly influences the suscep-
tibility to C02-corrosion. Therefore, high quality concrete should be used and
casting should be executed with much care, such as extra cover or PVC lining.
Additionally, the wet surfaces of the plant can be lined with a protective coating,
1f availabbe.
- 75 -
Stainless steel.
Some types of stainless steel are resistant to the environment at the treatment
plant, whereas others are not. Corrosion-resistant types are recommended for all
parts of the plant, but it is expensive and often not available. For this reason
corrosion-resistant stainless steel should be used only for those parts that are
critical to a proper functioning of the plant and that are very susceptible to
corrosion. These applications are the overflow weirs of distribution boxes and
effluent gutters and the bolts and nuts necessary for adjustments. 1f stainless steel
is readily available, the construction of the entire distribution boxes and effluent
gutters can be considered. Cost-evaluation and design aspects will be decisive in
this respect.
Galvanized iron
Normal galvanized iron is not suitable for corrosive environments. Hot-dipped
galvanized iron is found to be resistant to the corrosive environment at the plant
site. In wet applications, however, it has been found that the medium is
aggressive to the coating and once the coating is ‘eaten” the iran corrodes rapid-
ly. It may therefore be used in dry applications, such as railings and grids and bolts
and nuts that are not into contact with water.
Cast-iron is generally applied for tubings, valves and walI-passings and pump-
casings in wastewater treatment plants. Cast-iron also has to be pravided with a
suitable coating.
Steel is heavily attacked both by the wastewater as in the environment around the
plant. In wet applications it has been found that carefully applied anti-carrasive
paintings are not sufficiently protective. Unless special, very expensive epaxy-
coatings are available, the use of steel in wet applications is not recommended.
Aluminium can be used as a replacement for stainless steel. It is reasonable suited
for wet applications. An aluminium alloy containing 3 % magnesium and 0.5 %
manganese should be used.
Brass is in use far valves and electrical cabling. The carrosive envirariment around
the plant can attack the surface of brass objects in a matter of hours. Electrical
connectians are found to suffer from this corrasion due to reduced conductibility.
Switch boards etc. should be properly isolated.
PVC is very suitable for tubings in and on the reactor, such as the inlet- and
distribution tubes, because it is light, easy to handle and resistant. It can also be
considered to use PVC-sheets for the construction of distributian boxes and the
sides of the gas collectors, althaugh its cost may be too high. No-te that PVC
- 76 -
should not be used if it is in contact with light, because t is susceptible to UV-
Polyethylene (PE)
PE-tubing can be used for the inlet tubes. Through its flexibility it is easy to install.
Special care should be taken to the fixation ÔT the pipes.
Polyester-glass fibre.
Polyester-glass fibre, when welI-elaborated, is very resistant to the aggressive
medium of an anaerobic reactor. It can be used for the construction of distribution
boxes and effluent gutters. It should be taken into account that glass fibre is very
rigid and that it should be mounted in such a way that shocks or vibrations are
avoided. Its high costs and fragility may be prohibitive for general use.
The polyester cannot be processed (sawing or cutting or connecting by srews), as
the glass-fibre will absorp water, resulting in destruction of the plate.
8.2.1 Fencinc~
8.2.2 Screeninci
8.2.3 Pumôinci
Pumping of sewage or sludge is almost always necessary. Pumps are critical parts
in the plant operatian and much care has be taken in the selection of the type and
the brand of pumps. Preferably, pumps af local make should be used as an
- 77 -
adequate maintenance by skilled personnel can be guaranteed and spare parts are
- 78 -
For sludge pumping the same remarks can be made. Due to the relatively small
pump capacity required, submersible pumps are generally used. At selection of
sludge pumps it has to be taken into consideration that sludge is not a
homogeneous material.
8.3.1 Reactor
- The use of ferra-cement is attractive far the constructian of small circular tanks
and is econamical in use of materials. High demands are put on warkmanship
as the aggressive makes the structure sensitive to rupture.
It has to be taken into consideration that the environment around the plant is
aggressive. In the choice of materials this has to be taken into account. Bolts and
nuts are critical parts with respect to carrosion, especially those that are used for
adjustment. Here preferably stainless steel should be used. Components such as
grids, railings, stairs and fencing, if nat to be constructed in concrete or brick
should be made in aluminium or hot-dipped galvanized steel.
- 79 -
8.3.2 Feed distribution system
The function of the inlet structures is to spread the influent equally over the
bottom of the reactor. There are several alternatives for locating the distribution
boxes. One is to build separate boxes on top of the wall with tubes that leed along
the wall via to build them in between the gas collectors.
The boxes can be made of concrete (combined with stainless steel V-notches), of
stainless steel, of glass fibre reinforced polyester, but not of PVC-sheets as PVC
is not resistant to UV-irradiation. For tubing PE can be used. PVC has the
advantage that it is rigid and therefore easy to install. It should only be used below
ground or in the water. Adapters are necessary to make curves and bends.
Adapters tend to be the places where obstructions occur and special care should
be taken at mounting the tubes as to assure a smooth inner surface.
PE is flexible and can be directed in one piece in gentle curves and bends to the
outlet point. Particular attention has to be paid that no doubling of the tubes will
8.3.3 G~scollectors
For small plants removable gas collector can be considered. This facilitates the
maintenance of the reactor and the gas collector without major problems. The gas
collector can be supported on the concrete beams.
Removable gas collectors can be constructed in stainless steel, aluminium,
glassfibre reinforced polyester or similar synthetic material. In this set-up it is mast
practical to place the distribution boxes on top of the walls of the reactor. This
set-up can only be used with very small reactars.
1f some gas pressure is required for the utilization of the biogas, the gas collector
should be fixed or pravided with ballast.
A second possibility is a cambination of a concrete frame with sheets of
aluminium, plastic or glass fibre enforced polyester. The sheets are the sides of
the gas collector.
In apen gas collectors the plates can be fixed on concrete or steel beams, as
shawn in Figure 1 3. PVC is an appropriate material for the plates.
Effluent gutters have to be placed rigidly at the top of the reactor in such a way
that the water flow is levelled out over the total Iength of the gutters. For this
reason the gutters should have a mechanism to adjust their height. For an equal
outflow, they always should be pravided with V-notches.
For the construction of effluent gutters at the side of the gas collectors various
designs are possible, e.g.
- en integrated (pre-fab)gas collectorleffluent gutter. The eff)uent weirs are made
of stainless steel and are fixed to the gutter with nuts.
- 80 -
- concrete or stainless steel consoles integrated in the construction of the gas
collectors provided with adjustable stainless steel effluent gutters.
The baffles of the effluent gutters can be made of stainless steel.
- 81 -
In the following, the calculations on the various units of a UASB reactor will be
illustrated with an example. The calculations will follow the sequence as in the
previous paragraphs. It is assumed that screening and grit removal have been
taken place before the wastewaters enters the UASB units.
The data on the wastewater characteristics are given in Table 14. In practice,
measurements are necessary to determine the actual wastewater parameters,
before such a Table can be prepared. Especially flow variations should be
registered carefully.
The design criteria and assumption needed for further calculations are those
presented in Table 11, 12 and 13 in § 7.6, § 7.7 and § 7.9.
9.3 Calculatlons
The procedure as outlined in § 7.5 and followed in § 7.7 to § 7.15 is used here.
See also Figure 14.
Settinci of reactor heiciht and gas collector heiciht -
Height of the reactor is set at 4.0 m and height of the gas collector is set at
1.4 m.
- 82 -
The biological sludge production will be ~TaT *BcoD = 0.10 * 300 = 30 mg
VS S/l.
The non-biological sludge production (in mg VSS!l) will be TSS * ash content * (1-
degradation percentage) = 250 * (65/1 00) * (1- 40/100) 98 mg VSS/I.
The ash content of the sludge may be assumed to be -40 %, so the total sludge
production is (30 + 98)! (1-40/1 00) = 213 mg TSS/I.
The SRTmay be set at 31 days, at a temperature of 24 °C.
= 3.7h
The corresponding upflow velocity is reactor height divided by HRT 4.00 / 3.7
= 1.08m/h
The maximum admissible average liquid upflow velocity according to the design
criteria for the upflow velocities is determined by the criteria for maximum flow,
because the ration between the maximum and average flow (the peak factor) is
higher than the ratio between the design criteria for maximum and average upflow
velocities. 1f a maximum flow of 450 m3/h would yield an upflow velocity of 0.8
m/h, then the average flow would resuit in an upflow velocity of 250/450 * 0.8
= 0.44 m/h.
For completeness sake, here the liquid upflow velocity for the maximum biogas
loading will also be calculated. The COD canversian efficiency can be estimated
at 60 %, and the percentage CH
4 in the biogas may be assumed to be around 803
%. At 24 °C,74 mg/I of
of wastewater, 0.09 m3 of CHCH4-COD will remain dissolved in the water. So, per m
3 will
4 may be expected, of which some
remain in the water. There will escape some 0.06 m3/m3 of wastewater, 0.03 m
equivalent with 0.08 m3/m3 af biogas. To satisfy the design criteria on the biogas
loading (of 1 .0 m/h), en liquid upflow velocity of 1 .0 / 0.08 = 1 2.5 m/h would be
Comparison of the calculated upflow velocities shows, that the maximum flow
conditions will determine the average liquid upflow velocity. It results in the lowest
of the calculated upflow velocities. The design upflow velocity is 0.44 m/h.
9.3.3 Dimensions
Because the upflow velocity is determined by the flaws, and not by the SRT, there
is no gain in increasing the reactor height: the upflow velocity would remain the
same. The definitive reactor height is 4.0 m.
- 83 -
The approximate surface area calculated from average fbow (per reactor) and
upflow velocity:
itis (250/2)10.44 = 281.3m2
(So the reactor volume is 1125 m3 and the loading is 1.2 kg COD.m3.d1).
= 0.52
Now the plate height will be CH/R = 0.72 / 0.52 = 1.29 m, and accordingly,
the gas collector width will be 2.66 m and the total width will be 3.17 m. With
this total width, the complete calculation can be re-entered again. After three to
five circulations, the dimensions of the gas collectors will not change anymore.
The outcome of the calculations is 3.24 m for the total width of the gas collector
system, with 2.72 for the gas collector itself, and 1 .33 m for the plate height.
With a minimum gas collector width of 3.24 m, and a feed inlet density of 1 per
4 m2, corresponding to 1 feed inlet point per 2 m, the definitive total width of the
gas collector should be 2 feed inlet points wide 2* 2.00 = 4.00 m.
The collector height is now somewhat larger than assumed in the initial settings.
Therefore, the sludge content of the reactor will be some 1 2 % lower than initially
estimated (see Figure 1 5), this will have no consequences. The maximum liquid
upflow velacity is still the velocity determining the reactor dimensions.
- 84 -
Table 1 5. Tabulated calculation of the definitive reactor dimensions. The
results of the calculation are printed in boldface. At a unit width of
2 * 8.00 m, the reactor Iength is 1 8 m. The resulting Iength and
width are those with the minimum difference between length and
width. The definitive surface area of 288 m2 is 2.4 % more than
actually needed. This will represent no problem.
1f the difference between the definitive surface area and the approximate area is
quite large, it is most convenient to decrease the feed inlet density somewhat, to
arrive at more suitable dimensions.
The number of feed inlet boxes is calculated qui-te simply. The calculation is
presented in Table 16.
2 8 8 36.0 36
4 16 16 18.0 18
6 24 24 12.0 12
8 32 32 9.0 9
9 36 36 8.0 8
10 40 40 7.2 not OK2
12 48 4-8 6.0 6
14 56 notOK’ 5.1 notOK’
15 60 not OK1 4.8 not OK’
- 85 -
9.3.5 Effluent gutters
flow, and 2.4 cm at average flow. So, with an extra depth of 5 cm, the V-notches
will be 8 cm deep.
The length of an individual gutter is 1 8 m. The flow per gutter will be 56.3 m3!h
at maximum flow. During peak flow the flow may be 1 .5 timews as high, so the
gutter should be able to contain this flow. The the calculated water depth, 1 cm
may be added for safety purposes. With a tabulated calculation as in Table 1 7, the
optimum effluent gutter dimensions can be calculated. Please note that an effluent
gutter always should be at leest 1 5 cm wide, to facilitate maintenance.
15 20.9 30 75
20 17.2 30 80
25 14.8 25 75
30 131 25 80
35 11.9 25 85
40 10.8 20 80
45 10.0 20 85
For the design of the sludge drying beds, the sludge production has to be
estimated. From the effluent estimates, the amount of sludge to be removed can
be calculated. 1f the sludge drying bed capacity is known (which depends very
strongly on regional conditions), the sludge bed surface area can be calculated.
The sludge production has been calculated as 283 mgll, equalling 1 275 kg/day.
When the effluent TSS is estimated at some 1 00 mg/1, the amount of sludge to
be removed will be 1 275 (250 * 0.1 00 * 24) = 675 kg/day. At the sludge bed
solids concentration of 80 kg TSS/m3, this will equal 8.4 m3 of sludge per day.
With a sludge bed loading of 1 .43 kg TSS.m2.day1, which has been applied in
Cali, Colombia, the drying bed surface area would amount to 473 m2. In India,
sludge drying bed loading can be applied that are around twice as high as the
values found in Columbia.
- 86 -
Sludge bed loadings are strongly dependent on climatological conditions.
Therefore, it is necessary to have en indication of the amount of rainfall, and solar
irradiation. 1f these are not readily available, 0.7 kg TSS.m2.d1 is advised to use
as a design figure.
- 87 -
12.1 lntroduction 108
1 2.2 Flow control structures 1 08
12.2.1 Start-up 108
12.2.2 Normal operation 108
12.2.3 Operational problems 109
12.3 Wastewater pumping 109
12.3.1 Start-up 109
12.3.2 Pump shutdown 109
12.3.3 Pump control 110
1 2.3.4 Pump protection 11 0
1 2.3.5 Grease control 11 0
1 2.4 Operational problems 11 0
12.5 Screens 113
12.5.1 Start-up 113
1 2.5.2 Normal operation 11 3
1 2.5.3 Shut-down and standstill 11 3
1 2.5.4 Operational problems 11 3
12.6 Grit chambers 11 3
12.6.1 Start-up 113
1 2.6.2 Normal operation 11 3
12.6.3 Shut-down and standstill 114
12.6.4 Operational problems 114
12.7 UASBreactor 114
12.7.1 Commissioning 114
12.7.2 Start-up 114
1 2.7.3 Normal operation 11 5
1 2.7.4 Shut-down and standstill 11 6
1 2.7.5 Operational problems in the biological process 11 7
1 2.7.6 Operationel problems with UASB hardware 11 8
1 2.8 Gas collection 11 8
12.8.1 Start-up 118
1 2.8.2 Normal operatian 11 8
1 2.8.3 Shut-down and standstill 11 9
1 2.8.4 Operational problems 11 9
1 2.9 Sludge dewatering 11 9
12.9.1 Start-up 119
12.9.2 Normal operation 120
12.9.3 Operational problems 120
13.1 Introduction 121
13.2 Status reports 121
13.2.1 Daily status report 121
13.2.2 Plant log book 121
13.2.3 Operation and maintenance manual 121
13.3 Hardware performance 122
13.3.1 Maintenance records 122
13.3.2 Work order 122
13.3.3 Stock control 122
13.4 Process performance 123
13.4.1 Daily status report 123
13.4.2 Laboratory sheet 123
13.4.3 Monthly sheets for process evaluation 125
July 1994/7K
A2820.24/R1 6D/WMW/JLH
10.1 Introduction
The objectives of a wastewater treatment plant are to reduce the pollution bad
of wastewater and to dispose the planteffluent and any by-products such as
separated solids, excess sludge and gas. These objectives have to be gained
within the restraints imposed by the administrator of the plant.
Governmental Iegislation puts demands on the quality of the effluent, the handling
and disposal of side-products and further environmental impact of the treatment
works. The administrator in its turn faces budget limitations and will allocate a
budget for investments and operational costs. The administratôr is responsible for
the safety and welI-being of empboyees at the treatment site.
A wastewater treatment facility can be effectively run only within a well-managed,
smoothly operating entity.
The three main activities in plant control are operation, maintenance and data
co lie ction.
- Operation concerns the day to day activities required to maintain the quality of
the treatment process.
- Maintenance concern the activities to keep the plant facilities in good shape. In
this sense, maintenance refer to preventive maintenance.
- The data collection concerns the collection of data on the treatment perform-
ance of the plant.
The management of these three functions is only possible with an adequate flow
of information an all relevant aspects of plant control. Therefore, a proper and
simple reporting system is essential for en effective arganization and a proper
operation of the plant. It is the plant managers responsibility to set up, claim,
process and translate this information into adjustments in operation and main-
tenance schemes, immediate maintenance actions and process modifications. It
is of great impartance that plant personnel is well-trained in collecting and
reporting information and it is the task of the plant manager to organize this
training. It may be dear that a motivating attitude of the plant manager towards
his personnel is essential to obtain a maximum effectiveness of his management
and information transfer.
- 92 -
Figure 23. Diagram of the interrelations between the different activities in a
wastewater treatment plant.
The decisions 0fl operation and maintenance activities are based on data collected
at the plant site. These data will vary between informatiôn on pumping hours to
- 93 -
physico-chemical analyses on inftuent, effluent and sludge. For small plants, an
expensive and extensive data-collection scheme cannot be justified on grounds of
costs per treatment unit. For larger plants more data can be made available for
adequate control of the processes. A schematic arrangement of the interrelations
between the various activities in a wastewater treatment plant are given in
Figure 23.
Figure 24. Activities and relations of the plant management with the adminis-
In Figure 24 the activities and relations of the plant management with the adminis-
tration are illustrated.The basic functions of plant-management are identical for all
wastewater treatment systems but vary in scope depending on the systems’
complexity, its condition, its size and its location. The management functions
inciude the evaluation of plant performance, the planning, organizing, staffing,
training control, budgeting and reporting to the administration. The effectiveness
of plant management relies on the information received from the personnel with
respect to plant-performance and to the executed labour. The basic information-
flow can be directed through standard reports, in the design of which the plant
manager plays an important role. It has been found that operation and mainten-
ance-staff consider reporting a difficult task and easy-to-handle standard forms
can be of use to guarantee an adequate transfer of information.
- 94 -
An often underestimated source of information is the experience of plant
personnel. Through regular staff-meeting, additional information can be obtained
on performance of equipment, friction points in operation and maintenance etc.
An effective and intensive relation between the plant manager and the personnel
is indispensable to collect and utilize the information adequately.
The plant manager translates the information into working-plans for the plant
personnel. His main tool is the planning-scheme of operation and maintenance
activities which he can adapt according to the ~ctual state of the plant. In this
respect a dear distinction has to be made between normal operation and
maintenance activities and trouble-shooting.
a. Normal operation and maintenance activities are planned. The planning is
adapted to the experiences. This implicates that every plant, regardless its
size, must have en operation and maintenance program.
b. Trouble-shooting refers to activities that have to be carried out in addition to
the planned program to react on calamities or plant failure. Whereas normal
operation and maintenance mainly requires technical and management skilis,
for trouble-shooting creativity and basic technical and process knowledge is
10.3 Staffing
The time-spending of a plant manager depends on the size and complexity of the
plant. In small plants the function of plant operator and manager will be
concentrated in one person, or one plant manager supervises more than one treat-
ment plant. In larger plants more separate tasks will be distinguished and the input
of the plant manager will be more specific. As a general indication it is estimated
that the manpo war input for the plant manager will be as in Table 1 8.
The staffing of operators not only depends of the size af the plant, but also on its
technical complexity. Consequently, the technical level of the plant operators
depends on the complexity of the plant as well. A small plant with little
mechanical equipment can be aperated by one operator who takes decision on the
basis of fixed criteria for plant operation. Such a plant will not require 24-hour
attention. The operator will be present at normal working hours during the week
and leave the plant unattended during the night and in weekend.
In larger treatment plants the technical level of the operators has to be higher, so
that they can take decisions autonomously in the absence of the plant manager.
Such plents require 24-hour attention. In large plants operators will have to be
specialized in different aspects of the treatment process, for instance water
treatment, sludge handlifig and gas handling. The personnel requirement for plant
operation is roughly indicated in Table 1 8.
- 95 -
Table 1 8. Manpower input for management, operators and maintenance staff
in UASB treatment plants as related to plant size
1 0.4 Maintenance
A maintenance scheme indicates the need for the execution of specific tasks at
specific times. A maintenance scheme includes the following items:
The relation between these items has been visualized in Figure 25.
- 96 -
Figure 25. Relations in maintenance activities.
- 97 -
Maintenance ins truc t/ons
For each treatment plant en operation and maintenance manual has to be
elaborated. In this manual all information is compiled on the design-principles of
the plant, the technical description of mechanicat equipment, piping diagrams,
maintenance requirements of the plant and detailed descriptions of each operation
and maintenance activity.
The plant operators receive their maintenance instructians from the plant manager,
who is responsible for up~atingof the and maintenance manual. Based on the
experiences of the plant personnel, the procedures or frequency of the mainten-
ance activities have to be modified.
Maintenance records
A suitable way to regulate the information on maintenance activities is the usa of
maintenance records, in which the plant personnel describes their activities in
routine lists. The maintenance records should contain information on the date, the
time-spending and the nature of the maintenance activities as well as the quantity
of supplies (oil, grease, bolts, nuts, paint etc.) and spare parts that were used for
the execution of the job. The records can be used for tracing the cause of
equipment failures and provide information for the updating of maintenance
schedules. Furthermore, the records are the basis for the stock control.
Stock control
The plant should always be provided with a sufficient stock of spare parts and
supplies. The stock level should be established according to the recommendations
of equipment manufacturers and on the basis of experience. Furthermore the stock
level should be accommodated to the time to order and deliver spare parts. The
stock should be controlled, e.g. by means of a stock card system.
One of-the key-activities of a plant manager is to control the plant budget. This is
essential for an effective and efficient operation of a plant.
10.5 Operation
Operation refers to the activities that concern a proper physical, chemical and
biological performance of a treatment plant. Operation is carried out in a pro-
grammed way. An important task of plant operators is to collect data on plant
performance and comparisan of the data with reference data. The operation is
carried out on the basis of the manual. The operation- and maintenance manual
has to be tailor-made.
The plant operators have to communicate with the plant manager and with the
maintenance staff. Their findings form the basis for decisions on maintenance
activities or modifications in plant operation. It is evident, that data collection and
transfer is a vital element in managing plant operation.
The operation staff has to collect data on energy consumption, hours of operation
of equipment, treated wastewater volume, production of side-products, such as
screening material, grit, sludge and gas, and has to take samples to be analyzed
in the laboratory.
The main task of the operatian staff is to check the functioning of each dom-
ponent af the plant and to check the process performance. The operation staff is
- 98 -
responsible for the removal of screening material, grit, sludge etc. The technical
and process knowledge of the operation staff should be sufficient to take
corrective measures. For this it is advised to provide training courses and on-the-
job training for plant operation.
Data collection and data management are the key-elements in en effective and
efficient plant management. Data collection concerns all information obtained on
operation and maintenance activities, manpower input, process performance,
equipment performance, consumption of energy, spare parts and supplies and
production and disposal of side-products. It is essential that the flow of infor-
mation is canalized as much as possible through standard forms, to be filled in on
a routine basis by the plant personnel. The forms that can be used are a plant lag
book, status report, maintenance sheet, operation and performance sheet and
inventory control.
The task of the plant manager is to evaluate the information and to use it for
modifications in operation and maintenance procedures or to anticipate to changes
in external conditions, such as increases in the wastewater supply.
- 99 -
11.1 Introduction
11.2.1 D~ilymaintenance
The regular maintenance of this device consists of cleaning the overfiow weir and
checking for obstructions in the by-pass, which might cause inundation of the
plant during a storm-event. 1f the plant is provided with a buffer basin, the basin
must be cleaned after use in order to avoid odour nuisance through rotting of
accumulated solids.
11.3 Screening
Both course and fine screens have to be cleaned at least once a day. In the start-
up phase of the plant particular attention should be paid to the accumulation of
debris at the screens and the maintenance scheme should be elaborated
accordingly. During rainfall sewage generally contains larger amounts of screening
material and the frequency of cleaning should be increased accordingly.
The removed debris has to be collected in closed containers in order to prevent
odours and files. The screening material consists of poorly stabilized organic
material and should be disposed regularly. The debris separated by mechanically
raked screens has to be removed from the site and collected in a ciosed container
- 101 -
or disposed daily.
11 .4 Grit removal
11 .5 Wastewater pumping
102 -
11 .5.2 Preventive maintenance
L ubrication
Pumps and their associated motors and drives are to be lubricated in accordance
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. This means that specific Iubricants are
to be applied to specific pôints at specific time intervals. The pumping units should
be lubricated during shutdown, not while in operation, unless otherwise specified
by the manufacturer. 1f oil is injected into the housing while the pump shaft is
rotating, the rotary motion of the bali bearings will pick up and retain a considera-
bIe amount of the oil. When the unit comes to rest, the oil will drain down,
resulting in an overflow around the shaft or from the oil cup. When oil is being
changed, the bearings should be cleaned and examined for possible wear.
Packing is to be removed at the recommended intervals of operations time to
prevent scoring of the shaft or shaft sleeve. To renew the packing, the packing
nuts, clamps, and glafids are removed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions (usa of split glands will facilitate removal). Before the packing is
removed, the number of packing rings in front and in back of the lantern ring are
to be noted. After removal of the packing and the water saaI lantern ring, the
packing box and the shaft are cleaned thoroughly. The new packing must be of
Each packing ring is cut to the proper Iength (ends must meet around the shaft,
but not overlap). Each ring is dipped ifi oil or otherwise lubricated, as specified by
the manufacturer, before it is placed in the packing box. Only one ring is to be
inserted at a time. Hand pressure should be sufficient to push the layers of
packifig in-to place. Succeeding rings of packing are placed in the stuffing box so
that the joints are staggered.
The reinstalled glands than may be taken up Iightly by a slight tightening of the
adjustment nut to form the packing in the packing box. The gland followers should
enter the packing box at leest 0.13 in. (3 mm) to prevent blocking of the glands,
but they should flat touch the shaft.
In water seal units, leakage from the packing box is necessary to keep the packing
cool and in good condition. The packing boxes are inspected for leakage of sealing
water while the pump is running. 1f leaking is found to be excessive or insufficient,
the glands are to be tightened or loosened as required. After adjustment of the
packing glands, the shaft should rotate freely when turned by hand.
11 .6 UASB reactor
11.6.1 D~iIymaintenance
- 103 -
The daily maintenance of the hardware of the UASB-reactor consists mainly of
cleaning operations. The influent distribution system consists of a series of flow
divisions over V-notches. These notches can easily obstruct, which cause en une-
qual flow distribution. The influent distribution system, therefore, has to be
cleaned daily.
The effluent gutters are provided with V-notches, which have to be cleaned daily
to avoid growth of algae and to avoid obstruction of the V-notches.
Occasionally the floating layer that is normally present at the water surface of
reactors provided with side baffles can show en excessive growth. When the
floating layer exceeds a thickness of around 5 cm, it should be removed. The
material cannot be re-introduced into the reactor as it will flotate again.
Feed inlet
The feed inlet system is prone to clogging. This can be seen quite easily by
watching the flow n the distribution boxes. 1f the flow in the distribution boxes in
not even over the outlets it is quite likely that one of the feed inlet pipes is
clogged. Clogging will yield an uneven distribution of the wastewater over the
bot-tom of the reactor, and will leed to an inefficient usa of the sludge, because
part of the sludge is bypassed. Therefore, check of the distribution boxes should
be made daily.
Eifluent gutters
The effluent gutters are essential for the removal of the effluent of the reactors.
1f the gutters are nat level, and the water in the V-notches is not at the same level
in all of the notches in one gutter, or in different gutters, then the flow will be
uneven. This will lead to more solids washout then necessary. Similarly, blocking
of the V-notches of the effluent gutters will leed to an uneven flow over the
effluent gutters. The effluent gutters have to be inspected on a regular basis (once
per two days), to remove any material blocking en even outflow over the V-
notches in the gutters. The level of the gutters has to be inspected on a regular
basis also, and if uneven flow is seen, adjustment of the level of the gutters
should be made.
Regular maintenance of the effluent gutter consists of the following activities.
Cleaning is done from the top of the reactor, during which the V-notches are
cleaned with a broom, and sludge from the effluent gutters is removed with a
brush or with a water jet. Also a floating layer on top of the water surface of the
reactors should be removed.
Gas collectors
The gas collectors should be checked for leakage. As leakage is easily seen, this
can be done on a regular basis, while checking the effluent gutters. 1f the gas
collectors are leaking, they should be repaired as soon as possible.
Regular maintenance will include:
1 Open hatch boxes and remove floating layer inside the gas collectors.
2 Check gas collectors for gas leaking and repair when necessary.
Bio/ogical process
Daily maintenance of the biological processes in the UASB reactors follows
logically from the preceding paragraphs. Effluent data should be abserved, and the
solids retention time should be under close control. Data should be obtained on the
fundtioning of the plant,- and checked. 1f the wastewater flow, the biogas
production, and the effluent concentrations are normal, no actions should be
taken. The reader is referred to § 8.6.1. and § 13.1 if this is not the casa.
The reactor has to be emptied completely every 5 years, or more frequently when
obstructions of the feed inlet tubes of-ten occur. In the maintenance period the
accumulated inert material at the bottom of the reactor should be removed. After
a complete cleaning an intensive general inspection should be carried out.
- The correct fixation and the quality of each feed inlet tube should be checked.
1f necessary deteriorated parts should be replaced.
- The quality of the parts of the GLS-separator and the correct position of the
plates should be checked with emphasis on a sufficient overlap and aperture to
the settling compartment. 1f necessary, deteriorated parts should be replaced
or repaired adequately.
- The inside of concrete gas chambers should be checked for cracks. In that case
a protective lining should be applied.
- The walls of concrete tanks should be checked for concrete corrosion. When a
protective coating had been applied, it should be checked for its quality and
when necessary it should be repaired. When carrosion of concrete walls is
observed, the walls should be cleaned and pravided with a coating, for instance
11 .7 Gas collection
- 105 -
The escape of gas at unintended places should be avoided as much as possible
and for this reason a strict execution of the malntenance program is necessary.
It is of extreme importance for the proper functioning of the gas collection system
that the condense trap and the pressure regulating system are kept in perfect
working conditions. The accümulation of condensate in the trap will cause
excessive pressure on the system, so that gas can escape into the atmosphere
through the pressure relief valve. This will result in odour nuisance.
A malfunctioning pressure relief valve may cause structural damage to the UASB-
reactor, as the gas chamber has not been designed for high internal pressures. Gas
chambers may start to float or the plates of the gas chamber may be blown up.
The occurrence of under-pressure in the system during the emptying of-the reactor
may cause the collapse of the gas chambers when the vacuum-relief valve is not
properly operating. Both the pressure relief valve and the vacuum relief valve have
to be checked for correct functioning every 6 months.
Gasmeters are almost free of maintenance, but condensate can accumulate. The
condensate should be removed every 6 months, during which exposure of the
inside of the meter to the air should be avoided. Severe corrosion will not take
place as long as the environment remains anaerobic.
Inside the gas chambers a flaating layer will accumulate. This material has to be
removed every 2 years in order to avoid problems with the gas release and the
consequent build-up of pressure inside the system. This, inevitably, will cause
damage to the gas chambers. During the cleaning operation it has to be reminded
that methane is being formed continuously in the reactor and that in the gas
chambers and around the manholes a serious explosion risk exists. Plant personnel
in charge for the removal of the floating Iayer should be equipped with respiration
equipment and en explosion-risk meter should be used at the site.
Gas leakages can be formed in concrete gas domes due to cracking of the
concrete. In this event a proper tining has to be applied inside the gas chamber.
11 .8 Sludge dewatering
For maintenance on sludge pumps the reader is referred to Chapter , and to the
manufacturer’s instructions on the pumps. When clogging of the filter medium oc-
curs, periodic replacement of the top layer of the sand bed should be included in
the maintenance schema. In case of clogged underdrains, flushing of the drains
ties to be programmed. Mechanical dewatering equipment should be maintained
according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
- 107-
12.1 Introduction
12.2.1 Start-up
The task of the operator is to adjust the flow to the plant according to the required
loading rates and to check this daily. The operator should check the correct
functioning of the by-pass during maximum- and minimum flow-rates and during
peak flow conditions.
The principal operatian parameters in the wastewater supply system are the flow-
rate and the wastewater quality. It is assumed that the operatian and maintenance
of wastewater collection systems is not the competence of the treatment plant
- 108-
measuring device (parshall-flume, overfiow-weirs) that are installed in every
treatment plant. These measurements have to be executed at leest every 6
months and over a period of at leest 24 hours.
The influent and the effluent have to be sampled and analyzed regularly on
relevant plant performance parameters. In plants with more treatment steps, for
instance with post-treatment, it is desirable to sample and analyze the effluent of
each treatment stap.
The sampling and the operation of sampling equipment is the responsibility of the
plant operator. The plant operator is familiar with the method used for sample
collection and the factors influencing in the representativity of the samples. In this
respect a good communication between the operators and the laboratory
personnel is essential.
The frequency of sampling depends on the size of the plant. At small plants it is
sufficient to take one 24-hours composed sample every month. At a large plant
composed samples have to be taken daily and analyzed on relevant parameters.
At shut-down of the plant the operator has to check whether the by-pass is
functioning correctly. Otherwise, sewage accumulates in the sewer system and
may cause flooding in the streets.
12.3.1 Start-up -
Before starting a “new” centrifugal pump, inspection of the bearings for proper
lubrication is made. 1f necessary. the mechanical seals are greased. When
possible, the shaft is turned initially by hand to assure that it will rotate freely. The
alignment of coupling shafts should be assured. Elf the unit is belt driven] sheave
alignment and belt tension are checked to assure conformance to the
manufacturer’s specifications.
Thermal overload elements in the motor starters are to be checked and reset if
necessary. The motor is started momentarily to check that it turns the pump in the
direction indicated by the directional arrow on the pump.
In pumping systems incorporating auto matic discharge valve opening and closing,
the proper operation of limit switches, vacuum system, seal water system, and
wearing ring flushing water system should be checked during the pump shutdown
- 109 -
12.3.3 Pump control
The control equipment of the pumps consists of water level sensors. The water
level sensors are used to respond to a changing water level or pressure in the
pump suction to turn pumps on or off as required by the control program. The
program is adjustable so that the on-off sequence may be modified based on
wastewater pumping units require protection from abrasive materials and objects
that may cause damage internally or obstruct the flow of the suction lines. For this
reason, sdreening and grit removal facilities usually are used ahead of the pumps
when they are used for raw wastewater.
1f send accumulates in the wet well, it should be removed to prevent it from
entering the pumps. 1f sand is allowed to enter the pumps, maintenance problems
will follow. Pumped sand may also enter the stuffing box packing, damaging the
packing and pump shaft sleeve, unless effective water seals are provided. On
submerged pumps, the lower sleeve bearings may waar out within a few weeks.
Because mast damage to pumping units is caused by abrasive and stringy material
in the wastewater
1f grease is allowed to accumulate on the walls of the wet well, lange chunks of
grease eventually break base and disrupt aperatians by clogging the pump suction
line or the pump itself. Suspended grease concentration may also prevent the
pump liquid level controls from operating properly within the float guide cham bar
or dage. Grease accumulations on the walls may be controlled by frequent
cleaning of the wet well with a high-pressure water hose or by scraping. 1f
necessary, removal of grease from the water surface may be accomplished by
dewatering the wet well, then scraping the grease from the floor. Dewatering
should be done slowly, however, to prevent the grease from entering and clogging
the pump.
There are a number of miscellaneous items that were considered at the time the
pumps ware selected and specified that are to be continuously reconsidered as the
pump is operated. Among them are:
1 Vibration. A measurable limit on vibration may have been spedified. This should
ba checked periodically.
2 No/se. Pumps ordinarily are specified to operate quietly without excassive noise.
Soma consideration should be given to developing a workable means of
identifying excessive noise during operation.
3 Bearings. The type, design, and lubrication of all bearings should be known and
receive the required attention.
4 Wear/ng ring. Ganerally, wearing ring clearance should be sufficient to permit
operation without rubbing and to avoid a rapid drop in afficiency after a short
period of operation.
5 Sea/s and pack/ngs. Operation personnel should be familiar with and suggest
modifications required in accessibility and in the materials used for packings and
6 Assembl/ng and dismantling. All facats of the design and arrangement of
pumping units should be understood so that required dismantling and
reassembly for inspection and maintenance operations may be performed with
a minimum of inconveniance.
7 Rep/acementparts. A reasonably adequate supply of raplacement pars should
have been furnished with the pumping equipment. These are also to be
maintained in good condition and available when needed.
In Table 1 9 a numbar of problems are presented, with their possible causes and
appropriate remedies.
-111 -
Table 1 9. Pumping problems, causes and remedies.
Pump inoperat- Defective control circuit. Using meter, check startrng, stopping, and switchirig
ive, no motor circuits and replace as netessary.
current drawn
1f bubbler type controls are used and the switching circuit is normal, check air
compressor; if defective, swftch to standby urilt.
Pump inoperat- Broken coupling. Turn motor to 0FF and replace coupling.
ive. Motor runs
at rio-bad cur-
-- - - — -
Pump operat- Pump air-bourid. Prime according to instructions. In pumps with submerged
ive, but at suctions, check air-bloed pipe from high ~oint of pump volute to wet well to
reducod dis- make euro the bloed pipe is not clag~ed =
Partially clogged impeller. Turn motor control to OFF-LOCK-OUT, and solate
pump by cbosing suctiori and discharge line valves. remove lnspection hand hole,
and dear obstruction.
- -
Air leaks in suction line or packing box. Tighten seals or replace packing as
Discharge check calve stuck partially operi. Turn motor control to OFF-LOCK-
OUT, isolate discharge line, and clean, repair, or replace check valve.
Excessive Pump is short-cycling (discharge valve stock open, draining force mom back into
power con- Wet well). Turn motor control to OFF-LOCK-OUT, isolate discharge line, and
sumption clean or replace check valve.
Partially clogged pump. Turn motor contrôl to OFF-LOCK-OUT, and lsolate pump
by closing suctlon line valve, remove suction line, and dear obetruction.
Pump running at higher than proper speed. 1f belt dnven, check pulleys and
change 1f necessary. 1f the motor is new, check proper speed.
Worn impeller. Turn motor control to OFF-LOCK-OUT, isolate pump by iniet and
discharge lines, and disassemble as required to replace impeiler.
Pump drawing air from wet well through 5uction line. Set 10w level cut-off point
of pump highor by readjusting float switch.
Cavitation occurring at eye of pump impelber becaiise suction lift is too high.
Reset low-lovel pump cutoff by readjusting fUoat switch.
Extension shafting for vertical pumps with ground-level-mourited motors is out of
alignment. Check shafting and repair as required.
12.5 Screens
12.5.1 start-up - - -
At the actual start-up of the plant the production-rate of screening material has to
be determined. Based on the production the maintenartca-schedule of manual
raking as well as the frequency and speed of mechanical raking has to be
established. During start-up the plant operator has to check the accumulation of
screening material several times a day and adjust the raking frequency.
During normal operation the operator has to check the accumulation of debris and
be aware of visual and audible signs, indicating malfunctioning of the rakes and
damages of the screens. When mechanical rakes are not in operation upon
checking, they should be started manually in order to check their performance.
The operator has to estimate the daily production of debris.
At shut-down of the plant all accumulated debris in the screens section have to
be removed in order to avoid odours and fly-breeding. The debris should be
disposed of immediately.
During prolonged periods of standstill the submerged parts have to be protected
against corrosion by painting or greasing. Moving parts have to be greased and to
be moved weekly to avoid sticking.
12.5.4 0per~tipnaIproblems
Problems may occur with unusual operating canditions (sudden loads of debris
that dlog or physically jam the screening equipment), equipment breakdown and
control failure.
Sudden large boads of debris may jam the raking equipment. It the automatic rake
is not operative the mechanism probably is jammed. Then operation should be
switched over to the manually operated screen. 1f the motor is running, but the
rake is inoperative, some mechanical part is braken. Turn off the motor, and check
the equipment.
12.6.1 Start-up
At start-up the equal flow-division over the area of the grit chambers has to be
adjusted. In channel-type chambers this is not necessary. The cleaning cycle of
manually operated grit chambers has to be determined by regular checking. The
procedures have to be described in the operation and maintenance manual.
The operation of mechanically operated grit chambers has to be adjusted to the
actual production of grit.
1 2.6.2 Normal operation
At shut-down of the plant the grit chambers have to be emptied and the removed
grit should be disposed of. Afterwards the grit chambers are cleaned. Mechanical
equipment has to be cleaned, lubricated, greased and painted where necessary.
Moving parts, especially chains, have to be greased and moved regularly to avoid
There are no real operational problems to be expected from grit chambers. When
the grit chamber is not cleaned frequentby anough, the grit chamber may fili up,
thereby albowing too much passage of grit. This will result in damage to down-
stream pumps, tanks and raactors.
12.7.1 Commissipninci
Before start-up the reactor has to be checked on its correct hydraulic functioning.
This concerns the equal distribution of the influent in the flow-distribution boxes
and the correct levelling of the effluent gutters. Not only each effluent gutter has
to be levelled, also all guttars have to be at the same level. The necessary
adjustments have to be carried out before the reactor is put into operation.
The gas collection system has to be checked far gas tightness. Hereto the system
can be brought under pressure during filling-up. All critical joints have to be
checked an gas tightness with a soap solution.
The sludge discharge system should be tested with water on its correct
12.7.2 Start-up
accumulation of solids in the reactor does not proceed very well, it is advised to
bypass peak flows during the start-up procedure.
1f the domestic wastewater dontains a high proportion of industrial effluant,
wastewater BOD and COD concentrations may be very high. 1f the COD
concentration is higher than 1000 mgll, the loadirigshould be stepped from initial
vary low loading rates, in order to prevent low pH in the UASB reactor.
At start-up the development of the sludga bed, the quality of the sludge and the
gas production have to be monitored. The development of the sludge bed indicates
the quantity of sludge in the reactor. The quality of the sludge can be assessed
with parameters such as settling velocity, methanogenic activity and stability. The
start-up of the reactor should take no longer than 3 months. Start-up is completed
is sludge stability is low, and the affluent parameters VFA, BOD, COD and TSS are
low. Sludge parameters as sludge stability and methanogenic activity will be
indicative for process performance, but the results are very hard to intarpret. In
general sludge stability should be as low as 20 - 40 ml CH4/g VSS, and the
When start-up activity
slowly,be itin isthe range to
advised of stop
0.1 the
- 0.3feeding
g COD/gof VSS.d
the plant for
a period of 2 4 weeks. In this period of time the sludge is able to digest the
accumulated organic material. The methanogenic population can grow now and
the settling properties of the sludga generally improve. During standstill the gas
production has to be recorded daily or twice daily. It should show an ever
decreasing rate of biogas production (as in Figure 34).
Normal operation of a UASB requires little effort. Process control should be based
on the quality of influent, effluant, and sludge. Samples are taken and analyzed
in the laboratory. These results and their interpretation define the operation of the
reactor. The operation of the biological process should be controlled by the biogas
production and the effluent measurements. Adequate measurements for the
biological functioning of the plant are the soluble COD of the effluent, and
incidental soluble BOD measurements for control purposes.
The operation of the UASB-reactor can be adjusted through modifications in the
hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the sludge quantity.
Flow rates
The operator has to record the total daily flow to the plant and check whether its
values are in accordance to the design parameters. He also has to check the
correct hydraulic functioning of the plant, especially of influent distribution and
effluent recollection. In case of malfunctioning he has to inform the plant manager
and/or the maintenance personnel.
The greatest concern of the plant operator is to achieve the best effluent quality.
Visual inspection can already give basic information. A transparent, dear effluent
without sludge particles indicates a proper functioning of the plant. A turbid
effluent indicates a paar removal of colloidal, dissolved matter. This can be caused
by too high flow-rates or by a paar quality of the sludge. A large fraction of solids
in the effluent can result from too high sewage flows (sludge wash-out) or from
a high sludge level in the reactor. Visual abservations always have to be
complemented with laboratory-analyses of influent and effluent. All data have to
be interpreted, compared with average data and plotted to identify changes in
course of time.
Floating layers on the settling compartment have to be dhecked weekly and have
to be removed when they bacome too thick. A fast growing fIoating bayer is a sign
of overloading of the reactor. In reactors without effluent baffles the presence of
sludge and course particles in the effluent indicates the same problem.
Sludge management
The main ‘wol of a plant operator to control the performance of a UASB-reactor is
the management of the sludge in the reactor. When the sludge level in the reactor
is too high, sludge is washed out, resulting in paar treatment efficiencies. On the
other hand, when the sludge level in the reactor is vary low, removal efficiencies
will be low as well. A proper management of the sludge in the reactor, therefore,
is very important. The sludge amount in the reactor is managed through the
regular discharge of sludge. The amount of sludge and the haight of the sludge
bed should be more or less constant and therefore a regular determination of the
height and shape of the sludge bad is required. A sludge profile is determined by
sampling the sludge at different heights through the sampling poifits at the top of
the reactor.
The sludge discharge is carried out through the valves in the sludge pit. The sludge
is pumped to the sludge drying beds. Sludge discharge is carried out as a routine
activity by the process engineers. The operator has to check the sludge level at
least every week. These checks have to be carried out at a fixed hour, preferably
in the afternoon, when expansion of the sludge bed is at the maximum. When the
top of the sludge blanket is close to the entrance to the settling compartment,
sludge has to be discharged. These discharges should ba frequent and in small
portions, to maintain the quantity of sludge in the reactor as constant as possible.
The quantity of sludge discharges hasto be determined empirically, but in practice
standard routines can be developed.
A sludge prafile should be made every manth. The sludge profile has to be
determined at a fixed time of the day, preferably in the afternoon. The sludge
profiles make it possible to calculate the amaunt of sludge in the reactor and give
en indication of the sludge quality. When the sludge bed and the sludge blanket
cannot be clearly distinguished, the sludge is of a paar quality: the settling
properties are poor and probably the stability is low as well.
The operator has to take sludge samples for assessing the settling velocity, the
methanogenic activity and the stabibity.
Sludge is routinely is discharged every day in large reactors, but less often in
smaller ones. The volume of sludge to be discharged should be known before
discharge is made. 1f there are a lower and a higher outlet for the sludge, the
sludge doncentration from the higher valve should be checked. 1f the sludge
cancentration is toa low, ofily the lower valve should be used for sludge removal.
Biogas production
The total gas production of the plant has to be recorded daily. The gas production
has to be compared with the values expected from the COD-load of the reactor.
Drops in the specific gas productian (m3 biogas per kg COD removed) point at a
possible intaxication of the sludge.
12.7.4 $hut-dpwn and standstill
At shut-down of the plant the sludge will settle to the bottom of the reactor. The
biological activity of the sludge decreases only slowly during standstili. Care
should be taken that the sludge is not exposed to aerobic conditions. This might
occur, for instance, when the reactor is flushed with clean water for prolonged
periods of time.
When the reactor is partially or completely emptied, it is essential to make an open
connection betwean the gas collectors and the open air, e.g. by opening
manholes, in order to avoid implosion of the gas coblectors. At refilling the reactor,
the manholes should be placed and sealed only than when the reactor is
completely filled up. When it is necessary to enter the reactor, while sludge is
present it has to be realized that methane is being formed continuously. A proper
ventilation of the reactor is absolutely necessary. The workers should weer
respiration equipment to be protected against suffocation. Furthermore,
precautions have to be taken to prevent expbosions in the system: mixtures of
biogas and air can be explosive.
So/uble COD
1f the soluble COD in the eff/uent is normal, the breakdown of soluble organic
material is good and that part of the reactor is functioning well. It the soluble COD
in the effluent is too high, the specific gasproduction should be calculated. 1f this
value is too bow, preferably the methanogenic activity should be tested. This is a
Iaborious test, of which the results are not very accurate. A low specific gas
production or methanogenic activity may indicate too high concentrations of toxic
compounds in the wastewater.
1f the specific gas production is normal, the influent COD should be checked. 1f its
concentratian is high, this may be the reason for the effluent COD being too high.
The HRTshould be checked too. 1f it is too low, then overloading may cause high
soluble COD in the effluent. With a riormal influent COD and HRT, and still too
high effluant concentrations, possibly the amount of sludge in the reactor is not
sufficient. With a high solids loading, the SRT may decrease wen the sludge
stab/ilty is Iess then normal. This parameter, howaver, takes much time to
me asure.
1f the TSS in the eifluent is rather high, sludge washout may be the result. l that
case the sludge removal regime ties to be changed. Otherwise the SRT may drop
below the minimum value of 1 2.5 days. 1f TSS in the effluent behaves norm al,
than the inf/uent TSS should be checked. High TSS in the effluent may be caused
by hydraulic overloading, or by solids overloading. The result is the same: a
decrease in SRT, eventually below the minimum level. 1f the ash content of the
sludge is either very high or very low, this may have negative affects on the
sludge. An exceedingly high ash content will maan thera is less space in the
reactor for the bacteria, and a low ash content is often associated with poor
settling charactaristics.
Gas product/on
The gas production can be calculated as the daily gas production, and as the
specific gas production (related to the amount of sludge in the reactor). 1f both
parameters behave normal, there should be no problem. 1f both are low, this is
caused by either problems with degradation of organic material or problems with
gas collection. 1f no cause can be detected a check should be made for gas leak-
age. 1f the daily gas production is low whereas the specific gas production is
normal, there is organic underloading. 1f It iS the other way around, the reactor is
S/udge production
The s/udge production also is a very important control paramater for the biobogicab
process. 1f it is lower than expectad, the proportion of soluble components in the
wastewater might be higher than anticipated. 1f it is too high, the SRT may
become too low. A high sludge praduction can be caused by accumulation of
organic material with possibly low biodegradability in the sludge, or by solids
overloading (either by concentration of hydraulically).
In § 5.1 a step-by-step sequence is given for the solution of biological process
maltuncti oning.
The main opperational problem to be expected in plugging of the feed inlet pipes.
Unplugging of feed inlet pipes is done by introducing the special orifice of the pres-
sure water hose in the obstructed inlet pipe. The orifice should close the pipe
hermetically, SO that pressure can be buil-t up. The pipe is flushed with water until
it is fully open. 1f inlet pipe cannot be unplugged in this manner a flexible rad
should be inserted to remove the obstruction.
In chapter 5, en extensive survey is given on operational problems with UASB
hardware, and how to solve them.
1 2.8 Gas collection
12.8.1 Start-up
At process start-up the gas production is low and not constant. Furthermore, the
combustion value is only low and it will be difficult to use the gas for a
combustion process. It can even occur that the gas consists of an explosive
mixture of biogas and air.ln the start-up phase it is necessary to control the gas
pressure and to adjust the switch values of the pressure- and vacuum release
During normal operation the gas production has to be recorded daily and checked
with expectable values. Unexpected values have to be related to changes in
process conditions. When the deviation of gas production cannot be explained
from this, physical defects of the gas collection system have to be traced.
The normal operation of gas flares has to be checked daily. When the flares are
not in operation, the functioning of the flare has to be tested through a manual
start at leest every week.
The operation of gas motors has to be carried Out according to the manufacturers
Occasionally samples on the gas composition have to be taken.
12.9.1 Start-up - -
The first activity at start-up of drying beds is to determine -the sludge drying-time.
The average sludge drying-time depends on weather conditions and process con-
ditions, such as -the sludge characteristics and the height of -the sludge layer.
One of the mast important decisions -to be taken concerns the depth of the sludge-
Iayer. Sludge applied at shallow depths dewaters rapidly, but requires more
frequent sludge discharges than greater depths, which on their turn increases sand
loss. The mast favourable dep-th ties to be determined empirically for each in-
dividual plant. During start-up -the operator has to apply increasing depths of
sludge and monitor regularly the maisture content and the consistency. The opti-
mum sludge depth is reached when -the yearly sludge beding capacity is at the
maximum. The sludge boading is calculatad by:
sludge loading = dry matter applied / drying time
dry mat-ter applied = height x area x solids fraction
It ties be taken in-to consideration that the sludge drying time may vary throughout
the year due to climatological conditions.
Before each sludge application to a drying bed the operator has to check the
correct preparation of the sand bed. The sand bed has to be levellad and raked and
should not contain weeds in order to guarantea a proper dewatering of the sludge.
After application the sludge piping has to be washed with water to avoid clogging
with dried sludge and to avoid pressure build-up in the piping system.
The plant operator has to monitor the drying process by determining the sludge
consistency. Sludge discharge can be considered when the sludge is Iiftable. When
the sludge bed is larger than smctly necessary the sludge can be left un-til the
drying bed area is required again. When -the capacity of the sludge beds is small,
the sludge should be lef-t to dry until it is considered liftable. The operator has to
record dates and valumes of sludge applications. At removal, the volume of the
sludge and its water content has -to be assessed and recorded. Lost send should
be replaced when 50 % of the original depth ties been lost.
After reaching the target consistendy the dried sludge can be removed and -the
beds have to be prepared for receiving fresh sludge. The sludge pipes have to be
flushed thoroughly and the sludge pumps preparad as described in chapter 1 0.3.3.
The valves in the sludge lines should be opaned and greased.
Odours escaping when sludge is applied to sludge drying beds may indicate
inadequate digestion of sludga. The reactor loading rates should be checked, and
if possible adjusted. In extreme cases the feeding of -the UASB reactors can be
stopped un-til sludge ties stabilized.
Excessive dewatering t/mes may be caused by application of too high Iayers of
sludge in the sludge beds, by application of sludge to drying beds which have flat
been cleaned sufficiently, by clogging of the drainage pipes and by rainy weather.
1f malfunctioning of the sludge beds is suspected, the decrease of -the water depth
in the sludge bed af-ter applicalion of a new sludge bayer to a cleaned sludge bed
should be noted. This drawdown should typically be over 3 cm/day. 1f the
drawdown is Iess, it is advised to use a sludge depth of twice the drawdown over
the first 3 days of application of the sludga drying bed. Addition of polymer to the
sludge before drying can be considered.
C/ogged sludge feedpipes may be attributed to accumulation of grit and solids in
the pipes. By opening the valves fully at -the start of sludge application -the pipes
may be cleaned; if necessary the pipes can be flushed with water.
Very thin sludge drawn from the digester may be attribuied to “cone farming”
occurring in the UASB reactars, with water belfig pulled out and sludge left
behind. Sludge should then be removed from a lower height in the reactor.
Breeding of files in -the sludge beds, can be combatted by breaking of -the sludge
crust and use of a larvicide such as borax, or calcium borate -to kilI -the Iarvae.
Adult flies can be killed with a suitable insecticide.
- 121 -
13.1 Introduction
Regular records and reports of wastewater treatment plant operations can be used
for many purposes. The collected data serve the plant manager to judga on the
performance of the plant and to justify decisions concerning operation and main-
tenance activities, budget allocations and proposals for plant expansion. The plant
operator should use the data as a guide for regulating, adjusting and modifying the
plant facilities and treatment processes. For the plant operator the collacted data
will serve as a check of his visual observations and will provide a continuous
record of performance. The records also serve for external consultants and
regulatory agencies to judge the plant performance, -to justify modifications and
to trace the cause of failures.
The records that should be maintained a1 a sewage treatment plant can be
separated into -the following classifications:
- Status reports,
- Hardware performance,
- Process performance.
These records cantain the basic readings and calculations on the overall plant
status, the lag book and -the operation and maintenance manuals.
13.2.1 Daily status report -
The daily status report shauld contain information about the weather conditions,
the sewage fbow, the working hours of electro-mechanical equipment, the power
consumption and amperages of the plant and estimates of -the productiofi of
screening matarial, grit and amount of disposed dried sludge. An example of a
daily status report is given in Figure 28.
The operator can read part of the information from -the control panels of the plant.
The other information will be callected during his rounds over the plant.
The plant lag book should be used as a plant diary, -that describes and interrelates
all movements to and from the plant. It should describe the receipts of supplies
and spare parts, the disposal of waste products and its quantities, -the en-trance
and departure of external maintenance personnel and information or reports
received on discharges of hazardous components to the sewer system.
1 Description of the plant. This part cantains -the design criteria and parameters,
the service area, the capacities of each of the treatment units, capies af
manufacturers specitications of each piece of equipment with ils operation and
maintenance instructions.
2 Copies of the legal approval of plant operation and the effluent quality
3 Operation manual for the entire treatment plant.
4 Maintenanca manual for the entire treatment plant.
5 Sampling procedures and handllng of samples.
6 Safety regulations at the plant site.
The operation and maintenance manual should be updated regularly by the plant
manager on the basis of new experiences. The operation and maintenance manual
should be accessible for each membar of the staff and should be well indexed.
The mainienance records describe when and which type of maintenance has to
be carried out. The maintenance records are based on the preventive maintenance
13.3.2 Workprder
The maintenance staff receives its orders on a work order form. The work order
describes the activity and leaves room to fill in data such as time spenl on the
activity, materials used (spare parts, lubricanis etc.), observations on the job and
problems. The information provided by the maintenance staff is lransferred to the
maintenance records.
Slock control is necessary -to maintain the stocks of supplies and spare parts at
the desired level and to monitor the use of materials at the plant site. Furthermore,
it providas a means -to determine poinls of care in the maintenance scheme and
trends in the consumption of supplies. Depending on the size of the plant the
stock control system can be manual or computerized.
A card system is very useful for this purpose. It should be noted -that -the eftective
usa of the stock control system depends on a strict and consequent registration
of all incoming and outgoing parts.
Process performance is evaluated at two sites, viz. directly at the plant-site by the
operator and in the laboratory through the analyses of influent, effluent, sludge
and gas. The information will be recorded on two forms: the daily status report
and the Iaboratory sheet.
The daily status report is filled in on a daily basis by he operation staff. This
report has been mentioned in Chapter 11 .2 and is used by the operator to fill in
all the information collected at the plant site. The most important data with
respect to plant performance are the sewage flow, the debris, grit and sludge
production, the gas production and the visual impression of the effluent quality,
and state of the various process staps. It is important that the operator gets
accustomad to register every observation on his activities, including deviating
conditions in the functioning of -the plant. The status report also should include
registration of samples that were sent to the laboratory, to be able to check after-
wards whether all data have been collected and alaborated. (See Example form
Figure 28).
A daily status report has to be filled in once a day, for small plants and during
each shift at large treatment plants.
The laboratory sheet(s) are used to transcribe all laboratory data in such a form
-that -the data can be used for further processing. The sheets should leave room for
relevant calculations, such as afficiencies, loads atc. It is practical -to pile up the
laboratory sheets in a compuier, where -the relevant calculations can be carried out
The frequency of the aflalyses dapends on the size of the plan-t and on the
demands of controlling authorities. Effluent quality standards and regulation vary
from one country to the other. The standards and ragulations concern either the
effluent qualfty in terms of maximum-concentrations or -the removal efficiencies.
Important paramelars in many standards are COD, BOD, Solids and nitrogen (N-kj
or Nitrate).
For process control the same parameters are important, together with general
parameters as temperature, pH and alkalinity. The analytical schemes for
treatment plants have been summarized in Table 20. A division ties been made
between small plants (< 1 0,000 p.e.), middle-size plants (10,000 50,000 p.e.)
- 124 -
. . . S
2 no barrows
1 2 no barrows TIME READING -
2 2 2 2
S 1-lIFT 1
Table 20. Frequency of measurements for different plant sizes.
small middle large
< 10,000 P.E. 10,000- > 50,000 PE.
50,000 P.E.
pH daily daily daily
Temperature daily daily da~Jy
COD total weekly daily daily
COD filtered monthly weekly daily
BOD total monthly monthly weekly
BOD filtered incidentally incidentally ncidentally
TSS weekly weekly daily
VSS monthly weekly daily
NkJ-N bi-monthly monthly weekly
Ammonium bi-monthly bi-monthly weekly
Total phosphorus bi-monthly monthly weekly
Alkalinity bi-montlily monthly weekly
The monthly evaluation rapart consists of a data sheet containing all essential
information on the plan-t performance af the past month and a report, in which the
principle findings are described and wherein an interpretation of -the performance
is given. The evalualion sheet is filled in by -the process engineers. In this sheet
the information from the daily status record and the laboratory record is compiled.
t-t camprises of calculaiions of treatment efficiencies, beding rates and other
relevant parameters for the evaluation of the plant performance. The plant report
is filled in for each reactor separately.
The monthly evaluation report is finalized by the process manager. The plant
report is based on the bog book, status record, and laboratory record.
The evaluation sheet is accompanied by graphs that depict the COD of influent
and effluent, the BOD of influent and effluent, the gas production, and the removal
afficiencies of COD, BOD and TSS.
. S S .
3fd mg/I mg/1 mg/i meq/I mg/T mgR mgR mgR meq/1 mg/I
Figure 29. Monthiy sheets of iaboratory data. A: Above: influent and effluent data. B: Beiow: biogas data.
- 1 27 -
Influent effluent removal influent ef-fluent removal lnîtuent effluent removal effic. content removal SRT
3Jd mgR mgR % mgR mg/l % mgR mgR % % kg kg days
1.1 .1 Methanogenic toc low Sludge quality decreased due Check his-
activity to toxtc öom~oundsin influent, tory of all
or organic overloading, or parameters
accumulation of material with
low biodegradability
OK Gotol.2
normal Go to 1 .4
1.4 Siudge arnount too low Not enough sludge is kept in Cause
in reactor (kg the reactor detected
normal Go to 2
normal Go to 2
- 1 29 -
- -
OK Go to 2.2
OK Go to 2.3
2.3 Solids rerention high Sludge is not retained properly Go to 2.3.1
normal Go to 3
normal Go to 2.3
normal Go to
2.3.1 .2 Ash content toc Iow Ash retention is to~low, c~us- Cause
ing poor settling charactertstrcs detected
normal Go to 3
- 1 30 -
effluent conccntratioris
must be high
- 131 -
4 Sludge produc-~
- normal End of
too low Go to 4i
normal Go to 4.4
- 1 32 -
14.2 Troubleshooting of equipment functioning
This part of the troubleshooting guide concerns mostly technical problems. The
table is self-explanatory.
Peak flow ratwt~ Overflow structure Check correct level Adjust overfiow structure
higher than de- not correctiy adju- and functioning of
signed peak flow sted overflow structijre
Excessive screen Unusual amount of screen size and Use a coarser screen, ar
clogging - debris in wastewa- velocity of waste- identify source of waste
ter water through
screen -- causing the problem so that
its discharge into the system
can be stopped
Rake inoperative,
no visible pro-
Detective remote
control circuit cuits --
Check switching cir- Replace circuit
lntermittent flow lmproper level Check sensor and Adjust switch levels
or surging switch adjustment switch adjustments
- 1 33 -
Pump is running,
but reduced di-
Pump air-biourid Air bleed pipe -- Remove obstruction
Air drawrrthrough
suction line due to-
improper low-level
Check pump swltch
levels - Adjust pump switch levels
cut-off point
Clogged pump or Grease accumulati- Check grease Frequent cleaning of wet well
pump suction line ons accumulation an or removal of grease by
walis of wet well dewatering the well, and
scraplng the bottom
Rising power
consumption per
- Clogged pump Total daily pumped
volume and maxi-
Rernove~obstruction in pump
improper liquid
Coating on Tiquid
high probes
Probe - Clean probe
- 134 -
Excessive waar Sand accumulati- lns~rectfar erodifig Remove sand from wet well
damage to
- ons in wet well action, corrosiöti,
and sDlids build up
Water hammer High suction head Check pressures Be sure suction and dischar-
and high discharge
pressure -
ge air chambers are filled
with air
Pump inefficiericy Air leakage Pour water aroûnd Check seating and seals on
at high suction through pump seal and visibly in- valves, valve covers, valve
seals or valve spect sealing check. sterns anti piston 00 plunger
stem seals You may also-haar pump (repair or replace da-
the leek maged and worn parts)
Excesslve leaka- Excessive wear on Packing rapidiy Replace shaft or
ge shaft or cylinder destroyed plunger, replace
around seals on mechanical seals
shafts and plun-
Rotten egg odour Hydrogen sulphide Sample for total and Wash chamber and dose witti
in formation dissolved sulphides hypochlorite
grit chamber
Submerged debris Inspect chamber for Wash chamber daily
GRIT CHAMBERS (continued)
Removed grit is
grey in cobour,
smelis and feels
Grit removal sy-
stem velocity too
IJse dye releas~sto
check veiocrty - Increase veiocity in grit
g ree sy
Low recavery
rate of
Bottom scour Veiocity
Maintain velacity neer 1
g rit
Not enaugh reren-
tion time
Retenflani penod - lncrease retention
Overfbowing grit
chamber blern -
Pump surge pro- Pumps Adiust pump controis
Septic waste Siudge on bottom Grit chamber bot- Wash chamber daily
with of chamber tam
grease and gas
bubbles rising in
grit chamber
Effluent gutters lmproper levelling Levelling Adjust levelling of gutter
have more fbow of the effluent
on one side than gutter
the other
Flow of different lmproper levelling Levelting Fix every gutter to the same
effluent gutters is of the effluent level
not equal gutter
UASB REACTORS (continued)
During start-up at
short HRT the - -
Solids loading rate
is tno high to
Stop feedling of the reactor
and allow digestion of the
sludge does not
improve the - -
albow growth of solids until gas
production is bowered consi-
population - derabiy tilt t is more or less
The sewag~cOil- Che-ck Re-start at HRT = 24 hours
tains a large fracti-
on of poorly degra-
dable organic
the solids - --
brodegradability of and bower step-wise until
maximum laading is obtai-
ned. Mast probably the
solids designed HRT cannot be
ree ched
Effluent turbid Reactor overboa- Flow-rate to reactor 1f sludge quantity and me-
ding due to high thanogenic activity of sludge
rate -
hydraulic beding- ere normal and organic tea-
ding rare is normal, then
reduce fbow-rate —
Reactor overboa- Check organic boa- When sludge quantity and
ding due to high ding-rate of reactor methanogenic ectivity are
rate -
organic boading normal, then reduce organic
loading rate by increesing
Reactor overboa- Check quantity and Increase sludge
ding due to 10w methanogenic ~ctiv- quantity in the
biodegradation ity of the sludge reactor. Albow for
capacity of the improvement of
reactor methanogenic activity, for
instance by
stopping teeding of the reac-
Fast growing High arganic boe- Organic loading-rate Adapt organic beding rate or
fboating bayer on ding rates of the and sludge loading improve sludge guality
top of the reactor reactor rate
Odours when Inadequate digesti- Check reactor laad- Adjust reactor boading rates
siudge is applied on of sludge ing rates to design
to sludge drying values In extreme
beds cases stop feeding of reactor
until sludge ties stabilized
- 1 37 -
Excessive dewa-
tering time in the
Applied sludge
depth is too high
-- Typically, 8 incTies
of applred sbudge is
When bed has dried, rernove
sludge and clean. Appiy a
sludge drying
beds - satisfactory smaller depth of sludge end
measure the drawdown over
a 3 day period. In next appbi-
canon, apply twice the 3-day
drawdown --
Odours from
Improperby dige-
- Solids retention
time, VEA, pH
1. Correct digester aperation.
2. Apply Eime to lagoon sur-
storage bagoons sludge face. 3. Fbood lagoon with
heavily chborinated water.
- 1 38 -
Sludge feed
piped are cbogged
Accumulation of
grit and solids in
-- FIush pipes after each use
Very thin sludge
being drawn from
digester ~-
Pumping of sludge
at a tno high level
in the reactor
Check sludge prufile
in the reactor - Pump from bower level
Gas meter faibure Inflexible lsolate valve anti 1f no leaks are found (using
(bellows type) diaphragm open cover soep solution) diaphragm
may be lubricated and
softened using neats-foot oil
Ruptured Visual inspection 1. Replace diaphragm 2. Me-
diaphragm tal guides may need to be
repbaced if corroded
Gas is leaking
through pressure
-- Valve not seating
properby or is
Check the manorne-
ter to see if digester
Remove PRV cover and mavo
weight holder until it sests
relief vabve (PRV) stuck open gas pressure is nar- praperly. install new ring if
on roof mal needed. Rotate a few times
for good seating
Manometer Obstruction of 1f all use paints are Purge with air, drain non-
shows digester water in maln gas operating and nor- densate traps, check for 10w
gas pressure is line mal, then check for spots.
above normel a waste gas line re-
striction or a
plugged or stuck
safety device
Too tast with- Check vacuum Stap supematant
drawal causing a breaker to be sure t discharge and cbose off all
vacuum inside t is aperating pro- gas outlets from digester
digester perly until pressure returns to
Pressure reguba- Infiexibbe Isolate valve and 1f no beaks ~re found (uslng
ting valve not diaphragm open cover soap solution) diaphragm
opening as pres- may be lubricated and softe-
sure lrtcreases ned using neats-foot oil
Ruptured Visual inspection Ruptured diaphragm would
diaphragm require replacement
- 1 39 -
GAS COLLECTION (continued)
- 140-
1f sample volume V = 1 00 ml
Alka/inity a = 100 * [B -(1 + 0.9921 c) 1
a = bicarbonate alkatinity in meqll
VFA c = B* 101 -(Z + 100)
c = Concentration VFA in meq/l
1f sample volume V is Iess than 1 00 ml
Alka/inity a’ = a * 100/V
VFA c~=c*100/V
1 5.2 Biogas production
1f the biogas production is not read at the exact time the last reading was carried
out, calculation of the daily biogas production is carried out as follows:
1f there are more than one day between two consecutive measurements, the
number 1440 has to be multiplied by the number of days between the measure-
The loading rate reflects the quantity of COD that enters the reactor during a day
and per m3 reactor volume. To calculate the loading rate the following date are
- The daily flow rate (Chapter
- The Total COD concentration of the influent
(mg/1 * 1 000 = kg/m3) (See Chapter 4.4.4)
- 141 -
Loading rate = daily flow rate * total COD infi. (kg COD/m3.d)
volume reactor * 1 000
3/kg CODTe,,,)
Gas prod. efficiency = BioQas produçtipn
CODr~m/ day (m
The amount of sludge in a compartment is calculated from the sludge profiles. The
profiles provided data on the TS- and VS-concentrations of the sludge at different
heights in the reactor. The sludge amount is calculated as the sum of the sludge
amounts in sections around the height of the individual sludge samples. The
course of the sludge concentration over the height of the reactor is shown in
Figure 30.
- 142-
The sludge amount in a section is calculated by multiplying the sludge concentra-
tion in the sample by the volume of the section:
concentration x height of section x reactor surface = amount (kg TSfm~).
The total amount of sludge in the reactor is determined by summation of the
amounts in each section (See Figure 31) multiplied by the total surface of the
- 143-
1 5.6 Calculation of the amount of sludge discharged
The dry matter content of the discharged sludge can be calculated when the TS
concentration of the sludge is known.
TS concentration is expressed in gil or kglm3. A sludge sarnple is taken during
every discharge.The sludge amount can then be calculated by multiplying the
sludge discharge volume and the concentration:
Sludge amount = discharge volume x TS concentr. (kg TS)
The solids retention time (SRT) of the sludge in the reactor can be calculated from
the data from the sludge profile and those from the amount of sludge discharged,
and the effluent data. The SRTis calculated as:
The determination of the amount of TSS in the reactor, and the sludge discharged
has been described in the preceding paragraphs.
Set-up of equipment
The complete set-up (see Figure 32) for a batch system for the sludge activity test
consists of the following equipment:
- 1 serum bottie of 250 ml as reactor vessel with the sludge/model waste water
m ixture;
- 1 serum bottie of 250 ml, installed upside down and working as a liquid
displacement system with a 1 .5% NaOh or salt solution;
- a small connectlon tube between these two botties with 2 syringe needies;
- a graduated cylinder for collecting the solution, displaced by the biogas, via a
discharge needle and a funnel.
- 144 -
cyl inder
The serum bottie serving as the reactor should preferably undergo some mixing.
1f possible it can be rocked gently in a laboratory stirrer. When applying
intermittent mixing a pulseipause frequency of six seconds stirring every 3
minutes is the absolute minimum. The activity test should preferably be carried out
at a constant digestion temperature. So it is advised to heat the reactor vessel one
way or the other. Heating systems usually applied are placing the complete set-up
in a temperature regulated incubator.
Prepara tion
Before using the equipment first four stock solutions should be prepared:
- stock solution 1, a macro-nutrient solution: NH4CI 170 gil; KH2PO4 37 g/l;
CaCl2.2H2 8 g/l; MgSO4.4H20 9 g/l; -
stock solution 2, a trace element solution: FeCl3.4H20 2000 mg/l; CoCl2.6H20
2000 mg/l; MnCI2.4H20 500 mg/l; CuCl2.2H20 30 mg/l; ZnCl2 50 mg/l; H~BO3
50 mg/l; (NH4)6Mo7O2.4H20 90 mg/l; Na2SeOa.5H~O100 rng/l; NiCI2.6H20 50
mg/I; EDTA 1000 mg/l; HCI 36% 1 mI/I; Resazurin 500 mg/l;
- stock solution 3, a VFA solution: acetic acid, neutralized to pH = 7, 1 00 g COD/l
(1 g acetic acid = 1 .07 g COD);
- stock solution 4: sulfide solution: Na2S.9H20 100 g/l (This solution has to be
prepared (storage in a refrigator in a 40 ml serum bottie for maximum one
- 145-
Add to the reactor serum bottie anaerobic sludge at an amount of approximately
0,5 g VSS of sludge and add to this:
-1 ,5 ml stock solution 1
— 0,2 ml stock solution 2
- 6 ml stock solution 3
- 2 drops stock solution 4.
Then fill the serum bottle to about 1 50 ml with oxygen free tap water, water that
is flushed with nitrogen gas for at least 1 5 minutes. Subsecuently flush the serum
bottle with nitrogen gas, close the bottle gastight and put It in or
thermostatic bath on stirrer. Finalize the complete test set-up as indicated in Figure
- 146-
TIME (h)
Generally, there is some methane production at the start of the experiment (1) as
a result of the heating of the reactor vessel content. There may be a lag-phase (2)
during which there is virtually no gas production: this Iag-phase may last up to
three days. The maximum methane or biogas production rate is calculated from
the steepest part of the curve (3). When the substrate is nearly consumed the
methane production rate will decrease (4). In a second experiment with the same
sludge (after addition of new acetate) the methane production rate may be more
than 30% higher.
1f the increase in the maximum methane production rate is more than 30%, the
increase may be assumed not to be the result of growth, but of adaptation of the
bacteria. In that case, take the second value for the calculation of the maximum
methanogenic activity. Methanogenic sludge activity is expressed in ml methane
gas production or mg mettiane-COD produced per time and per g VSS sludge.
At the end of the experiment, the actual VSS content should be measured
- 147-
1 5.9 Sludge stability
The sludge stability test provides information on how weli-digested the sludge
solids are, and whether the sludge solids are suited for disposal. The sludge
stability test is performed with a sludge sample without soluble BOD.
1. Take a sludge sample, preferably from the sludge bed. The sludge should
have a high density.
2. Take ahomogenous sample of the sludge for VSS and TSS analysis. The VSS
and TSS of the sludge should be known.
4. The amount of CH4 produced should be followed for a long time, at least one
TIME (days)
- 148-
E kinematic viscosity
E~0 efficiency of conversion of COD into methane (-1
F fraction of the total ammonium-N concentratiori which is in the form of free ammonia
NH3 (-1
FM fraction of methanogenic sludge (-1
fraction of methane in the biogas (-1
F~ fraction of the total S concentration which is in the form of free H25 (-1
g gravity acceleration (9.8 1 mis
h height of the V-notch (ml
H reactor height (ml
water height in gutter (ml
water height in gutter (ml
the height of the effluent gutter (ml
height of the gas collector (ml
HRTMJN minimum hydraulic retention time to satisfy demands on SRT (hI
HRTSZ hydraulic residence time in the settling zone (hI
the depth of the V-notch (ml
HW gas hood width (ml
- 149-
ts. - t i~’t)
- -- -rJki
t- “‘Ii
— ~
- r-~--~:~F~-’---~4 ~ ~ -
— :~~‘_
M amount of methane sludge (g VSS/l, or kg VS$/m31
N~ number of feed inlet boxes (-1
number of feed inlets per distribution box (-1
number of width units (-1
N~ number of V-notches per m 1-1
number of width units
temperature 1°C) - -
amount of solids allowed to be accumulating (g TSS.I of eactor’.d’)
average sludge bed concentration 1kg TSSim3)
total width of gas collector plus aperture (ml
average sludge canterit in the reactor (kg TSSim3 of- r@aator)