ITD-GEN-000-CIV-CHK-0001 - 0 - Earthwork ITPs

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Legends & Scope Logo


"H" - HOLD POINT - Work shall not be proceeded further without the inspection for this stage. Contractor
shall notify the COMPANY / PMC and raise RFI.

"W" - WITNESS POINT - Work shall be witnessed for the inspection stage. Contractor shall notify the
COMPANY / PMC and raise RFI.

"S" - SURVEILLANCE - Surveillance can be carried out for on-going activity but formal notification and RFI is
not required.

"R" - REVIEW - Document shall submitted for review and approval through transmittal. Work shall not be
proceeded unless contractor has received Code-A / Code-B from PMC / COMPANY.

"RFI" - REQUEST FOR INSPECTION - Contractor shall submit the FRI along-with their inspection

Contractor shall "briefly" specify their Scope of Work:
Document No : ITD-GEN-000-CIV-CHK-0001;Rev-0
Reference Document Verifying Document Checklist
No. Activity Contractor PMC
Acceptance Criteria (Inspection Report & Checklist) Reference

Contactor's Form & RFI

1.1 Excavation Excavation, Backfill & Compaction Checklist-1-1 H W Checklist-1-1
Construction Drawing (Checklist for Earthwork - Exvavation)

OMC, MDD (Proctor), and CBR for Excavation, Backfill & Compaction
1.2 RFI & Lab Test Reports Checklist-1-1
backfilling material OMC & MDD Lab Reports
Construction Drawing

Backfilling Materials clasification Excavation, Backfill & Compaction

1.3 RFI & Lab Test Reports Checklist-1-1
and properties Soil Analysis Lab Reports
Construction Drawing

Contactor's Form & RFI

1.4 Backfill Excavation, Backfill & Compaction Checklist-1-2 H W Checklist-1-2
Construction Drawing (Checklist for Earthwork - Exvavation)

1.5 Compaction Test Excavation, Backfill & Compaction RFI & Lab Test Reports H W Checklist-1-2
Construction Drawing
Note :
1. Contractor shall attach "Inspection Reports" of ITP along-with RFI.
2. PMC / Contractor to complete the "Inspection Checklist" attached with RFI.
3. PMC is to ensure that all inspection record is complete and has been placed in MC / PA / Dossiers.
Inspection Checklist
Document # :Checklist-1-1
Report # PRID #: Project Name: Contractor :
Inspection Time Start: Finish: Inspection Date:
Dwg # / Line # : Area/Location:

Inspector's Checklist
Inspector's Observation
Sr # Description of Activity
(Record the Data)

Yes No
Availability of DWG:
AFC drawing & Spec available at site

2 Survey setting-out done and excavated area marked (Survey report Yes No

Existing Underground Facilities:

Referring to site general survey and record documents is there any Yes No

existing UG facilities?
3 Yes  No
If yes, One / All of the following action has been taken: UG facilities Explain:
were detected, exposed by manual excavation, protected, and/or ……………………………………………….

Water Logging: Yes No

Area prevented from surface water.

Barrication & Safety Signs:

5 Yes No
Barriers and safety signs provided around Excavation area

Decision of Dumping Area:

6 Yes No
Dumping Area for excavated materials decided and accepted.

Quarantine Un-Suitable Soil:

7 Suitable and Un-suitable soil separated and stocked at the  Yes  No  NA
designated areas.
Dewatering system installed and ground water discharged to
8  Yes  No  NA
approved area .

Depth & Profile: Yes No

9 Excavation done according to the depths and profiles shown in the

Over Excavation:
Over excavation treated as per specification.
10  Yes  No  NA
1. Fill with approved material in layers and do compaction OR
2. Fill blinding for structures.

 Yes  No  NA
Protection during Deep Excavation:
Protection for deep excavation provided include one / all of the
11 Specify What Action Taken:
Slope, Side Bracing, Sheet Pile. …………………………………………………………

Sufficient Excavation:
Excavations for structures shall be extended for a sufficient distance
12  Yes  No  NA
required for placing and removing of shuttering, scaffolding and for

HSE Precautions:
13 Ensure that after excavation, area shall be cleaned and all HSE  Yes  No  NA
precautions are taken place.

Note : Checklist is not all inclusive and must not relieve Contractor of its obligation to Contract requirements
(Specifications, Codes and Standards, Equipment Manufacturer's recommendations). Where relevant or applicable, other
activities can be added to the checklist.

Contractor PMC

Inspection Checklist
Document # : Checklist-1-2
Report # PRID #: Project Name: Contractor :
RFI # :
Inspection Time Start: Finish: Inspection Date:
Dwg # / Line # : Area/Location :

Inspector's Checklist
Inspector's Observation
Sr # Description of Activity (Write N/A if Not Applicable)
(Record the Data)

Availability of AFC DWG:

1 Yes No
AFC drawing & Spec available at site

Removal of Muddy Soil:

2 Muddy / Slushy soil need to be removed. De-Watering may need if  Yes  No  NA
water table is high.

Yes No
Elevation & Evenness:
3 Survey works for alignment, evenness, and elevations of the previous Specify average layer
and new layers done and checked. (Survey report attached).
THK:……………………………… mm.

Compaction of Previous Layer:

4 Previous layer compaction test done and passed? Yes No
Report attached ?

Qualified & Accepted Soil:

5 General fill imported from tested and accepted borrow pits (Procter  Yes  No  NA
test done) and free from vegetation, organic materials & rubbish.

Engineering Fill:
6 Engineering fill stocked in batches, a representative sample taken,  Yes  No  NA
tested, and accepted (Procter test done)

The compacted fill mixed with a clean water free from oil, grease,
7 Yes No
organic, and suspended fine.

Moisture Contents:
8 Yes No
The fill moister well controlled within the optimum MC.
Inspector's Observation
Sr # Description of Activity (Write N/A if Not Applicable)
(Record the Data)

Equipment for
Availability of Compaction:
Yes No
9 A suitable
AFC compactors
drawing types - at
& Spec available vibratory
site if required to be used with a
sufficient number of passes

Yes No
10 A Field Density Test carried out as per specification.
Specify FDT : ……………………...

Note : Checklist is not all inclusive and must not relieve Contractor of its obligation to Contract requirements
(Specifications, Codes and Standards, Equipment Manufacturer's recommendations). Where relevant or
applicable, other activities can be added to the checklist.

Contractor PMC



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