Communication and Visibility Manual

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PROGRAMME 2014-2020

for grant beneficiaries
2 HUSKROUA CBC | Communication and Visibility Manual

Table of contents
1. Introduction 3
2. Planning communication and visibility 4
2.1 Planning criteria and branding 4
2.1.1 Communication and visibility criteria 4
2.1.2 Branding 5
2.2 Target audiences 5
2.3 Communication and visibility plan 6
3. Implementing communication and visibility 6
3.1 Online communication and visibility 6
3.1.1 Websites 7
3.1.2 Social media 7
3.1.3 Electronic newsletters, online articles and blogs 7
3.2 Information campaigns, events, visits, stakeholder meetings 7
3.3 Press and media 8
3.3.1 Press releases 8
3.3.2 Press conferences 8
3.3.3 Press visits 8
3.4 Audio-visual material, photography and other productions 8
3.4.1 Video 9
3.4.2 Audio 9
3.4.3 Photography 9
3.5 Communication and visibility in print 10
3.5.1 Newsletters, leaflets, brochures and other printed materials 10
3.5.2 Displays 10 Display panels 10 Banners 10 Commemorative plaques 11
3.5.3 Vehicles, supplies and equipment 11
3.5.4 Stationery, business cards, letterheads, etc. 11
3.6 Intellectual property rights 11
3.6.1 Grant beneficiary's ownership of the communication results 11
3.6.2 MA's right to use communication results and pre-existing rights 11
3.6.3 Identification and evidence of granting of pre-existing rights 12
3.6.4 Image rights and sound recordings 12
3.6.6 Copyright notice 12
4. Reporting 12
5. Legal and contractual issues 12
5.1 Legal obligation to communicate 12
5.1.1 Legal basis 13
5.2 Programme and EU visual identity rules 13
5.2.1 EU emblem 13
5.2.2 Programme logo 14
5.3 Explaining the EU and the Programme 23
5.4 Disclaimers 23
Annexes 24
In-office communication templates 24
Printed communication templates 27

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This manual is a complimentary and obligatory document for grant beneficiaries of the Hun-
gary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020. It is based on the European
Commission’s guidance and describes the legal obligations of the grant beneficiaries (lead
and co-beneficiaries) and mandatory elements for communication and visibility measures
that must accompany all grant projects financed by the European Union within the Pro-

This manual is drawn up to support the grant beneficiaries in fulfilling the requirements re-
garding communication and visibility. Under the contractual provisions, the beneficiaries are
obliged to take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union has financed
the projects. However, the project communications go far beyond this and can become an
effective and indispensable project management tool.

The communication and visibility of the projects are an integral part of the project imple-
mentation. The success of most projects not only depends on the professional and finan-
cial efficiency of the grant beneficiaries, but can be also greatly influenced by how well the
results and impact of the projects are communicated to specific or general audiences. The
implementation of well-designed communication and visibility measures can provide signif-
icant benefits for the grant beneficiaries developing and implementing projects funded by
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the European Union.

The manual has been prepared in accordance with:

• Joint Operational Programme, the implementation document for the programming pe-
riod 2014-2020, approved by the European Commission on 17 December, 2015
• Commission Implementing Regulation 897/2014 laying down specific provisions for the
implementation of ENI cross-border cooperation programmes
• Communication and Visibility Requirements in EU-financed External Actions of the Eu-
ropean Commission


2.1 Planning criteria and branding
2.1.1 Communication and visibility criteria
Communication and visibility measures accompanying grant projects:

a. must be designed as part of a structured communication plan developed by the grant

applicants during application process and regularly revised by grant beneficiaries during
project implementation, containing the following elements:
• a clear communication objective;
• well-defined target audiences;
• key messages aligned with the Programme’s overall objectives and communication
• a timeline;
• a budget;
• context-appropriate communication channels;
• indicators for monitoring and evaluating the success and reach of communication
and visibility activities;
• human resources (in-house or outsourced) necessary to implement the plan;
b. must use accurate and factual information;
c. must be properly planned and sequenced, but also capitalise on any appropriate oppor-
tunities that may arise;
d. must be people-centred, adopting where appropriate a story-telling approach that em-
phasises the impact of the action on individual lives, rather than administrative mile-
stones or budgets;
e. must allow for the local context, customs and practices, but without compromising the
EU’s fundamental values and principles;
f. must use the local Programme languages wherever possible;
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g. must be appropriate to the channels used (e.g. social media) and the audience targeted
(e.g. young people) in terms of style and register;
h. must be proportionate to the scale of the action concerned in terms of cost-benefit;
i. must be leveraged where appropriate through partnerships with individuals and organ-
isations with a potential multiplier effect;
j. must be closely coordinated with the Managing Authority/Joint Technical Secretariat
and its Branch Offices, other local projects funded within the Programme and other
The tool used to define, analyse and articulate these factors for contractual purposes is the
communication and visibility plan (section 2.3).

2.1.2 Branding
The Programme logo and EU emblem (section 5.2) are both the default visual brand used
to acknowledge and advertise the EU financial support for grant projects within the Pro-

The Programme logo symbolises the connection, co-operation of the participating countries.
Although the logotype is playful due to its basic colours, it is also a strong form which can be
unmistakeably associated to the Programme and the cooperating countries.
The Programme slogan is “Partnership without borders” and shall be used separately from
other brand elements.

The EU emblem must be accompanied with the words ‘Co-funded by the European Union’
(spelling out the words ‘European Union’ in full) immediately below to acknowledge the EU
financial contribution.

If it is considered relevant to the intended audience and effective in terms of increased reach
and engagement, grant beneficiaries may add their own or create dedicated logos or other
visual marks to identify specific projects and beneficiaries. Where such logos and the titles
of the actions concerned are used in conjunction with the Programme logo and EU emblem,
those must remain distinct and separate and cannot be mingled with, or modified by, any
other visual mark, brand or text. Beneficiaries adding their own or creating dedicated proj-
ect logos or other visual identity marks for use in conjunction with the Programme logo and
EU emblem are responsible for ensuring that all the requisite measures have been taken in
respect of any related intellectual property rights.

2.2 Target audiences

Accurately identifying the correct target audience is key to successful communication.
The main target audiences of communication and visibility measures accompanying Pro-
gramme-financed projects are the target groups/final beneficiaries of the projects to whom
the outputs and results of projects will be most apparent and most immediately relevant.
As resources permit, projects’ communication and visibility measures may also target opin-
ion-formers, decision-makers and the general public of the project-specific area (location of
the project activities), although not generally as the primary audience.

Within these general parameters, communication and visibility plans must clearly identify
specific target audiences for the proposed communication and visibility measures and prod-
ucts. The selection of specific target audiences must reflect the communication objective
identified in the communication and visibility plan. Such target audiences may include:
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• the direct and indirect final beneficiaries of the project concerned;

• leaders and other influential figures, institutions and organisations that act as multipli-
ers of the information provided;
• those beyond government and the media who have a stake in the EU-financed action,
or who are affected by it.

2.3 Communication and visibility plan

Communication occurs throughout the project cycle, and communication and visibility ac-
tions and products must be carefully sequenced to achieve maximum impact. All grant appli-
cants must produce a communication and visibility plan for their projects during application
process, which can be revised during contracting phase and implemented during projects
implementation. All communication and visibility activities and products included in the
plan must comply with the criteria for appropriate communication outlined in section 2.1.1.

The level of detail in the plan must be proportionate to the nature, scope and cost of the
communication and visibility activities and products envisaged.

The communication and visibility plan include a budget. Effective communication about the
Programme’s support is an essential component of project implementation, and all grant
contracts include a specific budgetary provision for communication and visibility activities
that must be commensurate with the scale, context and nature of the project proposed.

The compulsory communication and visibility plan template comprise the following ele-

Objectives 1. Communication objective(s)

2. Target groups
3. Key messages by target group (in relation to the project objectives)
Activities 4. Communication tools and channels identified
5. Main communication activities envisaged and indicative schedule
Evaluation 6. Indicators by objective/target group
7. Means of verification/feedback
Resources 8. Human resources: communication manager (in-house or outsourced)
9. Financial resources: budget available for communication activities


Different stages of the project cycle may require different communication and visibility out-
puts. The following sections contain instructions for the use of a range of communication
and visibility channels, tools, activities and products. However, in a field that continues to
evolve dynamically, it is impossible to cover all eventualities, and communication and visi-
bility measures should as a general rule be designed in line with best practice and common
sense, and in consultation with the Joint Technical Secretariat.

3.1 Online communication and visibility

Information about Programme-financed projects is disseminated through the official web-
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site and social media accounts of the Programme. The grant beneficiaries are required to
provide content and visuals for publication on the website and social media accounts of the

Grant beneficiaries must include information about the projects they are implementing on
their organisations’ websites and social media accounts, which must prominently feature
the EU emblem accompanied by text acknowledging the support of the Union (section 2.1.2),
and include links to the Programme website and social media accounts.

3.1.1 Websites
The grant beneficiaries must regularly publicise the information about main stages of proj-
ect cycle on their organisations’ websites. Only when relevant (e.g. projects creating separate
products), in addition to featuring information about projects on their organisations’ web-
sites, grant beneficiaries can establish dedicated websites for their project, and such web-
sites must comply with the criteria for appropriate communication and visibility set out in
section 2.1. They must prominently feature the Programme logo and EU emblem accompa-
nied by text acknowledging the EU support (section 2.1.2), links to the Programme website,
and a disclaimer (section 5.4). Grant beneficiaries must ensure that the information provided
by such websites is up to date, and that all featured links function correctly.

3.1.2 Social media

The grant beneficiaries must regularly publicise the information about main stages of proj-
ect cycle on their organisations’ social media accounts. When relevant (e.g. projects creating
separate products), in addition to featuring information about projects on their organisa-
tions’ social media accounts, grant beneficiaries can establish dedicated social media ac-
counts for their projects, and such accounts must comply with the criteria for appropriate
communication and visibility set out in section 2.1 and with best practice for the social me-
dia channel in question. They must recognisably belong, and be directly traceable, to the
projects supported, and must prominently feature the Programme logo and EU emblem
accompanied by text acknowledging the support of the European Union (section 2.1.2), links
to the relevant Programme social media accounts and websites, and a disclaimer (section
5.4). Grant beneficiaries must ensure that the information provided by such accounts is up
to date, and that all featured links function correctly.

3.1.3 Electronic newsletters, online articles and blogs

The grant beneficiaries producing and disseminating electronic newsletters, online articles
and blog posts to inform stakeholder audiences about Programme-financed projects must
comply with the criteria for appropriate communication and visibility set out in section 2.1
and with best practice for the communication channel concerned. A disclaimer (section 5.4)
must clearly indicate that the newsletter, online article or blog post concerned does not nec-
essarily reflect the view of the European Union.

3.2 Information campaigns, events, visits,

stakeholder meetings
Information campaigns, events, high-profile visits and stakeholder meetings are subject to
the criteria for appropriate communication and visibility set out in section 2.1. For the use of
mottos, slogans and logos, see section 2.1.2. The Joint Technical Secretariat and its Branch
Offices in participating regions shall be closely involved in the preparation and implementa-
tion of such events, including contacts with the media.
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Information campaigns carried out by grant beneficiaries which highlight the achievements
of projects financed within the Programme, must be approved by, and coordinated with, the
Joint Technical Secretariat and its Branch Offices in participating regions.

Events, visits

Public events (such as conferences, workshops, seminars, debates, training courses, fairs
and exhibitions) which are financed by a given project’s budget to publicise the objectives or
achievements of the project must be approved by, and coordinated with, the Joint Technical
Secretariat and its Branch Offices in participating regions, whether the event is organised
directly by the beneficiary or not.

The Programme logo and EU emblem (section 5.2.1) must be prominently displayed on ma-
terials, online, and at venues, to ensure that people attending such events are aware of the
EU’s financial support.

When organising high-profile visits by senior officials, political leaders and other public fig-
ures to the sites of Programme-financed projects, grant beneficiaries must work with the
Joint Technical Secretariat and its Branch Offices to organise appropriate coverage through
press releases, media events, online coverage and photo opportunities.

3.3 Press and media

3.3.1 Press releases
Press releases may be issued, for example at the launch of the project to highlight its objec-
tives, beneficiaries and budget, and the EU’s contribution, and, at the end of the project, to
publicise the project’s outcomes and achievements.

Grant beneficiaries wishing to issue press releases or make public statements related to an
EU-financed project they are implementing must coordinate the text with the Joint Technical
Secretariat and its Branch Offices.

3.3.2 Press conferences

Press conferences held in the context of the communication and visibility plan (section 2.3.2)
of a Programme-financed projects must always be organised in cooperation with the Joint
Technical Secretariat and its Branch Offices. At the press conference itself, the EU flag must
be displayed if other flags or emblems are being displayed.

3.3.3 Press visits

Media visits to the sites of Programme-financed projects must be well timed and properly
prepared. In principle groups of visiting journalists must be accompanied by representatives
of the Joint Technical Secretariat or its local Branch Offices.

3.4 Audio-visual material, photography and

other productions
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Audio-visual and photographic material must comply with the criteria for appropriate com-
munication and visibility set out in section 2.1, and with generally recognised standards and
best practice in the field concerned. The Managing Authority/Joint Technical Secretariat is
entitled to use or reproduce all audio-visual and photographic material produced using EU
funding as outlined in section 3.6 on intellectual property rights.

Further requirements for specific communication and visibility products are set out below.

3.4.1 Video
Videos produced by Programme-financed projects must be approved by the Joint Technical
Secretariat or its Branch Offices before they are screened, broadcast or distributed. They
must feature the Programme logo and EU emblem at the beginning and/or end of the pro-
duction, accompanied by the following text:

‘This [film/video/…] was produced with the financial support of the European Union.’

Disclaimers must be included as indicated in section 5.4.

Grant beneficiaries must ensure that all such video productions are made available to the
Joint Technical Secretariat or its Branch Offices in the contractually specified format, togeth-
er with all information relating to their broadcasting, distribution and reach, and by the rele-
vant descriptive metadata in English, including: title, summary, filming and production dates,
production company, director and language version(s), plus script and subtitling files if avail-

3.4.2 Audio
Radio and other audio productions produced by projects must be approved by the Joint
Technical Secretariat or its Branch Offices before they are broadcast or distributed. They
must include the following phrase:

‘This [programme/…] was produced with the financial support of the European Union.’

Disclaimers must be included as indicated in section 5.4.

Grant beneficiaries must ensure that copies of such audio productions are made available to
the Joint Technical Secretariat or its Branch Offices in the contractually specified formats, to-
gether with all information relating to their broadcasting, distribution and reach, and by the
relevant descriptive metadata in English, including: title, summary, recording and production
dates, production company, director, and language version(s).

3.4.3 Photography
The progress, results and impact of Programme-financed projects and related events must,
where relevant and possible, be documented by photographs for subsequent use in com-
munication actions and products.

A copy of all photographs produced in the context of Programme-financed projects must be

made available to the Joint Technical Secretariat in the contractually specified format. The
grant beneficiaries are requested to regularly provide to the Joint Technical Secretariat pho-
tographs in high resolution to publicise the information about main stages of project cycle
on Programme website and social media accounts.

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Photographs must be accompanied by metadata file in English detailing (for each image) the
photographer’s name, date of production, place of production and a short description of the
image including names and functions of any identifiable individuals.

3.5 Communication and visibility in print

Printed communication and visibility materials produced using EU funding must prominent-
ly feature the Programme logo and EU emblem (section 5.2.1).

3.5.1 Newsletters, leaflets, brochures and other printed ma-

While the media and information distribution practices of the target audience need to be
taken into account, newsletters, leaflets, brochures and other printed materials (including
newspaper articles, journals and op-eds) must by default be disseminated in electronic form
through websites, social media, email, etc., on the basis of the communication and visibility
plan of the project concerned (see also 3.1.3). Any paper versions must be produced with
best environmental practice in mind.

Newsletters, leaflets, brochures and other printed materials must comply with the criteria
for appropriate communication and visibility set out in section 2.1, and with generally rec-
ognised standards and best practice in the field concerned.

Where newsletters, leaflets, brochures and other printed materials produced by a grant ben-
eficiaries feature a definition of the European Union (see section 5.3), the cover or front page
must clearly identify the publication as being part of a Programme-financed project. The
lower banner of the front or back page must carry a disclaimer (section 5.4).

Electronic and, if available, paper copies of publications produced in the context of an Pro-
gramme-financed project must be cleared by the Joint Technical Secretariat or its Branch
Offices before publication.

3.5.2 Displays Display panels
Display panels must identify the key deliverables and project management structures of the
Programme-financed projects to which they refer. They must be clearly visible so that pass-
ers-by are able to read them and understand the nature of the project and the role of the EU
as donor. Display panels must be erected beside access routes to the site where the project
is taking place and must remain in place from the start of the project until six months after
its completion.

Grant beneficiaries must also produce display panels when promoting Programme-financed
projects at exhibitions or events, and at the entrances to training centres, office receptions,
etc. Banners
For plastic or textile banners produced as a backdrop for special events such as inaugura-
tions and conferences, the Programme logo and EU emblem (section 5.2.1) must appear on
the banner where it will be most prominently visible.

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Communication and Visibility Manual | HUSKROUA CBC 11 Commemorative plaques

EU contributions to the construction of permanent structures such as houses, clinics, fac-
tories, institutions, training centres, roads and cycle lanes must be acknowledged by per-
manent commemorative plaques. These must be placed, for example during the opening
ceremony, in the most visible part of the structure, such as the main entrance, or in front of
the building.

The plaque must be inscribed with the following sentence: ‘This [type of structure] was built
with the financial support of the European Union’.

The Programme logo and EU emblem (section 5.2.1) must appear on the plaque where it will
be most prominently visible.

3.5.3 Vehicles, supplies and equipment

All vehicles used in Programme-financed projects must be clearly identified, and visibly bear
the Programme logo and EU emblem and the phrase ‘Provided with the financial support of
the European Union’ in English and in the local language. Other emblems, such as the logos
of the grant beneficiaries, may appear on vehicles.

Any supplies or equipment delivered under a Programme-financed project must be clear-

ly identified and must prominently feature the Programme logo and EU emblem and the
phrase ‘Provided with the financial support of the European Union’ in English and in the local

3.5.4 Stationery, business cards, letterheads, etc.

Where the title of a project is mentioned on stationery (for example in letterheads, corre-
spondence subject lines, fax cover sheets, business cards and email signatures) used by the
grant beneficiary, it must be accompanied by the phrase ‘This project is co-funded by the
European Union’ or words to that effect. Under no circumstances may the EU emblem be
used on partners’ business cards, stationery, or correspondence (either by post or email).

3.6 Intellectual property rights

3.6.1 Grant beneficiary’s ownership of the communication
Grant beneficiaries retain full ownership of, and industrial and intellectual property rights to,
all communication and visibility materials and products (“results”) developed in support of
Programme-financed projects.

3.6.2 MA’s right to use communication results and pre-ex-

isting rights
Grant beneficiaries give the Managing Authority/Joint Technical Secretariat a royalty-free,
non-exclusive and irrevocable licence to use all communication and visibility materials and
products (“results”) developed in support of Programme-financed projects.

Grant beneficiaries must ensure that the pre-existing rights included in the results of the
project are free of claims from creators or any other third parties, and that the Managing Au-
thority/Joint Technical Secretariat has the right to use these pre-existing rights. Pre-existing
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rights may be used for the same purposes and under the same conditions as apply to the
rights of use of the communication and visibility results of the project.

3.6.3 Identification and evidence of granting of pre-existing

Grant beneficiaries must establish a list of all pre-existing rights to the communication and
visibility results of the project, identifying the owners of those rights. Grant beneficiaries
must provide the Managing Authority/Joint Technical Secretariat with this list at the latest
when they submit their balance payment requests. At the written request, grant beneficia-
ries must provide evidence that they own, or have the right to use, all the pre-existing rights

3.6.4 Image rights and sound recordings

If images of natural persons, their voices or any other private personal attributes feature in
a recognisable manner in the communication and visibility results of a Programme-financed
project, grant beneficiaries must obtain statements from the persons concerned (or, in the
case of minors, from the persons exercising parental authority) giving their consent for the
specified use of their image, voice or other private personal attribute and, on request, submit
copies of those statements to the Joint Technical Secretariat. Grant beneficiaries must take
the requisite steps to obtain such consent in accordance with the legal provisions applicable.

3.6.6 Copyright notice

Information about copyright ownership must be included in the communication and visibil-
ity results of Programme-financed projects, worded as follows: ‘© — year — name of copy-
right owner. All rights reserved. Licensed to the European Union under conditions’.

Grant beneficiaries must ensure that their contractual reporting contains a detailed account
of the implementation of the project’s communication and visibility plan, evaluating the out-
comes and reach of the communication measures carried out in support of the project and
illustrating their evaluation as appropriate using press cuttings, photographs, samples, au-
dio and video files, transcripts etc.

Grant beneficiaries must also ensure, in accordance with section 3.6, that copyright is re-
spected in all materials used for illustration purposes in their reporting.


5.1 Legal obligation to communicate
All grant beneficiaries must take all steps necessary to clearly publicise the fact that the
European Union has financed or co-financed the project concerned. In particular, the EU’s
financial contribution must feature in all information given to the final beneficiaries of the
project, in internal and annual reports, and in any dealings with the media. The Programme
logo and EU emblem must be displayed wherever appropriate.

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5.1.1 Legal basis

The importance of communication is recognised by the regulatory framework for the pro-
gramming period 2014-2020 (Art. 79 of the ENI CBC Implementing Rules). The grant ben-
eficiaries implementing cross-border cooperation projects funded by the EU within the
Programme are responsible to communicate appropriate information to the public and
to ensure adequate visibility of the European Union’s contribution to projects in order to
strengthen public awareness of the European Union’s action and create a consistent image
of the European Union’s support in all participating countries. Communicating projects is a
shared responsibility involving both Programme bodies and grant beneficiaries.

The main documents to be followed by grant beneficiaries while communicating on the proj-
• Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 897/2014 – Article 79 Visibility
• Grant Contract – Article 19 Visibility
• Commission’s Communication and Visibility Requirements in EU-financed External Ac-
• Grant Contract – Annex I Description of the Project, including the Communication Plan
• Communication and Visibility Manual for Grant Beneficiaries of the Hungary-Slova-
kia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020

5.1.2 Best practice

The grant beneficiaries may also use as best practice the INTERACT’s Communication Toolkit
and Project Communication Handbook 2as well as the TESIM’s Communication and Capital-
isation Pack for Project Beneficiaries3.

5.2 Programme and EU visual identity rules

5.2.1 EU emblem

The common element branding all EU-financed projects is the EU emblem. Regardless of the
scale, scope or objective of a project, the EU emblem must be visibly and prominently dis-
played – at least as prominently as that of the Programme and grant beneficiary concerned
– on all communication and visibility materials associated with the project.

The EU emblem is the main element of the Union’s visual identity, and grant beneficiaries
must refer to the guidelines on EU visual identity designed to ensure its correct use (see sec-
tion also 2.1.2).

The Graphics guide to the European emblem4 sets out the rules for the use and reproduction
1 See:
2 See:
3 See:
4 See:
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of the EU emblem as follows:

• the minimum height of the EU emblem is 1 cm;
• the name of the European Union must always be spelled out in full;
• the typeface used in conjunction with the EU emblem must be one of the following:
Arial, Calibri, Garamond, Trebuchet, Tahoma, or Verdana. The use of italics, underlining
and font effects is not permitted;
• there are no particular rules on the positioning of text in relation to the EU emblem, but
the text may not interfere with, cross or cover the emblem in any way;
• the font size used must be proportionate to the size of the emblem;
• depending on the background, the colour of the font may be reflex blue (the same blue
colour as the EU flag), black or white.

When the EU emblem is reproduced in any graphic representation, it must be used in its en-
tirety, without any alterations or additions. The display or reproduction of the emblem may
not incorporate any flag or symbol of another country, donor, agency or organisation. The
graphic representation of any such partners must be displayed separately.

5.2.2 Programme logo

The logo
The logotype symbolises the connection, co-operation of
the participating countries. Although the logotype is playful
due to it’s basic colours, it is also a strong form which can be
unmistakeably associated to the program and and the co-
operating partners.

There are two versions of the Programme logo: Emblem and Standard logo.

The Emblem logo:

The Emblem should occur only once per piece. For instance, on a multipage piece the em-
blem would go on the cover, but the standard logo would be used for the back cover. The
emblem can only be used on multipage materials where the Standard logo is also visible. The
emblem can also be used on only internal use materials, for instance a poster.

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The Standard logo

The Standard logo is the one that should be used on every material.


The logo should not be oversized. In order to create the maximum impact and visibility, the
presence of a white space around the graphic signature is very efficient and is a must. This
space individualises the logo by separating it from the surrounding elements (margin of the
page, other logos or graphic elements, etc.).

x e x

x e x

x clear space
e is the width of the logo
x x = 1/3e

The corporate colour system reflects a rich, dynamic, multi-dimensional setting. The colour
system represents the colours of the Ukrainian flag as the programmes are attached to at
least one Ukrainian county or partner. Also the blue reflects the river Tisza as a main boarder
river that runs through the Programme territory.

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Usage of colours







CMYK colour codes will be used
on all printed materials. For spe-
cial printed materials PANTONE
code will be used.
RGB will be used on the web site
and other electronic applications.

The emblem is reproduced for

preference on a white background.
Avoid a background of varied co-
lours, and in any case one which
does not go with blue, and yellow.

Pantone: 7685 C

Pantone: 7683 C

Pantone: 3945 C
Pantone: 645 C

Pantone: 446 C

Pantone: 425 C

Pantone: 663 C
If a colourful background is used it
is preferred to use the logo’s Neg-
ative colour variation.

Colour specifications

Colour Pantone C M Y K R G B Web#

7685 C 88 70 19 4 55 81 138 #37518A

7683 C 78 59 0 0 75 103 175 #4B67AF

645 C 51 34 0 0 139 159 201 #8B9FD2

3945 C 10 0 96 0 242 229 0 #F2E500

446 C 67 60 63 50 70 66 60 #46423C

425 C 63 56 55 30 94 89 87 #5E5957

663 C 0 0 0 15 227 227 227 #E3E3E3

Colour variations
The logo of the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 should
not be recreated in any circumstance. Only the logo versions presented in this manual are
correct ones and it and only it should be used. The minimum admitted dimensions of the
logo is 10mm (height).

Basic colour variation

This version is highly recommended when there are no restriction imposed by the texture
and colour of the material (white or light grey background only) on which the visual identity
of the programme is applied.

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Colour negative variation

Wherever possible the basic colour variation should be used for maximum consistency
across the marketing materials. Optionally a negative colour version - white logo on Pantone
7685 C (blue) background - can be used as well.
Grey or black variation

Grey or black negative variation

Grey or black and grey or black negative versions with the two subversions: normal and in-
verted logos. This version is recommended when applied through serigraphy and engraving
procedures or/and on restrictive surfaces of certain materials – fax, stickers – whenever the
full-colour variation of the logo can’t be applied.
Pantone: Black 7 C
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 90%

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Incorrect use
Do not alter the logo in any way. Do not animate, recolour, rotate, skew, or apply effects to
the logo. Do not separate the elements. Never attempt to create the logo yourself, change
the font, or alter the size of only a part of the logo or alter proportions.

1 2 3


4 5 6

7 8



1. Don’t change the position of the text.

2. Don’t remove the text from the logo.
3. Don’t apply any effects.
4. Don’t rotate the logo.
5. Don’t skew or distort the logo in any way
6. Don’t make a pattern or texture out of the logo.
7. Don’t alter the transparency of the logo.
8. Don’t recolour the logo in any way, even a part of it or only the colour of the text associ-
ated to the logo.
9. Don’t change the font family of the logo.
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As with our logo, consistent use of our corporate typeface — Open Sans — reinforces
Company’s brand identity. The font is OpenType™, a cross-platform format that provides
richer linguistic support through widely expanded character sets and advanced layout

Primary typeface - Open Sans bold

Open Sans Bold is selected for headlines
and highlighting important content in dif-
ferent communication materials.

Secondary type face - Open Sans Regular

Open Sans Regular is selected for every
content except headlines and highlighting.

Supplementary type face - Open Sans Semibold

Open Sans Semibold is selected to differ-
enciate heavily important content from less
important. This way we can eliminate use-
less font colouring usually used for distin-
guishing different importance.

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Using font
We must differentiate the fonts according to its field of use. The two fields are the online us-
age and the printing materials. For the printing materials this guide can only give guidelines
because the wide variety of the materials sizes from 3m * 5m dimensions to a business card
size. This guide will give you the guides to an A4 format. Whenever the size of the document
is differ from this size you can scale the font sizes proportionally. For example if you scale up
the main headline from 20pt to 50px than you have to scale up the content font size from
10pt to 25pt.

Print materials
The headline is always uppercase. Font styles can be regular and/or bold. Font size is 20pt.

Don’t use uppercase in the section heading (except the first letter or if the spelling rules dic-
tates the uppercase). Font styles are regular. No highlighting option for the section header.
Font size is 20pt.

Article header style is always semibold. Don’t use regular or bold style. No highlighting op-
tion for the article header. Font size is 10pt.

There are two variation of the paragraph size. One is a full width content paragraph and the
other is non full width. The full width paragraph is usually next to the main headline and
gives some extra information about the headline. Both paragraph variations use regular
style but you can use semibold or bold style for highlighting also you can use underline for
dates or links. This paragraph uses a 10pt font size. Leading is 14pt.

The second paragraph variation is not full width. It uses the 2/3-rd or 1/3-rd of the pages
width. The used font size here is 9pt. You can also use semibold bold or underline variations
just like you can at the previous paragraph. Leading is 12pt.

Online display
The headline is always uppercase. Font styles can be regular and/or bold. Font size is 28px.

Don’t use uppercase in the section heading (except the first letter or if the spelling rules dic-
tates the uppercase). Font styles are semibold. No highlighting option for the section header.
Font size is 24px.

Article header style is always bold. Don’t use regular or semibold style. No other styling op-
tion for the article header. Font size is 20px.

Paragraph style is regular we use a 14px font size but you can use semibold or bold style for
highlighting. Also you can use underline for dates or links.

Dates use 14px font with semibold style.

Link font sizes are 14px. Use underline to differentiate. On downloadable documents or links
use the main blue colour instead of the regular font colour.

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Use of slogan
The Programme slogan shall be used separately from other
design elements.

The slogan must be in all CAPITAL letters every time on every

material. The “Partnership” part is written with Open Sans
Bold and the “without boarders” is an Open Sans Regular
type. The slogan can be positioned in one line or it can be
break to two rows but never more than two. If the slogan is
broken to two rows the text can be aligned to left, centre or





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The slogan can be colourful with restrictions. Only the “Part-

nership” word can be coloured and if it is coloured it has to
be the main blue colour:


CMYK: 88, 70, 19, 04

The slogan can be used as a negative variation as well as the

logo. In this case the background colour should be the main
blue colour and the slogan must be white. Don’t rotate, skew,
distort or recolour the slogan in any other way.






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The application of the visual identity on different type of materials is provided in annex.

5.3 Explaining the EU and the Programme

When providing information about the EU, its institutions or its policies in written communi-
cations, grant beneficiaries must ensure that the information given is accurate and correct.
Any of the following statements used by partners must be made in the relevant local lan-
guage(s) and/or in English.

General statement about the EU

Grant beneficiaries wishing to include a general statement about the EU in a written commu-
nication, may use the following standard general statement:

“The Member States of the European Union have decided to link together their know-how,
resources and destinies. Together, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustain-
able development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms.
The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries
and peoples beyond its borders”.

Additional general statement about the Programme and its objectives can be also included:

“The Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI CBC Programme 2014-2020 provides EU fund-

ing for sustainable development along the border of Ukraine with Hungary, Slovakia and
Romania, helps reducing differences in living standards and addressing common challenges
across these borders”.

5.4 Disclaimers
The EU is not responsible for the contents of communication materials prepared by grant
beneficiaries, all of which must include a standard disclaimer, translated into local language(s)
where appropriate.

For publications in print or electronic format:

‘This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union. Its con-
tents are the sole responsibility of <name of the author/partner> and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the European Union’;

For websites and social media accounts:

‘This <website/account> was created and maintained with the financial support of the Euro-
pean Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of <name of the author/partner> and do
not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union’

For videos and other audio-visual material:

‘This <video/film/programme/recording> was produced with the financial support of the Eu-
ropean Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of <name of the author/partner > and
do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.’

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In-office communication templates

Badge Business card

Kovács Tihamér
Programme and communication manager

Kovács Tihamér +36 1 457 5548

Programme and [email protected]
communication manager

CD-DVD Cover CD-DVD disc label



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Document holder

+36 1 224 3291

[email protected]


Envelope LA/4


Joint Technical Secretariat

VÁTI Nonprofit Ltd.
Szép u. 2.
H-1053 Budapest

The Programme is co-financed by the

European Union

Envelope LC/5


Joint Technical Secretariat

VÁTI Nonprofit Ltd.
Szép u. 2.
H-1053 Budapest

The Programme is co-financed by the

European Union

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26 HUSKROUA CBC | Communication and Visibility Manual

Publication front cover v1 Publication back cover for v1 Publication/Leaflet front cover v2

PARTNERSHIP Project title:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Partner name:
Lorem ipsum dolor elit.
Publication title
EU Contribution:
745 267 173 €

Project title:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Publication title
Partner name:
Lorem ipsum dolor elit.

EU Contribution:
745 267 173 €

Publication/Leaflet inner pages



AMET. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
THIS IS THE SUBTITLE Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
mollit anim id est laborum. mollit anim id est laborum.
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
mollit anim id est laborum.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
mollit anim id est laborum. mollit anim id est laborum.
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna mollit anim id est laborum. mollit anim id est laborum.
aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit,
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
2017 mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehen- mollit anim id est laborum.
derit in voluptate velit esse
cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
mollit anim id est laborum.
+36 1 224 3291
[email protected]

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Communication and Visibility Manual | HUSKROUA CBC 27

Printed communication templates

Roll-up Poster portrait

ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme
2014-2020 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine
ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Information about project: Main objective of the project:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do Lorem ipsum dolor elit.
eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut
enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris Partner name:
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Lorem ipsum dolor elit.
Project name:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. EU Contribution:
123 456 789 €
Partner name:
Lorem ipsum dolor elit.
EU Contribution: The project was co-financed by the European Union
123 456 789 €

Poster landscape
[email protected]

Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020


Project name: Partner name:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor elit.

Main objective of the project: EU Contribution:

Lorem ipsum dolor elit. 765 645 738 €

Co-financed by the European Union

The project was co-financed by the European Union

Every design must include the following ele-

ments on the printed communications:

Full name of the programme
EU flag
Co-financed by the European Union (next to
the EU falg)

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28 HUSKROUA CBC | Communication and Visibility Manual

Billboard portrait Billboard portrait

Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine
ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 ENI Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2014-2020


Project title: EU Contribution:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. 745 267 173 €

Main objective of the project: Project start date:

Lorem ipsum dolor elit. 09.23.2017.
Partner name: Project end date:
Project title:
Lorem ipsum dolor elit. 03.30.2018.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Main objective of the project:

Lorem ipsum dolor elit.

Partner name:
The project is co-financed by the European Union
Lorem ipsum dolor elit.

EU Contribution:
745 267 173 €

Project start date:


Project end date:


The project is co-financed by the European Union

HUSKROUA CBC | Communication and Visibility Manual | October 2019


For more information

All of the assets detailed in this document are available for download from

All use of HUSKROUA CBC assets must be sent for approval to the JTS or its Branch Offices
For questions, please e-mail: [email protected]

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