ExpeditionDemonwebPits Cambion

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Demon, Cambion

CR 5
Demon Often CE Medium outsider (chaotic, evil, extraplanar)
Evil and chaotic to the core, demons like nothing more than Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Listen +9, Spot +9
to maim and destroy. They are native to the Infinite Layers Languages Abyssal, Celestial, Common; telepathy 100 ft.
of the Abyss, and their environment complements their AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16; uncanny dodge
natures. Demons take pleasure in the pain and misfortune (+3 Dex, +4 armor, +2 natural)
of others. Some are sneaky and sly, while others are more hp 45 (6 HD); DR 5/good or magic
Immune electricity, poison
direct and brutal.
Resist acid 10, cold 10, fire 10; SR 16
A number of demons belong to a race (and subtype) known Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +5
as the tanar’ri. The tanar’ri form the largest and most diverse
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares) in scale mail; base speed 40 ft.
group of demons, and they are the unchallenged masters of Melee longsword +11/+6 (1d8+6/19–20 plus poison)

the Abyss (at least in their own eyes). Most of the demons

Ranged barbed javelin +9/+4 (1d10+4/19–20 plus poison)
detailed in the Monster Manual are tanar’ri. Fiendish Codex I: Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Hordes of the Abyss introduces two new subtypes of demons: Base Atk +6; Grp +10
the loumara and the obyrith. While no group of creatures of Atk Options aligned strike (chaotic, evil), poison (carrion
the Abyss can ever be said to be truly united, because the con- crawler brain juice, Fort DC 13, paralysis 2d6 minutes/—)
Special Actions alternate form
cept conflicts with their chaotic and evil nature, the various Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; any two of the following):
subtypes do feel a stronger affinity for demons of their kind At will—detect magic, fear (DC 13), mirror image
and a sense of rivalry toward those who are “other.” Demons 7/day—invisibility, levitate
who do not fall within one of these broad subtypes, such as Abilities Str 18, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 7, Cha 4
the cambion and the carnevus presented here, struggle as SQ silent metal
outsiders among other demonkind. As a result, they tend to Feats Alertness, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (longsword)
be nastier and more vicious than typical demons. They’re also Skills Balance +1, Climb +9, Diplomacy –1, Gather
much more flexible with their outlooks and philosophies. Information +6, Hide +12, Jump +2, Knowledge
Except where otherwise noted, demons speak Abyssal, (local) +10, Listen +9, Move Silently +12, Sense Motive +7,
Spot +9, Tumble +8
Celestial, and Draconic. Advancement 7–12 HD (Medium) or by character class;
Favored Class assassin
Possessions combat gear plus barbed javelin, longsword,
Demon, Cambion 2d6 doses of carrion crawler brain juice
This horrid-looking humanoid has spiky hair and pitch-black, Aligned Strike A cambion’s natural weapons, as well as any
pockmarked skin encrusted with tiny scales and boils. Its teeth are weapons it wields, are treated as chaotic-aligned and evil-
sharp and pointed, and its eyes burn with a hellish light. aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Alternate Form (Su) A cambion can assume the form of a
specific Medium humanoid (typically a human, drow, elf,
Although the term “cambion” is often applied to any human-
aasimar, tiefling, githyanki, githzerai, marrash, or gnoll,
oid half-fiend, a true cambion springs from a union between a but sometimes a goblinoid) as a standard action once
powerful tanar’ri father and a planetouched mother—usually per day. This ability functions as a polymorph spell cast
a tiefling. Spurned even by their demon fathers, cambions on itself as a 6th-level caster, except a cambion does not
use their alternate form ability to hide among humanoids regain hit points for changing form and can assume only
and gather information that they can exchange for the power the form of that specific creature. A cambion can remain
and prestige they crave. in its humanoid form until it chooses to return to its
natural form.
Silent Metal (Ex) A cambion has no armor check penalty on
Strategies and Tactics Hide and Move Silently checks.
Cambions love both deception and battle, and their roguish,
tricky nature gives them plenty of opportunities for both. A Sample Encounters
cambion typically uses its alternate form ability to assume a
A cambion typically brings all its combat resources to bear
nondemonic form that allows it to get close to its prey, then
early in a fight. Thereafter, should it begin to lose the battle, it
lashes out with a sneak attack when its victim is flat-footed.
might offer a truce or even surrender, since it is happy to take
A cambion that is losing a fight uses its fear ability to escape.
advantage of an opponent’s most honorable traditions. Cam-
Alternatively, it can levitate into the clouds, onto a rooftop,
bions are rarely found in the company of other demons.
or into trees that offer concealment.
The Hireling (EL 5): A villain from a previous adventure
A cambion strikes as an assassin would, by throwing a
has hired a cambion to kill one of the PCs. Taking the form
magic or poisoned javelin, firing a heavy crossbow from a
of an elf or a member of some other typically good-aligned
concealed position, or even striking with a poisoned blade
race, the cambion approaches the target and attacks with a
from a narrow alley or corridor that offers good possibilities
poisoned dagger (Fort DC 18, 1d8 Dex/paralysis). Thereafter,
for escape. This stealthy demon prefers poisons with disabling
it either leaves using levitate or escapes invisibly.
or paralyzing effects, so that it can finish off its target with
a quick coup de grace attack.

Deadly Poison at the Inn (EL 8): A cambion serving as a
spy and informer for an evil overlord has taken the form of
a kindly, bearded, middle-aged scholar. At an inn frequented
by adventurers, he encounters the PCs, buys them a round
of drinks, and asks about their adventures. If they mention
fighting demons, he suggests that they “take the battle to the
Abyss and strike evil at its heart.” To that end, he gives them
an item that can take them to whatever spot they desire in
the Abyss. However, he also tries to slip a slow-acting poison
into their drinks and warns his demonic superiors as soon

as possible that an adventuring party is on its way.


Despite their power, cambions are freaks and outcasts among
both of their parent races. Never accepted in human society
and only poorly tolerated in the Abyss, they are bitter and
hateful toward all creatures.
Because of their natural stealth and detachment, cambions
who dwell in the Abyss serve as assassins in the Blood War.
Others become bodyguards or lieutenants to the demons
who fathered them, or serve as advisors to balors or other
high-ranking demons.
Environment: Cambions inhabit the Infinite Layers of
the Abyss, though some also walk the areas of the Material
Plane where they were born.
Illus. by J. Zhang

Cambion Lore
Characters who have ranks in Knowledge (the planes) can
learn more about cambions. When a character makes a suc-
cessful skill check, the following lore is revealed, including the
information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (the planes)

DC Result
15 A cambion is a hideous demon created by the
union of a planetouched woman and a tanar’ri. A
pqqqqqqqqqrs demon lord or prince can sire a more powerful
cambion by mating with a female humanoid half-
More Powerful Cambions fiend. The mothers of cambions die during
A cambion with an Intelligence score of 16 or higher typically childbirth, leaving their vile offspring either
takes levels in the wizard class. Other cambions take levels in orphaned on the Material Plane or abused in the
rogue, and sometimes assassin. The CR of such a cambion is Abyss. A cambion is immune to electricity and
determined in the usual way for a monster with class levels poison and resistant to acid, cold, and fire. In
(MM 302). addition, it can see in darkness and communicate
The higher-ranking marquis and baron cambions result telepathically.
from the unions of demon lords or princes with female 20 Cambions make excellent assassins because of
humanoid half-fiends. The ability scores for these creatures their ability to move silently in heavy armor and
are adjusted as follows from those of the base cambion: +2 assume more pleasing shapes. A cambion can
Str, +2 Dex, +2 Con, +4 Int, +10 Wisdom, +10 Charisma. charm its victim or instill fear with a single touch.
Marquis and baron cambions are much more charming than 25 Cambions are excellent guides to the planes and
normal cambions are and can use charm person at will as a know much about demon summoning, but their
spell-like ability (caster level equals Hit Dice). Each begins at loyalty is almost always to the tanar’ri who
CR 6, though many also have class levels in wizard, rogue, or fathered them. Cambions typically carry magic
assassin as well. weapons and wear magic armor.
pqqqqqqqqqrs pqqqqqqqqqrs

Typical Physical Characteristics: A cambion appears Typical Treasure
as an ugly and terrifying humanoid about 6 to 7 feet tall. Its Cambions carry standard treasure, but they often (75%) use
pitch-black, slightly scaly skin is covered with pockmarks, its ornate magic or masterwork armor and weapons. Usually
ears are sharply pointed, and its mouth is filled with crooked such items are +1 or +2, but a few (15%) are more powerful
fangs. Cambions carry forward the motif of their pointed items of the DM’s choice.
fangs by wearing spiked armor and carrying weapons with
sharp points. Entirely carnivorous, they become physically Cambions as Characters
sick if they eat any food other than meat. As a result, their Cambions are predisposed to be rogues and assassins, but a
bodies exude a ripe, predatory stench. few become spellcasters. A cambion cleric serves a demon
Cambions speak Abyssal and Common, and they can also lord rather than a deity and has access to two of the following

communicate using telepathy. Unlike tanar’ri, they do not domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, or Trickery

summon their own kind. (favored weapon: any sword). Most cambion spellcasters,
Alignment: Cambions are usually chaotic evil, but about however, are wizards who favor spells that enhance stealth
one in ten is neutral or even good because its tiefling mother or provide touch attacks.
was not evil. These wretched creatures are doomed to a miser- Cambion characters possess the following racial traits.
able existence as loners because good-aligned communities —+5 Str, +3 Dex, +3 Con, –4 Wis (minimum 3), –10 Cha
rarely accept them. (minimum 2). If the Charisma penalty would reduce the
character’s Charisma score below 2, any remaining points are
“Everyone spits on the cambions, even their own fathers. No subtracted from Intelligence instead (minimum 3).
wonder they become such terrible villains when given the least —Medium size.
bit of power.” —A cambion’s base land speed is 40 feet.
—Alluvius Ruskin, shopkeeper in Sigil —Darkvision out to 60 feet.
—A cambion begins with six levels of outsider, which pro-
Society vide 6d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +6, and base saving
Cambions are used to being snubbed by both tanar’ri and throw bonuses of Fort +5, Ref +5, and Will +5.
humanoids from the Material Plane, but many manage to —Racial Skills: A cambion’s outsider levels give it skill
ingratiate themselves with powerful tanar’ri by serving as points equal to 8 × (2 + Int modifier). Its class skills are Climb,
extraplanar agents of the Abyss. Claiming extensive knowl- Gather Information, Hide, Knowledge (local), Listen, Move
edge of the planes, these humanoid-touched demons pose Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, and Tumble.
as guides, scholars, or sages. Mortals who approach them for —Racial Feats: A cambion’s outsider levels give it three
advice are directed to the Abyss on one pretext or another, feats.
and the demons native to the layer in question are warned —+2 natural armor bonus.
of their approach, so that they can slay the intruders and —Automatic Languages: Abyssal, Common. Bonus lan-
turn them into larvae and manes. Most cambions excel at guages: Celestial, Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Infernal.
this form of deception, and in fact, only succubi are better —Favored Class: Assassin.
at luring mortals to the Abyss. —Level Adjustment: +4 (+5 for baron or marquis).
Loners by nature, cambions keep to themselves, surviving
on their wits and alternate form abilities. They prefer to dwell Cambions in Eberron
in planar crossroads such as Sigil or in the larger cities of the Cambions are the offspring of summoned demons (from
Material Plane, where they can lose themselves easily in the Shavarath or elsewhere) who mate with their planetouched
crowds and the natives ask few questions. summoners. They are always raised by humans but despised
Cambions rarely mate with their own kind, but when they because of their looks and extraplanar origins. Many cambi-
do, the cambion line breeds true. In most cases, however, ons either leave the lands of Eberron upon reaching the age
they prefer to find humanoid partners with whom they can of majority or become diabolists (Book of Vile Darkness 56) or
produce tieflings. summoners themselves.
Cambions tend to be more ambitious than most demon-
kind. As if they have something to prove, either to their Cambions in Faerûn
demonic parent or to themselves, they strive to excel in some In Faerûn, most cambions serve as ambassadors of an Abys-
fashion, perhaps accumulating wealth, acquiring information sal lord (most often Graz’zt, Orcus, Lolth, or Demogorgon)
(as is Rule-of-Three’s specialty), or gathering followers. They to demonic cultists on the Material Plane. Some, however,
act as catalysts for events and major happenings. simply take up residence on the Material Plane and never
return to their Abyssal homes.


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