Comparative Study and Analysis of Unstiffened and Stiffened Plate With and Without Opening

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Pallavi K. Sul1 , Dr. Chittaranjan B. Nayak2
Student M.E. Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering,
Vidya Pratishthan’s Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Thecnology,
Baramati, Pune, 413102 , India
[email protected], [email protected]
Abstract: pressure load, bending moment and shearing load etc. result in
The ultimate strength of blade stiffened composite plates buckling due to which structural failure of thin walled or un-
stiffened structure occurs. The common way to increase the
with various sizes of the stiffener is studied numerically buckling resistance of un-stiffened structure may be either to
using ANSYS software. The GFRP stiffened composite increase the thickness of structure or by using stiffeners. So
instead of increasing the thickness of un-stiffened structure for
plates were modeled in ANSYS as SHELL elements with prevention of buckling, use of stiffener is the best method.
orthotropic properties. The finite element model of the
GFRP stiffened composite plates was analyzed to obtain II. METHODOLOGY
deflection, axial deformation and stress contours and the
The experience of the researchers and a
ultimate load values. The stiffener thickness is 10mm. Just comprehensive literature review were used to generate ideas
as long slender columns undergo instability in the form of and preliminary concepts prior to the first expert panel
meeting. These ideas, along with input from the first expert
buckling, steel plates under compression also tend to buckle panel, led to the development of the proposed concept. A
out of their plane. The buckled shape depends on the strategy evaluation was used to further select a pavement type
and possible cross section strategies for the proposed concept.
loading and support conditions in both length and width The feasibility of the proposed concept was then evaluated
directions. However, unlike columns, plates still carry loads with respect to design, construction, economics, and
durability, based on design considerations
even after buckling during a stable manner. Their post- Stiffener also called as stringer or girder, it is a type of beam,
buckling strengths in the case of slender plates can be it can be placed in longitudinal or transverse direction and a
variety of stiffeners can be fabricated over the plate such as
substantially greater than the strengths of corresponding flat bar, hat type, I-section, T-section and angle section. The
buckling. This property is of great interest to structural choice is in most cases based on total economy that is the cost
for increasing the web thickness of un-stiffened structure;
engineers because it is often used for their advantage. result in a heavy weight product. On the other hand
reinforcing the thin walled structure with light weight
stiffeners reduces the cost as well as the weight.


In order to increase the strength of structure, plates

are one of the common option. These plates are usually two
dimensional with thickness very low as compared to other two
dimensions. In order to avoid any buckling of these plates, are
often strengthened by stiffeners such as angle, bar, etc.
Stiffeners mounted on the plate increases the resistance to
buckling by increasing the overall stiffness. Such structures
are very common in automobile, construction, aerospace etc.
Thin walled structure or plate like elements (un-stiffened) are
generally encountered in ship, aircraft, marine, and bridge
construction. In engineering structures, for structural
efficiency and conservation of weight with no loss of strength
most of the thin walled structures are stiffened. Because when
thin walled or un-stiffened structure subjected to various types
of load such as uni axial compression, biaxial compression,
Designers are most concerned about light weight structural element software. The plate and the stiffener were modeled as
performance and efficiency. This means high performance SHELL181. SHELL181 is a 4–noded shell element with finite
products need to be lightweight, yet strong enough to take rotation capabilities. The plate and the stiffener were divided
harsh loading conditions. Due to the advantages of into rectangular elements with aspect ratio 0.8 to 1.0.
lightweight, small manufacturing cost, high strength, high
stability, great energy absorption and superior damage IV. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
Fig.1 Description of co ordinate system and buckling The finite part analysis may be a numerical
technique. During this technique all the complexities of the
issues, like variable form, boundary conditions and masses are
maintained as they are they’re however the solutions obtained
are approximate. Attributable to its diversity and adaptability
as Associate in Nursing analysis tool, it's receiving abundant
attention in engineering.
The quick enhancements in component technology and
dynamic of price of computers have boosted this technique,
since the pc is that the basic want for the applying of this
technique. Variety of in style whole of finite part analysis
packages is currently accessible commercially. a number of
the popular packages are STAAD-PRO, GT-STRUDEL,
deformation in interaction of plate buckling (W), web and NASTRAN, NISA and ANSYS. Victimization these packages
torsional buckling (V) one will analyze many complicated structures. The finite
element analysis originated as a method of stress analysis in
the design of aircrafts. It started as an extension of matrix
method of structural analysis. Civil engineers use this method
extensively for the analysis of beams, space frames, plates,
shells, folded plates, foundations, rock mechanics problems
and seepage analysis of fluid through porous media. Both
static and dynamic problems can be handled by finite element

A. Finite Element Analysis

Where [k]e is element stiffness matrix, {δ} is nodal

displacement vector of the element and {F}“e” is nodal force
Fig.2 Plate buckling mode stiffened plate, W1 simple vector. The element of stiffness matrix misrepresent the force
in coordinate direction ‘i’ due to a unit displacement in
supported condition and W2 clamped condition. coordinate direction ‘j’. Four methods are available for
formulating these element properties viz. direct approach,
Element properties are used to assemble global
properties/structure properties to get system equations [k] {δ}
= {F}. Then the boundary conditions square measure
obligatory. The answer of that equation offers the nodal
III. LITERATURE REVIEW unknowns. Using these nodal values extra calculations square
measure created to induce the specified values e.g. stresses,
strains, moments, etc. in solid mechanics issues. Thus, the
An essential part of the stiffened and unstiffened feasibility various steps involved in the finite element analysis are:
project was the literature review. The literature review was (i) Select suitable field variables and
used in conjunction with the expert panel meetings to the elements.
determine the current state of the art in the element and (ii) Discredited the continua.
concrete paving industries. It was also used to investigate any (iii) Select interpolation functions.
previous stiffed concrete that have been constructed. (iv) Find the element properties.
Literature review of previously published studies further B. Problem Statement
empirical study can be undertaken using these six identified
practices which may allow the validation and generalization of From literature it is seen that in the analysis of plate they
results. stiffened composite plates with blade stiffeners were studied the maximum deformation and maximum stress, along
considered for the study. The experimental data available in with the change in the thickness of plate and also the effect of
literature (1) is considered for the present numerical study. thickness changed on deformation. But there is no calculation
The stiffened composite plate was modeled in ANSYS, finite of buckling load factor. So, the aim of work is to analyze the

plate for the maximum stress and for maximum deformation .
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