Proposal Isi NHT Fix
Proposal Isi NHT Fix
Proposal Isi NHT Fix
The teacher technique was not appropriate for teaching which a class have
different characteristic of the students. In the technique the teacher just gave
instruction and did not give more explanations, the teaching and learning process
is unstructured and makes the students become bored. It makes student could not
find out what is the text about and then the reader could not answer the following
questions. They also did not have discussion session to figure out the answer.
Because they work individually and the teacher only focused on the student who
more active or who would not active in the teaching learning process. Therefore,
the teacher should use an appropriate teaching technique in order to improve
students' ability especially in reading comprehension and make teaching learning
process more interested and meaningful; one of the techniques is Numbered
Heads Together technique with picture.
To solve the problem above, the researcher will try to apply one of
cooperative learning technique to improve the students' achievement in reading
comprehension. this present study, the researcher chooses Numbered Heads
Together (NHT) technique with picture. Numbered heads together (NHT)
technique is a reading technique that is used to guide students through a text. NHT
helps students construct meaning before, during and after reading. Students would
connect what they read with what they have learned in the past, the students
would be expected to understand what the topic is about and extent of the
information. The students firstly divided into some groups, where each students' is
given a number. Then the teacher poses a question to the students. After that the
teacher asked the students to discuss with their groups to figure out the answer
finally the teacher calls a specific number to answer the question correctly.
NHT is one of effective technique for engaging the students. It will help
students to learn new material with the use of questioning and heads together to
figure out the answer of the question correctly. NHT will provide the students
with a structure to guide them through the reading material. It will make the
students interested and pay attention to the material. NHT technique guides
students to be more active in teaching learning process. They will easily get clear
and specific information of the text and involve their knowledge in reading
comprehension. The students can also share their opinion to the others about what
they have learnt in discussion session with their group. Furthermore, this
technique gives an opportunity for the students to get knowledge and share their
ideas to the other students. The implementation of NHT technique is easy to be
understand by the students it also gives a new style in reading activity. The new
style is the students have a group and each member of the group have different
number. By making group, the students are assisted in determining ideas which
are used in reading.
Based on the explanation above, NHT technique will greatly help the
students to overcome difficulties in reading comprehension. In reading
comprehension, it is important to conduct the research to improve reading
comprehension through Numbered Heads Together with Picture, Moreover, the
researcher believes that NHT technique will be able to improve the students
reading ability. Teacher can motivate the students to be more active to share their
opinion with others in learning process. Therefore, the researcher wants to
conduct a research with entitled "Improving Students’ Skill in Descriptive Text
Reading Comprehension Through Numbered Heads Together Technique with
Picture of the Tenth Grade of Sma Negeri 1 Susut Academic Year 2019/2020.
Brown (2004: 185) states that reading is likewise a skill that teachers
simply expert learner to acquire. Most formal tests use the written words as a
stimulus for test-taker response even oral interview may require reading
performance for certain tasks. Reading comprehension is the process of
knowledge, and the information found in the text. It involves extending student
vocabularies and knowledge of the word, developing their knowledge of English
grammar and their decoding skill, developing their reading fluency and extending
Their ability to comprehend what they read and view from the literal level to the
inferential and critical levels to improve their knowledge.
Smith (2004:2) states that reading is properly employed for all manner of
activities when people endeavors to make sense of circumstances; its original
meaning is interpretation It means that the readers can achieve many thoughts
about written text that they read. The readers need an understanding for creating
meaning with written text, Therefore, comprehension means the series of action
concurrently putting and building sense by using interaction and participation with
the written text. Thus, reading is comprehending-making sense of what is read.
Reading is important skill that enables someone to find some information for their
knowledge and they can share the information for everyone when they need it.
Learning to read is an important educational goal. For both children and adults,
the ability to read opens up new worlds and opportunities.
NHT is a technique that will help reader to learn new material with the
use of questioning and heads together from reliable source. NHT will help the
readers comprehend what they read. This technique is interesting and wonderful at
the start of any unit of work, meeting discussion. It elevates thinking and
discussion, open up opportunities for possible investigation and the formation of
hypotheses. NHT will help the reader comprehend what they read and understand
what they have already read. The teacher can easily modify material to meet
students' learning needs any level in any content area and it can keep the students'
attention on reading comprehension. It will make the students easier to develop
their knowledge and they also can share it to the others.
Based on Richards and Rodgers (2007:199), there are some step for
implementing of NHT technique. The first is called students number off in item.
The teacher will divide students in some group and the teacher gives number of
each member in a group. The second is the teacher will asking a question based on
the material that they had learnt and the questions are usually easy and difficult
based on their level agreement. The third is heads together in which student put
their heads together to figure out and make sure that everyone knows the answer
and can explain the answer. And the last one is the teacher calls a number and
students with that number raise hands and provide answer to the whole class.
According to Kagan (2009:6-20), NHT is a technique to convey the idea
that each student has a number and that all the students in the team put their best
answer. NHT is learning method when each student is given a number and they
make a group work. These cooperative learning strategies will promote discussion
on both individual and group accountability. Cooperative learning method forces
to do an interaction instead of self-understanding. Learning cooperatively will
help students communicate about what they do not know as well as what they
have known that based on the text that has been read.
In addition, add that picture can be used to provoke questions and answer
which can develop into a very involved conversation. In order words picture
actually good tools to help teacher in teaching and improving students in reading
comprehension it will make the reader easy to understand the text if helped with
picture and also the picture will help student in finding the real meaning of the
text. According to Wright (1989:136) picture have major role to play in
development of students' skills listening and reading. It can be used more
effectively to develop and sustain motivation in producing positive attitudes
towards English and to teach reinforce language skills.
In this present study the researcher will using NHT technique. NHT
techniques will more interesting when the teacher can combine the technique with
picture as a media in the teaching learning process. It will help assist students in
developing reading comprehension. Picture is one of learning media that can be
used to explain the subject matter. The use of picture as a media or means of
delivery of the lesson, not only interesting but also can pay attention of students
clarify information of the text. Picture that are used in reading text not explain the
text completely, but it can be used motivate the reader. In order picture are
actually good media to help teacher in teaching learning process to improve the
students' ability in reading comprehension.
1. Numbering
In this step, the teacher divides the students into several groups which
consist of 4/5 students in each group and teacher give them number off so each
student on team has different number between 1, 2, 3, and 4 , 5 .
2. Questioning
3. Heads Together
In this part, the students put their heads together to figure out and make
sure everyone knows the answer.
4. Answering
In this case, the teacher calls a number and students from each group with
the number, raise their hands and provide answer to the whole class.
Pang et al. (2003:18) states that "There are two forms of reading
assessment. The first is to find out how well children are reading in order to help
them improve(diagnosis)". Diagnostic assessment is about giving feedback and
assistance to learners. The second is to measure how much progress has been
made. Both assessments are needed for effective reading instruction. In the
beginning reading, assessment is normally done by listening to students' reading
aloud. The teacher will assesses word recognition and fluency in this way. Beyond
this stage, assessment should focus primarily on text comprehension.
Alderson (2000:1) states that all of the aspect of reading is important, but
will probably never be brought together into a coherent and comprehensive
account of what is we do when we read. The inevitable complication when we
consider the complexities of analyzing text since the nature of what we read must
have some relation to how we read, then text analysis must be relevant to theories
of reading. Furthermore, Caldwell (2008:26) states that there is tendency to think
of assessment as something that happen after instruction, something part apart
from instruction such as asking students to answer question after they have read
the textbook chapter or story. There is also tendency to think of all measure as
paper, pencil, and eraser rests. Assessment and evaluation of students
understanding and ability is an ongoing process.
The present study will be conducted at Sma Negeri 1 Susut especially the
tenth grade student of X IPA class in academic year 2019/2020. The X IPA 1
class consisted of 36 students in which 15 males and 21 females. The researcher
will chooses this class because based on interview that had been done to English
teacher in Sma Negeri 1 Susut. The result of the interview suggested the student's
ability in reading comprehension was still poor. The students in this class are still
difficult to comprehend reading text, especially in finding out general information,
specific information, textual meaning of the text. It meant the subjects, ability in
reading comprehension was poor. Therefore, immediate improvement is really
needed by using effective technique in reading comprehension.
The design of the present study is a classroom action research that will
improving reading comprehension through numbered heads together (NHT)
technique with picture to improve student reading comprehension. Ary et al.
(2008:512) state that action research is about talking action based on research and
researching the action taken. It can be used to enhance everyday work practice to
resolve specific problems and to develop special projects and programs, in
education, action research can be applied to such areas as curriculum
development, teaching strategies, and school reform.
Ary et al. (2008:519) stated that there are some steps in conducting the
teaching and learning process such as planning, action, observation, and
reflection. In planning, the researcher will makes the instrument to collect the
data. In action, the researcher implements the plan or changes a practice and
collect data that collected from a variety of source. In observation the researcher
synthesizes and analyzes the data and key issues related to the problem which is
identified. In reflection, the researcher reflection on and interprets the information
and communicates or reports it into others. It is simple process and if teachers
learn how to use it , it would meet many of their teaching goals.
Next cycle
The research procedure is the procedure that will be used in this classroom
action research. It is divided into some cycle and each cycle consisted of four
interconnected activities. The purpose of research procedure is to make it easy for
the researcher in finding data which is valid and accurate. In this classroom action
study, the researcher will explaining the research procedure referred to the real
activities which are done by the researcher for this research in every step of initial
reflection, planning, action, observation, reflection of the research. In this study,
the researcher and subjects will apply some process which is expected to improve
reading comprehension of the tenth grade students of Sma Negeri 1 Susut read
2019/2020. All of the activities took place repeatedly in the four of cycle. The
research procedure briefly describe as follows:
3.3.2 Planning
1. Making lesson plan based on the syllabus used in Sma Negeri 1 Susut and
topic in every cycle of this classroom action study. The lesson plan will be as the
controller in teaching learning process by using numbered heads together with
3. Preparing the teaching media picture that will be used by the teacher. The
picture will be taken from internet about historical place.
3.3.3 Action
Action refers to what the researcher will do in the classroom and how the
classroom would be managed. This is an important activity that will be carried out
by researchers in this study. Action could be defined as the real form for the
planning. The action of the present study is the activity that researcher will do in
the teaching and learning process. The activity that is done by the researcher in the
classroom related to improving the subjects' reading comprehension by using
NHT. The researcher will be conducted the lesson plan in the classroom. Based on
the lesson plan during learning activities, there are three phases such as pre-
activity, whilst- activity, and post-activity. Those activity can be described as
3.3.4 Observation
3.3.5 Reflection
The research instrument refers to tools which are used by the researcher in
collecting data. Research instrument can be defined as all instrument, which are
used by a teacher to simulate, activate or encourage the teaching and learning
process to achieve the teaching and learning objectives. The selection and
construction of appropriate, valid and reliable research instrument very essential
step of a scientific investigation. Without the instruments, the researcher cannot be
done this researcher because, the instruments are crucial and important in the
research. In this study, the research instrument that will apply in the form of test
(pre-test and post-test) and questionnaire. The research instrument of this
classroom action study will be briefly explained as follows:
3.4.1 Test
The test is in form of short answer task. The subjects are given four texts
in pre-test and post-test. Each text consisted of 5 questions of each text. The
subjects will answer totally 20 questions. The test focused on finding out general
information, specific information, textual meaning and textual reference of
descriptive text. The subjects answer the question with correct grammar the
answer of the pre-test and post-test are scoring by using the scoring rubric which
was adapted from Brown (2004:157). The scoring rubric that is used in the present
study can be seen in the following table.
Table 3.1
3.4.2 Questionnaire
In order to get the additional data, the researcher will administered the
questionnaire to the subjects. The questionnaire is gives to find out the subjects
responses toward the implementation of numbered heads together (NHT)
technique in teaching learning process of reading comprehension. The
questionnaire is administering at the end of the last cycle with 5 choices in order
to know whether the subjects' responses toward the numbered heads together
positively changed through the cycles. The 5 choices as follow: strongly agree
(Sangat Setuju/SS), agree (Setuju /S), undecided (Ragu Ragu/RR), disagree
(Tidak Setuju /TS), and strongly disagree (Sangat Tidak Setuju /STS). Those
choice were analyzed by using like rating scale ranging from 5 to 1, all answer
from the subjects are accumulate to get total of each item answer and it is count in
data analysis.
Collecting the data in present study is the important step in order to answer
the research problem under the study especially in reading comprehension at Sma
Negeri 1 Susut in academic year 2019/2020. In order to get the data, the
researcher used the research instrument which is divided into two different kinds
of instrument test, and questionnaire. There are two kinds of tests that will
conduct in the present study, pre-test and post-test. The process of collecting data
in the present study could be explaining as the following:
The primary data that are require to answer the research problem will be
collected through administering the pre-test and post-test. Meanwhile, the
supporting data are collected by administering questionnaire to the subject at the
end of the cycle. The questionnaire administered in order to know the subject
responses toward the implementation of numbered heads together (NHT)
technique with picture in teaching learning process. Therefore, there are
considerably three kinds of instrument use by the researcher to gather the data of
this present study, they are pre-test, post-test and questionnaire. They can be
described as follows:
The research data is obtained from the research instrument which are given
to the subject under the study. Pre-test will be used to know the pre-existing
reading comprehension of the subjects and post-test that will used to know the
achievement of the subjects after being taught reading through numbered heads
together (NHT) technique with picture. The questionnaire is administering to
know the subject responses about the use of numbered heads together (NHT)
technique with picture in teaching reading comprehension. Then the research
should analyze to figure out the achievement the subjects in reading ability
especially in reading comprehension. The procedures of data analysis are
describing as follows:
1. The researcher will use mean score formula when the data from the pre-
test and post-test are analyzing. The subjects' data obtained from the test which
are given by the researcher in pre-test and post-test should be calculated through
the mean score formula. The formula data analysis is as follows:
M= x
Where :
M = Mean score