Probability and Statistics: I. Learning Questions
Probability and Statistics: I. Learning Questions
Probability and Statistics: I. Learning Questions
Spring 2021
I. Learning Questions
1. State the definitions to all concepts that are related to your topic
- My topic is the law of large number:
- Definition 1: A sample is a subset of the population.
- Definition 2: A random sample of size n from the distribution of X is a
- of n independent random variables each with the same distribution as X
- Definition 3: An experiment is a set of positive outcomes that can be
- Definition 4: A random variable, X, is a function that assigns to every
outcome of an experiment, a real numerical value. If X can assume at most
a finite or countably infinite number of possible values, X is said to be a
discrete random variable. If X can assume any value in some interval, or
intervals of real numbers and the probability that it assumes a specific given
value is 0, then X is said to be a continuous random variable
- Definition 5: The probability distribution of a discrete random variable X, is
a function f that assigns a probability to each potential value of X.
Additionally, f must satisfy the following necessary and sufficient conditions,
(1) f(x) = P(X = x) for x real, (2) f(x) ≥ 0, (3) P x f(x) = 1.
- Definition 6: The probability density function for a continuous random
variable X, denoted by f(x), is a function such that (1) f(x) ≥ 0, for all x in
+∞ 𝑏
R, (2) ∫ f(x)dx = 1, (3) P(a < X < b) = ∫f(x)dx for all a < b.
−∞ 𝑎
- Definition 7: Let X be a discrete random variable with density f(x), the
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
2. State and prove (if the result was proved in the course) all related properties and
- State the Weak Law and prove it using Chebyshev’s Inequality
Assume that Var(𝑋𝑖) = σ for all i < ∞. Since the X1, X2, ...Xn are
independent, there is no correlation between them
Therefore: Var(𝑋𝑛)= Var( 𝑛
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
= 1/𝑛 (Var(X1) + Var(X2) + ... + Var(Xn))
2 2
𝑛σ σ
= 2 = 𝑛
for n > 1
Apply Chebyshev’s Inequality on X¯ n to get, for all ϵ > 0
P(| 𝑋𝑛 − µ |> ) ≤ 2
3. State and solve at least 2 applications / real-world problems related to the topic
In reality, the Law of Large Numbers has many useful applications to a variety of
fields. However, 2 applications that I choose to show are presented below:
a. How does the insurance company determine the effective prices for their
clients between the age of 23-25?
Answer: By analyzing and recording the number of accidents among people
aged 23-25, they can ascertain with a high degree of accuracy, the
probability of X amount of people aged 23 that will be the cause of an
accident in any given year. This allows them to set an effective price for
clients that fall into the range.
(| 𝑋1+...𝑋𝑛
P |
| 1500
− 0. 27| ≥ ϵ ≤
| )
2 , ϵ> 0
1 0.1971
So if we set
= 2
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
b. What were the concepts and techniques that you used in your
- The concept of Binomial Distribution and Gambler’s Ruin theory is
what we used in this project
- The Binomial Distribution is a probability distribution that
summarizes the likelihood that a value will take one of two
independent values under a given set of parameters. With n
is the number of trials, k is the number of successes desired,
p is the probability of getting success in one trial. And (1-p)
is the probability of getting a failure in one trial
- Gambler's ruin is a statistical concept, most commonly
expressed as the fact that a gambler playing a game with
negative expected value will eventually go broke, regardless
of their betting system. where player one wins each toss with
probability p, and player two wins with probability q = 1 − p
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
UG18 - Nguyen Trinh Diem Quynh
Probability and Statistics
Instructor: Linh Tran Vinh
unsure whether anyone will utilize our product in their real-life experience
or not. Because I believe it is important to use correct concepts and theories
when building a product, but having actual customers experiencing and
showing the value of our product in their lives is a much more essential
factor when we evaluate the project.