3 P Erson Singular Spelling Rules:: Positive: Negative: Interrogative
3 P Erson Singular Spelling Rules:: Positive: Negative: Interrogative
3 P Erson Singular Spelling Rules:: Positive: Negative: Interrogative
I, you, we, they: bare infinitive I, you, we, they: don’t + bare infinitive Do + I/ you/we/ they + bare infinitive
he, she, it: bare infinitive + -s he, she, it: doesn’t + bare infinitive. Does + he/she/it + bare infinitive
E.g.: E.g.: E.g.:
I drink milk every day. I don’t drink milk every day. Do I drink milk every day?
He dinks milk every day. He doesn’t drink milk every day. Does he drink milk every day?
General rule: add Verbs ending in s, Verbs ending in o: Verbs ending in Verbs ending in
-s ss, ch, sh, x: add add -es consonant + y: vowel + y: add -s
-es change the y into i
walk – she walks miss – she misses go – she goes and add -es play – she plays
talk – she talks watch – she watches do – she does study – she studies enjoy – she enjoys
answer – answers wash – washes tidy – she tidies stay – she stays
fix – she fixes
Write the third person singular in the present simple of the following verbs in the right place.
Fill in the blanks with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.
1. Janet watches (watch) a film on TV. 11. My family plans (plan) a trip to the UK every year.
2. The girl finishes (finish) her homework. 12. Mr. Harris is the one who usually carryes (carry) the
3. My father fixes (fix) the TV. heavy boxes to the attic.
4. The children visits (visit) the museum every school year. 13. I normally talks (talk) to John on the phone.
5. Helen washes (wash) her hair every two days. 14. Karen and Sara plays (play) the guitar.
6. My friend tryes (try) to cheer me up. 15. The students describes (describe) their homes
7. My mother guides (guide) me. easily.
8. They offers (offer) me a CD every Christmas. 16. Tom collects (collect) stamps.
9. I waits (wait) for you whatever happens. 17. The young boy cryes (cry) for help.
10. My mother always divides (divide) the cake in six. 18. Susan wraps (wrap) the present.
19. Katy admires (admire) her grandmother.
20. Babies likes (like) to clap their hands.
C Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple (negative) of the verbs in brackets.
1. Does the girl blushes (the girl / blush) when her boyfriend kisses her?
2. Does Caroline likes (Caroline / like) to be disturbed?
3. Does you explains (you / explain) clearly?
4. Does Mun cooks (Mum / cook) dinner every day?
5. Does the pupil asks (the pupil / ask) for help?
6. Does girls enjoys (girls / enjoy) going to parties?
7. Do you visits (you / visit) the museum regularly?
8. Does Charles arrives (Charles / arrive) early as a rule?
9. Does secretaries makes (secretaries / make) hotel reservations?
10. Does Mars. Clark waters (Mrs. Clark / water) the plants?
11. Does the cat scractches (the cat / scratch) the front door?
12. Does your sisters (your sister / cook) well?
1. he / every day / work / on the computer → He works on the computer every day.
2. Susana / at the weekend / do her laundry → Susana does her laundry at the weekend
3. My friends and I / at the weekend / go fishing → My friends and I goes fishing at the weekend
4. he / every morning / read the newspaper → He reads the newspaper every morning
5. Sharon / exercise / in the morning → Sharon exercises in the morning
6. dinner / they / at 7:30 / eat → They eats dinner at 7:30
1. Tom lives in England. → Does Tom live in England? Tom doesn’t live in England.
2. Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry. Does Mr Simpson teache Chemistry? Mr Simpson doesn´t teache Chemistry
3. You like playing computer games. →Does You like playing computer games? You doesn´t like playing
computer games
4. John and Sue work in a café. → Does John and Sue work in a café? John and Sue doesn´t work in a café
5. We do the shopping on Saturdays. → Does We do the shopping on Saturdays? We doesn´t do the shopping on
6. The baby cries all the time. → Does The baby cries all the time? The baby doesn´t cries all the time
1. Sam speaks French, but he doesn’t Speak Russian. 2. Ann does like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. “Does she play the saxophone?” “No, she doesn’t”. 4. Where does you work?
5. He does go to school on Sunday. 6. What does you have for dinner?
1. What time does she get up? C A. She goes to bed at 10:00.
2. How does she go to school? B B. She walks to school.
3. Does she have breakfast every day? D C. She gets up at 7:00.
4. What does she do in the afternoon? A D. No, she doesn’t.
Choose the right option.
5. When does she go to bed? E. She does her homework.
☺ Good luck ☺
1. He __________ a 2. He __________ to 3. He_________ with 4. He __________the
tricycle. school. his pet. flower.
a. ride a. walks a. playing a. watering
b. riding b. walk b. play b. waters
c. rides c. walking c. plays c. water
17. They _______ to 18. His mother _____ 19. He __________ his 20. He ____________
the park on Sundays. the newspaper. grandparents at six. goodbye.
a. going a. reads a. call a. waves
b. goes b. read b. calls b. waving
c. go c. reading c. calling c. wave
21. He ____________ 22. He ____________ 23. He ______ a bath 24. They ________ to
before dinner. dinner. before going to bed. bed at ten.
a. study a. cook a. taking a. goes
b. studies b. cooking b. takes b. going
c. studying c. cooks c. take c. go
1. Add –s or -es to the verbs: 2. Underline the correct variant:
1. see sees 14. wake 1. Tom _____ his room every Saturday.
2. take Takes 15. teach a) tidy b) tidies
3. brush Brushes 16. lose 2. We _____ to the music every day.
4. kiss Kisses 17. catch a) listen b) listens
5. call Calls 18. buy 3. Mary usually _____ TV in the evening.
6. give Gives 19. pass a) watch b) watches
7. play Plays 20. come 4. The girls often _____ with the dolls.
8. study Stuyes 21. fight a) play b) plays
9. watch Watckes 22. water 5. I _____ in the pool on Sundays.
10. help Helps 23. choose a) swim b) swims
11. cut Cuts 24. fly 6. They _____ their homework every day.
12. cry Cries 25. match a) do b) does
13. swim Swims 26. carry
4. Fill in don’t or doesn’t:
3. Rewrite the sentences with the new 1. Bill doesn’t play tennis every Sunday.
subject: 2. We doesn’t go to the park.
1. Kate likes to eat an ice-cream. (I) 3. Kate doesn’t like to eat fish.
I and kate are likes to eat an ice-cream 4. Sue doesn’t wear long dresses.
2. We go to the zoo every Sunday. (Sam) 5. I don’t like to get up early.
Sam We go to the zoo every Sunday 6. My brothers don’t like to drink milk.
3. The boys play football well. (Tom) 7. My cousin don’t know Italian well.
The boys and Tom play football well 8. I don’t like to walk with my dog.
4. My brother speaks English well. (They) 9. Pam doesn’t go to the gym.
They and My brother speaks English well 10. They doesn’t understand this rule.
5. The girls like to draw dolls. (My sister) 11. We doesn’t often go to the movies.
My sister and The girls like to draw dolls 12. Liz doesn’t wear shorts at all.
6. I play computer games every day. (Pam) 13.Tim doesn’t grow flowers in the garden.
Pam and I plays computer games every day
a) - ___________________________________________________________________?
- No, she lives with her brothers and her parents.
b) - ___________________________________________________________________?
- They live in Sydney, Australia.
c) - __________________________________________________________________?
- He’s a doctor.
d) - __________________________________________________________________?
- She loves her family!
e) - __________________________________________________________________?
- No, he takes the train to school.
Affirmative sentences
TASK 1 - Write the correct form of the Task 2 – Write the correct forms of the
verbs in the brackets on the lines. verbs in the brackets on the line. You
have to use 3rd person singular.
E.g.: They ……… to school. (to go) go E.g.: She ……… to school. (to go) goes
1) I usually _________ a bike in spring. (to 1) Tim _________ to Paris every month. (to
ride) fly)
2) You _________ dinner at 4 o’clock every 2) Sandra _________ carefully on the
day. (to prepare) lessons. (to listen)
3) Mary and I _________ to school at 3) Molly _________ her homework in the
quarter past 7. (to go) afternoons. (do)
4) My parents _________ work at 4 o’clock 4) Britney often _________ when she
in the afternoon. (to finish) _________ a romantic film. (to cry, to
5) They _________ new dresses for Mary see)
in May. (to buy) 5) She _________ her hair in the
6) You never _________ meat. (to eat) bathroom. (to brush)
7) I always _________ home after school. 6) It _________ a lot in England. (to rain)
(to walk) 7) He never _________ at me. (to laugh)
8) The students _________ English from 8) Mrs Davis _________ after lunch. (to
Mrs Harrison. (to learn) wash up)
9) We _________ a lot on Saturdays. (to 9) Tigger _________ jumping. (to like)
dance) 10) Mum rarely _________ the bus. (to
10) You _________ your house for miss)
Christmas. (to decorate) 11) Ms Martin usually _________ about the
11) Charlie and Mandy _________ the table housework. (to worry)
before lunch. (to set) 12) Bill _________ his girlfriend. (to
Task 3 – Underline the signal words in Task 4 – Circle the verbs which haven’t
task 1 and 2. got the ‘regular’ 3rd personal singular form
in task 2.
Task 5 – Write the correct forms of the Task 6 – Write the correct forms of the
verbs in the brackets on the line. verbs on the line from this list.
1) The students _________ their books to
school. (to bring) to bake to play
2) The pop group _________ a lot. (to to build to read
practise) to drink to wear
3) His brother never _________ the ball. to get up to work
(to catch) to know to write
4) She _________ we _________ hungry.
(to think; to be) 1) I _________ a letter to my grandma.
5) We _________ on Fridays. (to go out) 2) We _________ milk for breakfast.
6) The boys usually _________. (to fight) 3) The teachers _________ at school.
7) Mum _________ to cook something new 4) They _________ football every Friday.
on weekends. (to try) 5) I _________ a cake for Jake in
8) Brian and Frank _________ every day. September.
(to swim) 6) We _________ your address.
9) I _________ to tell you the truth. (to 7) The Lees _________ at 6 o’clock.
want) 8) The children _________ a sandcastle in
10) Her parents _________ her up when summer.
she _________ ill. (to call; to be) 9) The women always _________ beautiful
11) Dick always _________ my homework. skirts.
(to copy) 10) The pupils often _________ books.
Task 7 – Write the correct forms of the Task 8 – Write the correct forms of the
verbs on the line from this list. verbs on the line from this list.