Eurocontrol Lssi
Eurocontrol Lssi
Eurocontrol Lssi
Reference Documents
The development and modernization of Albania’s transport infrastructure, especially in the aviation sector has been
and remains one of the top priorities of the Government of Albania. The aim has been
i) to create the preconditions for the development of other sectors of the economy,
ii) to increase the accessibility of freight and passengers in trade and service delivery, and
iii) to significantly contribute to overall economic growth and development of the economy.
The Civil Aviation Authority (ACAA) is a public and self-financed entity, under the Ministry of Infrastructures and
Energy responsible for ATM safety regulation in Albania. The establishment of a self-financed and independent
Authority has been guaranteed through Law Nr.10233 date 12.03.2010 as amended by law Nr. 168/2014 date
10.12.2014 for the Civil Aviation Authority.
The ACAA as a regulator is institutionally separated from the ANS service provider, Albcontrol sh.a, which is a joint
stock company.
Albania CAA and other aviation organizations in Albania are cooperating with EU in several Programs, which aim the
full country integration into EU family including aviation community.
Albanian Air Navigational Services are provided by Albcontrol sh.a., which is certified and designated as ATS, CNS,
MET and AIS Provider by ACAA. Yet, Albcontrol holds a TO Certification based on EC reg. 340/2015 as well.
The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Albania are the following:
- Ministry of Infrastructures and Energy;
- Albanian Civil Aviation Authority;
- Accident/Incident Investigation Body;
- Ministry of Economic Development Trade and Enterprises;
- Albcontrol Sh.a., Air Navigation Services Provider of Albania;
- Ministry of Defence;
- Air Force Command.
- Tirana International Airport
+7.4% & 4.8%
2019 2019 2020-2024
The average en-route delay for Tirana ACC remained at zero minutes per flight in summer 2019.
The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the SESAR baseline (Pre-SESAR and
SESAR1 non-PCP) and the PCP elements.
It shows the average implementation progress for all objectives grouped by SESAR Phases, excluding those for which
the State is outside the applicability area as defined on a yearly basis in the European ATM Master Plan (Level 3)
2019, i.e. disregarding the declared “NOT APPLICABLE” LSSIP progress status.
The SESAR 1 (non-PCP) progress in the graphics below for this State is based on the following objectives: AOP14,
AOP15, AOP16, AOP17, AOP18, ATC18, ATC19, ATC20, NAV12 and COM11.2.
The figure below shows the progress made so far, per SESAR Key Feature, in the implementation of the SESAR
baseline and the PCP elements. The percentages are calculated as an average, per Key Feature, of the same
objectives as in the previous paragraph.
Optimised ATM Network Advanced Air Traffic High Performing Airport Enabling the Aviation
Services Services Operations Infrastructure
100 100
n/a 0% n/a 0%
% %
74 %
% 58
46 %
SESAR 1 (PCP only)
SESAR 1 (non-PCP)
SESAR 1 (non-PCP)
SESAR 1 (non-PCP)
Pre-SESAR Phase
Pre-SESAR Phase
Pre-SESAR Phase
Pre-SESAR Phase
The figure below shows the progress made so far in the implementation of the ICAO ASBUs Block 0. The overall
percentage is calculated as an average of the relevant Objectives contributing to each of the relevant ASBUs; this is
a summary of the table explained in Chapter 5.3 – ICAO ASBU Implementation Progress.
State Objectives
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the ATM institutional arrangements within the State, the membership of the
State in various international organisations, the organisational structure of the main ATM players - civil and military
- and their responsibilities under the national legislation. In addition, it gives an overview of the Airspace
Organisation and Classification, the ATC Units;
Chapter 2 provides a comprehensive picture of the situation of Air Traffic, Capacity and ATFM Delay per each ACC
in the State. It shows the evolution of Air Traffic and Delay in the last five years and the forecast for the next five
years. It also presents the achieved performance in terms of delay during the summer season period and the planned
projects assumed to offer the required capacity which will match the foreseen traffic increase and keep the delay at
the agreed performance level;
Chapter 3 provides the main Implementation Projects (at national, FAB and multinational level) which contribute
directly to the implementation of the MP Operational Improvements and/or Enablers and Implementation
Objectives. The Level 1 document covers a high-level list of the projects showing the applicable links. All other details
like description, timescale, progress made and expected contribution to the ATM Key Performance Areas provided
by the State per each project are available in the Level 2 document;
Chapter 4 deals with other cooperation activities beyond Implementation Projects. It provides an overview of the
FAB cooperation, as well as all other multinational initiatives, which are out of the FAB scope. The content of this
chapter generally is developed and agreed in close cooperation between the States concerned;
Chapter 5 contains aggregated information at State level covering the overall level of implementation,
implementation per SESAR Key Feature and implementation of ICAO ASBUs. In addition, it provides the high-level
information on progress and plans of each Implementation Objective. The information for each Implementation
Objective is presented in boxes giving a summary of the progress and plans of implementation for each Stakeholder.
The conventions used are presented at the beginning of the section.
The Level 1 document is completed with a separate document called LSSIP Level 2. This document consists of a set of
tables organised in line with the list of Implementation Objectives. Each table contains all the actions planned by the
four national stakeholders (REG, ASP, MIL and APO) to achieve their respective Stakeholder Lines of Action (SLoAs)
as established in the European ATM Master Plan L3 Implementation Plan Edition 2019. In addition, it covers a detailed
description of the Implementation Projects for the State as extracted from the LSSIP Data Base.
The information contained in Chapter 5 – Implementation Objectives Progress is deemed sufficient to satisfy State
reporting requirements towards ICAO in relation to ASBU (Aviation System Block Upgrades) monitoring.
International Membership
Organisation Since
ECAC 1988
ICAO 1991
NATO 2009
ITU 1922
The geographical scope of this document addresses the Albanian FIR, Tirana FIR.
Tirana FIR is surrounded by FIRs of 4 States, namely Skopje FIR, Athens FIR, Brindisi FIR, and Belgrade FIR.
Types of airspace
In Albania, the following types of airspace have been established:
– Uncontrolled airspace:
All airspace of the Tirana FIR from GND to FL 115 and airspace outside airways/ATS routes from FL 115 up to
FL 195. Uncontrolled Airspace is Class G Airspace;
- controlled airspace:
All airspace within Tirana TMA(C)/CTR (D), and the
ATS routes RNAV routes and airways below flight level 195 to flight level 115;
All airspace above flight level 195
The ATC units in the Albanian airspace, which are of concern to this LSSIP, are the following:
1 The given numbers for ACC/APP and TWR ATCOs refer to active full time controllers.
The main National Stakeholders involved in ATM in Albania are the following:
- Ministry of Infrastructures and Energy;
- Albanian Civil Aviation Authority;
- Accident/Incident Investigation Body;
- Ministry of Economic Development Trade and Enterprises;
- Albcontrol Sh.a., Air Navigation Services Provider of Albania;
- Ministry of Defence;
- Air Force Command.
Their activities are detailed in the following subchapters and their relationships are shown in the diagram below.
Service provided
ALBCONTROL is a 100% state owned joint stock company, property of the Ministry of Economic & Finance.
ALBCONTROL was established in 1992 as state-owned enterprise and it was transformed into a joint stock company
under the name of National Air Traffic Agency on 03.02.1999.
Since 2003 ALBCONTROL is a member of EUROCONTROL, joints CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Services Organization)
in 2009 and starting from January 2016 it is a full member of CANSO Europe Region.
Further information about Albcontrol is provided on the following web site:
The Organisation Chart of Albcontrol is available in Annexes.
Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: Lockheed Martin ‘Skyline’ System
Upgrade 3 of the ATC system is performed or planned? ATC system has been upgraded during
2018, consisting of:
- Changes in MTCD functions
- Improvement in some controller tactical tools
- Implementation of FRA airspace in Tirana FIR.
Specify the manufacturer of the ATC system currently in use: Lockheed Martin “Skyline” System
Upgrade of the ATC system is performed or planned? The latest upgrade was performed in 2018
Replacement of the ATC system by the new one is planned? N
On 3 May 2011, a new air traffic control facility was inaugurated in Albania as part of the National Airspace
Modernization Project and was put on services on April 2012. It was implemented in partnership with US-based
Lockheed Martin. It consisted in the improvement of Air Traffic Management (ATM) infrastructure and included new
and upgrades of communications, navigation and surveillance systems.
The Project also entailed installing an ILS (instrument landing system), a new air-ground and ground-ground
communications system, and mono-pulse secondary surveillance radar. Naturally, operational and technical staffs
were also trained in the new procedures.
2 Technology alliance is an alliance with another service provider for joint procurement of technology from a particular supplier
The Military Authorities involved in ATM in Albania are composed of the Air Force Command, which reports to the
Ministry of Defence of Albania.
Their regulatory, service provision and user role in ATM are detailed below.
Regulatory role
Regulatory framework and rule making
OAT and provision of service for OAT governed by Y Provision of service for GAT by the Military N
national legal provisions? governed by national legal provisions?
Level of such legal provision: Ministerial Order Level of such legal provision: N/A
Authority signing such legal provision: Ministry of Defence Authority signing such legal provision: N/A
These provisions cover: These provisions cover:
Rules of the Air for OAT Y
Organisation of military ATS for OAT Y Organisation of military ATS for GAT N
OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y OAT/GAT Co-ordination Y
ATCO Training Y ATCO Training N
ATCO Licensing N ATCO Licensing N
ANSP Certification N ANSP Certification N
ANSP Supervision N ANSP Supervision N
Aircrew Training Y ESARR applicability N
Aircrew Licensing Y
Additional Information: FUA is implemented on all three levels of FUA to
accommodate Mil requirements and interact with NM and
managing the airspace internally as well.
Means used to inform airspace users (other than military) Means used to inform airspace users (other than military)
about these provisions: about these provisions:
National AIP Y National AIP Y
National Military AIP N National Military AIP N
Other N Other: N
National oversight body for OAT: NSA (as per SES reg. 550/2004) for GAT services provided by the military:
N/A Albanian Civil Aviation Authority (ACAA)
Additional information: Additional information:
The Albanian Air Force does not provide any ATS services to GAT at the moment.
Military ANSP providing GAT N/A If YES, since: N/A Duration of the N/A
services SES certified? Certificate:
Certificate issued by: N/A If NO, is this fact reported to the EC in Y
accordance with SES regulations?
Additional Information:
The Albanian Air Force does not have any ATM service provision role. Their aircraft fleet is intended only for coastal patrol
and SAR activities, where Air Force supports its air vehicles with the necessary services. Any services to OAT are provided by
User role
IFR inside controlled airspace, Military aircraft OAT only N GAT only Y Both OAT and N
can fly? GAT
If Military fly OAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify the available options:
Free Routing Y Within specific corridors only N/A
Within the regular (GAT) national route network Y Under radar control Y
Within a special OAT route system N Under radar advisory service Y
If Military fly GAT-IFR inside controlled airspace, specify existing special arrangements:
No special arrangements Y Exemption from Route Charges N/A
Exemption from flow and capacity (ATFCM) measures Y Provision of ATC in UHF Y
CNS exemptions: RVSM N 8.33 N Mode S Y ACAS N
Others: N/A
250000 Dep/Arr 12%
IFR fl ights
flights 0%
IFR movements - Actuals 88%
IFR movements - Baseline forecast
IFR movements - High forecast
IFR movements - Low forecast
A = Actual
2015 A 2016 A 2017 A 2018 A 2019 F 2020 F 2021 F 2022 F 2023 F 2024 F 2025 F F = Forecast
Traffic in Albania increased by 7.4% in 2019 compared to 2018.
The EUROCONTROL Seven-Year Forecast predicts an average annual traffic growth between 1.6% and 4.8% for the
planning period, with an average baseline growth of 3.3%.
1200 1.0
600 0.5
0 0.0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Peak Day Traffic 1020 1014 994 1060 1093
Summer Traffic 705 670 691 735 791
Yearly Traffic 553 510 531 563 605
Summer Traffic Forecast 808 840 868 896 923
High Traffic Forecast - Summer 826 870 915 952 993
Low Traffic Forecast - Summer 792 801 818 833 845
Summer enroute delay (all causes) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Yearly enroute delay (all causes) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Additional information
National projects
The BLUE MED FAB is the European central/south-eastern FAB (Functional Airspace Block) initiative, whose partners
are the EU Member States of Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta.
Albania is an associate member of the BLUE MED FAB Initiative and follows closely its developments.
The BLUE MED FAB is currently in its Implementation Phase, when the identified operational solutions and the
deployment of identified technical enablers are being implemented through a solid Implementation Programme,
that is at the same time a summary and a plan of all the activities deployed or to be undertaken by the BLUE MED
working groups and task forces.
The graph below shows progress for all Implementation Objectives (applicable and not applicable to the State).
10; [17%]
14; [24%] Completed
6; [10%] Planned
1; [2%]
Not yet planned
7; [12%] Not Applicable
20; [34%]
Albania has fully implemented EU Regulation 340/2015 and is in the final phase of implementing SERA as well.
ANSP had 0 delay on the IFR traffic and achieved Level D Safety maturity in all areas (compliance with EU regulation
No.. 390/2013 and with ICAO Annex 19).
Some of the achievements during 2019 are related to the
- Implementation of Reduction of Separation Minima
- RNAV Departures RWY 17/35
- e-ARO implementation,
- Aeronautical Chart VFR 1-500 000 and
- Improvement of the AWOS/ATIS MET Systems.
For the year 2020, the implementation of the Objectives Surveillance Performance and Interoperability (ITY-SPI),
Voice over Internet Protocol in Airport/Terminal (COM11.2), Ensure Quality of Aeronautical Data and Aeronautical
Information (ITY-ADQ), ASM Support Tools to Support Advanced FUA (AOM19.1), Electronic Terrain and Obstacle
Data (INF07), Ground-Based Safety Nets (ATC02.8) and Voice over Internet Protocol in En-Route (COM11.1) is
The Implementation objectives progress charts per Key Feature below show progress only for Implementation
Objectives applicable to the State/airport and which are not local objectives.
Note: The detailed table of links between Implementation Objectives and SESAR Key Features is available in Annex
C: Implementation Objectives’ links with SESAR, ICAO and DP.
## % = Expected completion / % Progress = Implementation Objective timeline (different colour per KF)
100% = Objective completed = Completion beyond Implementation Objective timeline
<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26
<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26
<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26
<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26
The following table shows, for each of the ASBU Block 0 modules, the overall status, the final date foreseen for
completion and the percentage of progress achieved in the current cycle.
These results were determined using the LSSIP Year 2019 declared statuses and progress of the relevant
Implementation objectives in accordance with the mapping approved by the ICAO EUR EASPG/1 meeting (European
Aviation System Planning Group).
<16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 >26
46.0 %
82.0 %
Main Objectives
Harmonise Operational Air Traffic (OAT) and General Air Traffic (GAT)
AOM13.1 %
(Outside Applicability Area) Applicable
- not applicable -
Key Feature: Optimised ATM Network Services
Although for the time being there are no Operational Air Traffic (OAT) under Instrument Flight
Rules (IFR) inside controlled Airspace of Albania is provided by Military Air Force. Yet, CAA is
working with Military authority to establish a national plan on harmonizing rules for the military
under the objective AOM13.1.
REG (By:12/2018)
Although for the time being there are no Operational Air Not Applicable
Traffic (OAT) under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) inside
controlled Airspace of Albania is provided by Military Air
ACAA - %
Force. Yet, CAA is working with Military authority to -
establish a national plan on harmonizing rules for the
military under the objective AOM13.1.
ASP (By:12/2018)
For the time being no Operational Air Traffic (OAT) under Not Applicable
Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) inside controlled Airspace of
Albcontrol - %
Albania is provided by Military Air Force. Therefore this -
objective is Not Applicable.
MIL (By:12/2018)
Although for the time being there are no Operational Air Not Applicable
Traffic (OAT) under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) inside
controlled Airspace of Albania is provided by Military Air
Mil. Authority - %
Force. Yet, CAA is working with Military authority to -
establish a national plan on harmonizing rules for the
military under the objective AOM13.1.
Time-Based Separation
AOP10 Timescales: %
- not applicable -
Links: B1-RSEQ, B2-WAKE | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations
LATI - Tirana Airport
(Outside Applicability Area)
Mother Teresa Airport is not in the applicability area of this Objective. -
REG (By:12/2023)
Mother Teresa Airport is not in the applicability area of Not Applicable
ACAA - %
this Objective. -
ASP (By:12/2023)
Mother Teresa Airport is not in the applicability area of Not Applicable
Albcontrol - %
this Objective. -
Aircraft Identification
ITY-ACID 33% Late
Entry into force of the Regulation: 13/12/2011
System capability: 02/01/2020
Key Feature: Enabling the Aviation Infrastructure
This objective is planned to be finalised end 2019. 31/01/2021
ASP (By:01/2020)
The surveillance strategy has already been completed. Late
Implementation started early 2018 by implementing
MLAT/WAM technology. Activity for implementation of C-
Albcontrol - 33%
CAMS started by mid-2017 in coordination with 31/01/2021
EUROCONTROL. ATM system has been upgraded to
receive process and display to ATCOs MLAT data.
Direct Routing
AOM21.1 (Outside Applicability Area) %
- not applicable -
Links: B0-FRTO, B1-FRTO | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services
ALBCONTROL has no plan to implement Direct Routing because ALBCONTROL has completed
implemented Free Route Airspace.
ASP (By:12/2017)
Albcontrol has no plan to implement Direct Routing Not
Albcontrol because Albcontrol has completed the implementation - % Applicable
of Free Route Airspace. -
Implement ground based safety nets - Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA)
- level 2 for en-route operations
ATC02.2 Timescales: 100% Completed
Initial operational capability: 01/01/2008
Full operational capability: 31/01/2013
Links: B0-SNET | Key Feature: Advanced Air Traffic Services
The system upgrade of STCA is completed based on EUROCONTROL specification. Evaluation
phases have been completed issues derived from those phases are evaluated and actions are 31/12/2014
been taken to improve radar data information. The objective is fully completed.
ASP (By:01/2013)
Albcontrol has completed the system upgrade and STCA Completed
Albcontrol was installed and operationally evaluated with experts - 100%
of EUROCONTROL. The objective is completed
Note: Local Objectives are addressing solutions that are considered beneficial for specific operating environments,
therefore for which a clear widespread commitment has not been expressed yet. They are characterised with no
deadline and voluntary applicability area.
Enhanced traffic situational awareness and airport safety nets for the
Not yet
AOP15 vehicle drivers %
Applicability and timescale: Local
Links: B2-SURF | Key Feature: High Performing Airport Operations
LATI - Tirana Airport
This objective is not yet planned. -
LSSIP Co-ordination
Assurance Planning
Sector Sector
The table below (extracted from the MPL3 Progress Plan 2019) shows for each implementation objective, the links with the SESAR Key Features, Major ATM Changes, SESAR 1
Solutions, Deployment Program families, ICAO ASBU, EASA EPAS and AAS TP milestones.
AOM19.1 - ASM tools to support A-FUA FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.1 B1-FRTO B1-NOPS - AM-1.8
AOM19.2 - ASM management of real-time airspace data FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.2 - AM-1.8
AOM19.3 - Full rolling ASM/ATFCM process and ASM information sharing FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.3 B1-NOPS - AM-1.8
AOM19.4 – Management of Pre-defined Airspace Configurations FRA & A-FUA #31 3.1.4 - -
4.2.2 -
FCM05 - Interactive rolling NOP NOP #20, #21 B1-ACDM B1-NOPS AM-1.12
FCM06 - Traffic Complexity Assessment ATFCM #19 4.4.2 B1-NOPS AM-1.13
FCM07 - Calculated Take-off Time (CTOT) to Target Times for ATFCM 4.3.1 -
ATFCM #18 B1-NOPS AM-1.9
Purposes 4.3.2
FCM09 - Enhanced ATFM Slot swapping ATFCM #56 - B1-NOPS -
3.2.1 B0-FRTO -
*AOM21.1 - Direct Routing Free Route #32 -
3.2.3 B1-FRTO
- AM-1.6
AOM21.2 - Free Route Airspace Free route #33, #66 B1-FRTO AM-1.10
ATC02.8 - Ground based safety nets - 3.2.1 -
Systems B1-SNET
ATC02.9 – Enhanced STCA for TMAs #60 - MST.030 -
Systems B1-SNET
Enhanced -
ATC07.1 - Arrival management tools - 1.1.1 B0-RSEQ -
Arrival Seq
ATM - AM-1.15
ATC12.1 - MONA, TCT and MTCD #27, #104 3.2.1 B1-FRTO
Systems AM-5.1
Enhanced -
ATC15.1 – Initial extension of AMAN to En-route - 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ -
Arrival Seq
Enhanced -
ATC15.2 - Extension of AMAN to En-route #05 1.1.2 B1-RSEQ AM-1.3
Arrival Seq
ATC17 - Electronic Dialog supporting COTR Free Route - 3.2.1 - AM-1.3
- AM-4.3
ATC18 – Multi Sector Planning En-route – 1P2T Free Route #63 - -
Enhanced -
ATC19 - Enhanced AMAN-DMAN integration #54 - B2-RSEQ -
Arrival Seq
ATC20- Enhanced STCA with down-linked parameters via Mode S EHS #69 - B1-SNET -
B0-CDO -
ENV01 – Continuous Descent Operations PBN - - -
ENV03 – Continuous Climb Operations PBN - - B0-CCO -
NAV03.1 – RNAV1 in TMA Operations PBN #62 - B0-CCO -
1.2.3 RMT.0639
NAV03.2 – RNP1 in TMA Operations PBN #09, #51 B1-RSEQ -
1.2.4 RMT.0445
NAV10 - RNP Approach Procedures to instrument RWY PBN #103 B0-APTA RMT.0445R -
NAV12 – ATS IFR Routes for Rotorcraft Operations PBN #113 - B1-APTA MST.031 -
AOP04.1 - A-SMGCS Surveillance (former Level 1) Surface mgt #70 2.2.1 B0-SURF -
AOP04.2 - A-SMGCS RMCA (former Level 2) Surface mgt - 2.2.1 B0-SURF -
Collaborative -
ENV02 – Airport Collaborative Environmental Management - - - -
COM11.1 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in En-Route CNS rat. - 3.1.4 - AM-1.3
COM11.2 - Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in Airport/Terminal CNS rat. - - - -
ITY-AGVCS2 – 8.33 kHz Air-Ground Voice Channel Spacing below FL195 CNS rat. - - - - -
* AOM21.1 was achieved in 2017 and FCM04.1 was achieved in 2018, therefore they were removed from the Implementation Plan 2018/2019. They are kept in this table
for traceability purposes.
Objective’s link to SESAR Key Feature:
This Annex is not produced in 2019. It will be updated every second year, therefore it will be produced as part of the
LSSIP 2020 document.
In case information is sought on military infrastructure, the previous LSSIP may be made available upon request to the
respective Focal Point and/or Contact Person.
This Annex mainly shows the abbreviations that are specific to the LSSIP Document for Albania
Other general abbreviations are in the Acronyms and Abbreviations document in:
Term Description