1 - Introduction (Compatibility Mode)

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CE 345: Transportation Engineering Transportation:

Movement of people and goods

1- Introduction

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Transportation Modes of Transportation:

 Mobility is dependent on the existence of adequate
transportation facilities. 1. Highway Transportation (cars)

 Transportation is a principal component of the economic, 2. Rail Transportation (trains)

social cultural,
social, cultural and political structures of our society and
thus a vital factor in civilization. 3. Air Transportation (airplanes)

 Transportation is a major contributor in the exchange of 4. Water Transportation (ships)

cultural ideas among human beings.
5. pipeline Transportation (oil, gas,…)

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Roles of Transportation in Society:

B. Socially:
A. Economically:
1. Transportation makes goods and services available. 1. Provides mobility for cultural, recreational and
2. It makes effective use of natural resources social purposes
3. Expansion of trade
4. Decentralization of industries & promotion of regional
specialization 2. Affects population distribution and housing
5. Increasing large scale production & reducing the cost of requirements
6. Providing competition that produces low prices & high 3. Affects employment opportunities

Transportation level is an index of economy and development. 5 6


C.Environmentally: D. Politically:

Its pollution affects the air, water & land 1. Increase the ability of the country to defend itself
qualities which are dangerous to human
animal & plant lives.
2. Promotes the political unity of the nation

7 8

Transportation Problems:
Transportation Engineering 1. Congestion, pollution

Transportation Engineering is a branch of the 2. Energy problems (because of political and

engineering that deals with planning, design, & natural causes)
operation of various transportation systems and their
components, to achieve a safe, efficient, convenient 3. Environmental problems (effects on air,
and economical movement of persons and goods. water, land, and other aspects of human,
animal, and plant life)

4. Safety problems
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System Approach to Problem Solving: Trends in Transportation Development

1. Identifying the problem 1. Integration of transportation systems

2. Defining goals and objectives in solving the 2. Optimization of transportation systems

problem 3. Employment of computers & new
3. Searching for alternative methods of t h l i
meeting the requirement 4. Minimization of energy use
5. Increasing efficiency of existing facilities
4. Choosing & developing the best alternative

5. Implementing its operation

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Physical elements of the transportation system:

1. Travel ways (highways, waterways,

railways, etc…)

2. Terminals ((airports,
p , water ports,
p , train
stations, etc.)

3. Carriers (automobiles, trains, airplanes,



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