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Subtraction With Regrouping Worksheets

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Subtraction Gr4ath

with Regrouping
Homework & Practice Sheets
& Go!

by: Shelly Rees

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©Shelly Rees

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You Might be interested in these additional resources:

Clip Art and Graphics Credits:

This packet includes 4 practice sheets for the specified skill.
Each sheet has 9 practice problems for the skill and 3 spiral
review problems at the bottom.

Although the packet is designed to provide math

homework,, it can be used in other ways (see below). If you
choose to use it as math homework, there is one sheet for
each night of the week, Monday-Thursday. With 9 problems
for each night, it will not be too time-consuming for the
student, but will provide enough practice to solidify
understanding of the skill.

There are several other ways you can use this packet:
•  Independent practice in class
•  Pair and Share activity
•  Small group work
•  Extra remediation
•  Cut apart the squares and use 1 problem as an exit ticket
each day
•  Test review and practice
•  Quick quiz
•  Informal assessment
•  Guided math work as a whole group
•  Early finisher work/bonus problems

Enjoy! Happy Mathematics Teaching!

Shelly Rees

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 1
Name ________________________ Date ________
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your work in the space provided.
1. 2. 3.
25 240 8,352
- 17 - 68 - 6,902

4. 5. 6.
95 - 76 = __ 4,502 - 805= ___ 8,006 - 523= ___

7. 8. 9.
356,802 5,403,288 52,935,903
- 238,920 - 456,724 - 923,025

Spiral Review Problems

A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 54,399 + 26,875 964,503,128
+ 6,172,345

_____________ _____________ _____________

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 2
Name ________________________ Date ________
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your work in the space provided.
1. 2. 3.
74 365 9,318
- 25 - 99 - 817

4. 5. 6.
88 - 49 = __ 520 – 187 = ___ 3,993 – 214 = ___

7. 8. 9.
428,397 8,095,586 745,628,089
- 381,098 - 637,458 - 318,220

Spiral Review Problems

A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 78,340 + 129,078 887,345,925
+ 3,478,229

_____________ _____________ _____________

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 3
Name ________________________ Date ________
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your work in the space provided.
1. 2. 3.
56 345 2,250
- 39 - 84 - 882

4. 5. 6.
378 - 19 = __ 8,500 – 167 = ___ 803 - 386 = ___

7. 8. 9.
500,004 3,466,725 985,423,607
- 360,262 + 764,208 - 3,601,987

Spiral Review Problems

A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 341,259 + 8,765,900 346,257
+ 997,245

_____________ _____________ _____________

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 4
Name ________________________ Date ________
Directions: Solve each problem. Show your work in the space provided.
1. 2. 3.
50 549 7,067
- 28 - 65 - 6,278

4. 5. 6.
94 - 77 = __ 7,156 – 288 = ___ 7,004 - 585 = ___

7. 8. 9.
207,203 8,501,378 42,921,002
+ 85,357 - 277,509 - 851,855

Spiral Review Problems

A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 288,973 + 319,464 809,468,302
+ 6,182,355

_____________ _____________ _____________

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 1
1. 2. 3.
25 240 8,352
-  17 -  68 - 6,902
8 172 1,450
4. 5. 6.
95 - 76 = 19 4,502 - 805= 3,697 8,006 - 523= 7,483

7. 8. 9.
356,802 5,403,288 52,935,903
-  238,920 -  456,724 -  923,025
117,882 4,946,564 52,012,878
Spiral Review Problems
A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 54,399 + 26,875 964,503,128
+ 6,172,345

thousands place 81,274 970,675,473

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 2
1. 2. 3.
74 365 9,318
-  25 -  99 -  817
49 466 8,501
4. 5. 6.
88 - 49 = 39 520 – 187 = 333 3,993 – 214 = 3,779

7. 8. 9.
428,397 8,095,586 745,628,089
-  381,098 -  637,458 -  318,220
47,299 7,458,128 745,309,869
Spiral Review Problems
A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 78,340 + 129,078 887,345,925
+ 3,478,229

hundred thousand 207,418 890,824,154

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 3
1. 2. 3.
56 345 2,250
-  39 -  84 -  882
17 261 1,368
4. 5. 6.
378 - 19 = 359 8,500 – 167 = 8,333 803 - 386 = 417

7. 8. 9.
500,004 3,466,725 985,423,607
-  360,262 -  764,208 -  3,601,987
139,742 2,702,517 981,821,620
Spiral Review Problems
A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 341,259 + 8,765,900 346,257
+ 997,245

ten million 9,107,159 1,343,502

©Shelly Rees
Subtraction with Regrouping 4
1. 2. 3.
50 549 7,067
-  28 -  65 - 6,278
22 484 789
4. 5. 6.
94 - 77 = 17 7,156 – 288 = 6,868 7,004 - 585 = 6,419

7. 8. 9.
207,203 8,501,378 42,921,002
- 85,357 -  277,509 -  851,855
121,846 8,223,869 42,069,147
Spiral Review Problems
A. What place is the B. Solve: C. Solve:
underlined number? 288,973 + 319,464 809,468,302
+ 6,182,355

ten thousand 608,437 815,650,657

©Shelly Rees

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