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Guided Learning Activity Kit: English For Academic and Professional Purposes

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English for Academic

and Professional Purposes
Guided Learning Activity Kit
The Nature of Position Paper
Quarter 2- Week 1

1|P age
English – Grade 11
Guided Learning Activity Kit
The Nature of Position Paper
Quarter 2- Week 1

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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GLAK Development Team

Writer: Jethro Ray A. Ticong
Editor /Reviewer: Grace B. Montevirgen
Graphic Artist: Liezel L. Cruz
Management Team: Leonardo D. Zapanta EdD, CESO V
Michelle Ablian-Mejica EdD
Manolito B. Basilio EdD
Gina R. Borje
Garry M. Achacoso
Rechelle C. Diviva

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Website: www.depedzambales.ph
The Nature of Position Paper


How often do you argue with your friends or classmates? And why do you
argue with them?
You might take your stand because they could probably react oppositely with
your ideas or if the idea they present does not appeal good to you.
Yes, it is indeed enjoyable exchanging thoughts and opinions based on your
experiences. However, it is more evident and factual if the idea is accompanied with
strong legal basis. This legal basis presents an actual and concrete information that
most of the people believe and hold on to.
In this Guided Learning Activity Kit (GLAK), you will be provided with activities
that would help you create and analyze an argument used by the writers in their
manifestoes or position papers.

Learning Competency

Analyze the argument used by the writers in manifestoes (CS_EN11/12-



At the end of this guided learning activity kit, you will be able to:
1. define what a position paper is;
2. appraise situations in which a position paper may be used
effectively in our present situation; and
3. analyze the argument used by the writers in manifestoes.

1|P age

The previous discussion prepared you on the content and organization of the
critiques and reaction papers that helped you produce a well-written critique and
reaction paper.
To recall the previous lesson, let us do the activity below.

Directions. The following are the characteristics of a critique and reaction papers.
Arrange the jumbled letters in each number to form the correct words. Write your
answers on your paper.

A U C R C E A T 1.

- it presents the summary and other factual details concerning the subject or work

T V A E U I A V L E 2.

- it presents the writer’s overall judgment of the work and explains why this is so
by evaluating selected analytical components of the work; and

A B N C A D L E 3.

- it points out both strengths and weaknesses of the work.

Congratulations! It is clearly seen that writing

critique and reaction papers are truly manifested by you,
young writer! So let’s get ready as we embark another
journey to writing a paper focused on taking a stand on
societal issues and concerns.

2|P age

It is very helpful to you, learners, to express your thoughts and ideas orally.
However, when you, the debater, is asked to put all your arguments in an academic
writing, it becomes more comprehensive and detailed. Why? Simply because you will
be fully aware of the words and mechanics (grammar rules) of the statements.

When your oral arguments are transcribed into words, it is called Position
Paper. This paper helps you make a stand to an issue that your community involves.

A position paper according to Miciano M. and Miciano R. (2016) also called an

argumentative paper or manifesto, is an essay that presents a person’s or group’s
position or stand on a particular issue. Its goal is to convince the reader of the
acceptability of the writer’s position and it does so by:
• presenting rational support to a writer’s position, through the use of evidence;
• presenting counter-evidence to or flaws in the argument of the opposing
position; and
• using emotional appeals

Moreover, this position paper/argumentative paper/manifesto also deals with

the reaction on societal situation and significant issue of a community on which the
author takes a stand. It is indeed important how we get involved and be part in
finding a solution to it. Position paper can be seen in many and different contexts.
For instance, the SSG (Supreme Student Governance) of your school may present a
position paper on the issue on the improper waste disposal. By this, it may support
the idea for an immediate action.

According to Valdez (2016) the position paper has several parts that are
different from the other essays you have previously encountered. Specifically, the
position paper has essential parts such as the issue, the argumentative thesis,
the claims, and the evidence.
The issue of the position paper is similar to the topic sentence. It is the central
concept up for the contention. Specifically, an issue would have supporters for both
negative and positive sides and the author chooses one for the position paper.
Topic – dress code
Issue – Implementing a dress code in school

3|P age
The argumentative thesis states the stand of the author on the issue.
1. The Implementation of School Uniforms in School.
2. Dress Code: Its Importance to Teachers and Students

The statements that support the author’s stand is called claims. In the
previous example (argumentative thesis), the author cites risks to public safety and
the environment as points that strengthen his/her stand.

And lastly, the proofs to strengthen the author’s claims is called the evidence.
Such evidence is from surveys, library research, and experiments, informant
interviews (those who have direct experience related to the problem/ issue), and
expert interviews.

Hooray! Now that you have already understood the lesson, let us now
proceed with the activities.


Guided Practice 1:

A. Let’s Solve This Issue!

Directions: From the following list of topics for position paper, check yes if this can
be used as a subject for your position paper and no if it can’t be. If it can’t be, then
write your reason why. Write your answers on your paper.

Topic Yes No Reason

1. Students’ freedom of speech

2. Local/ Municipal Tourism

3. Proper Waste Disposal

4. Biofuel

5. Tablets/ smartphones

4|P age
B. Let’s Claim It!
Directions: Given the following issues, write a thesis statement or claim about it. Be
guided by the example below. Write your answers on your paper.

Issue: The use of bicycle in going to work
Claims: Health benefits, saves money, environment-friendly.

1. Issue: Implementation of Modular Learning in the Philippines


2. Issue: Parents/Siblings as Learning Facilitators


3. Issue: Use of social media websites in learning


4. Issue: Asynchronous Learning/ Modular


Your answers per item will be checked using the criteria below.
Focus ………….3
Content ………….2
Total ………….5

5|P age
Guided Practice 2:
C. Let’s Take A Stand!

Directions: Write a sample Yes or No question and an argumentative thesis

statement. Be guided by the example below. Write your answers on your paper.

Yes-No Question: Do the use of face mask and face shield help prevent the spread of
Thesis Statement: To help prevent the quick spread of the virus (COVID-19), people
are advised to use face masks and face shields everyday as they go outside their
houses. The Government itself also gives necessary fine to those who will violate the
Bayanihan to Heal As One Act.

Yes-No Question:

Thesis Statement:

Your answers will be checked using the criteria below.

Focus ………….3
Content ………….2
Total ………….5

D. Let’s Reveal Your Evidence!

Directions. Think of a societal issues today and write your concrete evidence that
will support the idea about the said issue. Be guided by the example below. Write
your answers on your paper.

Issue: Hoarding of Hygiene and Sanitation products like Alcohol and Sanitizers will
be apprehended.
Evidence: People who hoard Hygiene and Sanitation products will be penalized thru
the Republic Act No.11649 otherwise known as Bayanihan to Heal as One Act.

Issue: ___________________________________________________________________________

6|P age
Your answer will be checked using the criteria below.
Focus ………….3
Content ………….2
Total ………….5

Cheers, SHS students! You are almost there

little by little! Let’ try another one thru the
independent practice that follows.

Independent Practice: R.E.D (Read, Evaluate and Discuss)

Directions: Read and analyze the position paper below and answer the questions
that follow. Write your answers on your paper.


Chito B. Salazar

1. On May 15, 2013, President Aquino signed into law Republic Act No. 10533
or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. “Enhanced” is hardly the word
as RA 10533, more commonly known as the K-to-12 Law, is arguably the most
sweeping and largest-scale reform of the Philippine education system since
World War II.

2. The earlier signed Universal Kindergarten Law institutionalized compulsory

kindergarten and the K-to-12 Law increased the number of years of basic
education from 10 to 12, adding two more years to high school. These two
laws added three mandatory years of schooling before
college—kindergarten plus Grades 11 and 12—to the basic education of more
than 20 million Filipino youth and children. On the other hand, these two

7|P age
laws gave free access to these youth and children to much-needed three
additional years of schooling, an educational opportunity most of them

3. However, in recent months, certain lawmakers have threatened to repeal,

suspend, or postpone the K-to-12 Law. These threats were driven by first,
accusations that the Department of Education is not logistically ready to
handle the additional years (curriculum not yet set, not enough teachers and
classrooms, etc.), and second, the large number of college teachers to be
displaced starting in 2016, when there will be no entering freshmen due to
the additional high school years. Undeniably, there are obstacles that need to
be hurdled and impacts that need to be mitigated. However, these are not
reason enough to even postpone a program that seeks to benefit millions upon
millions of our youth.

4. But why should the business community care about the K-to-12 Law? From
a purely self-interested perspective, it should care because the sustainable
success of our industries depends on how good our people are and will
continue to be in the future. This, in turn, is mostly dependent on the quality
of our education system.

5. And just how good is our education system?

6. According to a 2010 survey conducted by the Philippine Management

Association of the Philippines, the top six deficiencies of companies’ new hires
were all general competencies, such as oral and written communications and
critical thinking. A general aptitude test administered by Phinma tertiary
institutions to its freshmen, mostly graduates of public schools, found that
only 3 percent were ready for college. A deeper analysis of the results showed
that most were entering college with only Grade IV to V reading and math
competencies. The overall mean percentage score of fourth year high school
students in DepEd’s 2011-2012 National Achievement Tests was 48.9, when
the goal was a score of 75. The scores were 46.37 and 40.53 for mathematics
and science, respectively. These are all evidences of a weak basic education

7. There are key reasons for such low quality: the insufficient amount of public
resources invested in education, resulting in an inadequate provision facilities
such as classrooms, textbooks and toilets; not enough quality teachers or
quality teacher training opportunities; and the short, 10-year basic education

8|P age
8. Our children are expected to learn the same competencies as every other child
in the world, but with not enough classrooms, from not enough quality
teachers, and in much less time. Even if we had good teachers armed with the
best facilities, the shorter basic education cycle would put our students at a
disadvantage vis-à-vis those of other countries. Others would simply have
more time to learn what needed to be learned in grade school and high school.

9. Consequently, to fix our system, we must address all these areas—resources,

teacher quality, and the basic education cycle—simultaneously.

10. So if companies are concerned about the quality of their human resources,
they must care about our country having the best possible basic education
system. This requires a 12-year cycle; thus, they must care about the fate of
the K-to-12 Law. It goes beyond just developing a pool of qualified employees.
The business sector should also care, for as a good corporate citizen, it should
care about the welfare of our people and our society.

11. Basic education is exactly that basic. It’s meant to provide our people with the
competencies, knowledge, and attitudes needed to live a productive and
dignified life. A good, solid education is likewise the best way for many of our
people to rise out of poverty. So whether our high school graduates choose to
go to college, pursue a job immediately after, or become actors, athletes, poets,
carpenters, or plumbers, they need the skills this education level provides.
They need quality basic education.

12. We are fortunate that the Aquino administration, through the leadership of
Education Secretary Armin Luistro, has done much to improve
education. It has addressed resource deficiencies, hired more and better
teachers, and successfully worked for the K-to-12 Law.

13. The business sector must now do its part by throwing its support behind the
law and helping ensure its implementation. After all, it is to its own interests,
as business and as a citizen, to see the law work, for quality education is
everyone’s business.

Chito B. Salazar, PhD, is president of Philippine Business for Education and also
heads Phinma’s education business.

9|P age

1. What is the issue taken up in the paper?

2. What is the author’s claim?

3. What is the reason to support this claim?

4. What kinds of supports/ evidence are given for the reasons.

Your answers per item will be checked using the criteria below.
Focus ………….3
Content ………….2
Total ………….5

10 | P a g e

Directions: Below is an article that discusses the arguments on waste disposal

management. Read, analyze, and answer the questions that follow. Write your
answers on your paper.

Improperly Discarded Face Mask Finds Its Way On The Shores Of Manila Bay

by Department of Environment and Natural Resources

The public health crisis brought about

by COVID-19 has added a new item on
the types of waste that end up in
Manila Bay: facemasks!

As with cigarette butts—the

single most collected item on the
world’s beaches according to Ocean
Conservancy—and disposable plastics,
discarded medical facemasks are
slowly becoming a common sighting in
the waters of Manila Bay, posing an
added danger to the people who rely on
its aquatic resources for a living.

To further prevent the increase

of COVID-19 cases in the country,
DENR-NCR is urging everyone to
observe proper handling and
responsible waste disposal of every
single-use Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) as a must practice for our battle against COVID-19.

The DENR also advised that all must observe proper solid waste management
at home, as it is one of the top priority programs of the department. In disposing of
used face masks, face shields, gloves, and gowns, make sure to have them separated
to other solid waste. Experts suggest that it is possible to disinfect disposable PPEs
through soaking them first on a mixture solution of 1 tbsp bleach and 1.5-liter of
clean water for 30 minutes, before having them placed on a separate plastic sealed

11 | P a g e
bag for at least 72 hours before garbage collection and have it labeled as `biomedical
waste` or `infectious waste’.

As we continue to wear disposable PPEs such as face masks to protect

ourselves, let us all be aware that PPEs if improperly disposed can expose other
people to infection. Please dispose these properly and help in the cleanup,
rehabilitation, and protection of Manila Bay and its tributaries. Better yet, please
consider using washable facemasks instead.


1. What is the issue taken up in this article?

2. What is the writer’s claim or thesis on the issue?

3. What are the evidences that support the reason/s?


4. Do you find this article convincing? Why or why not?


Your answers per item will be checked using the criteria below.
Focus ………….3
Content ………….2
Total ………….5

12 | P a g e

Directions: Complete the reflection prompts below by writing the most

significant thoughts regarding the lesson on the arguments used by the
writers in manifestoes. Do this on your paper.

1. I have learned that strong legal basis in an argument is important because


2. Writing a position paper helps me make a stand and speak for myself. I have
learned that ______________________________________________________________

Your answers will be checked through the rubrics below.

Features 5 4 3 2

Quality of Piece was Piece was Piece had Piece had no

Writing written in an written in an little style or little style or
extraordinary interesting voice voice
60% style and style and
voice. voice.

Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many

Usage & spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuations punctuation punctuation and
grammatical errors, minor or grammatical
40% errors grammatical grammatical errors that it
errors. errors. interferes with
the meaning.

13 | P a g e

MANILA BAY. [online] Available at:
bay> [Accessed 4 November 2020].

Miciano, M. and Miciano, R., 2016. Enhanced English Engagements: English For
Academic And Professional Purposes. Makati City: Don Bosco Press, pp.58-

Salazar, C., 2020. Why Business Should Care About K-To-12. [online]
INQUIRER.net. Available at: <https://opinion.inquirer.net/80148/why-
business-should-care-about-k-to-12> [Accessed 3 November 2020].

Valdez, PhD, P., 2016. English For The Globalized Classroom Series: English For
Academic And Professional Purposes. 1st ed. Quezon City: The Phoenix
Publishing House, Inc., pp.66-75.

14 | P a g e
15 | P a g e
1. Accurate
2. Evaluative
3. Balanced
Guided practice 1
A. Answers may vary
B. Answers may vary
Guided practice 2
C. Answers may vary
D. Answers may vary
Independent Pracctice
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Key to Corrections

The Schools Division of Zambales would like to express its heartfelt gratitude
to the following, who in one way or the other, have contributed to the successful
preparation, development, quality assurance, printing, and distribution of the
Quarter 2 Guided Learning Activity Kits (GLAKs) in all learning areas across grade
levels as a response to providing the learners with developmentally-appropriate,
contextualized and simplified learning resources with most essential learning
competencies (MELCs)-based activities anchored on the principles of guided learning
and explicit instruction:

First, the Learning Resources (LR) Development Team composed of the writers
and graphic artists for devoting much of their time and exhausting their best efforts
to produce these indispensable learning kits used for the implementation of learning
delivery modalities.

Second, the content editors, language reviewers, and layout evaluators

making up the Division Quality Assurance Team (DQAT) for having carefully
evaluated all GLAKs to ensure quality and compliance to DepEd standards;

Third, the Provincial Government of Zambales, for unceasingly extending its

financial assistance to augment the funds for the printing of these learning resources
for use by learners and parents at home;

Fourth, the teacher-advisers and subject teachers, in close coordination with

the school heads, for their weekly distribution and retrieval of the GLAKs and for
their frequent monitoring of the learners’ progress through various means; and

Finally, the parents and other home learning facilitators for giving the learners
the needed guidance and support for them to possibly accomplish the tasks and for
gradually helping them become independent learners.

To deliver learning continuity in this challenging circumstance would not be

possible without your collective effort and strong commitment to serving our
Zambaleño learners.

Again, our sincerest thanks!

The Management Team






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