Indicate 2 Differences Between The Case Study Method and In-Depth Interview Method
Indicate 2 Differences Between The Case Study Method and In-Depth Interview Method
Indicate 2 Differences Between The Case Study Method and In-Depth Interview Method
1. Indicate 2 differences between the case study method and in-depth interview method.
The methods used for qualitative studies are: the case study, in-depth interviews (individual
interview) and focus group.
A first difference between the first two methods is the source of application. The case study is
a source of hypotheses for the analysis of the company or the market. In some situations, the
case study is the only modality used to understand a complex phenomenon.
The interview is performed individually, with 30-50 persons, so chosen to respect the
structure of population analysed. The discussion lasts about an hour or more and may require
devices for recording answers. The interview can be non-directive (unstructured) when the
respondent can speak freely without having to follow a certain structure of the topics to be
discussed. Otherwise, the semi-structured interview and directive (structured) interview imply
respect of an interview guide.
The case study is a detailed description and analysis of a single situation. The
information is obtained through interviews supplemented with internal and external data,
whereas the guide of interview is an instrument used to collect the answers of the interviewees
on the occasion of qualitative studies. It contains open questions structured according to the
topics to be discussed.
2. Which is the main advantage of in-depth interview? But the focus group?
The main advantage of in-depth interview is the structured interview, which is more
similar to the survey by questionnaire: the dialogue is based on a set of open questions,
organized in a standard way and asked of all respondents in an identical manner. Respondents
freely express their opinions but are forced to refer to the framework imposed by the guide.
This type of interview, more rigid than the semi-structured, is recommended when is
necessary to compare the responses (example: to acquire a technical vocabulary, prepare a
quantitative questionnaire or identify key dimensions of a phenomenon). If the interview is
conducted on a "paper and pencil" manner, the interviewer should write the speech of the
speaker after each question. It is necessary to provide a copy of the guide to each participant
in the interview.
The main advantage of the focus group is based on the interaction between
respondents that promotes discussion and exchange of opinions; the results are richer that
during the individual interview. The role of the facilitator is critical to the balance of
discussion, the discussion of each topic concerned with the study and to stimulate creativity.
Marketing research, LBA II, Ass. Prof. PhD L. Marcu
3. Indicate the main difference between in-depth interview and focus group.
For the in-depth interview, the interview is performed individually, with 30-50
persons, so chosen to respect the structure of population analysed. The discussion lasts about
an hour or more and may require devices for recording answers. For the focus group, it
consists in creating a group of 8-12 people who has a similar structure to that of the
population analysed. Here, success requires the creation of a relaxed atmosphere, of
cooperation. The group participants are usually paid for this job.
Projective techniques:
a) Stimulate individuals to express their attitudes and ideas;
b) Anticipate the evolution of certain market phenomena;
c) Provide managers with solutions concerning market strategies to follow.
Marketing research, LBA II, Ass. Prof. PhD L. Marcu
Marketing research, LBA II, Ass. Prof. PhD L. Marcu
A qualitative study is planned to understand the behavior of the citizens and their brakes in
the achievement of sorts. Submit a semi-structured interview guide that meets this goal.