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Modelling, Simulation and Identification of Heat Loss Mechanisms For Parabolic Trough Receivers Installed in Concentrated Solar Power Plants

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Modelling, Simulation and Identification of Heat Loss Mechanisms for Parabolic

Trough Receivers Installed in Concentrated Solar Power Plants

Simon Caron*, Marc Röger*

*German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Solar Research, Plataforma Solar de Almería
Tabernas 04200, Spain (Tel: +34 950 278 863; e-mail: simon.caron@ dlr.de)

Abstract: This paper describes a thermodynamic model library developed with the object-oriented
language Modelica, which is both implemented for steady-state and transient heat transfer analyses of
Parabolic Trough Receivers (PTRs) installed in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. For the
identification of PTR heat loss mechanisms, this heat transfer model is coupled to a derivative-free
hybrid optimization routine developed in Matlab, combining a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
algorithm with a Nelder-Mead Simplex (NMS) algorithm with search space boundary constraints.
Keywords: Thermodynamic Model, Model Validation, Transient Simulation, Parameter Identification.

Parabolic Trough Receivers (PTRs) represent one of the key 2.1 Heat loss balance
components in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants, as
their thermal performance significantly influences the solar A typical PTR is made of two concentrical tubes. The inner
field operating temperature and thus the power plant overall stainless steel tube absorbs concentrated solar irradiation and
thermal efficiency. The development of an accurate in-situ transfers the heat to a fluid. The outer borosilicate glass
receiver heat loss measurement method requires a numerical envelope transmits solar irradiation and protects the absorber
heat transfer model (Price et al., 2006), (Lüpfert et al., 2008) tube. A selective coating is typically applied on the outer
to separate heat loss mechanisms (Röger et al., 2014). absorber surface to reduce thermal radiation exchange while
absorbing as much solar irradiation as possible. The annulus
Several receiver heat transfer models have been published in between both tubes is evacuated to reduce convective thermal
the literature. Two-dimensional heat transfer models based on losses. Both tubes are sealed with vacuum tight bellows on
thermal resistance networks have been implemented with each ends, which compensate for the thermal expansion of
Engineering Equation Solver (EES) and validated under the absorber at high operating temperatures.
steady-state conditions (Forristall, 2003), (Kalogirou, 2012).
More detailed three-dimensional models combining Finite A radial cross-section of a non-irradiated PTR is illustrated in
Element Method (FEM), Computational Fluid Dynamics Fig.1 (Lei et al., 2013) with radial heat flows.
(CFD), and Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing (MCRT) have also
been implemented with ANSYS (Wirz et al, 2012) and are
more suitable for sun irradiated receivers (Eck et al., 2010).
This paper describes a three-dimensional receiver model
library which has been extended from two-dimensional
models (Forristall, 2003), (Kalogirou, 2012). This model has
been implemented with Modelica, an object-oriented
language designed for modelling complex physical systems.
Steady-state and transient simulations have been performed
for single receivers within Dymola simulation environment.
This receiver model has been validated for steady-state
temperature conditions and has been coupled to a derivative-
free hybrid optimization routine developed in Matlab in order
to identify receiver heat loss mechanisms on the basis of Fig. 1: Receiver cross-section and radial heat flows.
transient measurements. The optimization routine combines a The model includes the radial heat flows illustrated in Fig.1
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and a Nelder- as well as circumferential and longitudinal conduction terms.
Mead Simplex (NMS) optimization algorithm including The PTR geometry is discretized in cylindrical coordinates.
search space boundary constraints. Relevant heat flows are listed in Table 1. Heat flow model
assumptions are described in (Röger et al., 2014).
Table 1. List of modeled heat flows where σ is Stefan-Boltzmann constant, ε denotes emittance
values and R denotes geometrical radii for the corresponding
Heat flow Heat Transfer from … to… Mechanism
surface. The absorber thermal emittance εabs (%) is a key PTR
q̇ cond,abs Absorber (inner to outer surface) Conduction
thermal property. This property is a function of the absorber
(W) Temperatures: Tabs,i (K); Tabs,o (K) (3D)
temperature Tabs (K).
Absorber Envelope
q̇ rad,abs-gl Radiation
(outer surface) (inner surface) The annulus convection q̇ conv,abs-gl is expressed in Eq. (9):
(W) (1D)
Tabs,o (K) Tgl,i (K)
Absorber Ambient q̇ conv,abs-gl = 2 , . , , ) (9)
q̇ rad,abs-amb Radiation
(outer surface) (Sky temp.)
(W) (1D) 2
where hann (W/m .K) is a key PTR thermal property
Tabs,o (K) Tsky (K)
Absorber Envelope corresponding to the annulus heat transfer coefficient. This
q̇ conv,abs-gl Convection
coefficient depends on the annulus pressure (Ratzel et al.,
(outer surface) (inner surface)
(W) (1D)
Tabs,o (K) Tgl,i (K) 1979) and also on gas thermophysical properties (Burkholder,
q̇ cond,gl Envelope (inner to outer surface) Conduction 2011). The nonlinear relationship between the annulus heat
(W) Temperatures: Tgl,i (K); Tgl,o (K) (3D) transfer coefficient and the annulus pressure is illustrated for
q̇ rad,gl-amb
Envelope Ambient
Radiation four different gases in Fig. 2.
(outer surface) (Sky temp.)
(W) (1D)
Tgl,o (K) Tsky (K)
Envelope Ambient
q̇ conv,gl-amb Convection
(outer surface) (air temp.)
(W) (1D)
Tgl,o (K) Tair (K)
The heat loss balance is expressed in the equation set (1-4)
for a non-irradiated PTR with isolated bellows and a semi-
transparent glass envelope.
q̇ cond,abs = q̇ rad,abs-gl + q̇ conv,abs-gl (1)
q̇ rad,abs-gl + q̇ conv,abs-gl = q̇ cond,gl (2)
q̇ cond,gl = q̇ rad,gl-amb + q̇ conv,gl-amb (3)
Fig.2: Simulation of annulus convective heat transfer. Fluid
q̇ rad,abs-amb + q̇ cond,gl = q̇ loss (4) thermophysical properties derived from (Kleiber et al., 2010).
where q̇ loss (W) corresponds to the PTR overall heat loss. This Boundary conditions: Tabs=350°C, εabs = 10%, Tamb = 25°C,
heat loss can be normalized by the PTR nominal length L (m) vwind = 0 m/s. Receiver cross-sectional geometry: Rabs,i = 33
and is identified as the specific PTR heat loss q̇ 'loss (W/m). mm; Rabs,o = 35 mm; Rgl,i = 59.5 mm; Rgl,o = 62.5 mm.
The transient heat loss balance for the glass envelope is 3. MODELICA LIBRARY
expressed in Equation (5-7):

ρg cp,g Vg = Q̇ i + Q̇ o (5)

Q̇ i= q̇ rad,abs-gl + q̇ conv,abs-gl = q̇ cond,gl (6)

Q̇ o= q̇ rad,gl-amb + q̇ conv,gl-amb = q̇ cond,gl (7)
where ρg, cp,g and Vg respectively correspond to the glass
density (kg/m3), the glass specific heat capacity (J/kg.K) and
the glass volume (m3). Equations (6-8) are implemented in
Modelica to derive the glass envelope temperature.

2.2 Internal heat loss mechanisms

Combining equations (1-5), the PTR overall heat loss can be

expressed as the sum of three internal heat loss mechanisms:
(i) thermal radiation exchange between the absorber and the
envelope q̇ rad,abs-gl (W), (ii) annulus convection q̇ conv,abs-gl (W)
and (iii) thermal radiation exchange between the absorber and
the ambient q̇ rad,abs-amb (W).
Fig. 3: ReceiverTransThermo Modelica Library.
The thermal radiation exchange q̇ rad,abs-gl is expressed for
diffuse radiating surfaces (Siegel et al., 1981) in Eq. (8): 3.1 Library components
q̇ rad,abs-gl = , , ) (8) The PTR Modelica library is named ReceiverTransThermo
and its structure is displayed above in Fig.3. This library
includes a first package SignalLibrary for transient analyses
based on the standard package Modelica.Blocks.Sources. The  the receiver geometry (Fig. 1)
second package ModelLibrary includes custom material  the absorber thermal emittance εabs (%)
properties for the absorber tube, glass envelope, heat transfer  the annulus gas composition (Fig.2)
fluid (HTF) and the annulus gas. It also includes the  the annulus pressure pann (mbar)
definition of thermal connectors, inherited from the package  the absorber temperature Tabs.
Modelica.HeatTransfer.Interfaces, as well as the definition of
the 3D cylindrical discretization scheme. Finally, it includes Isothermal temperature distributions are further assumed for
the relevant heat transfer models for thermal simulations in the absorber tube and the glass envelope. For standard
steady-state and transient regimes. manufactured PTRs, the annulus is assumed to be sufficiently
evacuated, so that gas thermal conduction can be neglected
3.2 Simulation Studio Package (pann < 10-4 mbar).

The package SimulationStudio (Fig.3) includes two packages: Specific heat loss and glass envelope temperature simulated
SimulationConfig and SimulationVariants. with the physical model are compared in Fig. (5-6) against
experimental data obtained for two industrial receivers, i.e.
SimulationConfig includes basic configuration parameters Schott 2008 PTR70 tubes (Burkholder et al., 2009) and
and simulation kernels for two configurations: (i) a default Himin PTR-2011 tubes (Lei et al., 2013). Calculated absorber
PTR simulation configuration for stationary measurements thermal emittance values are used for these simulations.
and (ii) another configuration including a radiation shield These emittance values were calculated from experimental
designed for transient measurements, in which a portion of data using Eq. (1). In addition, the glass envelope was
the PTR is isolated from the ambient environment. Each assumed to be semi-transparent and a small fraction of the
kernel configuration includes the basic interconnection of radiation emitted by the absorber was allowed to leak to the
heat transfer models for the cylindrical discretization scheme. ambient through the glass envelope.
SimulationVariants includes simulation variants, where
relevant simulation boundary conditions are respectively
defined for laboratory and field experiments. Each simulation
variant can be opened within Dymola simulation environment
for parametric studies and allows steady-state and transient
thermal simulations.

4.1 Experimental set-up

Laboratory test benches for PTR thermal characterization are

described in (Burkholder et al., 2009), (Lei et al., 2013). The Fig. 5: Comparison between specific heat loss measurements
experimental set-up for steady-state heat loss measurements and steady-state simulation results.
is illustrated in Fig. 4. The absorber inner surface is heated up
with an electrical power to a certain temperature Tabs,i. Its
bellows are isolated, so that adiabatic boundary conditions
can be applied at the receiver end faces. At thermal
equilibrium, the glass envelope outer temperature Tgl,o
remains constant and the electrical power Pel corresponds to
the PTR heat loss q̇ loss.

Fig. 6: Comparison between glass envelope temperature

measurements and steady-state simulation results.
Fig. 4: Receiver Heat Loss Test Bench (Lei et al., 2013). On the one hand, a good agreement can be observed between
specific heat loss measurements and steady-state simulation
4.2 Model validation results (Fig. 5).On the other hand, residual discrepancies can
be observed between glass temperature measurements and
The object-oriented receiver model can be used to simulate steady-state simulation results (Fig. 6). The glass temperature
the PTR specific heat loss q̇ 'loss as well as the glass envelope remains a sensitive measurand, which depends not only on
temperature Tgl,o for stationary boundary conditions, i.e. an PTR key thermal properties, but on other ambient parameters
ambient temperature Tamb set to 25°C and a wind speed vwind (ambient temperature, sky temperature) and glass properties
set to 0 m/s. The main model inputs are: (thermal conductivity, opacity to infrared radiation).
5. TRANSIENT SIMULATION The PTR key thermal properties εabs (%) and hann (W/m2.K)
can be first expressed as implicit bijective functions,
5.1 Experimental set-up respectively f1 (Eq. 12) and f2 (Eq. 13), of the five
measurands {A, φ, , , , , , } described above.
An alternative PTR heat loss measurement technique based
on transient infrared thermography was described in (Röger
, , , , , , , ) (12)
et al., 2014) and further investigated in (Caron et al., 2014).
The experimental set-up is illustrated in Fig. 7. A radiation , , , , , , , ) (13)
shield is mounted around the PTR, reflecting the radiation
heat flow q̇ rad,gl-amb towards the glass envelope. Two infrared 5.3 Transient temperature profiles
pyrometers respectively measure the absorber outer surface
temperature through the glass envelope in the wavelength Two types of transient absorber temperature excitations were
range from 2.0 to 2.6 µm and the glass envelope outer surface investigated in (Caron et al., 2014), namely sinusoidal and
temperature in the wavelength range from 8 to 14 µm. ramp-and-hold profiles. The glass temperature response can
be simulated with Dymola for given boundary conditions, as
A transient excitation is applied to the absorber temperature
illustrated in Fig.8 (Sinus) and Fig. 9 (Ramp-and-hold). The
and the glass temperature response is recorded under stable
thermodynamic model includes convection and radiation heat
ambient conditions. The relationship between the absorber
transfer models for the radiation shield enclosure.
temperature excitation and the glass temperature response is
analysed to determine the PTR key thermal properties.
One advantage of the transient heat loss measurement
principle over steady-state heat loss measurements is that it
can be implemented for in-situ PTR thermal characterization
in CSP plants. Another advantage offered by the transient
measurement technique in comparison to steady-state heat
loss measurements is the separation of internal heat loss
mechanisms, using the PTR thermodynamic model library.

Fig. 8: Transient temperature profiles, Sinus excitation.

According to LTI system theory, the glass envelope shows a
sinusoidal temperature response for a sinusoidal excitation
Fig. 7: Transient infrared thermography experimental set-up. (Fig. 8). One can qualitatively observe that the amplitude
ratio | | increases as PTR heat losses increase from
5.2 Modelling approach Scenario 1 to Scenario 3, while the phase shift magnitude
| | decreases.
The thermal behaviour of a PTR can be modelled as a Linear
Time Invariant (LTI) system. A single-input, single-output
(SISO) complex transfer function F(jω) can be defined,
which relates the glass envelope temperature Tgl(t) to the
absorber temperature Tabs(t). For stable ambient conditions, a
first order system transfer function (Eq. 10) can be assumed.
This approach allows the derivation of two measurands at a
given angular frequency ω (rad/s), namely the amplitude ratio
A (-) and the phase shift φ (rad) (Eq. 11).


| | ; (11) Fig. 9: Transient temperature profiles, Ramp-and-hold.

√1 According to LTI system theory, the glass temperature
These two measurands are derived at a given working point response follows a nearly sigmoidal profile for ramp-and-
(WP), defined by the following three measurands: hold excitations (Fig.9). The glass temperature response can
be analysed for a broad range of angular frequencies, as
 mean absorber temperature , (K)
illustrated in Fig. 10 and Fig. 11.
 mean glass envelope temperature , (K) The angular frequency ω is first set equal to the value
 mean air temperature inside the ventilated radiation previously defined for sinusoidal measurements, here 600
shield enclosure (K) seconds, in order to allow a direct comparison between both
types of excitation.
fails at capturing the strong non-linearities for degraded PTRs
with high emittance coatings or non-evacuated annuli.
The last investigated option is to couple the PTR numerical
model with an optimization routine. The optimization routine
is based on a hybridation of derivative-free algorithms and it
searches for a parameter combination that best reproduces
experimental measurands by simulation.

6.2 Optimization routine

Relevant model parameters for the optimization routine are:

 the absorber thermal emittance εabs (%)
Fig. 10: Illustration of the amplitude ratio Bode diagram for  the annulus heat transfer coefficient hann (W/m2.K)
distinct PTR transfer functions.
 the mean absorber temperature , (K)
 the mean air temperature , (K)
 the mean air velocity vair (m/s) inside the shield
The objective function δ2 is defined as the sum of squared
relative deviations Δi (%), where the individual deviations Δi
correspond to the respective deviations between simulated
and experimental measurands (Xi,sim – Xi,meas), normalized by
the measurand (Xi,meas) (Caron et al., 2014). The equations for
the objective function are formulated in Eq. (14-15):

, ,
; (14)
Fig. 11: Illustration of the phase shift Bode diagram for
distinct PTR transfer functions. , , , ,
, , , (15)
The optimization routine is programmed in Matlab and it is
6.1 Identification problem coupled with Dymola. This routine sequentially combines a
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm with a Nelder
The transient heat loss analysis workflow is summarized in Mead Simplex (NMS) optimization algorithm with search
Fig. 12. The PTR key thermal properties εabs (%) and hann space boundary constraints. As PTR key thermal properties
(W/m2.K) are implicit functions of transient measurands (see are a priori unknown, the parameter search first starts within
Eq. 12-13). The derivation of PTR key thermal properties is a broad search space, which is partitioned in complementary
achieved by parameter identification, which is further subspaces with regard to the annulus pressure (Fig. 2). After
explained in this section. PTR key thermal properties are a first global PSO (10 particles, 10 rounds per subspace), the
necessary to simulate the specific heat loss q̇ 'loss of a PTR at subspaces are further restricted with respect to the parameter
standard ambient conditions, i.e. the ambient temperature εabs. A second PSO (10 particles, 10 rounds per subspace)
Tamb is set to 25°C and the wind speed vwind is set to 0 m/s. further improves the candidate starting points for the NMS
(Max. 200 iterations).
Each subspace is handled in an individual Matlab session to
allow a faster convergence via parallel computation. With
four parallel subspaces and an Intel Core i7 processor with 4
threads, the optimization converges in less than 2 hours.
Fig. 12: Transient heat loss analysis workflow.
6.3 Identification results
The implicit functions f1 (Eq. 12) and f2 (Eq. 13) are a priori
unknown. One option for the identification of key thermal The identification of PTR key thermal properties was carried
properties would be to generate look-up tables with the PTR out for laboratory sinusoidal measurements and documented
heat transfer model for various transient measurands value in (Caron et al., 2014) for three different receiver categories.
sets. This first solution is associated with high computation Specific heat loss experimental results are shown in Fig. 13
costs, if one wishes a fine resolution. and compared both with steady-state measurements and
simulations based on material data.
Another option presented in (Röger et al., 2014) consists in
deriving an analytical model by linearizing the differential A good agreement can be observed between transient derived
equation (Eq. 6) and neglecting the radiative heat flow specific heat losses and steady-state measurements for PTRs
between the glass envelope and the radiation shield. While with high emittance coatings (Category B, Category C).
this approach works reasonably well for standard receivers, it Relative deviations respectively ranged from -9.0% to -3.0%
for evacuated PTRs (Cat. B) and from -1.7% to 1.3% for non- REFERENCES
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This paper presented a parabolic trough receiver heat transfer ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. (130),
model implemented with the object-oriented language pp. 021007-1: 021007-5.
Modelica. This physical model could be used for receiver Price, H., Forristall, R., Wendelin, T., Lewandowski, A.,
design and parameter studies. Moss, T., Gummo, C. (2006), Field Survey of Parabolic
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This numerical model was validated for steady-state
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experimental data and extended for transient simulations. A
parameter identification algorithm based on derivative-free
Ratzel,A.C.,Hickox, C.E.,Gartling, D.K. (1979), Techniques
optimization algorithms was developed with Matlab and
for Reducing Thermal Conduction and Natural
coupled to Dymola to determine key receiver thermal
Convection Heat Losees in Annular Receiver
properties from transient measurands.
Geometries, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. (101),
The object-oriented model offers great flexibility and heat pp.108-113.
transfer models can be further refined to capture detailed Röger, M., Potzel, P., Pernpeintner, J., Caron, S. (2014), A
dynamic heat transfer characteristics. The optimization Transient Thermography Method to Separate Heat Loss
criterium and objective function could be simplified further Mechanisms in Parabolic Trough Receivers, ASME
to allow a direct identification of receiver thermal properties Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. (136),
for noisy datasets gained during field measurements. This pp.011006-1:011006-9.
new procedure is being implemented for noisy datasets where Siegel, R., and Howell, J. R., (1981), Thermal Radiation
the derivation of transient measurements is less trivial. Heat Transfer, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill, New York.
Wirz,M.,Roesle, M.,Steinfeld, A. (2012), Three-Dimensional
Optical and Thermal Numerical Model of Solar Tubular
Financial support from the German Federal Ministry for Receivers in Parabolic Trough Concentrators, ASME
Economic Affairs and Energy (PARESO, Contract 0325412) Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, Vol. (134), pp.
is gratefully acknowledged. The author also thanks Dr. 041012-1:041012-9.
Ricardo Silva from CIEMAT-UAL research group for his
valuable insights on optimization algorithms.

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