A Reiki Attunement Method
A Reiki Attunement Method
A Reiki Attunement Method
There are many attunement methods. Some changes have come about in people
remembering the process differently. Other changes have come about as people
changed or modified the ritual of the attunement to suit their or their student's
needs. I personally have in my possession over a dozen "Usui" attunements, at
least three "traditional" attunements (all different), Usui/Tibetan attunements,
Tibetan/Usui attunements, Short forms, and others.
The first level attunement is repeated 4 times with a minimum of an hour between
attunements. Attunements may be repeated as often as the person likes. They are
always pleasant to receive. Reiki Shares and other gatherings of practitioners are a
good place for the beginning reiki teacher to practice.
Begin by saying the principles. "For today only, anger not, worry not. Be Grateful
and Be Humble. Do your work with appreciation. Be kind to all. Place the hands in
Gassho, bow and connect to the reiki source. BE reiki. You are the great shining
light, BE it, resonate it. Be mindful and keep your intent on being and sharing reiki
with this person.
Some find that drawing the Power Symbol on their palms, Crown and Heart
Chakras, intending them to open to the Reiki Source and Light helps them connect
to reiki. Cleanse the room by drawing the four Usui Reiki symbols in the air in front
of you. This not only can cleanse the room but also helps you focus, and sets the
tone for the beginning as a sacred event.
Part One
On the back, draw the Cho Ku Rei from slightly above the top of the head and down
the back of the student, ending at the base of the spine. Place both hands on top of
the head to get an energetic rapport with the student.
Breathe in visualize the Dai Ko Mio. Exhale the Breath into the Crown Chakra
blowing the Dai Ko Mio in gold into the Crown Chakra, and move it through the
middle of the student's head, and into the base of the brain. You can guide it with
your hand.
Above the head, draw the Usui Master Symbol and repeat "Dai Ko Mio" three times.
Again visualize the symbol moving into the into the Crown Chakra, through the
head and into the base of the brain, guiding it with your hand. Do the same with the
Sei Hei Ki, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen, and the Cho Ku Rei.
Signal the student to raise their hands held in prayer position to the top of their
head. Draw the Power Symbol in the air over the hands. Then picture the Symbol
moving into the hands, down into the Crown Chakra, through the head, and into in
the base of the brain saying the name of the power symbol three times and guiding
the Symbol with your hand. (Repeat this with the Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho
Nen for level II, and with the Dai Ko Mio for level III.)
Part Two
Move to the front and place the students prayer held hands in front of the heart.
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the middle of forehead (brow or third
eye chakra). Then picture the Symbol moving into the brow chakra. Guide it in with
the hand if you want. Say the name of the power symbol three times. (For Level II do
the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Symbol. For the Master
Level, use all four symbols, remembering to repeat the name of each symbol three
Draw the Power Symbol in the air in front of the heart chakra. Then picture the
Symbol moving into the heart chakra. Say the name of the power symbol three
times. (For Level II do the same with the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant
Symbol. For the Master Level, use all four symbols).
Next open the student's hands like the cover of a book so they are next to each
other palms up facing the ceiling. Place you left hand under their hands and with
your right hand draw out the Power Symbol on the hands on the Palm. Say the
name of the power symbol three times. Then place your hands on theirs and let the
energy flow. (Only the Power symbol is placed in the hands in level I, the Distant
symbol and mental /emotional symbol are placed in the hands in level II, and all four
of the symbols are placed in the palms in the Master level.)
Bring the student's hands together in prayer position, and move them back in front
of the student's Heart. Blow over the hands, down to the Solar Plexus, then up to
the Third Eye and Crown, and back over the hands.
Part Three
Move behind the student. Place your hands on the student's head. Use a positive
affirmation and repeat it to yourself three times, Intend it to be accepted by the
student. (Some examples might be: "You are a perfectly attuned", "you are a
competent Reiki Healer", or "you are filled with Divine Love and Wisdom", or any
other affirmation that is significant to you or the student. You can say them out loud
if you prefer.
Place your hands together with the index fingers touching and the thumbs
together. Both your hands will be open, palms down, fingers pointing toward the
front of the recipient. Let the reiki flow and flow. Be Reiki. Do this for a minute or
so, experiencing the moment with them.
Move your hands to the student's neck, and then place the right hand on top of the
head and the left at the base of the skull. Visualize a door and then draw the power
symbol on it and see the door being closed. Say to yourself, "I seal this Attunement
with Divine Love and Wisdom". Intend that the Process is sealed and complete and
the student is now forever connected directly to the Reiki Source. You can say,
"you forever connected to the Reiki source."
You can say, "We have both been blessed by this attunement".
Part Four
Move back to the front of the student. Hold your palms toward them. Visualize a
white mist surrounding you. Breath in and be filled with this white light mist of
reiki. Blow the mist at the student allowing the final energy of the attunement to
bless the student.
Say, "the attunement is complete".
Some suggest that afterwards wash the hands to ensure that the energetic
connection with the student is broken.
By Vinny Amador