SPE-196323-MS Improving Horizontal Well Performance With Bottom Feeder Intake On Electric Submersible Pump in Gassy Wells, Offshore North West Java
SPE-196323-MS Improving Horizontal Well Performance With Bottom Feeder Intake On Electric Submersible Pump in Gassy Wells, Offshore North West Java
SPE-196323-MS Improving Horizontal Well Performance With Bottom Feeder Intake On Electric Submersible Pump in Gassy Wells, Offshore North West Java
Clarissa Tyas Puspita, Pertamina Hulu Energi - Offshore North West Java; Mery Luciawaty, Pertamina; Harisza
Wirasupena, Schlumberger Indonesia
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition held in Bali, Indonesia, 29-31 October 2019.
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Oz is an offshore oil field with Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) as the main artificial lift system. Gassy
well condition becomes a key challenge in this field as some ESP wells trip due to pump gas locking which
leads to production deferment and ESP failures. The exploration for solutions to improve well performance
by avoiding gas-locking conditions has gone through a steep learning curve and many adjustments since
ESP firstly installed in Oz field. Starting from widely used conventional gas handling equipments such as
gas separator and gas handler to application of multiphase pump on the ESP system. But none of those
equipments have effectively eliminated gas-locking condition in some wells. This paper will present a new
approach at Oz field to improve well performance by implementing bottom feeder intake application on
electric submersible pumps in gassy well.
To analyze this problem, well production simulations were performed and found out that flow pattern on
the lateral section or below the ESP completion was slugging at some well conditions. Due to the slugging
flow pattern, the fluid hold up in the annulus might be reduced up to 30%. A large amount of gas volume
will enter the pump when the slug reaches the pump intake. In such a case, neither gas separator or gas
handler is able to separate the gas or condition the flow before going into a pump, which leads to the gas-
locking condition in the pump. Bottom Feeder Intake (BFI) was proposed as a unique and versatile solution
to handle gas when slug flow pattern occurs in ESP wells, which effectively reduces gas-locking condition
on ESP and subsequently improves well performance on those problematic wells.
Electric submersible pump with combination of gas separator and bottom feeder intake were first
successfully installed in several wells in 2016 and currently are still running. The combination of bottom
feeder intake and gas separator have been progressively installed on some problematic wells since then.
This application significantly minimizes gas-locking problems, avoids cyclic shutdowns, increases ESP
service life, reduces deferred production activities and gives opportunities to increase the production from
ESP wells. Through well production simulation and analyzing the effect of fluid flow pattern below ESP
completion to pump gas-locking symptom, bottom feeder intake has been chosen as an effective solution
to minimize gas-locking in gassy well.
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Offshore North West Java PSC area is located on the north Coast of Java Island in Indonesia. The ONWJ
Field is operated by PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ since 2009. The area consists of several fields and
has been in production since 1971 with more than 700 wells and 150 production platforms.
Oz Field is located in the West Asset of ONWJ Area and 80 km from north Jakarta. It was discovered
in 1974 and started to produce in December 1986 with peak production 24,000 BOPD in 1987. The field
consists of 69 wells and 8 platforms. Currently, Oz field produces 3,000 BOPD from 4 platforms with 24
active wells. Electric Submersible Pump (ESP) was selected as the main artificial lift system in Oz Field.
Gassy well condition becomes a challenge in this field. As some ESP wells trip due to pump gas-locking,
which leads to production deferment and ESP failures. Several applications such as gas separator, gas
handler, and multiphase pump have been installed in the ESP system. However, gas-locking is still occurring
in some wells, which indicates that such configurations might not be suitable to handle gas-locking on those
and equipment are applied in ESP (Romer et al, 2012). Below are special gas handling equipments which
are normally used to handle gas before entering the pump.
• Gas Separator: Is a dynamic gas separation device that utilizes a natural vortex action created
by a specially designed inlet configuration, axial flow inducer, multiple vortex generators and a
discharge crossover to provide highly effective gas separation. The improved hydraulics in the
Vortex gas separator allows for more effective gas separation at higher fluid flow rates
• Gas Handler: there are 2 types of gas handler. One is highly modified, mixedflow centrifugal stage
which is capable of handling up to a 45% GVF. The other one is proprietary axial type stage which
is capable of handling up to 75% GVF. Either one of those devices can be installed in series below
the pump or can be installed together with gas separator. They are functioning by reducing vapor
bubble sizes and changing the gas bubble distribution, homogenizing the gas-liquid mixture to the
point of its behaving like a single-phase fluid before entering the pump.
• Gas avoider or Bottom Feed Intake: Specially design intake, which has self-orienting bottom
Gas volume factor is a complex function of the fluid properties, production rate, reservoir pressure
depletion and completion efficiency. It is very related to the evolution of reservoir, which causes the
changing of composition produced fluid. Conditions for a multiphase petroleum system are defined with a
phase diagram (see Fig. 2). The phase diagram illustrates conditions for system as the function of pressure
and temperature. Typical production scenario is starting with high fluid rates while handling some gas. Over
a period, production rate falls and gas production rises, which creates a different pattern of flow regimes
in well bore.
Flow regimes are the patterns of flow which depend on variety of operating condition, such as flow
rates, fluid properties, geometry of well bore and pressure differentials. Prediction on flow regime can be
difficult. There are several methods used, which includes analytical, empirical and numerical solutions (Li,
2007). Multiphase flow in the horizontal well are classified as dispersed bubble, annular, stratified, slug
and elongated.
Based on the analysis of well observation and well production simulation, intermittent flow of ESP wells
is caused by the type of slug flow or elongated bubble flow. Slug flow is an intermittent flow pattern,
characterized by an alternating flow of gas and fluid. The fluid slugs, which fill the entire cross section of
the well, are followed by gas pockets. Gas bubbles travel at the top of the horizontal section of well bore
4 SPE-196323-MS
is due to the low density of the gas bubbles. Elongated bubble flow is similar to the flow pattern of slug
flow, but the size of the bubbles are generally smaller.
Based on the analysis of well observation and production simulation, intermittent flow of ESP wells
caused by the type of slug flow or elongated bubble flow. Slug flow is an intermittent flow pattern,
characterized by an alternating flow of gas and liquid. The liquid slugs, which fill the entire cross section
of the well, are followed by gas pockets. Gas bubbles travel at the top of the horizontal section of well bore
due to low density of the gas bubbles. Which, elongated bubble flow similar to the flow pattern of slug flow,
but the size of the bubbles are generally smaller.
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The intake has an eccentric weighted outer sleeve that rotates by its own weight during installation and
positions the inlet ports at the lower side of the casing annulus. Gas being lighter, bypasses the inlet ports,
while the heavier fluids entering the pump - gas separator or gas handler. This new intake is installed on
ESP replacing the standard intake.
The result of the following study regarding the application of Bottom Feeder Intake system were
successfully installed in 5 wells in Oz field. The BFI was combined with gas separator and is still operating
since then. This application significantly minimizes gas locking problem, reduces deferred production
activites, and gives opportunities to increase production of ESP wells. Based on the ESP downhole sensor,
gas-locking symptom is significantly decreased since the BFI installation.
Based on the production well test (see Fig. 9), production was significant increased by 350% of the
original production rate (see Fig. 10 and Table. 1), which shows a significant improvement in generated
profit due to this new method. This successful new method was planned to be applied on other developed
wells in Oz Field.
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Following the result above, Bottom Feeder Intake application can be considered as an effective solution to
minimize gas locking problem in ESP wells of Oz field, which is caused by slugging flow pattern below
ESP completion at high deviated and horizontal wells. Based on the post ESP installation evaluation, the
following conclusions are:
1. Slugging flow pattern may occur at below ESP completion, especially in-high deviated and horizontal
2. Bottom feeder intake (BFI) system successfully minimize the gas-locking symptoms on 5 wells.
3. Bottom Feeder Intake also succeed to reduce the number of ESP trip/underload, and operational
interventions (start-stop ESP), which resulting in ESP service life improvement.
4. Bottom Feeder Intake is proven to improve natural gas separation efficiency on ESP.
5. Bottom Feeder Intake is easy to be implemented on any other gassy ESP wells due to its simple
The authors wish to thank the management of Pertamina - Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West
Java for their permission to publish this paper. The authors greatly appreciated Subsurface Division Team
who has supported and encouraged publishing this paper and especially for Oz Field Team for their strong
contribution to the outcome.
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