Project Accounting II Manual
Project Accounting II Manual
Project Accounting II Manual
Project Accounting II
Construction and Major Maintenance
What This Course Is About
Project Accounting in AASIS is the collection, grouping, organizing and
reporting of information to account for federal grants and assets under
construction. This course focuses on using the Project System to account for
assets under construction (AuCs). A separate course focuses on Project
Accounting as used for federal grants and other funding sources.
Who Should Attend This Course
Agency directors, managers, or accountants working with assets and assets
under construction should attend this course. End users who have AASIS
role assignments ZFI0019--Agency Project Accounting or ZFI0020--Agency
Project Accounting Specialist should attend this course.
What You Should Know Before Coming to Class
Before coming to class, you should know AASIS Basic Navigation or be an
experienced user of AASIS. You should have successfully completed the
AASIS Asset Management course (AM101). It would also be helpful to know
what construction or major maintenance projects your agency has and the
method of financing for them.
What You Will Learn from This Course
This course prepares you to correctly create master data for Project
Definitions, WBS elements, and Assets under Construction.
It provides guidance for the accumulation of capitalized and non-capitalized
It helps you understand the process of settling costs collected in WBS
elements to assets under construction and major maintenance projects and
settling them to a fixed asset shell.
It provides information about depreciation of assets and AuCs.
It teaches you about the reporting tools available in AASIS and how to use
them to locate data associated with projects, WBS elements, and assets.
Course Structure
Chapters 1 through 10 explain the creation, accounting and settlement of
costs associated with assets under construction. Chapters 11 through 14 are
about reporting for construction and major maintenance projects.
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW ................................................................................ 5
WBS ELEMENTS ................................................................................................................................. 9
STATISTICAL ....................................................................................................................................... 9
HOW DO YOU KNOW WHICH TO USE? ............................................................................................. 10
ACCOUNTING FOR ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................... 10
BUDGETING FOR ASSETS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................. 11
PROCESS OVERVIEW ......................................................................................................................... 11
CAPITALIZED AND NON-CAPITALIZED COSTS .................................................................................... 12
FUND/FUNDS CENTER ASSIGNMENT ................................................................................................. 15
VIEWING AN AGENCY’S CAPITAL PROJECTS (TRANSACTION CN42N) .............................................. 16
CHAPTER 3 PRE-PLANNING ...................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4 CREATING MASTER DATA.................................................... 22
CREATING A PROJECT (TRANSACTION CJ01) .................................................................................... 23
BASIC DATA TAB .............................................................................................................................. 24
CONTROL DATA TAB......................................................................................................................... 25
ADMINISTRATION TAB ...................................................................................................................... 26
LONG TEXT TAB................................................................................................................................ 27
WBS ELEMENT RULES FOR A CAPITAL PROJECT .............................................................................. 27
WBS ELEMENT OVERVIEW SCREEN (TRANSACTION CJ01) .............................................................. 28
BASIC DATA TAB .............................................................................................................................. 28
BASIC DATA TAB .............................................................................................................................. 29
DATES TAB ....................................................................................................................................... 30
ASSIGNMENTS TAB ........................................................................................................................... 30
RESPONSIBILITIES TAB ...................................................................................................................... 31
CONTROL TAB ................................................................................................................................... 31
TOTAL TAB ....................................................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 5 PROJECT STATUS AND CHANGE ........................................ 33
PROJECT STATUS MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................... 34
GOING BACK TO A PRIOR STATUS ..................................................................................................... 34
CHANGING THE STATUS .................................................................................................................... 35
CHANGE PROJECT INITIAL SCREEN (TRANSACTION CJ02 ................................................................. 35
CHAPTER 6 PROJECT POSTINGS ............................................................. 38
FINANCIAL POSTINGS FOR PROJECTS................................................................................................. 39
CHAPTER 7 ASSETS AND SUB ASSETS .................................................. 43
MORE ON CAPITALIZATION ............................................................................................................... 44
DEPRECIATION .................................................................................................................................. 45
SUB ASSETS ...................................................................................................................................... 45
CREATE AN ASSET SHELL (TRANSACTION AS01 ............................................................................... 47
CREATING SUB ASSET SHELLS (TRANSACTION AS11 ....................................................................... 50
CHANGING SUB ASSET SHELLS (TRANSACTION AS02 ...................................................................... 52
CHAPTER 8 SETTLEMENT ......................................................................... 55
WHEN TO SETTLE .............................................................................................................................. 56
WHAT TO SETTLE .............................................................................................................................. 56
CREATE A SETTLEMENT RULE ........................................................................................................... 56
VIEWING THE COSTS TO BE SETTLED ................................................................................................ 58
VIEWING THE TRIAL BALANCE (Y_DEV_80000025) BEFORE SETTLEMENT..................................... 59
SETTLING THE COSTS (TRANSACTION CJ88 ...................................................................................... 60
VIEWING THE SETTLEMENT ............................................................................................................... 64
REVERSAL OF SETTLEMENT OF WBS ELEMENTS .............................................................................. 65
FINAL SETTLEMENT—AUC TO ASSET............................................................................................... 68
CREATE THE ASSET SHELL (TRANSACTION AS01 ............................................................................. 68
ENTER THE SETTLEMENT RULES (TRANSACTION AIAB.................................................................... 70
MAJOR MAINTENANCE PROJECT SETTLEMENT ................................................................................. 75
VIEWING DEPRECIATION ................................................................................................................... 75
CHAPTER 9 .................................................................................................. 78
TROUBLESHOOTING .................................................................................. 78
NO FUNDS CENTER DERIVED ............................................................................................................ 79
POSTING NOT ALLOWED ................................................................................................................... 79
DIFFERENT FM ASSIGNMENT IN SETTLEMENT RULE ........................................................................ 79
REVENUE SETTLEMENT ERROR ......................................................................................................... 80
MAINTAIN SETTLEMENT RULE OF THE SENDER ................................................................................ 81
STATISTICAL WBS ELEMENT NO SURCHARGES, SETTLEMENT ......................................................... 82
ACTUAL SETTLEMENT IS NOT ALLOWED .......................................................................................... 83
ASSET HAS NO SUB NUMBER WITH FM ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................... 83
A DUE TO/DUE FROM EXISTS RELATED TO THE AUC ........................................................................ 84
REVERSAL NOT POSSIBLE LAST SETTLEMENT WAS IN PERIOD XXX ............................................... 86
CHAPTER 10 ENTERING PROJECT PLANS .............................................. 87
WHY ENTER A WBS ELEMENT PLAN? .............................................................................................. 88
PROJECT SYSTEM MODULE VS. SPECIAL PURPOSE LEDGER .............................................................. 88
ENTERING A PLAN IN THE PROJECT SYSTEM MODULE ...................................................................... 89
ENTERING A PLAN IN THE SPECIAL PURPOSE LEDGER (SPL) ............................................................ 92
CHAPTER 11 REPORTING: CASH VS. ACCRUAL .................................... 96
THE TIMING DIFFERENCE .................................................................................................................. 97
GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING......................................................................................................... 97
CASH BASIS REPORTING ................................................................................................................... 97
ACCRUAL BASIS REPORTING ............................................................................................................. 98
PROJECT REPORTS AND THEIR ACCOUNTING BASIS .......................................................................... 98
COMMITMENTS IN BUDGET REPORTS ................................................................................................ 99
EXPENSE/EXPENDITURE REPORTING ................................................................................................. 99
CHAPTER 12 REPORTS IN THE PROJECT SYSTEM .............................. 102
PERIOD COMPARISON--ACTUAL (TRANSACTION S_ALR_87013545) ..............................................110
PROJECT LINE ITEM REPORTS (TRANSACTIONS CJI3 AND CJI5) ......................................................112
PLAN/ ACTUAL PROJECTS—Y_DEV_80000015..............................................................................118
TRIAL BALANCE (TRANSACTION Y_DEV_80000025 ......................................................................124
LINE ITEMS IN THE SPECIAL PURPOSE LEDGER (TRANSACTION GD20)............................................127
CHAPTER 14 CASH BASIS REPORTING ................................................. 130
ZWARR_DETAIL FOR PROJECTS ...................................................................................................131
ACTUAL BUDGET REPORT (TRANSACTION Y_DEV_80000046) ......................................................133
Chapter 1 Overview
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 1 Business Processes and Integration
How Are Projects Used in AASIS?
AASIS projects are a way to collect, group, organize, and report information.
Projects use Project Definitions to store information and WBS elements to
collect transactional data to account for grants and assets under construction.
The Project System Module provides an easy way to extract grant and
construction information out of AASIS. The Project Definition stores
information about the type of project or grant, purpose, and funding source.
You can add WBS elements to financial transactions to capture revenue
and/or costs associated with a specific grant or asset under construction.
This transactional data can then be incorporated in reports or, in the case of
construction costs, transferred to an asset under construction.
For reporting purposes, the WBS elements can be organized in hierarchies
much like cost center groups and internal order groups. A report selected by
project will show data for all of the WBS elements contained within the
Where Does the Project System fit into the Big Picture?
There are various components, called “modules” and “sub modules” in
AASIS. The Project System is a sub module of the Financial (FI) module.
These modules and sub modules are “integrated” which means that a
transaction created in one module creates transactional postings in other
AASIS contains both “master data” and “transactional data”.
• Master data is related information that forms the basis of system
processing. It is usually created once and maintained centrally for all
users. An exception to this rule is master data for Projects which are
created by end users. Master data is used in transactions, to create
transactional data.
• Transactional data is related to processed documents. All the data that
AASIS stores in documents is considered transactional data. Entering a
WBS element on a transaction creates transactional data for projects.
Example: An AASIS user enters a purchase order using the master data of
WBS element, material, vendor, and cost center. The saved purchase order
is transactional data.
The following are some of the ways that the Project System affects and is
affected by other modules of AASIS.
• A non-statistical WBS element will affect other modules by deriving the
fund and funds center for the transaction. The concept of statistical
versus non-statistical WBS elements is explained in detail in Chapter Two.
• General Ledger Module (GL) contains the chart of accounts and account
balances for the state of Arkansas. A General Ledger transaction
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 1 Business Processes and Integration
containing a WBS element will cause a separate document to be posted in
the Controlling Module to the WBS element.
• Accounts Payable Module (AP) contains the vendor master records and
transactional data created by direct invoices. When the direct invoice
contains a WBS element, the cost will be added to the project.
• Accounts Receivable Module (AR) contains the customer master records
and transactional data created by customer invoices. When a customer
invoice is entered using a WBS element, the revenue will be counted as
part of the project.
• Cash Management Module (CM) contains the master data for house
banks for treasury and commercial accounts. You will use this module to
determine if a warrant has been redeemed or if a deposit has been
posted. When a WBS element is entered on the deposit, the revenue will
be counted as part of the project.
• Special Purpose Ledger Module (SPL) balances all transactions by fund.
A project may have revenues and/or expenses in more than one fund.
The SPL balances the transaction based on the fund(s) derived either
from the cost center(s) or the WBS element(s). If a WBS element is non-
statistical, the fund used by the SPL is derived from the WBS element. If
a WBS element is statistical, the fund is derived from the cost center.
• Controlling Module (CO), like the Project System, is primarily used for
reporting. It contains cost centers, which usually derive the fund and
funds center assignment as noted above. It also contains cost elements
which are used in CO postings to describe the type of expenditure or
• Funds Management Module (FM) is used to control the budget and
account for appropriation. You can use this module to view budget related
information for funds and funds centers associated with your construction
and major maintenance projects. As noted above, a non-statistical WBS
element derives the Funds Management assignment in a transaction.
• Materials Management Module (MM) is used for ordering and receiving
goods and services. When a WBS element is entered into a purchasing
document, the cost of the goods or services being purchased will be
charged to the WBS element upon receipt.
• The Human Resources Module (HR) contains several sub modules which
capture information about state employee labor and benefits. WBS
elements may be entered into time sheets or position organizational data
to capture the costs of labor and benefits as part of the project.
Chapter 2 Project
Definitions and WBS
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
In Chapter Two, you will learn when to use Project Definitions; understand the
difference between statistical and non-statistical WBS elements; learn how to
define Project Definitions and WBS elements; and view the existing capital
projects for your agency in AASIS.
Key Points
• Grants and construction projects are accounted for as projects in AASIS.
• Costs and revenues are charged at the WBS element level, not directly to
the Project Definition. Therefore, each project must contain at least one
WBS element.
• A Project Definition may have one or many WBS elements.
• Projects and WBS elements can be deleted if they haven’t been used in
postings and are in “created” or “released” status. Other Projects/WBS
elements can be marked for deletion if they have not been used in any
transactional postings
WBS Elements
WBS stands for Work Breakdown Structure.
WBS elements are “collectors” of revenue and expenses associated with a
Each WBS element must be designated as either statistical or non-statistical.
Non-Statistical (real) WBS elements have the following characteristics:
• They have a fund/funds center assignment.
• The fund/funds center assignment for transactions containing a non-
statistical WBS element is derived from the WBS Element.
• Each non-statistical WBS element can have only one fund/funds center
assigned to it.
• A plan for a non-statistical WBS element can be entered either in the
Project System or Special Purpose Ledger (See Chapter 10).
Statistical WBS elements have the following characteristics:
• They do not have a fund/funds center assignment.
• The fund/funds center assignment for transactions containing a
statistical WBS element is derived from the cost center.
• A plan for a statistical WBS element cannot be entered in the Project
System but can be entered in the Special Purpose Ledger (See
Chapter 10).
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
How Do You Know Which To Use?
Non-statistical WBS elements must be used for construction/major
maintenance projects. These WBS elements must be non-statistical so that
settlement of costs to an asset under construction can occur for financial
statement presentation.
Generally, statistical WBS elements are used for any other purpose. This
allows tracking of information for reporting in the Project System.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Budgeting for Assets under Construction
The budgetary basis of accounting for the State of Arkansas requires
construction–related expenditures to be recorded using the commitment item
that best represents the actual expenditure being made. Agencies must use
the Project System to accomplish this.
Construction and Major Maintenance commitment line items appearing in the
appropriation acts are non-spendable. In order to use the appropriation in
commitment item 509:00:05 (Construction) and commitment item 512:00:32
(Major Maintenance), a budget transfer must be completed. The budget
should be transferred from these commitment items based on the
expenditures necessary to carry out the intent of the authorizing legislative
act. Budget may be transferred into the following commitment items:
• Maintenance and Operation (CI 502:00:02)—Use this commitment
item to pay for such items as low value equipment, meals, lodging,
transportation, materials, and supplies. This commitment item can
also be used for professional services contracts for technical and
general services. Contracts of this nature are evaluated based upon
the quality of the work and results produced.
• Conference Fees and Travel (CI 505:00:09)—Use this commitment
item to pay for the costs of employees attending a conference,
seminar, or training program. Expenditures of this nature are rare in
connection with construction or special maintenance.
• Professional Fees and Services (CI 506:00:10)—Use this commitment
item for all professional services defined in A.C.A. §19-11-1001(5) et.
seq, regardless of dollar amount. Typical expenses using this
commitment item are payments made to architects, engineers, and
technology experts.
• Equipment (CI 512:00:11)—Expenditures from this commitment item
are limited to the purchase of stand-alone assets such as land,
buildings, equipment, or furniture that are ready to be placed in
Process Overview
The following is a brief overview of the steps to follow. This process will be
explained in full detail later in the course.
1. The agency creates a project with non-statistical WBS element(s) to
capture costs to be capitalized. If there will be revenue or non-
capitalized costs, the agency must create at least one separate
statistical WBS element and may create more if desired.
2. The agency contacts DFA Office of Budget to request Funds
Management assignments for the non-statistical WBS elements.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Request forms are available at:
3. The agency creates an asset shell and (if needed) sub asset shell(s)
for the asset under construction.
4. The agency enters settlement rules for the non-statistical WBS
5. Construction costs are charged to the WBS elements.
6. At the end of the fiscal year or upon completion of the project
(whichever comes first), the costs from the WBS elements are settled
to the asset/sub asset under construction.
7. Upon completion of the project, the asset under construction is settled
to the fixed asset. In the case of major maintenance, the costs are
settled to a new sub asset of the existing fixed asset.
8. The asset is placed in service and depreciation of the asset begins. In
the case of major maintenance, the sub asset is depreciated
separately from the existing asset.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Examples of Costs that Should Not Be Included in the Value of the
• Revenue your agency accepts for funding
• Cost incurred by your agency that would not increase the life of the
asset by 25% or more or would not increase the value of the asset by
25% or more of the original cost
• The purchase of stand-alone assets ready to be placed in service
should be capitalized and recorded in their own asset shell at the time
of purchase utilizing commitment item 510:00:11.
o Example: Agency purchases a concrete mixer to pour a
concrete slab for a project. A separate asset shell would be set
up for the concrete mixer and the cost charged to a statistical
WBS element.
WBS Elements for Assets under Construction and Major Maintenance
Non-statistical WBS elements must be used for capitalized costs. These
WBS elements have to be non-statistical so that settlement of costs to an
asset under construction can occur.
WBS elements for revenues associated with a construction project must be
statistical. Revenues are never settled to an asset under construction. If
revenue is charged to the same WBS element as costs, the costs cannot be
If non capitalized costs are to be charged to the project, a separate statistical
WBS element must be created for them. This includes expenses that are not
capitalized or purchase of a fixed asset. A fixed asset meeting the following
characteristics would not be capitalized as part of the construction project:
1. It stands alone or is removable.
2. It has a useful life different from the AuC.
The same statistical WBS element can be used for revenue, non-capitalized
costs, and separate fixed asset purchases.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Statistical/Non-statistical Exercise
Choose whether the WBS elements should be Stat Non- Either
statistical, non-statistical or either. Stat
Department of Parks and Tourism establishes WBS x
element to capture construction costs for a new lodge at Mt.
Nebo State Park.
Department of Parks and Tourism establishes WBS
element to capture costs of a $5,000 big screen TV for the
lodge reception area.
AETN establishes revenue WBS element to account for
private funding to construct a new transmitter.
AETN establishes WBS element to capture construction
costs for a new transmitter.
Department of Workforce Services establishes WBS
element to capture major maintenance costs for remodeling
their building.
Department of Workforce Services establishes WBS
element to capture cost of construction equipment ($6,000)
to be used in building remodeling.
Department of Education establishes revenue WBS
element to account for receipt of general improvement
funds to replace their air conditioner.
Department of Education establishes WBS element to
capture major maintenance costs for replacing their built-in
air conditioning unit.
ADEQ establishes WBS element to capture cost of
constructing a garage to house its hybrid cars.
ADEQ establishes WBS element to capture cost of
purchasing 5 hybrid cars to keep in garage.
The State Crime lab establishes WBS element to capture
major maintenance cost of remodeling the DNA lab.
The State Crime lab establishes WBS element to capture
cost of purchasing $75,000 DNA analysis machine for new
Department of Arkansas Heritage establishes WBS
element to capture cost of rebuilding Mosaic Templars
Building after fire damage.
Department of Arkansas Heritage establishes WBS
element to capture cost of purchasing a $10,000 artifact for
Mosaic Templars Building.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
3. Click Business Area. It will be highlighted.
4. Click the Copy Selected arrow . This will insert a dynamic selection
box with business area selection on the top right side of the screen.
5. Enter the business area in the box.
6. Enter C and an asterisk in the project field to select all the capital
projects for the agency.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 2 Project Definitions and WBS Elements
Capital Projects Exercise
Log into the AASIS production client and use transaction CN42N to view your
agency’s capital projects.
Chapter 3 Pre-Planning
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 3 Pre-Planning
In Chapter Three, you will learn how to plan your project before entering it into
the system.
Before you log into the system to create your project, take some time to plan
it on paper. Ask yourself these questions:
• What type of project is it?
Is this a capital project, a federal grant, or a state or privately funded
You’ll need this information for the project profile.
• What is the funding source?
Will the project use state funds, federal funds, private funds, or a
This will be stored in the Person Responsible field of the Project
• Is there more than one funding source?
If the WBS elements are to be non-statistical you will need at least one
WBS element for each funding source.
• What is the grant number or method of finance number?
This information will become part of the project definition.
• What descriptive information will be stored in the project definition?
If there is no grant number or MOF number, you’ll need another
identifying name for the project definition.
• Is there a Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number?
If so, what is it?
This information will be stored in the applicant number field of the
project definition.
• Who will ask for reports for this project? What information will they
want to see?
You can set up WBS elements and WBS element hierarchies for ease
of reporting.
• How will the costs need to be tracked?
There may be grant requirements to track administrative costs
separately. For a construction project, you may want to track phases
of the project separately. This can be done with WBS elements.
• How many WBS elements will be needed?
For a capital project, you will need at least one WBS element for each
fund/funds center combination. You may need additional statistical
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 3 Pre-Planning
WBS elements for revenue and non-capitalized costs. You may wish
to add additional WBS elements for ease in tracking costs or reporting.
• Will the WBS elements be statistical or non-statistical?
Planning Exercise
For each project, what is the minimum number of WBS elements that will be
needed? Should they be statistical or non-statistical?
Chapter 4 Creating Master
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
In Chapter Four you will learn to create Project Definitions and WBS elements
in AASIS for construction and major maintenance.
• Master data creation will include the project definition and WBS elements
associated with the project.
• Transaction CJ01 (Create Project) is used for all master data entries for
the project and its WBS elements up to the point where the project is
saved. Once the project has been saved, Transaction CJ02 (Change
Project) is used for all master data updates. Transaction CJ02 will be
discussed further in Chapter 5.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
There are four tabs: Basic data, Control data, Administration, and Long txt.
These tabs will be discussed in order.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
5. Business Area field: Enter the agency business area.
6. Dates fields: these fields are optional. Any dates entered in these
fields are for information purposes only and do not control activities in
the project.
7. Functional Area field: Enter the agency functional area in all caps.
This completes the Basic data tab. Click the Control data tab to continue.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
Note the Statistical check box. This is the box that controls whether the WBS
elements associated with this Project Definition will be statistical or non-
statistical. A project profile of C will default to non-statistical (box will be
unchecked) while any other profile will default to statistical (box will be
Administration Tab
The information for the Administration tab will be populated with user id and
creation dates when the project is saved.
Administration Tab
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
Long Text Tab
You can enter additional information about the project on the long text tab—
for example, a description of the project.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
4. If a WBS element is used to account for revenue, it must be statistical.
The WBS element used to account for revenues cannot be the same
one used for capitalized costs, but it can be the same one used for
non-capitalized costs. (Note that you will never be able to settle a
WBS element that has had revenue posted to it.)
If you need additional WBS elements later, you can add them using the CJ02
transaction (Change Project).
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
Basic Data Tab
This tab will be automatically selected when you enter the WBS Element
Overview screen. A description of the fields on the Basic Data tab follows:
1. Level column: This refers to WBS element hierarchy. Level 1 is the
default selection. A second project accounting course, Project
Accounting for Grants and Other Funds explains WBS element
2. WBS element column: It is recommended but not required that the
WBS element name contain the project definition name. You should
name these for end-use convenience.
3. Description column: Enter a description of the WBS element.
4. Short ID column: This column will automatically be populated when
you press Enter after entering the name of the WBS element.
5. Typ column: This stands for project type, which defaults from the
project profile.
6. Pri column: This indicates priority. It is not used by AASIS.
7. Su column: This is for summarization, which gives the WBS element
the ability to be summarized in the project reports. This is checked by
default and can’t be changed.
8. PE column: This indicates the WBS element as a planning element.
The planning element boxes for each WBS element must be checked.
Click the PE box to put a check mark in it.
2 8
3 4 5 6 7
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
While still on the basic data tab, scroll right to view more columns.
9. Acct column: This allows actual and commitment postings for the
WBS element. It is checked by default and can’t be changed.
10. The Bill column is not used by AASIS.
11. System status column: Do not make an entry here. This will reflect the
status of the WBS element after pressing Enter. (There will be more
information on status in Chapter 5.)
12. The User Status column is not used by AASIS.
9 10 11 12
The WBS Element Overview Screen with Additional Basic Data Tab Columns
Dates Tab
This tab is not used by AASIS. Click the Assignments tab.
Assignments Tab
All of the required fields on the assignment tab are copied from the project
profile and the basic data tab. Exception: If you didn’t enter the functional
area on the project definition screen you must enter it here in all caps. Do not
enter anything else on this tab. Click the Responsibilities tab to continue.
Area Column
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
Responsibilities Tab
1. The information on the first part of the responsibilities tab (Level, WBS
element, person responsible, applicant) is populated from the project
definition selections and the basic data tab of the WBS element
overview. You can scroll right to view more columns.
2. Responsible cost center field: You may enter a cost center in this field
if desired.
3. CA (Controlling Area) field: This field will be populated automatically if
you enter a cost center. Do not make an entry in this field.
4. CA (the second one) and Req. cost center (Requesting cost center)
fields are not used by AASIS. Do not make an entry in these fields.
2 4
This completes the entry for the responsibilities tab. Click the control tab to
Control Tab
Statistical check box: For capital projects, the check box will be blank (non
statistical) by default. Checking the box will make the WBS element
statistical. Check the box if the WBS element is for a non-capitalized cost,
revenue, or fixed asset purchase.
check box
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 4 Creating Master Data
Total Tab
The total tab summarizes the master data that have been entered for the
WBS elements. All of the total tab fields populate from information entered on
the other tabs or the project screen. No further entry is required
Now that the project and WBS elements are complete, click the save icon
to save the project.
AASIS returns a message that the project is being created.
Project Exercise
Create your assigned project and WBS elements.
Chapter 5 Project Status
and Change
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 5 Project Status and Change
In Chapter Five, you will learn about status settings for Project Definitions and
WBS elements and be able to use status control in projects. You will also
practice the change transaction for Project Definitions and WBS elements.
Key Points
Status change lets you allow or prohibit postings of commitments and actual
costs to a WBS element.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 5 Project Status and Change
Status Exercise
Practice using status control in the following exercise by choosing CRTD,
What project status would you choose? Status
Default status at project creation
You want to stop all spending and commitments; balance
is zero
You want to allow new commitments
You want to be able to pay bills but not allow new
You want to stop all spending and commitments; balance
is not zero
2. Type in the key letter for the type of project (F, P, S, O, or C) followed
by the business area code (no dot) and an asterisk.
<Enter> 2
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 5 Project Status and Change
3. Select the project from the list and double-click. The project definition
will be populated into the correct field.
A system message will appear at the bottom of the screen informing you
that the status was set.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 5 Project Status and Change
4. The new status will appear in the system status box on the basic data
<Save> The new status does not take effect until the project is saved.
Releasing the project will release all of the associated WBS elements. The
status of each WBS element can be controlled individually. To change the
status of WBS elements, click the icon to display the WBS Element
Overview screen. Select the WBS element to be changed. From the blue
menu bar, select Edit>Status. Choose the desired status for the WBS
element and save.
Status Change Exercise
Release all of the WBS elements for the project that you created.
Chapter 6 Project Postings
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 6 Project Postings
In Chapter Six, you will learn how transactions are posted to capital projects.
Key Points
Agency users create postings by entering the WBS element in the appropriate
field on the transaction.
The WBS elements used to capture costs to be settled must have a Funds
Management assignment. All of the postings for the WBS element must go to
a cost center that has the same fund/funds center assignment.
Agency users must request an FM assignment for a WBS element from DFA
Office of Budget. The form is located on the DFA website.
Non-statistical WBS element Funds Management assignments override cost
center Funds Management assignments on all transactions. Postings will be
reflected within the cost center as statistical.
Non-statistical WBS elements cannot be used to purchase a fixed asset.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 6 Project Postings
• Purchasing transactions ME51N and ME21N: Purchase requisitions
and purchase orders use the account assignment category P to enable
the WBS element field on the assignment tab. The user enters the WBS
element on the assignment tab. The purchase is counted as a
commitment up until the point of goods receipt, when it is expensed.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 6 Project Postings
• Direct invoice transaction FB60: In a direct invoice entry, there is a
column for the WBS element. The user can enter the WBS element in this
column for each line of the invoice. The expense will post to the WBS
element at the time of invoice posting.
WBS element is
entered here.
• Revenue receipt: The user enters the WBS element in the WBS element
field in the cash journal transaction FBCJ. The revenue will post to the
WBS element when the deposit is posted.
WBS element is
entered here.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 6 Project Postings
• Payroll: The WBS element can be entered in the cost distribution for the
position organizational management master data (transaction PO13) or it
can be entered on the timesheet (transaction CAT2. The timesheet entry
will override the organizational management data in charging the cost.
The WBS element will pick up the payroll expenses when payroll is
Transaction Exercise
In the assigned training client, go to transaction FBV2 (menu path:
Accounting> Financial Accounting> General Ledger> Document> Parked
Document> FBV2 Change). Enter company code ARK, your assigned
document, and the current fiscal year. Press the Enter key. Use the scroll
bar to locate the WBS element field. Enter your WBS elements for this year’s
capitalized costs in the WBS element fields. Be sure that the WBS element’s
Funds Management assignment matches the Funds Management
assignment for the cost center on the invoice.
Write in the GL account number here_____________.
Write in the amount here ________________.
Click the “save parked document” icon. The instructor will post the invoices.
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
In Chapter Seven, you will learn how asset shells and WBS elements work
together to account for assets and assets under construction. You will also
learn to create master data asset shells for assets under construction. You
will become more familiar with the concepts of capitalization and depreciation.
Key Points
An asset shell or sub asset shell must be set up for each asset under
construction (AuC). This is the master record for the asset with no value.
At the end of the construction project or at the end of the fiscal year
(whichever comes first) the WBS element costs will be settled to the AuC.
This gives value to the AuC.
Another asset master record shell is set up for the asset after construction is
complete. When the project is completed and settled to the AuC, the AuC’s
historical cost will be settled to this asset master record. This transfers the
value and recognizes the fixed asset being placed in service. This is the
value that will be depreciated over the life of the asset.
More on Capitalization
Generally, any cost that is incurred in the process of getting an asset placed
in service is capitalized as part of the asset. A project may incur some costs
that will be capitalized and some costs that will not be capitalized. See
Chapter 2 more information on capitalization.
If an expense is incurred that should not be capitalized, the cost should be
charged to a separate statistical WBS element that will not be settled to the
As noted earlier, assets purchased as part of the project are not capitalized to
the AuC asset if they are separate, removable, and have a different useful life
than the AuC asset. Separate asset shells will be created for these assets
which will be depreciated separately.
Examples: Project funds are used to purchase a concrete mixer that will be
used on the project construction. The concrete mixer will be used on other
projects and it meets the asset cost threshold. It must be accounted for as a
separate asset. The agency uses project funds to purchase a portable
storage shed for the concrete mixer. The storage shed does not meet the
asset cost threshold, so it will be expensed. Both the storage shed and the
concrete mixer would be charged to a statistical WBS element.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
Capitalization Exercise
Would you include these costs as part of the capitalized value of a building
being constructed?
Item Capitalized to Not Capitalized to
Central air conditioning unit
Portable exhaust fan
Built-in cabinets
Removable Office furniture
Lawn mower
Sprinkler system
Copying machine
Copies of construction contract
Automobile for executive who inspects building
Mileage reimbursement for executive for inspecting building
The asset under construction is not depreciated. The annual costs of the
asset construction are expensed under modified accrual accounting. They
are reported as a balance sheet asset, not subject to depreciation under full
accrual accounting. The asset itself begins depreciation under full accrual
accounting when it is placed in service.
In AASIS, the depreciation is monthly, straight-line, over the expected useful
life of the asset. For example, a computer costing $3600 with a useful life of
3 years is depreciated at $100 per month ($3600/36 months).
Sub Assets
Sub assets are used when the construction costs to be settled will come from
more than one fund/funds center or the construction project will cross state
fiscal years.
Each fiscal year in which costs are incurred must have a separate sub asset
per fund/funds center combination.
Example: Northwest Technical Institute has a capital project to construct a
poultry processing training center. Three-fourths of the funds will come from
the general improvement fund and one-fourth from the agency cash fund.
The project was started in FY 2006 and is expected to be completed in early
FY 2007. The agency sets up an asset under construction with three sub
AuCs as follows:
Asset under construction: Poultry Processing GIF 2006 (The main AuC is
attached to the main funding source for the first fiscal year.)
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
Sub AuC 1: Poultry Processing Cash 2006 (The first sub AuC is the
secondary funding source for the first fiscal year.)
Sub AuC 2: Poultry Processing GIF 2007 (The second sub AuC is the main
funding source for the next fiscal year)
Sub AuC 3: Poultry Processing Cash 2007 (The third sub AuC is the
secondary funding source for the next fiscal year.)
To capture the costs for the AuC/sub AuCs, the agency sets up two non-
statistical WBS elements:
C.0522.190052a received the fund/funds center assignment for the agency’s
general improvement funds. It will be settled to the main AuC at the end of
the 2006 fiscal year and sub-AuC 2 at the completion of the project in FY
C.0522.190052b received the fund/funds center assignment for the agency’s
cash funds. It will be settled to Sub-AuC 1 at the end of the 2006 fiscal year
and sub-AuC 3 at the completion of the project in FY 2007.
Sub AuC Exercise
For the following construction project, how many AuC /sub AuC shells should
Agency A create?
Agency A is constructing an office building. It is using funds 701567 (cash)
and KLM700 (general improvement). The construction will begin in
December 2006 and is expected to be completed in July 2008.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
Agency A will need the following:
1 AuC for main funding source for FY 2006 (December 2005 – June 2006)
1 sub AuC for secondary funding source FY 2006 (December 2005—June
1 sub AuC for main funding source fund for FY 2007 (July 2006—June 2007)
1 sub AuC for secondary funding source for FY 2007 (July 2006—June 2007)
1 sub AuC for main funding source for FY 2008 (July, 2007)
1 sub AuC for secondary funding source for FY 2008 (July 2007)
The total is one AuC and five subs.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
The General tab is displayed. Type a detailed description of the asset.
2. Enter the WBS element that will be settled to the asset on the next line.
3. Asset main no. text field will be adopted from line 1 after you press
Enter if no other entry is made.
Note: Asset main number text is the same for main asset and all subs. When
you change it for one master record, it is changed for all.
4. Click the Time dependent tab. Enter the cost center for the funding
source of the asset.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
Business Area, Fund, Functional Area, and Funds Center are populated
from the Cost Center. If there is more than one funding source, use a cost
center assigned to the main funding source. You’ll create sub assets for
secondary funding sources. Verify that the fund and funds center match
the assignment of the WBS element that will be settled to this AuC.
Create Asset Time-Dependent Tab after Fund and Funds Center Derived
5. Click the Allocations tab. Enter 800000 in the class code field for an
asset under construction.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
7. The number 1 in the useful life in Area 01 indicates that the costs will
be expensed in the year they are incurred for modified accrual
accounting. Useful life for Area 20 is not required for AuC since AuCs
are not depreciated for full accrual accounting. Leave this field blank.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
4. The information on the sub asset tabs is populated from the main
asset. Scroll through each tab to verify that the assignments are
correct. If the number of similar assets is one, change cost center (if
necessary) while in AS11. Remove fund, functional area and funds
center if a new assignment will be derived.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
5. Save the sub asset. A pop-up box will appear if the number of similar
assets is greater than one. Select Create. This will create the sub
assets with the same data as the asset. (You’ll be able to change
them later.)
AASIS returns a message that the sub assets have been created.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
2. On the General tab, change the description if desired and enter the
correct WBS element number for the funding source change.
3. Click the Time-dependent tab and delete the information for cost
center, fund, and funds center. Enter the new cost center, fund, and
funds center, making sure that they match the FM assignment of the
WBS element.
Note: The business area, fund, functional area and funds center fields
must be blank in order to be re-derived from the new cost center.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 7 Assets and Sub Assets
4. Click Yes when the box pops up.
Overwrite Pop-Up
AASIS will return a message that the sub asset was changed.
Repeat this process as many times as necessary for each sub asset. View
the sub assets again and make sure that the cost center, fund and funds
center assignments are correct and match the WBS elements.
AuC Creation Exercise
Create an asset under construction with one sub asset for your project. The
main asset should use the primary funding source cost center and the sub
asset should use the secondary funding source cost center.
Chapter 8 Settlement
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
In Chapter Eight, you will learn when and how to settle costs of assets under
construction and major maintenance projects.
When to Settle
WBS elements are settled to the asset under construction at the end of the
project or at the end of the fiscal year, whichever comes first. The reason for
this is that construction costs have to be accounted for in each fiscal year’s
financial statements. Under modified accrual accounting, construction costs
are expensed in the year incurred.
The asset under construction and all its sub assets will be settled to a fixed
asset when the construction is complete and the asset is placed in service.
The reason for this is that under full accrual accounting, the asset must be
valued at cost and depreciated over its useful life.
What to Settle
Non-statistical WBS elements containing capitalized costs are settled to the
fixed asset under construction or sub asset under construction. The asset
under construction and sub assets under construction are settled to the asset
and sub assets at completion. As discussed previously, the settlement does
not include revenues or non-capitalized costs.
It is imperative that the fund and funds center on both the asset under
construction shell and the non-statistical WBS element are the same.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
Enter or use the drop-down on each column to select the following
2. CAT—select FXA.
3. Settlement Receivers—enter the number of the AuC or sub AuC that
will receive the costs.
4. Set—select FUL.
5. From/To period/fiscal year—enter the dates for the time periods and
fiscal year for which the rule is to be applied.
4 5
2 3
Select the next WBS element to be settled and complete steps 2 through
7 to set up the settlement rule for it.
AASIS will return a message that the project is being changed.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
This project line item report selected for the WBS element for the fiscal year
shows one item of $10,000 to be settled to the AuC and one item of $5,000 to
be settled to the sub AuC.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
2. Click the posted values tab.
3. Toggle between Depreciation Area 01 Modified Accrual and Area 20
Full Accrual in the navigation bar.
4. Note that the asset shows no value in either area. This is correct
because no costs have yet been settled.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
Settling the Costs (Transaction CJ88
The menu path is Logistics> Project System> Financials> Period End
Closing> Single Functions> Settlement> CJ88 Individual Processing.
1. Enter the project definition or WBS element to be settled. If all project
WBS elements contain capitalized costs to be settled, you can select
by project. Otherwise, select by WBS element.
2. Enter the settlement period (12 if settling at fiscal year end) and year.
3. Keep the test run box checked to make sure there are no errors before
performing the actual settlement.
4. Check the Detail List box to view the details of the settlement.
5. 2
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
An information screen will display.
6. If there are errors, the number will be displayed here. There will be
more on possible error messages in Chapter 9.
7. Click the Detail Lists button to view the detailed information of the
settled values.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
8. If the test run was successful, click the back button to go back to the
selection screen.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
10. The results display again, this time saying “settlement executed”.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
Viewing the Settlement
Execute the project line items (CJI3) again to view the effect of the settlement
on the WBS elements.
Note the credits to the non-budget relevant cost elements, giving each WBS
element a balance of zero.
Execute the Asset display transaction (AS03) to view the effect of the
settlement on the assets.
View the trial balance for one of the funds to view the combined effect of the
settlement on the accounts.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
5. Click the back icon to return to the selection screen.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
6. Deselect test run and re-run the transaction.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
WBS Settlement Exercise
View the pre-settlement CJI3, AS03, and Trial Balance for your assigned
projects, AuCs and Funds. Use transaction CJ88 in test mode. Settle your
WBS elements to the appropriate AuC or sub-AuC. Discuss any error
messages with your instructor. If there are no errors, de-select test mode and
run the transaction. View the reports again after the settlement.
2. Enter a detailed description of the asset. Press Enter. The Asset main
no text field will populate from the description. Click the Time-
dependent tab.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
3. Enter the cost center associated with the fund for the asset. The
business area, fund, funds center, and functional area will be
populated from the cost center. Note: The asset and the AuC being
settled must have the same cost center to avoid creating due to/due
from balances in the funds. Create sub-assets for additional funding
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
5. Click the Deprec areas tab. Enter the useful life associated with the
class code in the Area 20 Usfl life field. DFA policy requires that the
life entered does not differ from this by more than one year. Area 20
depreciation is full accrual (straight-line, monthly in AASIS).
6. Click the Save button and AASIS will return a message with the
number of the asset that has been created.
Create Asset Master Data Deprec Areas Tab
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
2. Select the Costs that you want to settle by clicking the gray box in front
of the row. Hold down the control key to select multiple rows if
4. Cat--Enter FXA.
5. Settlement receiver—Enter the asset that will receive the costs.
6. %--Enter 100 to settle all of the costs from the AuC.
7. Enter settlement periods.
8. Click the Back button.
4 5 7
Settlement Rule
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
9. Status indicators turn green.
10. Click the Settlement button
11. Click Yes when the Post settlement box pops up
AuC Settlement
12. Change the posting date to the last day of the month. This must be
13. Check the Test run and Detail list boxes. <Execute>
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
14. The trial posting is displayed. If there are no errors, click the Back
button and de-select Test run.
Execute the settlement again without the Test run box selected.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
The actual settlement line items are displayed.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
View the Trial Balance after settlement.
Viewing Depreciation
The asset under construction is not depreciated. Other assets are
depreciated monthly over the useful life. Depreciation begins when the asset
is placed in service. You can view the planned depreciation in the AS03
transaction. Enter the asset to be displayed and click the Asset values
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
Select the planned values tab. You can view both the modified accrual (area
1) and full accrual (area 20) planned depreciation. Note that modified accrual
depreciation is taken in full when the asset is placed in service.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 8 Settlement
The formula for planned full accrual depreciation for the year is number of
months remaining in year divided by total months in year times asset value
divided by useful life. Example: This nature trail was placed in service in
mid-August, 2005. Ten and a half months remain in the fiscal year. The
asset cost $10,000 and has a useful life of 20 years. Depreciation was
calculated as follows:
10.5/12 x $10000/20 = $437.50
Depreciation Exercise
For each item, tell how much depreciation you think should be charged for
this month. The assets have been in existence for the entire month.
Item Cost Useful Life (yrs) Depreciation
Building $600,000 50
Prefabricated $300,000 25
New roof on building $36,000 30
Building under $600,000 (so far) 50 (when complete)
Motorcycle $7,200 6
Automobile $14,400 6
Chapter 9
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
In Chapter Nine, you will learn about error messages you may encounter
while working with assets under construction, what they mean and what to do
about them.
Error Message: WBS Element in Status That Does Not Allow Posting
Scenario: You are at the point of posting. Your non-statistical WBS element
has been created and has a fund/funds center assignment. When you try to
post a goods receipt, you get this message.
Probable Cause: The WBS element has not been released.
Solution: Use the change project transaction (CJ02) and select the WBS
element. From the blue menu bar, choose edit/status/release and save.
Error Message: Asset FM Assignment Does Not Match WBS Element FM Assignment
Scenario: You ran CJ88 to try to settle the WBS element to the asset under
Probable Cause: The fund/funds center assignment on the asset under
construction does not match the fund/funds center assignment on the WBS
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Solution: Either change the cost center on the settlement rule for the WBS
element or use another asset or sub asset shell with the correct fund/funds
center assignment.
Scenario: You got this message when you tried to establish settle the WBS
element. You clicked the LTxt field for more information and got a message
similar to this:
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Probable Cause: A clue to the cause of this error can be found in the account
code listed. 4010017000 is a revenue code—it starts with a 4—and therefore
it cannot be settled to the project.
Solution: Run report CJI3 for the settlement period to determine what cost
elements the WBS element contains. If there are revenue codes (or a refund
to expenditure code) you will not be able to settle this WBS element to the
asset. You will need to move the costs that you want to settle to another non-
statistical WBS element and settle that WBS element to the asset under
The line item display (CJI3) reveals a $300 posting to a revenue cost
element. A WBS element that has ever had a revenue cost elements posted
to it can’t be settled to an AuC.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Scenario: You tried to settle a WBS element to an asset under construction
and you got this message.
Probable Cause: No settlement rule has been entered for the WBS element,
or a settlement rule does not exist for the current fiscal year.
Solution: Use transaction CJ02 (Change Project). Display the WBS element
that you wish to settle and add a settlement rule with the correct AuC number
or enter a new settlement rule for the current fiscal year with a new sub-AuC.
Scenario: You tried to enter settlement rules for a WBS element and got this
Probable cause: The WBS element is statistical.
Solution: If the WBS element has not been used in transactions:
Use transaction CJ02, go to the control tab, and deselect the statistical check
box. Request a fund/funds center assignment for the WBS element.
If the WBS element has been used in transactions for capitalized costs:
Use transaction CJ02 (Change Project). Create a new non-statistical WBS
element. Request a fund/funds center assignment for your new WBS
element. Create a settlement rule for the new WBS element. Use the project
line item report (Transaction CJI3) to verify the capitalized costs that were
charged to the statistical WBS element. After the FM assignment has been
made, park expense error corrections to move the capitalized costs to the
new non-statistical WBS element. Post the error corrections.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Actual Settlement Is Not Allowed
Error Message: FM Assignment on WBS Element Does Not Match FM Assignment on Asset
Scenario: You tried to settle a WBS element to an AuC and got this
Probable cause: The FM assignment for the WBS element is not the same
as the FM assignment on the asset.
Solution: Make the correction either by creating a new WBS element with the
correct FM assignment or creating a new AuC with the correct cost center.
Make error corrections as needed and re-run the settlement.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
A Due to/Due from Exists Related to the AuC
Scenario: You view the trial balance and find Due to/Due from account
balances in two funds relating to your asset under construction and asset.
Probable Cause: The asset and asset under construction have two different
fund assignments.
Solution: Reverse the completed settlement.
Enter Transaction AIST (Menu path: Accounting> Financial Accounting>
Fixed Assets> Posting> Reverse Document> AIST Capitalize Asset Under
Change the posting date to the last day of the period. Select Test run and
click execute.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
The reversal will be displayed. If there are no errors, click the Back button,
de-select the Test run box, and click Execute.
Create a new fixed asset shell, change the settlement rule on the AuC, and
re-run the settlement.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 9 Troubleshooting
Reversal Not Possible Last Settlement Was in Period XXX
If you receive this error message, you have entered the wrong period on the
settlement that you are attempting to reverse.
To reverse the settlement, enter the correct period. If the period was in a
prior year, you cannot reverse the settlement.
Chapter 10 Entering Project
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
In Chapter Ten, you will learn how to enter a plan for your project.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
Entering a Plan in the Project System Module
The first step in Project System planning is to set the planner profile via
transaction KP04. The menu path is: Accounting > Project System >
Financials > Planning > Costs in WBS.
A planner profile box will pop up. Click the drop-down menu and select ARK.
Enter or click the green check.
The next step in Project System planning is to enter the plan data via
transaction CJR2. The menu path is: Accounting > Project System >
Financials > Planning > Costs in WBS > Costs and Activity Inputs > Change
If the Set Controlling Area box pops up, type in ARK and click Enter. This will
bring you to the planning screen.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
1. The version should default to zero.
2. Enter the periods and fiscal year for which you wish to plan.
3. Enter the WBS element or range of WBS elements.
4. Enter the cost element, range of cost elements, or cost element group.
5. Entry radio button should default to “Free”. Accept the default.
6. Click on overview screen to plan for the entire selected time period or
period screen to plan for each period individually.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
7. Enter the planned amount and press the Enter key.
8. The functional area and fund fields will be populated.
9. Click period view (optional).
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
You can view the plan in any of the Project System Module plan vs. actual
reports. Actual/ Plan/ Variance/ Absolute Variance/ % (S_ALR_87013543) is
shown here.
Another pop-up box will appear with summary table “ZFINLEDT”. Once again
you should press Enter or click the green check.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
The next step is to enter the plan data via transaction GP12N. The menu
path is Accounting > Financial Accounting > Special Purpose Ledger >
Planning > Planned Values > Enter
1. Tab to the desired layout (SPL-PLN-WBS) by clicking the “page forward”
icon two times.
2. Choose the desired planning period range.
3. The Ledger is Z1. This should default.
4. The Version is 1. This should also default.
5. Enter the fiscal year to be planned.
6. Enter the WBS element or range of WBS elements.
7. Enter the Account number or range.
8. The “Free” entry radio button will be selected by default. For convenience,
click the “Form” radio button. This will enter the account codes for you on
the planning screen.
9. Click the overview screen to plan the entire period range or the period
screen to plan separately for each period.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
10. To plan, enter the desired amounts in the “Local crcy” column.
11. Click the “period” icon to view the amounts by period.
12. Change the period amounts as desired. The total will be adjusted
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 10 Entering Project Plans
The plan can be viewed in either of these transactions: Plan / Actual Projects
(Y_DEV_80000015) or Plan / Actual Cost Centers & Projects
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash
vs. Accrual
Project Accounting
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash vs. Accrual
In Chapter Eleven, you will learn the difference between cash basis and
accrual basis accounting reports. You will also learn which reports in AASIS
are on the cash basis and which are on the accrual basis of accounting.
Governmental Accounting
Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statement 34 requires
the State of Arkansas to report government-wide financial statements on an
accrual basis. Most AASIS reports are on the accrual basis of accounting.
Because of state budgetary requirements outlined in Arkansas Code
Annotated Title 19, it is necessary to have reporting capability on the cash
basis of accounting. For some federal grant reports, cash basis can be used
by election.
Accounting for public funds requires organizations to demonstrate the
operational accountability for the entity as a whole and their fiscal
accountability for a specific fund.
Governmental funds are accounted for on a modified accrual accounting
The reporting results are different for a cash basis report and an accrual basis
report for the same cost object.
Project Accounting
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash vs. Accrual
• To view cost objects for commitments on a cash basis, use the ZCMT
report. This report will give you the line items which total up to the
commitments on the Actual Budget Report.
• To view cost objects for expenditures, use the ZWARR_DETAIL report
selected by cash date. This report was developed by merging information
found on the Special Purpose Ledger and the Funds Management
Budgetary Ledger.
Project Accounting
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash vs. Accrual
Expense/Expenditure Reporting
You can view expenses on an accrual basis in the Project System reports and
Special Purpose Ledger reports.
You can view expenditures on a cash basis in the Actual Budget Report
(aggregated) and the ZWARR_DETAIL report (detailed).
Timing Differences in Treatment of Expense
• Expenses post to accrual based reports when goods are received, or if
direct-invoiced, when the invoice is posted.
• Expenditures post to the cash based reports after the payments are
processed and Funds Management is updated.
For example, an agency orders $200 worth of office supplies. When the
supplies are received, the accrual based report will show office supplies
expense of $200. The cash based report will show office supplies
expenditures of $0. After payments are processed and Funds
Management is updated, the cash based report will catch up with the
accrual based report and show office supplies expenditures of $200 for
this purchase.
Project Accounting
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash vs. Accrual
At the point of payment, the cash basis reports recognize the expenditure.
$200 Payment Payable Cash
<$200> Invoice
200 200 200
Project Accounting
Chapter 11 Reporting: Cash vs. Accrual
Agency A submitted a purchase order for 3 boxes of copier toner in period 1.
The goods receipt was posted in period 2, but the payment was not made
until period 3.
Chapter 12 Reports in
the Project System
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
In Chapter Twelve you will learn how to run and interpret the Project System
Key Points
The reports in the Project System display revenues, commitments, and
You can drill-down to line items in the controlling reports and display the
original document and related documents in AASIS.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Selecting the Report
1. Enter Transaction S_ALR_87013542.
You may see a pop-up message asking for a
database profile. The database profile is 1 preceded
by eleven zeros. Click the green check.
2. Enter the Project Definition or WBS elements that you wish to view. Do
not enter a value in the Network/order, Activity, or Materials in network
fields. These fields are not used by AASIS
3. Enter the selection values. Controlling area is always ARK and the
plan version is 0 in the controlling reports. (These will default.) Select
the fiscal years and periods that you want to view.
4. The selection groups will narrow the report down by the type of
expense (cost element) or broad category of expense or commitment
item (cost element group). To display all expenses, leave these
selections blank.
Note: You can display the cost element groups with Transaction
KAH3. This allows you to view the cost elements assigned to a group.
New groups can be requested from DFA Office of Accounting if
5. When you have made the desired selections, execute the report.
S_ALR_87013542 Selection
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Viewing the Report
1. The report header gives the project name, description, person
responsible, number of pages, and periods selected
2. You can select the entire project or a single WBS element from the
navigation bar.
3. The first column of the report contains the cost elements. The numeric
code and description of the cost element is the same as the general
ledger code on a transaction.
4. The next column of the report contains the actual expenses.
5. The third column contains the commitments. These include funds
reservations and purchases up to the point of goods receipt.
6. Actual and commitments add up to the amounts in the total column.
7. If a plan was entered for the project, it will be shown in the plan
8. To view more of the report, click the page right icon to scroll to the
next page.
4 5 6 7
S_ALR_87013542 Page 1
9. The next four columns identify commitments by the source and total of
the commitments.
S_ALR_87013542 Page 2
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Drill-Down Detail
You can drill down to the detail for both line items and documents.
Documents can be displayed for follow-on transactions in the Controlling,
SPL, Funds Management and Accounting Modules.
Line Item Display
To see more detail for any item, double-click the item. A list of line items that
make up the total will be displayed.
Document Display
Double-click an item from the list. This will display the accounting document
(FI-General Ledger document) for the transaction that created the item.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
To view the related documents, click Environment from the menu bar.
1. Choose Environment> Document environment> Accounting
documents. This enables users to view the integration points for the
transaction in AASIS. There are four documents to view for this
transaction. The original document is the one that was displayed when
you double-clicked. You can also view documents for Special Purpose
Ledger, Controlling, and Funds Management.
2. Double-click the Special Purpose Ledger document number to select it.
The Special Purpose Ledger splits the posting by fund. We can see the
accounts, funds, cost centers, functional area, and WBS elements.
Commitment item and funds center codes are also displayed. Scroll to the
right to view the amounts.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
3. Go back to the list of accounting documents and choose the
Controlling Document.
Controlling Document
The Funds Management document displays the budget posting to fund, funds
center and commitment item created by the transaction.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
The report compares actual and planned expenses, with the variance
expressed as a dollar amount and a percent. This report has drill-down
capability. The report in this example shows the project after some of the
costs have been settled to an asset under construction.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Viewing the report
1. Select the entire project or a single WBS element from the navigation
bar. The navigation bar can be turned on or off by clicking the
display/hide icon for the navigation bar.
2. The first column of the report contains the cost elements
3. Actual expenses are listed by cost element for each period. Drill-down
and accessibility to accounting documents is also available from this
4. Click the page right icon to go to the next page, which will display
postings for the next six periods.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Viewing the Report
The report lists the actual line items. You can double-click any item to view
the document that created it.
To see the cost center of a project line item report, add the field for Auxiliary
Account Assignment to the display. On a cost center line item report, the
Auxiliary Account Assignment field will display the WBS element or Internal
Project Line Item Report and Settlement to Asset
The project actual line item report is helpful during the settlement process.
Only certain expense cost elements can be settled from a WBS element into
an asset under construction. Before attempting settlement, run the project
actual line item report for the WBS element to be settled to make sure it does
not contain revenue cost elements which cannot be settled. If the settlement
fails, the project actual line item report is useful in locating which items might
have to be corrected in order to settle the project.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Commitment Line Items for Projects (Transaction CJI5)
Follow the selection process as outlined on the previous page for Actual
Costs/ Revenues Line Items (Transaction CJI3). Execute the report.
The report displays outstanding commitments for the selection period. You
can double-click on any item to view the document that created it.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Project Reporting Exercises
Use the project report: Actual/Commitment/Total/Plan in CO area currency
(Transaction S_ALR_87013542) for the assigned project to answer the
following questions:
1. What is the cost element for the actual expense?
2. How much of the commitments are for purchase orders?
3. How much of the commitments are for purchase requisitions?
4. What is the total of commitments and actual expenses for the first
WBS Element?
5. Have any cost elements been settled to an asset under construction?
Use the Actual/Plan/Variance Absolute/Variance % Report (Transaction
S_ALR_87013543) report for the assigned project to answer the following
1. Who is the “person responsible” (in the report header)?
2. What WBS element was selected?
3. What were the total expenses for cost element group 5020002 for the
project in FY2008?
4. Drill down to the line items for cost element 5030005000. How many
line items are listed?
5. Who was the vendor?
Use Period Comparison-Actual (Transaction S_ALR_87013545) to answer
the following questions for the assigned project.
1. In what period(s) did expenses occur?
2. Can you view commitments in this report?
3. Is this report on the cash or accrual basis?
4. Drill down to the line items on the expenses for period 2. How many
lines are displayed?
5. Drill down on the first line item. What account was debited in this
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 12 Reports in the Project System
Use Project Actual Line Item Report (Transaction CJI3) to answer the
following questions for your assigned project. Select periods 1 and 2 of 2008.
1. What is the column heading for the column which contains the WBS
element code?
2. How many WBS element codes received postings for the period
3. What are the total expenses for all WBS elements for the period
4. Drill down to view the transaction for cost element 5090006000. What
product was purchased to incur this expense?
5. Choose the line item for cost element 5030005000 and view the
accounting document. What account was credited?
Use Project Commitment Line Item Report (CJI5) to answer the following
questions for the assigned project. Select period 1 of 2008.
1. What is the total dollar amount of commitments for each cost element?
2. Are the commitments noted above due to a purchase order, purchase
requisition or funds reservation?
3. What is the quantity of the above noted purchases?
4. Double-click on one of the dollar amounts for a cost element. What
document was displayed?
5. Click on the account assignment button of the displayed document.
What cost center is displayed?
Chapter 13 Reports in the
Special Purpose Ledger
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
In Chapter Thirteen you will learn to run and interpret the Special Purpose
Ledger reports.
Key Points
You can use the reports in the SPL to display revenues and expenses. The
SPL allows the selection of cost centers and projects at the same time.
You can drill-down to the actual line items and display the original document
and related documents in the system.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Viewing the Report
1. There is a navigation bar to the left of the report. This can be turned
on and off using the navigation bar icon Period selection can be for
all periods (folder selection) or any period (month selection). WBS
element selection can be for all WBS elements (folder selection) or any
WBS element (individual selection).
WBS element
Period selection
2. The first column of the report displays General Ledger account codes
and descriptions.
3. Actual revenues and expenses are separated into debits and credits.
The next column nets the debits and credits.
4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll forward and back in the report.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
5. If plan data exists, it will be displayed. The Abs. var. column will
display the difference between plan and actual. 5
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Click the FI-SL document button to go to the SPL document.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Viewing the Report
1. The navigation bar is the same as the navigation bar for the
Actual/Commitment/Total/Plan report as described on previously.
2. On the first page, actual debits, credits and net are displayed for each
General Ledger account codes and subtotaled by both cost center and
WBS element.
3. Click the right arrow to view more columns.
4. On the next page, plan debits, credits and net are displayed if plan
data has been entered.
5. The report calculates the difference between plan and actual, both as a
value and a percent.
6. This report has the same drill-down capability as the SPL Plan/Actual
Project Report.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Trial Balance (Transaction Y_DEV_80000025
Menu path: Special Transactions and Reports (State of Arkansas)> Financial
Accounting> General Ledger> Reporting (SPL)> Balance Sheet Reports>
Trial Balance
The Trial Balance is selected by fund, not by WBS element or project.
However, the WBS element field is available upon drilldown to line items.
The Trial Balance can only be selected for one fiscal year at a time.
For capital projects, you should view the trial balances for each fund involved
to determine if there are due to/due from items, outstanding sales or use tax
liability, or fund transfers that might be part of the project expenses. You will
also be able to view asset balances and depreciation in the trial balance.
Selecting the Report
1. Select the desired fiscal year and periods. A period selection of Period
from (blank) and period to 12 will display all periods for the fiscal year
including carry forward balances.
2. Leave the Account group selection at the default “ZFI-TRIAL-
3. Enter the Business Area in the “Or value(s)” field under the Agency
group field. This is optional if a fund is also entered.
4. If desired, enter a fund in the “Or value(s)” field under the Fund group
field. Leaving this area blank will display all of the funds for the
business area, but you will be able to select them individually in the
5. Execute the report.
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Viewing the Report with Capital Projects in Mind
• When accounting for capital projects, users should review balances in
Due to / Due from accounts. These accounts do not appear in the
Controlling reports. Drill-down by double-clicking the balance of the
DT/DF Clearing account. Select actual line items. If the due to/due from
items pertain to the project, the WBS elements for the project may be
listed here. All due-to/due-from balances need to be cleared. For more
information on how to do this, contact the AASIS Support Center at (501)
• Note: Settling the AuC to a fixed asset with a different fund assignment
than the one to which the AuC is assigned will create a due to/due from
balance. The following due to /due from balances were created by
settling a sub asset under construction in Fund B to a fixed asset in Fund
Fund A
Fund B
• Sales or Use Tax Liability: All sales tax liabilities should be paid before
the WBS element is settled to the AuC. The sales and use tax liability
accounts do not show up on the Controlling reports.
Double-click the balance of the Due to Revenue line and select actual line
items. Check to see if any outstanding balances displayed may contain
the WBS element being settled.
Trial Balance and Line Item Drill-down for Due to Revenue Account
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
• The “6” Accounts
Items such as fund transfers and refunds to expenditures should be
reviewed for their effect on project revenues and expenses.
These items do appear in the Controlling reports as well as on the Trial
• Assets
Use the Trial Balance to view balances for assets and assets under
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
2. Enter the Fiscal year, Account codes, and Business Area
3. Enter the WBS elements.
4. Enter the Period selection.
5. After making the selections, execute the report
Project Accounting II Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 13 Reports in the Special Purpose Ledger
Chapter 14 Cash Basis
Project Accounting
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting
In Chapter Fourteen you will learn to run and interpret the ZWARR_DETAIL
(cash based line item) and Actual Budget reports.
Key Points
Cash based reporting is used to determine expenditure items from budget.
Some federal grants also require cash based reporting.
Project Accounting
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting
3. Note that the line field is where you can select by WBS element.
Project Accounting
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting
Viewing the Report
The line amount column indicates the expenditures for the report selections.
Note: If the ZWARR_DETAIL is selected for the same fund, funds center,
commitment item and period range as the Y_DEV_80000046 report, the sum
of the “line” column on the ZWARR_DETAIL should equal the expense on the
Y_DEV_80000046 report.
Exception: You must have special security roles to view certain line items,
including employee and board vendors and WISE and CRIS vendors at DHS.
If your budget contains any of these items and you lack the security role, the
ZWARR_DETAIL and the Y_DEV_80000046 reports will not match
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting
Selecting the Report
1. Enter the fund. (You must enter either a fund or funds center.)
2. Enter the funds center. (This is optional if you entered a fund.)
3. Be sure that default Year commitment item equals the fiscal year
4. Enter a commitment item if desired.
5. Agency from/CustFund is an optional field. You may enter the vendor
number for your agency here.
6. The current fiscal year and periods 0 to 16 will default. This will select
budget for the entire year, including budget and commitments carried
forward from the prior year. You may change this if you want to view a
different period or range. Period 0 captures original budget loads and
carry forward activities.
Note: You will see a budgeted amount for the entire year (including
blocked amounts) no matter what period range is selected. Only
commitments and expenditures for the periods entered will be displayed
and will be subtracted from the annual budget to provide the available
budget amount. Rerun the report for periods 0 to 16 for validation.
7. Classic drilldown report selection enables you to export the report to an
Excel spreadsheet. You may also select the graphical report option for
a different view.
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting
1. Click the plus signs or the “expand” icon to expand the report.
Budgets, commitments and expenditures and available budget are displayed.
2. If the entire report is not displayed, click the right arrow to view the next
Project Accounting for Construction and Major Maintenance
Chapter 14 Cash Basis Reporting