The Importance Roles of Hydraulics For The Welfare and Civilization of Indonesia Society

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Hydraulics in Management Water Resources for

Indonesia Society



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Setyo Aji Imam Maliki. Hydraulics in Management Water Resources for

Indonesia Society

Of the various legends and inscriptions left by civilizations of the past, it

is believed that irrigation (Hydraulics system) works have been known in the
archipelago long before the advent of advanced civilizations from India or China.
History notes that the initiatives of the immigrants to work together to build
irrigated terraces for the processing of rice fields is a civilization in the
archipelago. Thus, the development of water resources in Indonesia is clearly
visible since ancient times to now, as well as placing the river as an important
water source because it can provide great benefits. Can be assumed, however it is
simple, since the beginning of human civilization has also been trying to protect
and ensure the success of the business suitable to plant by developing water work
jobs. If agriculture products are used solely to meet their own or group's needs,
gradually agricultural products begin to be exchanged with other groups to gain
value. By itself, at that time the water had started to have economic value. By
utilizing hydraulics in this modern era, the role of water in various aspects, such
as economic, social, and cultural becomes greater.

Key word: Water Management, Community Participation, hydraulics


Water is all water contained either above or below the soil surface. Water
is an element that cannot be separated from human life. Therefore, the
development and management of water resources is the basis of human
civilization. In general, it can be mentioned that the potential of surface water in
Indonesia is determined by some physical and others factors, such as the condition
of watershed (RFR) and the physical variety of water resources, the area and
volume of the container (natural or artificial), climate effect and management
aspect water resources itself by humans.

Clean water is limited and vulnerable to external influences, essential for

life, development and environment. Therefore, in the development and
management of water should be based on a participatory approach, involving
users, planners, and decision makers at all levels. In addition, we need to know
that water has economic value in the competition of its use and must be
recognized as an item of economic value.

Water that was originally just a social thing turned into an economic thing
that has a social function. So, the management of water resources must be based
on the understanding that water is part of the unity of ecosystems, natural
resources, as well as social and economic objects by using hydraulics.

So, the problem is how to formulate the basic concept of hydraulics in

management of water resources for public society.

The management of water resources is the effort to plan, implement, monitor,

and evacuate the implementation of conservation of water resources, utilization of
water resources, and control of water damage.

Conservation of water resources is an effort to maintain the existence and

sustainability of the existence, nature and function of water resources in order to
always be available in quantity and quality adequate to meet the needs of living
things, both present and future.

Utilization of water resources shall be efforts to optimally provision, use,

development and exploitation of water resources.

Control of damaged water is an effort to prevent, prevent and recover damages

to environmental quality caused by water damage.

Water damage is the power of water that can harm life.


The purposes of management of water resources with hydraulics in

Indonesia is to realize the benefits of water resources for the welfare of all people.
By conserving sustainable water resources, utilizing equitable water resources for
the various needs of communities that meet quality and quantity, controlling
damaged water, empowerment and enhancing the role of communities, the private
sector and the government in water resources management. The basic of the
management with hydraulics principle is river flow.

River flow is a land area that is a unity with the river and its tributaries.
The area serves to accommodate, store and drain water from rainfall to the lake or
to the sea naturally. On land the boundary is a topographical separator, while in
the sea the boundary to the waters affected by the terrestrial activity. The
management is planned and implemented in an integrated (multi-sectoral),
comprehensive (inter-regional, upstream-downstream, quality-quantity, stream-
surface, groundwater-water), sustainable (intergenerational), eco-conservation
(conservation ecosystem) with the principle of "one river, one plan, an integrated
management "with respect to the decentralized system of government according to
the autonomy spirit.

To ensure optimum management while maintaining the sustainability of

water and water resources and water resources infrastructure, there are several
areas related to the management of water resources. Indonesia itself used the
application of hydraulics. The areas that must receive adequate attention are as

1. With hydraulics, watershed management can maintain water catchment

function through conservation efforts of water resources (reforestation
and terracing), erosion control, and sedimentation and control of land
use change
2. With hydraulics, management of water quantity can provide water in a
fair and transparent manner through licensing activities of water use
and water allocation and control of water distribution.
3. With hydraulics, water quality management (water quality
management) can maintain water quality at water sources in
accordance with the designation determined through water quality
control activities, the determination of waste water disposal permits,
and control of water pollution.
4. With hydraulics, flood control (flood control management) can avoid
flood disaster threats through flood prediction, flood control, and flood
5. With hydraulics, management of river environments can maintain the
function of water sources conducted through the control of land use of
riparian areas, increasing water biota, tourism and sports.
6. With hydraulics, management of irrigation infrastructure can maintain
the function of irrigation facilities and infrastructure in accordance
with the planned objectives and age.
7. With hydraulics, research and development can support and improve
the performance of water resources management by seeking
innovation, both in the field of technology and management

Integrated water resources management with hydraulics is a management

implemented by involving all stakeholders between sectors and between
administrative regions. The management of water resources feels spades a
thorough approach to a watershed, intact from upstream to downstream. The
management should prioritize a sense of fairness and equality for every person
who uses it to gain adequate access to water resources, while taking care of its

Community participation is an important aspect in developing and

managing water resources fairly, sustainably and steadily. In the past,
governments often play a role in planning, implementing and evaluating the
development of water resources. However, as changes in perspective (especially
in policies in the public sector), the role of communities in the process of
developing and managing water resources is important.

Society participation generally takes the form of participation in the

decision-making process. In addition, the financial contribution to finance water
resource development and management activities, is also community
participation. So, involving the community in management policy is a strategic

There are several reasons why society participation in water resources

management has strategic characteristics, namely:

1. Knowing locally owned experience and knowledge in the community, it is

possible to avoid making mistakes in planning, implementing, or evaluating an
activity and experience. In addition to eliminating the possibility of developing
controversy, it can also anticipate a political rejection that overall increases costs.

2. By involving the community, then a decision taken by the government will be

more easily accepted by the community.

3. The final goal that can be achieved from the effort to include the community in
decision-making is the growth of strategic alliances between government and

Management of water resources with the help of hydraulics is an effort to

plan, implement, monitor, and evacuate the implementation of water resources
conservation, utilization of water resources, and control of damaged water. Water
resources management aims to realize the benefits of water resources for the
welfare of all people. The management is planned and implemented in an
integrated (multi-sector), thorough (inter-regional, upstream-downstream, quality-
quantity, stream-surface, groundwater-water), sustainable (intergenerational),
environmentally friendly (ecosystem conservation).

Water resources management activities are done optimally while

maintaining water and water resources as well as water resources infrastructure. In
addition, community participation is an important aspect in developing and
managing water resources fairly, sustainably and steadily

The suggestions are:

1. Community participation is an important aspect in developing and

managing water resources fairly, sustainably and steadily.

2. Management of water resources is not the responsibility of the

government alone, but also the responsibility of the wider community.

3. The government in taking a policy or decision related to the management

of water resources should also consider the aspirations of the local

Sunaryo, Tri M..2007.Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air Konsep & Penerapannya.

Malang: Bayumedia Publishing.

Planting for prevent erosion

Flow fixing and flood walls

Flood management control

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