01 Batch
01 Batch
01 Batch
Submitted by
HARAN.G (Reg.No.822218114016)
MAY 2021
Examined on:
HARAN.G (822218114016)
INIYAVAN.P (822218114019)
SRIBALAN.R (822218114042)
SRIMAN.R (822218114043)
Sheet metal is simply a metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is one of the
fundamental forms used in metal working and can be cut and bent into a variety of
different shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed of the material.
Thicknesses can vary significantly, although extremely thin thicknesses are
considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker than 6 mm (0.25 in) are considered plate.
Sheet metal also has applications in car bodies, airplane wings, medical tables,
roofs for buildings (Architectural) and many other things. Sheet metal of iron and
other materials with high magnetic permeability, also known as laminated steel
cores, has applications in transformers and electric machines. There are three
primary procedures in Layout. They are Parallel, Radial, and Triangulation. The
major aim to our experiment is to study about pneumatic control system, study
about double acting cylinder, study about the advantage of pneumatic hand
operated valve and study about high speed blade.
Sheet metal is simply a metal formed into thin and flat pieces. It is one of the
fundamental forms used in metal working and can be cut and bent into a variety of different
shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed of the material. Thicknesses can vary
significantly, although extremely thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker
than 6 mm (0.25 in) are considered plate. Sheet metal is available in flat pieces or as a coiled
strip. The coils are formed by running a continuous sheet of metal through a roll slitter. The
thickness of the sheet metal is called its gauge. Commonly used steel sheet metal ranges from 30
gauges to about 8 gauge. The larger the gauge number, the thinner the metal. Gauge is measured
in ferrous (iron based) metals while nonferrous metals such as aluminum or copper are
designated differently; i.e., Copper is measured in thickness by ounce. There are many different
metals that can be made into sheet metal, such as aluminum, brass, copper, steel, tin, nickel and
titanium. For decorative uses, important sheet metals include silver, gold and platinum (platinum
sheet metal is also utilized as a catalyst). Sheet metal also has applications in car bodies, airplane
wings, medical tables, roofs for buildings (Architectural) and many other things. Sheet metal of
iron and other materials with high magnetic permeability, also known as Slaminated steel cores.
1.1.1 Cutoff And Parting Of Sheet Metal
Cuttoffs and partings are important basic sheet metal cutting processes performed in
manufacturing industry. Cutoffs need not be straight, rather they may be over several lines and or
curves. Partings are similar, in that a discrete part is cut from a sheet or strip of metal along a
desired geometric path. The difference between a cutoff and a parting is that a cutoff can be
nestled perfectly on the sheet metal, due to its geometry. With cutoffs, the cutting of sheet metal
can be done over one path at a time and there is practically no waste of material. With partings,
the shape cannot be nestled precisely. Partings involve cutting the sheet metal along two paths
simultaneously. Partings waste a certain amount of material that can be significant.
cut out is called a blank and may be further processed. Many blanks are often continuously cut
out of a sheet or strip. Blanking will waste a certain amount of material. When designing a sheet
metal blanking process, the geometry of the blanks should be nestled as efficiently as possible to
minimize material waste. A distinction should be made between the two sheet metal cutting
processes of blanking and punching, since essentially they are the same process. In punching, the
piece cut out is waste. In blanking, the piece cut out is the work and is kept.
Fig.1.2.Blanking Vs Punching
1.1.5 Perforating Of Sheet Metal
Sometimes it is desirable to punch many holes in a piece of sheet metal, often in a certain
pattern. These holes may be round or some other shape. Perforating sheet metal will allow for the
passage of light or fluid material through the sheet. It can often serve in ventilation and filtration
of fluid substances. Perforated sheet metal is also used in structure and machine construction, to
reduce weight and for cosmetic appearance. Special equipment is employed that punches many
holes at once, at a high rate. In industrial manufacturing practice, the size of these holes is
usually from .04 inches to 3 inches, (1-75mm). The upper rate at which some special perforating
machines can punch holes is 100,000 to 300,000 per minute.
Here the lowering and rising of the header which is carried over using the hydraulic
piston and cylinder arrangement. To actuate the piston and cylinder, the oil is allow entering the
cylinder for front or backing side of the piston. But the oil is comparatively cost layer and it is
leakage may cause so many problem.
Clear and non-pollutant.
Technology can be easily learned.
Simple in construction.
No fire hazard problem due to over loading.
This machine is very useful for small scale industries.
These machines use to cut roller sheet metal.
All industrial applications.
Car bodies.
Air plane wings.
Medical tables.
Roof s for building (architectural) and many other things.
shapes. Countless everyday objects are constructed of the material. Thicknesses can vary
significantly, although extremely thin thicknesses are considered foil or leaf, and pieces thicker
than 6 mm (0.25 in) are considered plate. Sheet metal also has applications in car bodies,
airplane wings, medical tables, roofs for buildings (Architectural) and many other things. Sheet
metal of iron and other materials with high magnetic permeability, also known as laminated steel
cores, has applications in transformers and electric machines. There are three primary procedures
in Layout. They are Parallel, Radial, and Triangulation. The major aim to our experiment is to
study about pneumatic control system, study about double acting cylinder, study about the
advantage of pneumatic hand operated valve and study about high speed blade.
Asha P B, Raju B R, Prakash B, Rithwick V M, Vikram K, Yahiya Khan,
“Automatic Pneumatic Sheet Metal Cutting Machine’, 2018 IJCRT | Volume
6, Issue 2 April 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882; International Journal of Creative
Research Thoughts (IJCRT)
The recent advancements in technology have now enabled us to make low-cost machines
for Real time applications. This paper presents a simple way of designing and implementing an
automatic sheet metal cutting machine using easily available low-cost pneumatic, sensor &
micro-controllers. A pressure from the pneumatic cylinder is enough for operating the shearing
machine unit. The pressurized air from the compressor, actuates the pneumatic cylinder, power
from the piston is transmitted to the shear cutting blades. Sheet metal is fed through the roller
and the sensor fixed at a particular position senses the sheet and sends command to the blades to
cut the sheet metal. This entirely eliminates the human intervention.
Fabrication and Review of Hydraulic Heavy Sheet Metal Cutting machine,
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , Volume 3, Issue
4, April 2016,pp 37-41.
This machine is for sheet metal industry and can be made into multiple machines and should
be used as circle cutting cum straight cutting machine .The machine is simple to maintain easy to
operate. Hence we tried out hands on Hydraulic Shearing Machine in shearing operation as the
punch descends upon the metal, the pressure exerted by the punch first cause the plastic
deformation of the metal. Since the clearance between the punch and the die is very small, the
plastic deformation takes place in a localized area and the metal adjacent to the cutting edges of
the punch and die edges becomes highly stressed, which causes the fracture to start on both sides
of the sheet as the deformation progresses. The idea of the project generated due to a manual
sheet metal sheering machine in workshop of our college. In that machine sheet metal is placed
in between the two sheering blades of machine and the lever is pulled down to move the upper
movable blade and cut the work-piece.
Metal in the form of sheets is paramount in the manufacturing industry. Its applications
are countless. But metal in the form of sheets cannot be directly used, operations like cutting,
punching, blanking, bending, trimming, etc. are needed to be carried out on the metal sheets in
order to fully utilize them. For these operations, most large scale manufacturing industries use
hydraulically operated machines. But since hydraulic machines are not cost-effective, most small
and medium scale industries use hand-operated machines for carrying out sheet metal operation.
The problem with hand-operated machines is that they are slow and cannot be automated. This
is where the concept of pneumatics will prove itself advantageous. We are developing a
pneumatically operated cutting and punching machine which will use the
help of compressed air to drive a shearing blade and punch to carry out the operations on a
metallic sheet. The machine is designed to cut 1mm thick aluminium sheets and 0.5mm thick
copper sheets very easily. The main components of developed pneumatic system are
compressor, pipelines, double-acting cylinder, an actuator, and flow control valves. This
machine will thus, prove itself cost-effective and also save a lot of time in manufacturing process
as two operations can be performed on the same platform.
help of pneumatic system. This paper involves the design of an efficient system which reduces
the human effort and help to increase production output. It also includes pneumatic system,
pneumatic component and shearing die and bending die.
Fig.3.1.schematic representation of proposed methodology
The most common cutting processes are performed by applying a shear force, and are
therefore sometimes referred to as shearing processes. Cutting processes are those in which a
piece of sheet metal is separated by applying a great enough force to cause the material to fail
.When a great enough shearing force is applied, the shear stress in the material will exceed the
ultimate shear strength and the material will fail and separate at the cut location. This shearing
force is applied by two tools, one above and one below the sheet. Whether these tools are a
punch and die or upper and lower blades, the tool above the sheet delivers a quick downward
blow to the sheet metal that rests over the lower tool. A small clearance is present between the
edges of the upper and lower tools, which facilitates the fracture of the material. The effects of
shearing on the material change as the cut progresses and are visible on the edge of the sheared
material. When the punch or blade impacts the sheet, the clearance between the tools allows the
sheet to plastically deform and “rollover” the edge. As the tool penetrates the sheet further, the
shearing results in a vertical burnished zone of material, finally, the shear stress is too great and
the material fractures at an angle with a small burr formed at the edge. The height of these
portions of the cut depends on several factors, including the sharpness of the tools and the
clearance between the tools.
The common components of this pneumatic sheet metal cutting machine are:
Pneumatic cylinder,
Pneumatic hand operated valve and
high speed steel blade,
Air pipe etc.
The pneumatic machine includes a table with support arms to hold the sheet, stops or
guides to secure the sheet, upper and lower straight - edge blades, a gauging device to precisely
position the sheet. The table also includes the two way directional valve. The two way
directional valve is connected to the compressor. The compressor has a piston for a movable
member. The piston is connected to a crankshaft, which is in turn connected to a prime mover
(electricmotor, internal combustion engine). At inlet and outlet ports, valves allow air toenter and
exit the chamber. When the compressor is switched ON, the compressed air is flow to inlet of the
pneumatic cylinder.
The sheet is placed between the upper and the lower blade. The lower blade remains
stationary while the upper blade is forced downward. The upper blade is slightly offset from the
lower blade, approximately 5 – 10% of the sheet thickness. Also the upper blade is usually
angled so that the cut progresses from one end to the other, thus reducing the required force.
When the pneumatic hand operated lever is moved forward, the piston starts moving in
the forward direction. The upper blade which are then forced against the sheet, cutting the
material. When the pneumatic hand operated lever is moved backward, the upper blade will
come to the original position (i.e., the upper blade will move upwards). After the material is cut,
adjust the pneumatic hand lever to the mid position (i.e., normal position) and then the
compressor is switched OFF.
Working energy transmitted pneumatically must be directed and under complete control
at all times. If not under control, useful work will not be done and machinery or machine
operators might be harmed. One of the advantages of transmitting energy pneumatically is that
energy can be controlled relatively easily by using valves.
Shearing – Separating material into two parts
Blanking – Removing material to use for parts
Conventional blanking
Fine blanking
Punching – Removing material as scrap
Fig.3.1.Sheared edge
3.3.2 Shearing
As mentioned above, several cutting processes exist that utilize shearing force to cut
sheet metal. However, the term “shearing” by itself refers to a specific cutting process that
produces straight line cuts to separate a piece of sheet metal. Most commonly, shearing is used to
cut a sheet parallel to an existing edge which is held square, but angled cuts can be made as well.
For this reason, shearing is primarily used to cut sheet stock into amaller sizes in preparation for
other processes. Shearing has the following capabilities
Sheet thickness: 0.005 – 0.25 inches
Tolerence: 0.1 inches
The shearing is performed on a shear machine, often called asquaring shear
or power shear, that can be operated manually or by hydraulic, pneumatic, or
electric power. A typical shear machine includes a table with support arms to hold
the sheet, stops or guides to secure the sheet, upper and lower straight - edge
blades, a gauging device to precisely position the sheet. The sheet is placed
between the upper and the lower blade, which are then forced together against the
sheet, cutting the material. In most devices, the lower blades remain stationary
while the upper blade is forced downward. The upper blade is slightly offset from
the lower blade, approximately 5 – 10% of the sheet thickness. Also the upper
blade is usually angled so that the cut progresses from one end to the other, thus
reducing the required force. The knife edge and are available in different materials,
such as low alloy steel and high carbon steel.
What a Positive Displacement Compressor Consists of
A positive displacement compressor basically consists of a movable member
insidea housing. The compressor has a piston for a movable member. The piston
isconnected to a crankshaft, which is in turn connected to a prime mover
(electricmotor, internal combustion engine). At inlet and outlet ports, valves allow
air toenter and exit the chamber.
and after the air receiver tank. Control of pressure is required after the compressor as a safety for
the system. Control of pressure after an air receiver tank is necessary so that an actuator receives
a steady pressure source without wasting energy.
Cylinder thrust for double acting in forward stroke then Cylinder thrust for double acting
in return stroke – 𝐹 = (𝜋 /4) × (𝐷 – 𝑑) 2 × 𝑃 ,
D = Diameter of bore in mm.
P = Pressure in bar. (1 bar = 0.1N/mm2)
d = Piston rod diameter in mm
P= pressure in bar
D= Diameter of bore in cm
L= Length of stroke in cm.
Fig.3.1.Pneumatic Cylinder
3.1.2 2/2 Directional control valve –
The structure of a 2/2 directional control valve is very simple. It uses the thrust from the
spring to open and close the valve, stopping compressed air from flowing towards working tube
‘A’ from air inlet ‘P’. When a force is applied to the control axis, the valve will be pushed open,
connecting ‘P’ with ‘A’ as shown in Fig.7. The force applied to the control axis has to overcome
both air pressure and the repulsive force of the spring. The control valve can be driven manually
or mechanically, and restored to its original position by the spring.
3/2 directional control valve can be used to control a s-ingle acting cylinder (Fig. 8). The
open valves in the middle will close until ‘P’ and ‘A’ are connected together. Then another valve
will open the sealed base between ‘A’ and ‘R’ (exhaust) as shown in Fig 8.The valves can be
driven manually mechanically, electrically or pneumatically. 3/2 directional control valves can
further be divided into two classes: Normally open type (N.O.) and normally closed type.
Fig.3.3.3/2Directional control valve
When a pressure pulse is input into the pressure control port ‘P’, the spool will move to
the left, connecting inlet ‘P’ and work passage ‘B’. Work passage ‘A’ will then make release of
air through ‘R1’ and ‘R2’as shown in Fig 9. The directional valves will remain in this
operational position until signals of the contrary are received. Therefore, this type of directional
control valves is said to have the function of ‘memory.On the other hand there exists many
important components like: High speed steel blade, Special Air pipe, Stainless Steel and most
important Air compressor
Fig.3.4.5/2Directional control valve
Stainless steel:
The three most common stainless steel grades available in sheet metal are
304, 316, and 410. Grade 304 is the most common of the three grades. It offers
good corrosion resistance while maintaining formability and weldability. Available
finishes are #2B, #3, and #4. Note that grade 303 is not available in sheet form.
Grade 316 offers more corrosion resistance and strength at elevated temperatures
than 304. It is commonly used for pumps, valves, chemical equipment, and marine
applications. Available finishes are #2B, #3, and #4. Grade 410 is a heat treatable
stainless steel, but does not offer as good corrosion resistance. It is commonly used
in cutlery. The only available finish is dull.
Pneumatic systems are used in controlling train doors, automatic production lines, and
Mechanical clamps. The sheet metal cutting process is a main part of the all industries. Normally
the sheet metal cutting machine is manually hand operated one for medium and small scale
industries. The sheet metal cutting machine works with the help of pneumatic double acting
cylinder. The piston is connected to the moving cutting tool. Sheet metal cutting machine can be
used to cut the sheet metal of minimum thickness without manual hard work. This machine can
also be installed in the lab for the experiment and demonstration to engineering students. In this
project I have tried my best to fabricate a pneumatic sheet metal cutting machine which can cut
the sheet metal in small pieces.
Pneumatic Sheet metal cutting machine is very cheap as compared to hydraulic cutting
machine or laser cutting machine. The range of the cutting thickness can be increased by
arranging a high pressure compressor and installing more hardened blades. This machine is
advantageous to small sheet metal cutting industries as they cannot afford the expensive
machine. Pneumatic sheet metal cutting machine can be used in various industries or workshops.
The above conclusions set a new platform for further researches in common cutting edge
concept as shows its effectiveness in utilizing sheet material and reducing the length of cutting
path. Although this particular work is evaluated for the rectangular parts, it can be enhanced for
the nesting of irregular geometrical shapes. Further by considering appropriate process
parameters, this common cutting edge concept can be applied to other two dimensional cutting
processes such as blanking and plasma cutting. The cutting of the parts with the common edge
having different profiles can also be studied.
VOLUME 2, ISSUE 3, March.-2015
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