Health Lesson 1, 2 & 3 Unit 2 (Grade 8)
Health Lesson 1, 2 & 3 Unit 2 (Grade 8)
Health Lesson 1, 2 & 3 Unit 2 (Grade 8)
Learning Competency:
Explains the definition and importance of courtship and dating in
choosing a lifelong partner
Analyzes behaviors that promote healthy relationship in marriage
and family life
Describes the factors that contribute to a successful marriage
Discusses various maternal health concerns (pre -during - post
Explains the importance of maternal nutrition during pregnancy
Discusses the importance of newborn screening, and the APGAR
scoring system for newborns
Explains the importance of prenatal care and post -natal care
Discusses the essential newborn protocol (Unang Yakap) and
advantages of breastfeeding for both mother and child
Recognizes the importance of immunization in protecting children’s
Analyzes the importance of responsible parenthood
Explains the effects of rapid population growth and family size on
health of the nation
Examines the important roles and responsibilities of parents in child
rearing and care
Enumerates modern family planning methods (natural and artificial)
Dating – actively getting out there and meeting people and spending time with
Courtship - is the period of development towards an intimate
relationship wherein a couple get to know each other and decide if there will be
an engagement, followed by a marriage.
Marriage – also called matrimony or wedlock, is a culturally recognized union
between people, called spouses, that establishes rights and obligations between
Pregnancy – is the term used to describe the period in which a fetus develops
inside a woman's womb or uterus.
LESSON 1, 2 & 3
Dating, Courtship, and Marriage
Medical Concerns
Responsible Parenthood
Understanding Concept
Learning Objectives:
Why do teens go out dating? What do they get from dating? Upon entering
high school, teens begin to be particularly close to a few chosen friends of the
same sex form cliques. These are friends whom they can share secrets and
problems with. Eventually, they get attracted with the opposite sex and the skills
that they have developed on maintaining close friendship are further honed and
expressed in a romantic relationship. Dating can enhance one’s relational skills,
socialization with people, and coping with infatuations. Dating makes the teens
learn more about intimacy, expressing their emotions with the opposite sex, and
dealing with rejection and pain.
Some teenagers establish close friendship with a wide range of people but
do not necessarily show interest in dating. It could be that they get interested and
preoccupied in other activities like sports, music, acting, and parish or community
activities. Others maybe are too shy to go dating and need to develop their self-
Whatever is the decision of the teen, proper guidance should be given to
them by their parents and other adults to help them go through their development
as an adolescent.
Due to the influence of media and Western culture, Filipino traditions have
changed and are still changing. Dating someone is now common among teens
even without a chaperone as long as they get permission of their parents.
“Pwede ba kitang ligawan?” (May I court you?) This is the Filipino way of
courting; it is to ask permission to woo the woman. The traditional Filipino way of
courting is to visit the woman at home in the evening and talk with their parents
watching nearby. If the parents begin to trust the man then they may be allowed
to date but with a chaperone—maybe the mother, a sibling, a friend, or other
trusted adults.
When the teen enjoys the company of the date because it is with the right
person, then they begin to nurture their positive feelings and courtship starts.
Courtship is the period in a couple’s relationship which precedes their
engagement and marriage or it is an establishment of an agreed relationship of a
more enduring kind. It is during this period that the couple gets to know each
other, develop deeper understanding and acceptance of each other’s values and
aspirations, and decide if there is an engagement. It can be an informal and
private matter between two people and even declared publicly in the presence of
their families and friends.
In the beginning of twenty-first century, we have witnessed a great
increase in technological advances, and this has affected lifestyle in various
ways. Technology has changed even courting practices. The use of social media
like Facebook, Twitter, as well as by means of text messaging have allowed
people to broaden, facilitate, and become creative in their courting and
expression of their feelings.
After a long courtship, if the couple decides to get married, there is the
Filipino tradition called pamamanhikan where the man and his family visit the
woman’s family and ask blessings from the parents to marry their daughter. The
two families involved get to know one another.
Marriage is a lifelong partnership and bond between a man and a woman
who understand, accept, trust, and love each other. Filipinos view marriage as a
sacrament and a lifelong commitment between the husband and the wife.
Faithfulness to the family is a tradition that is a characteristic of Filipino society.
The Filipinos continue to value marriage highly and believe that children are
precious gifts from God to be loved and protected.
The Family Code of 1987 Philippine Constitution states that: “The marriage
is a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered
into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. A
marriage is usually formalized at a wedding or marriage ceremony. The
ceremony may be officiated either by a religious official, by a government official,
or by a state-approved celebrant. If the civil element of the religious ceremony is
omitted, the marriage ceremony is not recognized as a marriage by government
under the law.”
One should make sure that he or she is getting married for the right
reason. Marrying the first person you fall for is not always a wise decision. The
following factors are necessary to consider in choosing a lifetime partner for a
successful married life:
1. Maturity – The one who can make wise decisions; responsible in handling
Maturity is a key factor to successful marriage. Marrying at the age of
maturity saves a lot of pain and problems. Researchers have revealed a
number of factors that have led to unsuccessful marriages among teenage
2. Fidelity – The one who is sincere and true to his/her promise; faithful to his
or her partner.
The decisions and actions of the parents are beyond the control of the
children. But the children can learn from their successes and failures. If
the parents are happily married, then the good qualities can be emulated
while the mistakes should not be repeated.
4. Love – The one who understands and accepts his/her partner; endures
and makes the relationship last.
Couples who truly love each other can trust one another to keep
personal matters confidential. Love chooses to focus on the positive and
the good. Loving couples talk about resolving the negative happenings
and unfavorable characteristics of one another so that they make know
how to overcome them together.
5. Economic Stability – The one who provides the needs of the family;
financially stable.
Money is not the main priority in a marriage, but financial problems
can have disastrous consequences. Poverty is a major risk factor in
marriages. Young couples should work hard, be responsible, and plan
their finances wisely before getting married.
Fixed Marriages
Fixed or arranged marriages were common in many countries until the
eighteenth century. This is a union between a groom and bride who are selected
by other parties rather than by each other. The marriages are usually fixed by the
parents, grandparents, or other older and respected relatives or members of the
The following are some kinds of marriages in the Philippines:
3. Elope – This is when someone runs away secretly with a lover, especially
with the intention of getting married. This is usually done without the
consent or knowledge of the parents.
It is helpful for you to know some of the serious medical concerns that
most likely affects pregnant women. Here are some of them:
1. Blighted ovum (Anembryonic Pregnancy) – This happens in a very early
pregnancy just after conception. This is when the implanted fertilized egg
(ovum) in the uterus (womb) fails to further develop into an embryo, thus
resulting in a pregnancy loss. Blighted ova may result from chromosomal
abnormalities in the fertilized egg.
During Pregnancy
Although most pregnancies are uncomplicated, it is helpful that pregnant
women attend to their prenatal appointments and report any troubling symptoms
to their doctors or midwives. Medical checkups and screening tests help keep the
expecting mother and the baby healthy during pregnancy. The doctor may
discuss concerns such as healthy eating and physical activity and what to expect
during labor and delivery. Here are some medical concerns during pregnancy:
1. Preeclampsia – This usually occurs and affects pregnant women during
the second half of pregnancy or soon after their baby is delivered. Early
signs of preeclampsia include:
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Proteinuria (presence of protein in the urine)
Oedema (swelling of the feet, hand, and face caused by fluid
4. Suhi or Breech Position – The normal and safest fetal position for birth is
the head-down position. However, 4 out of 100 births, the baby is in a
breech position. Babies in this position are usually delivered by caesarean
or c-section.
There are three (3) breech positions:
Complete breech – The buttocks are down near the birth canal. The
knees are bent and feet are near the buttocks.
Footling breech – One leg or both legs are stretched out below the
buttocks. The leg or legs are in place to come out during delivery.
Frank breech – The buttocks are in place to come out first during
delivery. The legs are straight up in front of the body, with the feet
near the head.
During a routine exam, the doctor does a fetal ultrasound to find the
position of the baby. The doctor may know that the baby is in breech
when the cervix is checked. The doctor may turn the baby from a
breech position to a normal head-down position using external cephalic
version procedure.
1. Postpartum Disorder – Many new mothers experience the “baby blues”
after childbirth. This includes emotional mood swings, feeling of rejection,
crying spells, loneliness, and being overwhelmed. This may fade quickly,
however, others may experience a more severe, long-lasting form of
depression known as postpartum depression. Mothers who experience
postpartum depression often focus more on the negative events of
childcare, resulting in poor coping strategies. The depression has an onset
within four weeks after childbirth. It may last several months or even a
3. Family Roles – It is important that clear roles and responsibilities are well
established among the members of a family. This will ensure the family’s
capacity to respond to the needs of the family, deal with the demands, and
to cope with unexpected changes. Healthy families are able to establish
clear, yet flexible roles that enable them to carry out family functions.
Deciding on work roles inside and outside the home is an important family
3. Extended Family – This consists of two or more adults who are related,
either by blood or marriage, living under the same roof. This includes
family relatives sharing responsibilities in raising the children, keeping up
with the household chores and duties. This type of family structure is
formed due to financial difficulties or because older relatives are unable to
care for themselves alone. This type of structure is common to Filipinos
and getting popular in other countries. Filipinos have close family ties and
this unique trait of Filipinos explains its extended family. Among Filipinos,
parents usually would like their children to stay with them and thus
resulting to having them stay even if they get married and have their own
children. This explains why Filipino families usually have let grandparents
with them. The Filipino elderly enjoy being with a family that extends care
and love for them.
Quennie S. Miranda. (2018). MAPEH FOR TODAY'S LEARNER 8. Phoenix Building, 927
Quezon Ave., Quezon City: The Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Brgy. 24-C, Fatima St., Davao City
S.Y. 2020-2021
Activity #1
A. Write True on the line if the statement is correct and False if it is
__________ 3. The procedure that blocks the fallopian tubes, thus prevents the
egg to move through them.
__________ 5. The condition wherein the leg or legs are in place to come out
first during delivery.
Activity #2 (Performance Task)
Your task is to determine the type of family structure you have in your
family. You need to put a picture of your family in a short bond paper then
write the name of each family member and its role. Staple it here.
Nuclear Family
Family Picture
Name Name
Father Mother
2. In your own opinion, what is/are the greatest challenge/s of being a Filipino
parent? Justify your choice.
a. Faith/Biblical Reflection: Mark 10:9
"Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."