Study Various Method and Use Wavelet Transform For Fault Detection and Classification of Underground Transmission Line by Using MATLAB
Study Various Method and Use Wavelet Transform For Fault Detection and Classification of Underground Transmission Line by Using MATLAB
Study Various Method and Use Wavelet Transform For Fault Detection and Classification of Underground Transmission Line by Using MATLAB
Where 𝑓(𝑡) , 𝛹(𝑡) is the signal and the wavelet for OVER SHEATH
Fourier transform. Curving the center frequency for INNER SHEATH
the wavelet shifts towards lower frequencies CWT
equation act as a bandpass filtering for the input INSULATOR
signal. This property can be used for feature CONDUCTOR
extracting from output signal analyze. CORE
1 0 𝑛−𝑘2𝑚 1stD=11.3mm
DWT (m,n)= ∫ 𝑓(𝑘) 𝛹 (
√2𝑚 𝑘 2𝑚
) 2ndD=52.2mm
Where( ) is the mother wavelet[11]. 4thD=107.7mm
Table 1: Paramet
Object parameter
fault classification and location identifies means For identification of fault, phase currents Ias, Ibs,
which type of fault occurs in the transmission line Ics are gained from the transmission end of the
and where it occurs. At this point for classifying the transmission line .Then mother signals are
occurring fault, we used a wavelet-based decomposed by DWT filter bank .The ground signal
multiresolution analysis which is basically a special Ig is calculated. Fault is identified on a individual
property of discrete wavelet transform. It is a transmission line if and only if the count of utmost
feature extracting technique in which the value of the detail coefficients of the transmission
multiresolution model is constructed by a filter line currents is higher then threshold limit. After the
which is called a quadrature mirror filter, which fault has been identified, it is easy whether it is
means it contains two filters a low pass filter and a occurred.
high pass filter, and both filters relater each other.
The resultant output signal from the HP filter is The ground current is calculated
known as detailed coefficients, and from the LP
filter are known as approximated coefficients. First, Ig=Ias+Ibs +Ics
the input signal passing through a low pass filter and
high puls filter with impulse response and
completes the first level. For classifying the
identified fault we need detail coefficients because Start
of this decomposition is repeated to further increase
the frequency resolution and the approximation
coefficients decomposed with high and low pass Get Value of Ias ,Ibs,Ics
filters and then down-sampled. This is represented
as a binary tree with nodes representing a sub-space
with a different time-frequency localization. The Calculate Ig
tree is known as a filter bank.
Ig>Th1 No Fault
h 2
if Yes
Ig>Th2 Ground Fault
h 2 g 2
Underground Fault
g 2 1st Level
Figure 3:Filter Bannk
Figure 4: Block diagram of fault classification
technique by current
a. Feature Selecting
Va>Th1 Display fault
phase A
Va>Th2 Display fault
phase B
is Display fault
Va>Th3 phase C
Figure 6: All phase to ground fault with R-L-C load
Figure 5: Block diagram of fault classification
technique by voltage
After completing the fault classification, the next Table 2: Pic point current and distance
step is to determine the location of the fault. The
location of fault means where the fault occurs in the Type of Pic point
power system. Because of a fault occurring in the phase to current(A) Distance
system, a high-frequency voltage and current ground (km)
suddenly propagate along with the power. The fault
traveling wave theory method uses the information AG 7 16.8
got from the faulty place of voltage and current BG 6 13.2
traveling waves for locating the fault. The first peak
time obtained from the faulty bus is employed for CG 6 14.4
calculating the distance of fault from the sending
end. This technique is mostly used for extra high b. Double Phase to Ground Fault
voltage transmission lines than distribution lines
because the distribution system contains many
subsections such as laterals and feeders. It includes
two methods – the single-ended method and the