Natural Science Subject Curriculum
Natural Science Subject Curriculum
Natural Science Subject Curriculum
Valid to 31.07.2022
Læreplan i naturfag Læreplankode: NAT1-03
Natural science is the result of human curiosity and our need to find answers to questions
about our existence, life and life forms, and our place in nature and the universe, and in
this way it becomes part of our culture.
The laws and theories of natural science are models of a complex reality, and these models
are changed or developed through new observations, experiments and ideas. An important
part of general knowledge is to realise that the natural science are in constant
development, and that research and new knowledge in natural science and technology
have great importance for societal development and the environment in which we live.
Even though natural science is divided into disciplines such as biology, physics, chemistry
and geo-science subjects, the aim is that natural science shall appear as a holistic school
subject, both theoretically and practically.
Knowledge on, understanding of and experiences in nature can strengthen the will to
protect natural resources, preserve biological diversity and contribute to sustainable
development. In this context, the Sami and other indigenous peoples have knowledge of
nature that is important to respect. Natural science shall also help children and young
persons attain knowledge and form attitudes that will give them a well balanced view of
the interaction between nature, individuals, technology, society and research. This is
important for the individual pupil's possibilities to understanding different types of
information related to the natural sciences and technology. This shall provide the individual
with the basis for participating in processes in society.
Practical and theoretical work in laboratories and in the field using different problems and
questions is necessary to gain experience with and develop knowledge of the methods and
approaches in natural science. This may contribute to developing creativity, critical
abilities, openness and active participation in situations involving natural science
knowledge and expertise. Varied learning environments such as fieldwork in nature,
experiments in the laboratory and excursions to museums, science centres and business
enterprises/industries will enhance the teaching in natural science and impart a sense of
wonder, curiosity and fascination. Competence in understanding different types of natural
science texts, methods and technological solutions gives a good basis for vocational
training, further studies and lifelong learning, both at work and in one's leisure time.
The subject is a common core subject for all education programmes in upper secondary
education. Learning in the subject shall therefore be made as relevant as possible for
pupils by adapting the subject to the different education programmes.
Natural science has competence aims after the second, fourth, seventh and tenth years in
primary and lower secondary education, and after Vg1 for college preparatory programmes
and in programmes for vocational education in upper secondary education.
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Teaching in natural science presents natural science as both a product that shows the
knowledge we have acquired thus far in history and as processes that deal with how
knowledge of natural science is developed and established. These processes involve the
formulation of hypotheses, experimentation, systematic observations, discussions, critical
assessment, argumentation, grounds for conclusion and presentation. The budding
researcher shall uphold these dimensions while learning in the subject and integrate them
into the other main subject areas.
Diversity in nature
A central element of the main subject area is the development of knowledge about and
respect for the diversity of nature. Knowledge about biotic and abiotic factors in
ecosystems is important to understanding interaction processes in nature. The main
subject area also focuses on the requirements for sustainable development, the place of
man in nature and how human activities have changed and continue to change the natural
environment locally and globally. Fieldwork ensures a good basis for knowledge about and
attitudes in this area.
In Vg1 the main subject area is called Sustainable development, which expresses its focus
within the main subject area.
The main subject area focuses on the structure of our bodies and how the body is affected
and changed over time. Knowledge about how the different parts of the body interact and
work together are basic in the understanding of how lifestyle influences the body and
human health. Body, health, lifestyle and nutrition are frequently mentioned in the media.
Knowledge and critical assessment of information in this area are important to enable
pupils to assume responsibility for their body and physical and mental health. Respect and
care for others are also key elements in this area.
In Vg1 the main subject area is called Body and health, which expresses its focus within
the main subject area.
The main subject area focuses on the relationship between natural phenomena and how
mankind has learned to exploit various phenomena and substances. The main subject area
covers the main elements from physics, chemistry and geo-science subjects. The subject
area covers how substances are structured, how they interact with each other and central
phenomena like sound, light, electricity and magnetism and energy. Our own solar system,
the location of the earth and outer space, research and technology are also dealt with in
the main subject area.
In Vg1 the main subject area is split into the areas Energy for the future and Radiation and
radioactivity, which expresses their focus within the main subject area.
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The main subject area focuses on planning, developing and creating products that are
useful in our day-to-day lives. The interaction between natural science, technology and
sustainable development is a key part of the main subject area. Technology and design is
a multidisciplinary area within the Natural science curriculum that includes mathematics,
fine art and arts & crafts.
In Vg1 the main subject area is called Biotechnology, which expresses its focus within the
main subject area.
Teaching hours
Teaching hours are given in 60-minute units:
Year Levels 8-10: 256 teaching hours (249 hours from the autumn of 2013 due the
introduction of elective subjects at this level)
Basic skills
Basic skills are integrated in the competence aims where they contribute to the
development of competence in the subject, while also being part of this competence. In
the subject of Natural science the basic skills are understood as follows:
Oral skills in Natural science means listening, speaking and conversing to describe, share
and develop knowledge with content about natural science related to observations and
experiences. This involves using natural science concepts to communicate knowledge and
to formulate questions, arguments and explanations. Furthermore, it involves adapting to
different forms of expression, concepts and examples to suit the objective and recipient.
Development of oral skills in Natural Science begins with being able to listen and converse
about experiences and observations so pupils can present and discuss more and more
complex themes. This involves an increasing use of natural science concepts to express
understanding, to form opinions and to participate in academic discussions.
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Being able to express oneself in writing in Natural science means using text genres from
the natural sciences to formulate questions and hypotheses, write plans and formulate
explanations, compare and reflect on information and use sources in a purposeful manner.
This also involves describing one’s observations and experiences, comparing information,
argumenting one’s viewpoints and reporting from field work, experiments and processes
related too technological development. The writing process starts with planning and moves
to preparing and presenting texts and involves the use of natural science and scientific
concepts, diagrams and symbols that are suited to the objective and the recipient.
Development of writing proficiency in the subject of Natural science begins with using
simple forms of expression to gradually using more precise natural science and scientific
concepts, symbols, graphic presentation and argumentation. This involves being able to
write more and more complex texts based on critical and varied use of sources that are
suited to the objective and the recipient.
Being able to read in Natural science means understanding and using natural science and
scientific concepts, symbols, diagrams and arguments through goal-oriented work with
natural science texts. This involves being able to identify, interpret and use information
from composite texts in books, newspapers, operating manuals, rules, brochures and
digital sources. Reading in Natural science includes critical assessment of how information
is presented and used in arguments, e.g. by being able to distinguish between data,
assumptions, assertions, hypotheses and conclusions. The development of reading
proficiency in Natural science begins with finding and using expressed information from
simple texts to understanding texts with more and more complex terminology, symbols,
diagrams, tables and implicit information. The demand to read critically, the ability to
identify relevant information and evaluate the credibility of a source increases from being
about to use appropriate sources to being able to gather and compare information from
different sources and evaluate their relevance.
Numeracy in Natural science means gathering, processing and presenting figures and
numbers. This involves using concepts, measuring instruments, measuring devices,
formulas and visual graphics. Math related to the subject of Natural science involves being
able to compare, evaluate and argue for the validity of calculations, results and
presentations. The development of simple calculation proficiency in the subject of Natural
science begins with using simple methods for counting and classification to being able to
evaluate the choice of methods, concepts, formulas and measuring instruments.
Furthermore, it involves gradually being able to make more advanced presentations and
assessment and using math in academic argumentation.
Digital skills in Natural science means using digital tools to explore, record, calculate,
visualise, document and publish data from own and other’s studies, experiments and
fieldwork. This also involves using tools to search for information, mastering searching and
research strategies, learning to evaluate sources critically and selecting relevant
information about themes within natural sciences. The development of digital skills in
Natural science begins with digital literacy to gradually learn more complex degrees of
independence and judgment in choosing and using digital sources, tools, media and
Competence aims
Competence aims after Year 2
ask questions, talk and philosophise about experiences in nature and man's place
in nature
use one's senses to explore the world in the local neighbourhood
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describe, illustrate and converse about one's own observations from experiments
and in nature
recognise the symbols for hazardous substances and for dangerous lights
Diversity in nature
carry out activities in nearby surroundings to learn about nature and converse
about why this is important
observe and describe the characteristics of the seasons and explain how Sami
people divide the year
recognise and describe some plant and animal species from one’s nearby
surroundings and sort them into groups
name and describe the function of some external and internal body parts
discuss about setting limits and understanding and respecting one’s own body and
those of others
describe and discuss about our senses and use them deliberately during indoor and
outdoor observations and activities
describe and illustrate how the earth, moon and sun move in relation to one
another and explain the annual seasons, day/night and the phases of the moon
describe and sort substances based on observable characteristics
perform experiments with water and light and discuss the observations
make artefacts that are able to move with the help of water or air and tell others
about how they work
make artefacts that use reflection of light and tell others about how they work
use natural science terms to describe and present one's own observations in
various ways and recommend and converse about the possible explanations for
what one has observed
use measuring instruments, systematised data, evaluate whether results seem
reasonable or not, and present the data with or without using digital aids and tools
write reports and descriptions, revise the content of the report after feedback,
evaluate the content of texts written by others and create simple digital composite
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gather and process information about natural science themes from different
sources and provide sources
Diversity in nature
talk about and compare the lifecycles of some plant and animal species
observe, register and describe the changes that occur in a tree or another
perennial plants over time
describe the ways in which some extinct animal groups lived by gathering and
systematising information from different sources
tell about animals from nearby surroundings, discuss animal welfare and
distinguish between opinion and fact
investigate biologic decomposition and describe the cycle of nature
practice recycling and discuss why recycling is important
describe what can be done to care for nature in one’s own surroundings and
argument for consideration when visiting nature
create a digital composite text about some of the planets in our solar system by
finding information about them and state sources
recognise and point out some stellar constellations, tell and talk about myths and
sagas related to the night sky and the northern lights in Sami and Norwegian
carry out experiments showing that substances and compounds may change their
nature when subjected to various influences
explore phenomena related to air and sound, describe observations and provide
some explanations
registrate and describe one’s own observations about the weather, measure
temperature and rain and present the results in a graph
plan, build and test simple models of building constructions and document the
process from idea to finished product using text and illustrations
describe constructions and discuss why some are more stable and can withstand
greater loads than others
recognise and describe load-carrying structures in various buildings in one’s
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formulate natural science questions about something one wonders about, provide
possible explanations, create a plan and carry out examinations and investigations
converse about why it is important to make and test hypotheses in natural science
through systematic observations and experiments, and why it is important to
compare results
use digital aids to register, prepare and publish data from experimental work and
extract and process natural science information from texts from different media
and create a presentation
read and understand hazard labels on everyday products
Diversity in nature
plan and execute investigations in at least one nature zone, register one’s own
observations and systemise the results
examine and describe flowering plants and explain the functions of the different
parts of a plant using text and illustrations
examine and discuss some of the factors that influence the germination and
growth of plants
describe the characteristics of some plants, mushrooms and animal species and
put them in systematic order
tell others about how some plants, mushrooms and animal species are used
according to tradition, including Sami traditions, and discuss whether this use is
talk about the development of the human body from conception to adulthood
explain what happens during puberty and talk about gender identities and
variation in sexual orientation
describe the main features of the circulatory system and what functions it has
within the body
explain how the body protects itself against illness and how one can prevent and
treat infectious diseases
collect information and statistics and discuss dangers to one's health that can
result from substance abuse
use animation and other kinds of models to describe planetary and moon
movements and explain how the reasons for the earth’s seasons and the phases of
the moon
describe how some minerals and rock types were formed and examine some of
these types from nearby surroundings
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elaborate on the use of some sources of energy, past and present, and gather
information and statistics from different sources to describe the possible local and
global consequences for the natural environment when using such energy
explain the concept of climate, be familiar with some causes of climate change and
investigate and record the consequences of extreme weather
investigate phenomena related to sound, hearing and noise, discuss these
observations and explain how sound can damage hearing
carry out experiments with magnetism and electricity and explain and present
describe central characteristics of gases, liquids, solids and phase transitions using
the particle model
explain the structure of substances and how substances may be transformed, by
using the concepts of atoms and molecules
carry out experiments with different chemical reactions and describe what
characterises them
plan, build and test mechanical toys and explain the principles of mechanical
plan, build and test simple products that use electrical energy and explain and
promote the qualities of the finished product
describe the lifecycle of a product and discuss whether the product is developed in
accordance with sustainable development
formulate testable hypotheses, plan and undertake hypothesis testing and discuss
observations and results from trials in a report
gather and process natural science data, perform calculations and present the
results in a graphic manner
write explanatory and argumentative texts with references to relevant sources,
evaluate the quality of one’s own texts and those of others making appropriate
explain the importance of looking for relationships between cause and effect and
explain why argumentation, disagreement and publication are important in natural
identify natural science arguments, facts and assertions in texts and visual
information from newspapers, brochures and other forms of media and evaluate
the content of these in a critical manner
comply with safety measures as described in environment, health and safety (EHS)
routines and risk assessments
Diversity in nature
explain the main features of the theory of evolution and give an account of
observations that support this theory
describe the structure of animal and plant cells and explain the main
characteristics of photosynthesis and cellular respiration
elaborate on cell division and genetic variation and heritage
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explain the main characteristics of theories on how the earth is changing and has
changed over the eons and the underpinning of these theories
investigate and register biotic and abiotic factors in a local ecosystem and explain
the relationship between these factors
observe and provide examples of how human activities have affected a nature
area, investigate the views of different interest groups on these effects and
propose measures that might preserve nature for future generations
give examples of how Sami people exploit resources in nature
describe the nervous system and the endocrine system and explain how these
control body processes
provide a short description of fetal development and how birth occurs
formulate assertions and discuss and elaborate on problems related to sexuality,
sexual orientation, gender identity, setting limits and respect, sexually
transferrable diseases, prevention and abortion
explain how one’s own lifestyle can influence health, including dieting and eating
disorders, compare information from different sources and discuss how one can
prevent health risks
provide examples of folk medicine, including Sami folk medicine, and discuss the
difference between alternative medicine and academic medicine
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develop products based on specifications that use electronics, evaluate the design
process and assess product functionality, user friendliness and sustainable
test and describe the characteristics of materials used in a production process and
evaluate the use of materials from an environmental standpoint
describe an electronic communication system, explain how information is
transferred from sender to recipient and give an account of the positive and
negative consequences related to this system
Sustainable development
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Læreplan i naturfag Læreplankode: NAT1-03
explain how the northern lights arise, and give examples of how Norway has been
and is an important country for research in this field
explain the importance of the ozone layer with respect to solar irradiation of the
explain the greenhouse effect and elaborate on and analyse how human activity is
altering the energy balance of the atmosphere
elaborate on some possible consequences of the increased greenhouse effect,
including Arctic areas and lowlands, and discuss and elaborate on the measures
being initiated to reduce the increase in the greenhouse effect
carry out experiments with radioactivity, half-life and background radiation,
explain these phenomena and do simple calculations
describe characteristics of different types of ionising radiation and give examples of
how these are used for technical and medical applications
explain how electromagnetic radiation from space may be interpreted and provide
information about outer space
carry out experiments with solar cells, solar collectors and heat pumps, explain the
main features of how these work and make simple calculations about their degrees
of efficiency
explain what redox reactions are, carry out experiments with combustion, galvanic
elements and electrolysis and elaborate on the results
describe the principles and areas of use of some common batteries and fuel cells
elaborate on different uses of biomass as an energy source
give an account of the difference between energy sources and energy-bearers and
a typical energy-bearer for the future
explain genetic coding and the main characteristics of protein synthesis and
provide examples of the interconnectedness between heritage and the
explain the concepts of cross-breeding and gene modification and give examples of
how biotechnology is used to modify the characteristics of plants and animals
provide an overview of different medical applications of biotechnology and discuss
the opportunities and challenges of such use
compare arguments on the use of biotechnology and discuss and elaborate on
different academic and ethical problems related to these
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Sustainable development
carry out experiments with solar cells, solar collectors and heat pumps, explain the
main features of how these work and make simple calculations about their degrees
of efficiency
elaborate on different uses of biomass as an energy source
distinguish between results and assertions and discuss the quality of methods and
presentation of own data and the data of others and how such data is interpreted
discuss and elaborate on authentic problems related to natural science based on
practical investigations or systematised information from different sources
use simple computer simulations or animations to illustrate and explain natural
science phenomena and test hypotheses
Sustainable development
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Læreplan i naturfag Læreplankode: NAT1-03
explain how the northern lights arise, and give examples of how Norway has been
and is an important country for research in this field
explain the importance of the ozone layer with respect to solar irradiation of the
explain the greenhouse effect and elaborate on and analyse how human activity is
altering the energy balance of the atmosphere
elaborate on some possible consequences of the increased greenhouse effect,
including Arctic areas and lowlands, and discuss and elaborate on the measures
being initiated to reduce the increase in the greenhouse effect
carry out experiments with radioactivity, half-life and background radiation,
explain these phenomena and do simple calculations
describe characteristics of different types of ionising radiation and give examples of
how these are used for technical and medical applications
explain how electromagnetic radiation from space may be interpreted and provide
information about outer space
explain what redox reactions are, carry out experiments with combustion, galvanic
elements and electrolysis and elaborate on the results
describe the principles and areas of use of some common batteries and fuel cells
give an account of the difference between energy sources and energy-bearers and
a typical energy-bearer for the future
explain genetic coding and the main characteristics of protein synthesis and
provide examples of the interconnectedness between heritage and the
explain the concepts of cross-breeding and gene modification and give examples of
how biotechnology is used to modify the characteristics of plants and animals
provide an overview of different medical applications of biotechnology and discuss
the opportunities and challenges of such use
compare arguments on the use of biotechnology and discuss and elaborate on
different academic and ethical problems related to these
Provisions for final assessment:
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Vg3 programme
The examination is prepared and marked locally.
for general
External candidates shall have an oral examination with practical elements.
The examination is prepared and marked locally. The examination only
includes the subject in the supplementary year qualifying candidates for
qualifying for
higher education (84 teaching periods).
higher education
The general provisions on assessment have been laid down in the Regulations relating to
the Norwegian Education Act.
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