Lab Manual Chemistry Ii - July 2018
Lab Manual Chemistry Ii - July 2018
Lab Manual Chemistry Ii - July 2018
2018 – 2019
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Pre-lab session:
a) Experimental flowchart (in planning your laboratory work accordingly) *
b) Chemical assessment form*
c) Laboratory manual
d) Notebook/ Logbook – to jot down data and observations
e) Aiding tools as required for the experiment - i.e ruler, calculator, graph paper etc.
*Both a) and b) should be submitted and verified by the lab demonstrator. Marks will be given
and counted accordingly.
All apparatus provided are in good working condition. Each student must keep the table tidy
and clean including all the apparatus used in the experiment. The demonstrator or the
laboratory staff must be notified of any damage done.
After completing the experiment, make sure that everything is clean, including your table,
sink and glassware.
The chemicals to be used are usually placed in designated areas of the laboratory. Use it
carefully and avoid contamination. Hazardous chemicals are kept in the fume hood in the
laboratory. When handling with chemicals, always adhere to safety procedure and
understand the hazard associated to each chemical. Practice your knowledge as written in
the chemical assessment form.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Working group
Students will be divided into groups of two students. Demonstrator will give briefing on the
experiment at the beginning of the laboratory session. Each student must read, understand
and be ready with an experimental flow chart of the method before working with the
experiment. Consult your lab demonstrator for assistance if necessary.
The following general safety rules and conduct should be followed by all and if possible, be
prominently displayed in the laboratory:
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Fume hood
Figure A: Safety Equipment
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
a) If your clothes catch fire, roll over on the floor or cover yourself with safety blanket.
b) If fire breaks out in the lab, immediately inform the demonstrator or laboratory
staff. Use the fire extinguisher if possible to avoid it from spreading. If the condition
gets worse, evacuate the laboratory quickly.
Safety Equipment
a) Fire extinguisher
In order to activate the extinguisher, pull the metal safety ring from the handle
and then depress the handle. Direct the output from the extinguisher at the base
of the flames. The carbon dioxide smothers the flames and cools the flammable
material quickly. If the carbon dioxide extinguisher does not extinguish the fire,
evacuate the laboratory immediately and call the fire department (Figure C).
b) Safety Showers
In case someone’s clothing or hair is on fire, immediately lead the person to the
shower and pull the metal ring (Figure D). Safety showers generally dump 40 to 50
gallons of water, which should extinguish the flame. These showers cannot be shut
off once the metal ring has been pulled. Therefore, the shower cannot be
demonstrated (Showers are checked for proper operation on a regular basis).
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Laboratory apparatus
The Bunsen Burner is a convenient source of heat in the laboratory. Although there
are several varieties, their principle of operation is the same and is similar to that
of the common gas stove. The Bunsen burner requires gas and air, which is mix in
various proportions. The amount of air and gas mixed in the chamber is varied by
use of the two adjustments illustrated in Figure E. The relative proportions of gas
and air determine the temperature of the flame.
Examine your burner and locate the gas and airflow adjustments (valves) (see
Figure E). Determine how each valve operates before connecting the burner to the
gas outlet. Close both valves; connect a rubber hose to the gas outlet on the burner
and the desk; then open the desk valve about two-thirds of the way. Strike a match
or use a gas lighter. Hold the lighted match to the side and just below the top of
the barrel of the burner while gradually opening the gas valve on the burner to
obtain a flame about 3 or 4 in. high. Gradually open and adjust the air valve until
you obtain a pale blue flame with an inner cone as shown.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
b) Common glassware
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
After performing a laboratory session, students need to write a lab report individually. Writing
the lab report is an exercise that should help you in several ways, it will help you to ensure
that you fully understand what you did in lab and teach the basics of scientific and technical
report writing.
Students are required to submit completed laboratory report sheet as instructed by the lab
demonstrator as stipulated within the given time frame for all experiments except for
Experiment 4 where students must write a complete lab report.
Lab report and lab report sheet must be original and unique to individual handing the report.
Students are required to submit simplified experimental flow chart and fill in the chemical
assessment form together with all submission of the lab report and lab report sheet.
2. Problem statement
o What was/were the experimental objective(s) of the lab? What did you do?
o Include any preliminary observations or background information about the
3. Introduction
o What was the background (or context) of the experiment?
o What were the specifications for the experiment?
o Competition rules and restrictions, if applicable.
o Include any formulas you will use here.
o Describe any special equipment/software used.
o What scientific principles were used?
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
4. Materials
o Make a list of all items used in the lab
5. Procedures
o What steps were performed in the lab, in detail? How were they done?
o Any modifications made for any/all trials.
o No numbered lists, procedures must be written in past tense format.
6. Data/Observations/Results
o What were the measurements or the outcome of the experiment?
o Describe the results verbally.
o Include tables, graphs, and figures where appropriate.
o Label all tables, graphs, and figures.
7. Discussion
o What worked and did not work? Explain any experimental difficulties.
o Include a sample calculation of any formulas used
o Link the discussion to your objectives.
8. Conclusion
o Accept or reject your hypothesis
o Explain why you accepted or rejected your hypothesis using data from the lab.
o Include a summary of the data – averages, highest, lowest, etc. to help the
reader understand your results.
o List one thing you learned and describe how it applies to a real-life situation.
o Discuss possible errors that could have occurred in the collection of data
(experimental errors)
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Experiment 1
Colligative property: Freezing-point depression and molar mass determination
Adapted from “Chemistry with Vernier”
Vernier Software and Technology
Beaverton, OR 97005 USA
1. Read and understand colligative properties.
2. Familiarize with the formula for freezing point depression, molality and molar mass.
3. Compile, read and understand the safety data sheet (SDS) for all chemicals used.
4. Conduct risk assessment for all of the chemicals.
5. Prepare the flow chart for the experiment and complete the chemical assessment
1. To determine the freezing point of pure dodecanoic acid.
2. To determine the freezing point of a benzoic acid-dodecanoic acid solution.
3. To calculate freezing point depression of the solution.
4. To calculate the molar mass of benzoic acid.
Freezing point is the temperature at which the solid of pure solvent starts to form in
equilibrium with the solution. The dissolution of a solute into a solvent will produce a
solution with lowered freezing point compared to that of the pure solvent. Freezing-point
depression is a colligative property. The decrease in freezing point of the solution relative
to that of the pure solvent, ∆T, is directly proportional to the concentration of solute
particles present in the solution, regardless of the nature of the solute. Therefore, freezing
point-depression is expressed as Equation 1:
∆T = i x Kf x m Equation 1
where ∆T is the freezing point depression, i is the van’t Hoff factor, Kf is the molal freezing-
point depression constant for the solvent and m is the molality of the solution. Molality is
used because the property is independent of volume changes caused by temperature
variations. The equation to show the relationship between molality and mol of a solute is
expressed as Equation 2:
𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒
𝑚= Equation 2
𝑘𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒
The colligative properties of solution depend on the total concentration of solute particles,
regardless of whether the particles are ions or molecules. Thus, we expect a 0.100 m
solution of NaCl to have a freezing point depression (2)(0.100 m)(1.86 oC/m) = 0.372 oC as
it is 0.100 m in Na+ (aq) and 0.100 m in Cl- (aq). The measures freezing point depression is
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
only 0.348 oC, however, and the situation is similar for other strong electrolytes. A 0.100 m
solution of KCl for example, freezes at -0.344 oC.
The difference between expected and observed colligative properties for strong
electrolytes is due to electrostatic attractions between ions. As the ions move about in
solution, ions of opposite charge collide and “stick together” for brief moments. While they
are together, they behave as single particle called an ion pair. The number of independent
particles is thereby reduced, causing a reduction in the freezing point depression (as well
as in boiling point elevation, vapour pressure reduction and osmotic pressure).
We have been assuming that the van’t Hoff factor, I, is equal to the number of ions per
formula unit of the electrolyte. The measured value of this factor, however, is given by the
ratio of the measured value of a colligative property to the value calculated when the
substance is assumed to be nonelectrolyte. For example
∆𝑇𝑓 (𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑)
∆𝑇𝑓 (𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑛𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑦𝑡𝑒)
The limiting value of i can be determined for a salt from the number of ions per formula
unit. For example, NaCl the limiting van’t Hoff factor is 2 because NaCl consists of one Na+
and one Cl- per formula unit. Dilution affects the value of i for electrolyte, the more dilute
the solution, the more closely the i value approaches the expected value based on the
number of ions in the formula unit. Thus, we can conclude that the extent of ion pairing in
electrolyte solutions decreases upon dilution.
In this experiment, the freezing point of the pure solvent, lauric acid, CH3(CH2)10COOH, is
first determined (where Kf for lauric acid is 3.9°C/m in this experiment1). Then, a solution
is prepared by mixing a known amount of benzoic acid, C6H5COOH (solute) into known
amount of lauric acid (solvent). Next, the freezing point of the solution is determined. The
molar mass of the solute can be calculated using Equation 3:
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒
𝑀𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒 = Equation 3
𝑚𝑜𝑙 𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑡𝑒
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
1. Add about 300 mL of tap water with temperature below 26°C to a 500 mL beaker,
which acts as a water bath. Place the water bath on the base of the retort stand.
2. Using a utility clamp, carefully collect a boiling tube containing melted dodecanoic
acid (~8 g) from the demonstrator at a dedicated laboratory bench. Caution: Be
careful to prevent spillage of the hot dodecanoic acid and do not touch the bottom
of the boiling tube with bare hands.
3. Insert the temperature probe into the hot melted dodecanoic acid and allow 30 s
for thermal equilibration. Fasten the clamp to the retort stand and slowly immerse
the boiling tube into the water bath. Ensure the water level outside the boiling tube
is higher than the dodecanoic acid level in the boiling tube.
4. If the temperature of the dodecanoic acid is lower than 50°C, repeat the experiment
starting from step (2).
5. In order to prevent supercooling, the dodecanoic acid must be stirred continuously
by gently moving the temperature probe up and down throughout the cooling
process. Caution: Hold only the top of the temperature probe and not the wire.
6. After data collection which lasts for 10 min, return the boiling tube with the
solidified dodecanoic acid to the demonstrator. Caution: Do not attempt to pull the
temperature probe forcefully. The acid has to be melted again to remove the probe.
7. Examine the data points of the cooling curve displayed on the LabQuest interface.
The temperature and time values of each data point can be displayed to the right
of the cooling curve when it is tapped.
8. The experimental freezing point of pure dodecanoic acid (T1) can be determined
from the portion of the cooling curve with nearly constant temperature (horizontal
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
line). Caution: If the dodecanoic acid is not very pure, the horizontal line of the
cooling curve will not be perfect.
9. To determine the freezing temperature of pure dodecanoic acid, you need to
analyze the portion of the graph with nearly constant temperature. To do this:
i. Tap and drag the stylus across the horizontal portion of the graph to select the
ii. From the “Analyze” menu, choose “Statistics”.
iii. Record the mean (average) temperature that represents the freezing point of
pure dodecnoic acid (T1) in Data and Calculations table.
10. Store the data from the first run by tapping the File Cabinet icon.
1. Add about 300 mL of tap water with temperature below 26°C to a 500 mL beaker,
which acts as a water bath. Place the water bath on the base of the retort stand.
2. Using a utility clamp, carefully collect a boiling tube of melted solution containing
known amount of benzoic acid (~1 g) and dodecanoic acid (~8 g). Record the precise
masses in Data and Calculations table. Repeat Part I: Steps (c–h) for the benzoic
acid–dodecanoic acid solution.
3. To determine the freezing point of the benzoic acid–dodecanoic acid solution (T2),
identify the temperature at which the mixture first started to freeze (Figure 2).
Unlike pure dodecanoic acid, cooling a mixture of benzoic acid and dodecanoic acid
results in a slow gradual drop in temperature during the freezing process. Record
the freezing point (T2) in the Data and Calculations table.
4. In order to compare the cooling curves of pure dodecanoic acid with the benzoic
acid–dodecanoic acid solution on the same graph, Tap “Run 2” and select “All Runs”.
Both temperature runs are now displayed on the same graph.
5. Print a graph of temperature vs. time (with two curves displayed). Label each curve
by hand as pure dodecanoic acid or benzoic acid–dodecanoic acid.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Molality, m
Percentage error
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
2. Discuss which aqueous solution has lower freezing, 0.1 m NaCI or 0.1 m ethylene
glycol (non-electrolyte) by considering the “Van’t Hoff factor, i”.
3. From this experiment, what happens to the value of molality, m by increasing the
amount of benzoic acid? Justify your answer.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Experiment 2
Rate and order of chemical reaction
Adapted from “Chemistry with Vernier”
Vernier Software and Technology
Beaverton, OR 97005 USA
1. Read and understand chemical reaction and kinetics.
2. Familiarize with redox reaction, rate law and order of reaction.
3. Compile, read and understand the safety data sheet (SDS) for all chemicals used.
4. Conduct risk assessment for all of the chemicals.
5. Prepare the flow chart for the experiment and complete the chemical assessment
1. To conduct redox reaction between KI and FeCl3 using various combination of
concentrations of the reactants.
2. To determine the order of reaction in KI and FeCl3.
3. To determine the rate law expression for the reaction.
Chemical reactions involve conversion of reactants into products where the rate of reaction
can be determined by monitoring (with time) the changes in physical or chemical properties
such as pH, conductance, or color change. Reaction rates can be affected by changes in
concentration, physical states of reactants, temperature and the presence of catalysts. The
effect of concentration on reaction rate can be expressed quantitatively by rate laws.
In this experiment, the redox reactions between KI and FeCl3 are conducted. The net ionic
chemical equation is shown in Equation 1.
As the redox reaction proceeds, I−(aq) will be oxidized while Fe3+(aq) will be reduced
simultaneously. This chemical change is accompanied by color change which can be
accurately and precisely measured using a colorimeter. A colorimeter is a light-sensitive
instrument used for measuring the absorbance of light passing through a colored liquid
sample. Colorimetry is used to determine the concentration of a known solute in a solution
which is proportional to the absorbance in accordance to Beer’s Law. Kinetic study is
conducted with systematic variations in the concentrations of I−(aq) and Fe3+(aq) for different
reaction trials. Careful monitoring of the absorbance for each trial will enable the
determination of the initial reaction rate and order of reaction. The rate law is expressed
in Equation 2:
r = k[Fe3+(aq)]a[I-(aq)]b Equation 2
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
where r is the initial rate of reaction, k is the rate constant, a and b are the order of reaction
in Fe3+(aq) and I−(aq), respectively.
1. On the Meter screen, tap “Rate”. Change the data-collection rate to 0.1 sample/s
and the length to 120 s. Select “OK”.
2. Obtain the following materials prior to the experiment:
i. 100 mL 0.020 M potassium iodide solution, KI(aq), in 100 mL beaker.
ii. 100 mL 0.020 M iron (III) chloride solution, FeCl3(aq), in 100 mL beaker.
Caution: Handle the FeCl3(aq) with care since it is prepared in 0.1 M HCl (diluted
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Table 1
1. Calculate the concentrations of FeCl3(aq) and KI(aq) for each Trial. Show one example
of the calculation. Hint: Apply dilution factor.
2. Examine the graph from Trial 1 and locate a 30-40 s portion that is linear and
represents the entire graph (i.e. from 20 s to 55 s).
3. Tap on the data point at the beginning of the linear region and drag across the 30-
40 s portion of the graph.
4. Choose “Curve Fit” from the Analyze menu.
5. Select “Linear” as the Fit Equation.
6. Record the slope in Table 2.
7. Repeat steps (2-6) for Trials 2-5 using the same 30-40 s region of the graph.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
8. Plot your own graph in a graph paper and compare the graph with the one shown
in the device.
Table 2
Trial [FeCl3] (M) [KI] (M) Initial rate (M.s-1)
1. Determine the order of reaction in FeCl3 and KI? Show details calculation.
3. Is it possible to calculate the rate constant (k) from your data? If yes, show details
calculation and report the average rate constant with the correct unit. If not, explain
why it is not possible.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Experiment 3
Heat of reaction
The foundation of the study of thermochemistry was laid by the chemist Germain Hess,
who investigated heat in chemical reactions during the last century. One statement of the
law that bears Hess's name says:
“The enthalpy change for any reaction depends on the products and reactants and is
independent of the pathway or the number of steps between the reactant and product.”
For instance, the acid-base neutralization reaction between hydrochloric acid (HCl) and
sodium hydroxide (NaOH) can be conducted under two different conditions that give off
different molar heat of reaction (qrxn).
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
On the other hand, if the solid sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is dissolved in water, it will
generate molar heat of reaction as follows.
Hess's law states that the enthalpy change of an overall process is the sum of the enthalpy
changes of its individual steps. Notice that the above listed reaction 3 and reaction 1
together can be considered as alternative steps to reaction 2. Thus, when the solution
concentrations of NaOH and HCl are controlled to be the same in all three reactions, we
can expect
Consider that the heat of reaction is measured using a calorimeter. When measuring the
heat of reaction, we mix roughly equal moles of HCl solution and NaOH in the calorimeter
and measure the temperature change of the solution inside the calorimeter. The law of
conservation of energy is the basis for calculation for heat of reaction (assuming that there
is no heat lost to the surrounding through the calorimeter set up)
where qrxn is the heat generated by the reaction, qsoln is the heat absorbed by the solution
which is reflected by the temperature change.
(Assumption: The specific heat capacity of the solution is approximately equal to that of
water and that the density of the solutions is equal to that of pure water)
We will then divide the heat released in each reaction, by the number of moles of reactant
used in that reaction. That will give us the Molar Heat of Reaction.
This experiment will investigate the heat of reaction for three types of reactions: the
hydration of a liquid, the dissolving of a solid, and neutralization (the reaction of an acid
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
with a base). In neutralizing reaction, you will measure and compare the quantity of heat
involved in three reactions.
Test tube, thermometer, measuring cylinder (10 ml and 100 ml), watch glass, beaker 250
ml, volumetric flask 250 ml
Concentrated H2SO4, concentrated HCl, NaCl, NH4Cl, CaCl2
Caution: Concentrated H2SO4 causes severe burn to the skin. Glove must be worn
when dealing with the chemical.
1.1 Pour 40 ml of distilled water into a test tube (15 x 2 cm). Read and record the
temperature of the water.
1.2 Measure 2 ml of concentrated H2SO4 and slowly add into the test tube containing
water. Stir with the thermometer and record the maximum temperature reached.
2.1 Pour 20 ml of distilled water (H2O) into three separated test tube (15 x 2 cm). Read
and record the temperature of the water as Ti.
2.2 Weigh approximately 2 g of NaCl, NH4Cl and CaCl2 on watch glass, and then place
the salts into each test tube.
2.3 Stir with thermometer and record the minimum or maximum temperature
reached as Tf.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
3. Neutralization reaction
Caution: HCl and NaOH are corrosive. Avoid direct contact. If any touches your
skin, wash it off immediately with running water.
3.3.1 Repeat steps 3.1.1 to 3.1.5 in part 3.1 but replace 100 mL of H2O with 100 mL of
0.50 M HCl solution.
Dispose all solutions in the sink and flush with running water.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Experiment 4
Galvanic cell and electrolytic cell
1. Read and understand the difference between galvanic and electrolytic cell.
2. Familiarize with the set up for each cell.
3. Compile, read and understand the safety data sheet (SDS) for all chemicals used.
4. Conduct risk assessment for all of the chemicals.
5. Prepare the flow chart for the experiment and complete the chemical assessment
The half-reaction for zinc is an oxidation process while the half-reaction for copper is a
reduction process. The reaction occurred as zinc metal is more reactive than copper metal.
As it involves transfer of electrons, it causes electricity flow. This kind of reaction is known
as spontaneous reaction.
For an electrolytic cell, where the reaction is not spontaneous, electricity must be supplied.
If copper electrode is immersed in 0.1 M NaCl and electricity is passed through it, a redox
reaction also occurs.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Porous pots, 250 mL beaker, 600 mL beaker, one voltmeter, 2 wire clips, 8V transformer,
zinc and copper plates, volumetric flask 100ml & 250 ml
Copper, CuSO4.5H2O, ZnSO4.7H2O, NaCl, phenolphthalein indicator.
Calculate the weight of salts that are required to prepare 100 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4.5H2O, 100
mL of 0.1 M ZnSO4.7H2O, 250 mL of 0.1 M NaCl.
Pour the salt solution into volumetric flask. For NaCl preparation, use 250 mL volumetric
flask, while for CuSO4.5H2O and ZnSO4.7H2O, use 100 mL volumetric flask.
Immerse the semi-permeable cup in a beaker containing water for 2 minutes and place the
cup in a 250 mL beaker.
Pour 30 mL of 0.1 M CuSO4 into the semi permeable cup, and then pour 100 ml of 0.1 M
ZnSO4 into beaker. By using approximately 30 ml CuSO4 and 100 ml ZnSO4, adjust the level
of both solutions in the semi permeable cup and beaker (approximately 5 cm height).
Clean a piece of copper strip metal with sand paper and immerse it into the CuSO4 solution
and another piece of zinc strip metal in ZnSO4 solution.
Connect both metals with wire clips to the voltmeter (as shown in Figure 3).
Take the reading of the voltmeter and observe the reaction that occurs within 15 minutes.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Cu Zn
metal metal
0.1 M 0.1 M
solution solution
Figure 3
8 V
metal v
0.1 M NaCl
Figure 4
Pour 250 mL of 0.1M NaCl solution in the 600 mL beaker and add in 5 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Immerse the copper electrodes in the solution and connect them to the transformer.
Leave it for 15 minutes. Observe the reaction of the two electrodes and the solution.
Write the equations for the reactions and determine anode and cathode.
8. Write the oxidation and reduction half-cell equation that occur at the anode and
cathode, respectively. Do these agree with the experimental results? Explain.
9. Is there any changes to the voltmeter reading (voltage) when concentration of
ZnSO4 and CuSO4 is doubled? Justify your answer.
10. Why is mass gained at the cathode?
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Experiment 5
Chemists represent molecules in a variety of ways. For some time now, you have been
using chemical formulas in order to convey the identity and number of atoms in a given
compound. More recently, in the organic chapters, you became acquainted with structural
formulas where not only are the atoms and number of atoms represented, but their
connectivity is given as well. While both of these types of formulas are used widely in
chemistry, neither tell the reader how molecules occupy space; that is, neither tell how
molecules actually look. The first step to build molecules using ball-and-stick models is by
drawing the electronic structure of molecules using Lewis structure (i.e. CH 4 and C2H4).
(a) (b)
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
(a) (b)
Figure 6 Ball-and-stick models of (a) methane, (b) ethene
The first model to build is methane, CH4, a hydrocarbon consisting of one carbon and four
hydrogen atoms. The model of methane shows the three-dimensional shape, a
tetrahedron, around a carbon atom.
CH4 (methane)
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
To represent this model on paper, its shape is flattened, and the carbon atom is shown
attached to four hydrogen. This type of formula is called a complete structural formula.
However, it is more convenient to use a shortened version called a condensed structural
formula. To write a condensed formula, the hydrogen atoms are grouped with their carbon
atom. The number of hydrogen atoms is written as a subscript. The complete structural
formula and the condensed structural formula for C2H6 are shown below:
Naming Alkanes
The names of alkanes all end with –ane. The names of organic compounds are based on
the names of the alkane family.
Constitutional Isomers
Constitutional isomers are present when a molecular formula can represent two or more
different structural (or condensed) formulas. One structure cannot be converted to the
other without breaking and forming bonds. The isomers have different physical and
chemical properties. One of the reasons for the vast array of organic compounds is the
phenomenon of isomerism.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
In a cycloalkane, and alkane has a cyclic or ring structure. There are no end carbon atoms.
The structural formula of a cycloalkane indicates all of the carbon and hydrogen atoms. The
condensed formula groups the hydrogen atoms with each of the carbon atoms. Another
type of notation called the geometric structure is often used to depict a cycloalkane by
showing only the bonds that outline the geometric shape of the compound. For example,
the geometric shape of cyclopropane is triangle, and the geometric shape of cyclobutane
is square. Examples of the various structural formulas for cyclobutane are shown below.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
In haloalkanes, a halogen atom such as chlorine (Cl) or bromine (Br) replaces a hydrogen
atom of an alkane or a cycloalkane.
Using an organic model kit, construct a ball-and-stick model of the following molecules.
Draw the three-dimensional shape of the molecules and write the complete structural
formulas and condensed structural for all the isomers if any. Be sure to name all
A) Methane, CH4
B) Ethane, C2H6
C) Propane, C3H8
D) Butane, C4H10
E) Pentane, C5H12
F) Hexane, C6H14
G) Cyclopropane, C3H6
H) Cyclobutane, C4H8
I) Cyclopentane, C5H10
J) Cyclohexane, C6H12
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
K) 1,2-dichloropropane
L) Bromoethane
M) Dibromopropane
N) 1,2-dichlorocyclopentane
O) 2- methylpropane
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Name: Date:
Student ID: Student’s signature:
Lab group: Demonstrator’s signature:
Experiment: Originality: Yes / No
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Student ID:
Lab group:
Originality: Yes / No
# Chemical(s) Amount Hazards Labelling First Aid Exposure controls Safety Data Sheet
used identification (according Measures (PPE) (SDS) references (to
to CLASS attach SDS if
Regulations applicable)
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Student ID:
Lab Group:
[1 mark]
1. Plot a graph of your collected data. NOTE: A complete graph must include title, axis
title, labelled interval for each axis and correct units. Use graph paper and compile
your graph with your laboratory report sheet.
i. Cooling curve of lauric acid
[2 marks]
[2 marks]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
i. Calculate the difference in freezing temperature (∆T) between pure lauric acid (T1) and
mixture of lauric acid and benzoic acid (T2).
ii. Calculate molality (m) in mol/kg using the formula (Kf = 3.9oC kg/mol for lauric acid.
iii. Calculate moles of benzoic acid solute using the answer in step 2 (in mol/kg) and the
mass (in kg) of lauric acid solvent.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
iv. Calculate the experimental molar mass of benzoic acid in g/mol. Use the original mass
of benzoic acid from the tabulated data table below, and the moles of benzoic acid
you found in the previous step.
v. Determine the accepted molar mass for benzoic acid from its formula, C6H5COOH.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Molality, m
[2 mark]
[1 mark]
Percentage error
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[1 mark]
2. Discuss which aqueous solution has lower freezing, 0.1 m NaCI or 0.1 m ethylene glycol
(non-electrolyte) by considering the “Van’t Hoff factor, i”.
[2 marks]
3. From this experiment, what happens to the value of molality by increasing the amount
of benzoic acid? Justify your answer.
[2 marks]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
“Submission of experimental flow chart and chemical assessment form will be assessed and
counted in the final marks. Plagiarism is frowned upon in the University and marks will be
deducted for any similarities found.”
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Student ID:
Lab Group:
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
i. Calculate the molar concentration of FeCl3 and KI for each reaction and record the
values in the table above. Show details calculation.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
1. Determine the order of reaction in FeCl3 and KI? Show details calculation.
[3 marks]
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
3. Is it possible to calculate the rate constant (k) from your data? If yes, show details
calculation and report the average rate constant with the correct unit. If not, explain
why it is not possible.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[3 marks]
[1 mark]
“Submission of experimental flow chart and chemical assessment form will be assessed and
counted in the final marks. Plagiarism is frowned upon in the University and marks will be
deducted for any similarities found.”
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Student ID:
Lab Group:
[1 mark]
[2 marks]
*note: readings in 2 decimal places.
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
c) Neutralization reaction
Initial temperature, Ti
Final temperature, Tf
Change in temperature
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
i. Describe the reaction using the terms exothermic or endothermic where appropriate.
[0.5 mark]
ii. If you have used diluted sulfuric acid rather than concentrated sulfuric acid, would you
expect the temperature change to be greater or less? Why?
[1 mark]
b) Dissolution of NaCl, NH4Cl and CaCl2
i. Write net ionic equations to show dissolving process for each of the salt. Use your
observations as a basis for adding an energy term to the appropriate side of each
[1.5 marks]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
ii. For each of the reaction, what is the major factor, in terms of bonds made, or broken
or other issue that causes the difference in heat effect?
[2 marks]
c) Neutralization reaction
i. Write net ionic equations to show reactions in part I, II and III. Use your observations
as a basis for adding an energy term to the appropriate side of each equation.
Part II: The reaction of sodium hydroxide solution with dilute hydrochloric acid
Part III: The reaction of solid sodium hydroxide with dilute hydrochloric acid solution:
[1.5 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
ii. Calculate the heat per mol of NaOH in part I, II and III (show calculation).
(Assumption: The specific heat capacity of the solution is approximately equal to that of
water and that the density of the solutions is equal to that of pure water)
[5 marks]
iii. What is the sum of heat per mol for part I and II (show calculation).
[1 mark]
iv. Compare the sum of heat per mol for part I and II with heat per mol obtained in part
III. Calculate the differences.
[1 mark]
v. If there is any difference between the sum of heat per mol for part I and II with heat
per mol obtained in part III, what is the probable cause? Assume that Hess law is
[1.5 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[1 mark]
“Submission of experimental flow chart and chemical assessment form will be assessed and
counted in the final marks. Plagiarism is frowned upon in the University and marks will be
deducted for any similarities found.”
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Student ID:
Lab Group:
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
Molecular Molecular name Lewis structure 3D dimensional formula Complete structural formula Condensed
formula structural formula
for all isomers (if
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
CH4 Methane
C2H6 Ethane
C3H8 Propane
C4H10 Butane
C5H12 Pentane
C6H14 Hexane
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
C3H6 Cyclopropane
C4H8 Cyclobutane
C5H10 Cyclopentane
C6H12 Cyclohexane
C3H6Cl2 1,2-dichloropropane
C2H5Br Bromoethane
C3H6Br2 Dibromopropane
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
C5H8Cl2 1,2-
CH3CH2(CH3)CH3 2-methylpropane
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
1. How do you distinguish between molecular formula, empirical formula (simplest) and
structural formula of benzene? Hint: Draw structures.
[1 mark]
2. How do you distinguish between geometrical and structural isomers? Give examples.
[2 marks]
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[1 mark]
5. Draw all cyclic isomers for C4H8 and name all isomers.
[1 mark]
6. Write the condensed structural formulas and names for all the constitutional isomers
with the formula C4H9Br.
[1 mark]
7. Write the correct name for the following alkanes and cycloalkanes.
i. CH3-C(CH3)2-CH(CH3)-CH3
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[1 mark]
9. N-butane and isobutene are constitutional isomers. What is the boiling point of each
compound? Explain the difference (if any).
[1 mark]
10. Define geometrical isomers and give examples (structural formula and names).
[1 mark]
FAC0025 – Chemistry II
[1 mark]