Ordinance Kite Fying v10
Ordinance Kite Fying v10
Ordinance Kite Fying v10
Explanatory Note
WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 5 of 1987 Constitution provides that the maintenance of
peace and order, the protection of life, liberty, and property, and promotion of the general
welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the people of the blessings of democracy;
WHEREAS, it is the avowed policy of the Local Government Unit (LGU) under Section 16
of the Local Government Code that every local government unit shall exercise the powers
expressly granted, those necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary,
appropriate, or incidental for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are
essential to the promotion of the general welfare;
WHEREAS, Kites getting entangled with power and telecommunication lines and facilities
result in flash-over on the power lines and sub-stations, thereby causing power interruptions
to consumers, straining and damaging electrical assets, causing accidents, injuries and loss of
WHEREAS, on September 20, 2020, while Benedict Tipon Paiste, a resident of Barangay
An-annam, Bantay, Province of Ilocos Sur, was traversing along the Diversion Road of
Barangay Cabalangegan, Vigan City, the falling string of a kite slit his throat causing him
dead on the Spot;
WHEREAS, by regulating the act of flying kites near Public Roads, Power and
Telecommunication Lines and imposing the appropriate corresponding penalties therefor,
people will be forewarned of the consequences of such act, thereby serving as a deterrent to
future wrongdoings that could cause danger, injury or alarm to persons, animal or damages to
WHEREAS, this specifically prevent incidents of children getting electrocuted when their
kite lines get entangled with electric wires or children figuring in accidents for flying their
kites along roads, unmindful of passing vehicles;
WHEREAS, the Provincial Governmet of Ilocos Sur recognizes the need to introduce
stringent policies and legislative measures to prevent and reduce the number of kite-flying
related fatalities in the Province;
Section 3. SCOPE AND COVERAGE. This Ordinance shall cover all persons who do the
act of flying kites Near Public Roads, Power and Telecommunication Lines within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Ilocos Sur.
a. Kite Flying- the flying of a kite at a place specifically designated in this Ordinance,
as a form of sport or recreation;
b. Public Roads – includes every highway open to public thoroughfares, every Public
Boulevard, driveway, avenue, park, parkway, plaza, square, place, street, road, alley
and ‘callejon’;
c. Thoroughfares– a main road in a town or city which usually has a business
establishment and commercial operations are conducted along it and has a lot of
d. Power lines – transmission lines, distribution lines, and generation dedicated point to
point lines, and other connection assets including the poles and panels and towers
used to support the lines, and other related facilities constructed or erected used for
the conveyance of electricity. (R.A 11361 Section 4. Paragraph P);
e. Telecommunication lines - means any wire, cable, tube, pipe or other similar thing
which is designed or adapted for use in connection with the operation of a
telecommunication system or a radio-communication apparatus with any casing,
coating, tube or pipe enclosing the same and any appliances and apparatus connected
therewith for the same; and includes any structure, post or other thing in, by or from
which any telecommunication and radio-communication apparatus is or may be
installed, supported, carried or suspended.
Section 5. PROHIBITED ACTS. It shall be prohibited and it is unlawful for any person
within the territorial jurisdiction of the Province of Ilocos Sur to:
a. cause the flying of kites near public roads which may annoy persons from using the
streets and public places, or frighten animals within the Province of Ilocos Sur;
b. fly or cause the flying kites when there are power and/or telecommunication lines,
telephone lines and other similar wiring connections;
c. Encourage, abet or support any or both of the above acts of flying a kite or kites.
Section 6. PENALTIES. Any Violation of this Ordinance, particularly Section 5 hereof
shall be meted with the following penalties:
If the violator is a minor, the fine shall be shouldered by his/her parents or guardian.
Section 7. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. In the event or if for any reason, any part or section
of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the rest of it which are not so declared shall remain
valid, binding and of full force and effect.
Section 8. REPEALING CLAUSE. All ordinances, orders, provincial executive orders,
rules and regulations and similar issuances inconsistent with this Ordinance or any of its
provisions are hereby amended, repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 9. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days
after its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of Ilocos Sur.