Safety Measures Violation
Safety Measures Violation
Safety Measures Violation
WHEREAS, sometime in January 2020, our country and nation was attacked by the
indiscriminate and deadly Coronavirus disease (COVID-19);
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared COVID-19 as world
WHEREAS, on June 1, 2020, to bring back to normal our nation’s life and economy, make
it alive and kicking to attain pre-set economic goals and enhance national economic growth,
President Duterte, upon the recommendation of the Inter Agency Task Force for the Emerging
Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), downgraded the Expanded Community Quarantine (ECQ) to
General Community Quarantine (GCQ) in Metro Manila, Davao City, Cagayan Valley, Central
Luzon, Pangasinan and Albay, while the rest of the country will be under the more relaxed
Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ);
WHEREAS, General Community Quarantine (GCQ) allows the resumption of works and
operation of establishments as stated in the “Omnibus on the Implementation of Community
Quarantine in the Philippines” issued by the IATF-EID. This is referred to as the NEW
WHEREAS, from the words of Secretary Harry Roque, the NEW NORMAL, is a
CRITICAL NORMAL. It cannot be the same as the NORMAL where COVID-19 was not yet
around. It is the NORMAL, wherein we put back out national economy (consequently our
provincial economy) to its toes and keep it alive and kicking but we still have to face and tangle
with the indiscriminate, dreaded, deadly COVID-19 which is still in our midst;
WHEREAS, the sporadic increase of COVID-19 confirmed cases and deaths is due to lack
of discipline of the people in violating quarantine health and safety protocols, rules and
WHEREAS, the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Ilocos Sur has passed several legislations
imposing rules and regulations on health and safety and quarantine protocols, nevertheless no
stringent penalties such as imprisonment imposed to prevent people from violating the same;
WHEREAS, Section 468, paragraph (iii) of the same code confers the power and duty to the
Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as the legislative body of the province, to enact and approve
ordinances imposing a fine not exceeding Five Thousand Pesos (Php 5,000.00) or imprisonment
not exceeding one (1) year, or both in the discretion of the court, for the violation thereof;
WHEREAS, during the meeting of the government task force in Davao City on July 7,
2020, DILG Secretary Eduardo Ano, has encourage Mayors to pass Ordinances imposing penalty
of imprisonment for violators, the saying, to wit “We have encouraged our mayors to pass
ordinances that the implementation will be uniform and all violators should be punished with
imprisonment so it will serve as a lesson and they will no longer violate (quarantine measures)”;
General Provisions
SECTION 3. COVERAGE. - This Ordinance shall include in its coverage all the people,
particularly those who visit, come to return to and/or reside in the Province of Ilocos Sur, be
it temporarily or permanently.
Health and Safety Practices, Protocols, Rules and Regulations for Educational
Institutions, Work Places, Commercial and Industrial Establishments, Land
Transportation, Public Places and other places
1.1 Border Protocols. The Philippine National Police, Highway Patrol Group, Armed Forces
of the Philippines and the Bureau of Fire Protection shall manned the borders located at the
Municipality of Tagudin, Sinait, Narvacan and Cervantes Ilocos Sur.
1.2. Cargo Vehicles. Cargo Vehicles shall be allowed entry into the province provided they
comply with the following guidelines;
1. Maximum of five persons may operate cargo trucks and delivery by land with or
without load
2. All cargo personnel must present their id to ensure that they are legitimate employees
and must undergo comprehensive health check by the PHO;
3. Disclose relevant information to the persons manning the border
4. Allow inspection procedures of the PNP to ensure that the cargo vehicles are
operating immediately and with no hidden passengers
1.3. Authorized Persons Outside Residence. (APOR). APOR are allowed entry in the
Province provided they comply with the following protocols;
1. Present identification cards, travel authority and other documents showing purposes
of entry into the province;
2. Provide complete information such as government official/employee’s name, contact
number, company name, company’s contact number and duration of stay in Ilocos
3. All APORS shall undergo RT-PCR test at least one week before their scheduled
entry if available, if not, must undergo a Rapid Antibody Test.
4. Undergo comprehensive health check by the Provincial Health Office
5. Fill up APOR Declaration Form and execute an affidavit of Undertaking
6. Presentation of invitation/appointment of the place of destination which shall be
confirmed by the contact person
7. Shall not bring along travel companion
During his/her stay in Ilocos Sur, he/she must follow strict health protocols failure of
which will subject him/her to a fine as mentioned in this ordinance.
2. There shall be posted a licensed security guard or guards at the entrance of the
workplace building or buildings who shall serve as frontliners to enforce the
wearing of face masks and the necessary health and safety protocols, rules and
5. On Social Distancing
5.1 Social distancing which means a distance of one (1) meter between two (2)
persons shall be observed in all parts and premises of the work place, including
its buildings.
5.2 Employees gathering in common spaces (entrances) exits, stair-
wells/stairways and inside trailer offices and in-person meetings or in a closed
room shall be avoided.
5.3 Flexy glass panes shall be installed when social distancing cannot be 100%
7. On Other Matters
7.1The company/business entity shall have a canteen too attend to the meal and
food needs of the employees. It must also be cleaned and sanitized every day,
including the chairs, tables, kitchen wares, with proper and effective cleaning
and sanitizing agents.
7.2 There must also be placed at the counter or that part of the canteen
where the employees/customers pay their food purchased, thin papers plastic
barriers to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
B. For Private Vehicles – All drivers and passengers of private vehicles must wear face
mask at all times and must comply with the one (1) meter physical distancing.
C. For Terminals.
All public and private transport terminals shall adopt the following sanitary practices:
1. All PUV Terminals shall observe appropriate sanitary measures during the period of
operations, especially in frequently touched surfaces (such as but not limited to waiting areas,
passenger lounges, seats, counters, door knobs and the like). All terminal employees shall wear
face masks at all times and be regularly subjected to medical check-up;
2. All PUV terminals shall provide alcohol and hand washing facility (with water supply
and soap) at the entrance for free usage of passengers;
3. Passengers are required to undergo body temperature checks. In case a passenger
registers a body temperature of 38 degress centigrade or higher, the said passenger shall not be
allowed entry and shall be referred to the nearest medical facility.
All modes of PUVs are required to have markings on seats that are only allowed to be
occupied by the passengers in compliance with the physical distancing measures and passenger
limits stated above.
c.1. Tricycle Passenger Limits: Passenger load shall not exceed one (1) passenger in the
side-car. No passenger shall be seated behind the driver.
c.2. With respect to pillion in motorcycle riding, in compliance with the requirement
imposed by the Government, particularly the Joint Task Force COVID Shield, there shall be
installed in the motorcycle a pillion barrier which consists of either a steel frame with plastic or
flexiglass between the driver and the pillion or a backpack-like barrier worn by the driver. A
pillion is a seat for a passenger behind a motorcyclist or motorcycle driver.
Physical Distancing measures shall be observed at all times within the terminal; all areas for
queuing at the terminal shall have marked positions on the floor where passengers should stand
in order to maintain proper distancing.
1. There must be placed in a strategic place of the area, a sanitizing booth or station equipped
with hand soaps or a bottle of alcohol where people who go to and fro in the place are
required to sanitized their hands as frequently as possible, depending upon the activity they
do in the place.
2. Every individual person who goes to and fro in the place should wear a face mask.
3. There should be assigned or posted in the area at least one (1) or two (2) licensed security
guard/s who shall serve as frontliners in the place to enforce the wearing of face mask,
sanitizing of the hands and other pertinent health and safety protocols, rules and regulations.
The security guard/s shall have the power to segregate and drive away the occupants or
users of the place without a face mask.
3.1 The assignment or posting of the security guard/s shall be at the expense of the
owner or operator thereof such as establishment.
3.1.1 The same principle applies in the case of the sanitizing booth or station.
3.1.2 Apart from the functions in parts hereof, the security guard/s shall take the
body temperature of occupants/users of the place with a digital thermometer. Those
found out to have fever and/or symptoms of flu-like disease or COVID-19 disease shall
be required by the guard/s to leave the place.
4. Social distancing which means a distance of one (1) meter between two (2)
persons shall be observed in the place. Again, the security guard/s shall
enforce this.
1. They shall be required to have a choice of undertaking the required fourteen (14)
days quarantine at home or in a duly registered and recognized or accredited
hotel or lodge in the Province of Ilocos Sur; provided that, if the quarantine is
done at home, he or she shall stay in isolation for fourteen (14) days in a room or
quarter for the purpose at home; provided further that after undertaking the
quarantine, he or she shall execute to that effect a Joint sworn with his or her
spouse, sibling, relatives, guardian or any other responsible person, of legal age
staying with him/her in the same home who actually witnessed the undertaking
of the required quarantine at the pain of perjury; the same to be presented to the
proper health authority of the city/municipality or from where he/she resides for
acknowledgment of the fact. Said health authority shall on the documents attest
to the fact.
2. They shall be required to observe health and safety rules and regulations
imposed and enforced by the Provincial Government.
2. Subject person who has been in close contact with someone or the person who
has or is sick with COVID-19 shall be required to undertake the following
remedial measures or steps:
a. Subject person is required to stay in isolation in a separate room or
quarter at home for fourteen (14) days after his/her last contact with the
person who has or is sick with COVID-19; provided that, after
undertaking the quarantine, he/she shall execute to the effect a joint
sworn affidavit with his/her spouse, sibling, relative, guardian or any
other responsible person, of legal age, staying with him/her in the same
home, who actually witnessed the undertaking of the required quarantine,
at the pain of perjury; the same to be presented to the proper health
authority of the municipality or city where he/she resides, for
acknowledgement of the fact. Said health authority shall, on the
document, attest to the fact:
i. If the subject person happens to be a foreigner, after the required
quarantine as described above he/she shall be sent to his/her home
country immediate.
b. Subject person shall be required to watch in himself for fever, cough, and
shortness of breath or other symptoms of COVID-19. If he has any of the
foregoing, he must proceed to the nearest hospital or clinic for proper
medical care and attention.
3. Subject person, if possible shall stay away from others, especially people who
are at higher risk for getting sick with COVID-19 like seniors and little children.
(b) In the inspection particularly on the operation of land transport/utility vehicles and
compliance with border protocols, the PGIS-Task Force Bantay Kalsada and the Deputized
Transportation Regulation Officers of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and Provincial
Highway Patrol Group shall assist the aforesaid lead government agencies in implementing this
SECTION 1. PENALTY. Failure to observe the safety guidelines and protocols under this
ordinance shall be punished by:
2. Second Offense - A fine of Three Thousand Pesos (Php 3,000.00) and 10 days
3. Third Offense and Subsequent Violations – A fine of Five Thousand Pesos (Php
5,000.00) and one (1) month imprisonment
Final Provisions
SECTION 1. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE. - if for any reason, any section or part of this
Ordinance is declared unconstitutional or invalid, the rest of it which are most so declared shall
remain valid, binding and of legal force and effect.
SECTION 2. REPEALING CLAUSE. - All ordinances, memorandum orders/circulars,
provincial executive orders rules and regulations and similar issuances inconsistent with this
Ordinance are hereby repealed amended or modified accordingly.
SECTION 3. EFFECTIVITY. - This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its
publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the province of Ilocos Sur.