Understanding of Vega Avarodhajanya Udavarta W.S.R To Annaja Udavarta-A Review Article
Understanding of Vega Avarodhajanya Udavarta W.S.R To Annaja Udavarta-A Review Article
Understanding of Vega Avarodhajanya Udavarta W.S.R To Annaja Udavarta-A Review Article
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5 authors, including:
Rajashree Chitre
Parul Universiy
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All content following this page was uploaded by Rajashree Chitre on 23 April 2020.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Limda P.O,
Vadodara, Gujarat, 391760.
Associate Professor, Parul Institute of Ayurveda and Research.
Assistant Professor, Dept of Samhita and Siddhanta, govt. Ayurveda College, Trivandrum.
Professor & HOD, Dept. of Samhita & Siddhanta, Parul Institute of Ayurved, Limda P.O,
Vadodara, Gujarat, 391760.
Article Received on
28 August 2018, Trimarmas (Vital points) of our Shareera (body) are Shiras, Hridaya
Revised on 18 Sept. 2018, and Basthi as they are the Asraya (abode) of Prana (life). When these
Accepted on 08 Oct. 2018
DOI: 10.20959/wjpps201811-11816 will get affected by the different Nidanas (Reasons), Vatadi Dosha
Prakopa (Vitiation of Vata etc Doshas) will occur and will finally lead
to Prana Nasha (Destruction of the life). Among different diseases
*Corresponding Author
Dr. Sreekanth V. M. related to these vital points, Udavarta is one of the important disease.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Normally due to the obstruction in the normal path of Vata Dosha will
Samhita & Siddhanta, Parul result in the reverse movement of the Vata Dosha. It is defined as the
Institute of Ayurved, Limda
obstruction of Vata Dosha in its path by the suppression of any of the
P.O, Vadodara, Gujarat,
natural urges of our body. Main factors leading to Udavarta includes
suppression of urges like Vata, Mutra, Jrimbha, Asru, Kshvathu,
Udgara, Vamana and Indriya.
Udavarta is produced due to the suppression of natural urges. Mainly it is produced due to the
suppression of Vata, Mutra, Jrumbha, Asru, Kshavatu, Udgara, Vamana, Indriya. It can also
get manifested from the suppression of Kshut (Hunger), Trushna (Thirst), Svasa and Nidra
(Sleep).[1] The detailed description of Udavarta is available in Charaka Samhita Sutrasthana,
Ayurvedic materials related to “Udavarta” were collected from the major texts of Ayurveda
with their commentaries like Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita. Electronic databases like
Google and Google Scholar were also used to collect all the relevant research details
regarding Udavarta.
The different Lakshanas are explained on the basis of fourteen types of Udavarta like:
1) Apanavata Vegarodhaja Udavarta
2) Pureesha Vegarodhaja Udavarta
3) Mutra Vegarodhaja Udavarta
4) Jrumbha Vegarodhaja Udavarta
5) Asru Vegarodhaja Udavarta
6) Kshavathu Vegarodhaja Udavarta
7) Udgara Vegarodhaja Udavarta
8) Chardi Vegarodhaja Udavarta
9) Shukra Vegarodhaja Udavarta
10) Kshudha Vegarodhaja Udavarta
11) Trushna Vegarodhaja Udavarta
12) Srama- Nishvasa Vegarodhaja Udavarta
13) Nidra Vegarodhaja Udavarta
14) Annaja Udavarta.[2]
Chikitsa includes treatment of Anaha like Phalavarti, Eranda Taila Prayoga etc.[6]
Chikitsa incudes treatment of Ashmari i.e. for disintegrating gravels, Mutrkruchra treatment
(difficulty in passing urine) and Mutraghata treatment (obstruction in passing urine).[8]
Chikitsa includes 4 types of Swedana (Sudation) & 4 Sneha Dravyas( Oleating things).[10]
Chikitsa includes Teekshana Anjana (strong collyrium), Avapeeda (a type of Nasya i.e. Nasal
medication), Varti Prayoga (Dhuma Varti Prayoga) and holding or blowing any medicine like
Mareecha (Pepper) etc having strong odour near to the mouth.[14]
Chikitsa includes use of Dhumapana (inhaling smoke), Nasya (Nasal Medication), Kabala
Chikitsa includes Conquering it with emulsive measures like Snehana (Oleation) according to
the nature of which Dosha is deranged in each condition, Vyayama (Exercise), Upavasa
(Fasting) and Abhyanga (Massage) with Yava Kshara & Saindhava (salt).[18]
Chikitsa includes drinking milk which is cooked with 4 times of water & drugs having the
quality of cleaning the bladder, Vyavaya (Sexual intercourse) with good women.[20]
10] Kshuda Vegarodhaja Udavarta (Due to suppression of urge of Hunger)- The different
Lakshanas are Drowsiness, aching pain in the different parts of the body, anorexia,
exhaustion, emaciation and weakness in the vision.[21]
Chikitsa includes taking of Snigdha (fatty), Ushna (hot), Laghu (lightness) and Alpa Matra
(small quantity).[22]
11] Trushna Vegarodhaja Udavarta (Due to suppression of urge of thirst) - The different
Lakshanas are dryness of the throat & mouth, not hearing sounds clearly, discomfort & pain
in the heart.[23]
12] Srama- Nishvasa Dharanaja Udavarta (Due to suppression of urge of breath due to
exhaustion) - The different Lakshanas are diseases of heart, fainting and Gulma.[25]
Chikitsa includes taking rest after which they are advised to take food with Mamsa Rasa.[26]
13] Nidra Vegarodaja Udavarta (Due to suppression of urge of sleep) - The different
Lakshanas are yawning in excess, aching pain in different parts of the body, drowsiness and
heaviness of the eyes.[27]
Samprapti (Pathogenesis): Among the Panchavayu (Five types of Vata Dosha), Apana Vata
in the Pakvashaya will get vitiated due to the above mentioned Nidana (Karana) and will lead
to the Avarodha (Obstruction) of Adhovaha Srothas i.e. Pureeshavaha and Mutravaha
Srothas. Here “Marutha Sanga” is occurring. i.e. Apanavata is getting Avarodha (obstruction)
by itself. As a result Samyak Pravrutti (Normal functions) won’t happen i.e. in place of
Adhogamana (Downward movement), Urdhvagamana (Upward movement) will take place. It
will lead to Udavarta.[30]
The different Lakshanas are pain in Heart and Urinary bladder, difficulty in the elimination of
flatus, urine and faeces, headache, disorders to mind and ears.[31]
Chikitsa (Treatment): First Abhyagam (Massage) should be done with Sheetajvara Nashaka
Taila i.e. with Agurvadi Tailam. Next Swedana should be done. Due to these Doshas will
move to the Koshta. After that Varti, Niruha Basthi, Sneha Virechana, Anulomana Ahara and
Anuvasana Basthi.[32]
Varti: Main important Phalavartis are Shyamakadi Varti, Pinyakadi Varti, Pippalyadi
Varti and Krimighnadi Varti.
Pradhamana Churna Prayoga: It should be done with Shyamakadi and Rakshoghnadi
Choornam (Powder). These powders are to be filled in Nadi Yantra. After doing Snigdata
to the Guda, the Yantra should be inserted inside the Guda. It will help to remove the
Sangam (Obstruction) of Varcha (stool), Mutra (Urine) and Anila, thus resuling in Vata
Anulomana (Downward movement of Vata Dosha).
Teekshna Niruha Basthi Prayoga: If not getting relief by Phalavarti and Pradhamana
Churna Prayoga, then after Samyak Snehana and Swedana (Proper Oleation & Sudation
therapies) Teekshna Niruha Basthi (Enema Therapy) should be administered. It should be
done with Kwatha prepared with Virechana (Purgation) and Vamana () Dravyas (Drugs),
Gomutra (Cows Urine), Tailam (Oil), Amla, Kshara and Vataghna Dravyas (Drugs which
alleviate Vata Dosha). When Udavarta associated with more Vata Prakopa (Increase of
Vata Dosha), then Niruha Basthi should be given combined with Amla, Lavana and Taila.
When associated with more Pitta Prakopa (Increase of Pitta Dosha), then Pitta Nashaka
Dravya Kvatha (decotion) mixed with Ksheera (Milk) and when associated with more
Kapha Prakopa (Increase of Kapha Dosha), then Kapha Nashaka Dravya Kwatha mixed
with Gomutra (Cows urine). By this it will result in removing the obstruction of Mutra
(urine), Mala (faceces) and Vayu (wind).
Anna-Pana Prayoga (For eating & drinking) - Should be included with:
a) Prasanna (Spirituous liquor made of rice)
b) Guda Seedhu ( Alcohol prepared with Guda)
c) Trivrut, Sudhapatra
d) Yava Anna with Mamsarasa of Gramya & Audaka Pashu- Pakshi[33]
Virechana Prayoga: If there is no relief for Udavarta i.e. there is no proper Mala & Mutra
Pravrutti, Virechana (Purgation) should be done by Virechana Dravyas mixed with
Gomutra, Prasanna, Dadhimanda and Shukta. It should be given seven days after Niruha
Basthi (Enema).
Anuvasana Basthi Prayoga: If due to repeated Virechana (Purgation) procedure leads to
Rukshata (dryness), and obstruction of Mutra and Pureesha occurs again, then Anuvasana
Basthi should be administered.
Choorna Prayoga: There are two important powders like Dwiruttara Hinguvadi Choornam
and Vachadi Choornam.
Dwiruttara Hinguvadi Choornam- Hingu- 1 part, Vacha- 2 parts, Chitrakamoola- 4 parts,
Kushta- 8 parts, Suvarchika- 16 parts Vidanga- 32 parts. It should be taken with luke
warm water.[34]
Ghruta Prayoga- Sthiradi Ghrita.
A wise person who desires of good or long life should not suppress any type of natural
urges of their body i.e. upward or downward.[35]
Udavarta occurs from the suppression of different urges like Flatus, yawning, lacrimation,
hunger, micturition etc.
The main treatment modality of Udavarta is to restore the deranged Vata Dosha to its
normal state.[36]
1. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776.
2. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
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3. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
4. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.778 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
5. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
6. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.777 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
7. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
8. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.777 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
9. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
10. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.778 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
11. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.776 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
12. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.779 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
13. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.777 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
22. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.780 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
23. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.778 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
24. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.780 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
25. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.778 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
26. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.780 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
27. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.778 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
28. Susruta samhita by Susruta with Nibanda Sangraha of Dalhana. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.780 & Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by
Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi:
Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan; 2016.p.79.
29. Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of
Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan;
30. Acharya J T.Charaka samhita by Agnivesa with Ayurveda deepika teeka of
Chakrapanidatta. Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Surbharathi Prakashan;