Definition of Qada & Qadar

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Definition Of Qada & Qadar


Qada Qadar
‫ﻗﻀﻰ‬ ‫ﻗﺪر‬

Each leads to the other.

Qadar (Allah's predestination) leads to the
meaning of Qada (decree or creation)
Qada must have been preceeded by Allah's
both happens in accordance to His prior
Demonstration of Allah's ownership and
control over His creation.

Let's practice writing the arabic words for

each of the English translations.

Allah's predestination Decree or creation

Appears more than 60 times in the Quran
It has 4 meanings

1. Ruling, ordainment, legislation

And your Lord has ruled that you not

worship except Him, and to parents, good
treatment. (Al-Isra 17:23)

2. Finishing off, conclusion, completion

So Musa struck him and finishing him.

(Al-Qasas 28:15)

3. Creation, making 4. Allah's decision or

decree in accordance to
his prior knowledge
So He made them as seven
heavens in two days,...
(Fussilat 41:12)
And it (Isa's conception) is a
matter [already] decreed.' "
(Maryam 19:21)
Appears more than 100 times in the Quran
It also has 4 meanings
Qadr usually has same meaning with Qadar

1. Measurement or 2. Value or esteem


They have not esteemed

and We do not send it
Allah with true
down except according
to a known measure
(Az-Zumar 39:27)
(Al-Hijr 15:21)

3. Allah's capability & power

Indeed, Allah is over all things capable

(Al Baqarah 2:20)

4. Allah's predestination in accordance with His

prior knowledge

Indeed, all things We created with predestination.

(Al-Qamar 54:49)
Please answer all the questions

1. What is the meaning of Qadar?

a. Decree
b. Allah's Predestination

2. Finishing off or conclusion is one of the meaning of .......

a. Qadar
b. Qada

3. State down all the 4 meanings of Qada


4. Based on the verse below, which one of these answer is the

correct meaning of the underlined word?

a. Esteem
b. Allah's predestination
c. Allah's power
d. Measurement

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