Approaches To OB: Human Resources Approach

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Approaches to OB

There are different approaches to organizational behavior. They are:

 Human resources approach

 Contingency approach
 Productivity approach
 Systems approach
 Interdisciplinary approach

Human Resources Approach

The human resources approach is concerned with the growth and development
of people towards higher levels of competency, creativity and fulfillment, because
people are the central resource in any organization. This approach help
employees become better in terms of work and responsibility and then it tries to
create a climate in which they can contribute to the best of their improved
abilities. This approach is also known as ‘supportive approach’ because the
manager’s primary role changes from control of employees to providing an active
support for their growth and performance.

A Contingency Approach

A contingency approach to organizational behaviour implies that different

situations require different behavioral practices for effectiveness instead of
following a traditional approach for all situations. Each situation must be analyzed
carefully to determine the significant variables that exist in order to establish the
more effective practices. The strength of this approach is that it encourages
analysis of each situation prior to action. Thus, it helps to use all the current
knowledge about people in the organization in the most appropriate manner.

Productivity Approach

Productivity is a ratio that compares units of output with units of input. It is often
measured in terms of economic inputs and outputs. Productivity is considered to
be improved, if more outputs can be produced from the same amount of inputs.
But besides economic inputs and outputs, human and social inputs and outputs
also arc important.
Systems Approach

A system is an interrelated part of an organization or a society that interacts with

everyone related to that organization or society and functions as a whole. Within
the organization ‘people’ employ ‘technology’ in performing the ‘task’ that they
are responsible for, while the ‘structure’ of the organization serves as a basis for
co-ordinating all their different activities. The systems view emphasizes the
interdependence of each of these elements within the organization, if the
organization as a whole is to function effectively. The other key aspect of the
systems view of organization is its emphasis on the interaction between the
organization and its broader environment,, which consists of social, economic,
cultural and political environment within which they operate.

Organizations arc dependent upon their surrounding environment in two main

ways: First, the organization requires ‘inputs’ from the environment in the form of
raw material, people, money, ideas and so on. The organization itself can be
thought of as performing certain ‘transformation’ processes, on its inputs in order
to create outputs in the form of products or services. Secondly, the organization
depends on environment such as, public to accept its output. The systems view
of organization thus emphasizes on the key interdependencies that organizations
must manage. Within themselves the organizations must trade off the
interdependencies among people, tasks, technology and structure in order to
perform their transformation processes effectively and efficiently. Organizations
must also recognize their interdependence with the broader environments within
which they exist.
Inter-Disciplinary Approach

Organizational behavior is an integration of all other social sciences and

disciplines such as psychology, sociology, organizational theories etc.

They all are interdependent and influence each other. The man is studied as a
whole and therefore, all disciplines concerning man are integrated.

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