Student Guide Unit 4: How Brain's Differ Lesson 1: Anxiety

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Unit 4: How Brain’s Differ

Student Guide Lesson 1: Anxiety

1. What are the objectives of today’s lesson?

● identify the major difference between stress, a normal anxiety response, and anxiety
● list the types of anxiety disorders, symptoms, and general sc ientific understanding
● communicate how to seek help for yourself or another person suffering from anxiety
2. Review the 5 things to know about stress.
● Stress affects everyone
● Not all stress is bad
● long-term stress can harm your health
● There are ways to manage stress
● If you feel overwhelmed by stress, ask for help from a health professional
3. Define anxiety.
● Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical
changes like increased blood pressure

● A normal reactions that everyone experiences from time to time in response to different
kinds of events and situations
- Examples: before a big test, big performance or decision

4. Are stress and anxiety the same?

● No, they are not the same; they are not interchangeable terms
● There is an overlap in two – both are related to fear response
● Stress = external pressures
● Anxiety = worries or fear about things (especially things that we interpret) that could
threaten us
5. Recall the concept of the fight or flight response.
● Anxiety = internal warning system alerts us to danger or other threats and prepares our
bodies to fight back or get out of a dangerous situation
● Fight = you take action

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● Flight = you avoid the situation
6. What is the difference between normal anxiety experiences and an anxiety disorder?
Normal Anxiety Experiences Experiencing an Anxiety Disorder
● Related to a specific situation or ● Occurs unexpectedly
problem ● Anxiety feeling lasts a long time,
● Lasts only as long as the situation or even when situation or problem has
problem resolved
● Is proportional to the situation or ● Anxiety response to situation or
problem problem is much longer than
● Is a realistic response to problem or expected
situation ● unrealistic experience of anxiety –
fear of a situation that likely will
never happen
● Anxiety may feel impossible to
control or manage

7. According to the American Psychological Association, people experiencing anxiety disorders

usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns
avoid certain situations out of worry
May have physical symptoms such as:
- Sweating
- trembling
- Dizziness
- Rapid heartbeat
8. Why do anxiety disorders occur?
● Many variables are possible such as:
- hereditary (genetic)
- external factors (living environment, drugs/alcohol use, life events)
● Scientists believe that anxiety disorders occur when there are changes in the signaling of the
limbic system

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9. Recall the responsibilities of the limbic system and frontal cortex.
● Limbic system circuit believed to handle most of our emotional processing
● The prefrontal cortex is responsible for integrating emotional information into our decision
10. List the types of anxiety disorders?
generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Characterized by chornic anxiety
social Anxiety Disorder
- Anxiety in social situations
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Experiencing severe anxiety after a traumatic event
obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- A person has imagined thoughts that produce feelings of uncomfort by repetitive
behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety
panic disorder
- An anxious feeling of catastrophic fear
- An extreme irrational fear
11. What is the brain-based reason for anxiety?
● Fear and anxiety both play key roles across the anxiety disorder spectrum
● Changes in the amygdala and hippocampus are apparent across all anxiety disorders by
multiple studies
● Majority of studies reporting hyperactive amygdala responses to threat across anxiety
12. What are some important statistics to note about anxiety?
● Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the United States
● Over 40 million adults in the U.S have an anxiety disorder
● Approximately 7% of children aged 3-17 experience issues with anxiety each year
● Most people develop symptoms before age 21
● According to the national alliance on Mental Health, mental health conditions are common
among young teens and young adults

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● 50% of all lifetime mental illnesses develop by age 14 and 75% develop by age 24
13. What are the treatments for anxiety disorders?
● cognitive Behavior Therapy
● medication
● A combination of both
14. List examples of prescription medicine known as Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs)
that prescribed to treat anxiety and depression.
- Prozac
- Celexa
- lexapro
- Zoloft
- Paxil
- Luvox
15. What do SSRI’s do?
● Block neurons from reabsorbing serotonin through the reuptake transporter
● leaves serotonin in the synapse where it can repeatedly stimulate the receiving neuron
● This readjusts the serotonin levels
16. What are SNRIs?
● SNRI = serotonin Norepinephrine reuptake Inhibitors
● SNRI’s are like SSRI’s but instead of only blocking reabsorption of serotonin – SNRI’s block
neurons from reabsorbing both serotonin and norepinephrine
● Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter responsible for alertness and attention
17. What are Benzodiazepines also known as “Benzos”?
● Work differently than SSRI’s and SNRI’s
● Benzodiazepines are needed for an acute crisis such as panic attacks
- fast acting medication
- Have sedative effect and can act as muscle relaxer
- Considered addictive because of the immediate relaxing effect and can be easily
● prescription medicine
- xanax, Valium

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18. What are some tips for teens to use to help reduce anxiety?
● Lean on a social support Group
● Be sure to get solid amounts of:
- exercise
- Proper nutrition
- sleep
● Consider relaxation Techniques
● Prepare for the “big event” in advance
● Set realistic goals
19. What is the summary?
● Anxiety is our internal warning system, alerts us to danger or other threats and prepares out
bodies to fight back or get out of a dangerous situation
● An anxiety disorder is quite different than anxiety that occurs to warn us of a genuine
danger or threatening situation
● People experiencing anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns,
avoid certain situations out of worry, and may experience physical symptoms as a result
● scientists believe that anxiety disorders occur when there are changes in the signaling of the
limbic system
● Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health concern in the U.S
● cognitive behavioral therapy and prescription medications such as SSRI’s, SNRI’s and
Benzodiazepines and a combination of both therapy and medication are the most common
● Mental health services and support are available and the earlier a person accesses them, the
better the result

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