Conifolds and Tunneling in The String Landscape: A A A A, B, C A A

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Conifolds and Tunneling in the String Landscape

arXiv:1011.6588v1 [hep-th] 30 Nov 2010

Pontus Ahlqvista , Brian R. Greenea , David Kagana , Eugene A. Lima,b,c ,

Saswat Sarangia , and I-Sheng Yanga
Institute of Strings, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Department of Physics
Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, USA

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Cambridge University, Wilberforce Road, CB3 0WA, United Kingdom

Université de Fondwa, UNIF2004, Tom-Gato, Haiti

Abstract: We investigate flux vacua on a variety of one-parameter Calabi-Yau compact-

ifications, and find many examples that are connected through continuous monodromy
transformations. For these, we undertake a detailed analysis of the tunneling dynamics
and find that tunneling trajectories typically graze the conifold point—particular 3-cycles
are forced to contract during such vacuum transitions. Physically, these transitions arise
from the competing effects of minimizing the energy for brane nucleation (facilitating a
change in flux), versus the energy cost associated with dynamical changes in the periods
of certain Calabi-Yau 3-cycles. We find that tunneling only occurs when warping due to
back-reaction from the flux through the shrinking cycle is properly taken into account.

Keywords: String landscape, flux vacua, tunneling.


1. Introduction 2

2. One-Parameter Calabi-Yaus and Flux Compactification 3

2.1 The Meijer basis of periods 5
2.2 Flux compactification 5
2.3 The effect of monodromies 7

3. Finding Vacua 8
3.1 Minimizing the axio-dilaton 8
3.2 Flux vacuum distributions 9
3.3 Vacuum statistics techniques and vacuum hunting 10
3.4 Non-SUSY vacua 13
3.5 SUSY vacua and SUSY chains 15

4. Vacuum Transitions 17
4.1 A nontrivial generalization 17
4.2 Intuitions for multifield tunneling 21

5. Numerical Conifunneling 22
5.1 Equations of motion and set-up 23
5.2 Relaxation in the bulk 26
5.3 Results from relaxation in the vicinity of the conifold point 27

6. The Physics of Conifunneling 29

6.1 Geometric interpretation 30
6.2 The shortest path 33
6.3 The BPS Path 35

7. Discussion 36

A. Properties of One-Parameter Models 37

A.1 Finding monodromies and the symplectic basis 38
A.2 Summary of models, their monodromies and intersection forms 42

B. A Brief Overview of Dimensional Reduction for Flux Compactifications 43

B.1 Conformal Calabi-Yau metric and the 4D Einstein frame 43
B.2 Corrections to the universal Kahler modulus 45

C. Numerical Computation of the Flux Potential 45

D. A Toy Model for Two-Field Tunneling 47
D.1 General Formalism for Relaxation Method 47
D.2 Application to a Two Fields Model 48

E. Warping and the Conifold 51

E.1 Geometry of the singular conifold 51
E.2 Branes and fluxes on the singular conifold 53
E.3 10D warped geometry and the warp factor 55
E.4 The functional form of warping corrections to the Kahler metric 56

F. Near-conifold Potential and Numerical Data 57

F.1 The Kahler potential and its derivatives 57
F.2 The superpotential and its derivatives 58
F.3 The flux potential near the conifold 59
F.4 Mirror quintic near-conifold numerical data 59

1. Introduction

For some time, the landscape of vacua has been a dominant theme in string theory re-
search. Yet, explicit and detailed investigations of this multidimensional terrain remain
mathematically challenging. Even so, broad-brush outlines of a landscape-based cosmo-
logical scenario have been put forward [1–3]. By melding eternal inflation with the string
landscape, a multiverse consisting of bubble universes is generated, each bubble realizing
one or another of the locally-stable minima in the string landscape. Going beyond this
broad-brush picture requires analytic control of many details, including the topography of
the string landscape (the location and nature of the locally-stable minima) and the pro-
cess of bubble nucleation (Coleman-DeLuccia tunneling in the string landscape). With our
current level of understanding, and with the mathematical tools we’ve so far developed,
gaining such control over the entire landscape is well beyond reach. An alternative strat-
egy, then, is to glean insights from a thorough study of portions of the landscape that
are sufficiently restricted to be mathematically tractable while sufficiently representative
to reveal general physical properties. In this paper, we take a modest step in this direction
through the study of flux compactifications on explicit Calabi-Yau manifolds.
Specifically, we focus on flux compactifications of type IIB string theory which, as is
well known, generate flux potentials that exhibit a huge landscape of lower-dimensional
vacua [2]. In the context of eternal inflation, we make the standard assumption that tun-
neling transitions are the dominant processes that nucleate bubbles of different vacua, but
recognize that it is essential to understand the details of their dynamics. The study of such
cosmological tunneling process predates the string theory landscape, of course. In recent
years, though, researchers have realized that string theory leads to novel effects in this
context [4–6]. Most manifest is the fact that, typically, string compactifications introduce

hundreds of degrees of freedom: the moduli that describe the fluctuating geometry of the
manifold on which the theory is compactified. Based on recent studies [7–9], extra degrees
of freedom are expected to play an important role in explicit models of vacuum.
An important early work focusing on the “topography” of the Calabi-Yau string land-
scape [10] established that vacua corresponding to different flux configurations can be
smoothly connected via a multi-sheet potential. This work focused primarily on the vac-
uum structure of the mirror quintic compactification [11], and was developed further by [12]
in which the authors estimated tunneling rates between mirror quintic vacua endowed with
different fluxes. These works provide an important backdrop to the current paper. The
mirror quintic is but one of a number of one-parameter Calabi-Yau compactifications, so
a natural question—taken up in the first sections of this paper—is the degree to which
the observations of [10] extend to the full class of such mathematically tractable examples.
We will find that, for the most part, they do. Next, the tunneling trajectories in [12] were
estimated based on qualitative features evident in the relevant flux potentials, so a natural
question—taken up on the later sections of the paper—is the degree to which these esti-
mates are borne out by explicit calculation. We will find that they aren’t; the estimated
tunneling paths [12] turn out not to capture the key dynamical features of stringy tunneling
In this paper, we carefully address both of these issues numerically and analytically.
We find that tunneling solutions exhibit a form that we call “conifunneling”: they are
driven into the vicinity of the conifold point, and the geometry of the Calabi-Yau becomes
almost singular and strongly warped. Similar to existing examples of multi-field tunneling,
the additional fields play a crucial role and can take extreme values during transitions. This
provides a detailed new picture of string landscape tunneling, as the extreme situations are
often under better analytical control. For example, we are able give an analytical upper
bound on how distant vacua can be and still be connected by a conifunneling transition.
This paper is structured as follows. In section 2 we describe flux compactifications for
one-parameter Calabi-Yau manifolds. These manifolds have been classified and form a set
of fourteen models, which are organized in four distinct families. In section 3 we apply the
techniques of [10, 12] to a cross-section of these 14 models to investigate similarities and
differences in the vacuum structure of their flux potentials. We tabulate some of the non-
supersymmetric and supersymmetric vacua found in these models, while also developing a
new procedure to rapidly locate minima of the flux potential. Section 4 describes methods
for investigating multi-field vacuum transitions while section 5 applies numerical techniques
to the specific problem of multi-field tunneling in a stringy flux landscape. The result is the
conifunneling phenomena described above. In section 6 we provide analytical arguments
and other supporting evidence for conifunneling as a general effect of transitions in the
vicinity of special points in a string-like potential landscape.

2. One-Parameter Calabi-Yaus and Flux Compactification

Given a compact Calabi-Yau manifold M, one can describe its moduli space of complex

structures in terms of the periods of the holomorphic 3-form. The period integrals are
ΠI = Ω= CI ∧ Ω, (2.1)

where Ω is the holomorphic 3-form and CI describes a basis of H3 (M). The index I runs
from 0 to 2h1,2 + 1. The intersection matrix Q is given by
QIJ = CI ∧ CJ . (2.2)

The explicit form of Q depends on the choice of the basis CI . However it is always possible
to choose a basis where Q has the following symplectic form
 
 1 
 
 · 
 
Q= . (2.3)
 · 
 
 −1 

We refer to this as the symplectic basis of periods. The intersection matrix is invariant
under symplectic transformations. It is convenient to represent the periods using a vector
 
ΠN (z)
 ΠN −1 (z) 
 
 · 
 
Π(z) =   (2.4)
 · 
 
 · 
Π0 (z)

where N ≡ 2h1,2 + 1 and z is an h1,2 dimensional complex coordinate on the moduli space.
In this paper, we deal with Calabi-Yau manifolds with one complex modulus, h1,2 = 1, so
z is a complex number. We use the symplectic basis above to generate the flux potentials
for the various models.
In general, the periods are subject to monodromies. Going around non-trivial loops
in the moduli space changes the periods. This change is given in terms of the monodromy
matrices T

Π → T · Π. (2.5)

The monodromy matrices preserve the intersection matrix and are thus elements of Sp(N, Z).
The Calabi-Yaus we consider have three mondromy matrices for each of the three special
points in the moduli space, the large complex structure point (LCS) at z = 0, the conifold
point at z = 1, and the Landau-Ginzburg point at z = ∞.
The periods behave in characteristic ways around the special points. Near z = 0,
Π0 ∼ 1, while the other periods go as Πi ∼ (log z)i with possible subleading log terms. Near

the conifold point, the cycle whose period is Π3 collapses (absent effects from warping due to
fluxes or branes) while the dual cycle with period Π0 is only defined up to a monodromy.
The other two periods approach constant values near the conifold point. The behavior
around the Landau-Ginzburg point depends on the type of Calabi-Yau—in particular, the
14 one-parameter models break up into four families. The first set of models have regular
behavior around the Landau-Ginzburg point for an appropriately chosen complex structure
coordinate ψ. The remaining families involve some combination of periods developing
logarithmic behavior.

2.1 The Meijer basis of periods

The periods of a given Calabi-Yau are solutions to a set of differential equations called
the Picard-Fuchs equations. For one-parameter models, the equations reduce to a single
ordinary differential equation, whose natural basis of solutions are conveniently expressed
in terms of Meijer G-functions [13]. The Meijer basis of periods, Uj (z), j = 0, 1, 2, 3, proves
to be convenient for computing the monodromies around the special points in the moduli
space. In general, Meijer G-functions are solutions to ODEs of the form
 
Yq Yp
δ (δ + βi − 1) − z (δ + αj ) u(z) = 0, (2.6)
i=1 j=1

where δ = z d/dz. The class of Calabi-Yaus that we consider in this paper have βi = 0.
These are referred to as ‘the generic family of compact one-parameter models’ in [13]. The
periods satisfy the following Picard-Fuchs equation
δ − z (δ + α1 )(δ + α2 )(δ + α3 )(δ + α4 ) u(z) = 0, (2.7)
where αr are rational numbers. The monodromy matrices computed in appendix A describe
the effect on the Meijer periods upon going around the special points in the moduli space.
If T is a monodromy expressed in the Meijer basis, the monodromies in the symplectic basis
are given by LT L−1 , where L transforms from the Meijer to symplectic basis of periods,
Π = LU .
We use the Meijer functions Uj (z) to construct the symplectic basis Π(z) for various
Calabi-Yaus (i.e. for different choices of αi ). From the periods and a choice of fluxes we
calculate the N = 1 scalar potential for the complex structure modulus z. One needs some
numerical aid to do a reasonably speedy calculation of the Meijer periods. To facilitate the
computations in this paper, we used Mathematica to generate discretized Meijer functions
on square lattices on the complex plane with a spacing of 0.05 for each of the models
we investigated. Appendix C details precisely how the numerical Meijer functions are
computed and outlines the procedure for computing the Kahler potential, superpotential,
and flux potential built from these periods. Figure 2.1 shows a portion of one of the Meijer
functions for model 8 in appendix A.2.

2.2 Flux compactification

Flux compactifications of type IIB string theory on orientifolded Calabi-Yau manifolds
were studied in [14]. Wrapped 3-form fluxes can stabilize the complex structure moduli

Im@zD 1.0



Re@zD 1.0

Figure 1: The Meijer function MeijerG[{{3/4,1/2,1/2,1/4},{}},{{0,0,0},{0}},-z] in Math-

ematica’s notation for these functions.

and axio-dilaton by inducing a flux potential that may possesses both supersymmetric
and non-supersymmetric minima (or perhaps neither). Non-perturbative and perturbative
corrections to the tree level flux potential can stabilize Kahler moduli [15, 16]. At tree
level, the flux potentials do not fix the overall volume of the Calabi-Yau and are thus
referred to as “no-scale” models. We focus on the no-scale GKP compactifications for any
given Calabi-Yau and thus, are only concerned with the dynamics of the axio-dilaton and
complex structure moduli.
Wrapping fluxes around the different 3-cycles of an orientifold of Calabi-Yau M induces
the Gukov-Vafa-Witten potential:

W = Ω ∧ F(3) − τ H(3) = F · Π − τ H · Π ≡ A + Bτ, (2.8)

where the axio-dilaton τ = C(0) + ie−φ , and F and H are the Ramond-Ramond (R-R)
and Neveu-Schwarz Neveu-Schwarz (NS-NS) flux vectors, respectively. Since we are only
considering the cases with h1,2 = 1, the flux vectors F and H have 2h1,2 + 2 = 4 entries
whose values give the strength of the fluxes piercing the relevant dual cycle; F0 for example
represents the flux threading the cycle whose period is Π3 .
The Kahler potential is given by

K = − log (−i(τ − τ̄ )) + Kcs (z, z̄) − 3 log (−i(ρ − ρ̄)) , (2.9)

where ρ = ρR +iρI is the volume modulus (also referred to as the universal Kahler modulus).
The volume of the Calabi-Yau goes like VCY ∼ ρI . We will assume that some mechanism
stabilizes this at a large value.

The Kahler potential for the complex structure depends on the periods of the 3-cycles
Π and the intersection matrix Q
Kcs = − log i Ω ∧ Ω = − log iΠ† Q−1 Π (2.10)

and has to be calculated individually for each Calabi-Yau.

Note that the above expressions are valid when the effects of warping are essentially
constant over the manifold. This assumption will suffice for constructing flux potentials
and searching for minima. However, the effects of warping will need to be considered when
we discuss tunneling between minima. A brief overview of dimensional reduction of type
IIB supergravity on a warped Calabi-Yau is provided in appendix B.
The scalar potential for the complex structure moduli is given by the N = 1 super-
gravity formula

V (z, τ ) = eK K z z̄ Dz W Dz̄ W + K τ τ̄ Dτ W Dτ̄ W + K ρρ̄ Dρ W Dρ̄ W − 3|W |2 , (2.11)

where Kij̄ = ∂i ∂j̄ K are the components of the Kahler metric. In no-scale models the last
two terms in Eq.(2.11) cancel as is easily checked using the Kahler potential (2.9). The
result is a flux potential given by

V (z, τ ) = eK K z z̄ Dz W Dz̄ W + K τ τ̄ Dτ W Dτ̄ W . (2.12)

The cancellation that yields the no-scale potential (2.12) means that Dρ W ∼ W . A
supersymmetric vacuum should satisfy Dz W = Dτ W = 0 and W = 0. However, we shall
refer to vacua that satisfy the first two conditions as supersymmetric, regardless of whether
the superpotential vanishes.
The number of D3 branes ND3 , the number of orientifold planes NO3 and the fluxes
are related by the tadpole cancellation condition
ND3 − NO3 + F(3) ∧ H(3) = 0, (2.13)
4 M

which can be rewritten as a condition on the flux vectors:

F ·Q·H = NO3 − ND3 . (2.14)
2.3 The effect of monodromies
The potential V (z) is defined in terms of the periods, and so monodromy transformations
will in general change the potential:

W = (F − τ H) · Π → (F − τ H) · TΠ · Π. (2.15)

This suggests that another way to account for the monodromies is to keep the periods fixed
and to change the fluxes:

F → F · TΠ ,
H → H · TΠ . (2.16)

Hence instead of going to a different sheet of the complex plane through the branch cut
originating from the special point (z = 0, 1, ∞), one could just stay on the original sheet
and change the fluxes according to (2.16). The crucial point is that the new set of vacua
thus obtained by changing the fluxes are still continuously connected to the original set
of vacua due to the monodromies. This is how the authors of [10] generated multiple
connected flux vacua for the mirror quintic.

3. Finding Vacua

Compact one-parameter models were classified in [17]. The mirror quintic (model 1 in
appendix A.2 below) is the most familiar of these 14 models. The periods of these Calabi-
Yaus are solutions to a Picard-Fuchs equation specified by a set of four rational numbers αr
with r = 1, 2, 3, 4 (the mirror quintic corresponds to the case where αr = r/5). We provide
a table summarizing the various parameters that characterize all 14 models in appendix
Following [13], we organize the examples as follows:

• Case 1: all αr ’s different

(α1 6= α2 6= α3 6= α4 ; Models 1 – 7).

• Case 2: two of the αr ’s equal to each other

(α1 6= α2 , α1 6= α4 , α2 6= α4 , α2 = α3 ; Models 8 – 10).

• Case 3: two equal pairs

(α1 6= α3 , α1 = α2 , α3 = α4 ; Models 11 – 13).

• Case 4: All the αr ’s equal

(α1 = α2 = α3 = α4 ; Model 14).

In this section we extend the analyses of [10] to new examples from each of these cases.
Finding vacua by hand is not an easy task. Away from special points in the moduli space,
one essentially must resort to trial-and-error methods [10]. Fortunately, we find that there
are useful tricks for finding analog vacua across the different compactifications, particularly
for vacua that lie within the unit disk in the z-plane. Furthermore, we adapt techniques
used to count vacua in the vicinity of special points in the moduli space [18] to generate
a potentially huge new number of vacua—many of which need not be near the original
special point. This allows for a more thorough exploration of flux potential topography.

3.1 Minimizing the axio-dilaton

The potential given in Eq.(2.12) depends on both the complex structure z and the axio-
dilaton τ . We would like to express the potential entirely in terms of z. To this end we
minimize the potential with respect to τ , i.e. impose the condition ∂τ V (z, τ ) = 0. This
minimization leads to the following quadratic equation for the axio-dilaton

α + β τ̄ + γ τ̄ 2 = 0 (3.1)

where α, β and γ are real valued functions of the fluxes and z.

α = |A|2 + K z z̄ Dz ADz̄ Ā,

β = ĀB + AB̄ + K z z̄ Dz ADz̄ B̄ + K z̄z Dz̄ ĀDz B,
γ = |B|2 + K z z̄ Dz BDz̄ B̄. (3.2)

The quadratic equation can be solved to express τ in terms of the fluxes and z
β β2 α
τ (z) = − + 2
− . (3.3)
2γ 4γ γ

The term under the square root is negative semidefinite. Since the string coupling is always
positive we have kept the plus sign in front of the square root.
The scalar potential can then be expressed as

V (z) ≡ V (z, τ (z)) = α + τ (z)β1 + τ (z)β2 + τ (z)τ (z)γ , (3.4)
τ − τ̄

β1 = AB̄ + K z z̄ Dz̄ ĀDz B,

β2 = ĀB + K z̄z Dz ADz̄ B̄. (3.5)

Given the potential in this form, the minima we find in z will automatically minimize in τ
as well. This procedure is fine when searching for minima, but will have to be reconsidered
when we turn to studying tunneling transitions between vacua.

3.2 Flux vacuum distributions

In general, choosing fluxes such that the resulting potential exhibits at least one minimum
is a trial-and-error process. However, many vacua can be found by adapting the vacuum
counting methods of [18, 19]. In principle, the following prescription can be performed for
any special point in the moduli space where one has analytic expressions for the Calabi-Yau
periods. For concreteness, we focus on generating vacua near the conifold point z = 1.
Near the conifold the periods can be expanded to linear order

Π3 ≈ ξ,
Π2 ≈ c0 + c1 ξ,
Π1 ≈ b0 + b1 ξ,
Π0 ≈ log(−iξ) + a0 + a1 ξ, (3.6)
where ξ = d1 (z − 1). The coefficients for any given model can be found by fitting the
functions above to the numerically computed periods in the vicinity of the conifold point
on a grid that goes from Re(z) ∈ [0.9, 1.1] and Im(z) ∈ [−0.1, 0.1] (see the end of appendix
F for the coefficients relevant to the mirror quintic model).

The Kahler potential can be expressed as

K ≈ − log µ0 + µ1 ξ + µ1 ξ̄ + µ2 |ξ|2 log |ξ|2 + µ3 |ξ|2 + · · · , (3.7)

where · · · indicates higher order terms in ξ. The coefficients are given by

µ0 = ib0 c̄0 − ib̄0 c0 ,

µ1 = ib1 c̄0 − ib¯0 c1 + iā0 ,
µ2 = ,

µ3 = ib1 c̄1 − ib̄1 c1 − ia1 + iā1 . (3.8)

We can now impose the conditions Dξ W = 0 and Dτ W = 0 and solve for log(−iξ) and
τ to leading order. The result is

F · Π† F1 c̄0 + F2 b̄0 + F3 ā0

τ= †
≈ ,
H ·Π H1 c̄0 + H2 b̄0 + H3 ā0
(log(−iξ) + 1) ≈
2πi !
(F2 − τ H2 )(c1 − c0 µµ10 ) + (F1 − τ H1 )(b1 − b0 µµ10 ) − (F0 − τ H0 )
a0 µµ01 −a1 − .
F3 − τ H3

Given the above we can randomly choose flux vectors F and H and assemble a list of
potential vacua. We drop candidate vacua whose ξ is too far away from the conifold or
whose Im(τ ) too small (i.e. when the string coupling is large). By letting all entries of
the flux vectors range freely between flux values from −50 to 50 or so, and imposing the
tadpole condition, we are able to reproduce the sorts of scatter plots of near conifold flux
vacua found in [18]. These generally show that the flux vacua become increasingly dense
as one nears the conifold point as predicted in [20].
In addition to recreating these older results, we find that the distribution of flux vacua
around the conifold exhibits interesting structure when considered as a function of the value
of the various fluxes. We see in figures 2 and 3 that the distribution of vacua is insensitive to
the details of some of the fluxes (F0 and F2 ), while taken as functions of other fluxes we find
non-trivial behavior. For example, the distribution of vacua drops off as |F3 | grows, and
does so even more severely for H1 and H3 . The distributions exhibit bimodal behavior that
then decays for F1 , H0 , and H2 . Understanding why these relationships exist is certainly
worthy of further investigation.

3.3 Vacuum statistics techniques and vacuum hunting

For topographical explorations we can restrict to flux vectors of a certain form to investigate
the connectivity of specific kinds of flux vacua. After generating a list of candidate vacua
whose fluxes and locations satisfy all of the conditions of interest, we plug the flux vectors
back into the numerical routines that generate the flux potential from the numerical period

– 10 –
Vacuum Fraction Vacuum Fraction

0.008 0.015


F0 F1
-40 -20 20 40 -40 -20 20 40

(a) (b)
Vacuum Fraction Vacuum Fraction



0.006 0.010


F2 F3
-40 -20 20 40 -40 -20 20 40

(c) (d)

Figure 2: Distributions of flux vacua generated in 108 runs with all fluxes in the interval [−50, 50].
(a) The distribution sorted by F0 appears uniform. (b) The distribution sorted by F1 is bimodal
and decays. (c) Sorting by F2 appears also to yield a uniform distribution. (d) F3 peaks around
zero and decays.

functions. So long as the vacua generated via the Monte Carlo method above are not too
close to the conifold (where the numerics are inaccurate), we will find corresponding flux
vacua in the numerically generated flux potential. If we fail to find the vacuum we are
looking for there are three possibilities:

• Since the vacuum positions receive corrections it is possible that when we plug the
flux vectors back into the numerics, the vacuum position is corrected to be too close
to the conifold.

• It’s possible that the vacuum, after receiving corrections is too far from the conifold
point thus doesn’t actually exist. This is possible since for some distances, order ξ
terms can compete with order log ξ terms.

• Oftentimes, the candidate vacua generated above will exist in the numerical potential
but are found at flux vectors that differ by conifold monodromies. This is due to the
fact that the log function is not single-valued.

– 11 –
Vacuum Fraction Vacuum Fraction

0.012 0.08


0.006 0.04


H0 H1
-40 -20 20 40 -40 -20 20 40

(a) (b)
Vacuum Fraction Vacuum Fraction
0.014 0.07
0.012 0.06
0.010 0.05
0.008 0.04
0.006 0.03

0.004 0.02

0.002 0.01

H2 H3
-40 -20 20 40 -40 -20 20 40

(c) (d)

Figure 3: Distributions of flux vacua generated in 108 runs with all fluxes in the interval [−50, 50].
The distributions in (a) and (c) are sorted by H0 and H2 , respectively. They are both bimodal and
decay. Distributions (b) and (d) exhibit sharp peaks around H1 = 0 and H3 = 0, respectively with
rapid decays.

An observation related to the last point is that in many cases, flux vacua near the
conifold are connected via conifold monodromies to other flux vacua that need not be near
the conifold. Thus, the above method often allows one to identify chains of SUSY flux
vacua with several members far away from the conifold point.
In addition to the Monte Carlo method above, we have located some vacua via trial-
and-error choices of flux vectors. Once again, given a set of fluxes that produce a potential
with a minimum, monodromies can be used to search for connected vacua. We have found
that this tends to produce chains of vacua which we exhibit below.
By comparing flux vacua for the different models, we find that given a set of values
for F and H fluxes that produce a potential with a minimum within |z| < 1 in one model,
tend to produce potentials with similar minima in the other one-parameter models. We
exhibit series of such analog vacua in each of the models. It’s not hard to understand why
this is so: the potentials are all dependent on the form of the Meijer functions used to
compute the periods, and these functions do not differ drastically from model to model.
In particular, the asymptotics near the LCS point are quasi-universal, taking the following

– 12 –
general form

Π3 ∼ α3 t3 + γ3 t + iδ3 ,
Π2 ∼ β2 t2 + γ2 t + δ2 ,
Π1 ∼ t,
Π0 ∼ 1, (3.9)

where t ∼ log z and the coefficients are all rational except δ3 ∼ ζ(3). All of the coefficients
and the precise behavior of t conspire to ensure that the monodromy around z = 0 in the
Meijer basis is the same for all models (see appendix A). On the other hand, the minima
that fall outside the unit circle |z| > 1 do not appear to have analogs from model to
model—or if they do, the analogs are less predictable and involve altering the fluxes. This
is likely due to the fact that away from the LCS point, the models’ periods exhibit more
unique behaviors, which is most easily seen by observing that the monodromies around the
Landau-Ginzburg point are unique to any given model.
To simplify our search for vacua, both using trial-and-error and Monte Carlo methods,
we use the SL(2, Z) symmetry of type IIB string theory to generally work with H fluxes
such that H3 = 0. This choice ensures that the action of a conifold monodromy only
alters the F fluxes. Another useful trick involves exploiting the properties of the potential
and string coupling under scaling of the flux vectors. When F → λF and H → ρH, the
potential goes like V → λρV , while the string coupling goes as gs → (ρ/λ)gs . Thus, if
while searching for flux vacua one encounters a candidate, but finds that it lies outside the
bounds of validity due to gs being too large, one can generate a potential of equivalent
shape, but with a suitably small gs by rescaling the fluxes. Note that this potential will
not generically be connected to the original potential through monodromies; for example,
one couldn’t ever connect two such potentials through monodromies around the conifold
point. It is unclear what this means: however, it is a useful shortcut for generating many
examples of flux vacua.

3.4 Non-SUSY vacua

We have tabulated several series of non-SUSY vacua for the various models. Vacua within
the unit disk |z| < 1 tend to have pretty clear analogs across the different models. Outside
this region, but not too far from it vacua have more sporadic analogs. These involve
tweaking the flux vectors in ways other than simple conifold monodromies.

Model Series Vacuum Flux Vectors z Vmin gs Monodromy

1 1 i F = (2, 9, −4, 1); −0.286 − 0.485i 8.664 0.144
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
ii F = (1, 9, −4, 1); −0.358 − 0.066i 8.452 0.159 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
iii F = (0, 9, −4, 1); −0.020 + 0.225i 8.236 0.177 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)

– 13 –
Model Series Vacuum Flux Vectors z Vmin gs Monodromy
2 i F = (4, −4, −1, 2); 0.751 − 2.322i 3.042 0.215
H = (1, 1, 6, 0)
ii F = (2, −4, −1, 2); −2.442 + 1.865i 2.849 0.218 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 6, 0)
iii F = (0, −4, −1, 2); −0.163 + 0.598i 2.778 0.207 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 6, 0)

2 1 i F = (2, 9, −4, 1); −0.184 − 0.418i 8.738 0.199

H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
ii F = (1, 9, −4, 1); −0.196 − 0.063i 8.499 0.218 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
iii F = (0, 9, 23, 32); 0.049 + 0.053i 8.252 0.248 T [0]−1 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 1, −1, 3)

2 i F = (4, −4, −1, 2); −3.199 − 3.622i 2.510 0.198

H = (1, 1, 5, 0)
ii F = (2, −4, −1, 2); −2.148 + 2.032i 2.377 0.203 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 5, 0)
iii F = (0, −4, −1, 2); −0.490 + 0.484i 2.349 0.201 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 5, 0)

8 1 i F = (2, 9, −4, 1); −0.139 − 0.772i 8.689 0.106

H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
ii F = (1, 9, −4, 1); −0.617 − 0.239i 8.502 0.117 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
iii F = (0, 9, −4, 1); −0.444 + 0.329i 8.308 0.131 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
iv F = (−1, 9, −4, 1); 0.078 + 0.461i 8.126 0.148 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)

2 i F = (4, −4, −1, 2); 0.925 − 1.892i 3.606 0.237

H = (1, 1, 7, 0)
ii F = (2, −4, −1, 2); −2.9 + 1.25i 3.354 0.237 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 7, 0)
iii F = (0, −4, −1, 2); −0.047 + 0.673i 3.412 0.209 T [1]−1
H = (1, 1, 7, 0)

– 14 –
Model Series Vacuum Flux Vectors z Vmin gs Monodromy
12 1 i F = (3, 9, −4, 1); −0.284 − 0.443i 8.838 0.174
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
ii F = (2, 9, −4, 1); −0.350 − 0.018i 8.606 0.190 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
iii F = (1, 9, −4, 1); −0.117 + 0.169i 8.373 0.209 T [1]−1
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0)
Table 1: Non-supersymmetric flux vacua.

3.5 SUSY vacua and SUSY chains

Some of the SUSY vacua for the mirror quintic found in [10] exhibited an interesting chained
structure: given a SUSY vacuum, winding around the conifold point would usually take
you to another one. Eventually, the vacua cease to be supersymmetric and have V 6= 0.
These vacua, uncovered in [10], are arrayed in quasi-circular chains around the LCS point.
In table 2 below we exhibit analog SUSY vacua in models 1, 8, 12, and 14. These vacua
are plotted on the z-plane in figure 4.
On examining these chains of vacua, one can see an approximate conjugation symme-
try; if there is a vacuum at some complex z there is usually a partner near to z̄. This is
also apparent in the example found in [10].

NS-NS Flux Model 1 Model 8 Model 12 Model 14

(-1,-6,-9,-1) 0.147+0.061 i – 0.0622 + 0.060 i –
(0,-6,-9,-1) -0.129+0.175 i 0.182 + 0.431 i -0.127 + 0.030 i –
(1,-6,-9,-1) -0.180-0.288 i -0.555 - 0.240 i -0.045 - 0.193 i –
(2,-6,-9,-1) 0.229-0.363 i 0.004 - 0.688 i 0.180 - 0.176 i -1.321 + 0.988 i
(3,-6,-9,-1) 0.463-0.124 i 0.508 - 0.528 i 0.273 - 0.000 i -1.007 - 1.036 i
(4,-6,-9,-1) 0.446+0.165 i 0.727 - 0.210 i 0.180 + 0.175 i 0.054 - 1.321 i
(5,-6,-9,-1) 0.174+0.380 i 0.758 + 0.081 i -0.044 + 0.196 i 0.691 - 1.027 i
(6,-6,-9,-1) -0.225+0.233 i 0.633 + 0.393 i -0.103 - 0.041 i 0.982 - 0.639 i
(7,-6,-9,-1) -0.038-0.194 i 0.256 + 0.663 i 0.071 - 0.029 i 1.071 - 0.308 i
(8,-6,-9,-1) 0.155-0.031 i -0.361 + 0.537 i – 1.056 + 0.045 i
(9,-6,-9,-1) – -0.427 - 0.316 i – 1.074 + 0.231 i
(10,-6,-9,-1) – – – 1.023 + 0.536 i
(11,-6,-9,-1) – – – 0.805 + 0.913 i
(12,-6,-9,-1) – – – 0.280 + 1.265 i
(13,-6,-9,-1) – – – -0.675 + 1.231 i
(14,-6,-9,-1) – – – 1.569 - 0.174 i
Table 2: Chains of supersymmetric vacua connected via conifold monodromies. The complex
numbers in the table are the locations of the vacua in the z-plane. Note that all vacua have
H = (−1, 0, −7, 0).

Looking at the table, one sees that model 14 appears to be a bit of an outlier. It
exhibits the same patterns as the other models, but all of its vacua lie outside the unit

– 15 –
æ æ


æ 0.4

æ æ


æ æ
0.0 à
0.0 à

æ æ
-0.2 æ -0.4


æ æ
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6

(a) (b)
æ æ æ



0.0 à
0.0 æ
æ æ



æ æ

æ æ
-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0

(c) (d)

Figure 4: The supersymmetric chains with H = (−1, 0, −7, 0) for four models. The circular dots
are the locations of the vacua in the z-plane. The square dot indicates the LCS point z = 0. In
each panel the initial dot is circled. Panel (a) is the chain for the mirror quintic starting with
F = (−1, −6, −9, −1). Panel (b) is the chain for model 8 with initial F = (0, −6, −9, −1). Panel
(c) is the chain for model 12 with initial F = (−1, −6, −9, −1). Panel (d) is the chain for model 14
with initial F = (2, −6, −9, −1).

circle in the z-plane. Model 14 turns out to be a rather special case. On comparing
the asymptotic expansions around the LCS and Landau-Ginzburg points in this model,
one finds that the periods around either point are related by a rescaling of z −1/2 and a
basis change [21]. This suggests that the model may have an analog of T-duality which

– 16 –
exchanges z and 1/z. One can actually think of two equivalent models in which either z or
1/z is taken as the natural coordinate around the LCS point. Just as with T-duality, one
imagines these to be glued along the unit circle, so that when |z| becomes too large, the
proper description shifts to the model in terms of 1/z. Such a construction would eliminate
the vacua for model 14 listed in table 2 and depicted in figure 4. However, this is mostly
speculative and we will not delve into this issue further in this paper.
Our Monte Carlo search for vacua also turned up a new type of SUSY vacuum chain,
exhibited in table 3 and figure 5. These appear to arc away from z = 0 in ever larger jumps
from the conifold point as one performs inverse conifold monodromies. There appear to
be accumulations of vacua approaching z = 0, but since the numerical methods only give
us access to a finite grid with finite resolution on the moduli space, we cannot tell if the
vacua that lie outside the unit circle extend forever, and we cannot resolve whether vacua
continue to accumulate near z = 0 indefinitely.

4. Vacuum Transitions

Having found several examples of supersymmetric and non-supersymmetric vacua, we now

turn our attention to vacuum transitions. Although different vacua have different flux
configurations, monodromies can connect certain vacua in a single continuous potential
with multiple sheets as exemplified in tables 3.4 and 2 above. As pointed out in [7–9],
tunneling with multiple fields can be quite subtle—we should not expect to easily guess
a path connecting two vacua in the potential and then construct the Coleman-deLuccia
(CDL) instanton [22]. Thus, before we look for the actual string theory instantons, here
we give a general overview concerning multifield tunneling.

4.1 A nontrivial generalization

Consider a potential V (φ) with false vacuum φ(1) and true vacuum φ(2) . In field theory,
the tunneling transition is given by an instanton—a field configuration whose Euclidean
action Z  
4 (∂φ)
SE = dx +V (4.1)
is a saddle point with exactly one negative mode. It was proved to be an O(4) symmetric,
Euclidean solution of the following equation of motion with given boundary conditions:

d2 φ 3 dφ dV
+ = , φ̇(0) = 0, φ(∞) → φ(1) , (4.2)
dr 2 r dr dφ

where φ(0) is somewhat close to φ(2) . Including gravity, the solution is similarly a topo-
logical 4-sphere with O(4) symmetry:

d2 φ 3 da dφ dV
+ = ,
dr a(r) dr dr dφ
1 dφ 2 3 da 2
+V = 2 . (4.3)
2 dr a dr

– 17 –
NS-NS Flux Model 1 Model 8 Model 12
(3, -18, 9, -1) −0.001 − 0.071 i – –
(4, -18, 9, -1) 0.011 − 0.083 i – –
(5, -18, 9, -1) 0.024 − 0.093 i – –
(6, -18, 9, -1) 0.067 − 0.134 i – –
(7, -18, 9, -1) 0.111 − 0.156 i 0.137 − 0.315 i 0.0673958 − 0.0806928 i
(8, -18, 9, -1) 0.165 − 0.179 i 0.192 − 0.361 i 0.10864 − 0.090557 i
(9, -18, 9, -1) 0.227 − 0.195 i 0.254 − 0.406 i 0.150319 − 0.0941855 i
(10, -18, 9, -1) 0.298 − 0.204 i 0.323 − 0.450 i 0.194668 − 0.091672 i
(11, -18, 9, -1) 0.375 − 0.206 i 0.398 − 0.493 i 0.23935 − 0.0830528 i
(12, -18, 9, -1) 0.459 − 0.200 i 0.477 − 0.534 i 0.293778 − 0.0684983 i
(13, -18, 9, -1) 0.546 − 0.185 i 0.560 − 0.574 i 0.347221 − 0.0483759 i
(14, -18, 9, -1) 0.635 − 0.162 i 0.646 − 0.616 i 0.401897 − 0.0209002 i
(15, -18, 9, -1) 0.724 − 0.131 i 0.734 − 0.660 i 0.4568 + 0.0119374 i
(16, -18, 9, -1) 0.810 − 0.093 i 0.827 − 0.712 i 0.510894 + 0.0506745 i
(17, -18, 9, -1) 0.889 − 0.050 i 0.925 − 0.774 i 0.563092 + 0.0949499 i
(18, -18, 9, -1) 0.957 − 0.005 i 1.033 − 0.851 i 0.612196 + 0.144716 i
(19, -18, 9, -1) 1.041 + 0.044 i 1.154 − 0.950 i 0.657017 + 0.200672 i
(20, -18, 9, -1) 1.129 + 0.092 i 1.296 − 1.077 i 0.69653 + 0.264578 i
(21, -18, 9, -1) 1.243 + 0.165 i 1.466 − 1.244 i 0.729777 + 0.33926 i
(22, -18, 9, -1) 1.379 + 0.268 i 1.676 − 1.464 i 0.756487 + 0.428029 i
(23, -18, 9, -1) 1.544 + 0.414 i 1.940 − 1.760 i 0.774739 + 0.534383 i
(24, -18, 9, -1) 1.740 + 0.621 i 2.281 − 2.167 i 0.78168 + 0.661604 i
(25, -18, 9, -1) 1.968 + 0.916 i 2.728 − 2.741 i 0.772258 + 0.812786 i
(26, -18, 9, -1) 2.225 + 1.342 i 3.332 − 3.585 i 0.738964 + 0.990706 i
(27, -18, 9, -1) 2.498 + 1.963 i 4.168 − 4.880 i 0.671106 + 1.19711 i
(28, -18, 9, -1) 2.743 + 2.883 i – 0.554217 + 1.43178 i
(29, -18, 9, -1) 2.853 + 4.259 i – 0.369054 + 1.69091 i
(30, -18, 9, -1) – – 0.0910431 + 1.9635 i
(31, -18, 9, -1) – – −0.309701 + 2.22908 i
(32, -18, 9, -1) – – −0.863008 + 2.44355 i
(33, -18, 9, -1) – – −1.60096 + 2.54456 i
(34, -18, 9, -1) – – −2.53126 + 2.42602 i
(35, -18, 9, -1) – – −3.61356 + 1.94421 i
(36, -18, 9, -1) – – −4.72581 + 0.913417 i
Table 3: New type of chains of SUSY vacua connected via conifold monodromies. The complex
numbers in the table are the locations of the vacua in the z-plane. Note that all vacua have
H = (−2, −4, −33, 0). The entries marked – indicate the end of the series according to the numerics,
but it is possible that these series extend indefinitely.

Here the boundary conditions are dφ/dr = 0 at the two poles (where a = 0) of this
topological 4-sphere.

– 18 –
æ 0 à
æ æ
2.0 -1 æ
æ æ

æ æ

1.0 æ
æ -3

0.5 æ
0.0 à æ
æ æ
æææ æ ææ
ææ æ æ æ
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0 1 2 3 4

(a) (b)

æ æ

æ æ


0.5 æ
0.0 à ææ
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1


Figure 5: The supersymmetric chains with H = (−2, −4, −33, 0) for three models. The circular
dots are the locations of the vacua in the z-plane. The square dot indicates the LCS point z = 0.
Panel (a) is the chain for the mirror quintic starting with F = (3, −18, 9, −1). Panel (b) is the
chain for model 8 with initial F = (7, −18, 9, −1). Panel (c) is the chain for model 12 with initial
F = (7, −18, 9, −1).

Such an instanton solution is numerically quite tractable through the overshoot/undershoot

strategy given by Coleman. Basically, one starts from a field value near the true vacuum,
integrates the equations and see what happens at the other boundary. The result may

– 19 –
either fail to reach the false vacuum (undershoot), or go past the false vacuum (overshoot).
Repeating the process can get you arbitrarily close to a true solution which just reaches
the false vacuum.
The same strategy fails for multiple fields. When you miss the false vacuum in a
multidimensional field space, it is not simply an undershoot or an overshoot. You may try
to keep shooting and see if you get lucky, but we know even if the numerics are very precise,
a small change in the initial condition can be magnified (in a practically unpredictable
way) while integrating the equations of motion. In addition to the unwieldy errors that
propagate from initial conditions, other numerical errors also accumulate. Although one
can envision Monte Carlo processes that would aid one in applying the shooting strategy,
such approaches will not be necessary for our purposes and we do not pursue them here.
Instead of the undershoot/overshoot approach, we consider a special class of simple
and widely studied instanton solutions—the thin wall instantons. In these situations the
action can be written as
Z r̃ Z  ′2  Z ∞
4π 3 4π 3 φ
SE = r drV2 + r dr +V + 4πr 3 drV1
0 3 thin wall 3 2 r̃
π 4 4π 3
= r̃ (V2 − V1 ) + r̃ σ + Sφ(1) . (4.4)
3 3
The dependence of SE nicely factorizes into the size of the bubble r̃, and the dependence
of the domain wall tension σ on the field configuration φ. With fixed tension, we find that
SE is maximized by choosing

r̃ = rc = . (4.5)
(V1 − V2 )
This is the only negative mode in the action. Namely, it reduces our problem to minimizing
the tension with respect to different field configurations. Generalizing to multiple fields,
we look for a path in the multidimensional field space which minimizes
Gij dφi dφj
σ = dz + V − V1 . (4.6)
2 dz dz
Since we are dealing with a minimization problem (rather than looking for a saddle point),
we can apply the “relaxation method”1 which will be described in more detail in section 5.
Note that we introduced a nontrivial metric Gij that depends on the fields φi , since with
multiple fields we cannot in general absorb it via field redefinition. In fact, the non-trivial
metric on field-space plays a crucial role in the dynamics. Despite this, basic aspects of
the problem do not change; for example, once we find the minimizing path, it solves the
equations of motion and gives us a familiar formula
Z p p
σ= 2(V − V1 ) Gij dφi dφj . (4.7)

We will always assume that we can have a thin wall bubble. Therefore, the search for
an instanton reduces to the search for a tunneling path through the multidimensional field
It was first introduced to this problem in [7] and applied in [23].

– 20 –
4.2 Intuitions for multifield tunneling
Our primary method for finding the correct path is the relaxation technique mentioned
above. Usually, applying relaxation involves cleverly designing a quantity to be relaxed
which may have little connection to any physical quantity we truly care about. In our case,
relaxation is much more natural since we wish to address the physical problem of finding
dominant contributions to a path integral. The quantity being relaxed, σ, enters the action
directly and indeed a path contributes more as σ varies more and more slowly. That being
said, we cannot totally depend on numerical techniques, however naturally suited to our
problem they might be. Here we will provide some intuitions for analytical approaches.
The combination of numerical and analytical reasoning will eventually lead to a satisfying
One way to simplify the problem of finding the correct path is to reduce the effective
number of relevant fields, even down to a single field if possible. For example, given
(1) (2)
a potential V (φi ) of n fields with two vacua φi and φi , we can look for a subspace
containing those vacua, parametrized by ψj

φi = fi (ψj ) , j=1∼m, m<n, (4.8)

such that this subspace is a local minimum along all orthogonal directions.

∀ l = 1 ∼ (n − m) , k = 1 ∼ m ,
Gij θil = 0 , Gij θil θjl = 1 ,
∂V ∂2V
=0, >0.
∂θ ∂θ 2
Then we can solve the problem with fewer fields,
∂fi ∂fj
Ḡkl = Gij ,
∂ψk ∂ψl
V̄ (ψj ) = V (fi (ψj )) . (4.9)

This formalism looks especially promising when the (n−m) degrees of freedom removed
are heavy, namely when
∂2V 1 ∂2V
≫ . (4.10)
∂θ Ḡkl ∂ψk ∂ψl
This is essentially the same as integrating out the UV spectrum to study the low energy
effective theory. In the simplest case where n = 2, m = 1, this can be visualized as a valley
that connects two vacua.
Unfortunately, this does not work in general. First of all, there is no guarantee that
the potential has a valley. Even if it does, recall that a tunneling path is a path of classical
motion in the inverse potential, −V . A valley in the potential corresponds to a mountain
ridge in the inverse potential. In the case of heavy transverse fields, this mountain ridge is
narrow and steep. Obviously it is very easy to roll down the slope and there is no guarantee
that a classical path follows the ridge (this is only possible when it is extremely straight).
Examples where no paths follow a valley can be found in appendix D.

– 21 –
Even though naı̀ve integrating out of fields is dangerous, low energy effective theories
should be safe as long as we treat them carefully. In the case where a naı̀ve tunneling path
within the low energy theory is fake, like the ones in appendix D, either it is illegal to
integrate out along the path in the first place, or you will find that the tension of the fake
path is comparable to the mass of the heavy fields, namely the UV cutoff scale of your low
energy theory2 .
On the other hand, the analogy to classical motion implies that we can ignore light
enough degrees of freedom. Imagine adding a flat direction to a standard (φ2 −1)2 potential.
Obviously it is still a single field problem. Now imagine that the extra direction is not
exactly flat, but instead, it varies in energy scale much less than the (φ2 − 1)2 potential.
The induced dynamics in the orthogonal direction will be so weak that we can still ignore
them. Basically, the path wants to stay straight, because the change in the potential is too
small to justify the gradient of a curvy path. So, in searching for a tunneling path, we can
freeze light degrees of freedom. In the string theory context, we imagine that the Kahler
moduli will be stabilized by something akin to the KKLT mechanism [15] at a much lower
scale, so we can just freeze them and study tunneling paths in the 4D field space of the
complex structure modulus z and the axio-dilaton τ .
Typically we cannot reduce a problem all the way down to a single field, but even so, we
do not need to resort to a purely numerical investigation. Recently, several authors realized
that the global properties of a potential play important roles in tunneling paths [7–9]. In
potentials with a run-away direction—for example with decompactifying extra dimensions
or a dilaton field—it was shown that tunneling paths tend to take an excursion through
those directions. As demonstrated in appendix D and with the mirror quintic Calabi-Yau
in section 5, numerical methods help to find these global paths. Once they are found, we
can study them analytically and gain deeper insights as in section 6.

5. Numerical Conifunneling

In this section we apply the numerical relaxation method to find domain wall solutions in
degenerate vacua—these solutions are excellent approximations to instantons with weakly
non-generate vacua. We will focus on the technicalities of the method, and demonstrate
that the solutions we find are robust. We postpone discussing the physical interpretation
of our solutions to the next section 6, and hence this section can be skipped by those who
do not have a strong interest in the numerical analysis.
Nevertheless, we cannot resist providing a brief description of the results here. Our goal
is to look for instantons between vacua that reside on separate sheets of the flux potential.
In our construction, such vacua are associated with the monodromy transformations around
the conifold point. If we take the perspective of the monodromies acting on the fluxes, the
instantons describe tunneling between different flux compactifications.
It will turn out that the bounce solution connecting these flux vacua generically passes
very close to the conifold point. The instanton solution is driven there by the presence of
We thank Alberto Nicolis and Eduardo Ponton for pointing out this issue. We also thank Erick Weinberg
for making it clear.

– 22 –
non-trivial kinetic terms despite the seeming lack of an obvious path in the potential. This
behavior is natural: flux transitions are associated with the nucleation of branes and the
moduli dynamics appear to “know” that it is energetically easier to nucleate a brane near
the conifold point.
Seeing this behavior numerically requires knowledge of both the Kahler metric and the
potential in both the bulk (i.e. far away from the conifold and near the vacua), and near
the conifold point in the field space. In sections 2 and 3 we have calculated the potential
numerically, but the technique becomes computationally prohibitive near the conifold point.
Fortunately, the near conifold behavior can be treated analytically as detailed in appendix
F. The bulk and near-conifold constructions could then be glued to obtain a full flux
potential that describes both the bulk and the near conifold region. However, relaxation
is rather easier to implement when we split the problem into two parts: relaxation in the
bulk and relaxation in near the conifold point.

5.1 Equations of motion and set-up

Our goal is to find domain wall solutions using the relaxation method for this system given
an action in the Einstein frame

L = − (Kz z̄ ∂µ z∂ µ z̄ + Kτ τ̄ ∂µ τ ∂ µ τ̄ ) + V (z, τ ) (5.1)

where z is the complex structure modulus and τ is the axio-dilaton field. We assume that
the Kahler moduli fields ρ are frozen by some mechanism (perturbative or non-perturbative)
and that they do not contribute to the dynamics, so we will simply treat them as constants
in this section. Hence, we have a system with four real fields. It is convenient to choose
the following parameterization

reiθ ≡ z − 1 , τ ≡ u + iv (5.2)

where φ ≡ {r, θ, u, v} are all real dynamical fields which we have collected into a vector φ
for notational simplicity. In the same vein, we also define
Kz z̄ ≡ f (r, θ) (5.3)
and remind the reader that
1 1
. Kτ τ̄ = (5.4)
2 4v 2
We are looking for domain wall solutions which are effectively 1+1 dimensional, hence
without any loss of generalities we can choose (x, t) as coordinates. Ignoring gravity, the
equations of motion are
1 1
f (r̈ − r ′′ ) + (ṙ 2 − r ′2 ) − ∂r (r 2 f )(θ̇ 2 − θ ′2 ) + ∂θ f (θ̇ṙ − θ ′ r ′ ) + ∂r V =0
2 2
1 1
f r 2 (θ̈ − θ ′′ ) + r 2 ∂θ f (θ̇ 2 − θ ′2 ) −
∂θ f (ṙ 2 − r ′2 ) + ∂r (f r 2 )(ṙ θ̇ − r ′ θ ′ ) + ∂θ V =0
2 2
1 1
− 3 (v̇ u̇ − v ′ u′ ) + 2 (ü − u′′ ) + ∂u V =0
2v 4v
1 1 1
− 3 (v̇ 2 − v ′2 ) + 3 (u̇2 − u′2 ) + 2 (v̈ − v ′′ ) + ∂v V = 0(5.5)
4v 4v 4v

– 23 –
with dots and primes denoting space derivatives.
Domain wall solutions, φ∗ (x), are static solutions to the set of differential equations
(5.5) with boundary conditions

φ∗ (x → −∞) = φ1 , φ∗ (x → ∞) = φ2 (5.6)

where φ1 and φ2 are the locations of the minima.

We solve (5.5) on a finite 1-dimensional grid, with a domain {xmin , xmax } where the
domain’s size is much larger than 1/m, m being the characteristic mass of the domain
wall3 . In practice, we choose the size of the domain to be a balance between accuracy
and computational efficiency. Once a solution is found, we vary the size of the domain to
ensure that the results are robust.
We insert a test solution at some initial time t0 , φ0 (x, t0 ) = φ∗ (x) + ∆φ(x, t0 ), where
the difference ∆φ is preferably, but not necessarily, small compared to φ∗ (x). In addition
to possessing the correct boundary conditions, we fix the first derivatives at the boundaries
to be identically zero at all time

φ̇(xmax , t) = φ̇(xmin , t) = 0. (5.7)

Given these boundary conditions, we then guess several initial profiles for r0 (x, t0 ) and
θ0 (x, t0 ) that interpolate between the two vacuum positions. Using these test profiles we
find the corresponding minimum points of a given r and θ for u0 (x, t0 ) and v0 (x, t0 ), which
we can find by solving for4

∂V ∂V
(u0 , v0 ) = 0 , (u0 , v0 ) = 0. (5.8)
∂u ∂v
The total energy functional of the system is the integral of the Hamiltonian over the
Z xmax  
1 2 ′2 2 2 2 ′2 1 2 ′2 2 ′2
E[φ(x)] = dx f (ṙ − r + r θ̇ − r θ ) + 2 (u̇ − u + v̇ − v ) + V (r, θ, u, v) .
xmin 2 8v
Bogomolny’s bound tells us that the true domain wall solution, if it exists, minimizes the
total energy of the system
E[φ(x)] ≥ E[φ∗ (x)]. (5.10)

Hence any deviation from the true solution means that there is additional energy in
the system, which manifests itself as scalar radiation as the fields seek to relax to their
This is not known in advance of course, but one can make a good guess at a value just after a few
iterations of our prescription.
This choice for u0 and v0 is motivated by the fact that we expect that in the actual domain wall solution
u and v do not deviate radically from this global minimum solution. However, they do deviate in general,
which we can easily see by their equations of motion (5.5): the spatial derivatives must be supported by a
non-zero derivative of the potential.
We have suppressed two spatial dimensions – the energy functional is formally infinite if integrated over
these suppressed dimensions.

– 24 –
true minimum energy configuration. In a perfect world, the radiation propagates to spatial
infinity, never to be seen again. However, our fixed boundary conditions act as a rigid
barrier at finite distance, and hence radiation will bounce back from this barrier and remain
in the system. To remove this radiation, we introduce friction terms into the equations of
φ̈ + φ′′ + ... = 0 → φ̈ + φ′′ + ... + λ(t)φ̇ = 0, (5.11)
allowing the fields to relax into the true minimum energy configuration (i.e. a domain
wall). Note that we allow the friction term to be a function of time; we will say a bit more
about how we engineer the friction term later. In principle, the friction term turns itself
off once the static solution has been found. We check for the robustness of our solution by
manually turning off the friction term.
The test solutions themselves are not very important. In practice, we find that a
well chosen initial profile may speed up the computation marginally, but most guesses find
identical static solutions in the end. More insidious however, is the possibility that there
exist multiple static solutions which are not the minimum energy solution φ∗ . To test for
that, we choose several different initial profiles with different initial total energy and check
that they all relax to the correct solution6 .
In addition, there may be no solution. The simpler case of this possibility is that the
total energy becomes negative after some time. Since our potential is bounded from below
and positive, V > 0, this never happens. More difficult to detect is the possibility is that
the field approaches, but never quite converges to, a static configuration. In this case,
the system never completely relaxes and long code run times may be mistaken for a true
solution. We can check for this by taking the time derivative of the total energy, but in
practice we never encounter such a situation.
In the following sections, we separate the field space into two regimes: far away from
the conifold point r > 0.1 which we call the bulk and the near conifold regime where
r < 0.1. The cut-off at r = 0.1 is arbitrary, motivated by the fact that we lack accurate
numerical data for the potential below this point. Near the conifold point, the calculation
of the potentials is tractable analytically as demonstrated in appendix F. Note that the
numerical bulk potential does not include the effects of warping, but since the data is only
really accurate up to r > 0.1 and strong warping is not expected to be important until
r ≪ 1, this is not a problem.
In summary, we find that in the bulk relaxation phase, the field profile for r relaxes
towards the conifold point rapidly, reaching r < 0.1 where we do not possess numerical data
for the potential. To investigate the near conifold behavior, we use our analytic potentials
and find that the field profiles do indeed continue to be driven to near r = 0, but then
making a turn-around back into the bulk. While deep inside the near conifold regime, we
find that θ makes a rapid transition across the sheets, hence tunneling across a monodromy
transition. We dub this behavior, where the fields are driven towards the conifold point in
order to transition into a new flux configuration conifunneling.
More amusingly, we check for the robustness of our relaxation code by constructing potentials where
there exist more than one static solution, i.e. one of them has a higher total energy so it is the subdominant
path. We find that indeed different initial profiles will relax to different static solution.

– 25 –
5.2 Relaxation in the bulk

We first look for domain wall solutions between two SUSY vacua related by a conifold
monodromy in the bulk. For concreteness, we choose our vacua in the mirror quintic
compactification (model 1) from table 2:

F1 = (3, −6, −9, −1) → F2 = (2, −6, −9, −1) (5.12)

H1 = (−1, 0, −7, 0) → H2 = (−1, 0, −7, 0). (5.13)

The potentials at each corresponding sheet in z-space are generated using numerically
computed Meijer functions as described in section 2. The vacuum positions are essentially
those given in table 2, but to greater precision, they are

z1 = −0.4628 + 0.1237i (5.14)

z2 = 0.2286 + 0.3631i. (5.15)

We use coordinates (r, θ) around the conifold point to unwrap the potential and stitch the
data together across the sheets. From this, we generate the effective super- and Kahler
potentials. The vacua positions in these coordinates are then, with θ = 0 being the branch

φ1 = (r1 = 0.55, θ1 = −2.92, u1 = −3.41, v1 = 4.22) (5.16)

φ2 = (r2 = 0.85, θ2 = 3.58, u2 = −3.37, v2 = 4.17). (5.17)

The vacuum positions for τ = u + iv are found using conditions (5.8). We use the
following test profile

2(θ1 − θ2 )  
θ(x, t0 ) = tan−1 ex/δ + θ2 (5.18)
2(rmin − r1 )   2(r − r )  
1 min
r(x, t0 ) = tan−1 e(x−x2 )/∆1 + tan−1 e(x−x2 )/∆2 + r1
π π

where ∆, δ are parameters which control the initial test thickness of the walls, while rmin
sets the datum for the turn around point (see figure 6).
We then run relaxation simulations, using uniform and constant friction for all 4 dy-
namical fields, varying both the initial test profiles and the magnitude of the friction
(ranging from λ = 0.1 to λ = 10) to ensure that our general conclusions are robust.
Generically, the field profile for r rapidly relaxes to near the conifold point r < 0.1
where we do not possess good numerical data for the bulk flux potential (see figure 7),
hence the simulation breaks down at this point. We emphasize that this behavior is driven
by the presence of the non-trivial Kahler factor in the kinetic terms of the equations of
motion, in particular Kz z̄ . We will discuss this further in the section 6.2.

– 26 –
(a) (b)

Figure 6: Initial (red) and final (blue) profiles for the complex structure field r (left) and θ
(right) in the bulk relaxation phase. We stopped the simulation at the final configuration, r < 0.1
even though the fields are still not static (indeed they are highly dynamical) since we do not have
numerical data for the potentials. Nevertheless, it is clear that the path between the two vacua is
rapidly relaxing to the conifold point. We will replace the numerical potential with a near-conifold
analytical potential in the next section.

(a) (b)

Figure 7: Figures showing the path of the complex structure (r, θ). On the left, we superimposed
the initial (black) and final (red) profiles of the bulk relaxation phase over the reduced potential
V (r, θ, umin (r, θ), vmin (r, θ)), where umin and vmin are global minima for τ found using (5.8). On the
right, we suppress the structure of the potential, but instead plot the final path in polar coordinates.
The two sheets are joined at θ = 0 with r = 0 being the conifold point. It is clear from this picture
that the path traverses close to the conifold point as it wanders down the “funnel”.

5.3 Results from relaxation in the vicinity of the conifold point

In order to investigate the behavior of the solutions near the conifold point, we use the
analytical approximation described in appendix F:
 −1 2 !
1 1 Λ60 C1 FA

Vnc =
16τI ρ3I 2π
+ K1 +
|0.35r|4/3 2πi log 0.35r + A1 − τ B1 + |A2 + τ̄ B2 | .
Note that this is simply equation (F.13), with the rescaling |ξ| = 0.35r for consistency with
the notation we are using in this section. The parameters of this near conifold potential
are derived assuming that the two vacua are associated by the monodromy described by

– 27 –
(5.16). See appendix F.4 for the values of the parameters derived from our numerical data
for the mirror quintic with the fluxes chosen as above.

(a) (b)

Figure 8: Initial (blue) and final (red) profiles for the complex structure field r (left) and θ (right)
in the near-conifold relaxation phase. In the final configuration, a static solution is achieved and
hence is a true domain wall solution. The complex structure modulus funnels very close to the
conifold point, the proximity depending on how strong the warping is. In terms of the r and θ
fields, it is clear that a very sharp θ transition occurs when the field is near the conifold point
r ≪ 1. This indicates that there are three clear phases in the entire process—a shrinking of the
3-cycle associated with the formation of the conifold, a monodromy transition as θ tunnels into the
next sheet, and then a return of the 3-cycle to near its original size. We will discuss this further in
section 6.

uHxL vHxL
4.0 10

3.9 9


x x
-1 0 1 -1 0 1

(a) (b)

Figure 9: The final (red) profiles for the axio-dilaton field u (left) and v (right), and the global
minima (black) umin (left) and vmin (right) in the near-conifold relaxation phase. In the final
configuration, a static solution is achieved and hence is a true domain wall solution. It is clear from
the equations of motion (5.5) that umin and vmin are not static solutions. The actual final static
domain wall solutions are mildly localized. The global minimum solution exhibits a sharp feature
as expected from the highly localized nature of the complex structure z domain wall solution.

This approximation becomes almost exact near the conifold r < 0.1, but breaks down
in the bulk. The key feature that is lost is the existence of the original vacua. To stabilize
the vacuum positions, we drill Gaussian SUSY vacua into the potential

Ṽ = Vnc + V1 + V2 (5.21)

– 28 –
2 −(r−r 2 2
Vi = −Vnc (ri , θi , ui , vi )e[−(θ−θi ) i ) ]/σ
where σ is the width of the Gaussian holes. At these vacuum positions, Vi = 0. The
positions of the holes are matched to the actual vacuum positions for their respective flux
configurations, as given in (5.16). Note that we do not drill holes in the τ directions; we
simply solve for the minima of τ via equation (5.8) as in section 5.2. Since the behavior of
the domain wall will be dominated by the near conifold regime, we do not try to reproduce
the shape of the potentials beyond this modification. As long as the solution conifunnels
towards r → 0 when it is at r > 0.1 we are satisfied with the overall bulk behavior.
Nevertheless, there remain two subtleties involved in choosing the exact coefficient for
the strong warping factor C1 . First, in principle it may depend on τ , although such a
dependence will not greatly effect the behavior of τ . Second, the exact numerical value of
this coefficient is treated as a free parameter related to the overall volume of the Calabi-
Yau manifold. Consistency requires that the parameter be chosen small enough so as not
to have any effects on the bulk of the moduli space. For the purpose of our numerical
simulation, we choose C1 such that the warping term is subdominant when r ≈ r1,2 i.e.
1 Λ60
C1 ≪ log + K1 |0.35r|4/3 at r = r1 , r2 . (5.23)
2π |0.35r|2

Again, we use the test solutions (5.18) and (5.19), varying the test parameters to
ensure robustness of our conclusions (figures 8 and 9). However, due to the strong warping
term r −4/3 in the flux potential, instead of inserting constant friction terms for all our field
equations, we use instead an exponentially damping friction

λφ (t) = λφ (t0 )e−α(t−t0 ) (5.24)

where α is some parameter which governs how rapidly friction is turned off7 .
The static solutions are shown in figure 5.3. The solution relaxes towards the conifold
point as we have seen in the previous section using the bulk potential. However, instead
of falling into an abyss, the domain wall solution passes very close to the conifold point,
and then turns back up into the bulk. In other words, a stable static domain wall solution
exists between two vacua related by a monodromy transformation. Moreover, the domain
wall passes very close to the conifold point—the exact proximity being determined by the
coefficient in front of the strong warping term r −4/3 in the flux potential. The smaller the
coefficient, the later the turn-around occurs8 .

6. The Physics of Conifunneling

Despite trying to find a tunneling path through non-singular parts of the Calabi-Yau moduli
space, numerical relaxation drove our solutions into the vicinity of the conifold. These
We also imposed a hard cut-off of the friction when we check for stability after a solution is obtained.
We note that although both log r and r −4/3 blow up as r → 0, the rate at which this blow up occurs
is crucial in determining whether the domain wall will turn around sufficiently quickly (see section 6.2).

– 29 –
(a) (b)

Figure 10: Figures showing the path of the complex structure (r, θ). On the left, we superimposed
the initial (black) and final (red) profiles of the bulk relaxation phase over the “reduced” analytic
near-conifold potential Vnc (r, θ, umin (r, θ), vmin (r, θ)), where umin and vmin are global minima for
τ found using (5.8). On the right, we plot the final path in polar coordinates, suppressing the
gaussian vacuum holes but keeping the structure of the potential near the conifold visible – the
strong warping term r−4/3 suppresses the potential deep inside the conifold point, resulting in a
potential that looks like a true “funnel”. The two sheets are joined at θ = 0 with r = 0 being
the conifold point. The final static path falls deep into the funnel but reemerges on the other
side of the monodromy—the conifold funnels the path across the monodromy, hence our moniker

instantons represent conifunneling. Relaxation was only able to succeed due to the crucial
effects of strong warping, analyzed in [30–32], and described both in general and for the
conifold in appendices B and E, respectively. The usual simplification of assuming away
such effects is a problematic strategy when one is interested in studying the dynamics of
fields in the string theory landscape. In this section we draw some lessons for dealing with
more general landscape tunneling problems.

6.1 Geometric interpretation

Figure 11 shows the value of the tension integrand in terms of five separate terms: kinetic
terms in each field and the flux potential term. We can see that the kinetic terms in τ are
much smaller, which means the dynamics are mostly in the complex structure moduli, z 9 .
In particular, the dynamics separates into three distinct parts: radial changes toward and
away from the conifold point occur in the beginning and the end of the transition, while
angular changes around the conifold occur in the middle.
This situation is very similar to [7–9]. The two vacua are connected by a monodromy
transformation, namely, a change of ∆θ ∼ 2π. We just need to determine the most eco-
nomical way to perform this transformation. Namely, minimizing the tension with 3 terms,

σ = σ1 + σm + σ2 , (6.1)
This means that we would have got similar results if we had reduced the problem from 4D to 2D and
only focused on z. But it is not obvious that τ would essentially act as a spectator field, so we included it
in the analysis for completeness.

– 30 –

-0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4

Figure 11: The action integrand (Lagrangian) broken up into contributions from five terms. The
thin-blue line is the potential term, the dashed-purple line is the kinetic term in r, the solid-purple
line is the kinetic term in θ. Kinetic terms in the two components of τ are colored red and green,
and barely contribute. Note that the potential dips below zero for the two vacua, this is an artifact
of our procedure for drilling these vacua in the near-conifold potential.

where σm is the tension for a monodromy transformation in the vicinity of a point in the
moduli space—i.e. keeping close to some geometrical configuration M∗ for the Calabi-Yau.
The first term σ1 comes from deforming the Calabi-Yau from vacuum 1 to the geometry
M∗ , and σ2 for deforming M∗ back to vacuum 2. Near the vacua, σ1 and σ2 depend on
the deformation only to second order. However σm has nothing to do with the initial and
final vacua, so the leading order change will be linear. It is always more economical if σm
can be reduced by deforming away from the vacua.
For our case, σm is essentially the action integral in the θ direction,
Z p p
σm = 2V − 2V0 Kz z̄ r dθ , (6.2)

and σ1 , σ2 are like integration in the r direction,

Z p p
σi = 2V − 2V0 Kz z̄ dr . (6.3)

We can see that since large deformations in the τ direction always increase tension, they
are highly suppressed. On the other hand reducing r decreases σm , so the path wants to
go near the conifold point.
The geometric picture is quite straight forward. The shrinking 3-cycle near the coni-
fold point is exactly the cycle which we cut and twist in the monodromy transformation.

– 31 –
Figure 12: Top left is the vacuum configuration of the Calabi-Yau manifold. A monodromy
transformation (on the red cycle) contributes less to the action if the 3-cycle is small (top right),
and even less if it happens on the tip of the strongly warped conifold (bottom).

Physically the shrinking 3-cycle (with flux) cannot go to zero size, so eventually it becomes
strongly warped and the monodromy happens at the tip of the strongly warped conifold,
as shown in figure 12. Both shrinking and warping help to reduce σm .
We can also understand this process in the dual picture, where the flux is changed by
nucleating a charged brane instead of monodromy. The dual 7-form flux which is orthogonal
to the shrinking 3-cycle changes by nucleating a 5-brane. Three legs of this 5-brane will
wrap the shrinking cycle leaving two spatial directions for the (2+1)D domain wall in the
4D spacetime. As depicted in figure 13, the monodromy contribution is replaced by a
2−brane 5−brane
σ4D = σ10D (Vshrinking 3−cycle )(volume factor)(warp factor) . (6.4)
The volume factor corresponds to the dimensional reduction from the 10D theory string
frame to the 4D theory Einstein frame. It is a constant in our case since we have frozen
the Kahler moduli. It is also easy to see why the shrinking 3-cycle volume and the warp
factor help to reduce the effective 4D tension10 .
Of course, it is very surprising to see that the balance between reducing σm and
increasing σ1 + σ2 happens at such an extreme geometry—a strongly warped Calabi-Yau.
In the next section we will provide a more quantitave analysis in this particular case. Here
we want to suggest a good intuition for general multi-field tunneling. The roughly equal
separate contributions shown in figure 11 suggest an equipartition among the three terms
σ1 , σ2 , and σm that make up the action, (6.1). This is quite natural assuming that the
three terms depend on a parameter in the same way (say polynomially or exponentially).
10 5 brane
One may expect us to match Eq. (6.4) and Eq. (6.2) to determine σ10D . We cannot do that because
in the monodromy picture the effective brane is smeared and cannot be assigned an exact location in the
warped throat.

– 32 –
Figure 13: The extended horizontal direction represents 4D spacetime. The top tube comes with
the 3-cycle wrapped by the D5 brane, which wants to shrink. The bottom tube represent the other
3-cycle where the flux is changing, in which the brane is a point like object where the flux line can
end. Placing the charge on a locally warped region also reduces 4D tension.

What we have is essentially a generalized virial theorem telling us that the three terms
should have similar orders of magnitude. Knowing this in advance, we could use this to
estimate how big the deformation of the vacuum geometry is.

6.2 The shortest path

Our numerical results suggest a simple analytical argument for conifunneling. As noted
previously, although the axio-dilaton τ changes during tunneling, it contributes very little
to the action integral. Therefore the dynamics is similar to a 2D problem in just the
complex structure moduli z.
Starting from the simplest case with 2D canonical kinetic term in the polar coordinate.

1 2 
L= ṙ + r 2 θ̇ 2 − Vinverse (r, θ) . (6.5)
Let us first assume that the inverse potential Vinverse doesn’t have any special properties
near the conifold point (taken to be at the origin, r = 0). In this case, minimizing the action
is like finding the shortest path, which is of course a straight line. If there are multiple
sheets through branch cuts emanating from the conifold point along θ = 2πn there is an
additional constraint. When the angular separation between two points is larger than π,
a straight line will be obstructed by the branch cut. Therefore the maximum angular
separation is π if two vacua are to be connected by a tunneling path.
The strongly warped behavior near the conifold point in our mirror quintic case tells
us that we must modify the above with non-canonical kinetic terms

K(r)  2 
L= ṙ + r 2 θ̇ 2 − Vinverse (r, θ) . (6.6)
Assuming that the dominant behavior of the Kahler metric is of the form

K(r) = r 2β , (6.7)

– 33 –
we may change to a more natural set of variables, defining

r β+1
r̃ = . (6.8)

This yields
1  ˙2 
L= r̃ + r̃ 2 (β + 1)2 θ̇ 2 − Ṽinverse (r̃, θ) , (6.9)
Ṽinverse (r̃, θ) = Vinverse [(β + 1)r̃]1/(β+1) , θ . (6.10)

Ignoring the inverse potential, we can see that

∆θmax = . (6.11)

In our case β = −2/3, so ∆θmax = 3π. In addition, if the inverse potential has a peculiar
behavior near r = 0, it will modify this result. For example, a standard −1/r attractive
core will double the maximum angle. A repulsive core, which means Vinverse (0) is larger
than the conserved energy of the path, in general reduces the maximum angle. In our case,

lim V = eK K τ τ |Dτ W |, (6.12)


has a positive global minimum in the τ space. This means that the inverse potential is at
most a finite attractive core, which has neglible effects. So ∆θmax = 3π, namely 3/2 of
monodromy transformation, is the best we can get. We have confirmed this with numerical
Also, note that if we did not include the strong warping correction, we would have had

K(r) ∼ log r , V (r) ∼ log r , (6.13)

near r = 0. Since log r diverges slower than any r β with β < 0, it should give us roughly
∆θmax = π. Also the uncorrected V has a logarithmic divergence, which corresponds to an
attractive core in the inverse potential. It is also weaker than, for example, Vinverse = −1/r.
As we saw in the simulation, there is no reason that a path can make ∆θ ∼ 2π.
From this point of view, conifunneling happens because the path needs the strong
warping correction to the Kahler metric in order to make a monodromy angle change of
2π. For our particular choice of fluxes F3 = −1, this is the minimum amount which F0 can
change. With |F3 | > 1, one might expect to see several vacua on one sheet, which would
correspond to changing F0 by 1 several times. We have not seen such things in any of the
examples we have investigated11 . However, let us for the moment simply assume that there
are cases with multiple vacua for |F3 | > 1. From our result, it is quite natural to make the
following 3 conjectures:
Multiple vacua in a given sheet have been observed in other analyses [24], but τ is treated as a fixed
parameter. Our τ is dynamical and we know of no physical reason that requires multiple vacua on a single

– 34 –
• For angular changes less than π, which means |∆F0 | < |F3 |/2, tunneling is possible
regardless of warping and the path does not get close to the conifold point.

• For angular changes larger than π, which means |∆F0 | > |F3 |/2, we will see conifun-

• For angular changes larger than 3π, which means |∆F0 | > 3|F3 |/2, there will be no
tunneling path.

6.3 The BPS Path

Earlier work on similar string models focused on (near) BPS paths [25]. Here we will
demonstrate that in this model, there is no clear notion of being near-BPS. Conifunnel-
ing is the general behavior and the BPS path is a special case in good agreement with
conifunneling between two SUSY vacua.
The path we found numerically is a spatial planar interpolation between two vacua
that minimizes the action integral,
S = − d4 x(Kz z̄ ∂µ z∂ µ z̄ + Kτ τ̄ ∂µ τ ∂ µ τ̄ − V ) , (6.14)

Dropping the (2+1) planar integral, we get the tension of this transition domain wall,
σ = dx (Kz z̄ ż z̄˙ + Kτ τ̄ τ̇ τ̄˙ − V ) . (6.15)

Comparing to the similar problem in supergravity [25], we dropped the Kahler sector and
4D gravity. It is effectively the field theory limit of the same problem. In particular, we
can similarly define Z = eK/2 W and rewrite the tension integral in the BPS form
Z  2 2 
σ = ∓2∆|Z| + dx Kz z̄ ż ∓ 2K z z̄ ∂z̄ |Z| + Kτ τ̄ τ̇ ∓ 2K τ τ̄ ∂τ̄ |Z| . (6.16)

It is straight forward to see that the tension is minimized by BPS equations,

ż = ±2K z z̄ ∂z̄ |Z| , (6.17)

τ τ̄
τ̇ = ±2K ∂τ̄ |Z| . (6.18)

Note that these BPS equations are first order, so they only solve the equations of
motion (which are second order) with certain boundary conditions. The paths of BPS
equations are field lines of ∂|Z| and general vacua, local minima in V , are not necessarily
distinguished in |Z|, so there is no reason that two vacua sit on the same field line. In
general we cannot see criteria that ensure a tunneling path is necessarily near BPS.
If the vacua are supersymmetric, V = 0, they are critical points of |Z|. Now the BPS
equations agree with equation of motions with zero initial velocity, so potentially a BPS
path can be a tunneling path. But if this critical point is just a saddle point, then it does
not have BPS paths in all directions. We will need a local maximum or minimum of |Z|,
which is a focal point for BPS paths, so it covers all directions and matches one to one
with the possible tunneling paths.

– 35 –
We have checked and found that all of the mirror quintic SUSY vacua listed in table 2
are local minima of |Z|12 . Another property of a BPS path is that |Z| must be monotonic
along the path, so it cannot smoothly connect two local minima in |Z|. Instead, it must go
through at least one other special point, for example another critical point in |Z|. However,
that means that another supersymmetric vacuum would exist, and we do not observe this.
Another possibility is that the path goes through a region where |Z| = 0 and ∂|Z| is not
well-defined. However, |Z| = 0 implies that τ = −A/B, but the condition Dτ W = 0
requires τ = −A/B. Thus, if we go from a vacuum to a point where |Z| = 0, it must go
through Im(τ ) = 0, where the string coupling diverges and is dynamically forbidden.
That leaves us with one choice, going through the conifold point where the Kahler
metric Kz z̄ diverges. Note that with this analysis alone, a BPS path would not be con-
vincing since going through such a singular point often implies complications. It is because
we found that there are paths near the conifold in general that it is reasonable to view
the BPS paths from either vacua joined at the conifold as a special limit for the tunneling
Note that the lack of an obvious BPS path dovetails with studies of supersymmetric
branes probing the conifold [26]. In this work, the authors construct explicit supersym-
metric D3, D5, and D7 brane solutions wrapping various cycles in the singular conifold
geometry. In particular, they find supersymmetric solutions that represent D3 branes
wrapping the collapsing 3-cycle and a D5 wrapping the dual S 2 . However, they can only
construct stable, non-supersymmetric D5 branes that wrap the collapsing 3-cycle. This
provides further support for our interpretation of conifunneling as involving the nucleation
of a 5-brane wrapped on the collapsing 3-cycle.

7. Discussion

In this paper, we’ve undertaken the most detailed and refined study to date of particu-
lar loci in the Type IIB string landscape. We began by studying flux potentials arising
from various one-parameter Calabi-Yau compactifications. Using a topographical approach
similar to that of [10, 12], we established a general similarity between models that have a
single complex structure modulus within the unit circle in the complex moduli space with
coordinate z. Outside of the unit circle, the models show more unique behavior. Vacua
are more sporadic and involve more drastic changes to the fluxes across models. At least
for the first family of models whose α-parameters are all distinct, studies of flux vacuum
statistics in [18, 27, 28] demonstrate that the behavior of these models strongly depends
on their details near the Landau-Ginzburg point. This is likely to hold true for all of the
models we have examined.
After finding connected chains of SUSY vacua in various models, we turned our at-
tention to flux transitions between such vacua. The results of our numerical investigation
indicated that any initial guess profile fed into the relaxation algorithm is funneled into
the conifold region of the moduli space—what we have called “conifunneling”. The sta-
bility of these conifunneling solutions hinges critically on incorporating strong warping
There might be deeper physical reason for this. We defer the study of that question to future work.

– 36 –
corrections to the Kahler metric. Physically, these corrections become important near the
conifold point because a shrinking 3-cycle pierced through by flux leads to ever denser field
strength, which strongly distorts the surrounding Calabi-Yau geometry. Such corrections
would be completely washed out by taking the infinite volume limit of our geometry; we
work instead with a large but finite volume.
The usual intuition might have suggested that since these flux vacua are near each other
in the complex moduli space, it should be simple to construct an appropriately charged
brane whose nucleation brings one from one vacuum to another. Our findings suggest that
competing effects between the energy required to nucleate a brane wrapping the appropriate
cycles and the contraction or growth of these cycles are an essential aspect of the dynamics.
Thus, it seems clear that given an initial flux vacuum, finding the most probable tunneling
path is more subtle than simply looking at the separation in z-space and concluding that
a brane can connect two neighboring vacua (including vacua on the z-plane that are not
on a flux potential connected through LCS, conifold, or LG monodromies). Rather, such
a brane would still need to wrap appropriate cycles in order to absorb the appropriate
charges, and thus, we expect that the dynamics of these cycles will play a crucial role in
determining when such a brane can be nucleated. Because of this, we expect conifunneling
to be important in determining how tunneling occurs through a “discretuum” [1] of flux
vacua such as that envisioned by Bousso and Polchinski [2], and hence in the complexion
of the multiverse such processes generate.


We thank Simon Judes for calculations contributed at an early state of this work. We also
thank Erick Weinberg, Lam Hui, Alberto Nicholis, Eduardo Ponton, Adam Brown, Ulf
Danielsson, Puneet Batra, Hooman Davoudiasl, Matt Johnson, Richard Easther, Henry
Tye, Liam McCallister, Gary Shiu, Heng-Yu Chen, Thomas van Riet, Charles Doran,
Shamit Kachru, Mina Aganagic, and Gonzalo Torroba for numerous helpful discussions.
Saswat Sarangi was supported by grant RFP2-08-26 from The Foundational Questions
Institute ( Pontus Ahlqvist is partly supported by a graduate fellowship from the
Sweden America Foundation. This work is supported in part by DOE grant DE-FG-02-

A. Properties of One-Parameter Models

Below we derive the general form for the monodromies about z = 0, 1, and ∞, and describe
the transformation to the symplectic basis (in which the intersection form is canonical)
which allows us to determine the intersection form in the basis of Meijer periods. First
recall that the four Calabi-Yau periods are solutions to the Picard-Fuchs equation. This
can be written as a differential equation of hypergeometric type:
" 4
δ −z (δ + αr ) u = 0, (A.1)

– 37 –
where δ = zd/dz, The fourteen models classified in [17] have α-parameters that satisfy the
relations αr = 1 − αq with r, q ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4} and r 6= q, giving two related pairs of the
α-parameters. We will use these relationships to simplify some of the results arrived at

A.1 Finding monodromies and the symplectic basis

We can organize a complete set of solutions {Uj }3j=0 into a period vector U . The mon-
odromy around z = 0 is defined by the relation

U (e2πi z) = T [0]U (z). (A.2)

To facilitate the calculation of the monodromy matrix, the Picard-Fuchs equation can be
recast as a set of first-order differential equations which are solved by the fundamental
matrix Φij = δi Uj . This matrix can be written in the form

Φ(z) = S(z)z R[0] . (A.3)

The monodromy around z = 0 is then simply

T [0] = e2πiR[0] . (A.4)

e will transform the other matrices as follows:

Under a general change of basis U = M U

e ⊤,
Φ = ΦM e ⊤,
S = SM e ⊤,
R = M −⊤ RM T = M TeM −1 . (A.5)

It’s useful to transform to a canonical basis in which Scan = S(0) = I. The matrix Rcan
turns out to have a particularly simple Jordan form in this basis,
 
0 0 1 0
 
Rcan [0] =   (A.6)
0 0 0 1

Given the period vector U in some basis, the fundamental matrix near z = 0 can be
written as
Φ(z) = Z(z)q(z), (A.7)
with the row-vector Z(z) = (1, log z, (log z)2 , (log z)3 ) and q(z) a matrix related to the
solutions in a way that will be described more explicitly below in the case of the monodromy
around z = ∞. In the canonical basis, Ucan = Z(z)qcan (z). Given the transformations
above, it is not hard to show that M = q(0)⊤ qcan−⊤ with U = M U
can . It is obvious that the
monodromy in the canonical basis is independent of the α parameters since Rcan [0] is. A
somewhat more surprising result is that T [0] remains independent of the α parameters in
the basis given by the Meijer functions
Uj (z) = φj (s, z)ds. (A.8)
(2πi)j γ

– 38 –
The integrand is
s Γ(−s)j+1 Y Γ(s + αr )Dr
φj (s, z) = (−1)j+1 z , (A.9)
Γ(s + 1)3−j α Γ(αr )Dr

where Dr is the multiplicity parameter of αr and the product is over unique instances of
the α parameters. Since our interest is the monodromy around z = 0, we may close the
contour γ to the right, picking up residues at each non-negative integer s = n. For the
details of this particular calculation see [13] (note that our basis here differs by factors of
(2πi)−j ). One finds that for all the models
 
1 0 0 0
−1 1 0 0
 
T [0] =  . (A.10)
 1 −1 1 0
0 0 −1 1
Similar remarks apply when we consider the monodromy around z = ∞. One major
difference is that Rcan [∞] is not the same as RJ [∞] where RJ [∞] is the Jordan form of the
matrix R[∞]. To go to the Jordan basis, we transform Ucan = P ⊤ UJ . The transformations
above imply that SJ (∞) = P and Rcan [∞] = P −1 RJ [∞]P . The transformation P and
RJ [∞] are given explicitly below.
Since we are now interested in the monodromy around z = ∞ we close the contour to
the left, picking up residues at s = −αr − n for all non-negative integers n. It is useful to
rewrite φj (s, z) in a way that reflects the pole structure:
 D r Q
Γ(s + αr + n + 1) Γ(−s)j+1 αq 6=αr Γ(s + αq ) j+1 s

φj (s ∼ −αr −n, z) = Q (−1) z ,
(s + αr + n)(s + αr )(n) Γ(s + 1)3−j αp Γ(αp )Dp
j+1 s
Let ((−1) ) = δj,odd + δj,even e πis with δj,odd = 1 when j is odd and vanishing
otherwise (and similarly for δj,even ). It is useful to split off the z-dependence from the rest
of the factors in the integrand as it is expressed above:
φn,r,j (s)
φj (s ∼ −αr − n, z) = zs (A.12)
(s + αr + n)Dr
The periods for |z| > 1 can be written as a sum over the residues of φj (s, z):
X∞ X 4
Uj (z) = Ress =−αr −n (φj (s, z)) (A.13)
(2πi)j−1 n=0 r=1

Expanding out the residue:

X r −1 
4 DX
X  (Dr −1−i)
1 −n Dr − 1 φn,r,j (−n − αr ) −α
Uj (z) = j−1
z z r log(z)i . (A.14)
(2πi) i (Dr − 1)!
n=0 r=1 i=0

The above can be re-expressed as

Uj (z) = Zr (z)qrj (z) (A.15)

– 39 –
or U ⊤ = Zq, where Z(z) is a row vector that is specific to the situation. There are four
cases of interest:

 (z −α1 , z −α2 , z −α3 , z −α4 ), if all α’s differ

 (z −α1 , z −α2 , z −β , z −β log z), if α3 = α4 = β
Z(z) = −α −α −β −β (A.16)

 (z , z log z, z , z log z), if α1 = α2 = α and α3 = α4 = β

 −α
z (1, log z, (log z)2 , (log z)3 ), if α1 = α2 = α3 = α4 = α.

Define the log-index vector

 (0, 0, 0, 0), if all α’s differ

 (0, 0, 0, 1), if α3 = α4 = β
ρ= (A.17)

 (0, 1, 0, 1), if α1 = α2 = α and α3 = α4 = β

(0, 1, 2, 3), if α1 = α2 = α3 = α4 = α.

and the multiplicity vector

 (1, 1, 1, 1),

if all α’s differ
 (1, 1, 2, 2), if α3 = α4 = β
D= (A.18)

 (2, 2, 2, 2), if α1 = α2 = α and α3 = α4 = β

(4, 4, 4, 4), if α1 = α2 = α3 = α4 = α.

X∞   (Dr −1−ρr )
1 −n Dr − 1
φn,r,j (−n − αr )
qrj (z) = j−1
z , (A.19)
(2πi) n=0
ρr (Dr − 1)!

note that r = 1, . . . , 4 while j = 0, . . . , 3. We are interested in the value around z = ∞.

The sum over integers reduces to

  (Dr −1−ρr )
1 Dr − 1 φ0,r,j (−αr )
qrj = j−1
. (A.20)
(2πi) ρr (Dr − 1)!

It is easy to compute z RJ [∞] given the RJ and the change of basis P discussed above:

   1 2+ρ1 ρ2 +4ρ2 2+ρ2 ρ3 +4ρ3 2+ρ3 ρ4 +4ρ4 

−α1 ρ1ρ+1
0 0 α31
2α12 α32
2α23 α33
2α34 α34
 0 −α ρ3 1 
0 
1+ρ2 1+ρ3 1+ρ4
 2 ρ2 +1   α2 ρ
α12 α22
α23 α23
α34 α22

RJ [∞] =   1 ,
ρ4  , P = 1 1 1 1 
 0 0 −α3 ρ3 +1   α1 ρ ρ ρ 
α12 α2 α23 α3 α34 α4
0 0 0 −α4 ρ2 ρ3
1 1 − ρ1 +1 1 − ρ2 +1 1 − ρ3 +1 ρ4

recall that the αr need not be distinct in this expression. We have Φcan = ΦJ P , which
implies that SJ = P . Using the fact that the period matrix can be written in the Jordan
basis as UJ (z)⊤ = Z(z)qJ (z) and that (ΦJ )ij = δi (UJ )j allows us to find an expression
for qJ . In our original Meijer-basis U (z)⊤ = Z(z)q(z) so the two bases are related by the
transformation U = M UJ , M = q ⊤ qJ−⊤ .

– 40 –
The period matrix is then T [∞] = M TJ [∞]M −1 . Remarkably, this can be expressed
in a universal way in terms of simple functions of the α parameters:
 
m1 m2 m3 m4
−1 1 0 0 
 
T [∞] =  , (A.22)
 1 −1 1 0 
0 0 −1 1


m2 = 4 sin(πα1 )2 + sin(πα2 )2 , m1 = 1 − m2 , (A.23)
2 2
m4 = 16 sin(πα1 ) sin(πα2 ) , m3 = −m4 . (A.24)

Showing this involves some arduous calculations best done using a computer algebra system
such as Mathematica.
The monodromy around the conifold point z = 1 follows from the fact that going
around a loop that encompasses all three special points results in a trivial transformation
of the periods. Therefore,
T [∞]T [0]−1 , if Im z < 0
T [1] = (A.25)
T [0]−1 T [∞], if Im z > 0

In order to find the general intersection form in the Meijer-basis we pass to the sym-
plectic basis via Π(z) = L U (z). In this basis the intersection form takes on a natural
form:  
0 0 0 −1
0 0 1 0 
 
Q= . (A.26)
0 −1 0 0 
1 0 0 0

The requirement that Π† Q−1 Π ∝ U † Q−1 U U implies that QU = L QL

−1 −† up to an overall

scaling factor.
Our goal now is to determine the change of basis L. First, we observe that in the
symplectic basis, the monodromy TΠ [1] has a simple form. The argument is as in [37]:
choose a pair of cycles A and B such that A corresponds to the S 3 that degenerates at
the conifold point z = 1, and B is the cycle that intersects it. By transporting the cycles
around z = 1, A remains unambiguous, but B is only defined up to possible contributions
by A, that is B → B + nA for some integer n. The other pair of cycles are left unchanged
since they can be chosen to lie “far away” (i.e. outside the neighborhood) of A and B.
This implies that in the symplectic basis,
 
1 000
 0 1 0 0
 
TΠ [1] =  . (A.27)
 0 0 1 0

– 41 –
Examining T [1] in the Meijer basis shows that it can always almost be diagonalized, bring-
ing it to the above form with n = 1. The relation between the two forms of the monodromy
is TΠ [1] = LT [1]L−1 , which constrains the choice of L. A further constraint is that all of the
monodromies should act as symplectic transformations in the symplectic basis. Therefore
for each monodromy T in the Meijer basis, TΠ = LT L−1 should preserve the intersection
form Q. We find that
 
0 m2 0 m4
0 C −m 0 
 4 
L = κ  (A.28)
0 −1 0 0 
1 0 0 0

satisfies these conditions, with κ and C undetermined constants. The general expression
for the intersection form of all the models in the Meijer basis is

 
0 0 0 m4
1  0 0 −m4 0 
QU = 2 2  . (A.29)
κ m4  0 m4 0 −m2 
−m4 0 m2 0

A.2 Summary of models, their monodromies and intersection forms

The models we are considering have been classified in [17] and are summarized in the table

# Model α1 α2 α3 α4 m1 m2 m3 m4
1 P4 [5] 1/5 2/5 3/5 4/5 -4 5 -5 5
2 WP [6] 1/6 1/3 2/3 5/6 -3 4 -3 3
3 WP4,1,1,1,1 [8] 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 -3 4 -2 2
4 WP5,2,1,1,1 [10] 1/10 3/10 7/10 9/10 -2 3 -1 1
5 WP2,1,1,1,1,1 [3, 4] 1/4 1/3 2/3 3/4 -4 5 -6 6
6 WP3,2,2,1,1,1 [4, 6] 1/6 1/4 3/4 5/6 -2 3 -2 2
7 * 1/12 5/12 7/12 11/12 -3 4 -1 1
8 P5 [2, 4] 1/4 1/2 1/2 3/4 -5 6 -8 8
9 P6 [2, 2, 3] 1/3 1/2 1/2 2/3 -6 7 -12 12
10 WP3,1,1,1,1,1 [2, 6] 1/6 1/2 1/2 5/6 -4 5 -4 4
11 P5 [3, 3] 1/3 1/3 2/3 2/3 -5 6 -9 9
12 WP2,2,1,1,1,1 [4, 4] 1/4 1/4 3/4 3/4 -3 4 -4 4
13 WP3,3,2,2,1,1 [6, 6] 1/6 1/6 5/6 5/6 -1 2 -1 1
14 P7 [2, 2, 2, 2] 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 -7 8 -16 16

Table A.1: A summary of the various model parameters

– 42 –
The monodromies around z = 0 and ∞ in the Meijer basis take the form
   
1 0 0 0 m1 m2 m3 m4 (
−1 1 0 0 −1 1 0 0  T [∞]T [0]−1 , if Im z < 0
   
T [0] =   , T [∞] =   , T [1] =
 1 −1 1 0  1 −1 1 0  T [0]−1 T [∞], if Im z > 0
0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 1
The intersection form in the Meijer basis and the transformation to the symplectic
basis are given by
   
0 0 0 m4 0 m2 0 m4
1  0 0 −m4 0  
0 C −m 0 
 4 
QU = 2 2  , L = κ . (A.31)
κ m4  0 m4 0 −m2  0 −1 0 0 
−m4 0 m2 0 1 0 0 0

B. A Brief Overview of Dimensional Reduction for Flux Compactifications

The low-energy effective description for type IIB string theory is

Z 2
1 10 √ |∂τ |2 |G(3) |2 F̃(5)
SIIB = 2 d x −g R − − − + SCS + Sloc , (B.1)
2κ10 2τI2 12τI 4 · 5!

with Z
1 C(4) ∧ G(3) ∧ G(3)
SCS = , (B.2)
8iκ210 τI
and Sloc are contributions to the action from localized sources. We also have κ210 = (2π)7 α′ 4 ,
and that the 5-form F̃(5) be self-dual. The NS-NS field strength H(3) and the R-R field
strength F(3) have been combined into G(3) = F(3) − τ H(3) . The action is invariant under
the SL(2, Z) transformations

aτ + b G(3)
τ→ , G(3) → . (B.3)
cτ + d cτ + d
The action is given in the 10D Einstein frame, which is related to the string frame by the
metric rescaling gEinstein = e−φ/2 gString , where φ is the dilaton.

B.1 Conformal Calabi-Yau metric and the 4D Einstein frame

The metric for compactification on a warped Calabi-Yau manifold is

ds210 = e2A(y) ηµν dxµ dxν + e−2A(y) g̃ij dy i dy j . (B.4)

As discussed in [29], there is some subtlety involved in bringing this metric into the 4D
Einstein frame due to the fact that for non-trivial warping, the universal Kahler modulus,
ρI should actually be thought of as the zero-mode of the warp factor:

e−4A(y) = c + e−4A0 (y) , (B.5)

– 43 –
where c in the above is equivalent to ρI (but is kept notationally distinct in keeping with
the literature). As a result, a rescaling of the internal metric

g̃ij → λg̃ij (B.6)

must be done in conjunction with a transformation of the warp factor

e2A(y) → λe2A(y) , (B.7)

which ends up preserving the original internal term in the metric (B.4), while producing a
factor of λ in the spacetime term. To go to the 4D Einstein frame choose
λ= = 0 , (B.8)
where Z p Z p
VCY = d6 y g̃6 , 0
VW = d6 y g̃6 e−4A0 (y) , (B.9)
so in the 4D Einstein frame we have
ds210 = e2A(y) ηµν dxµ dxν + e−2A(y) g̃ij dy i dy j . (B.10)
Observe that in the limit where c ≫ e−4A0 the above we have VW → cVCY and e−4A → c,
so the factor in front of the spacetime metric goes to the standard e−6u = c−3/2 while the
factor in front of the internal manifold term goes to c1/2 . This shows that in the limit
of weak warping, the metric takes the standard 4D Einstein frame form for Calabi-Yau
In the above, we have treated the zero-mode c and any other moduli as constant
parameters. Promoting the moduli to spacetime fields involves introducing compensators
and is rather technically involved. The analyses in [30, 31] show that the Kahler potential
receives warping corrections. For example, the internal metric fluctuations corresponding
to both complex and Kahler moduli should have a Kahler metric of the form
Z p
GIJ = d6 y g̃6 e−4A(y) g̃ik g̃ jl δI g̃ij δJ g̃kl , (B.11)
where the deformations δI gij are given by
∂g̃ij ∗
δI g̃ij = + δI g̃ij . (B.12)
The term ∂gij /∂uI is the standard metric fluctuation associated with the modulus uI . The
second term on the RHS is a correction from warping effects and is defined by a set of
constraint equations
1 ij ˜ 1
k mn
δI A = g̃ δI g̃ij , ∇ δI g̃kj − g̃kj g̃ δI g̃mn = 4g̃ik ∂i AδI g̃kj . (B.13)
8 2
For the analysis near the conifold, strong warping forces us to take into account the
above considerations. It turns out that the correct functional dependence on the complex

– 44 –
structure modulus near the conifold can be derived through a somewhat less complicated
procedure than that of [31]. In [32], the authors assume a Kahler potential of the form

d6 ye−4A(y) Ω ∧ Ω, (B.14)

where Ω is the holomorphic 3-form of the unwarped Calabi-Yau. This simple form does
not follow from the general considerations of warping above, and indeed, in the specific
case of strong warping corrections to the conifold it does not produce the correct numerical
coefficients. However, it does capture the correct functional dependence on the complex
structure modulus which is sufficient for our purposes.

B.2 Corrections to the universal Kahler modulus

In [33], the authors considered the impact of warping on the universal Kahler modulus ρ
when it is promoted to a dynamical spacetime field. As noted above, ρ is not an independent
degree of freedom, its imaginary part is in fact identified with the zero-mode part of the
warp factor itself. The real part is associated with an axion related to the 4-form potential

1 ˜ ˜
C(4) = aJ ∧ J + ··· , (B.15)

where J˜ is the Kahler form associated with the metric g̃ij .

Surprisingly, the corrected Kahler potential for the universal Kahler modulus takes a
simple, natural form

VW V0 V0
KKahler = −3 log 2 = −3 log 2c + 2 W = −3 log −i(ρ − ρ̄) + 2 W .
The above can be simplified by shifting the universal Kahler modulus, ρ → 0 /V
ρ − i(VW
). CY
The shifted expression has the usual form and is what we work with in the main text of
this paper.

C. Numerical Computation of the Flux Potential

Numerical computation of the Kahler potential K, Kahler metric Kz z̄ , superpotential W ,

and the flux potential V require the use of Meijer functions that solve the fourth-order
Picard-Fuchs ODE. Mathematica has built-in Meijer functions, however these evaluate too
slowly for analytical computations. Instead, we generate a table of look-up values for these
functions on a grid running from (−5.01, 4.99) in both the Re(z) and Im(z) directions. The
grid spacing is 0.05 between each vertex.

– 45 –
The numerical Meijer functions for our models are defined using the built-in ones as

U0 = c MeijerG[{{1 − α1 , 1 − α2 , 1 − α3 , 1 − α4 }, {}}, {{0}, {0, 0, 0}}, −z],

U1 = MeijerG[{{1 − α1 , 1 − α2 , 1 − α3 , 1 − α4 }, {}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 0}}, z],
U2− = MeijerG[{{1 − α1 , 1 − α2 , 1 − α3 , 1 − α4 }, {}}, {{0, 0, 0}, {0}}, −z],
U3 = MeijerG[{{1 − α1 , 1 − α2 , 1 − α3 , 1 − α4 }, {}}, {{0, 0, 0, 0}, {}}, z],

where the α-parameters are read off of table A.1 in appendix A.2 and the constant is given
c= .
Γ(α1 )Γ(α2 )Γ(α3 )Γ(α4 )
It is also useful to compute look-up tables for the derivatives of these functions:

∂z U0 = c MeijerG[{{−α1 , −α2 , −α3 , −α4 }, {}}, {{0}, {−1, −1, −1}}, −z],
∂z U1 = − MeijerG[{{−α1 , −α2 , −α3 , −α4 }, {}}, {{0, −1}, {−1, −1}}, z],
∂z U2− = MeijerG[{{−α1 , −α2 , −α3 , −α4 }, {}}, {{0, −1, −1}, {−1}}, −z],
∂z U3 = − MeijerG[{{−α1 , −α2 , −α3 , −α4 }, {}}, {{0, −1, −1, −1}, {}}, z].

Initially, we arrange for the branch-cuts to lie along the real axis from (−∞, 0] and
[1, ∞). To do this, we must define
U2− , if Im(z) < 0,
U2 = (C.3)
U2− − U1 , if Im(z) ≥ 0

and similarly for ∂z U2 .

Let the look-up tables constructed from the above definitions be U0, U1, U2, U3,
dU0, dU1, dU2, and dU3. These arrays contain just the values of the Meijer functions at
the grid points. To form the interpolating function on the grid for say, U0 one must form
a table associating each entry in U0 to its corresponding grid point. One can then run
Mathematica’s Interpolation function on this table. Usually this is one of the final steps
after computing the table of values for a function of interest such as the flux potential.
The arrays for the canonical periods Πj are computed by using the change of basis L
given in appendix A.2 with κ = 1 and C = 3. This means that

P3 = m2 U1 + m4 U3,
P2 = 3U1 − m4 U2,
P1 = −U1,
P0 = U0. (C.4)

– 46 –
The computation of all the other functions of interest in terms of the canonical periods
now follow.
The final issue is that sometimes we must rotate the branch cut emanating from 0 to
−∞ in order to locate minima that sit too close to this branch cut. We do this by using
the monodromy transformation around the LCS point in the canonical basis. To define the
new periods with the rotated branch cut, we essentially define the new functions to be the
same as the old functions either above or below the new cut (depending on which way one
is rotating), while defining the value beyond the cut as given by the monodromy matrix
applied to the vector of periods.

D. A Toy Model for Two-Field Tunneling

D.1 General Formalism for Relaxation Method

As mentioned in section 4.1, the relaxation method allows us to find a path between two
vacua which minimizes the tension,
Gij dφi dφj
σ = dz + V − V1 . (D.1)
2 dz dz

Such a path will solve the equations of motion,

d dφi ∂V 1 dGkl dφk dφl
Gij = + , (D.2)
dz dz ∂φj 2 dφj dz dz

with boundary conditions

(1) (2)
φi (z = −∞) → φi , φi (z = ∞) → φi . (D.3)

First we promote the equations of motion, Eq. (D.2), to (1 + 1) dimensional PDEs,

∂ ∂φi ∂ ∂φi ∂V 1 ∂Gkl ∂φk ∂φl ∂φk ∂φl
Gij − Gij =− + − , (D.4)
∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂φj 2 ∂φj ∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z

which has conservation of energy (up to boundary terms)

Gij ∂φi ∂φj ∂φi ∂φj
+ + V = E = const. (D.5)
2 ∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z

Note that a static solution of these PDEs will solve the equations of motion. So the
trick is to add a damping term,
∂ ∂φi ∂ ∂φi ∂φj ∂V 1 ∂Gkl ∂φk ∂φl ∂φk ∂φl
Gij − Gij +λ(t) =− + − . (D.6)
∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂t ∂φj 2 ∂φj ∂t ∂t ∂z ∂z

With λ(t) > 0, as long as the solution is not static, the total energy will keep decreasing
until it reaches a minima.

– 47 –
Figure 14: The global path connecting two isolated vacua, showing in the inverse potential. Here
wx = wy = 0.5, x1 = 0, x2 = 10, y0 = −1, Λ = 0 and k = 1 which is irrelevant.

D.2 Application to a Two Fields Model

Here we apply the relaxation method to a two field problem with standard kinetic terms.

∂V ∂V
ẍ = , ÿ = . (D.7)
∂x ∂y

The potential is designed to have both a run away direction in “−y”, and a valley connecting
two degenerate vacua at (x1 , y0 ), (x2 , y0 ) with vacuum energy Λ.
"   # !
y − yvalley (x) 2
V (x, y) = Vglobal (y) 1 − exp − [1 − Vlocal (x)] , (D.8)
Vglobal (y) = exp [y/2] ,
Vlocal (x) = Λe−y0 /2 + (1 − Λe−y0 /2 ) tanh2 [(x − x1 )(x − x2 )/(6wx )] ,
yvalley (x) = y0 + k sin[π(x − x1 )/(x2 − x1 )] .

Basically, we drill two holes with widths controlled by wx , wy , and also a valley along
yvalley (x), controlled by 1 parameter, k.
Our toy model shows that

• A complete valley is not necessary nor sufficient to exibit a tunneling path,13

• A global path has a simple analytical description.

First we study the global path by choosing wx = wy ≪ |x1 − x2 |, such that we have
two sharp, isolated vacua with no valley between them, as in figure 14.
A global path is the trajectory of a unit mass particle of total energy −Λ on the
inverse potential −V (x, y) ∼ −Vslope (y). It is as simple as a projectile motion, that vx
In [12], the authors proposed that a tunneling path will pass through a saddle point between the vacua.
That claim is similar but slightly weaker than a valley-following path, since a valley guarantees a saddle
point but not the other way around. Our examples here shows that they are equally wrong. Their claim
is based on tuning the strength of gravity and assuming that a weak gravitational, Coleman-deLuccia
instanton (which has a tunneling path) must continuously deform into a Hawking-Moss instanton [34]
(which just sits on the saddle point) in strong gravity. It is already incorrect even with only one field, as the
Coleman-deLuccia instanton can emerge from a different branch and is not connected to the Hawking-Moss
instanton by continuous deformation [35].

– 48 –
stays constant while y decreases to ym and comes back.

vx δt = |x1 − x2 | ,

ym = 2 ln vx2 /2 + Λ ,
Z y0
δt = 2 p ,
ym 2ey/2 − 2Λ − vx2

Combining these equations, we get

8vx −1 2ey0 /2 − 2Λ − vx2
|x1 − x2 | = p tan p . (D.9)
2Λ + vx2 2Λ + vx2

From (D.9), we can see important properties of the global path. For Λ > 0, there is a
maximum seperation |x1 − x2 | < dM , beyond which no path can be found. For separations
within this range, there are two paths just like the usual projectile motion, a high path
(smaller vx ) and a low path (bigger vx ). According to the tension of a path given by
σ(vx ) = (vx2 + vy2 )dτ
q p 
2Λ 2e−y0 /2 − 2Λ − v 2
−y /2 2 −1 x
=8 2e 0 − 2Λ − vx − p tan p , (D.10)
2Λ + vx2 2Λ + vx2

the low path has smaller tension, therefore is the solution we are looking for.
For Λ = 0, the maximum separation occurs when vx → 0. This value dM = 4π can be
taken as the absolute maximum for all dS and Minkowski vacua. For Λ < 0, there is no
maximum separation.
Now we turn our attention to local paths, namely the path which follows the valley.
First we should increase wx so that the valley is more prominent. Also, we should choose
a reasonably large k > 0, since negative k makes it hard to distinguish the local path from
the global path. Then we can use the relaxation method with initial condition set by

yinitial (x) = ayvalley (x) , (D.11)

where a is a tunable parameter which should scan through a wide range of values if we are
doing a general path search14 . Obviously, if we want to relax into the local path, reasonable
choices will have a ∼ 1. In our first example, figure 15, the valley is quite obvious and of
course there is a saddle point right in the middle, we find both a local path and a global
The numerical data of the final paths allows us to estimate their tension. In this
example they are quite close and we can tune the parameters to make either one smaller.
In the next two examples, we adjust the valley and repeat the same process. We
can show that when there is no saddle point, there can still be a local path (figure 16).
Alternatively, in figure 17 there is a saddle point but no local path. Here in particular we
increase the initial damping factor and look carefully for initial conditions near the saddle
point, but no paths relax there.

– 49 –
(a) (b) (c)

Figure 15: A potential with an obvious valley. Here wy = 0.5, wx = 4, x1 = 0, x2 = 10, y0 = −1,
Λ = 0, and k = 1. With two different initial conditions, a = 0.3 relaxes to the global path, and
a = 0.5 relaxes to the local path.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 16: A local path without a saddle point. Here wy = 1, wx = 4, x1 = 0, x2 = 10, y0 = −1,
Λ = 0, and k = 1. With two different initial conditions, a = 0.1 relaxes to the global path, and
a = 0.2 relaxes to the local path.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 17: A saddle point without a local path. Here wy = 1.5, wx = 2, x1 = 0, x2 = 5, y0 = −1,
Λ = 0, and k = 4. We tried several a ∼ 1 value in the neighborhood of the saddle point, and here
shows a = 0.95 which closely tracks the valley. All of them left the valley and relaxed into the
global path.

In practice, the initial condition should be both (x, y) as functions of z between zleft and zright . Here
we choose x to be linear in z. One can choose a different initial parametrization but it will not significantly
affect the result. The path y(x) is more important.

– 50 –
It should not be surprising that the existence of a local path is not necessarily related
to a saddle point (or a valley). A path through the saddle point in general sees smaller
values of the potential, but that is not the only factor. While minimizing the action, we
also need to consider the path length, which can be a comparable effect. We can only hope
that the local paths work in models where the path length does not vary too much. Even
so, we encourage people to always check whether such a path is real using methods such
as numerical relaxation.

E. Warping and the Conifold

A more careful analysis of the near conifold behavior of the flux potential would include
the effects of warping due to fluxes—effects that are localized at the tip of the cone in the
Calabi-Yau geometry when its moduli approach a conifold point. What follows is a slightly
generalized version of the singular conifold calculations found in [36].

E.1 Geometry of the singular conifold

The singular conifold has a Kahler metric given by

ds2(6) = dρ2 + ρ2 dΣ2 , (E.1)

where !2
X 2
2 1 1X 
dΣ = 2dβ + cos θi dφi + dθi2 + sin2 θi dφ2i . (E.2)
9 6
i=1 i=1

is the metric on the base of the conifold, T 1,1 . The base has the topology S 3 × S 2 . The
coordinates θi go between 0, π, while the φi and β go between 0, 2π, thus these coordinates
parametrize two S 2 ’s. The manifold T 1,1 can thus be thought of as a fiber bundle over
S 2 × S 2 with S 1 fibers. Alternatively, one can look at T 1,1 as a fiber bundle over S 3 with
S 2 fibers. To trace out one of the S 2 fibers, hold β fixed (say at β = 0), and then set
θ1 = θ2 and φ1 = −φ2 . The base is given by taking θ2 = φ2 = 0.
It’s helpful to introduce the following two bases of one-forms:

e5 = 2dβ + cos θ1 dφ1 + cos θ2 dφ2 ,

e1 + ie2 = i (dθ1 + i sin θ1 dφ1 ) ,
e3 + ie4 = ie2iβ (dθ2 − i sin θ2 dφ2 ) , (E.3)

e1 ∓ e3 e2 ∓ e4
g1,3 = √ , g 2,4 = √ , g5 = e5 . (E.4)
2 2
In this last basis the metric on T 1,1 is
1 1X i 2
dΣ2 = (g5 )2 + (g ) . (E.5)
9 6

– 51 –
The volume of T 1,1 is given by the integral
1 1 2 3 4 1 5 1
g ∧g ∧g ∧g ∧ g = 3 2 e1 ∧ · · · ∧ e5 . (E.6)
T 1,1 6 3 3 · 2 T 1,1
The integral over T 1,1 above becomes
Z 2π 3 Z π 2
1,1 2 2 · (2π)3 · 22 16
Vol(T ) = 2 3 dφ d(cos θ) = 2 3
= π3. (E.7)
2 ·3 0 0 2 ·3 27
It is useful to define the forms

ω1i = 2dβ + cos θi dφi , ω12 ∧ ω11 = 2 cos θ1 dβ ∧ dφ1 − 2 cos θ2 dβ ∧ dφ2 − cos θ1 cos θ2 dφ1 ∧ dφ2
1 1  1 1  1
ω2 = g ∧ g2 + g3 ∧ g4 = e ∧ e2 + e3 ∧ e4 = (sin θ1 dθ1 ∧ dφ1 − sin θ2 dθ2 ∧ dφ2 ) ,
2 2 2
5 1
ω3 = ω2 ∧ g = d (ω12 ∧ ω11 ) (E.8)
Given the relationship between ω3 and the ω1i ’s one finds that

ω3 ∧ ω12 ∧ ω11 = 0, (E.9)

since 0 = d(ω12 ∧ ω11 )2 = 2ω3 ∧ ω12 ∧ ω11 + 2ω12 ∧ ω11 ∧ ω3 . We also have

ω2 ∧ ω12 ∧ ω11 = cos θ2 dβ ∧ d(cos θ1 ) ∧ dφ1 ∧ dφ2 − cos θ1 dβ ∧ d(cos θ2 ) ∧ dφ1 ∧ dφ2 (E.10)

The forms ω2 and ω3 satisfy

ω2 = 4π, ω3 = 8π 2 (E.11)
S2 S3

for the S 2 fibers and the S 3 base of T 1,1 .

The 6D Hodge dual of ω3 (denoted by a ⋆6 ω3 to keep it distinct from the 10D duality
operator) is
1   3
⋆6 ω3 = ⋆6 g 1 ∧ g2 ∧ g5 + ⋆6 g 3 ∧ g4 ∧ g5 = dρ ∧ ω2 , (E.12)
2 ρ

which can be easily seen by defining the forms λi = ρg i / 6, λ5 = ρg 5 /3, and λ6 = dρ.
Clearly, ⋆6 ω3 can also be expressed as an exact form

⋆6 ω3 = dω̃2 , ω̃2 = 3 ln ρ · ω2 . (E.13)

Given a 3-form of the form

Aω3 + B ⋆6 ω3 , (E.14)
using (⋆6 )2 = −1, the condition for imaginary self-duality is that B = −iA. The 3-form is
exact, with a potential:
Aω12 ∧ ω11 + B ω̃2 . (E.15)
So for an imaginary self-dual 3-form, we have the form for the 3-form and its 2-form
A(1 − i⋆6 )ω3 , A ω12 ∧ ω11 − iω˜2 . (E.16)

– 52 –
E.2 Branes and fluxes on the singular conifold
We imagine ND3 D3-branes filling the large spatial dimensions. These branes are pointlike
in the 6D conifold geometry and they sit at the tip of the conifold. These D3’s act as
magnetic sources for type IIB F(5) flux through the T 1,1 base of the conifold:
F(5) = ND3 . (E.17)
(4π α′ )2
T 1,1

This means that we can write

πα′ 2 2
F(5) = ND3 ω2 ∧ ω3 = 27πα′ ND3 Vol(T 1,1 ), (E.18)

where Vol(T 1,1 ) is the volume form on T 1,1 .

In addition to the D3-branes, we consider N D5-branes wrapped around S 2 ’s in T 1,1 .
Geometrically, the dual to the S 2 fiber in T 1,1 is the S 3 base, and thus, these D5’s act as
sources of magnetic R-R flux on the S 3 :
F = N. (E.19)
4π 2 α′ S 3 (3)

This suggests that F(3) takes the form

F(3) = N ω3 + f ⋆6 ω3 , (E.20)
where f is to be determined.
We also allow for some integer amount of NS-NS flux through the S 3 :
H = M. (E.21)
4π 2 α′ S 3 (3)

In fact, we will always choose this to vanish (which is general since type IIB theory has an
SL(2, Z) symmetry that allows us to fix such a condition). For the sake of clarity, we will
work with M left arbitrary for now. Therefore, we can write

H(3) = M ω3 + h ⋆6 ω3 , (E.22)
with h to be determined.
In type IIB supergravity, the R-R 3-form field strength F(3) = dC(2) and the NS-NS
3-form field strength H(3) = dB(2) are naturally combined into the imaginary self-dual

G(3) = F(3) − τ H(3) = F(3) − τR H(3) − iτI H(3) , (E.23)

where τ = C(0) + ie−φ is the axio-dilaton and gs = eφ is the string coupling. Since G(3) is
imaginary self-dual, it follows from before that it can be expressed in the form

A ω3 − iA ⋆6 ω3 . (E.24)

– 53 –
This implies that
(N − τ M ) = i(f − τ h), (E.25)
or taking real and imaginary parts

1 1
(N − τR M ) = τI h, − τI M = f − τR h. (E.26)
2 2

1 1
h= (N − τR M ), f= (N τR − |τ |2 M ). (E.27)
2τI 2τI
So we have
1 1 1 1
F(3) = N ω3 + (N τR − |τ |2 M ) ⋆6 ω3 , H(3) = M ω3 + (N − τR M ) ⋆6 ω3 . (E.28)
2 2τI 2 2τI

As mentioned above, we can always use SL(2, Z) symmetry to set M = 0, which simplifies
the above expression

1 τR 1
F(3) = N ω3 + N ⋆6 ω3 , H(3) = N ⋆6 ω3 . (E.29)
2 2τI 2τI

Note that in much of the literature (including the famous paper by Klebanov and Strassler),
τR is taken to vanish. The above reproduces those results.
The type IIB self-dual 5-form satisfies the Bianchi identity

dF̃(5) = 2κ2 T3 ρ3 + H(3) ∧ F(3) , (E.30)

where κ2 is the 10D Planck scale, T3 is the tension of D3-branes, and ρ3 is the D3-charge
density from localized sources. We know that

N2 3N 2 dρ
H(3) ∧ F(3) = ⋆6 ω3 ∧ ω3 = 27 · ∧ Vol(T 1,1 ). (E.31)
4τI 2τI ρ

F(5) = 27πα′ Nef f (ρ)Vol(T 1,1 ), (E.32)

3N 2 ρ
Nef f (ρ) = ND3 + ln , (E.33)
2πτI ρ0
where ρ0 is a cut-off distance at which we choose to truncate the singular conifold geometry,
which gives the hard-wall approximation to the deformed conifold in which the singularity
at the tip is replaced by an S 3 of some minimal size.
The 10D self-dual 5-form field strength is then

F̃(5) = (1 + ⋆)F(5) . (E.34)

– 54 –
E.3 10D warped geometry and the warp factor

The metric is taken to be

ds2 = e2A(y) ηµν dxµ dxν + e−2A(y) gij (y)dy i dy j , (E.35)

where gij is the singular conifold metric and e−4A(y) is the warp factor. Recalling that the
conifold metric can be written as
X g1,...,4 g5
ds26 = dρ2 + ρ2 dΣ2 = (λi )2 , λ1,...,4 = √ ρ, λ5 = ρ, λ6 = dρ, (E.36)
6 3

we can define the 10D vielbeins

E µ = eA dxµ , F i = e−A λi . (E.37)


⋆(F 1 ∧ · · · ∧ F 5 ) = e−5A ρ5 ⋆ Vol(T 1,1 ) = F 6 ∧ E 0 ∧ · · · ∧ E 3 = e3A dρ ∧ dx0 ∧ · · · ∧ dx3 .

⋆Vol(T 1,1 ) = dρ ∧ dx0 ∧ · · · ∧ dx3 . (E.38)
Furthermore, we know from 4D Poincaré invariance that

⋆F(5) = dα(y) ∧ dx1 ∧ · · · ∧ dx3 . (E.39)

dα = 27πα′ Nef f (ρ)e8A ρ−5 dρ. (E.40)

The BPS constraints require that α = e4A . Thus

dα 2 Nef f (ρ) dρ
= 27πα′ . (E.41)
α2 ρ5

Integrating both sides yields

−4A 27πα′ 2 ND3 3N 2 ln(ρ/ρ0 ) 3N 2
e =c+ + + , (E.42)
4ρ4 τI 2πτI2 8πτI2

where c is a constant of integration. The constant actually plays a crucial role in under-
standing the dynamics of the universal Kahler modulus in warped flux compactifications
since it represents the zero-mode of the warping and is, in fact, identified with the universal
Kahler modulus field.
Note that a factor of τI−1 crops up in the final expression after integrating. This is due
to a shift from the 10D string frame metric to the 10D Einstein frame metric.

– 55 –
E.4 The functional form of warping corrections to the Kahler metric
Following [29, 32], we assume that the Kahler potential takes the form
Kcs = − log i e Ω∧Ω . (E.43)

In general this is not the complete Kahler potential and additional corrections are needed
(see [30, 31]), however it was shown in [31] that the functional behavior of the warp cor-
rections to the Kahler metric is the same in the case of the conifold whether or not one
considers the additional corrections.
Splitting the integral into the bulk and conifold portions of the Calabi-Yau manifold
gives  Z Z 
Kcs = − log ic Ω∧Ω+i e−4A Ω ∧ Ω , (E.44)
Mbulk Mconifold

where we have used the fact that in the bulk contributions from e−4A0 will be negligible
compared to c, taken to be large. Defining
Kbulk = − log ic Ω∧Ω , (E.45)

since the volume of the bulk region is taken to be much larger than that of the conifold
region, we can write the above as
Kcs ≈ Kbulk + ie e−4A Ω ∧ Ω + · · · . (E.46)

The Kahler metric near the conifold with the warping effects will thus be
(Kconifold )ξ ξ̄ ≈ ieKbulk e−4A χ ∧ χ, (E.47)

where χ is the (2,1)-form that corresponds to complex deformations of the conifold

1 1 dρ
χ = 2 (ω3 − i ⋆6 ω3 ) = 2 ω3 − 3i ∧ ω2 . (E.48)
8π 8π ρ
We have
i 81i dρ
χ∧χ = 4
ω3 ∧ ⋆6 ω3 = − ∧ Vol(T 1,1 ). (E.49)
32π 16π 4 ρ
In the integral for the near conifold Kahler metric (E.47), the warp factor will only depend
on r, so the volume integration over T 1,1 simply gives a factor of 16π 3 /27. The integral we
wish to calculate is then Z
3 Kbulk Λ0 dρ −4A(r)
e e . (E.50)
π |ξ|1/3 ρ

Plugging in the result for the warp factor (E.42), we find the strong warping correction to
the standard result. Ignoring the details of the coefficients, we have

Λ30 c2
(Kconifold )ξ ξ̄ ∼ c1 log + 4/3 , (E.51)
|ξ| |ξ|

– 56 –
where we have substituted ρ0 = |ξ|1/3 as the hard-wall cut-off of the singular conifold and
we assume that |ξ| is small compared to the long-distance cut-off Λ30 . The ratio of the
coefficients c1 /c2 is going to be of order c, which is taken to be large, but not strictly
infinite. This means that strong warping will have an impact for small enough |ξ|. For
the purposes of our simulations, we consider the coefficient in front of the warp correction
term to be an adjustable parameter that should be set at some small order of magnitude.
Note that in our numerical analysis of near conifold tunneling behavior, we have ignored
the additional τI dependence that comes from the warp factor. Including this effect will
likely modify the τ -field profile a little, but dramatically complicates the computation.

F. Near-conifold Potential and Numerical Data

In general, a conifold locus in the moduli space represents Calabi-Yaus that develop various
singular points due to the collapse of certain cycles. In the one-parameter examples, there
is a single conifold point and a single cycle that degenerates while the periods of the other
cycles become constant [37].
Due to the paired intersections of cycles in a Calabi-Yau, the collapsing cycle’s partner
develops interesting behavior in the moduli space (despite going to a constant at the conifold
point). Call the collapsing cycle A and the intersecting cycle B. Making a closed loop in
moduli space around the conifold point, one finds that there is an ambiguity involved in
determining what happens to the B-cycle. Since the intersection of A with itself is zero,
going around the conifold point can lead to some integer multiple of an A -cycle adding
on to the B-cycle. From the perspective of the periods, a loop around the conifold point
sends ΠB → ΠB + ΠA . This implies that
ξ ξ
ΠA = ξ + πA (ξ), ΠB = log 3 + πB (ξ), (F.1)
2πi Λ0
where the functions πA and πB are O(ξ 2 ) and O(1), respectively. The monodromy of the
B-cycle period is captured by the behavior of log in the expression above. The constant
Λ30 arises from cutting off the conifold geometry and gluing it into the bulk Calabi-Yau at
r ∼ Λ0 where r is the radial coordinate for the singular conifold.
Given the above expressions, we can work out the behavior of the Kahler potential,
Kahler metric, superpotential, and the flux potential in the near-conifold limit. We will
first do this while ignoring corrections from strong warping.

F.1 The Kahler potential and its derivatives

The complex structure Kahler potential for the one-parameter models is

Kcs = − log i Π3 Π0 − Π3 Π0 + Π1 Π2 − Π1 Π2 . (F.2)
In our notation the collapsing cycle is given by ΠA = Π3 , and its intersecting partner is
ΠB = Π0 . Plugging in the near-conifold behavior of these cycles and sweeping up all of
the O(1) dependence into a function k(ξ) gives
|ξ| Λ60
Kcs = log log 2 + k → − log k, (F.3)
2π |ξ|

– 57 –
where the expression after the arrow indicates the limit of the Kahler potential when we
neglect terms of order O(ξ).
The derivative is then
Kcs ξ Λ60 kξ
Kξ = e log 2 − 1 − kξ → − . (F.4)
2π |ξ| k
And the Kahler metric is
2 Kcs 1 Λ60 1 Λ6
Kξ ξ̄ = |Kξ | + e log 2 − 2 − kξ ξ̄ → log 02 + κ(ξ), (F.5)
2π |ξ| 2πk |ξ|

where κ(ξ) ∼ O(1). The near conifold Kahler metric possesses a logarithmic singularity at
the conifold point.
In order to include the effects of strong warping for very small |ξ|, we modify the
expression for the Kahler metric above by introducing the warp correction term

1 Λ6 K1 C1
Kξ ξ̄ ≈ log 02 + + , (F.6)
2πk |ξ| k k|ξ|4/3

where C1 is taken to be very small, reflecting that we are working with a large (but finite)
volume Calabi-Yau manifold. Note also that we have replaced κ = K1 /k in the above as
it is more convenient to work with in the final expression for the flux potential.

F.2 The superpotential and its derivatives

The superpotential is as above

W = F · Π − τ H · Π = A + τ B. (F.7)

Recall that we can use the SL(2, Z) invariance of type IIB superstrings to ensure that H3
always vanishes. This means that while A has non-trivial monodromy near the conifold
point, B does not since the flux multiplying Π0 is set to zero.
The near-conifold behavior of these functions is easily computed
FA ξ ξ
A= log 3 + a(ξ) → a(ξ), B = b(ξ), (F.8)
2πi Λ0

where a and b are O(1) and depend on the choice of the fluxes associated to the other
cycles (including the B-cycle). We also have
FA ξ FA ξ
Aξ = log 3 + 1 + aξ → log 3 . (F.9)
2πi Λ0 2πi Λ0

Thus, the derivatives Dξ W and Dτ W of the superpotential take the following form near
the conifold
FA ξ
Dξ W ≈ log 3 + A1 − τ B1 , (F.10)
2πi Λ0
and √
Dτ W ≈ k(A2 + τ̄ B2 ). (F.11)

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F.3 The flux potential near the conifold
The leading behavior of the flux potential in ξ is determined by the behavior of A in the
superpotential above. Recall that the flux potential is given by
eKcs  ξ ξ̄ 2 τ τ̄ 2

V = K |Dξ W | + K |Dτ W | . (F.12)
16τI ρ3I
Inserting the expressions for the Kahler potential, metric, and superpotential near the
conifold, we have
 −1 2 !
1 1 Λ60 C1 FA

V =
16τI ρ3I 2π
log 2 + K1 + 4/3
|ξ| |ξ| 2πi log ξ + A1 − τ B1 + |A2 + τ̄ B2 | ,
where C1 is a small constant (it’s order of magnitude mainly reflecting the large volume of
the compactification manifold) and Λ0 the cut-off characterizing where the singular conifold
is glued into the bulk Calabi-Yau geometry.

F.4 Mirror quintic near-conifold numerical data

Our numerical simulations have been carried out for vacua arising from flux compactifi-
cation on the mirror quintic. We collect here some data to ease the replication of our
Given the fluxes F = (3, −6, −9, −1) and H = (−1, 0, −7, 0), the parameters in the
near-conifold flux potential (F.13) are

K1 = 0.524211,
A1 = 13.1691 + 17.3632 i,
B1 = 0.209511 + 0.000277995 i,
A2 = −9.55217 + 7.75481 i,
B2 = −2.26182 i.

The choice of F flux implies that FA ≡ F3 = −1.

The mirror quintic period data near the conifold is approximated as follows: for the
period functions that are regular near the conifold, we used Mathematica to compute them
in terms of Meijer G functions and find their expansions to first order around the conifold
point. The period Π0 picks up a monodromy on sending ξ → e2πi ξ. We captured this
behavior, the O(1) and O(z) behavior by fitting a function of the appropriate form to a
numerically generated period function. The fit is good for |ξ| ∼ 0.04 for Λ30 ∼ 1. Note
that the variable z is set up so that z = 1 is the conifold point, z = 0 is called the
large-complex-structure (LCS) point.

Π3 → ξ ≡ −0.355878 (z − 1)i,
Π2 → 6.19501 − 7.11466 i − (2.33032 + 2.85683 i)ξ,
Π1 → 1.29357 i + 0.423645 ξ,
Π0 → log(−iξ) + 1.07128 − 0.0630147 i ξ.

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