FPM 08 Negm Abouzeid

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Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 42 (2008), 5-16

Fizykochemiczne Problemy Mineralurgii, 42 (2008), 5-16

A.A. Negm*, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid* ∗



Received April 19, 2008; reviewed; accepted July 31, 2008

Most of the existing phosphate rocks are of low grade. For the production of marketable phosphate
commodity, these low grade ores need upgrading before being utilized. Large quantities of solid-
waste materials, with considerable amounts of P2O5 content are generated in phosphate processing
plants. In addition of being environmental hazards and a source of pollution for air, water and soil,
these waste materials add to the production cost for waste removal. The positive use of mineral proc-
essing plant tailings is becoming a common practice nowadays, to avoid pollution hazards and to im-
prove the techno-economics of the mineral processing plants. In this paper, the solid-waste of Se-
baeya phosphate washing plant, Upper Egypt, was successfully used to produce a high grade phos-
phate concentrate, to produce aggregates for road paving and for concrete mixes, in brick manufactur-
ing, pottery making, and direct application for improving agriculture soils.

key words: phosphate, wastes, aggregates, road paving, concrete mixes, brick, pottery, agriculture

Phosphate occurs in all igneous and sedimentary rocks in the form of phosphate
minerals. However, most of the economic recovery of phosphate is of sedimentary
origin. The world production of phosphate rock was 146 Tg in the year 2006. Most of
the phosphate rock is produced by open-pit mining rather than underground min-
ing.Most phosphate rocks as mined are of low-grade and need beneficiation. Benefi-
ciation plants produce large quantities of waste materials relatively high in P2O5 con-
tent, which are considered as environmental hazard and a source of pollution of air,
water and land. In addition, disposal of these materials represents a loss of valuable
natural resource and adds additional cost to the production for waste removal. Dis-
∗ Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Mining. Giza 12613, Egypt
6 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

posal of ore processing plant tailings is a major environmental problem, which is be-
coming more serious with increasing exploitation of low grade ores and deposits due
to depletion of rich ones (Negm, 1997). The method used to dispose tailings have
been developed due to the environmental pressures, changing milling practice and
realization of profitable applications (Abouzeid, 2007). Early methods included dis-
charge of tailings into rivers and streams which still practiced at some mines, and the
dumping of coarse dewatered tailings on to land (Down, 1977). An alternative for the
disposal of mineral processing tailings is the positive use of it, either in the raw state
or after further processing (Down, 1977). Accordingly, utilization of waste mineral
slimes discarded by ore milling plants is becoming a common practice to avoid pollu-
tion hazards and to improve the techno-economic feasibility of new mining projects.
The concept of waste utilization is appealing because it offers two major advantages:
1- waste dispersal problem may be reduced or eliminated, 2- conservation of re-
sources, by partly replacing natural material. There are three obvious positive uses for
tailings. Firstly, they may be reprocessed to recover additional values, secondly, all or
a portion of tailings may be used for backfill applications, and thirdly, the tailings
may be used as one of the raw materials to manufacture higher values products (Mi-
chael, 1979)Processing of Sebaeya phosphate ore yields huge amounts of solid wastes
and slime clayey fractions. It is estimated that approximately 1.5 megagrams (Mg) of
coarse waste(-80mm) and about 1.0 Mg of slimes (–100 µm) are accumulated as stock
piles or in tailing ponds. These wastes cause environmental and waste disposal prob-
lems. Therefore, this study is devoted to find some alternative uses for these wastes,
to reduce their accumulated quantities as well as their enviromentals harms and
change them into value-added products. These alternatives can be summarized as fol-
• obtaining a phosphate concentrate product
• manufacture of bricks suitable for non–load bearing walls
• pottery making
• aggregates for road bases and sub-bases
• aggregate for plain concrete
• direct application as natural fertilizer.



There is a large accumulation of waste material produced from the washing plant
of Sebaeya phosphate company. The coarse waste dump produced by the crushing
and screening section is estimated to be over 1.5 Tg assaying 18-24% P2O5. The fine
Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants 7

tailings in the tailing pond is estimated to be over 1.0 million ton assaying 12-19%
P2O5. These accumulated quantities of waste constitute an environmental hazard and
must be reduced and removed. It is advantageous to change these wastes into useful
product through mineral processing techniques in order to get high-grade marketable

Clay is one of the most abundant mineral material on earth. For production of
brick, clay must, however, posses some specific properties. Clay must have plasticity,
which permits them to be shaped or molded when mixed with water, and it must have
sufficient wet and air-dried tensile strength to maintain their shape after forming. Also
when subjected to raising temperatures, the clay particles must be fused together.
Clay bricks are used for an extremely wide range of applications in an equally ex-
tensive range of buildings and engineering structures (El-Wageeh, 1995). Among the
most common applications are partition walls, party walls, claddings and facings,
foundations, paving and floorings.
Bricks are classified according to their variety, quality, and type as follows:
1) varieties: common bricks, facing brick sand engineering bricks
2) quality: internal quality, ordinary quality and special quality
3) types: solid, perforated, hollow, and special shapes and standard.
The physical and mechanical properties of different types of bricks are mentioned
in many texts (Nash, 1966). The most important properties are water absorption 20-
32 %, compressive strength 30-40 kg/cm2, and dimension 25x12x6 cm.

Phosphate slimes, which is a waste material produced from the beneficiation of
phosphate ore, can be used in pottery making because it contains very fine clay and
clay-like minerals suspended in water (Robertson, 1986). These slimes can be also
used with kaolin, feldspar and quartz for the production of satisfactory ceramic tiles.


Road structure today generally consists of four layers shown in Fig. 1, which are
collectively termed the pavement. The type of aggregates and thickness of each layer
depends on the type of the road and the use to which it is being put. The behavior of
all four layers is crucial to the stability and safety of the road.
Unbound granular material is generally used as an important component in road
payments as base and sub-base. The foundations as well as the surfaces of the roads
can be constructed from these materials. As a base course, they play a structurally im-
8 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

portant role, especially in medium and low volume roads. As a sub-base, they protect
the soil acting as a working platform and insulating layer against frost action.
The substantial benefits of using these waste materials for road building purpose
can be summarized in the reduction of costs, in addition to the solution of the envi-
ronmental problems.
Crushed rock, mine and mill refuse, and tailings can be used locally in low volume
roads, where a lower quality aggregate is more appropriate. The solid wastes gener-
ated from the beneficiation of phosphate ores can be used as cheap local waste mate-
rials, for road and rail roadbeds. This positive use of wastes can be applied in the ar-
eas surrounding the mining zones in roads with less traffic.

Wearing course (13-38mm)

Base course (38-76mm)


Road base (102 -204mm)

Sub base (varies in thickness)

Sub grade (rock)

Fig.1. Structural layers in road construction.

Numbers refer to thickness of layers


The possibility of using solid wastes as aggregates in concrete received increasing
attention in recent years as one of the promising solution to the escalating solid waste
problems. The use of solid wastes for concrete has concentrated mostly on service as
aggregates, since this provides the only real utilization of larger quantities of waste
materials. The successful utilization of solid wastes in concrete will depend on antici-
pating potential problems and the ensuing properties of the concrete, and developing
uses that comply with these restraints. The mining industry has traditionally made use
of its own waste materials, either by reprocessing to recover additional minerals, or by
using them for internal construction purposes. Portland cement concrete is made up
of Portland cement, water and aggregates. Each of these must meet certain require-
ments in order that quality concrete is produced. Compressive strength is the simplest
and easiest one of all the strength characteristics of concrete to be determined, and
Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants 9

concrete design usually based on this property. Normal strength concrete of grades
between 180 to 300 kg/cm2 is widely used in usual building. Aggregates generally
occupy about 70 to 80 % of the volume of concrete and can therefore be expected to
have an important influence on its properties.
Aggregates must conform to certain standards for optimum engineering use: clean,
hard, strong, durable, practically free of absorbed chemicals, coatings of clay, and
other fine materials in amounts that could affect hydration and bond of the cement
paste. It is generally advantageous to use as large size of aggregates as possible, al-
though experimental investigations have indicated that the improvement in the proper-
ties of concrete with an increase in the size of aggregate does not extend beyond about
40 mm. The normal sizes of coarse aggregate used in concrete mix in Egypt are 40,
20 and 10 mm. Generally, the maximum nominal size of 40 mm is 15x15x15cm
(Internet, 2003). They are made in a specified manner, allowed to set, and then cured
in the laboratory in a humid room until a specified age. Proper curing requires water
and a favorable temperature. Usually the strength is determined 28-day after casting
because this is the design strength or common specified strength. However, 7-day
strength may also be obtained either as an indication of the expected 28-day strength
or as a specified strength.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of using solid waste of mill
tailings (over screen reject of Sebaeya phosphate company) as a substitution of natu-
ral coarse aggregate in a Portland cement concrete mix to produce concrete with com-
pressive strength able to satisfy the construction purposes of small buildings.


Phosphorus is an essential element for the life of animals and plants. Animals get
their phosphorus from eating plants and other animals, while plants get their phospho-
rus from soil.
Phosphorus is also essential in livestock nutrition. Some 80% of the phosphorus in
the animal body is in the skeleton. Phosphorus also occurs in many proteins and is
necessary for the utilization of carbohydrate. Although phosphorus is a major plant
nutrient, its deficiency reduces animal productivity. Serious deficiencies can result in
bone disorders and infertility.
In many respects the phosphorus cycle is analogous to the nitrogen cycle. Next to
nitrogen, phosphorus is the most abundant nutrient contained in microbial tissue,
making up as much as 2% of the dry weight. Partly for this reason phosphorus is the
second most abundant nutrient in soil organic matter.


Head samples of consolidated slimes and solid wastes of Sebaeya phosphate were
used. In this investigation, each sample was crushed by jaw crusher followed by roll
10 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

mill to minus 0.5mm. The particle size analyses of these prepared wastes are given in
Table 1. For pottery making the phosphate slimes and shale were ground to minus 250
micrometers. Table 2 gives the chemical analysis of the used materials.

Table 1. Size analyses of slimes and coarse solid waste samples

Waste type Slimes Solid wastes

Screen Wt.%ret. Cum.wt.% Cum.wt.% Wt.%ret Cum.Wt.% Cum.wt.%
size, (µm) ret. Passed ret. passed
+500 00.00 00.00 100.0 00.00 00.00 100.0
-500+315 12.50 12.50 100.0 37.50 35.50 100.0
-315+250- 05.50 18.00 87.50 08.25 43.75 64.50
250+160 19.00 37.00 82.00 17.50 61.25 56.25
-160+125 12.25 49.25 63.00 05.50 66.75 38.75
-125+063 37.25 86.50 50.75 16.50 83.25 33.25
-063 13.50 100.0 13.50 16.75 100.0 16.75

Table 2. Chemical analyses of slimes, solid wastes, and El-Ballas shale

Component Slimes Solid El-Ballas Component Slimes Solid El-Ballas
wastes shale wastes shale
% % % % % % % %
SiO2 27.05 08.62 39.05 Na2O 00.41 00.42 01.08
TiO2 00.13 00.06 00.41 K2O 00.17 <0.01 00.75
Al2O3 02.15 00.22 19.45 P2O5 16.90 24.45 00.40
Fe2O3 03.70 01.94 03.65 Cl 00.05 00.06 00.65
MnO 00.20 00.24 00.12 SO3 00.51 02.80 00.32
MgO 01.10 00.28 01.18 L.O.I 09.33 07.94 19.06
CaO 36.45 48.95 12.85 - - - -



Phosphate waste rock contains certain value of P2O5. Due to the variation in com-
position of each particle according to its size, it was found that the most suitable way
to release the phosphate particles from the associated gangue minerals by wet attrition
scrubbing at high solid/liquid ratio. The classification of the products into different
sizes is carried out by screening for coarse fractions and by hydraulic classification
for fine and sub sieve fractions. Suitable sizes were used as feed to study the concen-
tration of the proper feed by direct anionic froth flotation technique in a single stage.
In these experiments the effect of the different flotation variables were studied. These
variables were solid/liquid ratio, amount of collector, amount of frother, type of
Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants 11

frother, and amount of kerosene. Pure oleic acid was used as a collector while pine
oil, Aerofroth 70 and Aerofroth 65 were used as frothers. A sample of rice bran oil
supplied by El-Nasr Mining Company was also used as a collector to compare with
the oleic acid.
a) Effect of solid /liquid ratio(s/l)

Table 3. Effect of solid/liquid ratio on the grade and recovery

s/l, Product Wt., P2O5, Insol., L.O.I Recovery,
% % % %
5 Conc. 80.2 29.0 10.0 11.0 93.0
Tail 19.8 --- 67.0 8.0 ---
10 Conc. 81.9 31.2 10.0 10.0 99.0
Tail 18.1 --- 63.0 8.0 ---

b) Effect of collector amount

Table 4. Effect of collector consumption on grade and recovery

Collector, Product Wt, P2O5 Insol. L.O.I Recovery
(kg/Mg) % % %
2.8 Concentrate 83.3 31.5 17.0 --- 99.5
tailings 16.7 --- 44.0 ---
1.4 Concentrate 80.2 29.5 10.0 11.0 94.6
tailings 19.8 --- 67.0 8.0
0.70 Concentrate 81.9 31.2 10.0 10.0 99.0
tailings 18.1 --- 63.0 8.0

The 0.7 kg/Mg dose of collector gave a reasonable concentrate grade and recovery.
c) Effect of feed size

Table 5. Effect of feed size on flotation products

Feed size Product Wt P2O5 Insol. L.O.I Recovery
(µm) % % % % %
-500+40 Concentrate 61.5 32.2 7.0 7.5 79.2
Tailing 38.5 --- 36. 8.5
-250+40 Concentrate 77.0 30.7 7.0 9.0 94.6
Tailing 23.0 --- 60.0 ---
-120+40 Concentrate 81.9 31.2 10.0 10.0 99.0
Tailing 18.1 --- 63.0 8.0
-120+20 Concentrate 66.0 25.2 30.0 --- 66.5
Tailing 34.0 --- 29.0 ---

From the above table it can be seen that the suitable size for flotation was -
250+40 µm with a higher weight recovery and concentrate assay of more than 30 per-
cent P2O5.
12 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

d) Effect of frother type

Table 6. Effect of frother type

Frother Product Wt, % P2O5 Insol., % L.O.I, % Recovery, %
Pine oil Conc. 81.9 31.2 10.0 10.0 99.0
Tailings 18.1 --- 63.0 8.0
Aero froth Conc. 75.5 30.7 9.0 7.5 95.0
70 Tailings 24.5 --- 58.0 7.0
Aero froth Conc. 80.5 33.8 8.0 10.0 99.0
65 Tailings 19.5 --- 65.0 7.0

It is seen from the above table that Aerofroth 65 is superior to other types of frothers.
e) Effect of collector type

Table 7. Effect of collector type on flotation

Collector Product Wt, % P2O5 Insol., % L.O.I, % Recovery, %

Oleic acid Conc. 80.5 33.8 8.0 10.0 99.5
Tailings 19.5 --- 65.0 7.0
Rice bran Conc. 80.5 31.85 9.5 10.0 99.1
oil Tailings 19.0 --- 60.5 6.5

Oleic acid as a collector gave better results. However due to the low price of rice
bran oil (as a by-product), we recommend its use in flotation.
f) Effect of the amount of kerosene

Table 8. Effect of amount of kerosene

Kerosene, cm3 Product Wt, % P2O5 Insol., % L.O.I, % Recovery, %
without Conc . 10.0 34.5 --- 9.0 13.8
Tailing 90.0 --- --- 7.0
0.25 Conc . 80.5 29.5 10.0 11.0 95.0
Tailing 19.0 --- 57.0 7.0
0.50 Conc . 80.5 31.9 9.5 10.0 99.0
Tailing 19.0 --- 60.5 60.5

It is necessary to use kerosene as a collecting aid in the flotation of phosphate

waste in order to minimize the use of collector.
g) Effect of grinding method

Table 9. Effect of grinding

Type of grinding product Wt% P2O5 Insol. % L.O.I% Recovery %
Attrition scrub- Conc . 91.1 30.2 7.5 11.0 99.5
bing Tailings 8.9 52.0 9.0
Disc crusher Conc . 51.5 26.5 8.5 8.5 52.5
Tailings 48.5 33.0 9.5
Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants 13

Attrition scrubbing gave better grade and recovery than disc grinding.
The result of the present study of production of high grade concentrate from waste
material of the phosphate washing plant of Sebaeya, the following remarks can be
1. for a successful flotation process using oleic acid as a collector, it is necessary
to remove slime particles less than 40 µm as it has a bad effect on grade and re-
covery of the flotation process
2. it was possible to obtain a high-grade concentrate of more than 30 percent P2O5
at a 10 percent solids in a single stage flotation process
3. the optimum dosage of collector was 0.7 kg/Mg at P2O5 31.2 % and a recovery
of 95 %. Rice bran oil was also successfully used as a collector
4. optimum results of flotation were obtained for feed size range of -250+40 µm.
This fraction was about 35% of the original sample because the coarse and
slime fractions were relatively low in P2O5
5. different types of frothers were used and Aerofroth 65 gave the best result
6. it is necessary to use sodium silicate to depress silica and kerosene as a collect-
ing aid
7. attrition scrubbing of the feed is better than grinding in a ball mill or disc
8. magnetic separation step prior to flotation reduced the iron content of the con-
9. a proposed flow sheet is suggested to obtain a high grade concentrate from this
waste material.


Positive uses of phosphate tailings consume huge amounts of waste materials,
which reduce their environmental harms, conserve the natural resources, and add to
mining profits.
1. Bricks with acceptable qualities (average comp. strength 152 kg/cm3 and slake
durability index of 99.18%) are produced from a mixture of 90%phosphate
slimes and 10% shale.
2. Pottery making is another alternative use of Sebaeya phosphate slimes. The
mixture composed of 90% slimes and 10% shale gave pots and jars of reason-
able quality. The produced potteries gave water seepage rate of about 0.0075
mm3/sec·cm2 without any defected products during firing process and its slake
durability index was 99.3%.
3. Solid wastes of the over screen reject can be used in construction of low vol-
ume roads where a low quality aggregates is more appropriate.
4. Slime fraction of -40 µm generated from desliming phosphate tailings can be
used in either potteries or brick making. For potteries it has a high workability
14 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

as it retains high percentage water. Bricks made from the slime fraction and
shale show good qualities.
5. Coarse solid wastes can be used in concrete mix without seriously hindering its
mechanical properties.
6. Concrete of about 240 kg/cm2 compressive strength is obtained, which is suit-
able for the construction of small buildings.
7. The present study matches society's needs for safe and economic disposal of
mill tailing of phosphate ores.

Hammer Crusher

Aggregates for concrete And road
- 20+10 mm
Attrition Scrubber

Vibrating screens
Aggregates for
- 2+1mm road paving
Vibrating screens

-0.25 mm

Magnetic Separator



To other uses High grade

(for bricks and concentrate

Fig.2. Proposed flow sheet for flotation of Sebaeya low grade phosphate
Utilization of solid wastes from phosphate processing plants 15


Egyptian soils are normally alkaline, therefore, the low availability of P to plants is
common, especially in highly calcareous soils. Maximum phosphorus availability oc-
curs at pH value of 6 to 7. Below this pH range, iron and aluminum phosphate were
formed, but above this pH range, minimum solubility of calcium phosphate is formed.
Organic manures can increase the availability of P-forms for the growing crops, by
rapid decomposition and liberation of large quantities of carbon dioxide, which dis-
solves in water to form carbonic and other acids. Organic manures can help to lower
the pH of alkaline soil and increase the availability of phosphate to the succeeding
crop. On the other hand, phosphate dissolving microbes solubilize insoluble P by pro-
ducing various organic acids. This available P is taken up by plants.

1. Approximately 1.5 megagrams (Mg) of coarse waste (-80 mm) and 1.0 Mg of
slimes averaging 22 % and 15 % P2O5 respectively have been stock piled at El-
Mahameed area (East Sebaeya) rejects from the phosphate processing plant.
2. Laboratory-scale tests revealed the technical feasibility of retreatment of the
coarse waste to produce a concentrate of more than 30% P2O5 at over 90% re-
covery. The proposed flow-sheet comprises crushing, attrition scrubbing,
desliming and direct flotation of phosphate using oleic acid or rice bran oil as
collectors. Some equipment of the existing plant may be used in the proposed
retreatment mill.
3. Full-scale tests proved the possibility to produce fired bricks from a blend of
90% phosphate slimes and 10% shale with acceptable properties concerning
compressive strength, bulk density and slake durability. The same mix could be
used for the production of pots and jars of reasonable quality.
4. The coarse phosphate waste can be utilized as aggregates in concrete mix to ob-
tain concrete of more than 240 kg/cm2 compressive strength as well as the con-
struction of low volume roads.
5. The ultra-fine fraction (-40 micrometers) discarded from the flotation process
feed proved to be a suitable raw material for pottery and brick making.
6. Green house experiments showed the possibility of direct application of phos-
phate tailings in both sandy and calcareous soils at high levels of phosphate up-
take which is comparable to commercial super phosphate fertilizers.


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16 A.A. Negm, A.-Z. M. Abouzeid

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RODRIGUEZ , H.; and FRAGA.R. 1999 '' Phosphate solublizing bacteria and their role in plant growth
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Negm A.A., Abouzeid A.-Z. M., Wykorzystanie odpadów stałych po przeróbce fosforytów, Physicoche-
mical Problems of Mineral Processing, 42 (2008), 5-16 (w jęz. ang)

Większość skał fosforytowych ma niską zawartość fosforu i wymagają one wzbogacania prze wyko-
rzystaniem. Dlatego duŜe ilości odpadów stałych o podwyŜszonej zawartości P2O5 są generowane w za-
kładach przerabiających fosforyty. Są one szkodliwe dla środowiska oraz źródłem zanieczyszczania po-
wietrza, wody oraz gleby, a takŜe generują koszty związane z usuwaniem odpadów. Wykorzystanie odpa-
dów przeróbczych staje się więc obecnie codzienną praktyką dla uniknięcia zanieczyszczenia środowiska
oraz dla zwiększenia ekonomiki zakładów przeróbczych. W pracy z powodzeniem wykorzystano odpady
fosforytowe z zakładu przeróbczego Sebaeya w Górnym Egipcie do produkcji wysokiej jakości materia-
łów do produkcji kamieni stosowanych do utwardzania dróg oraz produkcji składników cementu, cegieł
oraz fajansu, a takŜe bezpośredniego wykorzystania do nawoŜenia gruntów rolniczych.

słowa kluczowe: fosforyty, odpady, kamienie drogowe, składniki cementu, cegły, fajans, grunty rolnicze

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