Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
A company is in essence a collection of activities that are performed to design, produce, market, deliver
and support its product (or service). Its goal is to produce the products in such a way that they have a
greater value (to customers) than the original cost of creating these products. The added value can be
considered the profits and is often indicated as ‘margin’. A systematic way of examining all of these
internal activities and how they interact is necessary when analyzing the sources of competitive advantage.
A company gains competitive advantage by performing strategically important activities more cheaply or
better than its competitors. Michael Porter’s value chain helps disaggregating a company into its
strategically relevant activities, thereby creating a clear overview of the internal organization. Based on
this overview managers are better able to assess where true value is created and where improvements can
be made.
Primary activities
The first are primary activities which include the five main activities. All five activities are directly
involved in the production and selling of the actual product. They cover the physical creation of the
product, its sales, transfer to the buyer as well as after sale assistance. The five primary activities
are inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing & sales and service. Even though the
importance of each category may vary from industry to industry, all of these activities will be present to
some degree in each organization and play at least some role in competitive advantage.
Inbound Logistics
Inbound logistics is where purchased inputs such as raw materials are often taken care of. Because of this
function, it is also in contact with external companies such as suppliers. The activities associated with
inbound logistics are receiving, storing and disseminating inputs to the product. Examples: material
handling, warehousing, inventory control, vehicle scheduling and returns to suppliers.
Once the required materials have been collected internally, operations can convert the inputs in the desired
product. This phase is typically where the factory conveyor belts are being used. The activities associated
with operations are therefore transforming inputs into the final product form. Examples: machining,
packaging, assembly, equipment maintenance, testing, printing and facility operations.
Outbound Logistics
After the final product is finished it still needs to find its way to the customer. Depending on how lean the
company is, the product can be shipped right away or has to be stored for a while. The activities associated
with outbound logistics are collecting, storing and physically distributing the product to buyers. Examples:
finished goods warehousing, material handling, delivery vehicle operations, order processing and
Marketing & Sales
The fact that products are produced doesn’t automatically mean that there are people willing to purchase
them. This is where marketing and sales come into place. It is the job of marketeers and sales agents to
make sure that potential customers are aware of the product and are seriously considering purchasing them.
Activities associated with marketing and sales are therefore to provide a means by which buyers can
purchase the product and induce them to do so. Examples: advertising, promotion, sales force, quoting,
channel selection, channel relations and pricing. A good tool to structure the entire marketing process is
the Marketing Funnel.
In today’s economy, after-sales service is just as important as promotional activities. Complaints from
unsatisfied customers are easily spread and shared due to the internet and the consequences on your
company’s reputation might be vast. It is therefore important to have the right customer service practices in
place. The activities associated with this part of the value chain are providing service to enhance or
maintain the value of the product after it has been sold and delivered. Examples: installation, repair,
training, parts supply and product adjustment.
Support Activities
The second category is support activities. They go across the primary activities and aim to coordinate and
support their functions as best as possible with each other by providing purchased inputs, technology,
human resources and various firm wide managing functions. The support activities can therefore be
divided into procurement, technology development (R&D), human resource management and firm
infrastructure. The dotted lines reflect the fact that procurement, technology development and human
resource management can be associated with specific primary activities as well as support the entire value
Procurement refers to the function of purchasing inputs used in the firm’s value chain, not the purchased
inputs themselves. Purchased inputs are needed for every value activity, including support activities.
Purchased inputs include raw materials, supplies and other consumable items as well as assets such as
machinery, laboratory equipment, office equipment and buildings. Procurement is therefore needed to
assist multiple value chain activities, not just inbound logistics.
Firm Infrastructure
Firm infrastructure consists of a number of activities including general (strategic) management, planning,
finance, accounting, legal, government affairs and quality management. Infrastructure usually supports the
entire value chain, and not individual activities. In accounting, many firm infrastructure activities are often
collectively indicated as ‘overhead’ costs. However, these activities shouldn’t be underestimated since they
could be one of the most powerful sources of competitive advantage. After all, strategic management is
often the starting point from which all smaller decisions in the firm are being based on. The wrong strategy
will make it extra hard for people on the workfloor to perform well.