ECG Interpretation Program: User'S Guide
ECG Interpretation Program: User'S Guide
ECG Interpretation Program: User'S Guide
ECG Interpretation
Copyright Notice
The entire contents of this manual are copyrighted by Nihon Kohden. All rights are reserved. No part of this document
may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded,
or otherwise) without the prior written permission of Nihon Kohden.
Contents 1
Section 1 Introduction 3
Section 2 Precautions 5
(Discrepancies between physician’s and ECAPS 12C’s
Findings) 6
Section 4 Recorded Analysis Results
Section 5 How to Read Analysis Results
ECG Findings................................................................................................................... 5.3 A-3
Priority of ECG Findings................................................................................................... 5.3
Criteria.............................................................................................................................. 5.4 A-4
Overall Judgement............................................................................................................ 5.4
Analysis Result When ECG Cannot Be Analyzed............................................................ 5.5
12108 Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response with aberrant conduction, or
ventricular premature complexes..................................................................... 6.1.18
12109 Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response with aberrant conduction, or
ventricular premature complexes..................................................................... 6.1.18
1220 Rapid atrial rhythm............................................................................................ 6.1.4
1250 Atrial flutter........................................................................................................ 6.1.8
12503 Atrial flutter with aberrant conduction, or ventricular premature complexes.... 6.1.19
12505 Cannot rule out atrial flutter............................................................................... 6.1.8
12506 Atrial fibrillation or flutter.................................................................................... 6.1.8
12507 Atrial fibrillation or flutter with aberrant conduction, or ventricular premature
complexes........................................................................................................ 6.1.19
1300 Junctional rhythm............................................................................................... 6.1.5
1320 Rapid junctional rhythm..................................................................................... 6.1.5
1400 Undetermined rhythm (Possible supraventricular rhythm)................................. 6.1.6
1420 Undetermined rhythm (Possible supraventricular tachycardia).......................... 6.1.6
1430 Undetermined rhythm (Possible supraventricular bradycardia)......................... 6.1.6
1470 with occasional supraventricular premature complexes.................................. 6.1.14
1474 with frequent supraventricular premature complexes...................................... 6.1.14
1475 with frequent supraventricular premature complexes in a pattern of
bigeminy.......................................................................................................... 6.1.14
1570 with occasional ventricular premature complexes........................................... 6.1.15
15708 with occasional ventricular premature complexes (Unreliable analysis due
to noise)........................................................................................................... 6.1.15
1574 with frequent ventricular premature complexes............................................... 6.1.15
15748 with frequent ventricular premature complexes (Unreliable analysis due to
noise)............................................................................................................... 6.1.15
1575 with frequent ventricular premature complexes in a pattern of bigeminy......... 6.1.15
15758 with frequent ventricular premature complexes in a pattern of bigeminy
(Unreliable analysis due to noise).................................................................. 6.1.15
1577 with couplet ventricular premature complexes................................................. 6.1.15
15778 with couplet ventricular premature complexes (Unreliable analysis due to
noise)............................................................................................................... 6.1.15
16006 Electronic atrial pacemaker............................................................................... 6.1.9
16007 Electronic ventricular pacemaker....................................................................... 6.1.9
16008 Electronic atrial pacemaker (Unreliable analysis due to noise)......................... 6.1.9
16009 Electronic ventricular pacemaker (Unreliable analysis due to noise)................ 6.1.9
1901 Undetermined regular rhythm.......................................................................... 6.1.10
1902 Undetermined rhythm...................................................................................... 6.1.10
1921 Undetermined regular rhythm (tachycardia).................................................... 6.1.10
1922 Undetermined rhythm (tachycardia)................................................................ 6.1.10
1931 Undetermined regular rhythm (bradycardia).................................................... 6.1.10
1932 Undetermined rhythm (bradycardia)................................................................ 6.1.10
1938 Extreme bradycardia....................................................................................... 6.1.11
1970 with occasional ectopic premature complexes................................................ 6.1.17
19708 with occasional ectopic premature complexes (Unreliable analysis due to
noise)............................................................................................................... 6.1.17
1974 with frequent ectopic premature complexes.................................................... 6.1.17
19748 with frequent ectopic premature complexes (Unreliable analysis due to
noise)............................................................................................................... 6.1.17
1975 with frequent ectopic premature complexes in a pattern of bigeminy.............. 6.1.17
Section 6-6 Atrial Enlargement, Abnormal Axis Deviation and Others.............. 6.6.1
6120 Possible right atrial enlargement....................................................................... 6.6.2
6130 Right atrial enlargement.................................................................................... 6.6.2
6220 Possible left atrial enlargement.......................................................................... 6.6.3
6230 Left atrial enlargement....................................................................................... 6.6.3
ECAPS 12C is the ECG analysis program for the NihonKohden’s instruments,
such as electrocardiographs. A computer analysis program is merely a collection
of ECG evaluation criteria created by physicians. It is not possible for a
computer program to correctly judge every unique ECG, so sometimes it makes
wrong interpretations where a physician could very easily read and interpret the
waveforms. The final decision can only be made by the qualified physicians. Use
this system only as a diagnostic aid, based on proper understanding of its features
and limitations.
This manual describes the criteria of the analysis results of the ECAPS 12C
output data.
For the detailed operation procedure of the system, refer to the operator’s manual
of the instrument.
The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice for
improvement of analysis precision.
The ECAPS 12C analysis program is applicable to ages 3 and older.
Ages below 3 years are treated according to the criteria for the age of
3 years.
The causes for discrepancy between computer analysis and physician’s findings
and the countermeasures to be taken for these causes are given below.
Causes Countermeasures
Difference in judgement criteria between Refer to Section 6 “CRITERIA OF FINDINGS”
physician and computer program, or which list all the judgement criteria used by
lack of applicable findings by computer ECAPS 12C.
The ECG waveform is on the borderline of Compare the measured data with the data in Section
the judgement criteria. 6 “CRITERIA OF FINDINGS”.
This may be the limit of computer analysis.
Patient data other than ECG should be taken into
Artifact (EMG, AC interference, baseline Try to record ECG with as little artifact as possible.
wandering, etc.) not recognized, leading to
wrong interpretation.
Arrhythmia, etc. which are intrinsically This is a limit for computer analysis. The advice of
difficult for the computer to analyze. a physician should be obtained.
(1) ECAPS 12C is not programmed to compensate for the influence of medicine.
Check the dosing record when reading the ECG. However, the influence of
digitalis is noted on the recording paper according to the presence of atrial
(2) ECAPS 12C is not programmed to compensate for fluid balance such as
abnormal electrolytes. When interpreting ECG, read the QTc interval, T
waveform and U waveform, along with other relevant test results.
(3) ECAPS 12C does not further classify premature complex into trigeminy,
short-run, etc.
(4) ECAPS 12C is not programmed to identify escaped beats and pararrhythmia.
These may be interpreted as “undetermined rhythms”.
(5) ECAPS 12C is not programmed to identify LGL syndrome. Judge this
syndrome from “short PR interval”.
Enter the following data before acquiring ECG data. With some instruments, 3
some of these items cannot be entered. Refer to the operator’s manual of the
instrument for details of entering the patient data.
• Among these items, only age and sex affect the analysis. Other items
have no effect on the analysis.
• If no age is input, the factory default setting of 35 is used. If no sex is
specified, the factory default setting of male is used.
• For accurate analysis results, input sex and age.
The ECGs of all 12 standard leads are acquired simultaneously for 10 seconds at
an accuracy of 1.25 µV/bit and 500 samples/s.
Refer to the operator’s manual of the instrument for details of recording ECG.
Recording ECG Data has the description that the ECGs of all 12
standard leads are acquired simultaneously for 10 seconds. However,
the electrocardiograph acquires and analyze ECG waveforms of 10 to 24
When more than 24 seconds ECG waveforms are recorded in extended
sequence recording, the waveform for 24 seconds from the start of the
recording is analyzed.
There are instruments that can only record waveforms of 10 seconds and
instruments that can record waveforms of 10 to 24 seconds.
To check whether the instrument you are using can record waveforms of
more than 10 seconds, see the operator’s manual for the instrument.
During ECG data acquisition, the quality of the ECG waveforms is improved
with digital filters and the adverse influence of baseline wandering due to
electrode potential drifting and AC interference is minimized.
• AC interference
A digital filter is used in the system to reduce the AC frequency components.
A digital filter eliminates adverse influence on the ECG waveform more than a
conventional analog filter.
• Baseline wandering
Shortening the time constant distorts the ST segments which reduces
diagnostic accuracy.
A digital filter is used to remove the components which cause baseline
wandering. 3
QRSs are classified by patterns and only the typical waveforms are
extracted and averaged for measurement.
(1000-R-R interval)
QTc interval=QT interval+
R amp.
Q amp.
S amp.
QT interval
R max amp.
R' amp.
R amp.
T amp.
S amp.
S max amp.
P' amp. P amp. S' amp. T' amp.
S' duration
S duration
QRS duration
(at V4 through V6)
Peak J amp
V1 through V3 Peak J40 amp
Peak J80 amp
40 ms
80 ms
J point on V4 through V6
(QRS end point)
ST min
V4 through V6
STJ (at V4 through V6): End point of QRS complex in V4 through V6 leads
Peak J amp: Peak value near the J point
Peak J40 amp: 40 ms after Peak J
Peak J80 amp: 80 ms after Peak J
ST min: Lowest point of ST segment
Printout Meaning
HR (Vent. rate) -- bpm Heart rate
PR int. -- ms PR interval
QRS dur. -- ms QRS duration
QT int. -- ms QT interval
QTc int. -- ms QTc interval (See p. 3-7(a))
P axis -- ° P axis deviation
QRS axis -- ° QRS axis deviation
T axis -- ° T axis deviation
RV5 amp -- mV R amplitude in V5
SV1 amp -- mV S amplitude in V1
The findings are printed out as “Analysis Result”. Refer to the next section.
The analysis results of the system are printed out in the format selected by
the operator. The outline of the formats and the operation are described in the
operator’s manual of the instrument. The explanation of the common features
of the printout with typical examples are given below. These are factory default
Not all of the following items are printed with some instruments. For details,
refer to the operator’s manual of the instrument.
, , , and are automatically entered. Items to are
printed as entered by the operator. Room No., Physician name and
Technician name can be recorded according to the format.
(2) ECG waveform printout (In some formats, these are omitted.)
Dominant Ecg waveform (averaged)
Rhythm lead
Calibration wave
• The findings [criteria] are printed as a supplementary which is one of
the judgement criteria. For details, refer to Section 5 “How to Read
Analysis Results”.
• In some findings, [criteria] are not printed.
The analysis result printout, as shown below, contains the following data.
1. ECG findings
2. Criteria
3. Overall judgement
4. Measurement values
ECG Findings
The ECAPS 12C classifies the ECGs into about 200 findings by comparing the
features of the ECGs with the analysis criteria specified for each finding. The
analysis criteria are all taken from the judgement criteria used by the physicians
and arranged for computer processing.
For details, refer to Section 6 “Criteria of Findings”. 5
When the obtained ECG exactly conforms to the analysis criteria, the finding
name is classified as “determined”. However, there are findings which cannot
be determined definitely and findings which are on the borderline between
conformance and nonconformance, liable to be influenced by slight noises.
Those findings which are close to “determined” but not definite are classified
as “possible”, and those findings which may or may not conform but cannot be
completely ruled out are classified as “Cannot rule out”.
Some arrhythmia ECGs are difficult to classify into finding names; these are
classified as “undetermined rhythm”.
When the ECG is classified as “undetermined rhythm” (1901, 1902, 1921,
1922, 1931, 1932), there is no further rhythm analysis.
When the obtained ECG conforms to two or more findings criteria, only the most
important finding name is printed. For example, if “ischemia” is found to apply,
less important findings such as “nonspecific ST & T wave abnormality” or “ST
elevation” are not printed.
Further details of analysis are given as NOTE under the respective findings in
Section 6 “Criteria of Findings”.
The analysis criteria can be printed out on the recording paper after the findings,
as shown on p. 5.2. They should serve as an aid in observing the ECG.
For example, when the instrument judges the ECG as abnormal junctional ST
depression because there is junctional ST depression of more than 0.1 mV in V5
and V6, the criteria is printed as “4023 Abnormal junctional ST depression [0.1 +
mV junctional ST depression (V5, V6)].
For reading convenience, the analysis findings and criteria are printed in
simplified form.
Overall Judgement
The findings are classified into one of five overall judgements. The list of all
findings for each overall judgement is shown in Section 6 “Criteria of Findings”.
Where two or more findings are output, only the highest priority finding is
Although only the highest priority finding is selected for judgement, the findings
requiring immediate treatment, such as “Myocardial infarction, possible acute”
are printed as “abnormal ECG” instead of “borderline ECG”. This is to raise
an alarm in case of emergency although there is actually little possibility of
danger. When an unusual ECG pattern is recognized as neither “normal ECG”
nor “abnormal ECG”, it is judged as “atypical ECG”. For example, “Low
QRS voltage”, “undetermined axis”, and “undetermined rhythm” are judged as
“atypical ECG”.
• When no age is input in the patient information, the factory default
setting of age 35 is used.
• When the age is 2 or younger, the computer’s results may not be
[ PR interval ] (%)
Age PR ratio
<=5 76
<=9 83
<=11 85 PR interval = 170 ms
<=14 88 Age = 6 years old
PR criteria = PR int × PR ratio/100
<=18 91
= 170 × 83/100
>18 100 = 141 ms
Male Female Male Female
<=5 15° 19° 5° 9°
<=9 9° 9° −1° −1°
<=11 4° 23° −6° 13°
<=14 5° 20° −5° 10°
<=18 −14° 13° −24° 3°
>18 −20° −20° −30° −30°
Male Female Male Female
<=5 97° 101° 107° 111°
<=9 97° 97° 107° 107°
<=11 92° 100° 102° 110°
<=14 97° 97° 107° 107°
<=18 99° 100° 109° 110°
>18 90° 90° 100° 100°
Rhythm analysis
Arrhythmia analysis is divided into three major categories; “basic rhythm analysis”, “basic rhythm fluctuation analysis”,
and “premature complex analysis”. In the basic rhythm analysis, the presence of P wave and P wave axis are important
factors. The connection between P waves and QRS waves is an important factor in classifying the waveform into basic
rhythm, basic rhythm fluctuation and premature complex.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used. 6-1
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular
Sinus rhythm
(3) −30° <= P axis < 120°
(4) 50 <= heart rate < 100*
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular
Sinus tachycardia
(3) −30° <= P axis < 120°
(4) 100 <= heart rate*
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular
Sinus bradycardia
(3) −30° <= P axis < 120°
(4) 50 > heart rate*
The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details, refer to p.6.0.7.
50/minute 100/minute
Bradycardia Sinus rhythm Tachycardia
• Atrial
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular
(3) 120° <= P axis <= 240°
−30° > P axis >= −60°
Atrial rhythm
(1) PR interval > 0.14s
(2) 120° <= P axis <= 270°
−30° > P axis >= −90°
(4) Heart rate <= 70
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular
(3) 120° <= P axis <= 240°
−30° > P axis >= −60°
Rapid atrial rhythm
(1) PR interval > 0.14 s
(2) 120° <= P axis <= 270°
−30° > P axis >= −90°
(4) 70 < heart rate
Atrial rhythm Rapid
• AV junction
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular PR <= 0.14 s
(3) −60° > P axis > −90°
Junctional rhythm
240° < P axis <= 270° 6-1
(4) Heart rate <= 70 (age > 3 years)
Heart rate <= 80 (age <= 3 years)
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform; constant, PR interval; regular PR <= 0.14 s
(3) −60° > P axis > −90°
Rapid junctional rhythm
240° < P axis <= 270°
(4) 70 < heart rate (age > 3 years)
80 < heart rate (age <= 3 years)
Junctional rhythm Rapid
Analysis criteria
When the P wave is not joined to the QRS, the following criteria are used for
Findings Criteria
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
Undetermined rhythm (Possible (2) Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are not present.
supraventricular rhythm) (3) QRS duration < 120 ms*
(4) 50 <= heart rate < 100*
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
Undetermined rhythm (Possible (2) Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are not present.
supraventricular tachycardia) (3) QRS duration < 120 ms*
(4) heart rate >= 100*
(1) Electronic atrial pacemaker is not used.
Undetermined rhythm (Possible (2) Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter are not present.
supraventricular bradycardia) (3) QRS duration < 120 ms*
(4) heart rate < 50*
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details, refer to p.6.0.3
and 6.0.7.
• When these findings are recognized, other less important findings are
not printed on the recording paper.
50/minute 100/minute
Bradycardia Supraventricular rhythm Tachycardia
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details, refer to p.6.0.7.
50/minute 100/minute
Bradycardia Atrial fibrillation Tachycardia
Analysis criteria
• When “Analysis” on the “System Setup” screen is set to “Advanced” or
“Advanced (Screening)”
Findings Criteria
(1) Flutter wave (including fibrillation or flutter wave) is present.
Atrial flutter
(2) A certain regularity is found between RR intervals.
Cannot rule out atrial flutter P wave is similar to the characteristics of F wave or f wave.
(1) Flutter wave (including flutter or fibrillation wave) is present.
Atrial fibrillation or flutter
(2) A certain regularity cannot be found between RR intervals.
Findings Criteria
Atrial flutter (1) Flutter wave (including fibrillation or flutter wave) is present.
Atrial flutter with aberrant (1) Atrial flutter is present.
conduction, or venticular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform.
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with duration > 0.12 s*
The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details refer to p. 6.0.3.
Analysis criteria 6
Findings Criteria 6-1
(1) QRS is dominant waveform.
(2) Pacemaker pulse recognized within 0.08 s before and after
Electronic atrial pacemaker
the beginning of the P wave
(3) Three or more heartbeats satisfying above two conditions
are present.
Electronic ventricular
Pacemaker pulse and dominant QRS are joined.
pacemaker rhythm
• When there is any detached electrode or noise during analysis, “16008”
or “16009” appear in the findings column even if the above conditions
are satisfied.
• If spontaneous systoles occur during ECG observation, the ECG
system analyzes the spontaneous systoles. In this case, “0201
Analysis based on intrinsic rhythm” is additionally printed out in the
findings column.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Normal P wave is not present.
(2) QRS duration >= 0.12 s*
(3) Atrial fibrillation is not present.
(4) Atrial flutter is not present.
Undetermined regular rhythm
(5) Electronic pacemaker is not used.
(6) All QRSs are dominant type.
(7) Maximum RR interval - Minimum RR interval < 1/8 mean
RR interval
(1) Normal P wave is not present.
(2) QRS duration >= 0.12 s*
(3) Atrial fibrillation is not present.
Undetermined rhythm
(4) Atrial flutter is not present.
(5) Electronic pacemaker is not used.
(6) Regular rhythm is not present.
Undetermined regular rhythm (1) Cannot determine the rhythm (PR interval; regular)
(tachycardia) (2) 100* <= Heart rate
Undetermined rhythm (1) Cannot determine the rhythm
(tachycardia) (2) 100* <= Heart rate
Undetermined regular rhythm (1) Cannot determine the rhythm (PR interval; regular)
(bradycardia) (2) 50* > Heart rate
Undetermined rhythm (1) Cannot determine the rhythm
(bradycardia) (2) 50* > Heart rate
The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details refer to p. 6.0.3 and
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) 40 > Heart rate
Extreme bradycardia
(2) 2° AV block (Mobitz type II) is not present.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Marked rhythm irregularity, (1) 2° AV block is not present.
possible non-conducted PAC, (2) Heart rate < 100
SA block, AV block or sinus (3) Random RR interval
Analysis criteria
When sinus rhythm, sinus tachycardia and sinus bradycardia are judged and
satisfy the below conditions, then the classification is as below.
Findings Criteria
(1) Premature complexes are not present. 6
Sinus arrhythmia (2) Marked rhythm irregularity is not present.
(3) RR interval deviation > 0.2 × mean RR interval 6-1
(1) Premature complexes are not present.
Marked sinus arrhythmia (2) Marked rhythm irregularity is not present.
(3) RR interval deviation > 0.4 × mean RR interval
“Premature complexes: absent” and “Marked rhythm irregularity: absent”
are analyzed according to their analysis criteria on p. 6.1.14 to 6.1.17.
(1) Supraventricular
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Intermittent WPW is not present.
(2) 2° AV block is not present.
(3) Marked rhythm irregularity is not present.
(4) RR interval < mean RR interval × 3/4
• P wave is not sinus-induced
with occasional • RR interval < mean RR interval − mean RR interval
supraventricular premature × 1/10 (maximum 100 ms)
complexes • The second heartbeat on the recording paper.
Or, when the heartbeat is the third or later on the
recording paper; the RR interval of the previous
heartbeat ≥ RR interval + 10 ms. Or, when the
heartbeat is the third or later on the recording paper;
the previous heartbeat is premature complexes.
Three or more supraventricular premature complexes given
with frequent supraventricular
above (code 1470) and/or ectopic premature complexes are
premature complexes
with frequent supraventricular
Supraventricular premature complexes given above (code
premature complexes in a
1470) and dominant waveform appear alternately.
pattern of bigeminy
(2) Ventricular
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Intermittent WPW is not present.
(2) Ectopic QRS duration > 0.12 s*
(3) For the first heartbeat on the recording paper:
• P wave does not precede QRS-complexes
• next RR interval − 40 ms > mean RR interval
For the first heartbeat on the recording paper:
• P wave precedes QRS-complex
• next RR interval − 100 ms > mean RR interval
When the heartbeat is the second or later:
with occasional ventricular
• P wave does not precede QRS-complexes
premature complexes
• RR interval + 40 ms < mean RR interval
When the heartbeat is the second or later:
• P wave precedes QRS-complexes
• RR interval < mean RR interval − mean RR interval × 1/10 (maximum
100 ms)
• The second heartbeat on the recording paper. Or, when the heartbeat is
the third or later on the recording paper; the RR interval of the previous
heartbeat ≥ RR interval + 10 ms. Or, when the heartbeat is the third
or later on the recording paper; the previous heartbeat is premature
with frequent ventricular Three or more ventricular premature complexes given above (code 1570) are
premature complexes present.
with frequent ventricular
The ventricular premature complexes given above (code 1570) and dominant
premature complexes in a pattern
waveform appear alternately.
of bigeminy
with couplet ventricular More than two ventricular premature complexes given above (code 1570) appear
premature complexes consecutively.
with occasional ventricular
Analysis criteria for code 1570 is satisfied and there is electrode detachment or noise
premature complexes (Unreliable
during analysis.
analysis due to noise)
with frequent ventricular
Analysis criteria for code 1574 is satisfied and there is electrode detachment or noise
premature complexes (Unreliable
during analysis.
analysis due to noise)
with frequent ventricular
premature complexes in a pattern Analysis criteria for code 1575 is satisfied and there is electrode detachment or noise
of bigeminy (Unreliable analysis during analysis.
due to noise)
with couplet ventricular
Analysis criteria for code 1577 is satisfied and there is electrode detachment or noise
premature complexes (Unreliable
during analysis.
analysis due to noise)
• When any of above conditions is satisfied and there is any electrode
detached or noise exists during analysis, “15708”, “15748”, “15758”, or
“15778” appears in the finding column.
• The value marked with “*” varies with age. For details, refer to p. 6.0.3.
(3) Ectopic
Findings Criteria
(1) Satisfies all criteria for ventricular premature complexes
with occasional ectopic
other than ectopic QRS
premature complexes
(2) 0.06 s < ectopic QRS duration <= 0.12 s
with frequent ectopic premature Three or more ectopic premature complexes given above are
complexes present.
with frequent ectopic premature
Above occasional ectopic premature complexes and dominant
complexes in a pattern of
waveform appear alternately.
• When either the conditions 1970 or 1974 is satisfied and there is any
electrode detached or noise exists during analysis, “19708” or “19748”
appears in the finding column.
• Ectopic premature complexes do not appear in the finding column when
it is judged together with the occasional supraventricular premature
complexes. This is because the instrument judges it to be occasional
supraventricular premature complexes with abberant conduction.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Atrial fibrillation with aberrant (1) Atrial fibrillation is present.
conduction, or ventricular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with interval >= 0.12 s*
Atrial fibrillation with rapid (1) Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response is
ventricular response with aberrant present.
conduction, or ventricular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with interval >= 0.12 s*
Atrial fibrillation with slow (1) Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response is
ventricular response with aberrant present.
conduction, or ventricular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with interval >= 0.12 s*
• For “Atrial fibrillation”, “Atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular response”
and “Atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response”, the same analysis
criteria given on p. 6.1.7 are used.
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. For details, refer to p. 6.0.3.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Atrial flutter with aberrant (1) Atrial flutter is present. 6
conduction, or ventricular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with interval >= 0.12 s* 6-1
Atrial fibrillation or flutter with (1) Atrial fibrillation or flutter is present.
aberrant conduction, or venticular (2) Ectopic QRS is not pacemaker waveform.
premature complexes (3) Ectopic QRS with interval > 0.12 s*
• For “Atrial flutter”, the same analysis criteria given on p. 6.1.8 is used.
• The values marked with “*” varies with age. For details, refer to p. 6.0.3.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Pacemaker is not used.
(2) P waveform and PR interval are both constant.
Short PR interval
(3) −60° <= P axis <= 240°
(4) PR interval < 0.12 s*
The value marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.2.
• Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) • PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Delta waves are recognized in at least two leads.
• PR interval <= 0.14 s*
• Delta waves are recognized in at least three leads. 6-2
Type-A WPW syndrome
Delta waves are recognized in at least five leads.
• PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Q wave is not present and VAT > 0.08s in at least two leads
(2) Maximum R amplitude > Maximum S amplitude in V1
(1) 1 • QRS area ratio > 0.4 in at least two leads among I, V5 and V6
• R duration > 0.03s in V2
• PR interval <= 0.14 s*
• PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Delta waves are recognized in at least two leads.
Type-B WPW syndrome • PR interval <= 0.14 s*
• Delta waves are recognized in at least three leads.
Delta waves are recognized in at least five leads.
• PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Q wave is not present and VAT > 0.08s in at least two leads
(2) Maximum R amplitude <= Maximum S amplitude in V1
• PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Delta waves are recognized in at least two leads.
• PR interval <= 0.14 s*
Atypical WPW
• Delta waves are recognized in at least three leads.
Delta waves are recognized in at least five leads.
• PR interval <= 0.12 s*
• Q wave is not present and VAT > 0.08s in at least two leads
(1) Four or more ectopic QRS without pacemaker pulses are present.
(2) Heart rate < 120
(3) RR interval of the ectopic beat + 0.16s > RR interval of dominant beat
Intermittent WPW (4) Delta waves are recognized in at least two leads
syndrome (5) PR interval of the ectopic beat < 0.14 s*
(6) PR interval of the ectopic beat < Mean PR interval of the dominant QRS-
0.02 s
(7) PJ interval of the ectopic beat > PJ interval of the dominant QRS-0.02 s
(1) If any of the following is satisfied, WPW check is not done.
P wave is not the same type as the dominant beat’s.
PR interval > 0.17 s*
QRS duration < 0.10 s*
QRS duration > 0.20 s*
Heart rate > 120*
(2) If WPW is determined by the above analysis criteria, other waveform
analysis will be omitted.
(3) The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.2, 6.0.3 and
(4) PJ interval is the time between the starting point of P wave to the end
point of QRS wave (STJ point).
• AV block
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
First degree AV block (1) No pacemaker is used.
(2) P waveform and PR interval are both constant.
(3) −60° <= P axis <= 240°
(4) PR interval >= 0.21 s* 6-2
2nd degree AV block, Mobitz type I (1) 2nd degree AV block (Mobitz type II) is not present.
(2) Both the preceding and current heartbeats are in
dominant waveform.
(3) QRS dropout (which is characteristic of Mobitz type I)
exists which is calculated from RR interval.
2nd degree AV block, Mobitz type II QRS dropout (which is characteristic of Mobitz type II)
exists which is calculated from RR interval.
Possible 3rd degree AV block (1) P wave is not present.
(2) Heart rate < 50
(3) Differences between RR intervals are less than 2% of
the mean RR interval.
The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.2.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
In V1 or V2
• R amplitude > 0.1 mV
RSR (QR) in lead V1/V2
• R duration > 0.02 s*
consistent with right
• S wave is not present.
ventricular conduction delay
• R’ amplitude > 0.1 mV
• R’ duration > 0.02 s*
(1) 0.09 s < QRS duration < 0.12 s*
Incomplete right bundle
(2) In two leads among I, a VL, V4, V5 and V6, S duration >= 0.04 s*
branch block
(3) Right ventricular conduction delay is present.
(1) QRS duration >= 0.12 s*
(2) QRS area > 0 in V1
(3) S duration > 0.04 s* in 2 or more leads among I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
(4) R duration < 0.10 s* in 4 or more leads among I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
(5) Does not end with S or S’ wave in V1
Right bundle branch block
(1) QRS duration >= 0.105 s*
(2) S duration > 0.06 s* in 3 or more leads among I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
(3) R or R’ duration > 0.06 s* in V1
(4) QRS area > 0 in V1
Findings Criteria
(1) RBBB is present.
(2) • Age >= 1 year old
Right bundle branch block, • R or R’ amplitude > 1.5 mV in V1
plus possible RVH R or R’ amplitude > 2.0 mV in V1
(3) 110° < QRS axis <= 270° (> 14 years old)
120° < QRS axis <= 270° (<= 14 years old)
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3 and 6.0.4.
• When RBBB is recognized, no right axis deviation is judged.
• With right bundle branch conduction defects, the terminating vector
is directed towards the anterior and right and it is extended. In the 6-2
ECAPS 12C criteria, not only QRS duration but also the presence of R
at V1, and of wide S in at least two lateral leads are required.
• Previously, QRS duration over 0.12 second was a criterion for bundle
branch blocks.
However, since QRS duration over 0.105 second with wide S in the
lateral leads and wide R in V1 appearing is also judged as RBBB, this
case has been included in the ECAPS 12C program.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) QRS duration > 0.105 s*
(2) Net QRS amplitude < 0 in V1, V2
Incomplete left bundle branch
(3) Q/S duration >= 0.080 s* in V1, V2
(4) Q wave is not present in at least 2 leads among I, V5, V6
(5) R duration >= 0.060 s* in at least 2 leads among I, aVL, V5, V6
(1) Incomplete LBBB is present.
(2) R + R’ duration >= 0.1 s* in any leads among I, aVL, V6
(3) QRS area ratio > 0.25 in I or V6
(4) QRS duration >= 0.16 s*
Left bundle branch block • QRS duration >= 0.14 s*
• total of each R + R’ duration >= 0.25 s* in I, aVL, V6
QRS duration >= 0.12 s*
• total of each R + R’ duration >= 0.25 s* in I, aVL, V6
• QRS area ratio > 0.4 in at least 2 leads among I, aVL, V6
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3 and 6.0.4.
• When “incomplete LBBB” is judged, “Moderate level left axis deviation”
is not printed out.
• When “LBBB” is judged, “Moderate level left axis deviation”, “Left
anterior fascicular block”, and “Left posterior fascicular block” are not
printed out.
• QRS area in the analysis criteria for LBBB means the area from the
start to the end of QRS. Refer to p. 3.8 (b). This area increases through
R type, expansion, notch, etc. Therefore, the boundary values are
determined on the basis of typical LBBB cases. This value is used
instead of R wave to classify between the true LBBB and R pattern
where R wave is expanded by nonspecific slur at the end of the wave.
• There is no specific definition for incomplete LBBB in ECG analysis. In
the ECAPS 12C program, incomplete LBBB is defined very narrowly,
and whenever other findings are applicable, such as left posterior
fascicular block, then one of those findings is taken.
• Fascicular block
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) −90° < QRS axis <= −45°
(2) R amplitude > Q amplitude in I and aVL
Left anterior fascicular block 6
(3) Q wave is present in I
(4) S or S’ amplitude > maximum R amplitude in II
(1) Age >= 1 year old
(2) S pattern is not present. 6-2
(3) Right atrial enlargement is not present.
(4) Lung disease is not recognized.
Left posterior fascicular block
(5) 110° <= QRS axis <= 270° (> 14 years old)
120° <= QRS axis <= 270° (<= 14 years old)
(6) R amplitude > Q amplitude (III and aVF)
(7) Q wave is present (III and aVF).
• When “Left anterior fascicular block” is judged, “Moderate left axis
deviation” and “Left axis deviation” are not printed out.
• When “Left posterior fascicular block” is judged, “Moderate right axis
deviation” and “Right axis deviation” are not printed out.
• Nonspecific
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Nonspecific intraventricular (1) Block-related findings are not present.
conduction delay (2) QRS duration > 0.11 s*
Nonspecific intraventricular (1) Criteria for RBBB and LBBB are not satisfied.
conduction block (2) QRS duration > 0.13 s*
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3.
• Intraventricular conduction delay is judged when the criteria on p. 6.2.5
to 6.2.8 are not satisfied, and QRS duration is not large enough to be
judged as blocks.
Analysis Criteria
Myocardial infarction arises from the stricture and obstruction of coronary
arteries and death of heart muscles. It is mainly caused by coronary
arteriosclerosis. It is said that myocardial infarction shows a characteristic ECG
The use of this new factor does not differ greatly from conventional analysis.
It measures and processes age, sex, Q duration, Q amplitude QRS duration
and QRS amplitude as a whole to improve the precision level of analysis.
This “equivalent Q duration” is used in the analysis criteria unless stated
The ECAPS 12C analysis program classifies ECGs for myocardial infarction
diagnostic purposes as follows:
Anterior V V V V
Septal ∆1 V
Lateral V V V V
Inferior V V
Posterior inferior V V ∆2 ∆2
Anterolateral V V V V V V
Anteroseptal ∆1 V V V V
3. Other features
(1) Abnormal Q waves may appear in cases of “LBBB”, “WPW syndrome”,
“pulmonary embolism”, “LVH”, and “RVH”.
(2) Sometimes the characteristic ECG of infarction does not appear at all
depending on the time after the nosogenesis, the size and portion of the
infarction. Clinical reviews including chemical blood tests (GOT, GPT,
LDH, CPK) are recommended.
(3) An intermixed EMG or AC noise is sometimes mistaken for small R
waves. This program is designed to use the typical heartbeat waves that
contain Q waves with priority among all typical heartbeat waves, but
record favorable waveforms by eliminating artifact as much as possible.
Analysis criteria
Criteria Other
Q duration >= 30 ms in V2 and V3, or V3
and V4, or V4 and V5
Cannot rule out
R amplitude < 0.2 mV in V4
Q duration >= 30 ms in V2 or V4
and Q duration >= 35 ms in V3
Possible or LVH is not present.
Q duration >= 30 ms in V3 or V5
and Q duration >= 35 ms in V4
Q duration >= 30 ms in V2 or V4 LVH is not present.
and Q duration >= 40 ms in V3 Chest lead low voltage is not
Nonspecific intraventricular
conduction block is not
or present.
Q duration >= 30 ms in V3 or V5
and Q duration >= 40 ms in V4
or Acute (?) or Recent (?) is
“Cannot rule out” is satisfied satisfied.
Analysis criteria
Criteria Other
Q duration >= 30 ms in V2
Cannot rule out
or Q duration > 20 ms in V2 RBBB is present.
Possible Q duration >= 35 ms in V2 LVH is not present.
(Determined) Q duration >= 40 ms in V2 LVH is not present.
Criteria Other
Cannot rule out Q duration >= 30 ms in 2 leads among I, aVL, V5 and V6
Q duration >= 35 ms in one lead among I, V5 and V6 Cannot rule out is
Q duration >= 40 ms in one lead among I, V5 and V6 Cannot rule out is
or Cannot rule out satisfied.
Acute (?) and Recent
(?) are satisfied.
Findings Criteria
Any of the inferior myocardial infarction is satisfied.
and complete RBBB is not present.
and Q amplitude = 0 mV (in V1 and V2)
Posterior Extension
and R duration >= 40 ms (in V1 and V2)
or R duration >= 35 ms and Net QRS amplitude > 0 mV (in V1 or V2)
or R duration >= 30 ms and Net QRS > 0 (in V1 and V2)
With children under 18 years old, the following analysis are executed. The
criteria are the same as the myocardial infarction. When the last number of
the code (right) is 1, see the criteria for the code with the same first 4 numbers.
When the last number is 3, see the criteria for the code with the same first 4
numbers but with the last (fifth) number 2.
For example, for the criteria of 31211 see the code 3121. For 36213, see the
code 36212.
Inferior Q Wave
To judge the following findings, set the Analysis mode to “Advanced” or
“Advanced (Screening)” on the electrocardiograph.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
This finding is not made in the following cases.
• Findings related to “inferior myocardial infarction” are present.
• Atrial flutter is present.
• Atrial fibrillation or flutter is present.
• A patient is 18 years old and under. 6
This finding is made, if any of the following criteria is met.
In lead II, equivalent Q duration ≥ 20 ms and Q amplitude ≥ 100
μV and modified T amplitude ≤ 50 μV
In lead aVF, equivalent Q duration ≥ 20 ms and Q amplitude ≥
100 μV and modified T amplitude ≤ 0 μV
Inferior Q wave
In lead aVF, equivalent Q duration ≥ 25 ms and Q amplitude/
maximum R amplitude ≥ 1/3 and STJ of aVL lead ≤ –30 μV
In lead II, R duration ≤ 20 ms and R amplitude ≤ 50 μV and S
duration ≥ 20 ms and S amplitude ≥ 150 μV, absence of Q wave
In lead aVF, R duration ≤ 20 ms and R amplitude ≤ 50 μV and S
duration ≥ 35 ms and S amplitude ≥ 300 μV, absence of Q wave
In lead III, equivalent Q duration ≥ 30 ms, and equivalent Q
duration of lead II + equivalent Q duration of aVF ≥ 30 ms and
modified T amplitude of lead II + modified T amplitude of aVF
lead ≤ 0 μV.
Analysis criteria
ST Depression......................................................................................................................................... 6.4.2
Injury....................................................................................................................................................... 6.4.4
Subendocardial Ischemia........................................................................................................................ 6.4.8
Early Repolarization.............................................................................................................................. 6.4.11 6
Pericarditis............................................................................................................................................. 6.4.12
T Wave Abnormality.............................................................................................................................. 6.4.13
Nonspecific ST Elevation....................................................................................................................... 6.4.15
Right Precordial ST-Segment Elevation................................................................................................ 6.4.16
ST Elevation, Cannot Rule Out Inferior Injury....................................................................................... 6.4.17
• When the finding marked with “*”, i.e. “marked ST depression, possible
subendocardial injury” is judged, and at the same time “atrial fibrillation”
is found, “possible digitalis effect” is added to the findings.
• When any of the ST depression findings is recognized, “nonspecific ST
elevation” is not analyzed.
Analysis criteria
(1) • Left bundle branch block When any of these
• Right bundle branch block findings is recognized,
• Nonspecific ventricular conductive defect subendocardial injury is not
• Possible acute percarditis analyzed.
The threshold values of STJ and the threshold of potential difference between
STJ and STM are as follows.
(1) When injury or possible injury is found, the following findings are not
printed out:
• ST elevation, probably early repolarization
• Early repolarization
• ST elevation consistent with epicardial injury, pericarditis, or early
• Nonspecific ST elevation
(2) Relationship between injury portion and leads
The portion of the injury is judged by the relationship between the
standard 12 leads and heart portions as shown in the table below.
(3) For the method of measuring upward oriented T, refer to p. 3.9 (c) of
the ECAPS12C user’s guide.
(4) For the method of measuring total QRS amplitude and net QRS
amplitude, refer to p. 3.7 of the ECAPS12C user’s guide.
Subendocardial Ischemia
Analysis criteria
(1) The new version has some changes in the criteria to withhold judgement of T
wave abnormality (possible subendocardial ischemia).
The criteria changes are underlined.
• When atrial fibrillation is judged together with subendocardial ischemia,
“possible digitalis effect” is added to the findings.
• When both anterior ischemia and lateral ischemia are judged,
anterolateral ischemia is printed out.
Early Repolarization
Analysis criteria
(1) • QTc interval > 450 ms
• Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block When any of these
findings is recognized,
the analysis processes
of (2) and (3) are not
• Myocardial infarction executed.
(2) When following two conditions are satisfied, the total number of the leads 6
and the total amplitude of STJ are used to classify the ECG data as shown in
• Chest lead: STJ and STM amplitude > 0.075 mV (age >= 20 years old)
STJ and STM amplitude > 0.150 mV (age < 20 years old)
• Limb lead: STJ and STM amplitude > 0.049 mV (age >= 20 years old)
STJ and STM amplitude > 0.099 mV (age < 20 years old)
(3) Classification
Analysis criteria
(1) • Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block When any of these
• RBBB findings is recognized,
• LBBB the analysis processes
• Myocardial infarction of (2), (3) and (4) are
• LVH not executed.
(2) The number of leads that satisfy the following conditions is counted.
• STJ and STM amplitude > 0.075 mV (in I, II, aVF)
• STJ and STM amplitude > 0.09 mV (in V2 ~ V6)
(3) The number of leads that satisfy the following conditions is counted.
• STJ and STM amplitude > 0.09 mV (in I, II, aVF)
• STJ and STM amplitude > 0.11 mV (in V2 ~ V6)
(4) Classification
When “possible acute pericarditis” is found, the following findings are not
printed out.
• ST elevation, probably early repolarization
• Early repolarization
• ST elevation, consistent with subendocardial injury, pericarditis, or early
• Nonspecific ST elevation
T Wave Abnormality
Analysis criteria
(1) • Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block
• Myocardial infarction When any of these
• Possible acute pericarditis findings is recognized,
the analysis processes
• ST elevation
of (2) and (3) are not
• Subendocardial injury executed.
• Subendocardial ischemia 6
• RVH (repolarization abnormality)
• LVH (repolarization abnormality)
(2) Classification 1
Modified T Maximum R ST
Findings Tall T wave
amplitude* amplitude abnormality
< T min 2 or more leads
Nonspecific T wave > 0.5 mV 6-4
among I, II, aVL, aVF,
abnormality In same leads as left
V3 to V6
< T min 2 or more leads
Nonspecific ST&T > 0.5 mV
among I, II, aVL, aVF, Present Absent
abnormality In same leads as left
V3 to V6
(3) Classification 2
When QTc <= 0.45 s, the following analysis is made.
Findings T amplitude
(1) > 1.0 mV > R amplitude/2
Tall T wave, possible 3 or more leads among I, II, V1 to V6
hyperkalemia (2) > 1.5 mV > R amplitude/2
any lead among I, II, V1 to V6
When “nonspecific T wave abnormality” or “nonspecific ST&T wave
abnormality” is recognized with “atrial fibrillation”, “probably digitalis effect”
is added to the findings.
Nonspecific ST Elevation
Analysis criteria
(1) • Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block
• RBBB When any of these
findings is recognized,
the analysis processes
• Myocardial infarction
for (2), is not executed.
• LVH (repolarization abnormality)
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Saddleback type ST-segment Lead V1, V2 or V3 satisfies all of the following conditions
elevation (1) STJ (at V4 through V6) ≥ 0.2 mV
(right precordial lead) (2) STJ (at V4 through V6) > ST min
(3) ST min > 0 mV
(4) Satisfies either of the following
1 When T wave is positive and ST min > 0 mV
2 T wave is biphasic and ST min ≥ 0.1 mV
Coved type ST-segment Lead V1, V2 or V3 satisfies all of the following conditions
elevation (1) STJ (at V4 through V6) ≥ 0.2 mV
(right precordial lead) (2) Peak J > Peak J40 > Peak J80
(3) T wave is negative or on the baseline
(4) Peak J – Peak J40 ≤ 0.4 mV
Coved type slight ST-segment Lead V1, V2 or V3 satisfies all of the following conditions
elevation (1) 0.2 mV > STJ (at V4 through V6) ≥ 0.1 mV
(right precordial lead) (2) Peak J > Peak J40 > Peak J80
(3) T wave is negative or on the baseline
(4) 0.04 mV ≤ Peak J – Peak J40 ≤ 0.4 mV
(5) 0.04 mV ≤ Peak J40 ≤ Peak J80
When the below condition is satisfied, right ventricular hypertrophy is not
maximum S depth > 2 × maximum R height (V1)
The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.5 and 6.0.6.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Possible RVH Points >= 4
RVH Points >= 6
When possible RVH is found, the following findings are not analyzed.
• Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay
• RSR (QR) in lead V1/V2 consistent with right ventricular conduction
• Left posterior fascicular block
• Moderate right axis deviation
• Abnormal right axis deviation
• S1-S2-S3 pattern, consistent with pulmonary disease, RVH, or normal
• Low QRS voltage
• Low QRS voltage in limb leads
• Low QRS voltage in chest leads
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) RVH or possible RVH : present
(2) STJ > STM > STE : in V1, V2, V3 6
Right ventricular hypertrophy
• STM < −0.1 mV : in V1, V2, V3
with repolarization
• STE < −0.1 mV
T amplitude < –0.1 mV : in V1, V2, V3
(3) QRS duration < 120 ms*
The value marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3.
* The values marked with “*” are used for 17 years old and over.
1 point is added at every another 0.3 mV when 16 years old and under.
** The values marked with “**” is used for 17 years old and over.
1 point is added at every another 0.45 mV when 16 years old and under.
*** Threshold values for age groups are given below.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Minimal voltage criteria for
Point >= 2
Moderate voltage criteria for
Point >= 3
Voltage criteria for LVH Point >= 5
(1) Point >= 2
Possible left ventricular (2) Maximum change point of inclination – QRS start point > 68 ms
hypertrophy (V5)*
Left atrial enlargement or Possible right atrial enlargement.
(1) Point >= 2 6-5
(2) Atrial fibrillation is not present
Left ventricular hypertrophy
(3) T amplitude (V1) > T amplitude (V6) + 0.2 mV
with repolarization
• STE height < STJ height in any lead among I, aVL, V4, V5, V6
• STE height < −0.05 mV in same lead as above
• R amplitude > 1.1 mV in same lead as above
• When left ventricular hypertrophy with repolarization abnormality is
found, “Nonspecific intraventricular conduction delay”, “Incomplete left
bundle branch block” and “ST-T Abnormality” are not analyzed.
• The value marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3.
Atrial Enlargement
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Heart rate < 120/minute
Possible right atrial enlargement (2) P amplitude > 0.25 mV in any lead among II, III, aVF,
V1, V2
(1) Heart rate < 120/minute
Right atrial enlargement (2) P amplitude > 0.3 mV in any lead among II, III, aVF,
V1, V2
• The reason for not analyzing when heart rate is over 120/minute is
that at such a high heart rate, the increased P wave height may not
definitely be caused by atrial enlargement.
• As shown in (2) in the table, when the P wave amplitude is 0.25 to 0.3
mV, the finding is marked “possible”.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) Negative P amplitude < −0.1 mV in V1
Possible left atrial enlargement
(2) Negative P area >= 4.0 mV × ms in same lead as above
(1) Negative P amplitude < −0.15 mV in V1
Left atrial enlargement 6
(2) Negative P area >= 6.0 mV × ms in same lead as above
As shown in (1) in the table, when the negative P amplitude is between
−0.15 and −0.1 mV, the finding is marked “possible”.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
Moderate right axis deviation 90° < QRS axis <= 100° (RAXD1)*
Abnormal right axis deviation 100° < QRS axis <= 270° (RAXD2)*
Moderate left axis deviation −30° <= QRS axis < −20° (LAXD1)*
Abnormal left axis deviation −90° <= QRS axis < −30° (LAXD2)*
Indeterminate axis Net QRS amplitude < 33% of total QRS amplitude in I, II, III
• The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.4.
• When the measured values are at the boundary, the expression “moderate” is
added to the findings.
• Since measuring the axis is irrelevant when the net QRS amplitude in I,
II and III is smaller than 1/3 of the total QRS amplitude, the expression
“indeterminate” is used.
(For net QRS amplitude and total QRS amplitude, refer to p. 3.7.)
Analysis criteria
When QRS duration >= 120 ms*, S pattern is not analyzed.
The value marked with * varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3.
Findings Criteria
(1) R < S (amplitude) in I, II, III
• S > 0.3 mV in I
• S > 0.4 mV in II
S1-S2-S3 pattern • S > 0.7 mV in III
(2) R’ wave is not present in I, II, III
(3) S > 0.2 mV in I, II, III
(4) Age >= 16 years old
Analysis criteria
• Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block
• Myocardial infarction
• ST elevation When any of
these findings are 6
• Subendocardial injury
recognized, the
• Acute pericarditis
abnormal QRS-T
• RVH (with repolarization abnormality) angle is not analyzed.
• LVH (with repolarization abnormality)
• Possible marked ST depression consistent with
subendocardial injury
• Age < 1 year old
QRS axis − T axis T axis
Abnormal QRS-T angle 1 > 60° < 0°
2 < −60° > 90°
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) QRS duration < 120 ms*
Consistent with pulmonary disease
(2) Total points >= point 4
Pulmonary disease is judged from the points representing the features
of pulmonary diseases. The point scores are calculated as shown in the
table below. This logic is not enough to identify pulmonary diseases, but
if 4 or more of these features in the table are present in the ECGs, the
probability of pulmonary diseases can be said to be fairly high.
Features Points
1. Right atrial enlargement or possible right atrial enlargement 1
2. −90° <= QRS axis < LAXD2* 1
3. RAXD1* < QRS axis <= 270° 1
4. Indeterminate axis 1
5. S1-S2-S3 pattern 1
6. Low QRS voltage in limb leads 1
7. Low QRS voltage in chest leads 1
8. (1) Net QRS amplitude < 0 mV in V5
(2) R (and R’) amplitude < 0.5 mV in V6
• The value marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.4.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) QRS duration < 0.12 s*
Low QRS voltage (2) Total QRS amplitude < 0.5 mV in all limb leads
(3) Total QRS amplitude < 1.0 mV in all chest leads
(1) QRS duration < 0.12 s*
Low QRS voltage in limb leads
(2) Total QRS amplitude < 0.5 mV in all limb leads
(1) QRS duration < 0.12 s*
Low QRS voltage in chest leads
(2) Total QRS amplitude < 1.0 mV in all chest leads
The values marked with “*” vary with age. Refer to p. 6.0.3.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) 90° < QRS axis <= 270°
(2) 90° < P axis <= 270°
(3) PR interval >= 110 ms*
(4) Q wave is present in I
• Q wave is not present in I
• R amplitude < 0.15 mV in I
(5) R amplitude < 0.5 mV in V6
(6) Net QRS amplitude <= 0 mV in V6
(7) P amplitude < 0.02 mV in V6
(8) Negative P amplitude < −0.02 mV in V6
• Refer to “0101 Possible arm leads reversed, check lead requested”.
• The values marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.2.
Analysis criteria
• Nonspecific intraventricular conduction block
• Myocardial infarction
• ST elevation (Subendocardial injury) When any of these 6
findings are recognized,
• Subendocardial ischemia
long QTc interval is not
• Possible Acute pericarditis analyzed.
• Marked ST depression (Subendocardial injury)
• RVH (with repolarization abnormality)
• LVH (with repolarization abnormality)
• Age < 1 year old
Findings Criteria
Long QTc interval QTc interval > 0.45 s
(1) QTc interval < 0.36 s
Short QTc interval 6-6
(2) heart rate < 140/minute
QTc formula can be selected from “ECAPS”, “Bazett”, “ECAPS+Fridericia”
and “Bazett+Fridericia”. When “ECAPS+Fridericia” or “Bazett+Fridericia”
is selected, the QTc interval calculated by ECAPS or Bazett formula is
used for analysis; the QTc interval from Fridericia formula is not used.
Analysis criteria
Findings Criteria
(1) 90° < QRS axis <= 270°
(2) 90° < P axis <= 270°
(3) PR interval >= 110 ms*
(4) Q wave is present in I
• Q wave is not present in I
• R amplitude < 0.15 mV in I
(5) R amplitude >= 0.5 mV at V6
R amplitude > S amplitude in V6
P amplitude >= 0.02 mV in V6
Negative P amplitude >= −0.02 mV in V6
• In properly recorded ECGs, the P and QRS waves of Lead I are not
expected to appear in negative simultaneously. If the type of QRS
wave is Qr (or rSr’), the most probable cause is either dextrocardia
or reversed arm lead electrodes. If the V6 lead shows the typical
upward-oriented waveform, the probability of reversed electrode is high,
otherwise, the probability for dextrocardia is high.
• Pulmonary disease tends to show right axis deviation in both P wave
and QRS wave, and the rS type occurs. The same is true with other
diseases which show right axis deviation. A Qr type rarely appears in
myocardial infarction, but an inverted P is not expected to appear at the
same time.
• Both “Arm leads reversed” and “Dextrocardia” have “inverted P and
QRS wave” as criteria, but in the actual decision, the Qr or rSr type of
QRS wave is taken as a significant factor.
• The value marked with “*” varies with age. Refer to p. 6.0.2.
Artifact on waveform.
Artifact may cause incorrect analysis. Remove artifacts and record ECG again.
Electrode detachment
Attach electrodes correctly and record ECG again.
Both artificial pacemaker rhythm and intrinsic heart beats are in ECG recording
and the instrument analyzed intrinsic heart beats.
Refer to p. 6.1.9 “(3) With pacemaker”.
• The items in appendix do not apply to some instruments.
To check whether an item applies to the instrument you are using, see
the operator’s manual for the instrument.
• In screening mode, some criteria of findings of the ECAPS 12C are
changed. The CRITERIA OF FINDINGS in the ECAPS 12C User’s
Guide does not mention this difference.
In screening mode, the ST-T findings listed below are not printed.
40302 ST elevation, probably early repolarization
40303 Early repolarization
40371 ST elevation, consistent with subepicardial injury, pericarditis, or
early repolarization
4038 Nonspecific ST elevation
4050 Tall T waves, possible hyperkalemia
For criteria of each finding, refer to “ST-T Abnormality” in Section 6-4.
The After Exercise analysis result of the ECAPS 12C is made by comparing Rest
ECG analysis result with After Exercise ECG analysis result.
Some instruments do not support Rest ECG analysis.
(4) If the ECG findings which appear in After Exercise analysis result are in
positive ECG as present below, the overall judgement is positive ECG. For
the criteria of each findings, refer to User’s Guide ECAPS 12C Section 7
Positive ECG
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter A-2
With occasional supraventricular premature complexes
With occasional ventricular premature complexes
With occasional ectopic premature complexes
Ventricular tachycardia
Short PR interval
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
First degree AV block
Second degree AV block
Third degree AV block
Incomplete right bundle branch block
Right bundle branch block
Incomplete left bundle branch block
Left bundle branch block
Myocardial infarction
Possible myocardial infarction
Cannot rule out myocardial infarction
Abnormal Q wave
Myocardial ischemia
Subepicardial injury (cardiac muscle injury)
ST & T abnormality
Negative ECG
ECG findings not included in “Positive ECG”
When no ECG findings is added in After Exercise analysis result.
Code List...........................................................................................................................................................A.3.3
Priority of Code Printing....................................................................................................................................A.3.7
Detailed Criteria.................................................................................................................................................A.3.8
The electrocardiograph uses a modified Minnesota code which has been adopted
by the Japanese Association for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Disease Control.
The modified Minnesota code after exercise is coded by comparing the code
for rest ECG with the code for After Exercise ECG. Therefore, to print out the
modified Minnesota code after exercise, be sure to analyze the rest ECG before
attempting exercise tests.
• The modified Minnesota code classifies ECG waveform according to
a criteria different from that of the ECAPS12C. Therefore, the analysis
result of ECAPS12C and the classification by the modified Minnesota
code may differ.
• The ECAPS12C classifies averaged waveforms according to the
modified Minnesota code.
Code List
1-0 Normal
1. Q and QS patterns
1-1 Class1 1-1-1 1-1-5
1-1-2 1-1-6
1-1-3 1-1-7
1-2 Class2 1-2-1 1-2-5
1-2-2 1-2-6
1-2-3 1-2-7
1-2-4 1-2-8
1-3 Class3 1-3-1 1-3-4
1-3-2 1-3-5
1-3-3 1-3-6
5. T-Wave Items
5-1 5-4
5-2 5-5
8. Arrhythmias
8-1* with frequent premature complexes
8-2 Ventricular tachycardia
8-3* Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter
8-4 Supraventricular tachycardia
8-5 Ventricular rhythm
8-6 Atrioventricular (A-V) nodal rhythm
8-7 Sinus tachycardia
8-8 Sinus bradycardia
8-9 other arrhythmias
* 8-1 is divided into 8-1-1 (supraventricular) and 8-1-2 (ventricular)
* 8-3 is divided into 8-3-1 (Atrial fibrillation) and 8-3-2 (Atrial flutter).
9. Miscellaneous Items
9-1* Low QRS amplitude
9-2 ST elevation
9-3-1 Tall P waves
9-3-2 Widened P waves
9-4-1 Transition zone
9-4-2 Transition zone
9-5 Tall T waves
9-6 Dextrocardia
9-8 Measurement failure because of technical problems
(electrode detached, arm leads reversed)
* 9-1 is divided into 9-1-1 (limb leads and chest leads) , 9-1-2 (limb leads),
9-1-3 (chest leads)
13-7 Any A-V Conduction Defect code is present in rest ECG and no A-V
Conduction Defect code appears after exercise.
The judgement criteria in this section are extracted from the handbook
by the Japan Association for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Disease Control.
These criteria were not written for computer analysis. Where the
computer needs more detailed criteria for analysis, Nihon Kohden has
added some criteria.
1) For each top level group 1 to 5, only the highest priority item is coded.
Example (1) 1-1-1 suppresses 1-2-4 and 1-3-2 In this case only 1-1-1 is
coded and 1-2-4 and 1-3-2 are ignored.
Example (2) When 1-1-1, 1-2-4, 2-1 and 3-1 are present in analysis, only
1-1-1, 2-1 and 3-1 are coded.
2) For 6 to 9, two or more codes are coded together among each 6 to 9. All the
present codes in analysis result are coded.
Example (1) When 8-1 and 8-3 are present, both 8-1 and 8-3 are coded. For
6, 7, 8 and 9, each group is coded separately.
Detailed Criteria
1. Q and QS patterns
1-1 Class1
1-1-1 Q/R amplitude ratio >= 1/3, plus Q duration >=0.03 sec in any of
leads I, II, V2, V3 ,V4, V5, V6.
1-1-2 Q duration >= 0.04 sec in any of lead I, II, V1, V2, V3 ,V4, V5, V6.
1-1-3 Q duration >= 0.04 sec, plus R amplitude >= 0.3 mV in lead aVL.
1-1-4 Q duration >= 0.05 sec in lead III, plus Q amplitude >= 0.1 mV in
lead aVF.
1-1-5 Q duration >= 0.05 sec in lead aVF.
1-1-6 QS pattern when initial R-wave is present in adjacent lead to the right
on the chest wall, in any of leads V2, V3 ,V4, V5, V6.
1-1-7 QS pattern in all of leads V1-V4 ,V1-V5 or V1-V6.
1-2 Class2
1-2-1 Q/R amplitude ratio >= 1/3, plus Q duration >=0.02 sec and < 0.03
sec in any of leads I, II, V2, V3 ,V4, V5, V6.
1-2-2 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec in any leads of I, II, V2, V3,
V4, V5, V6.
1-2-3 QS pattern in lead II.
1-2-4 Q duration >= 0.04 sec and < 0.05 sec in lead III, plus a Q-wave >=
0.1 mV in lead aVF.
1-2-5 Q duration >= 0.04 sec and < 0.05 sec in lead aVF.
1-2-6 Q amplitude >= 0.5 mV in leads III or aVF.
1-2-7 QS pattern in all of leads V1, V2, and V3.
1-2-8 Initial R amplitude decreasing to 0.2 mV or less in every beat (and
absence of codes 3-2, 7-2, 7-3) between any of leads V2 and V3, V3
and V4, V4 and V5, V5 and V6. All beats in the lead immediately to
the right on the chest must have an initial R > 0.2 mV.
1-3 Class3
1-3-1 Q/R amplitude ratio >= 1/5 and < 1/3 plus Q duration >=0.02 sec and
< 0.03 sec in any of leads I, II, V2, V3 ,V4, V5, V6.
1-3-2 QS pattern in lead V1 and V2. (Do not code in the presence of 3-1,
6-4, 7-1.)
1-3-3 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec, plus R amplitude >= 0.3 mV
in lead aVL.
1-3-4 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec in lead III, plus a Q-wave >=
0.1 mV in lead aVF.
1-3-5 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec in lead aVF.
1-3-6 QS pattern in each of leads III and aVF.
5. T Wave Items
5-1 T amplitude negative 0.5 mV or more in any of leads I, II, V2, V3,
V4, V5, V6, or in lead aVL when R amplitude is >= 0.5 mV, or in
lead aVF when QRS is mainly upright.
5-2 T amplitude negative or diphasic (negative-positive or positive-
negative type) with negative phase at least 0.1 mV but not as deep
as 0.5 mV in any of leads I, II, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, or in lead aVL
when R amplitude is >= 0.5 mV, or in lead aVF when QRS is mainly
5-3 T amplitude zero (flat) or negative or diphasic (negative-positive
type) with less than 0.1 mV negative phase, in any leads of I, II, V3,
V4, V5, V6, or in lead aVL when R amplitude is >= 0.5 mV. (Do not
code in lead aVF.)
5-4 T amplitude positive and T/R amplitude ratio < 1/20 in any of leads I,
II, aVL, V3, V4, V5, V6: R wave amplitude must be >= 1.0 mV.
5-5 T amplitude positive and T/R amplitude ratio < 1/10 and >= 1/20 in
any of leads I, II, aVL, V3, V4, V5, V6: R wave amplitude must be
>= 1.0 mV.
8. Arrhythmias
8-1 with frequent atrial, junctional or ventricular premature complexes
(10% or more of recorded complexes)
8-1-1 with frequent supraventricular premature complexes (10% or more of
recorded complexes)
8-1-2 with frequent ventricular premature complexes (10% or more of
recorded complexes)
If supraventricular or ventricular is undetermined, code as 8-1.
8-2 Ventricular tachycardia (>= 100/min)
8-3-1 Atrial fibrillation
8-3-2 Atrial flutter
8-4 Supraventricular tachycardia (>= 100/min)
8-5 Ventricular rhythm (<= 100/min)
8-6 atrioventricular (A-V) nodal rhythm (<= 100/min)
Negative P in aVF, and P-R interval <= 0.12 sec in any of leads I, II,
III, aVL, aVF.
8-7 Sinus tachycardia (>= 100/min)
8-8 Sinus bradycardia (<= 50/min)
8-9 other arrhythmias
9. Miscellaneous Items
9-1 Low QRS amplitude:
9-1-1 Low QRS amplitude: QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 0.5 mV in all
beats in each of leads I, II, III, and < 1.0mV in all beats in each of
leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6.
9-1-2 Low QRS amplitude: QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 0.5 mV in all
beats in each of leads I, II, III.
9-1-3 Low QRS amplitude: QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 1.0 mV in all
beats in each of leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6.
9-2 ST segment elevation >= 0.1 mV in any of leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF,
V5, V6, or >= 0.2 mV in any of leads V1, V2, V3, V4. (Do not code
in the presence of 6-4, 7-1, 7-2 or 7-4)
9-3-1 P-wave amplitude >= 0.25 mV in any of leads II, III, aVF.
9-3-2 P-wave duration >= 0.10 sec in any of leads I, II, aVL.
9-4-1 QRS Transition zone to the right of V3 on the chest wall. (Do not
code in the presence of 6-4, 7-1, 7-2 or 7-4)
9-4-2 QRS Transition zone at V4 or to the left of V4 on the chest wall. (Do
not code in the presence of 6-4, 7-1, 7-2 or 7-4)
9-5 T wave amplitude > 1.2 mV in any of leads I, II, III, aVL, aVF, V1,
V2, V3, V4, V5, V6. (Do not code in the presence of 6-4, 7-1, 7-2 or
9-6 Dextrocardia
9-8 Measurement failure because of electrode detachment or reversed
arm leads.
After-exercise Minnesota Codes are coded by comparing the rest ECG codes
with after-exercise ECG codes. Therefore, to print out the Minnesota Code after
exercise, it is necessary to analyze the rest ECG before attempting exercise tests.
This analysis program performs code classifications that are Up to 12 codes can
be printed at one time.
For classification criteria, refer to the following pages.
Some instruments do not print out modified Minnesota codes.
For the procedure to print out modified Minnesota codes, refer to the operator’s
manual for the instrument.
• The Minnesota Code classifies ECG waveforms according to criteria
that differ from those of the ECAPS12C. Therefore, the analysis results
of the ECAPS12C and the classification according to the Minnesota
Code may differ.
• The ECAPS12C classifies averaged waveforms according to the
modified Minnesota code.
* The Minnesota Code 1982 version has been broken down according to
location. Codes that are printed on recording paper are as follows:
A: Anterior
L: Anterolateral
I: Inferior
[Example] 1-1-1(A)
1-0 Normal
1. Q or QS patterns
1-1 Class 1 1-1-1 1-1-5
1-1-2 1-1-6
1-1-3 1-1-7
1-2 Class 2 1-2-1 1-2-5
1-2-2 1-2-6
1-2-3 1-2-7
1-2-4 1-2-8
1-3 Class 3 1-3-1 1-3-5
1-3-2 1-3-6
* S amplitude > R amplitude (one of the leads to the left of the V1 lead)
R amplitude >= 0.5 mV; S amplitude >= R amplitude (V1 lead)
(If the criteria for 3-2 are met, 7-3 will not be coded.)
5. T-wave items
5-1 5-4
5-2 5-5
8. Arrhythmias
8-1-1 Presence of frequent atrial premature beats or
frequent junctional premature beats
8-1-2 Presence of frequent ventricular premature beats
8-1-3 Presence of frequent atrial premature beats or
frequent junctional premature beats along with the
presence of frequent ventricular premature beats
8-1-6 Presence of frequent both atrial premature beats
which do not correspond to 8-1-1
8-1-7 Presence of frequent ventricular premature beats
which do not correspond to 8-1-2
8-2-2 Persistent ventricular rhythm
8-3-1 Atrial fibrillation (persistent)
8-3-2 Atrial flutter (persistent)
8-4-1 Supraventricular rhythm
8-7 Sinus tachycardia
8-8 Sinus bradycardia
8-9-2 Sinus arrhythmias
8-9-4 Coronary sinus rhythm
8-9-7 Tachycardia (arrhythmia)
8-9-8 Bradycardia (arrhythmia)
8-9-9 Other arrhythmias
9. Miscellaneous items
9-1 Low QRS amplitude*
9-2-1 ST segment elevation
9-2-2 ST segment elevation
9-2-3 Brugada ECG
* 9-1 is divided into 9-1-1 (limb leads and chest leads), 9-1-2 (limb leads),
and 9-1-3 (chest leads).
12-6 Any T-wave items code is present in rest ECG and the same T-wave
items code appears after exercise
12-7 Any T-wave items code is present in rest ECG and no T-wave items
code appears after exercise
12-8 Both 12-x and 9-8
The judgment criteria in this section are extracted from the handbook of
the Japanese Association for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Disease Control.
These criteria were not written for computer analysis. In cases where a
computer requires more detailed criteria for analysis, added criteria can
be obtained from Nihon Kohden
1) Code priority
For each top level group of 1, 4, and 5, codes with a smaller code number
within each group take precedence for each lead group. Therefore, 2 or
more codes are not coded together in the same lead group.
[Example] 1-1-1 suppresses 1-2-4 and 1-3-2. In this case, only 1-1-1 is
coded and 1-2-4 and 1-3-2 are ignored.
2) Coexistence of codes
For 6 through 9, two or more codes are coded together from among each
number of 6 through 9. All of the codes present in the analysis results are
[Example] When 8-1and 8-3 are present, both 8-1 and 8-3 are coded.
For 6, 7, 8, and 9, each group is coded separately.
3) Q or QS patterns
As a general rule, Q or QS amplitude >= 0.1 mV and Q duration >= 0.02 sec.
However, 7-7 and 7-8 are excluded.
Do not code if 6-1, 6-4-1, 6-8, or 8-4-1 are present and the heart rate is 140
or higher.
Do not code if 1-2-3, 1-2-7, 1-2-8, 1-3-2, or 1-3-6 are present when 7-1-1 is
present. If any Q or QS patterns code other than the ones described above is
present, change 7-1-1 to 7-4 and code the Q or QS patterns.
7) T-wave items
Do not code if 6-1, 6-4-1, 6-8, 7-1-1, 7-2-1, 7-4, 7-8, or 8-4-1 are present and
the heart rate is 140 or higher.
Detailed Criteria
1. Q or QS Patterns
1-1 Class1
1-1-1 Q/R amplitude ratio >= 1/3 and Q duration >= 0.03 sec
(Anterolateral: lead I or V6; Inferior: lead II or; Anterior: lead V2,
V3, V4, or V5)
1-1-2 Q duration >= 0.04 sec
(Anterolateral: lead I or V6; Inferior: lead II Anterior: any of leads
V1, V2, V3, V4, or V5)
1-1-3 Q duration >= 0.04 sec, plus R amplitude >= 0.3 mV
(Anterolateral: lead aVL)
1-1-4 Q duration >= 0.05 sec, plus Q amplitude >= 0.1 mV in the beats of
the aVF lead
(Inferior: leads III and aVF)
1-1-5 Q duration >= 0.05 sec
(Inferior: lead aVF)
1-1-6 QS pattern and R waves are present in adjacent lead located to the
right of the chest wall
(Anterolateral: lead V6; Anterior: leads V2, V3, V4, and V5)
1-1-7 QS pattern
(Anterior: leads V1 through V4, or all leads V1 through V5)
1-2 Class 2
1-2-1 Q/R amplitude ratio >= 1/3, plus Q duration >= 0.02 sec and < 0.03
(Anterolateral: lead I or V6; Inferior: lead II)
Anterior: any of leads V2, V3, V4 or V5)
1-2-2 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and <= 0.04 sec
(Anterolateral: lead I or V6; Inferior: lead II
Anterior: any of leads V2, V3, V4, or V5)
1-2-3 QS pattern (Do not code if 7-1-1 is present.)
(Anterolateral: lead I; Inferior: lead II)
1-2-4 Q duration >= 0.04 sec and < 0.05 sec in lead III, plus Q amplitude
>= 0.1 mV regardless of duration in lead aVF (not necessary that it
be 0.02 sec or greater)
(Inferior: lead III and lead aVF)
1-2-5 Q duration >= 0.04 sec and < 0.05 sec
(Inferior: lead aVF)
1-2-6 Q amplitude >= 0.5 mV regardless of duration (not necessary that it
be 0.02 sec or greater)
(Inferior: lead III or lead aVF)
1-2-7 QS pattern (Do not code if 7-1-1 is present.)
(Anterior: all of leads V1, V2, and V3)
1-2-8 Initial R > 0.2 mV is a derivative of the right side of Initial R <= 0.2
mV. (Do not encode if 3-2, 7-1-1, 7-2-1, 7-3, or 7-8 are present.)
(Anterolateral: leads V5 and V6; Anterior: any of leads V2, V3, V4,
or V5)
User’s Guide ECAPS 12C A.4.9
1-3 Class 3
1-3-1 Q/R amplitude duration >= 1/5 and < 1/3, plus Q duration >= 0.02
sec and < 0.03 sec
(Anterolateral: lead I or V6; Inferior: lead II; Anterior: any of leads
V2, V3, V4, or V5)
1-3-2 QS pattern (Do not code if 3-1 or 7-1-1 are present.)
(Anterior: leads V1 and V2)
1-3-3 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec, plus R amplitude >= 0.3 mV
(Anterolateral: lead aVL)
1-3-4 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec, plus Q amplitude >= 0.1 mV
regardless of duration (not necessary that it be 0.02 sec or greater)
(Inferior: Q duration in lead III, Q amplitude in lead aVF)
1-3-5 Q duration >= 0.03 sec and < 0.04 sec
(Inferior: lead aVF)
1-3-6 QS pattern (Do not code if 7-1-1 is present.)
(Inferior: lead III and lead aVF)
5. T Wave Items
5-1 Negative T wave <= −0.5 mV
(Anterolateral: leads I and V6, or in lead aVL when R amplitude is
>= 0.5 mV
Inferior: in lead II or lead aVF when QRS wave is mainly upright;
Anterior: any of leads V2, V3, V4, or V5)
5-2 T amplitude negative or diphasic (positive-negative or negative-
positive type) with negative phase at least 0.1 mV
but not as low as −0.5 mV
6. AV Conduction Defect
6-1 Complete (third degree) A-V block (permanent or intermittent) in any
6-2-1 Mobitz Type II A-V block:
P-R (P-Q) interval is constant, sometimes lacking QRS and T waves
6-2-3 Wenckebach’s Phenomenon A-V:
P-R (P-Q) interval increases with every beat, followed by dropped
QRS and T waves
6-3 Prolonged P-R (P-Q) interval:
P-R (P-Q) interval >= 0.22 sec in any of leads I, II, III, aVL, or aVF
6-4-1 Wolff-Parkinson-White Pattern, persistent:
Findings of sinus P wave, P-R (P-Q) interval < 0.12 sec, QRS
duration >= 0.12 sec, and R peak duration >= 0.06 sec coexist (in any
of leads I, II, aVL, V4 through V6)
6-5 Short P-R (P-Q) interval:
P-R (P-Q) interval < 0.12 sec in two leads from among leads I, II, III,
aVL, and aVF (Do not code if 8-4-1 is present and the heart rate is
>= 100.)
6-8 Artificial pacemaker:
Artificial pacemaker pulse is present
8. Arrhythmias
8-1-1 Presence of frequent atrial premature beats or frequent junctional
premature beats. However, the number of premature beats must be
10% or more of all recorded waveforms.
8-1-2 Presence of frequent ventricular premature beats. However, the
number of premature beats must be 10% or more of all recorded
8-1-3 Coexistence of frequent atrial premature beats or frequent junctional
premature beats and frequent ventricular premature beats. However,
code if the total number of premature beats is 10% or more of all
recorded waveforms, even if the number of premature beats for each
is less than 10%.
8-1-6 Presence of frequent both atrial premature beats that do not meet the
criteria for 8-1-1
8-1-7 Presence of frequent ventricular premature beats that do not meet the
criteria for 8-1-2
9. Miscellaneous Items
Do not code 9 when 6-1, 6-4-1, 6-8, 8-2-2, or 8-4-1 are present and the
heart rate is >= 140.
9-1-1 QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 0.5 mV in all of leads I, II, and III,
and < 1.0 mV in all of leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, and V6
9-1-2 QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 0.5 mV in all of leads I, II, and III
9-1-3 QRS peak-to-peak amplitude < 1.0 mV in all of leads V1, V2, V3,
V4, V5, and V6
9-2-1 ST segment elevation (Do not code when 7-1-1, 7-2-1, 7-2-4, or 7-8
are present in addition to the codes mentioned in note 1.):
ST-J elevation >= 0.1 mV. ST segment sloping after the J point may
be upward, flat, or downward; however, downward inclination must
be 0.05 mV or less per each 0.08 sec.
(Anterolateral: in any of leads I, aVL, or V6
Inferior: in any of leads II, III, or aVF)
9-2-2 ST segment elevation (Do not code when 7-1-1, 7-2-1, 7-2-4, or 7-8
are present in addition to the codes mentioned in note 1.):
Anterior: ST-J elevation >= 0.2 mV in any of leads V1, V2, V3, or
V4, or ST-J elevation >= 0.2 mV in lead V5. ST segment sloping
after the J point may be upward, flat, or downward; however,
downward inclination must be 0.05 mV or less per each 0.08 sec.
Though, an exception is 9-2-3.
9-2-3 Brugada ECG:
A J wave with a J point amplitude >= 0.2 mV is present in any of
leads V1, V2, or V3. However, downward inclination of the J wave
must be 0.05 mV or less per each 0.08 sec.
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