Outbound Logistics
Outbound Logistics
Outbound Logistics
Includes logistical export activities that take the product to the client by going through various
mediators. A few outbound logistics activities are material handling, warehousing, scheduling,
order processing, moving and delivering to the target. It is possible for Kia Motors to analyze its
export logistics services and improve its resource development and research targets and develop
growth targets.
At this stage, it is possible for the KIA motors to operate at the same time and to differentiate
between the products presented for the satisfaction of the employees by offering them the best of
the competitors. Just delivering a great item at moderate expenses and unmistakable highlights
can't make an incentive until Kia Motors contributes on the Marketing and Sales activities.
Few examples of marketing and sales activities are sales, advertising, promotion, marketing,
quoting, channel determination and building links with members. It is possible to develop
marketing strategies that are either defensive or attractive, confidently based on the goals of Kia
Motors, the business model, the dynamics of geometry and the current position in the market.
The services are available before sale and after sale which is offered by Kia Motors are important
in creating client unwaveringness. The advanced clients consider contemporary services as
important after-sales services such as promotional and marketing activities. The intensity of
negative e-WOM due to the weak support service in the current advanced technology. The
organization must examine its support activities to avoid the loss of the brand reputation, and use
it in return for the payment of the positive verbal word due to the rapid and efficient feed
ADD 1:
Psychographic segmentation has been used in this advertisement as all the individuals who were
employed by Pooja were demotivated and terminated from their work and afterward the great
ability of Pooja appeared in the end and it's all occurs through facebook application so they target
their audience and influence their behavior towards the product.
ADD 2:
In this advertisement, they have used geographic segmentation as we can see that it targets two
unique regions and shows the nature of the product what they are giving towards their clients
how they rejoined by using Google App.
ADD 3:
In this advertisement, they used demographic segmentation as this add simply focus on the
particular crowd like middle age individuals or more youthful individuals and draw more youth’s
attention towards their product.
ADD 4:
In this specific advertisement Zellbury target both: geographic and demographic segmentation as
every individual who works their garments were of more youthful age and it shows that their
collection of clothes satisfies each sort of customs and social need of an entire nation's people.
ADD 5:
One of the well-known brand Coke, they generally focus on their crowd by using geographic
segmentation and they do something very similar in this promotion they shows Karachi from
every side and shows each individual loves to have coke from poor to rich so they are focusing
on their crowd using geographic segmentation.