Medication: Expected Pharmacological Action Therapeutic Use
Medication: Expected Pharmacological Action Therapeutic Use
Medication: Expected Pharmacological Action Therapeutic Use
Biliary tract surgery, premature infants during and after
delivery b/c of respiratory depressant effects; pregnancy
category risk C medication; use cautiously with clients who Nursing Interventions
have asthma, emphysema, or head injuries. Obese clients Assess pain level and monitor
are at greater risk for prolonged adverse effects. vitals, if respiratory rate is less
than 12 notify provider and
withhold med. Have naloxone
and resuscitation equipment
Interactions available. Monitor I&O's,
CNS depressants such as phenobarbital, adminster antiemetic PRN.
benzodiazepines, and alcohol have additive CNS
depression action.Anticholinergics such as atropine have
additive anticholinergic effects such as constipation or
urinary retention; antihypretensives have an additive
hypotensive effect. Client Education
Avoid the consumption of
alcohol and meds that have
Evaluation of Medication Effectiveness CNS effect, avoid hazardous
Relief of moderate to severe pain, cough suppression, and activities such as driving due to
resolution of diarrhea. the sedative effects; void every
4 hours.