Alternative Design of Hydroceramic Materials: 1.1 Related Literature

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Aljeann L. Jongoy, Jea E. Mosenabre, Ivielyn R. Mosende, Erlito M. Orit

Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City, Philippines

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract: A hydroceramic is a project that speculates on the thermodynamic processes in residential buildings and
how these can be tackled passively with a class of materials called “hydrogel”. This project study aims to design an
alternative of hydroceramic material. As hydroceramics material is not from the Philippines and it is manufactured
by the other country. The researchers are determined to design an alternative of hydroceramics to create our own
version of such materials with the same effect and apply it to the future projects.
Keywords: temperature, potency, humidity, cooling, material

1.INTRODUCTION The offered solution for the problem is to

Hydroceramic is a project that speculates on design an alternative of hydrocermics as a material
the thermodynamic processes in buildings and replacement. It also works as an evaporative cooling
residentials, also how these can be tackled passively device which reduces temperature and increases the
with a class of materials called “hydrogel”. By humidity and is capable of lowering down the
combining the evaporation property of the hydrogels temperature of the indoor environment by about 5 to
with the thermal mass, and humidity control property 6 degree or more. Its passive embedded intelligence
of clay ceramic and fabric, a composite material makes its performance directly proportional to the
responsive to heat and water was created. The heat in the outdoor environment i.e. it cools more
proposed solution is a passive evapotranspiration when it is hotter and doesn’t cool when no
system able to lower the temperature of an interior evaporation is occurring.
space by 5ºC.
The researchers conduct this study to gain
The hydroceramics walls act as second skins more knowledge about hydroceramics and to test
for buildings and simulate a living organism by how effective the alternative design of hydroceramics
perspiring water to regulate high temperatures. they are implementing and how does it work to
Hydroceramics is a facade system made of clay solved to the main problem.
panels and hydrogel. Hydrogel capsules have a
1.1 Related Literature
capacity to absorb up to 500 times their own volume
in water in order to create a construction system that
can “breathe” through evaporation and perspiration. A "hydroceramic" (HC) is a concrete which
possesses mineralogy similar to the zeolitized rock
Now a days,the climate of Philippines is indigenous to the USA's current "basis" high level
hotter than before unlike to the other country like radioactive waste (HLW) repository site, Yucca
USA that is way colder than ours. Many of us in our Mountain (YM). It is made by curing a mixture of
country are struggling and uncomfortable because of inorganic waste, calcined clay, vermiculite, Na 2S,
its hotter environment and they consume more NaOH, plus water under hydrothermal conditions.
electricity for ceiling fan, electric fan, and air- The product differs from conventional Portland
condition. Hydroceramics is one of the material that cement and/or slag-based concretes ("grouts") in that
would be useful for this problem but as we observed, it is primarily comprised of alkali aluminosilicate
Philippines is lack of material due to poor "cage minerals" (cancrinites, sodalites, and zeolites)
technology or equipment so they have to order or buy rather than hydrated calcium silicates (C-S-H in
some of the materials to the foreign countries by cement-chemistry shorthand). Consequent it
costing a lot of money and it consumed more time to microencapsulates individual salt molecules thereby
complete the project and that is not good to the rendering them less leachable than they are from
people who can afford a low-budget material only. conventional grouts.
A fundamental difference between the material with the same specifications on reducing the
formulations of HCs and radwaste-type glasses is that temperature and serves as the cooling system for
the latter contain insufficient aluminum to form indoor environment.
insoluble minerals with all of the alkali metals in
them. This means that the imposition of worst-case 1.2 Theoretical Framework
"repository failure" (hydrothermal) conditions would Self-organization is a process through which
cause a substantial fraction of such glasses to alter to the internal organization of the system adapts to the
water-soluble forms. Since the same conditions tend environment to promote a specific function without
to reduce the solubility of HC concretes, they being controlled from outside. In this study involve
constitute a more rugged immobilization sub-system. about Biological Systems this is been adapted and
This paper compares leach characteristics of HCs evolved over several billion years into efficient
with those of radwaste-type glasses and points out configurations which are symbiotic with the
why hydroceramic solidification makes more sense environment.
than vitrification for US defense-type reprocessing
waste. Form structure geometry material and
behavior are factors which cannot be separated from
A hydroceramic also is similar to cooling one another.
bricks. In a recent study student at the Institute of The premise of this research is to integrate
Advanced Architecture of Catalonia invented a new cooling and actuation functions into a hydrogel
material technology that has a cooling effect on composite material system.
building interiors. They used a combination of clay
and hydrogel to create a cooling effect that comes Staying cool is critically linked to staying
from the presence of the hydrogel in the structure. hydrated. Yet the costs of air conditioning in our
This will absorb water that is released to reduce the homes and offices. Equipment and installation
temperature during hot days. Along with the ability to maintenance and large amounts of electricity are
reduce indoor temperature by 6 degrees Celsius. This overwhelming.
also involves the addition of water vapor to the air, This study connected in nature strategies
resulting in a lowering of air temperature. like staying cool when it gets hot. Plants and animals
The porous and lattice-like ceramic brick is have a diversity of ways to keep cool. Some are well-
3D printed that interlocks the bricks to create a strong known like sweating others may be less familiar such
bond when set in a mortar and then will absorb the as how ticks pull water from the air.
water in their micro-pores, kind of like a sponge 1.3 Conceptual Framework
effect. As the air passes through the bricks lattice
structure the water is held in the pores and
evaporates, thus bringing cold air into the interior
environment and lowering the temperature. This
method of material technology can be very
innovative for areas with extremely high
temperatures. This material in the architectural
industry also becomes a living thing as part of nature
and not outside. The components work as organisms
with biological systems that are live operations
between the structure and its surroundings. This
material technology illustrates multiple innovative
qualities that are social and behavioral in the
environment that surpasses the original use of bricks
and putting it into a more creative and efficient use. Figure 1: Conceptual Block Diagram of the Project

The uniqueness of the project study are The following diagram shown in figure 1 is
instead of using and relying the hydroceramics represents on how the researchers will conduct the
material in construction, the researchers were going project study. First, the researchers requires material
to develop an alternative design of hydroceramics that can possibly produce a cooling effect and can be
use for the study. In design requirements, it is The concept map shown in figure 2 is the
important to know the design ideas of hydroceramics project design of the study. Hydroceramics was made
since the researcher will have to design an alternative with clay panel and hydrogel. First, the researcher
of the said material.The knowledge are also will design an alternative of hydroceramics material.
important to find more information related to the The new design alternative must provide the cooling
project study. Next is the researcher will investigate effect the same with hydroceramics material to
and find some possible solution by testing the complete the project study.
material if it is effective before implementing. The
output of the study is the alternative design of 2.3 Project Development
hydroceramics material. This outcome evaluated
according to the potential and feasibility of the

1.4 Objectives

The general objectives of this study are to

increase development and application of “smart”
materials, opened up new design possibilities at the
material and “behavioral” scale of architecture.

1. To analyze the durability of the material.

2. To develop an alternative design of
hydroceramic material.
3. To determine the financial feasibility of the
design material. Figure 3: Block Diagram of the Project
4. To evaluate the potency of the alternative Development
design of hydroceramic materials.
The block diagram shown in figure 3 states
2. METHODS the different stages of project development. First, is
to make sure that the researchers are entirely sure of
2.1 Research Design everything that needs to be done and that they have a
clear objective and title for the project. Planning is
The research design that is applicable in this the most important part of the whole process, it needs
project study is the experimental design. to be detailed and well thought out to ensure that
Experimental design is a blueprint of the procedure nothing is missed during the experiment. After
that enables the researcher to maintain control over planning the project, time to start executing it and
all factors that may affect the result of an experiment. make sure that it will stick according to plan and
2.2 Project Design control needs to be carried out during the execution
stage to regularly monitor to ensure that the project
doesn’t spin out of control. Once the project is
finished, it is recommended to write a closing report
or summary of the study for the output.

2.4 Project Implementation

This project study will be implemented

through the said materials used which is the
alternative deign of hydroceramics material as a
material replacement of hydroceramics. The
implementation of this alternative design of
Figure 2: Conceptual Map of the Project hydroceramic process would require serious
commitment. As a cooling aid like hydroceramics, it
work by exposing absorbed water to a large surface additional knowledge of the project. Followed by the
area. It reduces temperatures, increases humidity and three researchers who perform and observe during
is capable of lowering the temperature of the indoor the experimental process of the material.
environment by about 5-6 degrees or more. Its
passive embedded intelligence makes its performance 2.7 Instruments
directly proportional to the heat in the outdoor
The study will use recording devices such as
environment. It cools when it is hotter and doesn’t
computers for making the summary reports and
cool when no evaporation is occurring. It can be use
cellphones for research about the related studies.
as a material in constructing a building.
Calculators for estimating the project cost. AutoCAD
2.5 Project Setting for planning and design process. Thermometer and
other tools from the laboratory used to measure the
room temperature during experiment process, and last
is the evaluation forms for data gathering.

2.8 Research Ethics

The research ethics that we want to use in

this project study are openness, carefulness, respect
for intellectual property, and human subjects
protection. Openness is where the researcher can be
open for new ideas and used to share data about the
alternative design of hydroceramic material and its
uses. Carefulness is to avoid errors and negligence
during experimental process of the material to keep
Figure 4: Location of the Project good records of the activity. Respect for intellectual
property to avoid plagiarism, respect the other works
The project study located at Narciso St.,
and give credits especially for hydroceramics
Barangay Taft, Surigao City because Surigao City is
material that the researcher where making alternative
a large area and most of the trees are gone so the
temperature is hotter than the rural areas. Also, the design with respect to the original material. Human
researcher wants to develop the alternative material subjects protection in which the researcher need to
because Surigao City is under the province of create a safer and cooler material to minimize harms
Surigao del Norte which is lack of construction and maximize benefits to humans when they are
materials production and need to buy to the other going to use the alternative material in the future.
country or cities to complete all the materials during
the time of having construction projects. 2.9 Data Collection Procedure

2.6 Participants of the Study

Participants F(n=10) % of
Chemical engineer 2 45.00
Civil engineer 1 12.00
Archetictural engineer 1 12.00
The Researchers 3 31.00

The researchers randomly choose

participants for this project study. First is, there are
two chemical engineer, one civil engineer, and one
archetictural engineer to ask there opinion about the
hydroceramics material to give the researcher
Figure 5: Block Diagram of Data Collection Co-Authors 1 P 400.00 P 400.00
Procedure person
Sub- P 2,500.00
The block diagram above shows the data Total
collection procedure of the project study. First is the D. Freight
researcher should determine the variables of the
study. Then next is to test and observe the materials E. Laboratory
to gather data for the output. Testing

2.10 Statistical Tools

F. Fabrication
The study will use frequency count, mean, and Assembly
and standard deviation.
Frequency count- is usually used in the study to Documentation
determine the number of participants who are and Printing
involved in the study. So, we used this tool for the Printing Works P 800.00
study of feasibility of hydroceramics in residential Photocopies P 100.00
building because it’s about the design structures and Book Binding P 150.00
uniqueness so there will be a lot of participants be Sub- P 1050. 00
counted in this study. Total
H. Research
Mean- (average) of a data set is found by adding all
numbers in the data set and then dividing by the
Panelist’s P 7,200.00
number of values in the set. Professional
Standard deviation- is a measure of the amount of Services
variation or dispersion of a set of values.[1] A low Snacks/Meals P 500.00
standard deviation indicates that the values tend to be Sub- P 7,700.00
close to the mean (also called the expected value) of Total
TOTAL P 13,555.00
the set, while a high standard deviation indicates that
the values are spread out over a wider range. I. Contingency P 2,711.00
2.11 Financial Analysis Grand P 16,266.00
Co-Author 1 P P 1000.00
Professional 1 P P 1000.00
Writer person 1,000.00
Sub- P 2,000.00
B. Materials and
Supplies The researchers would like to express its
Bond Paper 200 P 1.00 P 200.00 sincere gratitude to first and foremost our Almighty
God for the knowledge, wisdom and good health.
Ball Pen 3 P15.00 P45.00
Without Him, this study cannot be possible. To our
Folder 10 P 6.00 P 60.00
parents, their help, love, patience and all the supports
Sub- P 305.00 allows the study to be successful by providing our
financial, spiritual and mental needs. To Engr. Robert
C. Travel
R. Bacarro, MCE, MBA. For his continuous support
Researchers fare 3 P 700.00 P 2100.00 and patience towards thesis, motivation, vast
knowledge and enthusiasm that helps a lot to the
study. The researcher could not be on the right way ramic/
formulating the study without the right mentor. Last
but not the least, the researcher would like to thank to [8] Kelly Mork. (2018, September 13).
their batchmates, friends and other fellow students Hydroceramics-Material Transformations
for lending us their help and assistance. [Online]. Available:
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