Alternative Design of Hydroceramic Materials: 1.1 Related Literature
Alternative Design of Hydroceramic Materials: 1.1 Related Literature
Alternative Design of Hydroceramic Materials: 1.1 Related Literature
Abstract: A hydroceramic is a project that speculates on the thermodynamic processes in residential buildings and
how these can be tackled passively with a class of materials called “hydrogel”. This project study aims to design an
alternative of hydroceramic material. As hydroceramics material is not from the Philippines and it is manufactured
by the other country. The researchers are determined to design an alternative of hydroceramics to create our own
version of such materials with the same effect and apply it to the future projects.
Keywords: temperature, potency, humidity, cooling, material
The uniqueness of the project study are The following diagram shown in figure 1 is
instead of using and relying the hydroceramics represents on how the researchers will conduct the
material in construction, the researchers were going project study. First, the researchers requires material
to develop an alternative design of hydroceramics that can possibly produce a cooling effect and can be
use for the study. In design requirements, it is The concept map shown in figure 2 is the
important to know the design ideas of hydroceramics project design of the study. Hydroceramics was made
since the researcher will have to design an alternative with clay panel and hydrogel. First, the researcher
of the said material.The knowledge are also will design an alternative of hydroceramics material.
important to find more information related to the The new design alternative must provide the cooling
project study. Next is the researcher will investigate effect the same with hydroceramics material to
and find some possible solution by testing the complete the project study.
material if it is effective before implementing. The
output of the study is the alternative design of 2.3 Project Development
hydroceramics material. This outcome evaluated
according to the potential and feasibility of the
1.4 Objectives
Participants F(n=10) % of
Chemical engineer 2 45.00
Civil engineer 1 12.00
Archetictural engineer 1 12.00
The Researchers 3 31.00
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