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Navy Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Performance Survey Manual

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Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center

Technical Manual NMCPHC TM-6470.1

Navy Diagnostic Imaging Equipment

Performance Survey Manual

Version: June 2013

Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center



NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013


NMCPHC Manual Basic Issuance Date

6470.1 June 2013

Change/Revision History Date Published


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013



Title Page ........................................................................................................................................ i

Table of Issuance and Revisions/Changes ................................................................................. iii
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................v
Figures......................................................................................................................................... xiii
Tables ............................................................................................................................................xv
List of Forms ............................................................................................................................. xvii
Acronym List .............................................................................................................................. xix
Chapter 1 Navy Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Performance Survey Manual
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1-1
A. Background..................................................................................................................... 1-1
B. Extent of Surveys ............................................................................................................ 1-1
C. Radiation Protection ....................................................................................................... 1-1
D. Training and Qualification ............................................................................................. 1-2
E. Qualification Levels ........................................................................................................ 1-2
F. Reports ............................................................................................................................ 1-2
G. How to Use This Manual ................................................................................................ 1-3
Chapter 2 General Radiographic Unit (Fixed and Portable) ............................................... 2-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 2-1
B. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 2-1
C. Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 2-1
D. References ...................................................................................................................... 2-1
E. General Radiographic Unit ............................................................................................. 2-2
1. Radiation Exposure Reproducibility ......................................................................... 2-2
2. Timer Reproducibility ............................................................................................... 2-2
3. Timer Accuracy ......................................................................................................... 2-2
4. Linearity of mA/mAs ................................................................................................ 2-3
5. Kilovoltage Accuracy ................................................................................................ 2-3
6. Beam Quality ............................................................................................................. 2-3
7. Light Field Intensity .................................................................................................. 2-4
8. Light Field/X-Ray Beam Alignment ......................................................................... 2-4
9. X-ray Field Size- Indicated vs. Actual ...................................................................... 2-4
10. Central Beam Alignment ......................................................................................... 2-5
11. Indicated Source to Image Distance (SID) .............................................................. 2-5
12. Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) System (if applicable) ................................... 2-5
13. Entrance Skin Exposure Measurements (ESE) ....................................................... 2-6

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F. Survey Procedures for Portable and Mobile Radiographic Equipment .......................... 2-6
1. Visual Inspection ....................................................................................................... 2-6
Chapter 3 Dental Radiographic Units..................................................................................... 3-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 3-1
B. Introduction (Intraoral) ................................................................................................... 3-1
C. Introduction (Panoramic) ................................................................................................ 3-1
D. Introduction- Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) .......................................... 3-1
E. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 3-1
F. Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 3-2
G. References ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
H. Performance Test Requirements for Intraoral Dental Units ........................................... 3-2
1. Exposure and Timer Reproducibility ........................................................................ 3-2
2. Timer Accuracy ......................................................................................................... 3-2
3. Linearity of mR/mAs................................................................................................. 3-3
4. kVp Accuracy and Precision ..................................................................................... 3-3
5. Beam Quality (Half-Value Layer [HVL] Determination) ......................................... 3-3
6. Source to Skin Distance and X-Ray Field Size/Cone Alignment ............................. 3-4
7. Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE).................................................................................. 3-4
I. Performance Test Requirements for Dental Panoramic Units ......................................... 3-4
1. Exposure and Timer Reproducibility ........................................................................ 3-4
2. Duration of Exposure Cycle ...................................................................................... 3-4
3. Linearity of mR/mAs................................................................................................. 3-5
4. Beam Quality- Half Value Layer (HVL) Determination .......................................... 3-5
5. X-Ray Beam/Image Detector Slit Alignment ........................................................... 3-5
6. Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE).................................................................................. 3-6
7. Calibration file (if applicable) ................................................................................... 3-6
8. Laser Alignment/Phantom Ball and Pin Test (if applicable) .................................... 3-6
J. Performance Test Requirements for Dental Cone Beam Computed
Tomography (CBCT) ...................................................................................................... 3-7
Chapter 4 Fluoroscopy ............................................................................................................. 4-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 4-1
B. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 4-1
C. Equipment ....................................................................................................................... 4-1
D. References ...................................................................................................................... 4-1
E. Performance Tests for Fluoroscopy ................................................................................ 4-1
1. kVp Accuracy ............................................................................................................ 4-1
2. Air Kinetic Energy Released in Material (KERMA) Rate (AKR) Measurements ... 4-2

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3. Maximum Air Kinetic Energy Released in Material (KERMA) Rate (AKR) .......... 4-3
4. Transmission Through Primary Barrier .................................................................... 4-3
5. Beam Quality (Half Value Layer) ............................................................................. 4-3
6. Minimum Source to Skin Distance (SSD) ................................................................ 4-4
7. Minimum and Maximum Fluoroscopic Image Size (Beam Limitation Devices) ..... 4-5
8. Fluoroscopy Display Field Alignment ...................................................................... 4-5
9. Beam Central Alignment ........................................................................................... 4-6
10. Pin-cushion and “S-ing’ Distortion ......................................................................... 4-6
11. High Contrast Resolution ........................................................................................ 4-7
12. Low Contrast Sensitivity ......................................................................................... 4-7
13. Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) Systems ......................................................... 4-8
14. kVp Compensation .................................................................................................. 4-9
Chapter 5 Computed Tomography (CT) Units ...................................................................... 5-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 5-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 5-1
C. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 5-1
D. Equipment....................................................................................................................... 5-1
E. References ....................................................................................................................... 5-1
F. Performance Tests for ComputedTomography (CT) Units ............................................ 5-2
1. Table Loading............................................................................................................ 5-2
2. Table Positioning ....................................................................................................... 5-2
3. Table/Gantry Alignment............................................................................................ 5-2
4. Kilovoltage (kV) Accuracy ....................................................................................... 5-2
5. Tube Current Linearity .............................................................................................. 5-3
6. Beam Quality ............................................................................................................. 5-4
7. Image Quality: American College of Radiology (ACR) Phantom Tests the
Phantom ..................................................................................................................... 5-4
8. Position Accuracy...................................................................................................... 5-5
9. CT Number Accuracy ............................................................................................... 5-6
10. Low Contrast ........................................................................................................... 5-6
11. Uniformity, Artifact, & Scaling Accuracy .............................................................. 5-7
12. High Contrast .......................................................................................................... 5-8
13. Slice Thickness Accuracy ....................................................................................... 5-8
14. Radiation Dosimetry................................................................................................ 5-9
15. Scatter .................................................................................................................... 5-11

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Chapter 6 Mammographic Units ............................................................................................. 6-1

A. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 6-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 6-1
C. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 6-1
D. Equipment....................................................................................................................... 6-1
E. References ....................................................................................................................... 6-1
Chapter 7 Performance Tests for Ultrasound Scanners ....................................................... 7-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 7-1
B. Introduction..................................................................................................................... 7-1
C. Testing Periodicity .......................................................................................................... 7-1
D. Equipment....................................................................................................................... 7-1
E. References ....................................................................................................................... 7-1
1. Vertical Distance Accuracy ....................................................................................... 7-1
2. Horizontal Distance Accuracy................................................................................... 7-2
3. Transducer Sensitivity / Depth of Penetration .......................................................... 7-2
4. Dead Zone (Ring Down) ........................................................................................... 7-2
5. General Maintenance ................................................................................................. 7-2
6. Image Uniformity ...................................................................................................... 7-3
7. Lateral Resolution ..................................................................................................... 7-3
8. Axial Resolution ........................................................................................................ 7-4
9. Cyst Imaging (Anechoic Imaging) ............................................................................ 7-4
10. Display Monitor and Hardcopy Fidelity ................................................................. 7-4
Chapter 8 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Units .......................................................... 8-1
A. Recommended Performance Tests ................................................................................. 8-1
1. Central Frequency Evaluation ................................................................................... 8-1
2. Magnetic Field Homogeneity .................................................................................... 8-1
3. American College of Radiology (ACR) Phantom Image Acquisition ...................... 8-2
4. Slice Position Accuracy............................................................................................. 8-3
5. Slice Thickness Accuracy ......................................................................................... 8-3
6. RF Coil Checks (Signal to Noise Ratio [SNR], Percent Image
Uniformity [PIU], Percent Signal Ghosting [PSG]) .................................................. 8-4
7. Geometric Accuracy .................................................................................................. 8-5
8. Spatial Resolution...................................................................................................... 8-5
9. Low Contrast Detectability (LCD) ............................................................................ 8-6
10. Image Artifact Assessment ...................................................................................... 8-6
11. Soft Copy Display Evaluation ................................................................................. 8-6

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12. Hard Copy Image Quality Control .......................................................................... 8-7

13. B0 Field Room Survey ............................................................................................ 8-7
14. Physical and Mechanical Inspection ....................................................................... 8-7
15. Patient Monitoring Evaluation ................................................................................ 8-8
16. Ferromagnetic detector system operation................................................................ 8-8
17. ACR MRI Safety Recommendations Compliance .................................................. 8-8
18. Quality Control (QC) Program Review................................................................... 8-9
Chapter 9 Nuclear Medicine Imaging ..................................................................................... 9-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................... 9-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications ................................................................ 9-1
C. Testing performances...................................................................................................... 9-1
D. References ...................................................................................................................... 9-1
E. Planar Gamma Camera ................................................................................................... 9-2
1. Installation Check ...................................................................................................... 9-2
2. Temporal Resolution ................................................................................................. 9-2
3. Uniformity Testing .................................................................................................... 9-4
4. Systems Sensitivity and Relative Collimator Efficiency .......................................... 9-6
5. Spatial Linearity ........................................................................................................ 9-6
6. Point Source Sensitivity ............................................................................................ 9-7
7. Spatial Resolution...................................................................................................... 9-8
8. Energy Registration ................................................................................................... 9-9
F. SPECT Gamma Camera .................................................................................................. 9-9
1. Rotational Uniformity and Sensitivity .................................................................... 9-10
2. Spatial Resolution.................................................................................................... 9-10
3. System Performance ................................................................................................ 9-11
Chapter 10 Linear Accelerators (LINACs) and Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
Used in Radiotherapy ......................................................................................... 10-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 10-1
B. Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................ 10-1
C. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 10-1
D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 10-2
E. References ..................................................................................................................... 10-2
Chapter 11 High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy ............................................................ 11-1
A. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 11-1
B. Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................ 11-1
C. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 11-1

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D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 11-1
E. References ..................................................................................................................... 11-1
Chapter 12 Entrance Skin Kinetic Energy Released in Material (KERMA) (ESK) ........ 12-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 12-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 12-1
C. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 12-1
D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 12-1
E. References ..................................................................................................................... 12-1
F. Entrance Skin KERMA (ESK) for General Radiographic Equipment ......................... 12-1
1. Purpose .................................................................................................................... 12-1
2. Regulations .............................................................................................................. 12-1
3. Procedure ................................................................................................................. 12-1
G. Entrance Skin KERMA (ESK) for Dental Intraoral Units ........................................... 12-2
1. Procedure ................................................................................................................. 12-2
H. Entrance Skin KERMA Rate (ESKR) for Fluoroscopy Units...................................... 12-3
1. Procedure ................................................................................................................. 12-3
I. Digital Spot Entrance Skin KERMA Rate (ESKR) ....................................................... 12-3
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 12-3
2. Procedure ................................................................................................................. 12-3
3. Interpretation of Results .......................................................................................... 12-4
Chapter 13 Radiation Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical and Dental
X-Ray Facilities ................................................................................................... 13-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 13-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 13-1
C. Design and Evaluation Periodicity ............................................................................... 13-1
D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 13-1
E. References ..................................................................................................................... 13-1
Chapter 14 Performance Tests for Monitors in Picture Archiving and
Communication System (PAC) .......................................................................... 14-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14-1
B. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 14-1
C. Reference ...................................................................................................................... 14-1
D. General Performance Tests for Picture Archiving and Communication
System (PACS) Monitor Equipment ............................................................................ 14-1
1. Geometric distortion ................................................................................................ 14-1
2. Display Reflection ................................................................................................... 14-2

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3. Luminance Response ............................................................................................... 14-2

4. Luminance Uniformity ............................................................................................ 14-3
5. Display Resolution .................................................................................................. 14-3
6. Display Noise .......................................................................................................... 14-3
7. Veiling Glare ........................................................................................................... 14-4
8. Display Chromaticity .............................................................................................. 14-4
Chapter 15 Guidance for the Use, Care, Evaluation, and Disposal of Lead Aprons........ 15-1
A. Background................................................................................................................... 15-1
B. Guidance ....................................................................................................................... 15-1
C. References..................................................................................................................... 15-1
D. Use, Care, Evaluation, and Disposal ............................................................................ 15-1
1. Use of Lead Aprons ................................................................................................. 15-1
2. Care of Lead Aprons ............................................................................................... 15-1
3. Evaluation of Lead Aprons...................................................................................... 15-1
4. Rejection Criteria .................................................................................................... 15-1
5. Disposal of Lead Aprons ......................................................................................... 15-2
Chapter 16 Direct Digital Radiography Systems ................................................................. 16-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 16-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 16-1
C. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 16-1
D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 16-1
E. Reference ...................................................................................................................... 16-1
F. General Requirements for Radiographic Equipment .................................................... 16-1
1. Dosimetry ................................................................................................................ 16-1
2. Dark Noise ............................................................................................................... 16-2
3. Linearity, System Transfer Properties, and Dark Noise .......................................... 16-2
4. Image Retention. ..................................................................................................... 16-2
5. Detector Dose Indicator Consistency ...................................................................... 16-3
6. Uniformity ............................................................................................................... 16-3
7. Scaling Errors .......................................................................................................... 16-4
8. Blurring and Stitching Artifacts .............................................................................. 16-4
9. Limiting Spatial Resolution..................................................................................... 16-5
10. Threshold Contrast Detail Detectability ................................................................ 16-5
Chapter 17 Computed Radiography (CR) Systems ............................................................. 17-1
A. Introduction .................................................................................................................. 17-1
B. Minimum Required Personnel Qualifications .............................................................. 17-1

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C. Testing Periodicity ........................................................................................................ 17-1

D. Equipment..................................................................................................................... 17-1
E. References ..................................................................................................................... 17-1
F. General Requirements for Computed Radiographic Equipment .................................. 17-2
1. Phosphor Plate Throughput ..................................................................................... 17-2
2. Phosphor Plate Uniformity (Reproducibility) ......................................................... 17-2
3. Exposure Indicator .................................................................................................. 17-2
4. Linearity .................................................................................................................. 17-3
5. Laser Beam Evaluation ........................................................................................... 17-3
6. Spatial Resolution.................................................................................................... 17-3
7. Low Contrast Resolution ......................................................................................... 17-3
8. Erasure Thoroughness ............................................................................................. 17-4
9. Phosphor Plate Dark Noise...................................................................................... 17-4

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Figure 5-1. .................................................................................................................................... 5-5

Figure 5-2. .................................................................................................................................... 5-5
Figure 5-3. .................................................................................................................................... 5-6
Figure 5-4. .................................................................................................................................... 5-7
Figure 5-5. .................................................................................................................................... 5-7
Figure 5-6. .................................................................................................................................... 5-8
Figure 5-7. .................................................................................................................................... 5-9
Figure 9-1. .................................................................................................................................... 9-3
Figure 9-2. .................................................................................................................................... 9-4
Figure 9-3. .................................................................................................................................... 9-5
Figure 9-4. .................................................................................................................................... 9-6
Figure 9-5. .................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Figure 9-6. .................................................................................................................................... 9-7
Figure 9-7. .................................................................................................................................... 9-8
Figure 9-8. .................................................................................................................................. 9-11
Figure 16-1. ................................................................................................................................ 16-2
Figure 16-2. ................................................................................................................................ 16-3
Figure 16-3. ................................................................................................................................ 16-4
Figure 16-4. ................................................................................................................................ 16-4



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Table 1-1.—Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Surveyor Qualification Levels ............................. 1-4

Table 2-1.—General Radiography System Survey Requirements (Fixed, Portable, Digital) ..... 2-7
Table 3-1.—Dental Intraoral Unit Survey Requirements ............................................................ 3-8
Table 3-2.—Dental Panoramic Unit Survey Requirements ......................................................... 3-9
Table 3-3.—Dental Cone Beam CT Unit Survey Requirements ............................................... 3-10
Table 3-4.—Minimum Half Value Layer Requirements (HVL) ............................................... 3-11
Table 4-1.—Fluoroscopy Survey Requirements........................................................................ 4-11
Table 5-1.—Computerized Tomography Unit Survey Requirements ....................................... 5-12
Table 7-1.—Ultrasound Imaging System Survey Requirements ................................................. 7-5
Table 9-1.—Data from Jaszczak Phantom................................................................................. 9-12
Table 15-1.—Apron Rejection Criteria ..................................................................................... 15-2
Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements. .............................. 16-6
Table 17-1.—Computed Radiography Systems Survey Requirements ..................................... 17-5



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1. Forms. The following Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) forms are
available electronically at: https://navalforms.documentservices.dla.mil/web/public/forms.

Form No. Form Title

NMCPHC 6470/21 General Radiographic Unit Survey

NMCPHC 6470/22 Dental Radiographic Unit Survey

NMCPHC 6470/23 General Fluoroscopy Unit Survey

NMCPHC 6470/24 Computed Tomographic Unit Survey

NMCPHC 6470/25 Ultrasound Scanner System Survey

NMCPHC 6470/26 Magnetic Resonance Imaging Unit Survey

NMCPHC 6470/27 Nuclear Medicine Camera Survey

NMCPHC 6470/28 Direct Digital Radiographic System Survey

NMCPHC 6470/29 Computed Radiographic System Survey

2. Reports. The reporting requirements for this manual are exempt from reports control per
SECNAV M-5214.1 of December 2005, paragraph 7j.



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AAPM American Association of Physicists in Medicine

ABC Automatic Brightness Control
ABHP American Board of Health Physicists
ABR American Board of Radiology
ACR American College of Radiology
AEC Automatic Exposure Control
AKR Air Kerma Rate
ALARA As Low As Reasonably Possible
AP Anterior/Posterior
BB Ball Bearing
BUMED Bureau of Medicine and Surgery
BW Bandwidth
CBCT Cone Beam Computed Tomography
CFOV Central Field Of Vision
CNR Contrast to Noise Ratio
COR Center Of Rotation
cov coefficient of variation
CR Computed Radiography
CRCPD Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
CT Computed Tomography
CTDI Computed Tomography Dose Index
DC Direct Current
DDR Direct Digital Radiography
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DPSC Defense Personnel Support Center
DQA Delivery Quality Assurance
DR Digital Radiography
DRMO Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office
DSOV Diameter of Spherical Volume
EPI Electronic Portal Imaging
ESE Entrance Skin Exposure
ESK Entrance Skin KERMA
ESKR Entrance Skin KERMA Rate

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ACRONYM LIST (continued)

FDA Food and Drug Administration

FDD Focus to Detector Distance
FOV Field Of Vision
frs frame rate per second
ftcd foot candles
FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
GAF General Aniline & Film
GFI General Fluoroscopic Units
GRE Gradient Echo
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HDR High Dose Radiation
HLC High Level Control
HU Hounsfield units
HVL Half Value Layer
ICRP International Council on Radiation Protection
II Image Intensifier
IMRT Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy
IRI Interventional Radiology Imaging
JCAHO Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
KERMA Kinetic Energy Released in Material
keV Kilo-electron volts
KVCT Kilovoltage Computed Tomography
kVp kilovolt peak
LINACs Linear Accelerators
lp/cm line pairs per centimeter
LR Lower Right
LSF Line Spread Function
LUT Look Up Table
mA milliamp
Mammo Mammography
mAs milliamp seconds
mGy milliGrey
MHz megahertz
MPAB Medical Physics Advisory Board

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ACRONYM LIST (continued)

MQSA Mammography Quality Standards Act

mR milli-Roentgen
mrem milirem
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MSAD Multiple Scan Average Dose
msec millisecond
MTF Modulation Transfer Function
MVCT MegaVoltage Computed Tomography
NAVMED Navy Medicine
NCRP National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements
NMCPHC Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center
NME Navy Medicine East
Nuc Med Nuclear Medicine
NxT Clinical Protocol
OBI onboard imaging
OD Optical Density
OID Object to Image Distance
PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System
PET Photon Emission Tomography
PIU Percent Image Uniformity
PMMA Acrylic
PMT Photomultipler Tube
PQS Personal Qualification Standard
PSG Percent Signal Ghosting
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RAD Radiation Absorbed Dose
RF Radiofrequency
ROI Region Of Interest
SD Shielding Design
SID Source to Image Distance
SMPTE Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers
SNR Signal to noise ration
SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography

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ACRONYM LIST (continued)

SSD Source to Skin Distance

STP System Transfer Properties
TE Echo Time
TFT Thin Film Transistor
TG Task Group
TGC Time Gain Compensation
TM Tissue Mimicking
UFOV Useful Field Of Vision
UL Upper Left
US Ultrasound
USUHS Uniformed Services University of the Health Science

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Chapter 1

Navy Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Performance Survey

Manual Introduction
are not covered in this manual, manufacturer’s
A. Background

In accordance with BUMEDINST 6470.22, this

manual has been prepared to provide the surveyor
with standard procedures for acceptance and periodic specification and Federal Regulations should be
testing of diagnostic imaging equipment throughout consulted to ensure adequate acceptance
the Navy and Marine Corps. It provides a uniform testing. Non-invasive periodic testing is less rigorous
methodology for testing equipment and reporting and should cover the range of clinical use. Testing
results. Standardized procedures ensure that required after repairs should be limited to those parameters
parameters are evaluated and are consistent potentially affected by the work performed unless
throughout all naval medical facilities. Standardized deemed necessary by qualified medical physics
formats and procedures also provide a means for authority.
comparing results between facilities, among An effective radiation protection survey should
surveyors, between manufacturers and among include communication between clinicians,
individual systems from a single manufacturer. This radiological technologists, repair technicians and
manual will provide objective quality evidence that surveyors. Equipment parameters, operational
the radiographic unit has been evaluated and the procedures, patient exposures and related factors
result of the assessment. This will facilitate trending should be evaluated. Coordination with facility
equipment performance, identifying equipment and personnel prior to the survey is necessary to ensure
training deficiencies, and other applications. equipment is operational and available for testing.
This manual establishes diagnostic imaging Significant findings should be discussed with facility
equipment survey periodicity, parameters to be personnel responsible for ensuring equipment repairs
measured, surveyor training and qualifications, and are completed prior to leaving the facility.
reporting requirements. The manual does not address
therapeutic radiological systems. Navy radiation
oncology services should establish local equipment C. Radiation Protection
performance programs aligned with nationally
accepted protocols (e.g. American Association of X-ray producing machines are tested for technical
Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)). performance and radiation safety. The objective of
The manual provides guidance for performing an effective x-ray survey program is to provide a safe
survey measurements which will be instructional for diagnostic tool that benefits both the patient and the
surveyors-in-training. It may also be of use to medical practitioner by providing acceptable image
diagnostic radiologists and biomedical equipment quality while simultaneously keeping patient
repair technicians in the performance of their duties. radiation dose as low as reasonably achievable
Radiation dose received by patients may be
B. Extent of Surveys decreased by eliminating unnecessary procedures and
procedures of minimal value and using technical
In addition to the survey periodicity listed in the advances, such as using high speed image receptors
following chapters, diagnostic imaging equipments and ensuring that x-ray equipment is operating in
should be surveyed prior to first clinical use compliance with the Radiation Control for Health and
(acceptance) and after major repairs. Invasive Safety Act of 1968, in clinical practice.
acceptance testing is complex and time-consuming Radiation dose received by medical, dental and
since almost all combinations of variable settings are allied health personnel should also be minimized.
evaluated. Detailed acceptance testing procedures Fundamental methods to reduce staff dose include the
provision of protective barriers, protective clothing

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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and the implementation of appropriate operational Diagnostic Imaging Equipment modality

procedures. A well-managed dosimetry program for surveying qualification is separated into two
medical x-ray personnel is also very important. categories: Basic and Advanced Diagnostic Imaging
When performing radiological equipment surveys at Equipment. Surveyors should be fully qualified at
other commands, the individual should make Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment prior to testing
themselves available to perform the command's Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment modalities.
annual external Radiation Health Program audit as Surveyors may, and will likely be, qualified for
required by NAVMED P-5055, Navy Radiation individual Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
Health Protection Manual. modalities.
Basic x-ray surveyors should be qualified to
D. Training and Qualification perform surveys of A) general radiographic units, B)
dental radiographic units, C) computed radiographic
units and D) digital radiographic units. Basic
Training guidelines for qualification as a surveyor surveyors should also be qualified to evaluate local
for each modality are established by the Medical quality control programs for these systems.
Physics Advisory Board (MPAB) and are included in
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
this manual. Individuals applying to be designated as
surveyors should be qualified (on a type basis) to
a qualified surveyor will complete and submit the
perform surveys of fixed and mobile General
appropriate Personal Qualification Standard (PQS) to
Fluoroscopic Units (GFI), Interventional Radiology
the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center
Imaging (IRI) of fluoroscopic units including
(NMCPHC). The MPAB will review completed PQS
angiography and cardiac catheterization systems,
packages and forward the applications to the Bureau
Ultrasound (US) units, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) for final
(MRI) systems, Nuclear Medicine (Nuc Med)
approval. Approved PQS packages will be
imaging systems, mammography (Mammo) and
maintained by NMCPHC to document the training of
Computed Tomography (CT) and Cone Beam CT
individual surveyors.
(CBCT) systems. Advanced surveyors may also be
Senior qualified physicists at each Naval Medical qualified to perform radiographic Shielding Design
Center and at Uniformed Services University of the (SD) evaluations.
Health Science (USUHS) will mentor surveyors.
Diagnostic Imaging Equipment modality levels
Other personnel qualified as surveyors at the
are listed in Table 1-1. Basic and Advanced
appropriate level can provide mentored training with
Diagnostic Imaging Equipment PQSs are provided
prior approval from MPAB. Surveys by trainees
elsewhere in this manual
should be reviewed and countersigned by the
mentoring senior physicist. Qualifications are valid for a maximum of 5
years. After 5 years, the MPAB will review each
Physicists certified by the American Board of
surveyor’s activity to determine if proficiency has
Radiology (ABR) or American Board of Medical
been maintained. If the board determines the
Physics (ABMP) are considered qualified to survey
surveyor has not maintained proficiency, he/she
any diagnostic or therapeutic unit in the field in
should repeat initial qualifications to regain
which they are certified. However, the ABR or
ABMP certification letter must be forwarded to
NMCPHC for documentation of qualifications. Individuals certified by the ABR and ABMP in
Special qualifications are needed by the physicist of Diagnostic Radiological Physics are by virtue of
record for mammography surveys in accordance with certification qualified to perform testing all
the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) modalities listed in this manual.
of 1992. All documentation must be forwarded to Individuals qualified as surveyors of
NMCPHC and MPAB for review. mammography systems must also meet the
All qualified surveyors will maintain continuing requirements listed in MQSA. Once the individual
education hours and continuing experience as has satisfied MQSA requirements, he/she should
practicable in their current assignments. Annual peer forward his/her state certification to NMCPHC for
review of all active surveyors will be performed by verification of qualification.
the MPAB.
F. Reports
E. Qualification Levels
Reports document the parameters of each piece of
equipment evaluated during a survey. A unit survey

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

summary sheet describing equipment discrepancies,

recommended corrective actions, and specific unit
information should be sent to the facility possessing
the surveyed unit. If required, the facility should
forward a corrective action report to the surveyor
within 30 days. The surveyor should track corrective
actions and should report all corrective action reports
delinquent greater than 60 days to NMCPHC and the
facility’s regional command (i.e. Navy Medicine
East) for further action.
Each discrepancy should be identified as minor or
significant in the professional judgment of the
surveyor. Significant discrepancies are conditions
that impact patient/operator safety or image quality.
The entire survey package need not be forwarded.
Each regional command, as listed in BUMEDINST
6470.22, will forward a summary listing of
radiological system evaluations performed to
NMCPHC quarterly using the current NMCPHC
approved computerized reporting system.

G. How to Use This Manual

Each chapter in this manual lists the required tests

for each type of imaging system or procedure, and
the frequency and tolerances to which they should be
performed. The level of training appropriate for the
particular unit being surveyed and supplementary
recommended references is also included. Surveyors
should maintain proficiency and stay abreast of
current issues regarding the modalities they are
qualified to survey.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 1-1.—Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Surveyor Qualification Levels.

Qualified Modalities

Basic Diagnostic 1. General Radiographic Units

Imaging 2. Dental Radiographic Units
Equipment 3. Computer Radiographic Units
4. Digital Radiographic Units
Advanced 1. General Fluoroscopic Imaging (GFI)
Diagnostic 2. Interventional Radiology Imaging (IRI)
Imaging 3. Ultrasound (US)
Equipment 4. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
5. Nuclear Medicine (Nuc Med) Imaging
6. Shielding Design (SD)
7. Computer Tomography (CT)
8. Cone beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

1. Surveyors should be fully qualified as Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Surveyor before progressing to
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Surveyor.

2. Surveyors may be qualified for sublevels (individual systems) within Advanced Diagnostic Imaging

3. Surveyors may perform tests on equipment without being certified; however, the senior regional physicist must
review and approve their survey report.

4. Mammography qualifications are performed in accordance with MQSA.

Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
NMCPHC TM 6470.1
Surveyor Personal Qualification Standard JUNE 2013

Name Rank Command

Knowledge Factors:
All applicable knowledge factors in accordance with AAPM Report 90 have been adequately demonstrated.

Senior Physicist Date

Practical Factors:
Perform a minimum of three (3) Under Instruction evaluations of each modality:
Each evaluation must include all parameters performed during acceptance testing.

General Radiographic Unit:

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Dental Radiographic Unit:

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Computed Radiographic Systems:

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Digital Radiographic Systems:

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Applicant is recommended for qualification of Basic Diagnostic Imaging equipment

Senior Physicist Date

Applicant is qualified to perform all modalities listed as Basic Diagnostic Imaging equipment



Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
NMCPHC TM 6470.1
Surveyor Personal Qualification Standard JUNE 2013

Name Rank Command

Knowledge Factors:
All applicable knowledge factors in accordance with AAPM Report 90 have been adequately demonstrated.

Senior Physicist Date

Practical Factors:
Perform a minimum of three (3) Under Instruction evaluations of each modality:
Each evaluation must include all parameters performed during acceptance testing.

General Fluoroscopic Imaging (GFI):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Interventional Radiology Imaging (IRI):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Ultra Sound (US):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Nuclear Medicine Imaging (NMI):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
NMCPHC TM 6470.1
Surveyor Personal Qualification Standard JUNE 2013

Shielding Design (SD):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Computed Tomography (CT):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT):

Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date Qualified Surveyor Date

Applicant is fully qualified as Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment surveyor and is recommended for
qualification the following modality: (circle all that apply)

General Fluoroscopic Imaging (GFI) Nuclear Medicine Imaging (NMI)

Interventional Radiology Imaging (IRI) Shielding Design (SD)

Ultra Sound (US) Computed Tomography (CT)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

Senior Physicist Date

Applicant is qualified to perform diagnostic performance surveys of the above modalities.


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 2

General Radiographic Unit (Fixed and Portable)

A. Minimum Required Personnel D. References

1. AAPM Report 31, Standardized Methods for
Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Surveyor Measuring Diagnostic X-ray Exposures.
B. Testing Periodicity 2. AAPM Report 60, Instrumentation
Requirements of Diagnostic Radiological
Physicists. 1998.
Facility Frequency 3. AAPM Report 74, Quality Control in
Ashore Facilities Annually Diagnositic Radiology. 2002.
4. Bushberg, J.T., Seibert, J.A., Leidholdt,
Afloat Units Every 24 Months E.M. Jr., Boone, J.M. The Essential Physics
of Medical Imaging. Williams & Wilkins,
Deployed Medical Units Prior to Fielding
Hospital Ships Annually 5. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21,
Chapter 1, Section 1020.30/31. April 2011.
Veterinary Clinics Every 24 Months 6. Curry, T.S. III, Dowdey J.E., Murry, R.C. Jr.
All Units Upon Acceptance Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic
Radiology. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
C. Equipment 7. Fluke Biomedical, Nuclear Associates, 07-
605-7777-1 Rev. 3, EZ CR-DIN Phantoms,
1. Ionization chamber/solid state detector Users Manual, May 2006.
2. kVp meter 8. KCARE DDR Commissioning and Annual
3. Light meter QA Protocol Draft 8.0. 2005/
4. Type 1100 10 x 10 cm Al plates (9 mm total, 9. NCRP Report 99, Quality Assurance for
three 2 mm, two 1.0 mm, two 0.5 mm Diagnostic Imaging Equipment, National
thicknesses) Council on Radiation Protection and
5. 1.0 mm Copper plate (>10 x 10 cm) Measurements, Bethesda, 1988.
6. X-ray beam alignment test tool (if available)
7. Lead plate (at least 3.2 mm x 20 x 20 cm)
8. TO20 threshold contrast test object
9. Resolution test object (e.g. Huttner 18)
10. CR DIN Phantom
11. M1 geometry test object
12. Contact mesh
13. Tape measure
14. Tape
15. Level
16. General Radiographic Unit Survey

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

E. General Radiographic Unit consult a qualified service engineer. Exposure

reproducibility is critical as it directly
influences image quality and patient dose.
1. Radiation Exposure Reproducibility
a. Purpose. To ensure that exposure received for 2. Timer Reproducibility
the same mA, time, and kVp is the same from
exposure to exposure. a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
producing exposure times that are the same
b. Regulations. Determination of reproducibility from exposure to exposure.
should be based on 10 consecutive
measurements within a time period of one b. Regulations. Determination of reproducibility
hour, using the same technique factors. For should be based on 10 consecutive
any specific combination of selected measurements within a time period of one
technique factors, the estimated coefficient of hour, using the same technique factors. For
variation of radiation exposure should be no any specific combination of selected
greater than 0.05. (21CFR1020.31) technique factors, the estimated coefficient of
variation of radiation exposure should be no
c. The Coefficient of Variation (COV) is the greater than 0.05.
ratio of the standard deviation to the mean
value of a population of observations. c. Equipment. Exposure meter with timer
(21CFR1020.30) combination

d. Procedure. Utilize the procedure described

1 for reproducibility measurements. Measure
1 and record the actual exposure time for 10
exposures at the same timer setting (e.g. 100
s = Estimated standard deviation of the
population e. Interpretation of Results. If the cov deviates
= Mean value of observation in sample from the criteria listed in 2b consult a
Xi = ith observation sampled qualified service engineer. Timer
n = Number of observations sampled reproducibility is critical as it directly
influences image quality and patient dose.
d. Equipment. Ionization chamber or solid state
detector 3. Timer Accuracy

e. Procedure. Set the x-ray tube at 40 inches a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
source-to-table distance, if possible. If using producing the exposure time as set on the
an ionization chamber, place the center of the control panel.
chamber 4 inches above the x-ray table top
and center the chamber in the light field (solid b. Regulations. The accuracy of the timer should
state detectors are usually have lead backing). be within ±5% of the selected timer setting or
Determine the distance from the focal spot to ±1 ms for exposure times less than 10 ms or 1
the center of the ion chamber/solid state pulse for exposure times less than 10 pulses.
detector. Collimate the light field to a narrow
beam geometry (e.g. 4x4 cm field) to include c. Equipment. Exposure meter with timer
the ion chamber/solid state detector. Make combination
radiation exposures at the selected technique.
For efficiency, the evaluator is reminded that d. Procedure. Utilize the procedure described
some meters will read out both exposure and for reproducibility measurements. Measure
time, therefore, record both for future and record the full range of clinically useful
measurements. exposure times.

f. Interpretation of Results. If the coefficients of e. Interpretation of Results. Refer units

variation deviate from the criteria listed in 1b, deviating from the criteria in Table 2.1 for

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

adjustment by a qualified service engineer. d. Procedure. Place the kVp meter on the x-ray
Timer accuracy is critical as it directly table top. Set the distance from the focal spot
influences image quality and patient dose. to the table top as indicated in the kVp meter
owner’s manual. Collimate the beam to the
4. Linearity of mA/mAs active area of the kVp meter. Set the desired
starting kVp, mA, and time stations on the
a. Purpose. To ensure that similar exposures are generator using the manufacturer's suggested
obtained for the same mAs and kVp techniques. Evaluate kVp settings from 50 kV
regardless of the exposure time and mA used. up to the maximum kV incrementing by 5 kV.
During periodic evaluation it may be
b. Regulations. The average ratios of exposure necessary to evaluate only kVp settings from
to the indicated mAs product (mR/mAs) 60 kV to the maximum kV incrementing by
obtained at any two consecutive tube current 20 kV unless further measurements are
settings should not differ by more than 0.10 necessary. Make an exposure and record the
times their sum. display value of the kVp meter.

X1 X2 0.10 1 2 e. Possible Pitfalls.

Where X1 and X2 are the average mR/mAs (1) The Half Value Layer (HVL) should
values obtained at each of two consecutive always be measured after assuring the kVp
tube current settings. (21CFR1020.31) is correct.

c. Equipment. Exposure meter with timer (2) The major cause of kVp variation is
combination calibration. Some generators maintain
their calibration well and others drift
d. Procedure. Utilize the setup described for constantly. It is important to note that a
reproducibility measurements. Measure and change in kVp may not always show as a
record the exposures at 5 different mA change in image density because changes
settings while keeping kVp and time constant. in the mA will often compensate for the
With some x-ray units, the mA cannot be change in kVp.
varied without varying time. In this instance
mA must be constant and time varied. Divide (3) Since the kVp affects the radiographic
the mR output by mAs setting, record contrast, it must be checked to assure that
mR/mAs as calculated. it is acceptable.

e. Interpretation of Results. If each of the (4) Other major causes of variations in kVp
average ratios between mA stations deviate are line voltage drops and electrical
from the criteria listed in 4.b, consult a component failure.
qualified service engineer. Linearity of
mA/mAs is critical as it directly influences f. Interpretation of Results. Refer units
image quality and patient dose. deviating from the criteria listed in 5b for
adjustment by a qualified service engineer.
5. Kilovoltage Accuracy Proper kVp calibration is critical as it directly
influences image quality and patient dose.
a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
producing the kVp as indicated on the control 6. Beam Quality
a. Purpose. To assure that the permanently
b. Regulations. The accuracy must be ± 5 % of installed filtration at the x-ray tube is
the nominal control panel setting or within maintained at an appropriate level to help
manufacture specifications. minimize patient exposure.

c. Equipment. kVp meter b. Regulations. Federal and many state

regulations specify minimum required HVLs
at various kVp values. Refer to
21CFR1020.30 for acceptable values.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

c. Equipment. Ionization chamber or solid state determine if the unit contains too much
detector, five 1 mm Type 1100 Aluminum filtration.
(Al) sheets, two 0.5 mm Type 1100 Al sheets
(if available) 7. Light Field Intensity
d. Procedure. Place the ion chamber 5 cm above a. Purpose. To ensure that the light field
the table top (solid state detectors are usually intensity is adequate to illuminate the field.
have lead backing and do not need to be above
the table). Collimate the light field to a narrow b. Regulations. The light should provide an
beam geometry to include the ion average illumination of not less than 160 lux
chamber/solid state detector. The Al sheets (15 foot candles) at 100 cm or at the
should be placed between the ion maximum Source Image Distance (SID),
chamber/solid state detector and the x-ray tube whichever is less. (21CFR1020.31)
at a distance X/2, where X = focal spot to
detector distance. Make sure the Al sheets c. Equipment. Light meter capable of providing
intercept the entire beam (light field). Make either lux or foot candles.
two exposures without any Al sheets in the
beam, one before and one after, ensuring that d. Procedure. Place the light meter on the x-ray
the geometry has not changed. (An exposure table top. Set the SID to 100 cm or the
made using 80 kVp, 0.10 sec and 320 mA to maximum available whichever is less.
achieve an output of approximately 300 mR Collimate the x-ray beam to a 25 x 30 cm
will ensure that you have a high enough field. Illuminate the field. Measure and record
exposure to make the measurements the illumination in the 4 quadrants. Calculate
accurately). Add Al sheets and make an average.
additional exposures until the exposure is less
than half of the original exposure. e. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified
Recommend using 2, 3, and 4 mm Al. service engineer if the alignment deviates
Remove all Al sheets and make one exposure. from the criteria listed in 7b.
If exposure is not within 2% of the initial
exposure, made with 0 mm of Al, repeat the 8. Light Field/X-Ray Beam Alignment
measurement series ensuring that the
technique and geometry selected remain the a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray field and
same throughout the procedure. the light field are congruent.
e. Possible Pitfalls.
b. Regulations. The light field/x-ray field
alignment should be within ± 2% of the SID
(1) The entire ion chamber must be in the x-
ray beam. When placing the sheets of Al
in the beam, be sure that the entire beam is
c. Equipment. Digital rulers, fluorescent film
intercepted by the Al sheet. Once
selected, the technique factors must not be
d. Procedure. Place rulers at edge of light field
altered for subsequent exposures.
according to manufacturer’s directions. If
using film, mark the edge of the light field on
(2) The kVp should be checked before
the film and expose and measure distance
measuring the HVL to ensure that it is
from edge of exposed area to mark on film.
within acceptable limits.
e. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified
(3) The Al used for HVL measurements
service engineer if the alignment deviates
should be type 1100.
from more than 2% of the SID.
f. Interpretation of Results. If the HVL is not
greater than the minimum requirements listed 9. X-ray Field Size- Indicated vs. Actual
in 21CFR1020.30, consult a qualified service
engineer. If the HVL is greater than 3.5 mm of a. Purpose. To ensure that the actual and
Al, further evaluation should be conducted to indicated X-ray field are congruent.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

a. Regulations. The indicated vs. actual x-ray 12. Automatic Exposure Control (AEC)
field should be within ± 2% of the SID. System (if applicable)
a. Purpose. To ensure that the Automatic
b. Equipment. X-ray beam alignment tool and Exposure Control (AEC) system is responding
measurement plate adequately. The system compensates for
variations in technique factors and patient
c. Procedure. Measure the deviation between thickness such that resulting films appear with
the displayed and the actual x-ray field. constant, optimal densities. The following
AEC parameters should be evaluated during
d. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified testing: reproducibility, balance, maximum
service engineer if the alignment deviates exposure time, kVp compensation, thickness
from more than 2% of the SID. compensation and density control tracking (if
10. Central Beam Alignment
b. Regulations. For each AEC cell (phototimer)
a. Purpose. To ensure that the central x-ray measurement the reproducibility should be
beam is perpendicular to the table. within ± 5%. Back up timer should terminate
the exposure at 600 mAs or 2000 mAs for
b. Regulations. The perpendicularity of the tube potentials less than 50 kVp.
central beam should be within 5mm.
c. Equipment. 4 cm Al, 1.6 mm Lead (Pb) plate,
c. Equipment. X-ray beam alignment tool and ionization chamber/solid state detector
measurement plate
d. Procedure. For a radiographic system, set the
d. Procedure. If the x-ray beam alignment tool x-ray tube at 40 in (72 in for chest systems)
was used, measure the deviation between the SID distance and center to the bucky. Set
upper (magnified) bead and the lower bead. selector such that only one phototimer is
activated. To determine the location of the
e. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified phototimer(s) look at the chest unit pattern of
service engineer if the perpendicularity rectangles on the chest board surface. Use the
measured deviates by more than 5 mm. same layout for the table, noting that the
center chamber is usually located at the lateral
11. Indicated Source to Image Distance center of the table when the tube and bucky
(SID) are aligned. If using a Computed
Radiography (CR) machine, place a cassette
a. Purpose. To ensure the actual SID distance in the bucky tray (not necessary for digital).
and the indicated SID are congruent. Place 4 cm of Al in the beam. Ensure that the
Al covers all the AEC detector cells. Set the
a. Regulations. The actual SID should be within control in the AEC mode, 80 kVp and select
± 2% of the indicated SID. the detector to be checked (e.g. table, center,
left or right chamber). If using a CR system, a
b. Equipment. Tape measure single cassette should be used for all testing,
to reduce variability. This will require
c. Procedure. Position the tube assembly at 40 processing the cassette after each exposure.
inches from the image receptor. Measure the
SID. If automatic detent is available, position (1) Output Reproducibility. Use the setup
the assembly utilizing the detent. Measure the previously described in 12.d. Place the ion
SID. chamber/solid state detector along the
beam central axis at the phantom beam
d. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified entrance surface. Set the technique at
service engineer if the measurement deviates 80 kVp, 200 mA, AEC setting to neutral
from the criteria in Table 2.1. (0). If using a CR machine, ensure you
have a clean cassette for this test. Perform
three exposures, record the readings and

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

calculate their mean. All three readings 13. Entrance Skin Exposure Measurements
should line within ± 5% of their mean. (ESE)
Repeat for each detector (note: if using CR
and your process your cassette after each See Chapter 12
exposure you can obtain data (mAs) needed
for phototimer balance test).
F. Survey Procedures for Portable and
(2) Back-up Timer. Use the setup previously Mobile Radiographic Equipment
described. Place the lead sheet (lead apron
can also be used) in the area of the beam The following modifications of quality control
as to cover all of the AEC detector fields procedures and acceptance parameters from fixed
so that no radiation reached them. Set the x-ray units apply for portable and mobile units:
technique at 80 kVp, 200 mA, AEC setting
to neutral (0). Record the elapsed mAs. 1. Visual Inspection
The beam should terminate prior to the
accumulation of 600 mAs or 2000 mAs for a. The minimum source to skin distance must be
tube potentials less than 50 kVp. no less than 12 inches (30 cm). This can be
measured directly with a tape measure
(3) Phototimer Balance. Use the setup provided the location of the focal spot is
previously described. Set the technique at known.
80 kVp, 200 mA, AEC setting to neutral
(0). Record the elapsed mAs and use the b. The operator must be able to stand at least six
mR from the output reproducibility test to feet away from the x-ray tube during the
chart mR/mAs. actual exposure. This is normally
accomplished by attaching the exposure
(4) Patient Thickness Compensation. Use the switch to the unit with at least a six foot long
setup described previously. Set the cord.
technique at 80 kVp, 200 mA, AEC setting
to neutral (0). Vary the Al thickness over c. Each portable unit should be supplied with at
the range: 2, 4 cm Al. Record the elapsed least two lead aprons and gonadal shields.
mAs for each image and measure Optical
Density (OD) at the center of each image.
The densities should lie within the range
of ± 0.3 of the baseline density.

(5) kVp Compensation. Use the setup

previously described. Set the technique at
80 kVp, 200 mA, AEC setting to neutral
(0). Vary the kVp over the clinically used
range 70, 90, 110 and record the elapsed
mAs and mR.

(6) Density Control Tracking (if available).

Use the setup previously described. Place
the ion chamber/solid state detector just
off the beam central axis at the phantom
beam entrance surface. Set the technique
at 80 kVp and 200 mA. Vary AEC density
over the range of available positive and
negative settings. Record the elapsed mAs
and mR.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 2.1—General Radiography System Survey Requirements (Fixed, Portable, Digital).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

Exposure A 10 repeat measurements cov< 0.05

Reproducibility P 4 repeat measurements if cov>0.05, do 4 more
A 10 repeat measurements cov< 0.05
Reproducibility 4 repeat measurements (all at
P if cov>0.05, do 4 more

From 1 second to the minimum timer

A setting in increments of decreasing ± 5% of nominal setting
time of 50%.
Timer Accuracy
Minimum and 1 second plus 3 others
P ± 5% of nominal setting
evenly spaced between.

All focal spots, all mA stations. If change <0.1 of the sum of

A continuous, in 100 mA increments measurements at adjacent mA
Linearity of from min to max stations
5 adjacent mA stations over range of
clinical use
for each generator: from 50 up to the
A ±5% of nominal setting
maximum kVp setting by 5’s
kVp Accuracy
for each generator: from 60 up to the
P ±5% of nominal setting
maximum kVp setting by 20’s

Beam Quality A/P @ 80 kVp, 1st HVL minimum HVL of 2.3 mm Al

average illuminance ≥ 160 lux (15

Average of 4 quadrants of 25x30 cm
Light Field Intensity A/P ftcd) at 100 cm or at the max SID
light field
whichever is less

total misalignment of edges of light

Light Field/x-ray Set any clinically used field size (e.g. field vs x-ray field not to exceed
beam alignment 18 x 24 cm) 2% of SID along either length or

X-ray field size

Set any clinically used field size (e.g.
(Indicated vs. A/P ± 2% SID
18 x 24 cm)
Central Beam Measurement of perpendicularity of
A/P 5 mm
Alignment central beam
Measuring tape vs indicated
Indicated SID A/P ± 2% SID

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 2.1—General Radiography System Survey Requirements (Fixed, Portable, Digital)


Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

AEC A/P Table and Wall

a. Thickness
b. kVp
compensation 70, 90, 110 kVp
c. DCF tracking
d. Reproducibility 3 exposures each detector All ≤ ± 5% of mean
Max exposure time, Pb over all Elapsed < 600 mAs or 2000 mAs
e. Back-up timer
detectors for tube potentials < 50 kV
Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, HVL: Half Value Layer, kVp: kilovolt peak, mA: milliamp, mAs:
milliamp seconds, ftcd: foot candles SID: Source to Image Dis tance, Pb: Lead.

General Radiographic Unit Survey NMCPHC-TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)

Timer Accuracy

Linearity of

kVp Accuracy

Beam Quality

Light Field Intensity

Light Field/X-ray
beam alignment
Central Beam

Indicated SID


Focal Spot


Safety Equipment/
Mechanical Checks
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/21 (06/2013) 2-9


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 3

Dental Radiographic Units

Intraoral, Panoramic, and Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

A. Minimum Required Personnel

Qualifications D. Introduction- Cone Beam Computed
Tomography (CBCT)
1. Intraoral and Panoramic – Basic Diagnostic
Imaging Equipment Surveyor 1. The CBCT systems represent an exotic imaging
2. CBCT - Advanced Diagnostic Imaging modality that does not lend itself well to
Equipment Surveyor performance testing under either the panoramic
or true CT paradigm.
B. Introduction (Intraoral)
2. The CBCT characteristic features of a widely
1. These units are the simplest x-ray machines to collimated longitudinal beam and single rotation
evaluate. data acquisition (vice gapless multiple sequential
or helical scans) pose difficulties in defining and
2. The relatively low output is the biggest obstacle assessing dose using conventional ionization
to performing a survey. However, this can be chambers and established techniques. Monte
overcome by increasing exposure time or Carlo and empirical testing demonstrate that the
decreasing the target to chamber distance. standard 10 cm chamber pencil and Computed
Tomography Dose Index (CTDI) phantom are
3. Record the settings of all variable controls on the not appropriate for CBCT. Additionally, use of a
control console and return to these settings at the single flat panel detector vice a multiple detector
end of the survey. element matrix predicts different image quality
performance levels compared to conventional CT
4. Table 3-1 list required survey requirements used for similar purposes and tested with
established phantoms.
C. Introduction (Panoramic)
3. These significant differences will require the
1. Panoramic dental x-ray units pose a challenge for development of innovative testing methods not
even the most experienced surveyors. The directly comparable with conventional CT.
arcing motion of the tube head during exposure,
thinly collimated beam and cowling hiding tube 4. Table 3-3 list required survey requirements
and image receptor make measurement of tube
output and other parameters difficult at best. E. Testing Periodicity

2. Some digital panoramic machines have the Facility Frequency

ability to perform flat field exposures. As
damage to the unit could occur due to excessive Intraoral and Panoramic Every 36 months,
heat loading when placed in this condition, units upon acceptance and
contact a manufacturer field engineer prior to after major repairs
using this mode. Cone Beam Computed Every 12 months,
Tomography (CBCT) upon acceptance and
3. The following parameters may, however, be after major repairs
evaluated, without significant difficulty:

a. Timer accuracy;
b. Beam quality; and,
c. Beam/film slit alignment.
4. Table 3-2 list required survey requirements

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

F. Equipment must have a COV less than 5%. Reference:

21 CFR 1020.31(b)(1).
1. Electrometer with small ion chamber
2. kVp meter c. Equipment. Ion chamber
3. Pulse counter
4. Type 1100 10 x 10 cm Al plates (varying d. Procedure.
thicknesses; at least 5mm total)
5. Stopwatch (1) Place the probe 10 in from the focal spot
6. Tape measure as marked on the tube head.
7. Cardboard cassette or ready pack film
8. Surgical adhesive tape (2) Visually center the probe in the beam,
9. Fluorescent screen or bitewing film checking from the front and the sides to
10. Optional: BRH test stand ensure that the beam will strike the probe.
11. Optional: Acrylic Ball and Pin Phantom Once established, this set up should not be
12. Dental Radiographic Unit Survey varied during this test.

G. References (3) Select the most commonly used patient

technique and make five exposures,
1. AAPM Report 31 (Rev. 2), Standardized rotating all dial settings between
Methods for Measuring Diagnostic X-ray exposures. Always wait at least
Exposures. JUNE 2005. 30 seconds between exposures so as not to
2. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1, overheat the tube.
Section 1020.30, 1020.31, 01 April 2005 edition.
3. Curry, T.S. III, Dowdey J.E., Murry, R.C. Jr. (4) Record the pulse exposure in mR and the
Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology. pulse duration in msec.
Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia. 1990.
4. Gray, J.E., Winkler, N.T., Stears, J., Frank, E.D. e. Interpretation of Results. The exposures must
Quality Control in Diagnostic Imaging; have a COV less than 5%. See section 1 of
University Park Press, Baltimore, 1983. Appendix B for calculation of COV. If all
5. HPA Report HPA-CRCE-010, Guidance on the values are within a few mR of each other, this
Safe Use of Dental Cone Beam CT Equipment. calculation is not necessary.
November 2010.
6. Yu, L., et al., Dose and Image Quality 2. Timer Accuracy
Evaluation of a Dedicated Cone-Beam CT
System for High-Contrast Neurologic a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
Applications; AJR:194, Feb 2010. producing the exposure time as set on the
7. Pauwels, R., et al., Development and control panel.
Applicability of a Quality Control Phantom for
Dental Cone-beam CT; JACMP:12, No. 4, Fall b. Regulations. The accuracy of the timer should
2011. be within 10% of the selected setting.

H. Performance Test Requirements for c. Equipment. Same as above

Intraoral Dental Units d. Procedure. Keep the same set-up as for
reproducibility, holding kVp and mA
1. Exposure and Timer Reproducibility constant. Select three commonly used patient
timer settings by consulting either the
a. Purpose. To ensure that exposure received for technician or the technique chart. Make an
the same mA, time, and kVp is the same from exposure at each setting, recording mR and
exposure to exposure. msec.

b. Regulations. Determination of reproducibility e. Interpretation of Results. Pulse duration

is based on five consecutive measurements measured should be within 10% of the
within a time period of thirty minutes, using nominal setting or as specified by the
the same technique factors. The exposures manufacturer. Also, pulse exposure should
increase linearly with time, i.e., exposure

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

should increase by approximately the same d. Procedure.

percentage as the time is increased.
(1) Select the proper phase switch on the kVp
3. Linearity of mR/mAs meter (most dental units are single phase).

NOTE: This test cannot be performed on (2) Center the end of the cone on the kVp
fixed kVp or mA units. meter so that the x-ray field will COVer
the required area of the kVp meter.
a. Purpose. To ensure that similar exposures are
obtained for the mAs and kVp regardless of (3) Check 90 kVp at one-half second, 80 kVp
the exposure time and mA. at one second and 70 kVp at two seconds.
Four measurements should be obtained at
b. Regulations. The average ratios of exposure the most clinically used setting.
to indicated mAs (mR / mAs) obtained at two
tube current settings should not differ by more (4) For fixed kVp units, determine the actual
than 0.10 times their sum. kVp.

c. Equipment. Same as above (5) Allow for tube cooling between longer
shots, e.g., 1minute for 1 second, 2
d. Procedure. minutes for 2 seconds, etc.

(1) With the equipment in the same set-up as e. Interpretation of Results. The meter reading
above, record one of the reproducibility should be within 5 kVp of each setting. The
results as the first reading. coefficient of variation should be less than
(2) Switch to another mA station if one exists
while holding kVp and timer settings 5. Beam Quality (Half-Value Layer
constant. [HVL] Determination)
(3) Make an exposure and record pulse a. Purpose. To assure that the permanently
exposure, then divide mR output by mAs installed filtration at the x-ray tube is
setting. maintained at an appropriate level to help
minimize patient exposure.
(4) Record this mR / mAs as calculated.
b. Regulations. The minimum value of the HVL
e. Interpretation of Results. These two mR/mAs should be as stated in Table 3-4 for the actual
results should be similar, specifically the kVp determined above.
difference between the two divided by sum of
the two should not exceed 10%. Repeat this c. Equipment. Electrometer with small ion
test at several kVp settings. chamber, sheets of type 1100 alloy Al

4. kVp Accuracy and Precision d. Procedure.

a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is (1) Set the tube voltage potential to 80 kVp, if
producing the kVp as indicated on the control the unit has variable kVp.
(2) Take an exposure using the reproducibility
b. Regulations. The accuracy must be within 5 test set-up.
kVp of the control panel setting (Some units
have fixed kVp and must be within 5 kVp of (3) Measure the radiation and record the value
that value). as the exposure with 0 mm Al added.

c. Equipment. kVp meter (4) Tape 1 mm Al (use tape which does not
leave marks, such as paper surgical tape,
or whatever is conveniently available) on

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

the end of the cone and take a reading at 6. Source to Skin Distance and X-Ray
the same settings, recording this for 1 mm Field Size/Cone Alignment
Al added. Maintain good beam geometry.
a. Purpose. To determine the minimum source
(5) Repeat for 2, 3 and 4 mm Al. to patient distance and field size.
(6) Finally, remove all Al and take one last b. Regulation. The source to skin distance and
reading with zero mm Al. The four mm field size should be as stated in 21 CFR
trial is not needed if 3 mm added Al 1020.31(f) & (h).
reduces the initial reading by half. If the
final exposure is not within 2% of the c. Equipment. Measuring tape and fluorescent
initial exposure made with 0 mm Al, screen
repeat the measurement series ensuring
that the technique and geometry selected d. Procedure.
remain the same throughout the procedure.
(1) Measure and record the length of the
e. Interpretation of Results. removable cone, the distance between the
focal spot and end of the cone and the
(1) Use the average of the two 0 readings as inner diameter of the cone.
the unattenuated value.
(2) Use the fluorescent screen to ensure the
(2) The HVL may be determined x-ray beam at the end of the cone is the
mathematically using logarithmic same size as the cone.
interpolation or graphically using semi-log
paper. Refer to the general radiographic
beam quality section for further 7. Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE)
See Chapter 12.
(3) The HVL must meet Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) standards for the I. Performance Test Requirements for
actual kVp used which was determined Dental Panoramic Units
above. FDA standards for HVLs, for
dental units, are included in Table 3-4. 1. Exposure and Timer Reproducibility
a. Procedure. (Same as for the dental intraoral
unit.) The ion chamber must be secured to the
chin rest with adhesive tape for measurement
to be taken.

2. Duration of Exposure Cycle

a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
producing the exposure time set by the

b. Regulations. The accuracy of the timer should

be as stated by the manufacturer.

c. Equipment. Stopwatch or electrometer with

small ion chamber. Comment: The MDH
Model 1515 cannot be used for this test, as it
will over-range.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

d. Procedure. (2) Set the tube voltage potential to 80 kVp, if

the unit has variable kVp.
(1) Select the most commonly used clinical
technique. Make one exposure at this (3) Take a reading with the meter in the
setting. exposure rate (mR / hr) mode. Record this
as the exposure rate for zero mm of added
(2) Start and stop the stopwatch based on the Al.
tone which indicates radiation production.
(4) Tape 1 mm Al to the face of the cone, take
(3) Record the exposure duration from the a second reading and record these results
stopwatch in seconds. for 1 mm Al added. Repeat using 2, 3 and
4 mm of Al. (the 4 mm iteration is
(4) If the electrometer is used, secure the unnecessary if 3 mm added Al reduces the
small ion chamber to the patient chin rest, initial reading by half).
using strong adhesive tape with the probe
pointing up. (Since the machine will be (5) Remove all Al and take another reading.
moving during the exposure, the ion If the final exposure is not within 2% of
chamber and converter box must be the initial reading, repeat the measurement
secure. Dropping the ion chamber can series ensuring that the technique and
cause extensive damage). geometry remain the same throughout the
(5) Select the most commonly used clinical
technique. Make an exposure at this NOTE: There are procedures to keep the
setting. Record the exposure duration unit from rotating during
using electrometer pulse mode. exposure. However, these are
usually invasive, and require the
3. Linearity of mR/mAs assistance of a field engineer.
They are not recommended for
(Same as for dental intraoral unit) performance surveys performed
by an inexperienced physicist.
4. Beam Quality- Half Value Layer (HVL)
e. Interpretation of Results.
(1) Use the average of the two readings using
a. Purpose. To ensure that the permanently zero mm Al as the unattenuated value.
installed filtration at the x-ray tube is
maintained at an appropriate level to help (2) The HVL may be determined
minimize patient exposure. mathematically using logarithmic
interpolation or graphically using semi-log
b. Regulations. The minimum value of the HVL paper. Refer to the general radiographic
should be as stated in Table 3-4, for the beam quality section for further
operating kVp of the unit. instructions.
c. Equipment. Electrometer with small ion (3) The HVL must meet FDA standards for
chamber and sheets of varying thicknesses of the actual kVp used which was determined
type 1100 alloy Al above. FDA standards for half-value
layers, for dental units, are included in
d. Procedure. Table 3-4.
(1) Secure the ionization chamber to the
patient chin rest securely, e.g., using 5. X-Ray Beam/Image Detector Slit
strong adhesive tape with the probe Alignment
pointing up. [Since the machine will be
moving during the exposure, the ion a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray beam and
chamber and converter box must be image receptor (e.g. film) slit are in alignment.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

b. Regulations. The beam dimensions should comparing the calibrated and non-calibrated
not exceed the slit opening. images, notice that the calibrated image fills
the frame window completely, without any
c. Equipment. Fluorescent screen or intraoral white areas on any sides of the image. Also,
film and tape the calibrated image has an even, consistent
quality while the non-calibrated image
d. Procedure. appears “noisier”, with sharper differences
between the rows.
(1) This test may be performed in real time by
using a piece of fluorescent screen taped to c. Equipment. Computer image processing and
the image receptor holder COVering the calibration software as provided by
slit. Mark the outline of the slit on the manufacturer upon installation.
screen. Dim the room lighting and
position yourself so as to be able to see the d. Procedure. This procedure should be
screen. Make an exposure and watch for performed by the manufacture technical
the slit area to glow. representative upon installation and
demonstrated during acceptance. The specific
(2) The slit alignment may also be recorded procedure should be obtained from the
on film for documentation as follows: manufacturer’s technical manual.

(a) Tape two pieces of intraoral film Note: For bi-directional systems, if the
diagonally across the slit, one at the top panoramic machine scans in both
and one at the bottom of the slit, or left-to-right and right-to-left
place a piece of ready pack film across directions, you will need to create
the film holder. two calibration files, one for each
(b) Mark the slit location using a pin to
prick the film at the edge of the slit 8. Laser Alignment/Phantom Ball and Pin
opening and make an exposure only a Test (if applicable)
few seconds in duration.
a. Purpose. To ensure the positioning lasers are
(c) Develop the film. properly aligned to provide sharp and
symmetric images.
e. Interpretation of Results.
b. Regulation. The balls in the center of the
(1) Fluorescent screen: The entire slit should picture should be sharp and symmetric. If
be seen. they are too wide and blurred, the lateral laser
is positioned to far forward. The opposite is
(2) For film, a diagonal line should be seen true if the balls appear elongated and narrow.
across each film from corner to corner or
between pin marks. c. Equipment. Ball and pin phantom as supplied
by the manufacturer
6. Entrance Skin Exposure (ESE)
d. Procedure.
(See Chapter 12)
(1) Turn on the positioning lasers, and adjust
7. Calibration file (if applicable) the lateral laser position so its projected
line falls on the center ball of the ball and
a. Purpose. To ensure the digital image is pin phantom. If necessary, manually
properly calibrated to only view the area in adjust the laser to ensure proper alignment.
which radiation is being detected on the image If manual adjustment of the laser is not
receptors. available, contact the system field engineer
to have the laser alignment corrected.
b. Regulations. Average Pixel Value should be
within manufacture’s specifications. When

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

(2) With a recalibrated system, take an image

by pressing and holding down the
exposure switch until rotation of the unit

(3) The balls in the center of the post

calibration image should be sharp and

J. Performance Test Requirements for

Dental Cone Beam Computed
Tomography (CBCT)

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 3-1.—Dental Intraoral Unit Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

10 repeat cov< 0.05

Exposure measurements
Reproducibility 4 repeat measurements if cov>0.05, do 4
10 repeat cov< 0.05
2. Timer Reproducibility
4 repeat measurements if cov>0.05, do 4
(all at 100mSec) more
From 1 second to the ± 5% of nominal
minimum timer setting setting
A in increments of
decreasing time of
3. Timer Accuracy 50%.
Minimum and 1 second ± 5% of nominal
P plus 3 others evenly setting
spaced between.
All focal spots, all mA change <0.1 of the
stations. If continuous, sum of
A in 100 mA increments measurements at
from min to max adjacent mA
4. Linearity of mA/mAs stations
5 adjacent mA stations
P over range of clinical
for each generator: ±5% of nominal
from 50 up to the setting
maximum kVp setting
by 5’s
5. kVp Accuracy
for each generator: ±5% of nominal
from 60 up to the setting
maximum kVp setting
by 20’s
@ 80 kVp, 1st HVL HVL of 2.3 mm Al
6. X-ray Beam Quality A/P
or greater
Measure x-ray beam x-ray field size of
X-ray field size/cone alignment with end of 2.5 cm
7. A/P cone
alignment Beam aligns with
SSD  18 cm Diameter of x-ray
field  7 cm
8. Minimum SSD
SSD  18 cm Diameter of x-ray
field  6 cm

Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, HVL: Half Value Layer, kVp: kilovolt peak, mA: milliamp, mAs:
milliamp seconds, SSD: Source To Skin Distance

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 3-2.—Dental Panoramic Unit Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

10 repeat
A cov< 0.05
Exposure measurements
Reproducibility if cov>0.05, do 4
P 4 repeat measurements
Duration of Exposure Measure during
2. A/P  1 Second
Cycle exposure reproducibility
< 0.1 of the sum of
Measure at 2 mA the measurements
3. mAs Linearity A/P
stations if available of adjacent mA
HVL of 2.3 mm Al
4. X-ray Beam Quality A/P @ 80 kVp, 1st HVL
or greater
-View beam slit
-View of entire
A fluorescence using
image receptor slit
fluorescent screen or
X-ray Beam/Image
5. Receptor Slit -Diagonal line
-Expose 2 pieces of across each film
Alignment intraoral film taped
P from corner to
diagonally across beam corner
slit or use ready pack
-Mark slit on film
To be performed by
manufacturer IAW manufacturer’s
6. Calibration file A
representative upon specifications
Ensures lasers are
Laser Alignment /
properly aligned to IAW manufacturer’s
7. Phantom Ball and Pin A/P
produce sharp and specifications
symmetric images

Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, cov: coefficient of variation, HVL: Half Value Layer, kVp:
kilovolt peak, mA: milliamp, mAs: milliamp seconds

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 3-3.—Dental Cone Beam CT Unit Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

1 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved


Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 3-4.—Minimum Half Value Layer Requirements (HVL).

(From Code of Federal Regulations, 21 CFR Part 1020.30)

X-ray Tube Voltage (kVp) Minimum HVL (millimeters of Al)

Designed Measured Specified II – Other

I – Other X-Ray
Operating Operating Dental X-Ray
Range Potential Systems1 Systems3

Below 51… 30 1.5 0.3 0.3

40 1.5 0.4 0.4
50 1.5 0.5 0.5

51 to 70 51 1.5 1.2 1.3

60 1.5 1.3 1.5
70 1.5 1.5 1.8

Above 70 71 2.1 2.1 2.5

80 2.3 2.3 2.9
90 2.5 2.5 3.2
100 2.7 2.7 3.6
110 3.0 3.0 3.9
120 3.2 3.2 4.3
130 3.5 3.5 4.7
140 3.8 3.8 5.0
150 4.1 4.1 5.4

Dental x-ray systems designed for use with intraoral image receptors and manufactured after December 1, 1980.
Dental x-ray systems designed for use with intraoral image receptors and manufactured before or on December 1,
1980, and all other x-ray systems subject to this section and manufactured before June 10, 2006.
All x-ray systems, except dental x-ray systems designed for use with intraoral image receptors, subject to this
section and manufactured on or after June 10, 2006.


Dental Radiographic Unit Survey NMCPHC-TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:

Manufacturer: Type:

Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)

Timer Accuracy

Linearity of

kVp Accuracy

Beam Quality

kVp Precision

X-ray field
size/cone alignment

Minimum SID

Duration of
Exposure Cycle
X-ray Beam/Slit
Safety Equipment/
Mechanical Checks
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/22 (06/2013) 3-13


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 4


A. Minimum Required Personnel D. References

1. AAPM Report 12. Evaluation of Radiation
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment General Exposure Levels in Cine Cardiac Catheterization
Fluoroscopic Imaging (GFI) Laboratories, 1984.
2. AAPM Report 25. Protocols for the Radiation
B. Testing Periodicity Safety Surveys of Diagnostic Radiological
Equipment, 1988.
All units: Acceptance, annually, and after major 3. AAPM Report 70. Cardiac Catheterization
repairs. Equipment Performance. 2001
4. Bushberg, J.T., Seibert, J.A., Leidholdt, E.M. Jr.,
Boone, J.M. The Essential Physics of Medical
C. Equipment Imaging. Williams & Wilkins, 2011
5. Chakraborty, D.P. Routine Fluoroscopic Quality
1. Ionization chamber/solid state detector Control, 1991 AAPM Summer School
2. kVp meter Proceedings, 1994.
3. High resolution test patterns 6. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1,
a. RMI 141, 141-H (low/high level) Section 1020.30, 1020.31, 1020.32
4. 2 Al plates (17.8 cm x 17.8 cm x 1.9 cm) 7. Curry, T.S. III, Dowdey J.E., Murry, R.C. Jr.
5. Lead plate (20 cm x 20 cm x 1.6 mm) Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology,
6. 1.5, 3.1, 4.7, & 6.3 mm perf. Al sheet (17.8 cm x Fourth Edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
17.8 cm x 0.8 mm) 1990.
7. 1100 Al alloy sheets (10 cm x 10 cm) (varying
thicknesses; at least 8 mm total)
8. Collimator/beam alignment test tool
E. Performance Tests for Fluoroscopy
a. Etched plate (25 cm x 20 cm x 1.5 mm)
b. Plastic cylinder with imbedded steel balls 1. kVp Accuracy
9. Tape measure
10. CR cassette (14” x 17”, 35 cm x 43 cm) a. Purpose. To verify that tube voltage potential
11. Optional accurately tracks the nominal generator
a. Contact mesh setting.
b. Copper plate (20 cm x 20 cm x 1.5 mm)
c. Acrylic phantom (30 cm x 30 cm x 15-20 cm) b. Equipment. kVp meter
12. General Fluoroscopy Unit Survey
c. Procedure.

(1) Follow the meter manufacturer’s


(2) Test the unit in manual kVp mode

whenever possible. Test units without
manual kVp control at the voltage
provided by the Automatic Brightness
Control (ABC) system for the kVp meter
assembly in the beam.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

(3) Record average or effective kVp, as (6) Try to use a phantom to chamber distance
available, when using a meter offering of approximately 8 cm. This distance
multiple reading formats. allows for adequate shielding of medium
and larger image intensifiers. Very large
d. Interpretation of Results. Refer units IIs may require that the phantom be placed
deviating from the criteria in Table 4-1 for closer to the ion chamber.
adjustment by a qualified service engineer.
Proper kVp calibration is critical as it directly (7) Place the scatter grid in the beam path.
influences image quality and patient dose.
(8) Collimate the field to the phantom
2. Air Kinetic Energy Released in ensuring chamber is in the Field Of Vision
Material (KERMA) Rate (AKR) (FOV).
Measurements (9) Maintain consistent phantom/ solid state
detector/ion chamber/image intensifier
a. Purpose. positions to assure reproducibility (record
(1) To establish AKR for varying thicknesses.
d. Measurement Considerations.
(2) To verify that measured and displayed AKR
are within ±35 percent. (1) Make AKR measurements using all
available output modes and II size
(3) To verify long term AKR consistency. combinations. Include manual and pulse
modes, if available. ABC systems will
(4) To verify proper automatic brightness control demonstrate different output rates at each
of exposure rate with varying Image II size to compensate for the loss of
Intensifier (II) field size. magnification gain.
b. Equipment. 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic (2) For manual mode readings, adjust kVp and
phantom, solid state detector or ion chamber mA to provide a monitor image brightness
with exposure meter. equal to that of ABC normal mode.
c. Procedure. (3) Make AKR measurements with and
without the grid in place, as warranted.
(1) Typical and maximum AKR The grid generally remains in the beam but
measurements can be made with the same may be removed if no-grid studies are
equipment arrangement. performed.
(2) Place the solid state detector or ion (4) Use minimal “beam-on” time to prevent
chamber at the location specified by 21 unnecessary x-ray tube wear.
CFR 1020.32.
(5) If the unit is equipped with High Level
(3) Invert C-arms for testing. This allows for Control (HLC), a distinct tone must be
easier phantom placement. heard when HLC is active.
(4) Treat lithotripsy systems as standard/ C-
arm hybrids (i.e. meet both conditions). e. Cine Output Measurements.

(5) Place the phantom close to the solid (1) Most cine systems work at 7.5, 15 and
state/ion chamber. If using an ion 30 frs-1.
chamber, make sure that there is enough
distance as to minimize backscatter. The II (2) Measure AKR using the most commonly
is very sensitive; ensure that it is always used II size and ABC or manual
shielded by the phantom. 1100 Al alloy or techniques suitable for an average patient
acrylic are acceptable. (i.e. 4 cm aluminum/15 cm acrylic).
Evaluate all available II sizes during

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

f. Interpretation of Results. Typical AKR values influenced (10 to 15 % above equivalent free
should be significantly lower than their in air measurements) by backscatter from the
maximum output rate counterparts. Use lead sheet if it is too close to the phantom/lead
acceptance inspection values to set baselines assembly. If maximum exposure rates exceed
for future reference. Subsequent annual limits set in 21 CFR 1020.32, recommend that
evaluation results should agree reasonably the unit be temporarily removed from patient
well with original levels (e.g.  10 %). use and recalibrated by a qualified service
engineer as soon as possible. If practicable,
3. Maximum Air Kinetic Energy Released verify that the new maximum exposure rates
are acceptable before the service engineer
in Material (KERMA) Rate (AKR)
leaves the facility.
a. Purpose. To prevent excessive exposure to
patients subjected to fluoroscopic 4. Transmission Through Primary Barrier
examinations by verifying that the maximum
AKR conforms to the limits of 21 CFR a. Purpose. To verify that the radiation
1020.32. attenuation provided by the II housing is
b. Regulations. 21 CFR 1020.32 specify
maximum exposure rates allowed for b. Equipment. 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic
fluoroscopic equipment. phantom, 1.6 mm Pb plate, solid state detector
or ion chamber with exposure meter.
c. Equipment. 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic
phantom, 1.6 mm Pb plate, solid state detector c. Procedure.
or ion chamber with exposure meter.
(1) Arrange the fluoroscopy unit, phantom,
d. Procedure. and Pb sheet in the same manner as for
evaluating maximum AKR.
(1) Set up the fluoroscopy unit, phantom, and
solid state detector/ion chamber as for (2) Place the large ion chamber 10 cm beyond
typical AKR measurements. the rear surface of the primary barrier (i.e.
II housing) with the large flat surface
(2) Place the lead sheet on top of the phantom perpendicular to the beam axis.
between the solid state/ion chamber and
image intensifier. (3) Irradiate the phantom using the maximum
AKR technique. Record the radiation
(3) Make AKR measurements for all available level and compare it with the maximum
output modes. For manual modes, set kVp AKR recorded previously.
to its maximum level.
d. Interpretation of Results. Radiation levels at
(4) Maximum AKR measurements need only 10 cm beyond the II housing should not
be made at the largest II size. exceed 3.34 x 10-3 percent of the entrance
AKR. Refer units showing excessive radiation
(5) Radiation streaming around the lead plate transmission for repair by a qualified service
should not be visible during testing. engineer.

WARNING: Image intensifiers may be 5. Beam Quality (Half Value Layer)

irreparably damaged if
exposed to unattenuated a. Purpose. To verify that the permanently
high energy x-ray beams installed filtration in the tube housing is thick
for extended periods. enough to minimize patient exposure.

e. Interpretation of Results. Ensure that proper b. Regulations. 21 CFR Part 1020.30 specifies
solid state/ion chamber/lead/II distances are the minimum beam quality (HVL)
maintained. When using an ion chamber, requirements for a range of tube potentials.
maximum AKR measurements may be unduly

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

c. Equipment. 1100 aluminum alloy HVL (d) Repeat the measurement with 1
sheets, solid state detector or ion chamber through 8 mm Al between the tube and
with exposure meter, 4 cm aluminum or ion chamber; moving each Al sheet
15 cm acrylic phantom. from behind the ion chamber to in
front of it near the tube output. A
d. Procedure. constant Al thickness must remain in
the beam throughout the procedure to
(1) Set up the fluoroscopy unit, phantom, and prevent ABC from changing technique
solid state detector/ion chamber as for factors. Varying factors will lead to
typical AKR measurements. erroneous readings.

(2) If the unit allows manual kVp and mA (4) Determine HVL for the appropriate
control, use the following procedure: voltage potential (set manually or obtained
through ABC) mathematically.
(a) Manually set kVp = 90.
e. Interpretation of Results. 21 CFR 1020.30
(b) Place the 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic lists minimum HVLs for various voltage
phantom between the solid state potentials. If the beam does not meet the
detector/ion chamber and II. Allow minimum standard, refer the unit for
some separation between the two to adjustment by a qualified service engineer.
minimize the effect of backscatter (ion Insufficient filtration may lead to unnecessary
chamber). patient dose. A unit with a hard beam need
not be removed from service. However, a
(c) Under fluoroscopy, collimate the beam high HVL often indicates the presence of an
to an area just larger than the ion older tube that may fail shortly thereafter.
chamber. Ensure that the phantom
always intercepts the beam. Failure to 6. Minimum Source to Skin Distance
do so may damage the II. (SSD)
(d) Set mA to produce an output rate a. Purpose. To prevent unnecessary patient
between 300 and 500 mR/min. exposure resulting from an unduly short SSD.
(e) Measure the exposure rate without any b. Regulations. 21 CFR 1020.32 specifies the
Al sheets between the tube and ion minimum source to skin distance requirements
chamber. Repeat the measurement based on fluoroscopy unit mobility and
with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mm Al between application.
the tube and ion chamber.
c. Equipment. Tape measure, etched brass plate,
(3) If the unit does not permit manual 14” x 17” (35 cm x 43 cm) CR cassette.
technique control (i.e. ABC only), use the
following procedure: d. Procedure.
(a) Place the Al or acrylic phantom and (1) For C-arm systems, determine minimum
collimate the beam as per steps 5.d.(2) SSD using a tape measure. Measure from
(b) and (c). the external target position mark to the end
of the collimator assembly or spacing cone
(b) Place all 8 mm Al sheets between the if permanently installed.
ion chamber and II (e.g. above the Al
or acrylic phantom). (2) For fixed SID, overhead tube systems,
measure minimum SSD in the same
(c) Measure the exposure rate without any manner as step (1).
Al sheets between the tube and ion
chamber, allowing ABC to set kVp for (3) For fixed under-table tube systems that
all the aluminum in the beam (i.e. allow tube access, measure minimum SSD
phantom + sheets). using a tape measure as the distance from

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

the target mark to the tabletop. For (4) Expose the cassette for 1 - 2 sec using a
systems with variable SSD, set the target low technique (50-60 kVp @ 1 mA).
to table distance to minimum before
measuring. (5) Close all collimators to minimum setting.

(4) For fixed SSD, under-table systems (6) Move the CR cassette over to align the
without tube access, measure minimum center of the image intensifier with a
SSD using triangulation. Calculate SSD corner of the cassette.
(7) Re-expose the cassette per step (4).
w2 w1 - 1 (8) Measure the dimensions of the darkened
areas on the processed film. Correct the
measurements if a significant cassette to II
Where: distance existed during exposure.
OID = Brass plate to film image distance
e. Interpretation of Results. If the maximum or
w2 = Division length at SID
minimum field size dimensions exceed
w1 = Division length on the plate
tolerance limits, recommend that a qualified
service engineer recalibrate the collimators.
e. Interpretation of Results. If the source to skin
One method to eliminate the film based beam
distance is less than required, refer the unit for
limitation test procedure is to calibrate the
adjustment by a qualified service engineer.
collimator shutters so that they are just visible
along the edges of the live image at maximum
7. Minimum and Maximum Fluoroscopic field size. Once the collimators are properly
Image Size (Beam Limitation Devices) calibrated, maximum field size conformance
can be verified visually on the monitor image.
a. Purpose. To verify that the fluoroscopic
imaging system displays the geometrically 8. Fluoroscopy Display Field Alignment
appropriate anatomical area of interest.
a. Purpose. To verify that the fluoroscopy beam
b. Regulations. 21 CFR 1020.32 specifies that is properly collimated so that only the tissue
the minimum radiation field size at maximum volume corresponding to the active entrance
SID should be contained within a square of 5 area of the II is irradiated, & that the same
cm by 5 cm. volume is presented on the monitor.
c. Equipment. Etched brass plate, 14” x 17” b. Equipment. Etched brass plate, plastic
(35 cm x 43 cm) CR cassette (do not need for cylinder with stacked steel balls, 14” x 17”
DR). (35 cm x 43 cm) CR cassette or GAF film.
d. Procedure. c. Procedure.
(1) Arrange the unit for maximum SID, (1) Arrange the system for minimum SID,
largest available II size, grid in the beam, largest available II size, grid in the beam,
and all collimators fully open. and collimators fully open.
(2) Position the brass plate between the tube (2) Position the brass plate to obtain an Object
and image intensifier to fully intercept the to Image Distance (OID) of approx.
beam. 30 cm. and collimate the image as
necessary so that the plate fully intercepts
(3) Using appropriate protection, place the CR the beam.
cassette as close to the II face as possible
with the screen facing the tube. Center the (3) Place the cassette as close to the II face as
CR cassette over the II housing assembly. possible with the screen facing the tube.
Center the CR cassette over the II housing

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(4) Expose the CR cassette using normal circles indicating central axis deviations of
fluoroscopy to acquire a background film 1.5 and 3 degrees from the perpendicular.
density of approximately 1.2 ( 1 sec at 80
kVp and 200 mA). d. Interpretation of Results. If the beam axis/II
misalignment exceeds 1.5 degrees, refer the
(5) On both the monitor and CR images, system for imaging chain repositioning by a
determine the indicated distance between qualified service engineer.
opposing edges of the viewing field (LCD)
or radiation field (cassette) along the two 10. Pin-cushion and “S-ing’ Distortion
axes on the plate.
a. Purpose. To verify that the fluoroscopic
(6) Compare the axis lengths in the monitor image contains minimal spatial distortion and
and film images and calculate the artifacts.
difference between the two as a fraction of
SID. (1) It is difficult to quantify an amount of
acceptable distortion. However, any
(7) If the unit allows, increase SID to distortion should be horizontally and
maximum and repeat steps (5) and (6) vertically symmetrical. It should also be
during acceptance testing. In a properly visibly similar for fluoroscopic, cine, and
functioning unit, collimation should track digital spot images produced using the
automatically with changing SID. same II.

d. Interpretation of Results. If the difference (2) Two major forms of spatial distortion are
between the lengths of either monitor/film pincushion distortion and S-ing.
axis pair exceeds 3 % of SID or if the sum of Pincushion is characterized by bowing of
the differences for both axis pairs exceeds 4 % peripheral chords into the center of the
of SID, refer the system for recalibration by a image. S-ing is characterized by warping
qualified service engineer. of straight lines passing through the center
of the image into “S” shapes in the central
9. Beam Central Alignment quarter to third of the image.

a. Purpose. To verify that the fluoroscopy beam b. Equipment. Contact Mesh

central axis is properly aligned with the center
of the image intensifier. c. Procedure.

b. Equipment. Etched brass plate, plastic (1) Verify that the unit meets the standards for
cylinder with stacked steel balls, 2-Dimension fluoroscopy display field and beam central
level. alignment.

c. Procedure. (2) Place contact mesh on II and take image

with fluoroscopy.
(1) Complete steps (1) through (3) of the
fluoroscopy display field alignment (3) Observe the image, paying special
procedure. attention to the effects of excessive spatial
(2) If the fluoroscopy beam and II are
properly aligned, the two balls will be (4) For adjustable units, move the imaging
superimposed and all four axis arms will chain through its full SID range noting
have equal length. Absence of these two changes in the level of distortion with
conditions indicates imperfect alignment. changing SID.

(3) Reposition the plate to provide four equal d. Interpretation of Results. If the amounts of
axis arm lengths. On the monitor image, pincushion distortion or S-ing exceed the
locate the position of the upper steel ball levels prescribed in Table 4-1, refer the
relative to the pair of etched concentric system for adjustment by a qualified service
engineer. Due to the subjectivity of this test,

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

last hold hard copy reference images showing 12. Low Contrast Sensitivity
the level of distortion during acceptance may
be invaluable during subsequent periodic a. Purpose. To verify the system’s ability to
testing. display low contrast information.

11. High Contrast Resolution b. Equipment. 4 cm Al phantom,

multi-perforated Al sheet.
a. Purpose. To verify the system’s ability to
resolve high contrast objects under variable c. Procedure.
operating conditions and using multiple
recording modes. (1) Arrange the fluoroscopy unit in the same
manner as for making AKR
b. Equipment. High resolution test patterns. measurements, with largest available II
size and grid in the beam.
c. Procedure.
(2) Place the perforated sheet between the two
(1) Arrange the unit for maximum SID, larger pieces. For units with attached
largest available II size, grid & tables, place the combination phantom on
compression cone out of the beam, and all the tabletop. For C-arms, place the
collimators open. combination phantom at the same location
as for AKR measurements.
(2) Attach the test pattern as close to the II
face as possible. (3) Collimate the field to the periphery of the
phantom, ensuring that all sets of holes are
(3) If the unit allows manual kVp and mA within the image.
control, set kVp = 60 and adjust mA for
image brightness that provides the best (4) If the unit allows for manual kVp and mA
viewing. If the unit uses ABC, use the control, set kVp to between 85 - 90 and
kVp and mA provided by the unit for adjust mA for image brightness that
1 mm Al and test pattern in the beam. provides best viewing. During contrast
sensitivity viewing, ensure that enough
(4) Determine the highest density mesh visible tube current is applied to prevent the
at the image center and periphery. A brightness difference from being lost in the
resolvable mesh should clearly show image noise. If the unit uses ABC, use the
bright wires separated by dark spaces and kVp and mA provided by the system for
be free of Moiré patterns. Due to variable the combination phantom in the beam.
electronic focusing across the II, resolution
is typically better in the field center than at (5) Determine the smallest pair of targets
the periphery. visible with the unaided eye. To count a
given target, both circles should be clearly
(5) Repeat the measurements using all visible against the phantom background.
available output rate and II size
combinations. Include manual and pulse (6) Repeat the measurement using all
fluoroscopy, cine, and spot filming available output rate and II size
(mechanical & digital) during acceptance combinations. Include manual and pulse
testing to set image quality baselines for fluoroscopy, cine, and spot filming during
future reference. During periodic testing, acceptance testing to set image quality
evaluate a representative subset of the baselines for future reference. During
acceptance group. Refer to Table 4-1. periodic testing, evaluate a representative
subset of the acceptance group. Refer to
d. Interpretation of Results. Refer to Table 4-1.
manufacturer’s recommendation.
d. Interpretation of Results. Image intensified
fluoroscopy systems should resolve at least a
3.1 mm diameter object at 2% nominal subject
contrast. Pulse fluoroscopy images may be

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

formed with sub-second photon bursts, (3) Place the CR cassette in the bucky.
making them difficult to assess visually. Low
pulse rate images should not be held to the (4) Place a 4 cm aluminum or 15 cm acrylic
same standards as their continuous beam phantom in the beam in the same manner
counterparts. If the observed sensitivity does as for measuring AKR. Ensure that the
not meet the baseline set at acceptance, refer phantom covers all the AEC detector cells.
the unit for adjustment by a qualified service
engineer. (5) Set the II field to its largest setting,
collimating to the phantom periphery if
13. Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) necessary. Fluoroscopy the phantom
briefly, allowing the ABC to select an
Systems appropriate kVp. Several systems apply
the ABC selected kVp directly to the
a. Purpose. mechanical spot film technique. For those
that do not, the fluoroscopy kVp serves as
(1) AEC systems attached to fluoroscopy spot a useful guideline for manual spot film
film devices provide the same function as technique programming. For units without
their radiographic system counterparts; i.e. ABC, use 80 kVp.
compensation for variations in technique
factors and patient thickness such that (6) If more than one detector cell is available
resulting spot films appear with constant, and cells can be programmed to work
optimal densities. independently, select the center cell,
otherwise use all cells simultaneously.
(2) This evaluation assumes proper operation
of the processor used to develop spot (7) Use a single CR cassette for testing. This
films. It also assumes that the AEC will require processing the image after
system is calibrated for the CR each exposure.
combination used with the unit.
Therefore, the processor, CR cassette, and (8) Measure and record the Optical Density
film used for testing should be those (OD) at the center of the field. The OD
actually used during patient imaging. should be at least 1.2. The radiologist may
set a higher baseline density. The range of
(3) The following AEC parameters should be
densities should be within  0.15 of the
evaluated during testing: reproducibility,
baseline density.
maximum exposure time, kVp
compensation, patient thickness
d. Output Reproducibility.
compensation, density control function,
and multi - image format (field size)
(1) Use the basic imaging chain arrangement
and phantom thickness. Place the solid
state detector or ion chamber along the
b. Equipment. 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic
beam central axis at the phantom beam
phantom, 1.6 mm Pb plate, 14 in x 17 in
entrance surface. Set technique factors as
(35 cm x 43 cm) CR cassette, solid state
follows: kVp from the fluoroscopy image
detector or ion chamber with exposure meter.
or, in the absence of ABC, 80 kVp; 200
mA, AEC setting to neutral (0).
c. Procedure.
(2) Irradiate the phantom, ion chamber and
(1) Arrange the unit in the same configuration
cassette holding exposed film three times.
used for measuring fluoroscopic AKR.
Record the exposure readings and
Ensure that if a grid is used clinically, it is
calculate their mean.
in the beam path during testing.
(3) All three readings should lie within  5%
(2) Record the SID, film/screen combination,
of their mean.
and film size used for future testing

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

e. Maximum Exposure Time. b. Density Control Tracking.

(1) Use the basic imaging chain arrangement (1) Use the basic imaging chain arrangement
and phantom thickness. Place the lead and phantom thickness. Place the solid
sheet over the AEC detector fields so that state detector or ion chamber just off the
no radiation reaches them. Set technique beam central axis at the phantom beam
factors as follows: kVp from the entrance surface. Set technique factors as
fluoroscopy image or, in the absence of follows: kVp from the fluoroscopy image
ABC, 80 kVp; 200 mA, AEC setting to or, in the absence of ABC, 80 kVp; 200
neutral (0). Retain the previously exposed mA.
film from the reproducibility test.
(2) Vary AEC density over the range of
(2) Irradiate the phantom until AEC shuts off available positive and negative settings,
the beam. Record the elapsed mAs. exposing a new CR cassette (not needed
for DR) for each setting. Record the
(3) The beam should terminate prior to the elapsed mAs, density at the center of each
accumulation of 600 mAs. film, and exposure for each image.

14. kVp Compensation (3) The density function should operate as

expected; (+) gives exposure and density
Use the basic imaging chain arrangement and increase, (-) gives exposure and density
phantom thickness. Set technique factors as follows: decrease. The exposure difference per
200 mA, AEC setting to neutral (0). step should meet the manufacturer’s
specifications or in the absence of such
Vary kVp over the clinically used range 70, 80, 90, data, be balanced about the neutral setting
100, and 110 kVp, irradiating a separate film for each output at 25 % per step.
voltage potential. Record the elapsed mAs for each
image and measure the optical density at the center of c. Interpretation of Results. Units deviating
each processed film using a densitometer. from the criteria in Table 4-1 should be
referred for adjustment by a qualified service
The densities should lie within the range of  0.3 of engineer. Spot films can constitute a
the baseline density. significant fraction of the total radiation
output during fluoroscopy procedures.
a. Patient Thickness Compensation. Unfortunately, spot film AEC performance is
frequently omitted in periodic testing
(1) Use the basic imaging chain arrangement. following acceptance. Proper operation of the
Set technique factors as follows: kVp from spot film device is essential as it frequently
the fluoroscopy image or, in the absence of provides the only permanent record of the
ABC, 80 kVp; 200 mA, AEC setting too fluoroscopic procedure.

(2) Vary phantom thickness over the range: 2,

4 cm Al or 5, 10, and 15 cm acrylic,
irradiating a separate CR cassette (ignore
if DR) for each phantom thickness.
Record the elapsed mAs for each image
and measure optical density at the center
of each processed film using a

(3) The densities should lie within the range

of  0.3 of the baseline density.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Table 4-1.—Fluoroscopy Survey Requirements.

Test Freq Measurements Tolerance

1. kVp Accuracy A 50 kVp to max in 5 kVp  5 % of nominal

increments* setting or readout or
suggested mfr.
P 50 kVp to max in 10 kVp Same as acceptance

*If manual kV control isn’t

available, use ABC provided
2. Air Kinetic Energy A/P All available output modes A. Less than max
Released in Material [manual, ABC (NL & HLC), pulse, AKR (88 mGy/min,
(KERMA) Rate (AKR) cine] at each available II size, 4 176 mGy/min HLC)
cm Al*
P. No sig change
from acceptance (
10 %)
3. Maximum AKR A/P All available output modes Cannot exceed 88
(Max AKR) [manual (at max kVp), ABC (NL & mGy/min if no HLC
HLC)], at largest II size. and 176 mGy/min for
4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic phantom HLC
and Pb
4. Transmission Through A/P Al or acrylic phantom + Pb sheet Not to exceed 3.34 x
Primary Barrier set as for Test 3., max AKR 10-3 percent of
technique entrance AKR @ 10
Large volume ion chamber cm from primary
barrier rear surface
5. Beam Quality (HVL) A/P Manual mode - 90 kVp 2.5 mm  x  3.5 mm
1100 Al
ABC only - kVp provided by unit x  min allowed for
for 5 mm Al in beam kVp; see
6. Minimum SSD A/P Directly using tape measure or  38 cm (stationary)
indirectly through triangulation  30 cm (conv C-
 20 cm (surg C-arm)
Never < 19 cm, if
source to image
distance is less than
45 cm

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 4-1.—Fluoroscopy Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Freq Measurements Tolerance

7a. Beam Limitation A/P Max SID, minimum collimation, Dark area  5 x 5
(Minimum Field Size) film at II face cm2

7b. Maximum Field Size A/P Max SID, widest collimation, Dark area 
max II size, film at II face maximum nominal II
Collimator tracks with
changing SID
8. Fluoro Display Field A Largest II size, CR cassette at II Diff between CR
Alignment face, etched plate at table top image and screen X
For variable SID units: determine or Y axis lengths  3
at minimum and maximum SID % of SID
Sum of X & Y axis
diff  4 % of SID
P Test at largest II size, min SID only Same as acceptance
9. Beam Central A/P Minimum SID, max II size, widest  1.5 degrees from
Alignment collimation vertical
* Alternatively use 15 cm thick acrylic phantom, if available.

10a Pin-Cushion Distortion A/P Manual or ABC (NL) mode at Spatial linearity
largest II size visually uniform over
center 75 % of FOV
10b “S-ing” Distortion A/P Manual or ABC (NL) mode at Etched plate lines
largest II size visually linear along
X & Y axes in center
75 % of FOV
11. High Contrast A All available output modes Use Manufacturer’s
Resolution [manual, ABC (NL & HLC), pulse, suggested values.
cine, spot (digital & mech.)] at
each II size
Manual - 60 kVp
ABC only - minimum kVp provided
for 1 mm Al in beam

P Manual or ABC (NL) mode at each Same as acceptance

commonly used II size and large II
spot film using digital or
mechanical AEC medium setting,
as available

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 4-1.—Fluoroscopy Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Freq Measurements Tolerance

12. Low Contrast A All available output modes See at least 3.1 mm
Sensitivity [manual, ABC (NL & HLC), pulse, test tool holes at 2 %
cine, spot (digital & mech.)] at contrast (4 cm Al)
each II size (Pulse modes
Manual - 85 to 90 kVp, as exempt)
ABC only - kVp provided by unit

P Manual or ABC (NL) mode at each Same as acceptance

commonly used II size and large II
spot film using digital or
mechanical AEC medium setting,
as available
13. AEC A/P Std: ABC sel or 80 kVp, 1:1 OD = ODBL  0.15
format, 4 cm Al phantom*, AEC = (ODBL must be > 1.2)
All   5 % of mean
Reproducibility: 3 exposures Elapsed mAs < 600
Max exp time, Pb over all
OD = ODBL  0.3
OD = ODBL  0.3
Vary kVp: 70 - 110 by tens
Vary thickness: 2 and 4 cm Al** OD = ODBL  0.1
Vary field size: 1:1, 4:1 Exp dens/exp
Vary density: -- to ++, as available
* Alternatively use 15 cm thick acrylic phantom, if available.
** Alternatively use 5, 10, and 15 cm thick acrylic phantom, if available.
Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, kV: kilovolt, kVp: kilovolt peak, HVL: Half Value Layer,
cm: centimeters, SID: Source to Image Distance, OD: Optical Density, ODBL: Optical Density
Baseline, ESE: Entrance Skin Exposure, ABC: Automatic Brightness Control, HLC: High level
Control, NL: Normal, Al: Aluminum, Pb: Lead, FOV: Field Of View, SSD: Source to Skin Distance,
AEC: Automatic Exposure Control, II: Image Intensifier, medium setting: mean available technique
setting for the given output mode.

General Fluoroscopy Unit Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:

Manufacturer: Type:

Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)

kVp Accuracy

Air KERMA Rate


Maximum AKR

Through Primary

Beam Quality (HVL)

Minimum SSD

Minimum / Maximum
Field Size
Fluoro Display Field
Beam Central /
Mechanical Spot Film
Pin-Cushion / “S-ing”
High Contrast
Resolution / Low
Contrast Sensitivity
Mechanical Spot Film
Mechanical / Digital
Spot Film ESE
Safety Equipment/
Mechanical Checks
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/23 (06/2013) 4-13


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 5

Computed Tomography (CT) Units

A. Introduction
5. Tape measure, 10 - 20 cm ruler (marked in mm)
X-ray CT scanners represent a departure from 6. Bubble level
conventional film/screen x-ray performance. CT 7. CT compatible kVp meter
scanners generate a thin, well collimated beam of x- 8. Computerized Tomography Unit Survey
rays to a cross section of the patient's body from
multiple rotational angles. The transmitted beam is E. References
collected by radiation detectors, and the information
is fed into a computer which analyzes the data and 1. American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
constructs an image which reflects variations of the Phantoms for Performance Evaluation and
physical attenuation characteristics of the material. Quality of CT Scanners, Report no.1, 1977.
2. American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
The CT is unique in its ability to detect exceptionally Standardized Methods for Measuring Diagnostic
fine variations in linear attenuation of adjacent X-rays Exposures, Report no.31, 1990.
structures and incorporate these differences into a 3. American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
diagnostic quality image suitable for further use in Specification and Acceptance Testing of
radiation therapy treatment planning and stereotactic Computed Tomography Scanners, Report no. 39,
surgical navigation. 1993.
4. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1,
Due to the potential complexity of CT scanner Part 1020.30, 1020.31, 1020.32; 1 April 1996
operation, a radiological technologist, trained and edition.
experienced on the CT scanner being evaluated 5. Curry, T.S. III, Dowdey J.E., Murry, R.C. Jr. 1990.
should be present during testing. The technologist Christensen's Physics of Diagnostic Radiology.
should operate the scanner while the physicist Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia.
performs the tests. 6. ImPACT, CT Scanner Acceptance Testing,
Version 1.02, 2001.
B. Minimum Required Personnel 7. C. H. McCollough, et al., “The phantom portion of
Qualifications the American College of Radiology (ACR)
Computed Tomography (CT) accreditation
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment (CT) program: Practical tips, artifact examples and
pitfalls to avoid,” Medical Physics, 31, 2423-2442
C. Testing Periodicity 8. Gray, J.E., Winkler, N.T., Stears, J., Frank, E.D.
Quality Control in Diagnostic Imaging;
All units: Annually, upon acceptance and after major University Park Press, Baltimore, 1983
repairs, i.e. x-ray tube replacement. 9. American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
Quality Control in Diagnostic Radiology, Report
D. Equipment no.74, 2002.
10. American Association of Physicists in Medicine,
1. Electrometer with 10 cm CT and large (180 cc) Comprehensive Methodology for the Evaluation
volume ion chambers of Radiation Dose in X-ray Computed
2. Manufacturer’s QC Phantoms Tomography, Report no.111, 2010.
3. ACR, AAPM or Catphan performance phantom 11. ACR CT Accreditation website, ACR.org
4. Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI)
phantoms (16 cm diameter-head and 32 cm

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

F. Performance Tests for Computed b. Criteria. Manufacturer’s specifications or

Tomography (CT) Units + 5 mm.

c. Equipment. Ruler
1. Table Loading
d. Procedure.
a. Purpose. To verify manufacturer’s weight
loading specifications for the patient support (1) Using the laser light, raise the scanning
device. table until the lateral lasers intersect the
horizontal plane.
b. Criteria. Refer to manufacturer’s
specifications. (2) Insert the table into the gantry opening.

c. Equipment. Weights and/or persons totaling (3) Scan the table using the standard head
the manufacturer’s loading specifications. technique. Using the electronic ruler and
grid, project the distance from grid center
d. Procedure. Distribute specified weight over to right and left table edges onto the grid.
table top in proportion to normal weight
distribution. Check full range of vertical and (4) Compare the two distances and determine
horizontal motion. Record maximum weight the difference between them.
and range of motion. Do not load table
beyond manufacturer’s specification. (5) Calculate misalignment as half the
difference between the two measurements.
e. Interpretation of Results. If table loading
requirements do not meet manufacturer’s e. Interpretation of Results. Misalignment of the
specifications consult a qualified service two table edges and isocenter should be
engineer. < 5 mm. If it is not consult a qualified service
2. Table Positioning
4. Kilovoltage (kV) Accuracy
a. Purpose. To ensure that table movement and
localization is accurate. a. Purpose. To ensure that the x-ray generator is
producing the kVp as indicated on the control
b. Criteria. Manufacturer’s specifications or panel.
+ 1 mm.
b. Criteria. The accuracy must be ± 5% of the
c. Equipment. Ruler. nominal control panel setting or within
manufacturer’s specifications.
d. Procedure. Tape a ruler to the fixed portion of
the patient support assembly. Make a mark on c. Equipment. Noninvasive tube potential
the table adjacent to the tape measure. Move measuring device calibrated for CT use.
the table both in and out of the gantry to
predetermined distances. Record the actual d. Procedure. Noninvasive devices may not
and selected distances traveled (typically 1, 10 work well in CT if detector sensitive region is
and 40 cm.). too large for narrow CT beams. Be certain that
the device is calibrated for the kV range and
e. Interpretation of Results. The table should beam quality to be tested (consult device
move smoothly and accurately to within 1 mm manufacturer) and is set for direct current (dc)
of target in either movement direction. or three-phase wave forms. Hardening
Consult a qualified engineer if the requirement corrections may be necessary with some
is not met. instruments to compensate for heavily filtered
CT beams.
3. Table/Gantry Alignment
(1) From operator’s console, rotate tube to
a. Purpose. To ensure proper alignment of the overhead Anterior/Posterior (AP) position.
table and gantry isocenter.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(2) Put table at lowest scan position, move 5. Tube Current Linearity
tabletop into gantry opening and place kV
sensor on table. Align detector(s) to scan a. Purpose. To ensure radiation exposures vary
alignment light. If instrument detector is linearly with tube current (mA).
large, place it at bottom of gantry opening
where the field size is greatest, with b. Criteria. (10 CFR 1020) The average ratios of
tabletop out of field. exposure to the indicated mAs product
(mR/mAs) obtained at any two consecutive
(3) Operate CT system in service mode with tube current settings should not differ by more
tube and tabletop stationary (consult than 0.10 times their sum: (X1-X2) <
service engineer). 0.10(X1+X2).

(4) Set widest collimator setting and expose Where X1 and X2 are the average mR/mAs
detector. Proceed only if instrument values obtained at each of two consecutive
obtains a reading without error indication. tube current settings.

(5) Measure tube potential at each generator c. Equipment. Calibrated Ionization chamber or
power level for each potential setting. solid state detector and electrometer.
Record which focus is selected with dual
focus xray tubes. d. Procedure.

e. Possible Pitfalls. (1) From operator’s console, rotate tube to

overhead (AP) position.
(1) The HVL should always be measured after
assuring the kVp is correct. (2) Put table at lowest scan position, move
tabletop into gantry opening and place
(2) The major cause of kVp variation is detector on table. Align detector to scan
calibration. Some generators maintain alignment light. If instrument detector is
their calibration well and others drift large, place it at bottom of gantry opening
constantly. It is important to note that a where the field size is greatest, with
change in kVp may not always show as a tabletop out of field.
change in image density because changes
in the mA will often compensate for the (3) Operate CT system in service mode with
change in kVp. tube and tabletop stationary (consult
service engineer).
(3) Since the kVp affects the radiographic
contrast, it must be checked to assure that (4) Set widest collimator setting and expose
it is acceptable. detector. Proceed only if instrument
obtains a reading without error indication.
(4) Other major causes of variations in kVp
are line voltage drops and electrical (5) Measure and record the exposures at 5
component failure. different mA settings while keeping kVp
and time constant. With some x-ray units,
f. Interpretation of Results. Refer units the mA cannot be varied without varying
deviating from the criteria for adjustment by a time. In this instance mA must be constant
qualified service engineer. Proper kVp and time varied. Divide the mR output by
calibration is critical as it directly influences mAs setting, record mR/mAs as
image quality and patient dose. calculated.

e. Interpretation of Results.

(1) If each of the average ratios between mA

stations deviate from the listed criteria,
consult a qualified service engineer.
Linearity of mA/mAs is critical as it

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

directly influences image quality and (5) Add Al sheets and make additional
patient dose. exposures until the exposure is less than
half of the original exposure. Note that
(2) Significant deviation from linearity may CT beams are heavily filtered, and the
indicate miscalibration of potential, HVL is normally greater than 5 mm Al at
current, or exposure time. If the coefficient 90 keV.
of linearity of mGy/mAs between the
mean of all values and any single value (6) Remove all Al sheets and make one
(absolute difference divided by sum) is exposure. If exposure is not within 2% of
greater than 0.05 then significant the initial exposure, made with 0 mm of
miscalibration may be present. If time Al, repeat the measurement series ensuring
values are obtained, determine if measured that the technique and geometry selected
times correspond to scan time settings. remain the same throughout the procedure.
Errors with constant potential generators
can indicate shutter problems. e. Possible Pitfalls.

6. Beam Quality (1) The radiation detector must be in the x-ray

beam. When placing the sheets of Al in the
a. Purpose. To assure that the permanently beam, be sure that the entire beam is
installed (added) filtration at the x-ray tube is intercepted by the Al sheet. Once selected,
maintained at an appropriate level for optimal the technique factors must not be altered
image quality and patient dose. for subsequent exposures.

b. Criteria. Federal and many state regulations (2) The kVp should be checked before
specify minimum required HVLs at various measuring the HVL to ensure that it is
kVp values (21 CFR 1020.30). Refer to within acceptable limits.
manufacturer’s specifications for HVL.
(3) The Al used for HVL measurements
c. Equipment. Ionization chamber or solid state should be type 1100.
detector, a total of 10 mm Al Type 1100
plates; combination of 1 mm and 0.5 mm Al f. Interpretation of Results. The HVL should
plates. easily meet minimum HVL thickness per
21 CFR 20120. However, if the HVL
d. Procedure. significantly exceeds manufacturer’s
specifications a qualified service engineer
(1) Position the radiation detector as described should be contacted immediately. Excessive
in section 2 above. HVLs will reduce CT tube life.

(2) Set the CT system to operate in service 7. Image Quality: American College of
mode with tube and tabletop stationary as Radiology (ACR) Phantom Tests The
described in section 2 above. Phantom
(3) The Al sheets should be placed between The American College of Radiology (ACR) CT
the ion chamber/solid state detector and accreditation phantom has been designed to
the x-ray tube at a distance X/2, where X = examine a broad range of scanner parameters.
focal spot to detector distance. Make sure These include:
the Al sheets intercept the entire beam.
Make two exposures without any Al sheets a. Positioning accuracy
in the beam, one before and one after, to b. CT number accuracy
ensure that the geometry has not changed. c. Image thickness
d. Low contract resolution
(4) Acquire an exposure using 90 kVp, and e. High contrast resolution
mAs to provide an exposure of f. CT number uniformity
approximately 300 mR. g. Image noise

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

The ACR CT accreditation phantom (Gammex 464) choose a patient orientation of “supine
is a solid phantom containing four modules, and is head first” on the scanner.)
constructed primarily from a water-equivalent
material. Each module is 4 cm in depth and 20 cm in (2) Carefully position the phantom so that the
diameter. There are external alignment markings CT scanners alignment lights are
scribed and painted white (to reflect alignment lights) accurately positioned over the scribe line
on EACH module to allow centering of the phantom corresponding to the center of Module 1
in the axial (z-axis, cranial/caudal), coronal (y-axis, (FOOT END of the phantom). Use the set
anterior/posterior), and sagittal (x-axis, left/right) of alignment lights, internal or external,
directions. There are also “HEAD”, “FOOT” and that are used clinically. Align the phantom
“TOP” markings on the phantom to assist with in the sagittal, coronal, and axial planes.
positioning as shown in Figure 5-1. Zero (or landmark) the table at this point
(or be sure to note the table location, as all
scans will be acquired in reference to this
location). While maintaining careful
alignment, secure the phantom so it will
not move.

(3) Use a single axial scan at the landmark

location (0 or S0). Use an image thickness
≤ 2 mm to verify adequate alignment Use
a display field of view (reconstructed
image diameter) as close to, but not
smaller than, 21 cm.

e. Interpretation of Results. Examine the image

to determine whether all four Ball Bearings
(BBs) are visible in the image (Figure 2). Use
Figure 5-1.
WW = 1000 and WL = 0. All four BBs should
be visible as shown in Figure 5-2. The longer
Prior to scanning the ACR CT phantom, perform tube
central wires should be symmetrically located
warm-up and any necessary daily calibration scan
in the center of the image. This indicates
(air/water scans) as recommended by the
good positioning of the phantom. If this fails,
consult a qualified service engineer.
ACR phantom test procedures can be found at the
ACR Accreditation website:

8. Position Accuracy
a. Purpose. To ensure the CT phantom is
aligned properly with the scanner and
alignment lights (lasers).

b. Regulations. ACR or Manufacturer’s


c. Equipment. ACR CT Accreditation Phantom.

d. Procedure. Figure 5-2.

(1) Pull back the table padding and position

the ACR CT phantom so that it is
“HEAD” first into the gantry. (Be sure to

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

9. CT Number Accuracy
a. Purpose. To ensure that the CT numbers Polyethelne Bone
associated with air, water, acrylic,
polyethylene and bone are accurate and that
the system is properly calibrated.

b. Criteria. ACR Accreditation Standards: Water

Polyethylene HU: between -107 and -84

Water HU: between -7 and +7
Acrylic HU: between +110 and +135
Bone HU: between 850 and 970 Acrylic Air
Air HU: between -1005 and -970

NOTE: Manufacturer’s criteria for water

and air CT numbers may differ Figure 5-3.
from the ACR standards. In this
case if the facility is not applying (4) Measure only the water number for all
for or under ACR Accreditation other CT protocols.
status, the results should meet the
manufacturer’s specification. e. Interpretation of Results. If the CT numbers
do not meet the criteria, consult a qualified
c. Equipment. ACR Accreditation Phantom. service engineer.
d. Procedure.
10. Low Contrast
(1) Using the best Module 1 image scanned
a. Purpose. To evaluate low contrast capability
with the facility’s adult abdomen protocol,
place a circular Region Of Interest (ROI, of the system.
approximately 200 mm2) within each
cylinder and record the mean CT number b. Criteria. ACR Accreditation Standards. The
for each material. Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR) must be
greater than 1.0 for the adult head & abdomen
(2) It is important to center the ROIs within and, pediatric head protocol. The CNR must
each cylinder. The water cylinder is subtly be greater than 0.5 for the pediatric abdomen
seen as a large gray ring. Be sure to place protocol.
the water ROI between the polyethylene
and acrylic cylinders. c. Equipment. ACR Accreditation Phantom.

(3) Figure 5-3 shows Modular 1 regions of d. Procedure.

interest (ROIs) for each material and for
the water-equivalent background material. (1) View the best image located in Module 2
scanned with the facility’s adult head,
adult abdomen, and pediatric abdomen
protocols using a WW = 100 and a WL =
100. Note the four cylinders for each of
following diameters: 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 mm
are not evaluated.

(2) Place a ROI (≈ 100 mm2) over the large

(25-mm diameter) cylinder and between
the large cylinder and the 6 mm cylinders.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(3) Figure 5-4 shows low contrast resolution within + 5 HU of the center ROI mean
image at WW = 100 and WL = 100 with value.
ROI placements.
NOTE: Manufacturer’s criteria for
uniformity may differ from the
ACR test protocol and
standards. In this case if the
facility is not applying for or
under ACR Accreditation
status, the results should meet
the manufacturer’s

(2) Artifact. Rings or streaks that are

considered clinically significant.

(3) Scaling Accuracy. The measured distance

should be within 10% of the nominal
distance (100 mm).

Figure 5-4. c. Equipment. ACR Accreditation Phantom.

(4) Record the mean signal in the ROI inside d. Procedure.

the 25mm rod (A), the mean signal in the
ROI outside the 25 mm rod (B), and the (1) View the Adult Abdomen protocol image
Standard Deviation (SD) from the ROI in Module 3 (uniformity image) with a
outside the 25 mm rod for your records. WW ~ 100 and a WL ~ 0. Place an ROI of
approximately 400 mm2 at the center of
e. Interpretation of Results. the image and the four edge positions
shown in Figure 5-5.
(1) Use the following formula to calculate the
CNR: (2) For the edge ROIs, place the edge of the
ROI approximately one ROI diameter
CNR = |A-B|/SD away from the edge.

(2) Use the absolute value of the difference – (3) Figure 5-5 shows Module 3 showing
that is, do not take into consideration placement of uniformity center and edge
whether the CNR is a positive or negative ROIs.

(3) If the CNR numbers do not meet the

criteria, consult a qualified service

11. Uniformity, Artifact, & Scaling

a. Purpose. To evaluate image uniformity across
a homogenous field of view, presence of
artifacts, and in-plane scaling accuracy.

b. Criteria.

(1) Uniformity. ACR Accreditation Standards: Figure 5-5.

The CT numbers for all five ROIs must be

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

e. Interpretation of Results. view the image with the room light

lowered and, determine the highest spatial
(1) Uniformity. Record the mean CT numbers frequency for which the bars and spaces
for all five ROIs for your records. are distinctly visualized.
Additionally, record the standard deviation
of the center ROI. Calculate the difference (2) Repeat this procedure using a high
in ROI values between each edge ROI and resolution (edge enhanced) adult chest
the center ROI value. If the difference protocol.
exceeds the criteria, consult a qualified
service engineer. (3) Figure 5-6 shows Module 4, to assess high
contrast (spatial) resolution, contains eight
(2) Artifact. With all graphics turned off, bar resolution patterns in line pairs per
view the same image carefully with the centimeter (lp/cm).
room lighting reduced. Examine the image
for artifacts such as rings or streaks and
record the presence and appearance of any
artifacts. If artifacts are present, consult a
qualified service engineer to investigate.

(3) Scaling Accuracy. Using the scanner’s

measuring tools, measure the distance
between the two very small BBs (0.28 mm
each) to assess the accuracy of in-plane
distance measurements. Consult a
qualified service engineer if measured
distance is outside 10% of the nominal
Figure 5-6.
12. High Contrast
e. Interpretation of Results.
a. Purpose. To evaluate the high contrast
resolution capability of the CT system. (1) The 4 lp/cm bar pattern is the easiest to
resolve and appears to have the widest
b. Criteria. Manufacturer’s specification or ACR bars and widest spaces.
recommended standards:
(2) The 12 lp/cm bar pattern is the hardes to
(1) ACR recommends that the CT system resolve and, in this image, will likely
should be capable of resolving 5 lp/cm appear as a uniformly filled square.
using the facility’s adult abdomen
protocol, and 6 lp/cm for high resolution (3) A better resolution should be seen
(edge enhanced) adult chest protocol. (6 lp/cm) for the high resolution (edge
ACR does not have pass/fail criteria for enhanced) adult chest protocol compared
this test, but the results should be recorded to the adult abdomen protocol (5 lp/cm).
for baseline purposes. The results should be recorded for baseline
c. Equipment. ACR Accreditation Phantom.
13. Slice Thickness Accuracy
d. Procedure.
a. Purpose. To verify the accuracy of the actual
(1) View the Adult Abdomen protocol image width of the image slice.
in Module 4 (high contrast resolution) with
a WW ~ 100 and a WL ~ 1100. Using the b. Criteria. Manufacturer’s specifications or
illustration in Figure 4 as reference, note ACR recommended criteria of + 1.5 mm of
the eight bar patterns, which represent the prescribe slice thickness.
spatial frequencies corresponding to: 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 12 lp/cm. Carefully c. Equipment. ACR Accreditation Phantom

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

d. Procedure. c. Equipment.

(1) View the images in Module 1 using the (1) Phantom Data Form, with average facility
adult abdomen protocol obtained from protocols for adult head and body, and
three different slice width scans. pediatric head (1 year old) and body
(5 year old, 40-50 lbs).
(2) Count the number of wires visualized in
each of the two slice thickness ramps (2) Calibrated CTDI (pencil) ionization
(Figure 5-3). chamber (typically 10 cm in length)

(3) Count the number of wires in the top (3) Calibrated electrometer.
section separately from the number of
wires in the bottom section. (4) Acrylic (PMMA) cylindrical phantoms,
having cylindrical holes at 1 cm from the
(4) The images should be viewed with a WW edge, and one at the center (Figure 5-7):
~ 400 and a WL ~ 0.
(a) Head CTDI phantom: 16 cm diameter
(5) Count any wire that appears to be 50% or
more as bright as the central wires. (b) Body CTDI phantom: 32 cm diameter

(6) For both the top ramp and the bottom,

divide the total number of wires visualized
by 2 and record the resultant top scan
width and bottom scan with (both in mm).

e. Interpretation of Results. Refer to

manufacturer’s specifications for acceptance
criteria. In the absence of specifications, ACR
recommends that the measured profile width
should be within ± 1.5 mm at the nominal
slice width.

14. Radiation Dosimetry

Figure 5-7.
Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI)VOL
(5) Dose calculation Excel spreadsheet, is
a. Purpose. To determine the radiation dose to available at www.acr.org under the CT
tissue for several CT clinical protocols and to Accreditation page.
compare the dose data to reference CTDIVOL
levels. d. Procedure.

b. Criteria. ACR Accreditation Standards. (1) Position the phantom appropriately at the
isocenter of the scanner. Ensure that the
phantom is correctly aligned in all three
Pass/Fail Criteria Reference Levels
planes (sagittal, axial, and coronal).
Examination CTDLvol (mGy) CTDLvol (mGy)
Adult Head 80 75 (a) For the adult position the 16 cm
Adult Abdomen 30 25 phantom in the head holder.
Pediatric Head (1 yr) To be determined 45
(b) For the adult abdomen scans, position
Pediatric Abdomen (5 yr, 25 20
40-50 lb) the 32 cm phantom on the table top.

(c) For the pediatric abdomen scans,

position the 16 cm phantom on the
table top.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(d) For the pediatric head scans, position (5) Repeat the scan two more times and record
the 16 cm phantom on the table top. the measurements from each scan in the
Excel Dose Spreadsheet. If the data differ
(2) Connect the pencil chamber to the by more than 5%, check your equipment
electrometer and insert the pencil chamber and rescan the data until the three
into the central hole in the phantom. measurements agree within 5%.
Ensure that all other holes (those at 3, 6, 9,
and 12 o’clock positions) are filled with (6) The spreadsheet will calculate the average
acrylic rods. measurement from scans in mR, and the
CTDI at isocenter in phantom in mGy.
(3) Using the appropriate protocol as entered
in the phantom data form, acquire a single (7) Move the pencil chamber from the center
axial slice at the center of the phantom, position to the 12 o’clock peripheral
with no table increment. If the protocol is position. Ensure that an acrylic rod is then
normally scanned helically, change to an inserted into the vacated isocenter
axial scan, keeping the remaining technical position.
parameters unchanged. All CTDI dose
information must be acquired using axial (8) Repeat steps 3 through 7 and record the
scans. value in mGy as the CTDI at 12 o’clock
(a) In multislice CT, CTDI is a function of
detector configuration. It is imperative (9) The spreadsheet will calculate the
that the detector configuration and total following:
beam width used matches the site’s
Clinical Protocol (NxT) as closely as (a) Average of the three measurements
possible. from the 12 o’clock position in mR

(b) If NxT used for dosimetry does not (b) Head CTDI at 12 o’clock position in
exactly match the clinical value, be mGy
sure to modify the table increment used
in the calculation to yield the same (c) CTDIw in mGy
pitch value as used clinically.
(d) CTDIvol in mGy
(4) Record the following in the Excel Dose
Spreadsheet for the appropriate (e) DLP in mGy-cm
(f) Effective Dose in mSv
(a) kVp
(10) Repeat steps 1 through 9 for adult head
(b) mA and body, and pediatric head and body
clinical CT protocols.
(c) Exposure time (sec)
e. Interpretation of Results.
(d) Z-axis collimation (T, in mm)
(1) Compare the measured CTDIVOL values
(e) Number of data channels used with the ACR recommended reference
(f) Table Increment (mm) used to yield
the clinical pitch (2) If the measured CTDIVOL values exceed
ACR Pass threshold criteria, consult the
(g) Active chamber length of pencil lead interpreting radiologist and senior CT
chamber technologist to adjust scanning protocols
to acceptable dose levels.
(h) Chamber correction factor

(i) Exposure in mR

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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15. Scatter
a. Purpose. To establish and maintain control of
the scatter pattern created by the CT scanner.

b. Criteria. Refer to manufacturer’s isodose area

plot for interior room measurements. Exterior
room measurements should be less than 100
mrem per year for the general public.

c. Equipment. CTDI body phantom and

electrometer with large (180 sq cm) probe.

d. Procedure. Center the CTDI phantom in the

gantry opening and width of table. Place the
probe at the first position to be evaluated.
Scan under highest technique clinically used
(1 slice) for body mode with the largest slice
thickness. Record the electrometer reading.
Move the probe to the next location and repeat
the procedure.

e. Interpretation of Results.

(1) Exterior walls should not exceed the

general public dose limit of 100 mrem per

(2) If doses within the room are significantly

greater than the expected isodose values
provided by the manufacturer a service
engineer should be consulted.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Table 5-1.—Computerized Tomography Unit Survey Requirements.

Tests Frequency Measurements Tolerance

1. Table Loading A Loaded, maximum and Manufacturer’s

minimum height, in & out specifications
2. Table Positioning A Slice, return to same  1 mm
position, same slice
Smallest slice available
3. Table, Gantry A Centers: Table and  5 mm
Alignment gantry
4. kVp Accuracy A/P All kVp CT kVp stations  5% of nominal
kVp setting
5. Tube Current A/P 5 mA stations, covering (X1 – X2) <
Linearity range of mA stations 0.1(X1+X2)
used clinically Where X1 and X2
are the average
mR/mAs values at
each consecutive
tube current
6. Beam Quality A/P Default kV Manufacturer’s
7. Position Accuracy A/P ACR Phantom Module 1 Visualize 4 BBs
8. CT Number Accuracy A/P ACR Phantom Module 1 Water: btwn -7 & +7
Air: -1005 & -970 HU
See ACR standards
9. Low Contrast A/P ACR Phantom Module 2 CNR > 1.0 for adult
ROI HU difference in & head & abdomen;
out of cylinder CNR > for pediatric
10. Uniformity A/P ACR Phantom Module 3 Difference between
ROI measurements at edge ROI and center
edge & center of image ROI < 5 H
ACR Phantom Module 3 Rings or streaking
Artifact artifacts
ACR Phantom Module 3 Measured distance <
Scaling Accuracy Measure distance 10% of nominal
between 2 BBs distance (100 mm

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 5-1.—Computerized Tomography Unit Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

11. High Contrast A/P ACR Phantom Module 4 5 lp/cm for adult
Evaluating limiting abdomen protocol;
resolution (lp/cm) pattern 6 lp/cm for high
resolution adult
chest protocol
12. Slice Thickness A/P ACR Phantom Module 1 Measured slice
Accuracy Evaluate 3 different slice thickness should be
thickness and measure within + 1.5 mm of
the steps in the top and nominal setting.
bottom ramps.
13. Radiation Dosimetry A/P CTDI volume of adult Adult Head < 80
head & abdomen mGy
protocol, and pediatric Adult Abd < 30 mGy
head & abdomen Ped Head < TBD
protocol Ped Abd < 25
14. Scatter A Largest slice thickness  100 mR/yr to the
Body FOV, standard public in occupied
body algorithm spaces
CTDI Body Phantom
simulating patient,
measure @ occupied
Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, HU: Hounsfield units, NL: Normal, FOV: Field Of
Vision, ROI: Region Of Interest, DPSC: Defense Personnel Support Center, MTF: Modulation
Transfer Function, RAD: Radiation Absorbed Dose (1 rad = 100 erg/g), MSAD: Multiple Scan
Average Dose, CTDI: Computed Tomography Dose Index, mR: millirad = 1/1000 rad, kV: kilovolt,
SMPTE: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers


Computerized Tomography Unit Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013
Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)

Table Loading

Table positioning

Table, Gantry

kVp Accuracy

Tube Current

Beam Quality (HVL)

Position Accuracy
(Laser Alignment)
CT number

Low Contrast



Scaling Accuracy

High Contrast

Slice Thickness


Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/24 (06/2013) 5-15


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 6

Mammographic Units

A. Introduction E. References

The MQSA; Correction; Final Rule, 21 CFR 16 1. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter 1,
and 900, November 10, 1997, requires any facility Parts 1020.30, 1020.31, 1020.32; 3 May 1993
that produces, processes or interprets mammograms edition.
to be certified by the FDA. To be certified, facilities 2. Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) of
must meet the federal regulations and must be 1992.
accredited by a FDA approved private or state 3. Quality Assurance in Mammography. American
accrediting body. College of Radiology (ACR), 1994.

B. Minimum Required Personnel



C. Testing Periodicity


D. Equipment

As specified by the MQSA


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 7

Performance Tests for Ultrasound Scanners

A. Minimum Required Personnel E. References

1. Hendrick, W.R., and Hykes, D.L. 1997
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment Ultrasound Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography:
(US) 13, pp 68-75.
2. Carson, P.L. and Zagzebski, J.A. 1981.
Pulse Echo Ultrasound Imaging Systems
B. Introduction Performance Tests and Criteria; AAPM
Report No 8, American Institute of Physics.
There currently exist only recommendations for 3. Poznanski, A.K. 1988. Quality Assurance
Quality Control (QC) programs for ultrasound. for Diagnostic Imaging; NCRP Report No.
However, such programs are important for ensuring 99, National Council on Radiation
the accuracy of patient examinations as well as for Protection.
controlling repair and maintenance costs of the units 4. Goodsitt M.M and Carson P.L 1998. Real-
themselves. time B-mode ultarasound quality control test
procedures Report of AAPM Ultrasound
The tests listed in Table 7-1 should be performed Task Gropu No. 1
using the most clinically used transducers with Time
Gain Compensation (TGC) and depth settings as F. Performance Tests for Ultrasound (US)
described in ref.4. For acceptance testing,
all transducers need to be tested. Scanners

This chapter only applies to real-time B-mode 1. Vertical Distance Accuracy

operation ultrasound systems. Doppler and any other
flow imaging modes quality control test procedures a Purpose. To determine the accuracy of
are not cover under this chapter. distances measured along the beam axis.

C. Testing Periodicity b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s

See Table 7-1 for the periodicity of each test. c Equipment. Tissue-Mimicking (TM) phantom

D. Equipment d Procedure.

1. Tissue equivalent phantom with average velocity (1) Rest ultrasound transducer on scanning
of sound of 1540 m/s  10 m/s and an surface of the phantom.
attenuation coefficient of 0.5 to 0.7 dB/MHzcm
2. Ultrasound Scanner System Survey (2) Adjust the focal zone and depth controls
until the vertical pin targets are clearly
visualized and freeze the image.

(3) Measure the distance between two of the

vertical pin targets and compare this
measurement with the actual vertical pin
distance specified by the phantom.
Always measure the distance on the
between the same two targets that were
used during the baseline tests. Record the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

measured distance and compared with (3) Scan phantom and freeze image. Measure
known distance. and record the maximum depth of
visualization of background echoes from
2. Horizontal Distance Accuracy the phantom. This is the distance from the
top of the scan window to the deepest
a Purpose. To determine the accuracy of cylindrical or spherical object that is
distances measured perpendicular to the beam barely visible. Record the depth of
axis. penetration.

b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s e Interpretation of Results. The maximum

specifications. depth of penetration is the point at which
usable tissue echoes disappear from the
c Equipment. TM phantom image, i.e. how far one can “see” into the
patient. The maximum depth of penetration
d Procedure. should remain the constant over time;
variations indicated performance degradation.
(1) Repeat step 1.d. (1) thru d. (2). If changes in depth exceed tolerance levels
specified in Table 7-1 consult a qualified
(2) Measure the distance between two of the service engineer.
horizontal pin targets and compare this
measurement with the actual horizontal 4. Dead Zone (Ring Down)
pin distance specified by the phantom.
Always measure the distance between the a Purpose. To determine the zone were useful
same two targets that were used during the data is missing (dead zone).
baseline tests. Record the measured
distance and compared with known b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s
distance. specifications.

e Interpretation of Results. If vertical and or c Equipment. TM phantom

horizontal distance accuracy exceeds tolerance
levels specified in Table 7-1 consult a d Procedure.
qualified service engineer.
(1) Adjust focal zone and depth controls to
3. Transducer Sensitivity / Depth of contain a set of filaments targets located
Penetration very close to the scanning window (dead
zone target group) and freeze the image.
a Purpose. To determine the sensitivity of an
ultrasound instrument’s weakest echo signal (2) Determine the closest pin which can be
level that can be detected and clearly imaged and record its depth.
e Interpretation of Results: The dead zone is the
b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s result of reverberations in the transducer,
specifications. adjacent tissue, and the scanner’s attempts to
compensate for these problems. Damage to
c Equipment. TM phantom the transducer or poor acoustic coupling may
accentuate this defect. If dead zone exceeds
d Procedure. specifications listed in Table 7-1 consult a
qualified service engineer or if there is any
(1) Rest ultrasound transducer on scanning consistent measurable change from baseline.
surface of the phantom.
5. General Maintenance
(2) Adjust focal zone to maximum depth, gain
and output power to maximum. a Purpose. To evaluate the integrity of the
scanner’s mechanical components.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

b Regulations. Visual determination of opposite the phantom cysts) and freeze the
satisfactory or unsatisfactory per Table 7-1. image. Record the settings for future use.

c Equipment. None (2) Print a hard copy, visualize results, and

grade the image.
d Procedure.
e Interpretation of Results. The hard copy of
(1) Check unit and transducer cables, housing, the image should be inspected for the absence
and transmitter surfaces for cracks, of non-uniformities. A service engineer
separations, and discolorations. should be contacted if noticeable and/or
serious non-uniformities are present.
(2) Transducer(s) plug-ins should be marked
if they can be plugged into one of several 7. Lateral Resolution
outlets and check for bent or loose prongs.
a Purpose. To determine the instrument’s
(3) Verify that transducer(s) within the scan ability to distinguish small, adjacent structures
head move(s) smoothly without excessive perpendicular to the beam’s major axis.
noise or vibration, and the absence of air
bubbles in the scan heads. b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s
(4) Check for dirty or broken switches, knobs,
and burnt out lights. c Equipment. TM phantom

(5) The video monitor should be clean and d Procedure.

free of scratches.
(1) Adjust the control settings to obtain a clear
(6) Check that all wheels rotate freely and that image that shows as many of the vertical
the unit is easy to maneuver, and that pin targets as possible and freeze the
wheels are seated securely and lock image.
(2) Measure and record the width of the three
(7) Inspect that the dust filters are clean and vertical pin targets in the near, middle, and
free of lint and clumps of dirt, as far field zones, always measuring the pin
overheating may result and shorten the life width from edge-to-edge.
of electronic components.
NOTE: Lateral resolution is highly
e Interpretation of Results. Take damaged dependent upon machine the
systems or components out of service and settings used to generate an
repair them before using the system to image image; therefore be sure to
patients. record the baseline settings and
use the same settings for all
6. Image Uniformity follow up procedures.

a Purpose. To ensure the absence of image e. Interpretation of Results. Lateral resolution is

artifacts and non-uniformities. approximately equal to beam width and varies
with depth, transducer focusing
b Regulations. Visual determination of characteristics, and the system’s gain and
satisfactory or unsatisfactory per Table 7-1. sensitivity settings. Objects smaller than the
ultrasound beam are displayed with a width
c Equipment. TM phantom equal to the width of the ultrasound beam at
that depth. The lateral resolution of
d Procedure. transducers with a fixed focus will vary
noticeably with depth. Lateral resolution is
(1) Adjust the focal zone and depth controls to typically affected by the loss of transducer
scan the region of the phantom with the elements or by problems in the system’s
fewest targets (most commonly the area beam-forming circuits. Although minor

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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variations are normal, the pin width should b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s
remain relatively constant over time. A specifications.
service engineer should be contacted if beam
width changes by more than 1 mm from c Equipment. TM phantom
baseline values.
d Procedure.
8. Axial Resolution
(1) Adjust the focal zone and depth controls
a Purpose. To determine the instrument’s until the target cyst is clearly visualized,
ability to detect and clearly display closely the edges of the cyst are sharply defined,
spaced objects that lie on the beam’s axis. and the cyst interior is echo free. Freeze
the image.
b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s
specifications. NOTE: Bright spots at the top and
bottom of cysts are specular
c Equipment. TM phantom reflections and are considered
normal for some systems.
d Procedure.
(2) Measure and record the height and width
(1) For each axial resolution target group of each cyst.
(near, middle, and far), adjust the focal
zone and depth controls to scan the target (3) Rate the cyst for no distortion, minor
group and freeze the image. distortion, and/or major distortion.

(2) Determine the axial resolution by finding (4) If using a phantom that has cysts of
the two pin targets with the smallest different sizes, determine the smallest cyst
vertical spacing that are visible as distinct at near, middle, and far field zones.
objects and have no vertical overlap and
record the resolution level. (5) Repeat steps 1-3 for each phantom cyst.
Record settings for future use.
(3) Record machine baseline settings and use
the same settings for all follow up e Interpretation of Results. Cyst imaging
procedures. combines aspects of contrast resolution and
image uniformity into a single test. Cyst
NOTE: Pin targets larger than 0.15mm image quality can be affected by electrical
in diameter may produce a noise, side lobes in the transducer beam and
doubling artifact for transducer problems in the image processing hardware.
frequencies greater or equal to Flattened cyst indicates geometric distortion.
5 MHz. Echoes inside the cyst may be the result of
system noise or side lobe contamination. A
e. Interpretation of Results. Axial resolution service engineer should be contacted if you
depends on the transducer’s spatial pulse observe any major distortions e.g. height
length or pulse duration, which depend on the differs from width by 20% or more; are
center frequency and damping factor. Axial detected or any measureable change from
resolution should remain stable over time. A baseline.
service engineer should be contacted if any
consistent measurable change from baseline 10. Display Monitor and Hardcopy Fidelity
a Purpose. To independently evaluate the
9. Cyst Imaging (Anechoic Imaging) monitor and printer capabilities.

a Purpose. To evaluate the system’s ability to b Regulations. Refer to manufacturer’s

display a round, negative contrast object. specifications.

c Equipment. TM phantom

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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d Procedure.

(1) Display grayscale test pattern (or

step-wedge) and count number of
grayscale steps.

(2) Make a hard copy and count number of

grayscale steps. Record machine settings
for future use and save printed image.

NOTE: The number of grayscale steps

displayed on the monitor and
hardcopy should be the same.
The baseline hardcopy can be
used as a reference to verify the
monitor in all postbaseline tests.

e Interpretation of Results. If the number of

grayscale steps for monitor and /or hardcopy
exceeds tolerance levels specified in Table 7-1
consult a qualified service engineer.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Table 7-1.—Ultrasound Imaging System Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

Display and count number of

Display #gray bars displayed <
grayscale steps visible on monitor
1 Monitor A/S control value -2, fuzzy or
Contrast and brightness controls are
Fidelity blooming annotation
at baseline positions
Print grayscale pattern and count
#gray bars displayed <
Hardcopy number of grayscale steps
2 A/S control value -2, fuzzy or
Fidelity Contrast and brightness controls are
blooming annotation
at baseline positions
Nonuniformity> 4dB or ,
Image Examine image for nonuniformities any consistent
3 A/S
Uniformity and artifacts measurable change from
baseline values.

Depth Scan phantom and freeze the image.

Visualization/ Measure and record the deepest Change > 0.6 cm from
4 A/S
cylindrical or spherical object barely baseline
Penetration visible.
Scan phantom and freeze image.
Measure distance between most
5 Distance A/S Error >1.5 mm or 1.5%
widely separated filament target in
vertical column.
Scan phantom and freeze image.
Measure distance between most Error >2 mm or 2%,
6 Distance A/S
widely separated filament target in whichever is greater
horizontal column.
Scan phantom and freeze image.
Record smallest anechoic object
Anechoic visualized at different depths. Record Major distortion or any
7 Object A/Y height and width and ratio for consistent measurable
Imaging anechoic object larger than smallest change from baseline.
perceived. Record cyst image
1 mm or 2mm if
Scan phantom and freeze image.
frequency <4 MHz, or
Axial Zoom at each axial target group.
8 A/Y any consistent
Resolution Record smallest separation between
measurable change from
targets perceived at various depth.
Scan phantom and freeze image.
Lateral Measure width of the pin targets in Change>1 mm from
9 A/Y
Resolution the near, mid and far fields of the baseline value

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Table 7-1.—Ultrasound Imaging System Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

Scan the region in the phantom 7 mm for f<3 MHz

containing the dead zone and freeze 5 mm for 3 MHz<
10 Dead Zone A/Y
image. Record the depth of the f<7MHz
shouldowest visible filament. 3 mm for f>7 MHz

Check cables and transducer for

Physical and Report findings to staff
cracks, damage, filter cleanliness,
11 Mechanical A/S and/or service personnel
housing dents and any other visible
Inspection as applicable.
Abbreviations: A= acceptance; S= semiannually; Y= yearly.


Ultrasound Scanner System Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)
Display Monitor

Hardcopy Fidelity

Image Uniformity

Vertical Distance
Horizontal Distance
Anechoic Object

Axial Resolution

Lateral Resolution

Dead Zone

Physical and
Additional Comments:
Transducer Model Number: Serial Number:

Phantom Model Number: Serial Number:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/25 (06/2013) 7-9


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Chapter 8

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Units

A. Recommended Performance Tests 2. Magnetic Field Homogeneity

These tests follow the recommendations of AAPM a. Purpose. To ensure the magnetic field is
Report 100, 2004 ACR MRI Quality Control Manual uniform across the entire imaging FOV.
and 2005 ACR Phantom Test Guidance for the ACR
MRI Accreditation Program. Each activity providing b. Regulations. None
and receiving MRI medical physics support should
purchase these documents for more detailed c. Equipment. Large (at least 30 cm diameter)
instruction regarding MRI information, quality uniform spherical phantom. Generic Digital
control, and quality assurance. These tests assume Imaging and Communications in Medicine
that a quality assurance program is in place and that (DICOM) capable reading software.
the technologist follows the ACR recommended
periodic tests. Needed documentation: Magnetic d. Procedure (Method 1 – Spectral Peak).
Resonance Imaging Unit Survey Form.
(1) Obtain a spectrum from the phantom. This
1. Central Frequency Evaluation can be done by going into manual tuning
or pre-scan mode. Ensure that the
a. Purpose. To ensure resonance frequency is frequency resolution is much less than the
within manufacturer specifications. expected peak width.

b. Regulations. None (2) Measure Full Width at Half Maximum

(FWHM) of the spectral peak. Convert the
c. Equipment. Large uniform spherical FWHM from Hz to ppm of the B0 field
phantom strength by using the following equation:

d. Procedure. FWHM (ppm) = FWHM (Hz ) / (42.576 (Hz/T) B0 (T))

(1) Place the uniform, spherical phantom at Some manufacturers do not allow analysis of pre-
the center of the magnet. The phantom scan or manual shimming. In these cases, you may
should have a large spherical volume if have to use manufacturer software to provide a line
possible. Prepare the phantom for a width. Contact your field engineer to find out details.
simple T1 weighed spin echo scan.
e. Procedure (Method 2 – Phase Diff Map).
(2) During pre-scan, the system should check
the central frequency and transmitter gain (1) Requires the availability to display phase
attenuation. Record this information. images, which may not be available on all
e. Interpretation of Results:. Have the facility
contact the system field engineer if center (2) Position the phantom in the center of the
frequency drift exceeds prescribed large volume (body) Radiofrequency (RF)
manufacturer tolerances or action limits coil. Scan the phantom using a simple
established by the facility’s quality control field echo (spoiled gradient echo)
program (typical expected range = nom freq sequence. Do not use a RF spin echo to
(Hz) + 100 Hz). avoid rephrasing field inhomogeneity
caused of phase differences.

(3) Acquire an image using a Echo Time (TE)

of approximately 10 – 20 ms (TE1).
Display the image as a phase map.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Acquire a second image using a slightly BW BW x x

HB ppm γ
longer TE (TE2). B FOV BW BW

(4) Subtract the second image from the first to Where: HB is the inhomogeneity in ppm; BW and
obtain a phase difference image. BW are the low and high bandwidths, respectively
in Hz; x and x are the measured sphere diameters
(5) Calculate the difference between the B0 in mm for the low and high BWs; is the
field at a given voxel and the reference gyromagnetic ratio (42,576 HZ·mT-1 = 267,513
value at the center of the field of view: radians·mT-1 for protons); B is the center frequency
in Hz and FOV is the field of view in mm.
δφ 1 1
∆B (5) Repeat the procedure for to obtain data
from the other two planes.
Where: ∆B is in mT; is the phase
difference in radians; is the gyromagnetic (6) Calculate the total field inhomogeneity as
ratio (42,576 HZ·mT-1 = 267,513 radians·mT-1 the mean of the inhomogeneities in the
for protons); and TE values are in sec. three planes.
(6) Repeat the procedure for to obtain data g. Interpretation of Results. Homogeneity is
from the other two planes. specified by the system manufacturer. The
values obtained should be compared to those
(7) Determine the greatest differences in any specified. Typical values are approximately 2
plane between the values of ∆B0 within ppm for a 30 to 40 cm diameter sphere.
circular regions of interest having specific
Diameter of Spherical Volumes (DSOVs).
3. American College of Radiology (ACR)
This difference divided by the B0 field
strength will provide the homogeneity in Phantom Image Acquisition
ppm for the specified DSOV.
a. Purpose. To acquire appropriate cross
f. Procedure (Method 3 – Bandwidth Diff). sectional images of the ACR MRI Phantom to
allow for effective image quality testing.
(1) Position the phantom in the center of the
large volume (body) RF coil. b. Regulations. None

(2) Scan the phantom twice using a Gradient c. Equipment. ACR MRI Phantom
Echo (GRE) sequence appropriate for the
scanner (e.g. flip angle = 25, TR = 52 ms, d. Procedure.
TE = 8.5 ms, thickness = 6 mm, scan time
1:06, 256 x 256 matrix, 400 mm FOV) and (1) Place the large ACR MRI phantom in the
alternately with small and large head coil and align to phantom crosshairs.
Bandwidths (BW). The low BW should Advance the table to the magnet isocenter.
be near minimum (e.g. < 20 Hz pixel-1);
the high BW should be near the system’s (2) Acquire a sagittal localizer (scout) image
available maximum (e.g. ~ 500 Hz pixel-1). using the following parameters: 1 slice,
sagittal spin echo, TR = 200 ms, TE = 20
(3) Measure and record the displayed phantom ms, slice thickness = 20 mm, FOV =
diameters for each band width (For axial 25 cm, matrix = 256 x 256, NEX = 1, scan
image, measure in the left to right time = 0:56 sec.
direction; in coronal and saggital images,
measure in the anterior to posterior (3) Display the resulting sagittal slice. Inspect
direction). the image to ensure the entire phantom is
(4) Calculate the difference between the B0
field at a given voxel and the reference (4) Acquire axial slices of the relevant
value at the center of the field of view: phantom sections using 11 slices, starting
at the vertex of the crossed 45 degree
wedges at the inferior end of the ACR

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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phantom and ending at the vertex of the length difference is twice the actual slice
crossed 45 degree wedges at the superior displacement error. The magnitude of the bar
end. The ACR T1 series: (11 slices, spin length difference should be less than or equal
echo, TR = 500 ms, TE = 20 ms, FOV = to 5 mm.
25 cm, slice thickness = 5 mm, slice gap =
5 mm, matrix= 256 x 256, NEX = 1). 5. Slice Thickness Accuracy
(5) As necessary, the ACR T2 series: (11 a. Purpose. To determine accuracy of specified
slices, double echo spin echo, TR = 2000 slice thickness.
ms, TE / TE2 = 20 / 80 ms, FOV = 25 cm,
slice thickness = 5 mm, slice gap = 5 mm, b. Regulations. None
matrix= 256 x 256, NEX = 1)
c. Equipment. Same as above
(6) As necessary, determine and record the
facility’s Axial Head T1 and T2 weighted d. Procedure.
(1) Display slice #1 with a magnification of
4. Slice Position Accuracy two to four while keeping the slice
thickness insert fully visible (The slice
a. Purpose. To determine whether locations of thickness inserts are the two opposed
acquired axial slices differ excessively from horizontal thick bright lines).
their prescribed locations for a properly
operating scanner. (2) Adjust the display level so that the signal
ramps are well visualized. Place a
b. Regulations. None rectangular ROI at the middle of each
signal ramp. Note the mean signal values
c. Equipment. ACR MRI Phantom for each of the two ROI’s and determine a
joint ramp man signal value. If the two
d. Procedure. ROI mean values differ more than 20%,
the ROI’s may include some of the area
(1) Display the T1-weighted series. surrounding the ramps. Adjust the ROI
Differences between the prescribed and sizes to only include the ramps and note
actual positions of slices #1 and #11 are the new mean values and joint mean value.
(3) Lower the display level to one half of the
(2) Display the slice magnified on the monitor average ramp signal. Leave the display
by a factor of 2 to 4. Keep the vertical window set to minimum.
bars of the crossed wedges with the
displayed portion of the image. (4) Use the display station length
measurement tool to measure the lengths
(3) Adjust the display window so that the ends of the top and bottom ramps. Record these
of the vertical bars are clear using a measurements.
narrow display window. The display level
should be set to a level one half that of the e. Interpretation of Results. The slice thickness
signal of the bright portions of the is calculated using the following formula:
Slice Thickness = 0.2 x (top x bottom) / (top x bottom)
(4) Use the viewer’s measurement tool to
measure the difference in length between where “top” and “bottom” refer to measured
the left and right bars. If the left bar is lengths of the top and bottom ramps
longer, then assign a negative value to the respectively. This measurement is best for
number; if the right bar is longer, assign a slice thicknesses between 3 mm and 7 mm.
positive value. For the ACR T1-weighted axial imaging
series, the measured slice thickness should be
e. Interpretation of Results. The crossed wedges 5.0 mm + 0.7 mm.
have a 45 degree slope. Therefore the bar

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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6. RF Coil Checks (Signal to Noise Ratio (a) Calculate PSG:

[SNR], Percent Image Uniformity
PSG = 100 x | (Ghost Signal – Background
[PIU], Percent Signal Ghosting [PSG]) Signal) / (2 x Mean Signal) |

a. Purpose. To ensure that the radio frequency (b) Perform these tests for at least one
coils are functioning properly. volume coil using the ACR T1 and T2
sequences during annual inspections
b. Regulations. None and all volume coils during acceptance.

c. Equipment. ACR MRI phantom or a phantom (3) Surface Coils

that simulates the geometry body part of
interest for the coil being tested. (a) Set up the coil of interest with its
appropriate phantom in its normal
d. Procedure. clinical orientation with the phantom
centered in the coil. Run a pulse
(1) Volume Coils sequence with a slice positioned near
the center of the RF coil and in the
(a) Display slice #7. imaging plane most often used in
clinical practice. Scan the phantom
(b) Select an ROI that covers using a T1weighted series (the T1-
approximately 80% of the phantom weighted series used by the ACR MRI
cross section (approx 200 cm2). Accreditation program is a good
Record the ROI mean signal and standard- single spin echo, TR = 500
standard deviation values. ms, TE = 20 ms).

(c) Select a second ROI that covers (b) Determine mean and standard
approximately 0.15% of the FOV (for deviation values as for the volume coil
a 256 x 256 matrix, the ROI should be above, using appropriate
about 100 pixels). Move this ROI to proportionalities, or as directed by the
the area of maximum intensity within manufacturer.
the “mean signal ROI”. This area can
be found by narrowing the window and (c) Calculate SNR:
adjusting the level value to find the
brightest area. Determine the ROI SNR = Mean Signal / Noise Standard Deviation
mean signal in this area. Record as
“high”. Repeat this measurement for (d) Observe signal intensity distribution
the location of lowest signal intensity. and note whether it generally appears
This value is “low”. the same as when previous
measurements were performed on the
(d) Select a third oval ROI (Approx 120 coil. During acceptance, save a hard or
cm2). Using the ROI, measure the softcopy image with window settings
mean signal values above, below, and for future reference.
to the left and right of the phantom.
Calculate “ghost signal” as (top (e) Perform this test for at least one
+bottom) and “background signal” as volume coil using coil T1 and T2
(left + right). Record all results. sequences during annual inspections
and all volume coils during acceptance.
(e) Calculate SNR:
e. Interpretation of Results. Volume and surface
SNR = Mean Signal / Noise Standard Deviation RF coil SNRs should match manufacturer’s
specifications and be consistent from one
(2) Calculate PIU annual inspection to the next. Volume coil
PIU should be equal to or greater than 87.5%
PIU = 100 x [1 - (High – Low) / (High + Low)] for 1.5 T systems and equal to or greater than

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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82%. Volume coil PSGs should be less than 8. Spatial Resolution

or equal to 2.5%.
a. Purpose. To determine the scanner’s ability to
7. Geometric Accuracy resolve small objects.

a. Purpose. To ensure that images are scaled in a b. Regulations. None

manner that is directly related to the true
dimensions of the body parts under c. Equipment. ACR MRI Phantom
d. Procedure.
b. Regulations. None
(1) Display slice #1 of the ACR T1 weighted
c. Equipment. ACR MRI Phantom axial image series.

d. Procedure. [There are three pairs of not-quite-square

hole arrays. They consist of Upper Left
(1) Display the sagittal localizer image of the (UL) and Lower Right (LR) hole arrays.
ACR phantom. Set the window width to a The UL array is used to assess resolution
very narrow value (0 - 2). Adjust the in the right-left direction. The LR array is
window level until about one half of the used to assess resolution in the top-bottom
phantom is white and the other half is (anterior-posterior if the phantom were a
black. patient head). The hole diameters differ
between the array pairs (left = 1.1 mm,
(2) Change the window width value to one center = 1.0 mm, right= 0.9 mm)]
half of the window level noted above.
Change the window level value to one-half (2) Magnify the image by a factor of 2 to 4,
of the window width value. keeping the resolution arrays visible in the
display. Reduce window width to a small
(3) Use the measuring tool to measure value. Adjust window level until the holes
vertically from one end of the phantom to in the arrays are distinguishable.
the other. Record the value as “z
direction”. The actual phantom length in (3) For each of the arrays, adjust the window
this direction is 148 mm. and level to best show the holes as distinct
from one another. If all four holes in any
(4) Display slice #5 using the same window single row or column (row for UL arrays,
and level routine as for the sagittal column for LR Arrays) are distinguishable
localizer view. from one another, the image is considered
(5) Determine the diameter of the signal
producing circular phantom volume (4) Determine the smallest hole size (1.1 mm,
measured vertically and horizontally. 1.0 mm, 0.9 mm) that can be resolved in
Record these values as “y direction” and the UL (rows resolved) and LR (column
“x direction,” respectively. The actual resolved) arrays.
phantom diameter in both directions is
190 mm. (5) Repeat with sagittal and coronal slices if
(6) Repeat with sagittal and coronal slices if
desired. (6) Repeat for T2 weighted series, if desired.

e. Interpretation of Results. The length e. Interpretation of Results. Resolution in both

measurements obtained from a 25 cm FOV directions should be 1.0 mm or better.
should vary less than + 2 mm from their true

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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9. Low Contrast Detectability (LCD) each slice of the T1 weighted ACR axial
a. Purpose. To assess the extent to which low
contrast objects are discernible in the images. (2) Check to make sure that the phantom
appears circular, there are no ghost images
b. Regulations. None in the background or overlying the
phantom, there are no streaks or artifact
c. Equipment. ACR MRI Phantom bright or dark spots visible and there are
no unusual or new features in the image.
d. Procedure. (3) Repeat for T2 weighted series, if desired.

(1) Using images 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the T1 e. Interpretation of Results. There should be no

weighted axial series, display each one at a artifacts visible in any of the images.
time and adjust the display window and
width and level settings for best visibility 11. Soft Copy Display Evaluation
of the low contrast spokes.
a. Purpose. To determine if the system monitors
[Each slice has 10 low contrast disk are operating within manufacturer’s
spokes. Each spoke is made of 3 disks. specifications. Soft copy display device
All of the spokes of a given slice have the quality control is defined in accordance with
same contrast level (Contrast is 1.4%, DICOM Part 14
2.5%, 3.6%, and 5.1% for slices #8 to
#11, respectively)] b. Regulation. None

(2) Count the number of complete spokes in c. Equipment. Precision luminance meter
each slice. The number of complete
spokes counted is the score for this slice. d. Procedure.
The ACR recommends choosing a single
slice in which all of the spokes are not Without full implementation of the DICOM
normally observable as the slice to score. Part 14 standard, the following limited set of
However, for an annual check it is easy to tests is recommended:
score all the slices and add them together.
(1) Luminance Maximum and Minimum.
(3) Repeat for T2 weighted series, if desired. Display a uniform image. Adjust
window/level to the brightest available
e. Interpretation of Results. Low contrast level. Record this value as “maximum”.
detectability should be equal to or greater than Adjust window/level to display all black
or equal to 9 spokes (total) for 1.5 T systems (lowest available). Record this value as
and equal to or greater than 37 spokes (total) “minimum”.
for 3 T units.
(2) Luminance Uniformity. Display a uniform
10. Image Artifact Assessment image. Measure the luminance at the
center and each of the four corners of the
a. Purpose. To ensure that overall MRI system image display. Record these values.
performance is remaining stable. Calculate the average value of the four
corners. Record this value. Calculate the
b. Regulations. None percentage difference of the luminance
values measured in the image display area
c. Equipment. ACR MRI phantom as follows:

d. Procedure. % diff = 100% x | (center – corners ave.) / center] |

(1) Adjust the display window and level to (3) Resolution. Display a SMPTE test pattern
show the full range of pixel values for with a magnification factor that is
appropriate for the monitor being tested.
Evaluate the high resolution patterns in the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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image center and in each of the corners. 90% gray level patches. Record these
(SMPTE patterns vary depending on values
design, so be careful to use one with e. Interpretation of Results. Action levels should
appropriate resolution and patterns). be established by the quality control program.
If the action levels are exceeded, double check
(4) Spatial Accuracy. A SMPTE test pattern phantom positioning before seeking other
that displays a rectangular grid is typically action.
displayed with a magnification factor that
allows it to fill the entire screen. Display a 13. B0 Field Room Survey
similar grid pattern over the screen.
Compare the displayed SMPTE pattern to a. Purpose. To map out the magnetic field inside
the overlaid grid. the magnet room and in adjacent areas to
ensure patient and staff safety.
e. Interpretation of Results. Luminance
uniformity percentage difference should be b. Regulation. None
less than or equal to 5%. Verify that the 5%
patch can be distinguished in the 0 / 5% patch, c. Equipment. Gauss meter
the 95% patch can be distinguished in the
95 / 100% patch and that all gray level steps d. Procedure.
around the ring of gray levels are distinct from
adjacent steps. Maximum luminance, (1) Using a calibrated Gauss meter perform a
minimum luminance and luminance survey inside the magnet room. Record
uniformity should not vary by more than 15% these measurements using a room diagram.
from levels measured at acceptance.
(2) Take additional readings in areas directly
12. Hard Copy Image Quality Control adjacent to the magnet room and record
these values as well.
a. Purpose. To assess the stability of the Hard
copy imager e. Interpretation of Results. The 5 Gauss line should
be marked by signs to warn people (e.g. patients,
b. Regulations. None staff and visitors) with pacemakers and other
restrictive devices to avoid being in the area. In most
c. Equipment. Densitometer modern MRI suites, the 5 Gauss line lies within the
scanner room.
d. Procedure.
14. Physical and Mechanical Inspection
Necessary if the facility uses film for primary
interpretation. a. Purpose. To assess the physical and
mechanical integrity of the MRI unit and
(1) Display the SMPTE pattern and visually associated equipment.
confirm that the gray levels on the display
are subjectively correct. Verify that the b. Regulations. None
0% patch can be distinguished in the
0 / 5% patch, the 95% patch can be c. Equipment. None
distinguished in the 95 / 100% patch and
that all gray level steps around the ring of d. Procedure.
gray levels are distinct from adjacent
steps. (1) Visually inspect the MRI magnet for
obvious defects, damage or other safety
(2) Print the SMPTE pattern using a 6-on-1 hazards. Visually inspect the cryogen
format and capture the same image on all venting system to ensure there are no
six frames. obvious impediments to its proper
(3) Using a film densitometer, measure the
optical density of the 0%, 10%, 40%, and

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(2) Visually inspect the magnet equipment d. Procedure. Test fixed and portable (e.g. fixed
room for general and missile effect safety frame, stand alone and wand) detector systems
hazards. Inspect ancillary equipment and for proper operation. Record any deficient
supplies in the magnet room and adjacent devices.
spaces for MR compatibility (items should
be appropriately labeled as MRI safe or e. Interpretation of Results. The detector should
MRI conditional at the relevant magnetic operate according to the manufacturer’s
field strength). specifications.

(3) Visually inspect the magnet equipment 17. ACR MRI Safety Recommendations
room for electrical, trip and falling object Compliance
a. Purpose. To evaluate facility compliance with
e. Interpretation of Results. MRI equipment ACR MRI safety zone and procedure
should be physically and mechanically stable, recommendations.
showing no obvious mechanical or electrical
conditions that suggest patient or operator b. Regulation. None
safety concerns. All ancillary equipment (e.g.
surface coils, phantoms, power injectors, c. Equipment. Gauss meter
anesthesia machines, etc should be in good
working order and compatible for the unit d. Procedure.
strength being used. Report violations to staff
for corrective action (some items may require (1) Walk about the MRI spaces to determine
immediate removal from the magnet room to whether the layout meets the ACR’s most
prevent missile hazards). recent safety zone scheme. Does the
arrangement make sense and are its
15. Patient Monitoring Evaluation instructions and intent obvious to an
untrained member of the general public?
a. Purpose. To ensure that the facility maintains Are the various zones posted correctly?
appropriate patient / unit operator
communication capability. (2) Review the facility’s MRI policy and
procedures manual to determine if it is
b. Regulation. None operating in conformance with the ACR’s
safety guidelines with respect to: safety
c. Equipment. None zones, patient screening, public access,
contrast administration, patient consent,
d. Procedure. Test patient communication fire and code blue safety.
devices (e.g. intercom and hand held operator
notification devices) for proper operation. (3) Review MRI staff and non-staff MRI
Record any deficient devices. safety training records.

e. Interpretation of Results. All patient e. Interpretation of Results. The facility’s design

communication devices should function should conform to the ACR’s four zone
properly. configuration to maximize patient safety. All
personnel expected to enter the MRI spaces
16. Ferromagnetic detector system should have current magnet specific safety
operation training on file. The MRI Policy and
procedures manual should be current and
a. Purpose. To ensure that the facility maintains contain necessary elements. Advise the
appropriate patient / unit operator facility on what steps it can take to meet the
communication capability. ACR’s current safety criteria if elements are
missing or inadequate.
b. Regulation. None

c. Equipment. None

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

18. Quality Control (QC) Program Review

a. Purpose. To ensure that adequate (4) Geometric accuracy
daily/weekly quality control
(5) Spatial resolution
b. Regulation. None
(6) Low contrast detectability
c. Equipment. None
(7) Artifact analysis
d. Procedure. Review the facility’s existing
quality control program to ensure that the (8) Visual Checklist
following elements are included:
(9) Film QC (if used for primary
(1) Setup/positioning accuracy interpretation)

(2) Center frequency e. Interpretation of Results. A proper

functioning program should contain these
(3) Transmit gain/attenuation elements; ideally performed as prescribed by
the ACR. ACR accredited facilities must
follow ACR guidelines. Review QC results
and advise MRI staff on how to establish
baselines define pass/fail criteria (acceptance),
evaluate results and respond to test failures.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging Unit Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)
Central Frequency
Magnetic Field
ACR Phantom Image
Slice Thickness

RF Coil Checks

Geometric Accuracy

Spatial Resolution

Low Contrast

Image Artifact

Soft Copy Display

Hard Copy Display
B0 Field Room
Physical and
Mechanical Inspection
Patient Monitoring
Detector System
ACR MRI Safety
Quality Control
Program Review
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/26 (06/2013) 8-11


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 9

Nuclear Medicine Imaging

A. Introduction

The modern gamma camera is a highly sophisticated implementation of computer chips, and a better
imaging system but its underlying principle of understanding of the underlying problems and the
operation is still the same as the original Anger procedures in the reports still test the end result of
camera. The evolution of the gamma camera has lead these improvements.
to improved performance by optimizing the various
sub systems as new technology was implemented. B. Minimum Required Personnel
Today the most of the imaging degrading problems Qualifications
associated with the original camera have been either
Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Equipment (NMI)
engineered out or sophisticated methods have been
devised to correct data prior to generating the image. C. Testing performances
As the gamma camera evolved so did the methods of The testing required of a system will be dependent on
collecting and displaying images. Today the gamma how the system will be used -planar imaging, Single
camera can provide cross sectional images of patient Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)
anatomy as well as general planar images. The cross imaging or both -and whether it is a single head
sectional imaging places far greater demands on the system or a multi-head system. Multi-headed system
camera performance then does planar imaging and used for both planar and SPECT imaging will require
subsequently increase demands on quality control of substantially more testing and more time than a
the systems. single headed planar system. Needed documentation:
Nuclear Medicine Camera Survey Form.
To ensure the best possible imaging, all gamma
camera systems should be tested when first purchased D. References
to establish that the system meets its claimed
performance and to collect data to be used to verify 1. AAPM Report No. 6, “Scintillation Camera
continued system performance over the life of the Acceptance Testing and Performance
system. The tests provided in this document are based Evaluation,” 1980
on several reports prepared by the AAPM. Although 2. AAPM Report No.9, “Computer-Aided
the documents are somewhat dated, the fact that the Scintillation Camera Acceptance Testing,” 1982
gamma camera's underlying principle of operation 3. AAPM Report No. 22, “Rotating Scintillation
and its general design have not changed much over Camera SPECT Acceptance Testing and Quality
time, makes these reports still relevant. The Control,” 1987
performance gains have been achieved by improved 4. AAPM ReportNo.52, “Quantitation of SPECT
engineering of components, Performance,” 1995
5. National Electrical Manufacturers Association
Standard NU 1,”Performance Measurement of
Scintillation Cameras,” 1994

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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E. Planar Gamma Camera

The planar gamma camera only generates planar clinic. These should be approximately
emission images. These systems do not have the 200 uCi.
capability to collect data while rotating around the
patient and therefore cannot produce cross sectional f. Check all collimators for any sign of physical
images. Only the following tests are required to be damage.
performed to evaluate the performance of these
systems. If more than one imaging head all must be g. Check the scan table for stability and ensure
tested. there are no sharp edges that could injure the
patient or technologist. If the table is designed
1. Installation Check to be locked into place then check that the
locking is secure and snug. Check the
Prior to performing any of these tests evaluate the alignment of the table in the vertical and
installation of the system by observing the following: horizontal direction.

a. Check the integrity of the system looking for 2. Temporal Resolution

any loose fitting or inappropriately aligned
components. The performance of the gamma camera is highly
dependent on the timing characteristics (system dead
b. Look at all the cables and ensure they are time) of the system. The maximum count rate will
properly supported and will not interfere with define the activity that can be administered to a
any of the systems motion or patient patient. Excessive count rate (excessive activity) will
movement. Ensure the cables and cable degrade the image quality and at the same time
connections are all secure. increase the unnecessary dose to the patient. The
timing characteristics for the intrinsic (bare crystal-no
c. Move the camera in all its directions to ensure collimator) and the extrinsic (collimated crystal)
that it moves smoothly. The system should should be measured.
start and stops smoothly and without any
significant time delay. This is particularly a. Intrinsic Temporal Resolution.
important on stopping since a patient could be
injured if the camera is being lowered on to (1) Remove any collimator from the camera
the patient. head.

d. Verify the alignment of the system as (2) Select a 20% energy window width (or use
appropriate. If the system has indicator noting the manufacturers recommended window
when it is horizontal or perpendicular check width for measuring 99mTc.
these with a level. If the system indicates
angles of the head check this using a level and (3) Ensure that the background radiation level
protractor. is less than 500 counts per second.

e. The gamma camera head should be (4) Make two 99mTc sources (#1 and #2)
appropriately shielded to prevent interference each with between 2 and 7 mCi activity.
from extraneous radiation. This should be Place the sources in container with at least
checked the 111g;hest Plnp>'(nl radioisotope 6 mm lead shielding on sides and bottom.
used in the area of the gamma camera. The Place at least 6 mm of Cu on top of the
source (5 to 10 millicuries for 99mTc) should container to absorb scatter from the
be slowly moved around the back and sides of container.
the head at about one to two feet and the count
rate noted. Excessive background will reduce
the contrast of the images acquired with the
camera. If the manufacturer quotes a shielding
performance ensure the system meets the
standard. Repeat using a high energy source
(67Ga or 131 1) is such sources are used in the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(5) Place the source at a distance that gives a scatter and the NEMA method does not.
count rate of approximately 30,000 cps or Therefore the NEMA method gives a
if the dead time is quoted by the larger τ (~1.3x).
manufacturer use the following equation to
calculate the count rate: b. Maximum Intrinsic Count Rate. This
measurement is dependent on the dead time of
0.1 the system and is the maximum count rate the
1.2 system will record. At this level the count rate
will not increase with increasing activity and
Ensure that the entire crystal is being may in fact decline.
irradiated by the source.
(1) With the collimater removed and using the
(6) Using a preset time of 100 sec and a fixed energy window as the dead time test; place
time between each measurement measure approximately 4 mCi of 99mTc in
the sources in the following order. container shielded on the bottom and sides
by 6mm of lead and with 6mm Cu on top
(a) Measure source #1 and record counts. at a distance of 1.5 meters. Move the
source and or camera head until a
(b) Place source #2 next to source #1 and maximum count rate is observed. See
record counts. Figure 9-1.

(c) Remove source #1 and measure source

#2 alone and record counts. Detector Head –– no
collimater facing down

(d) As a control the sources can be re-

counted in the reverse order.
6 mm heart
Setup for measuring the
NOTE: If the count is displayed at intrinsic dead time. This same
1 1/2 largest
the camera head and on the crystal diameters setup is used to determine the
computer console record maximum count rate, but only
one lead vial shield and 3 mm hole
source is needed.

(7) Calculate the dead time using the 6 mm Cu

following equation:

2 Floor 6 mm lead Vial shield

Figure 9-1.

In the counts recorded at the camera head (2) Record the maximum count rate and
and the computer console are different; compare to any published manufacturers
calculate the dead time for each. A larger specification.
τ at the computer console indicates
additional count losses at the computer c. Extrinsic Temporal Resolution. The above
measured is for the non clinical situation
interface. This is rare but if it does occur where no collimator is installed on the camera
the difference should small. head. This test measures the dead time in a
more clinical situation and requires the use of
(8) Calculate the count rate at which the count a scatter phantom. If such a phantom is not
loss is 20% due to the dead time (τ). available then skip this test.
1 10 0.23311 (1) Select the most common collimator used
8 clinically (usually a general purpose or
high sensitivity collimator).
Compare this value with the
manufacturers specification. Note that this
method of measure dead time eliminates

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(2) Adjust the energy window to 20% or to the

value indicated by the manufacturer in Source Holder
their collimator performance

(3) Prepare two sources (#1 and #2) that give

a count rate of approximately 20,000 cps
or if the extrinsic dead time is known a
count rate determined by 20 5 cm
Camera cm
Head 12 cm

where the source is in the scatter phantom.

The expected range of activity is 1 to 7
15 cm
mCi and the source volume should be
around 5 ! .

(4) Orient the gamma camera head so it point

horizontally and place the scatter phantom Figure 9-2.
against the collimator face with the
sources closest to the collimator and 3. Uniformity Testing
Uniformity is one of the most important performance
(5) Using a count time of 100 sec record the parameters of the modern gamma camera and can be
counts from the sources as follows: influenced by many factors such as energy window,
count rate, correction circuitry, etc.
(a) count source #1 alone
(b) count source #1 and source #2 a. Intrinsic Uniformity (no collimator).
(c) count source # 2 alone
(1) Install the 3 mm lead mask if available on
(6) Calculate the intrinsic dead time. the gamma camera head to limit the FOV
to the Useful Field Of View (UFOV) as
2 defined by the manufacturer. Disable the
uniformity correction circuitry if possible.

(7) Calculate the observed counting rate that (2) Obtain a 99mTc point source (l cc or less)
will generate a 25% count loss. with an activity that will give a count rate
(~30,000 cps) that generates more than a
1 4 0.216 10% count loss for the energy window
% used clinically (15% or 20%) at a distance
of five times the UFOV diameter. Use the
During imaging, the recommended intrinsic dead time value previously
upper limit for count loss due to dead calculated to verify that the count loss
does not exceed 10% (see chart below).
time is 25%. Use of activities in Record the activity and time it was
patients in excess of that which gives measured.
this count rate merely increases the
dose to the patient with no gain in (3) Place the source centered over the crystal
image quality of imaging time. See at a distance of 5 UFOV diameters. Be
Figure 9-2. extremely careful not to drop the source on
the detector as this could damage the
crystal (a thin sheet of styrofoam placed
on the crystal face is good protection).
Record the count rate indicated on the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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console and/or camera gantry. See (10) Calculate the “integral uniformity”
Figure 9-3. (maximum deviation of the counts in the
pixels as a percent) using

First Source 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 100

2 25647 52680 81259 111572 143841 178337
3 17098 35120 54173 74381 95894 118892 where Max and Min are the minimum and
4 12823 26340 40630 55786 71921 89169 maximum counts in pixel.
5 10259 21072 32504 44629 57536 71335
6 8549 17560 27086 37191 47947 59446 (11) Calculate the “differential uniformity”
7 7328 15052 23217 31878 41097 50954 (max rate of change over a specified
8 6412 13170 20315 27893 35960 44584 number of pixels) using
9 5699 11707 18058 24794 31965 39631

Test Object 100

Camera where Hi and Low are the highest and

Head lowest counts in a five pixel series.
Figure 9-3.
(12) Calculate the integral and differential
uniformity for the Central Field Of View
(4) Acquire an image with in a 64x64 (or
(CFOV) using the same formulae but with
smallest matrix size available) matrix and
the periphery of the previously defined
a bit depth of 16 bits.
ROI moved in 4 pixels per size.
(5) Collect a minimum of 10,000 counts in the
center pixel to generate a 1% standard NOTE: Many modern gamma camera
deviation. Record the time. systems have QC functions
that calculate these
(6) Using a window of 200 counts observe the uniformity parameters
image for any lines of pixels in the automatically and can be
horizontal or vertical direction. If seen
used for testing if desired.
they should be corrected before further
analysis of the image uniformity is done.
(13) Repeat the above measurement using a
count rate of 75,000 cps and evaluate the
(7) Compare the recorded count rate from (3)
effect of the high count rate on the
above to the calculated count rate based on
uniformity of the image.
the total counts recorded divided by the
time in (5). These should agree to within
(14) Repeat the uniformity measurements after
adjusting the energy window up and down
by an amount that reduces the observed
(8) Average the counts in the center 100
count rate by 10°/t). This should not make
pixels and draw a ROI to include all pixels
the flood images unacceptable.
with counts greater than Y:z of this
(15) Repeat the uniformity measurements using
a low energy radioisotope (70-80 keY) and
(9) If able smooth the image using a 9 point
a high energy radioisotope (300-400 keY)
filter function:
if these are used in the clinic.
(16) If the uniformity correction circuitry was
disable, re-enable it and repeat the intrinsic
uniformity correction measurements.
or if not available then use the standard
smoothing function provided by the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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b. Extrinsic Uniformity. 25 to 100 cm2 flat source

Parallel Hole Collimator ~ 8000 to 1000 cps
(1) For all commonly used collimators, repeat
the uniformity measurements using each
collimator and a flood source that does not
give a count rate in excess of 30,000 cps.
4. Systems Sensitivity and Relative Head
Collimator Efficiency
The sensitivity of a system defines how
efficiently it uses the radiation emitted from the
patient. Since nuclear medicine imaging is
geometrically inefficient due to general geometry
of the imaging process, it is desirable to Figure 9-4.
maximize the use of any photons that intersect
the face of the gamma camera imaging head. b. Relative Collimator Sensitivity.

a. System Sensitivity. (1) For each clinically used collimator,

determine the decay corrected count rate
(1) Install a general purpose parallel hole (cps) using the technique above.
collimator on the camera. Record the
identity of the collimator. (2) Record the background count rate for each
(2) Prefare a flat disc source of 99mTc with a
surface area of around 25 to 100 cm. Use (3) Calculate the relative sensitivity of the
an activity that will generate a count rate collimators using the general purpose
of 8,000 to 10,000 cps with a 20% energy collimator (or the one specified by the
window. Record the activity in the source manufacturer) as the reference. Relative
and the time it was assayed. sensitivity is the
(3) Place the source at the center of the
collimator and collect 100,000 counts.
Record the time and the indicated count
rate. Verify the calculated count rate and
the indicated count rate are the same. Compare these to the manufacturer’s
(4) Remove the source and record the
indicated background count rate. 5. Spatial Linearity
(5) Determine the system sensitivity in cps per Modern gamma cameras have elaborate
microcurie (SI units of cps per Becequrel). correction circuitry to correct the mis-positioning
See Figure 9-4. of point of photon interaction which led to non
linearity. Although elaborate methods are
available to determine linearity, a simple visual
check is considered adequate with today's

a. Remove the collimator from the gamma

camera and place a linearity bar phantom (or
an orthogonal hole phantom) on the crystal
face. Be very careful not to drop or bump the
exposed crystal as this can lead to damage to
the crystal. See Figure 9-5.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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holder that is no longer needed or can be

purchased from a nuclear medicine supply
source. See Figure 9-6.

Uniform Field of View

Orthogonal Hole Phantom Quadrant Bar Phantom

Figure 9-5. 75% 50% 25%

b. Prepare a point source of about 100 to 200 /- Radius of UFOV

lei and place it six or so away from the camera
head. lfthe count rate exceeds 30,000 cps
move the source further away to reduce the
count rate.

c. Start the camera and collect approximately 1

million counts.

d. Review the image with attention to the Figure 9-6.

linearity of the bars or of the holes. There
should be little if any wavy or curved c. Remove the collimator from the gamma
distortion of the lines in the center or the camera head and rotate the head so the face of
periphery of the image. If the computer the detector is facing up. Be very careful not
console has a line tool, draw a straight from drop or bump the unprotected detector as
one end of the bar to the other or from the severe damage can occur
centroids of the first and last hole of the
orthogonal hole phantom. The deviation of bar d. Place a 20% energy window (or whatever the
image or the centroids of the hole images from manufacturer recommends for 99mTc)
this straight line should be minimal. centered on the 99mTc peak energy-140 keY.

e. If the system has an automated linearity e. Place a vial containing 99mTc in the vial
calculation tool then this tool can be used to shield. Adjust the source activity to give no
evaluate the system but a visual check should more than 10,000 cps when place on the face
also be done. If the image shows significant of the uncollimated gamma camera head.
deviations on observation and the program
does not then further analysis should be done f. Adjust the system to collect a 128 x 128 by 16
to determine the reason for the discrepancy. bit image and place the vial at the center of the
detector. Collect an image for about 5 sec.
6. Point Source Sensitivity Note the time since all subsequent images will
have to be collected for the same period of
time for the results to be valid. Observe the
This test is performed to determine the
image to ensure there is no pixel overflow. If
uniformity of the sensitivity of the crystal at
so then reduce the time for image collection
various locations. Ideally, the crystal should
until no overflow is seen. Record the counts in
have the same sensitivity at all points.
the image.
a. Disable the uniformity correction circuitry of g. Using the time determined above repeat the
the system if allowed. measurement with the vial located at 25%,
50% and 75% of the radius in both the plus
b. A lead container at least 6 mm in thickness and minus direction of the X axis. Repeat the
with a 3 mm hole in the bottom will be measurement in the Y axis and then along the
required. This can be made from a lead vial 45° angle between the X and Y axes for a total

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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of 25 measurements. At each measurement Energy

record the time and counts collected. 120

h. Determine the average and standard deviation 100 100%

of the measurements and the maximum
deviation from the mean. The coefficient of
variation (avg/sd) should not exceed 2%.
60 Counts
i. Review the data and note any local deviations FWHM
(between two points) of more than 1%.

7. Spatial Resolution
To accurately measure intrinsic resolution
requires a slit mask made of 3 mm lead with a 1 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
mm wide slit extending for a distance equal to
the UFOV of the camera being tested. If such a Figure 9-7.
slit mask is not available, a more straight
forward but less accurate method is to use a line (5) Repeat this measurement along the X and
bar phantom that has a set of bars just below and Y axes at points 25%, 50%, and 75% of
just above the intrinsic resolution. Extrinsic the distance from the edge of the UFOV to
resolution can be measured by imaging a simple the center point for a total of 13
line source or a bar phantom. measurements.

a. Intrinsic Resolution (slit mask method). (6) Optionally repeat this measurement using
radioisotopes of interest elOTI etc.).
(1) Remove the collimator for the camera
head and orient the crystal facing up. b. Intrinsic Resolution (bar pattern method).
Select a 20% energy window center on the
140 keY peak of 99mTc and use the NOTE: For this test to be useful at least one
maximum matrix size available (at least of the bar patterns must be smaller
512 by 512 by 16 bits. than the intrinsic resolution of the
system (~3-4 mm).
(2) Place the slit mask along the X axis flush
against the detector and suspend a point (1) Remove the collimator for the camera
source approximately five crystal head and orient the crystal facing up.
diameters away from the mask. Select a 20% energy window center on the
140 keY peak of 99mTc and use the
(3) Collect an image with at least 10,000 maximum matrix size available (at least
counts in the central pixel of the image of 512 by 512 by 16 bits)
the slit.
(2) Mask the outer edge of the crystal
(4) Determine the FWHM from the image of physically or electronically to limit the
the slit by direct measurement using linear image to the UFOV of the system.
interpolation. This is most accurate if the
pixel is approximately 1/10th the FWHM. (3) Place a 99mTc point source at a distance
If this is the case then also estimate of 5 UFOV distances from the crystal
FWTM. See Figure 9-7. face.

(4) Place the bar phantom flush against the

crystal face aligned carefully in the X and
Y directions.

(5) Acquire an image of 3 million counts.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(6) Repeat the above rotating the bar phantom a. The collimator will be removed from the
90° each time until each quadrant has been camera and the camera oriented facing up.
tested with the highest frequency (smallest
bar size). b. The source to be used is 67Ga (93 keV, 184
keV and 296 keV energy peaks). The source
(7) Observe the images to assess the will be placed in a vial shield (at least 6 mm
uniformity of resolution across all lead) with a 3 mm hole in the bottom. The
quadrants. activity will be adjusted to give no more than
10,000 cps for all energy windows being
c. Extrinsic Resolution. tested.
(1) Install a general purpose or the most c. The vial containing the source will be placed
frequently used collimator to the camera on the-X axis at 75% of the UFOV radius
head and orient the crystal facing up.  
Select a 20% energy window center on the d. Use a zoom that will ensure that at least 10
140 keV peak of 99mTc and use the pixels are included in the FWHM of the
maximum matrix size available (at least image. An image for each of the energy
512 by 512 by 16 bits). windows will be acquired (minimum of 1000
counts in the central pixel).
(2) Fill two capillary tubes (inner diameter
less than 1mm and at least 5 cm long) with e. Move the source a known distance along the
high concentration 99mTc to give no more X axis and repeat the measurement
than 10,000 cps.
f. Determine the pixel size by measuring the
(3) Place the capillary tube along the X axis at number of pixels between the two peaks and
a distance of 5 cm from the face of the dividing this in to the known distance.
g. For each of the images (one at each image)
(4) Acquire an image with at least 10,000 determine the location of the center of the
counts in the central pixel of the Line peak.
Spread Function (LSF) image.
h. Calculate the difference between the position
(5) Place the second capillary tube 5 cm away of the 93keV peak and each of the other
from the first and parallel to it and collect peaks.
a second image. Calculate the pixel size
by dividing 5 cm by the number of pixels
between the peaks of the two LSF images.

(6) Repeat with the tubes aligned along the

Y axis.
i. Repeat in the Y axis direction.
(7) Calculate the FWHM and FWTM bor both
j. Record both the X and Y deviation (diffx and
the X and Y directions.
diffy) and the mixed deviation (diff).
(8) Optionally, repeat using other collimators
and higher count rates. F. SPECT Gamma Camera
Reference AAPM Report 52
8. Energy Registration
The test procedure in this section is based on key
For maximum image quality when imaging system performance parameters which most strongly
radioisotopes that emit several photons of influence image quality. These tests are designed to
different energy, the positioning of the point at measure the clinical acceptability of the system and
which the radiation interacts with the crystal not necessarily to verify the stated performance by
cannot be dependent on the energy of the the vendor.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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1. Rotational Uniformity and Sensitivity b. Suspend the line source over the end of the
imaging table so that it is over the detector
This will test the system’s sensitivity to stray without any interfering objects.
magnetic fields and to the thermal changes in the
detector heads. c. Adjust the table so that the line source is at the
center of rotation and then set the radius of
a. Prepare a flood source with 99mTc ensuring the rotation to 20 cm or the smallest that is
activity is uniformly disbursed throughout the achievable. Make sure the line source and the
phantom. Alternatively and preferably use a collimator face are parallel to the axis of
solid 57Co flood source with a uniformity of at rotation and level.
least +/-5% or better.
d. Peak the system on the photopeak energy
b. Secure the flood source to the face of the using a 20% window, select a 128x128 matrix
collimator (a low energy general purpose and 128 views over 360 degrees.
collimator) so that it does not move during
motion of the imaging head. e. A pixel size in the range of 3-3.5 mm is
desirable (a 16 inch crystal with a 128 matrix
c. Center a 20% energy window on the will give a pixel size of 3.2 mm). If necessary,
photopeak energy of the radioisotope being select a magnification mode that will deliver
used and collect a 5 million count flood in a this pixel size or smaller.
64x64 matrix with the detector at 0 degree
position. Record the time necessary to acquire f. Acquire the tomographic study using a time
the 5 million counts. that will deliver at least 100k counts in the
first projection image.
d. Repeat the flood image at 90, 180, 270 and
360 degrees, using the time recorded for the g. Reconstruct the data using a ramp filter into
first flood image. 10 mm transverse sections, starting at the top
of the line. Uniformity and attenuation
e. Calculate the maximum sensitivity variation: correction do not need to be applied. Consult
the vendor to determine the appropriate filter
to use if in doubt.
% 100
h. Using the first section, draw a one pixel wide
In the absence of vendor performance profile in the X direction through the hottest
criteria, the sensitivity variation should not pixel in the reconstructed image of the line
exceed 1%. source. From the profile, calculate the FWHM
by linear interpolation.
f. Using the system’s computer, subtract the
90 degree flood image from the 270 degree i. Repeat the above for the Y direction and then
image. Review each of the subtracted images for a slice at the bottom of the stack and in the
for indications of structure noise and other middle.
non random noise. Save the images for
reference. j. Acquire a planar image of the line source
containing 500k counts with the collimator 20
2. Spatial Resolution cm from the line source.

This test will use a line source which is at least 30 cm k. At approximately the same positions as the
in length and no more than 2 mm inside diameter. three tomographic resolution results were
These can be made from catheters. determined, use a ~10 mm(3 pixel) wide count
profile through the planar image of the line
a. Fill the line source with 99mTc with a source to calculate FWHM.
concentration of 1 mCi/cm3. If the line source
is not rigid, then attach it to a rigid support l. Record the ratio of the SPECT/Planar FWHM
which will not generate catter (tape the to the three locations. These should not exceed
catheter to a piece of cardboard or Styrofoam) 1.1. If so, then the Center of Rotation (COR)
may be incorrect. Collect a new COR and

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

repeat the test. Large errors can be due to the (5) Use a magnification factor that will give a
X or Y axis’ being out of alignment with pixel size in the range of 6 to 7 mm if
reference to the line source. needed.

m. In the absence of vendor performance criteria, (6) Acquire the tomographic study using a
the ratio should not exceed 10% and must not time sufficient to give at least 500k counts
exceed 15%. in the first projection image.

(7) Reconstruct the data without system flood

Line Source correction applied if possible, using a
Hann filter and a one Nyquist cutoff. If the
filter is not readily available ask the
vendor to provide the name of the filter
that most closely matches it.

Radius of Rotation Radius of Rotation Radius of Rotation

(8) Repeat the above, but apply linear
attenuation correction using 0.11/cm
attenuation coefficient or the system
default value.

Side View Front View (9) Repeat 1 thru 8 with flood correction

turned on.
Figure 9-8.
b. Attenuation Correction Analysis.
3. System Performance
(1) Using the uniformity corrected
To evaluate the system performance a Jaszczak tomographic data set, select a transverse
SPECT phantom is used. Other phantoms that slice through the uniform part of the
include sections with just water and sections phantom image and draw 5 pixel wide
with other test objects to measure contrast can horizontal count profile through the center
also be used by modifying this procedure. of the section. Look at the plot for flatness.
a. Tomographic Data Collection. (2) Repeat for the vertical direction.
(1) Install a low energy general purpose (3) Any over or under correction for
collimator or the one used most often attenuation can be due to miscalibration of
clinically. the pixel size, inappropriate attenuation
coefficient selected, incorrect selection of
(2) Fill the SPECT phantom with 8 to 10 mCi the boundary for attenuation correction or
if a high resolution collimator is being there is a software error.
used and mix the solution to ensure
uniform distribution of the activity. c. Uniformity and Root Mean Square Noise
(3) Position the phantom on the end of the
imaging table with the long axis parallel to (1) Display the entire set of tomographic
and aligned with the axis of rotation. images generated from the data not
Fasten the phantom in place using tape or corrected for uniformity. Look for artifacts
Velcro strips. such as profound ring artifacts.
(4) Peak the system on the photopeak energy (2) Select one uniform slice close to the center
using a symmetrical 20% window, set the of the uniform slices and draw a 15x15
radius of rotation to 20 cm or the smallest pixel ROI at the center and record this
radius attainable and select a 64x64 matrix information from the region.
with 64 projection views over 360 degrees.
Mean Counts per pixel
Maximum count

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Minimum count d. Contrast Analysis.

Standard Deviation
(1) Using the tomographic slice image set
Manually determine the maximum and generated from the data set not corrected
minimum counts in pixel if this for uniformity, select the image that most
information is not provided automatically. clearly displays the cold spheres and
record the number of spheres visible.
max min
max min (2) For each of the spheres, record the counts
from the “coldest” pixel and determine the
% 100
(3) Repeat (2) using the tomographic image
(3) Calculate the integral uniformity and the set generated from the data corrected for
root mean square(rms) noise. uniformity.

(4) Repeat the above using the data set (4) If there are not vendor provided
corrected for uniformity. performance criteria then use the
following values as a guide. The data in
(5) In the absence of vendor provided Table 9-1 is from a Jaszczak phantom.
performance criteria, the following values
are considered acceptable: Table 9-1.—Data from Jaszczak Phantom.

Without uniformity correction: Sphere Size Min. Max.

(mm) Contrast Contrast
Integral uniformity: 9.9–18.3%
rms noise: 4.5–5.7%
31.8 0.53 0.73
With uniformity correction: 25.4 0.35 0.56

Integral uniformity: 10.7–18.8% 19.1 0.21 0.38

rms noise: 3.6–7.2% 15.4 0.11 0.27

Nuclear Medicine Camera Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)


System Resolution


Pixel Size

Count Rate

System Sensitivity

System Linearity

Center of Rotation
SPECT only
Slice Uniformity
SPECT only
Slice Thickness
SPECT only
In Place Resolution
SPECT only
Image Contract
SPECT only
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/27 (06/2013) 9-13


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 10

Linear Accelerators (LINACs) and Diagnostic Imaging

Equipment Used in Radiotherapy

A. Minimum Required Personnel

Each Navy radiation oncology department should associated with radiation therapy. These tests
establish local qualification standards for personnel should be determined in consultation with a
performing performance and safety evaluations of Diagnostic Medical Physicist. Diagnostic
Linear Accelerators (LINACs) and diagnostic imaging equipment includes but is not limited to
imaging equipment used in radiotherapy. These the following:
personnel should be either Medical Physicists with
board-certification in radiation therapy physics (such a. Rad/fluoro radiotherapy simulators;
as certification by the ABR or ABMP as a
Therapeutic Radiologic Physicist), a board-eligible b. CT, Photon Emission Tomography (PET),
Medical Physicist as determined by the certification CT/PET, and MRI units utilized as
board, or an individual under the direct supervision of radiotherapy simulators;
one of the above.
c. X-ray film portal imaging;
B. Policies and Procedures d. Electronic portal imaging (EPI);
1. It is highly recommended that performance and e. Cone beam CT (i.e., Kilovoltage Computed
safety evaluation procedures provided by the Tomography [KVCT] and MegaVoltage
equipment manufacturer and/or by nationally- Computed Tomography [MVCT]); and,
recognized protocols are followed when
applicable, such as Task Group (TG) reports f. Other Onboard Imaging (OBI) devices.
published by the AAPM, as well as reports
published by the National Council on Radiation 5. Policies and procedures in other chapters in this
Protection and Measurements (NCRP), manual should be followed as applicable
International Council on Radiation Protection regarding acceptance and periodic testing of
(ICRP), and other nationally-recognized diagnostic imaging equipment used within the
organizations. practice of Radiation Therapy. A Medical
Physicist specialized in Radiation Therapy
2. Local policies and procedures should specify should determine which of the policies and
facility-specific requirements and periodicities, procedures are applicable.
or at a minimum, indicate the use of specific
nationally-recognized protocols.
C. Testing Periodicity
3. A Medical Physicist specialized in Radiation
Therapy should determine which acceptance LINACs and Tomotherapy: Annually, monthly, daily
tests and periodic quality assurance tests should Quality Assurance (QA) test per AAPM TG-40, TG-
be performed for therapeutic x-ray units (e.g., 51, and TG-142, upon acceptance and after major
superficial x-ray and orthovoltage units) and repairs per TG-45.
radiotherapy LINACs.
Additional QA tests (if applicable) for LINACs and
4. A Medical Physicist specialized in Radiation Tomotherapy: Intensity-Modulated Radiation
Therapy should determine which acceptance Therapy (IMRT) QA prior to patient treatment and
tests and periodic quality assurance tests should Stereotactic RadioSurgery/Stereotactic Beam
be performed on diagnostic imaging equipment Radiation Therapy QA according to TG-142.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

CT-simulator: Annually, monthly, and daily QA tests 2. AAPM TG-40, “Comprehensive QA for
per TG-40 and TG-66, upon acceptance and after Radiation Oncology: Report of AAPM Radiation
major repairs per TG-66. Therapy Committee Task Group 40,” Med. Phys.
D. Equipment 3. AAPM TG-45, “AAPM Code of Practice for
Radiotherapy Accelerators: Report of AAPM
LINACs: Phantom (solid for monthly or distilled Radiation Therapy Task Group No. 45,” Med.
water for annual/monthly QA tests), MapCheck (if Phys. 21(7)(1994).
applicable), ionization chamber, electrometer, QA 4. AAPM TG-51, “Protocol for Clinical Reference
mechanical device (if applicable), other equipment as Dosimetry of High-Energy Photon and Electron
specified by the physicist per TG-142. Beams: Report of AAPM Radiation Therapy
Committee Task Group 51,” Med. Phys.
CT simulator: Laser alignment tool, head/body water 26(9)(1999).
phantom, radiographic/radiochromic film (when 5. AAPM TG-66, “Quality assurance for
available), laser QA device, other equipment as computed-tomography simulators and the
specified by the physicist per TG-66. computed-tomography-simulation process:
Report of the AAPM Radiation Therapy
Tomotherapy: Phantoms (solid/liquid water) for Committee Task Group No. 66,” Med. Phys.
weekly or monthly quality assurance (QA), 30(10)(2003).
radiochromic film (if available) or MapCheck for 6. AAPM TG-142, “Quality Assurance of Medical
dose Delivery Quality Assurance (DQA) – i.e. IMRT Accelerators,” Med. Phys. 36(9)(2009).
QA prior to treatment, specified by the physicist per 7. AAPM TG-148, “QA for helical Tomotherapy:
TG-148. Report of the AAPM Task Group 148,” Med.
Phys. 37(9)(2010).
8. NCRP Report No. 151, Structural Shielding
E. References Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X-and
Gamma-Ray Radiotherapy Facilities, National
1. AAPM TG-21, “A Protocol for absorbed dose Commission on Radiation Protection and
from high-energy beams,” Med. Phys. Measurements, 2006

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 11

High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy

A. Minimum Required Personnel

Each Navy radiation oncology department should and periodic quality assurance tests should be
establish local qualification standards for personnel performed for the specific HDR unit
performing performance and safety evaluations of
High Dose Rate (HDR) brachytherapy used in 4. Policies and procedures in other chapters in
radiotherapy. These personnel should be either this technical manual should be followed as
Medical Physicists with board-certification in applicable regarding acceptance and periodic
radiation therapy physics (such as certification by the testing of HDR equipment utilized within the
ABR or ABMP as a Therapeutic Radiologic practice of Radiation Therapy. A Medical
Physicist), a board-eligible Medical Physicist as Physicist specialized in Radiation Therapy
determined by the certification board, or an should determine which of the tests are
individual under the direct supervision of one of the applicable, and which additional tests should
above. be performed.

B. Policies and Procedures C. Testing Periodicity

1. It is highly recommendation that performance Remote afterloader: Upon acceptance and after major
and safety evaluation procedures provided by repairs, annual QA, quarterly QA, and daily QA per
the equipment manufacturer and/or by AAPM TG-59.
nationally-recognized protocols (e.g. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission) are followed when D. Equipment
applicable, such as TG) reports published by
the AAPM) as well as reports published by Radiochromic (Gafchromic) film, applicators, source
the NCRP, ICRP, and other nationally- guide tubes, and radioactive source
recognized organizations.
E. References
2. Local policies (e.g. the applicable Navy
Radioactive Materials Permit) and procedures 1. AAPM TG-41, “Remote Afterloading
should specify facility-specific requirements Technology: Report of AAPM Task Group No.
and periodicities, or at a minimum, indicate 41.”
the use of specific nationally-recognized 2. AAPM TG-59, “High dose-rate brachytherapy
protocols. treatment delivery: Report of AAPM Radiation
Therapy Committee Task Group No. 59,” Med.
3. A Medical Physicist specialized in Radiation Phys. 25(4)(1998).
Therapy should determine which acceptance 3. NCRP Report No. 151, Structural Shielding
Design and Evaluation for Megavoltage X-and
Gamma-Ray Radiotherapy Facilities, National
Commission on Radiation Protection and
Measurements, 2006.


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 12

Entrance Skin Kinetic Energy Released in Material


A. Introduction E. References
One of the largest contributors to total population 1. AAPM Report 31. “Standardized Methods
radiation exposure from man-made radiation sources for Measuring Diagnostic X-Ray Exposures,”
is from diagnostic (dental and medical) radiography. 1990.
One of the goals of the Conference of Radiation 2. “Average Patient Exposure/Dose Guides. A
Control Program Directors (CRCPD) is to reduce the report by Committee n Quality Assurance in
unnecessary component of dental and medical x-ray Diagnostic Radiology (H-7).” Conference of
exposure to a level As Low As Reasonably Radiation Control Program Directors, Inc.
Achievable (ALARA). CRCPD Publication 92-4, 1992.
3. “Nationwide Evaluation of X-Ray Trends
Reference 3, lists recommended patient exposure (NEXT),” Conference of Radiation Control
guides which reflect “State of current practice” in a Program Directors, Inc. Frankfort: CRCPD.
cross section of radiography facilities across the 1974 - 1994.
United States. They are to be used as a tool for 4. AAPM Report 70. Cardiac Catheterization
reducing unnecessary radiation exposure to patients, Equipment Performance, 2001.
while maintaining or improving image quality.
Calculated Entrance Skin KERMA (ESK) should be F. Entrance Skin Kinetic Energy Released
compared to these average values. in Material (KERMA) (ESK) for
Exposures that significantly exceed the levels General Radiographic Equipment
indicated in the guides for routine examinations are
likely to represent unnecessary patient doses and 1. Purpose
causes for such excessive exposure should be
investigated. A reasonable but arbitrary range of To ensure that ESK also formally known as entrance
acceptability is  20% of a guide value. skin exposure for standard radiographic techniques is
within standards.
B. Minimum Required Personnel
Qualifications 2. Regulations
Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare
Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
Organizations (JCAHO, 1994) requires ESK's, for
techniques used most commonly, be evaluated on an
C. Testing Periodicity annual basis.
Acceptance, annual, or after major repair
3. Procedure
D. Equipment a. Manual Mode.
1. Ion chamber (1) In addition to the procedures outlined
2. Patient-Equivalent Phantoms below, the following parameters must be
3. Tape measure known for each tube head to obtain
specific organ doses:

(a) Source to skin distance (SSD)

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

(b) Source to Image Distance (SID) (8) Interpretation of Results. Compare

exposures received for standard techniques
(c) Technique factors for the selected with the NEXT published national
projection guidelines and rate as satisfactory or
unsatisfactory. If exposures are not within
(d) HVL of the unit in question for the recommended ranges, an evaluation of
selected projection image quality should be conducted in
consultation with the clinical staff.
(2) Set the clinically used SID. Center the ion Factors that can cause variations are
chamber in the x-ray field at backscatter, collimation, phantom
approximately 23 cm above the tabletop to material, location of ion chamber, x-ray
minimize backscatter. Record the distance beam, etc. A qualified service engineer
from the focal spot to the center of the ion should be consulted for equipment
chamber. adjustment.

(3) Collimate the light field on the ion (9) To determine tissue/organ doses for
chamber using narrow beam geometry. projections common in diagnostic
radiology, use the ESK for each
(4) Set the desired technique factors at the projection, the additional information in
control panel. item 3.1 above and refer to HHS
Publication (FDA) 89-8031.
(5) Place the ion chamber in the center of the
useful beam, measure, and record SSD, (10) To estimate the dose to the embryo-fetus
SID, and the ESK. from radiographic examinations, refer to
reference HHS Publication (FDA) 79-8079
(6) Repeat as necessary for other commonly and NCRP Report 54.
used projections and technique factors.
b. Automatic Exposure Control Mode.
(7) Calculate the entrance skin KERMA for
each projection using the patient thickness (1) Measure and record the HVL of the x-ray
guidelines in Table 2 of HHS Publication beam.
(FDA) 89-8031 and the inverse square
law. The inverse square calculation is as (2) Set up x-ray unit for commonly used
follows: radiographic projections: chest, abdomen,
and extremity.
x 
ESK (mGy)   1   AirKERMA (3) Place the patient-equivalent phantom over
the selected AEC detectors. (see figures
 x2  12-1a and 12-1b, shown for a chest unit).
(4) Place the ion chamber in the useful beam,
ESK = corrected x-ray beam intensity at the skin measure, and record the SSD, SID, and
entrance without backscatter ESK values. Ensure that the detector does
x1 = focal spot to center of ion chamber distance not cover the AEC sensor.
x2 = distance from the focal spot to the surface of the
skin (x2 = x1 - patient thickness) (5) Follow the steps in 3.(a)(7) through
Air KERMA = Air KERMA at the center of the ion 3.(b)(4) above to calculate ESK, interpret
chamber results and to estimate organ dose/embryo-
fetal doses.
NOTE: Exposure in air (mR) may
be converted to ESK
(mGy) by multiplying by
0.00876 mGy/mR.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

G. Entrance Skin Kinetic Energy Released I. Digital Spot Entrance Skin Kinetic
in Material (KERMA) (ESK) for Dental Energy Released in Material (KERMA)
Intraoral Units Rate (ESKR)

1. Procedure 1. Introduction
a. Place the probe about ½-inch from end of a. Fluoroscopy is routinely used as a localization
cone. mechanism for radiographic images that are
analyzed at a later time. In many fluoroscopic
b. Use a technique commonly used on the dental examinations, the digital spot exposure
unit to make an exposure. This is the ESK component can be substantial, especially if the
which should be recorded along with all use of contrast is involved. Therefore,
settings used. accurate digital spot ESKR measurements are
essential to maintaining a database for
c. Record focal spot to chamber distance which determining patient exposures.
represents the source to skin distance and
approximates the source to image distance. b. Digital spot exposure measurement assumes
Use the actual kVp as determined. proper generator calibration and satisfactory
operation of the imaging chain components.
H. Entrance Skin Kinetic Energy Released Image intensifier entrance exposure rate
in Material (KERMA) Rate (ESKR) for (Rfr-1) must be properly set to the
manufacturer’s recommendation. Digital spot
Fluoroscopy Units exposure testing is typically performed last
during an acceptance inspection or annual
1. Procedure performance evaluation.
Refer to Chapter 4. for Entrance Skin KERMA
2. Procedure
Rate (ESKR) for fluoroscopic measurement
a. Arrange the fluoroscopy unit and ion chamber
in the configuration appropriate to the
NOTE: 1100 alloy Al sheets are less suitable
machine type; i.e. undertable tube, overtable
as a fluoroscopy ESKR phantom than
tube, or c-arm. Ensure that if a grid is used in
acrylic slabs since the Al represents
clinical studies, it is in the beam path during
significantly different equivalent
patient thicknesses at different kVp
values. Al also does not provide the
b. Place a 4 cm Al or 15 cm acrylic phantom in
same amount of scatter as the thicker
the beam in the same manner as for measuring
acrylic block. Experimental data has
ESKR. Ensure that the phantom sits between
demonstrated up to 2X higher ESKR
the ion chamber and the image intensifier
using acrylic. However, not all
evaluators will have acrylic phantoms
in their equipment inventories. To
c. If the unit provides specific digital spot
maintain consistency, clearly identify
settings for different anatomical applications,
the type of phantom used, record the
program the system for non-contrast
testing conditions, and perform
abdominal studies. If different dose levels are
subsequent evaluations using the
also provided, select an average setting. If
original phantom and conditions.
anatomical or dose programming are not
provided, use the system’s ABC) to determine
the kVp to be used during testing. For manual
only systems, program the unit for 80 kVp.
Select an appropriate medium level current
(e.g. 200 mA). Program a digital spot film
system to operate at its minimum frame rate (1
frs-1 is most desirable). If appropriate, set the

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

digital spot device to terminate exposure using


d. Set the image intensifier to minimum size,

collimating to the phantom dimensions if
necessary. Fluoro the phantom briefly,
allowing ABC to select an appropriate kVp.
Several systems apply the ABC selected
voltage directly to the digital spot technique.
For those that do not, the fluoro kVp serves as
a useful baseline for manual digital spot
technique programming.

e. Irradiate the phantom and ion chamber using

digital spot mode, recording the measured
ESKR and technique factors. During
acceptance, repeat for all available II sizes and
dose settings, as applicable. During annual
evaluations, test at the most commonly used
dose setting using the largest II size.

f. Repeat the procedure for each phantom

thickness and field of view for which
fluoroscopic exposure is clinically used.

g. If digital spot exposures are made with and

without a grid in the beam, repeat the
procedure with the grid removed from the

3. Interpretation of Results
a. Calculate ESKR as a function of mAs.
Determine maximum, minimum, and average
exposure/mAs. If current values differ from
their acceptance or historical counterparts by
more than  10 %, refer the system for
adjustment by a qualified service engineer.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 13

Radiation Shielding Design and Evaluation for Medical and

Dental X-Ray Facilities

A. Introduction
On a case by case basis, NMCPHC may evaluate
Shielding design for medical facilities must
individual shielding design experience as an
protect workers and members of the public from
exemption to board certification. Shielding
excessive exposure to ionizing radiation from
experience in these cases should include a minimum
radiographic and nuclear imaging, and radiation
of 2 designs of the applicable type(s): linear
therapy.. In Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations
accelerators, HDR therapy units, nuclear medicine
Part 20, the United States Nuclear Regulatory
suites, computed tomography, fluoroscopy, and
Commission requires that the effective dose does not
radiographic units.
exceed 1mSv (100 mrem) per year for a member of
the general public and 50 mSv (5 rem) per year for
Designs used to demonstrate competency may be
radiation workers from radioactive materials.
example shielding problems approved and reviewed
by any individual who has been granted a shielding
The National Council on Radiation Protection
design qualification from the MPAB.
and Measurements has established similar
recommendations for ionizing radiation exposure
from other sources of ionizing radiation including x- C. Design and Evaluation Periodicity
rays. The concept of ALARA mandates that the
exposure be kept below these limits. Thus when Shielding design is required for all new
designing shielding, the target limit should be lower radiographic, nuclear medicine, therapy installations,
to ensure that the regulatory limits are not likely to be and after major renovations to existing facilities. As
exceeded. recommended in NCRP Report No. 147, sites
designed using the previous NCRP Report No. 49
The current recommended design criteria is 0.02 standard do not need to be upgraded as long as the
mSv (2 mrem) per week for members of the general room has not changed in functionality.
public and 0.1 mSv (10 mrem) per week for radiation
workers. It is the responsibility of the shielding D. Equipment
designer to keep abreast of changes in these limits. 3

Magnetic Resonance Imaging facilities will also 1. Large volume ion chamber (≥ 180 cm
require shielding designs that reduce magnetic and nominal volume) to check radiation levels
radiofrequency interference. The design of these
shields are typically beyond the capabilities of site E. References
personnel and will generally be included as part of
the purchase contract for such units. 1. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Standards for Protection Against Radiation.
B. Minimum Required Personnel Washington D.C.: Chapter 10 Part 20;2007.
2. National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements. Structural Shielding Design for
Medical X-Ray Imaging Facilities. Bethesda,
Board certification from ABR in the appropriate
MD: NCRP; Report No. 147; 2004.
subspecialty or American Board of Health Physicists
3. American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
(ABHP) is the normal pathway for obtaining the
Task Group Report 108: Shielding for PET/CT
Advanced Radiological Systems Shielding Design
Facilities. 2006
qualification. This is in line with the NCRP 147 and
NCRP 151 recommendation that only “Qualified 4. National Council on Radiation Protection and
Experts” should perform shielding designs. Measurements. Structural Shielding Design for
Megavoltage Radiotherapy Facilities. Bethesda,
MD: NCRP; Report No. 151; 2005.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

5. National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements. Radiation Protection in
Dentistry. Bethesda, MD: NCRP; Report No.
145; 2003.
6. American Association of Physicists in Medicine.
Task Group Report 100: Acceptance Testing and
Quality Assurance Procedures for Magnetic
Resonance Imaging Facilities. 2010
7. American College of Radiology. ACR Guidance
Document for Safe MR Practices: June 2007
8. National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements. Limitations of exposure to
ionizing radiations. Bethesda, MD: NCRP;
Report No. 116; 1993.
9. Dixon, RL and Simpkin DJ: Application of new
concepts for radiation shielding of medical
diagnostic x-ray facilities. RSNA 1998.
10. Simpkin DJ: Evaluation of NCRP report 49
assumptions and use factors in diagnostic
radiology facilities. Med Physics 23:577-584;
11. Simpkin DJ: Transmission data for shielding
diagnostic x-ray facilities. Health Phys. 68:704-
709; 1995.
12. Suleiman OH, Conway BJ, Fewell TR, Slayton
RJ, Rueter FG, and Gray J: Radiation Protection
requirements for medical x-ray film. Med.
Physics 22:1691-1693; 1995.
13. Dixon RL: On the primary barrier in diagnostic
x-ray shielding. Med Physics 21: 17851794;
14. Archer BR, Fewell TR, Conway BJ, and Quinn
PW: Attenuation properties of diagnostic x-ray
shielding materials. Med Physics 21: 1499-1507;
15. Simpkin DJ: Shielding requirements for
mammography. Health Phys. 53:267-179; 1987.
16. National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements. Structual shielding design and
evaluation for medical use of x-rays and gamma
rays of energies up to 10 MeV. Bethesda, MD:
NCRP; Report No. 49; 1976.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 14

Performance Tests for Monitors in Picture Archiving and

Communication System (PAC)

A. Introduction
Display testing in the form of acceptance testing software used to perform quality control tests. Prior
or frequent QC provides a means by which the user to the annual evaluation of the monitor the ambient
can be assured that the display quality is adequate lighting level should be measured and documented
and is maintained throughout the useful life of the and a verification of the DICOM luminance
device. It will also determine when a display device calibration should be done (to include verifying the
should be decommissioned before diagnosis is Lmax and Lmin). Most monitors have software installed
adversely affected. Furthermore, a comprehensives to perform the verification of the DICOM luminance
display. calibration.

QC program ensures the consistency and 1. Geometric distortion

integrity of image presentations throughout the clinic,
reducing possible inconsistencies in clinical decisions a. Purpose. To ensure the display of the monitor
based on images displayed on different devices. is free from geometric distortions.

The purpose of this section is to provide b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-QC test pattern
guidance for visually testing display systems. For
more comprehensive quantitative or advanced c. Procedure.
testing, refer to the primary reference, AAPM TG 18.
(1) The pattern should be maximized to fill
This section does not cover performance testing the entire display area. For displays with
for mammography monitors. Refer to the rectangular display areas, the patterns
manufacturer’s manual for specific testing should cover at least one orientation of the
requirements for these monitors. display area and be placed at the center of
the area used for image viewing.
B. Testing Periodicity
(2) The linearity of the pattern should be
Acceptance, annually, and after major repairs checked visually at a viewing distance of
30 cm across the display area and at the
C. Reference edges.

d. Interpretation of Results. The patterns should

AAPM Online Report No. 3, Imaging Informatics
appear straight without significant geometrical
Subcommittee Task Group #18, Assessment of
distortions. The pattern should be properly
Display Performance for Medical Imaging Systems,
scaled to the aspect ratio of the video source
pixel format so that grid lines represent
squares. The lines should appear straight
D. General Performance Tests for Picture without any curvature or waviness, indicative
Archiving and Communication System of proper linearity. Some small barrel and
(PACS) Monitor Equipment pincushion distortions are normal for Cathode
Ray Tube (CRT) devices but should not be
Prior to acceptance of the monitor, the ambient excessive.
lighting level should be measured and documented
and a DICOM luminance calibration should be
performed. The calibration of the DICOM luminance
should be done by the manufacturer of the monitor or

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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2. Display Reflection
a. Purpose. Assess and minimize display contrast patterns are seen such as an
reflection. identification badge on a white shirt or a
picture frame on a light wall, then the ambient
b. Description. Reflections can have two general illumination in the room should be reduced.
forms, specular and diffuse. Specular The threshold of visibility for low-contrast
reflection is said to occur when the angle of patterns in the TG18-AD test pattern should
the incident light rays equals that of the not be different when viewed in total darkness
emerging rays as dictated by geometrical and when viewed in ambient lighting
optics. Such a reflection produces a virtual condition. If the ambient lighting renders the
image of the source as would a mirror. In “dark-threshold” not observable, the ambient
diffuse reflection, the light is randomly illuminance on the display surface is causing
scattered out of the specular direction and no excess contrast reduction and the room
virtual image of the source is produced. There ambient lighting needs to be reduced.
are two types of diffuse reflection. One is
where the scattering angles of the emergent 3. Luminance Response
light are broadly distributed and poorly
correlated with the angle of the incident light a. Purpose. To ensure the luminance of the
such as with a Lambertian reflector where the display device is consistent and uniform.
direction of the incident light has little affect
on the observed reflected luminance. The b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-CT and TG18-MP
other type of diffuse reflection is where light test patterns
is randomly scattered into a narrow
distribution of angles in the vicinity of the c. Procedure.
specular direction.
(1) The TG18-CT pattern should be evaluated
c. Equipment. AAPM TG18-AD test pattern for visibility of the central half-moon
targets and the four low-contrast objects at
d. Procedure. the corners of each of the 16 difference
luminance regions at a viewing distance of
(1) Turn the display device off or put in power 30 cm.
save mode. Ensure the ambient lighting in
the room is the same as when the (2) The TG18-MP test pattern should be
radiologist is interpreting images. viewed to evaluate the bit-depth resolution
of the display. The evaluation includes
(2) Examine the display’s faceplate at a ascertaining the horizontal contouring
distance of 30-60 cm with an angular bands, their relative locations, and
view of +/-15 degrees for specularly grayscale reversals at a viewing distance
reflected light sources or illuminated of 30 cm.
d. Interpretation of Results.
(3) Load the TG18-AD test pattern and view
the low contrast patterns with normal (1) The appearance of the TG18-CT test
ambient lighting. pattern should clearly demonstrate the low
contrast target in each of the 16 regions.
(4) Turn off all lights and view the test pattern Since this pattern is viewed in one state of
in total darkness. visual adaptation, it is expected that the
contrast transfer will be better at the
e. Interpretation of Results. In examining the brightness for which the visual system is
display’s faceplate under normal ambient light adapted as opposed to the darkest or the
condition, no specularly reflected patterns of brightest regions. A common failure is not
high contrast objects should be seen. If light to be able to see the targets in one or two
sources such as that from a film illuminator or of the dark regions.
window are seen, the position of the display
device in the room is not appropriate. If high

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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(2) In the evaluation of the TG18-MP pattern, d. Interpretation of Results.

the relative location of contouring bands
and any luminance levels should not be (1) The visual evaluation should render all the
farther than the distance between the 8 bit targets except the smallest one visible. It
markers (long markers). No contrast should be pointed out that failure of a
reversal should be visible. device in this test can also be an indication
of improper luminance response. That can
4. Luminance Uniformity be ruled out by first verifying the proper
luminance response of the device.
a. Purpose. To ensure the luminance across the However, the results are independent of
display area is uniform. the absolute luminance value of the
pattern’s background; since the mean
b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-UN10 and TG18- value and the standard deviation of the
UN80 test patterns background are linearly dependent on the
luminance, their ratio, i.e., signal to noise,
c. Procedure. Display each of the test patterns remains independent of luminance.
and assess the uniformity of the image
visually. (2) The Cx elements should be scored
between 0 and 4 at all locations. The
d. Interpretation of Results. The patterns should horizontal and vertical line pair patterns at
be free of gross non-uniformities from center Nyquist frequency should be discernable
to the edges. Typical CRTs show symmetrical at all locations and for all directions.
nonuniformities and LCD displays are
associated with non-symmetrical ones. No (3) In CRTs, it is normal for the performance
luminance variations with dimensions on the at the center to be better than any corner
order of 1 cm or more should be observed. due to normal deflection distortions. Also,
the horizontal line pair patterns at Nyquist
5. Display Resolution frequency usually appear overall slightly
brighter than the vertical patterns because
a. Purpose. To ensure the display system is the vertical patterns contain a higher
capable of producing separable images of percentage of rise/fall time per pixel,
different points of an object with high fidelity. delivering less beam energy to the
phosphor screen. At the Nyquist
b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-QC test pattern and frequency, the difference in the average
magnifying glass luminance should be less than 30%. A
difference more than 50% indicates a slow
c. Procedure. video amplifier not well suited for the
matrix size. The line pair pattern at half-
(1) Display the test pattern ensuring one Nyquist frequency should show less
display pixel per image pixel is displayed. luminance difference since the vertical
patterns contain two pixels/line providing
(2) Using the test pattern and magnifier, more dwell time for the electronic beam. A
inspect the displayed “Cx” patterns at the significant difference between the
center and four corners of the display area thicknesses of the black and white lines is
and score the appearance using the also indicative of a poorly shaped pixel
provided scoring scale (from 1, the with excessive spread of the pixel, which
sharpest reference pattern to 12, the diminishes the black content.
blurriest reference pattern).
6. Display Noise
(3) Evaluate the line pair patterns at the
Nyquist and half-Nyquist frequencies in a. Purpose. To visually quantify the spatial
the horizontal and vertical directions in noise of the display system.
terms of visibility of lines.
b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-AFC test pattern

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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c. Procedure. 8. Display Chromaticity

(1) Each quadrant of the test pattern contains a a. Purpose. To verify the color of the display
large number of regions with varying system is uniform.
target position. In each quadrant the
contrast and size of the target is constant. b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-UN80 test pattern
The contrast-size values for the four
quadrants are 20-2, 30-3, 40-4, and 60-6. c. Procedure.
The observer views the patterns from a
distance of 30 cm. (1) Display the test pattern on all monitors
associated with the workstation.
(2) Evaluate each of the quadrants and
establish the contrast-size for which the (2) Look for color uniformity of the test
observer can confidently place the position pattern across the display area of each
of all targets. monitor.

d. Interpretation of Results. The visual d. Interpretation of Results. No significant

evaluation should render al the targets except perceivable color difference should be present
the smallest one visible for primary monitors among the monitors. With monochrome
and the second largest targets should be phosphor-based displays such as CRTs, any
visible for secondary monitors. perceivable differences can be attributed to the
use of different phosphors, different batches
7. Veiling Glare of phosphor materials in the manufacturing
process, aging of multiple component
a. Purpose. To assess the veiling glare of the phosphors, or differences in faceplate’s anti-
display system. reflection/glare treatments.

b. Equipment. AAPM TG18-GV and

TG18-GVN test patterns

c. Procedure.

(1) Display the test patterns such that the

white region is 20 cm in diameter.

(2) Observe the visibility of the low contrast

objects in each of the test patterns with the
bright region masked from view. Because
the human visual system will change
adaptation if it views the bright field, it is
imperative that the bright field is fully
blocked from view and that no reflected
light from the bright field be observable.

d. Interpretation of Results. No significant

reduction in the contrast of the target object
should be observed between the two patterns
with and without the bright field. This test is
sensitive to the perceived contrast of the target
with a black surrounding region. If this is
exactly at the just noticeable threshold, then
any reduction in contrast will render the
pattern not visible. The third object should be
visible in either pattern for primary monitors
and at least one target for secondary monitors.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Chapter 15

Guidance for the Use, Care, Evaluation, and Disposal of

Lead Aprons

A. Background 2. Care of Lead Aprons

The Environment of Care standards set forth by the Properly cared for lead aprons have a life expectancy
JCAHO require performance inspections on medical of approximately 10 years. They should be properly
equipment. Lead aprons are considered medical hung on hooks/racks when not in use. They should
equipment. In addition, all state radiation control never be folded, creased or draped across another
programs require evaluations of lead aprons. In piece of equipment. They should be kept clean of
recent years, references (a) and (b) have addressed dirt, grease and other contaminants.
the topic of the proper care, evaluation and disposal
of lead aprons.
3. Evaluation of Lead Aprons
B. Guidance Pursuant to references (a) and (b), lead aprons should
be evaluated at least annually. This evaluation
The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) should consist of a visual inspection and physical
guidance for the use, care, evaluation and disposal of evaluation. If a suspicious area is found, i.e. tears,
lead aprons (including thyroid and gonadal shields) perforations, or thinning creases at the time of the
utilized in medical facilities is as follows: annual check or on any other occasion, an x-ray
evaluation should be performed. Depending on the
availability of the facility, the x-ray evaluation may
C. References be done with either fluoroscopy or x-rays. A record
of the date of the check, the type of check (visual,
1. Implementation of an X-ray Radiation Protective tactile, and/or x-ray), the results, and who performed
Equipment Inspection. the check, should be kept for three years. It is
2. Program, Operational Radiation Safety; 82(2): expected that an inspector will be able to verify that
S51-S53, 2002. the evaluations have been done by either looking at
3. Inspection of Lead Aprons: A Practical Rejection the aprons and/or the documentation system.
4. Operational Radiation Safety; 95(Supplement 2):
S133-S136, 2008. 4. Rejection Criteria

Whole body lead aprons should be rejected and

D. Use, Care, Evaluation, and Disposal replaced if the tear length exceeds 2 in. for the single
layered material or 10 in. for the double layered
1. Use of Lead Aprons material. If the defect(s) occur in an area that would
cover the reproductive organs, and the area exceeds
1.5 in., the apron should be replaced. If the defect(s)
Based on NCRP recommendations, lead aprons of a
occurs on a thyroid shield and the area exceeds a
minimum of 0.5 mm lead-equivalency should be used
½ in., the lead thyroid shield should be replaced. See
for fluoroscopic applications and for shielding direct
Table 15-1 below.
gonadal exposures. Lead aprons of a minimum of
0.25 mm lead-equivalency should be sufficient for all
other radiographic applications.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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5. Disposal of Lead Aprons activity Environmental Department. For lead aprons

damaged beyond their safe use as defined in the
paragraphs above, it is recommended that commands
Lead aprons contain hazardous materials, and it is
process the aprons for disposal through their
illegal to dispose of lead aprons in a landfill. For the
Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) office. Alternately,
disposal of lead aprons that remain in a condition to
some manufacturers of lead aprons may take them
warrant their re-use, it is recommend that commands
back for recycling or disposal.
contact their nearest Defense Reutilization &
Marketing Office (DRMO) through their host or

Table 15-1.—Apron Rejection Criteria.

Length of Defect

Type of Apron Definition Area Lead Equivalency (mm)

0.25 0.50
Double Layered Whole Body 13.5 cm 27 cm
Gonads 4.4 cm 8.7 cm
Single Layered Whole Body 5.9 cm 5.4 cm
Gonads 1.9 cm 1.7 cm
Thyroid 1.9 cm 1.8 cm

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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Chapter 16

Direct Digital Radiography Systems

A. Introduction E. Reference
Digital Radiography (DR) consists of specialized 1. KCARE DDR Commissioning and Annual QA
equipment using Photoconductors (Direct DR or Protocol Manual, January 2005. 2. The Essential
DDR) to replace the cassette and cassette tray Physics of Medical Imaging. Bushberg, Jerrold,
altogether with a specialized digital detector system. Anthony Seibert, Edwin Leidholdt, John Boone.
The photoconductor material – Selenium – is placed Philadelphia, 2002.
on top of a Thin Film Transistor (TFT) array. The
detector captures ionizations and measures the charge F. General Requirements for
deposited directly. The data from the detector are Radiographic Equipment
directly digitized and sent out as a picture to the
1. Dosimetry
This document describes a series of tests to assess
a. Purpose. To measure entrance detector
digital detector performance. The tests are intended
to detect artifacts and test image quality and
sensitivity. All images should be acquired with a
b. Regulations. Measures dose required for later
minimal amount of pre-processing and a linear Look
tests 3, 4, 5, 6, 10.
Up Table (LUT) applied, unless otherwise stated.
Some of the images should be assessed on either a
a. Equipment. Ionization chamber, 1.0 mm Cu
reporting quality monitor or printer. These devices
should be monitored as part of a QA program.
Ambient lighting conditions should be consistent and
b. Procedure. Set a Focus to Detector Distance
(FDD) of at least 150 cm (see Figure 16-1).
Record this distance. Position a chamber at
B. Minimum Required Personnel least 30 cm in front of the detector (away from
Qualifications backscatter). If possible either point the tube
away from the detector or shield the detector
Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment with a lead apron. Collimate to the chamber.
Expose the chamber such that the inverse
C. Testing Periodicity square law corrected receptor entrance air
KERMA is approximately 10 uGy, using 70
Annually, upon acceptance, and applicable portions kVp and 1.0 mm Cu filtration. Record the
after major repairs measured dose and repeat twice. Under the
same beam conditions determine the mAs
D. Equipment required to deliver 1 uGy, 4 uGy, 12 uGy, and
50 uGy.
1. Tape measure
2. Adhesive tape
3. 1.0 mm copper filtration (> 10 x 10 cm)
4. TO20 threshold contrast test object
5. Resolution test object (e.g. Huttner 18)
6. M1 geometry test object
7. Contact mesh
8. Ionization chamber
9. Small lead or copper block (~ 5 x 5 cm)
10. Direct Digital Radiography System Survey

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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no tolerance for the system transfer properties

Focus (STP) equation; however the pixel value to
dose relationship should be a simple
relationship (e.g. log, linear, or square root).
There is also no tolerance for the dark noise
>150 cm Added Filter image; however the data may be useful as a
baseline when rechecking the dark noise in the
Ionization event of other image quality problems.
c. Equipment. 1.0 mm Cu filter
d. Procedure. If possible, remove the grid from
the system. Open the collimators and expose
>30 cm the entire area of the detector at 10 kVp with
1.0 mm Cu filter at the tube head. Set a mAs
Figure 16-1. and FDD to deliver a dose of order 1 uGy (as
determined in test 1 – Dosimetry). Record the
c. Interpretation of Results. Data collected here detector dose indicator value. Repeat for
is used in tests 3, 4, 5, 6, 10. doses of order 4 uGy, 12 uGy, and 50 uGy.
Record a pixel value from the center of each
2. Dark Noise image from the acquisition workstation. If
ROI analysis is not available at the acquisition
a. Purpose. To assess the level of noise inherent workstation the images should be transferred
in the system. to the reporting workstation to perform this
task. Plot a graph of pixel value versus
b. Regulations. Test is used to set a baseline for receptor dose using a graph plotting package
future QA tests. On future annual tests, the (e.g. Microsoft Excel). A zero dose point can
tolerance should be +/- 50% exposure be obtained using the result of test 2 – Dark
equivalent. Noise. Obtain the equation of the trend line
for this graph. This equation is the STP
c. Equipment. None equation and is used for making corrections in
tests 4 and 6. An equation of the form dose =
d. Procedure. If possible, remove the grid from f(pixel value) where f is some arbitrary
the system. Close the collimators and cover function, is required.
the detector with a lead apron. Set a low
exposure (e.g. 50 kVp and 0.5 mAs). This e. Interpretation of Results. Establishes
will give an effectively zero dose, or ‘dark relationship between receptor dose and pixel
noise’ image. Record the detector dose value, and establish exposure index varies
indicator value, and pixel value. linearly with the increasing exposure. Consult
with qualified service engineer for
e. Interpretation of Results. Used to establish a relationships outside of tolerance.
baseline for future QA tests. If tolerance
outside of +/- 50% of baseline is observed, 4. Image Retention.
consult with qualified service engineer.
a. Purpose. To test that any detectable residual
3. Linearity, System Transfer Properties, and signal (ghosting) that remains in subsequent
Dark Noise images is minimal.

a. Purpose. To establish relationship between b. Regulations. If no evidence of ghosting is

receptor dose and pixel value, and establish found from visual inspection of the images
exposure index varies linearly with the then the test is passed and there is no need to
increasing exposure. perform ROI analysis. There should be <5%
(remedial) difference between the STP
b. Regulations. The trend-line plotted in Excel corrected pixel values in the ghosted region
should have an R2 fit value > 0.95. There is and the surrounding areas.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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c. Equipment. Attenuating material – either monitoring system sensitivity for future QA

copper or lead 5 x 5 cm. testing.

d. Procedure. Ensure the grid is removed from b. Regulations. The measurements should be
the system if possible and there is no used to set a baseline for future QA tests. The
attenuation in the beam. Set the FDD to be indicated sensitivity indices should not differ
approximately 180 cm. Close the collimators by greater than 20% of equivalent exposure,
and cover the detector with a lead apron. Set between exposures.
a low exposure (e.g. 50 kVp and 0.5 mAs).
Open the collimators and place the attenuating c. Equipment. 1.0 mm Cu filter
material (Cu or Pb 5 x 5 cm) on the detector
such that it covers part of the field. Make an d. Procedure. If possible, remove the grid from
exposure at 70 kVp and mAs to deliver a the system. Set a field size to cover the entire
receptor dose of order 4 uGy. Obtain another detector and a FDD as for test 1 – Dosimetry.
blank image as described above. This Expose the detector to a known dose of 10
exposure should be made 1 minute after the uGy at 70 kVp with 1.0 mm Cu at the tube
previous one. Set a very narrow window and head. Set a mAs as established from test 1 –
adjust the level. Visually inspect the image Dosimetry. Record the organ program, LUT
for any remnant of the previous image. If a name and detector dose indicator, without
remnant is visible, use ROI analysis to changing the window and leveling. Repeat at
quantify the difference in pixel value between least 3 times. Also repeat for 1 uGy and 12
the ghosted and unghosted areas. See uGy (1 image for each).
Figure 16-2. If ROI analysis is not available
the image should be transferred to a reporting e. Interpretation of Results. If indices differ by
workstation. The ROI values should be used greater than 20% of baseline, consult with
to calculate indicated receptor doses using the qualified service engineer.
STP equation established in test 3 – Linearity,
STP, and Dark Noise. 6. Uniformity
a. Purpose. To assess the uniformity of the
recorded signal from a uniformly exposed
Attenuated detector. A non-uniform response could
Region affect clinical image quality.

b. Regulations. The images should not have

obvious artifacts. The ratio of the standard
ROI 1 deviation of the 5 STP corrected ROI values
ROI 2 to their mean (the coefficient of variation)
should be less than 10%.

Figure 16-2. c. Equipment. None

e. Interpretation of Results. If evidence of d. Procedure. Visually inspect all images

ghosting present, consult with qualified obtained in test 5 – Detector Dose Indicator
service engineer. Consistency for uniformity and artifacts. The
uniformity of one of images should be
assessed using ROI analysis if available; to
5. Detector Dose Indicator Consistency
measure the mean and standard deviation of
NOTE: This test can only be performed if the pixel values in position a-e, as indicated in
the unit has a form of detector dose Figure 16-3 (i.e. the center of the image and
indicator. the center of the four quadrants). For detectors
that are tiled detectors an ROI should be
a. Purpose. To assess the variation of sensitivity drawn at the centre of all tiles. The ROIs
between exposures, and set a baseline for should be of order 10000 pixels. If ROI
analysis is not available at the acquisition
workstation then images should be transferred

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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to a reporting workstation. If uniformity is d. Procedure. Ensure the grid is removed from

poor in the direction of the anode cathode axis the system, if possible. Position the M1 test
this is likely to be a result of the anode heel object directly onto the detector with an FDD
affect. To confirm this, the test should be of 150 cm. Expose the detector at 50-60 kV
repeated with the tube rotated through 90o. with no attenuation in the beam and 10 mAs.
The five values obtained from ROI analysis Using the distance measuring software tools
should be used to calculate five indicated measure the dimensions (x and y) of five
receptor dose values using the STP equation central squares in both the horizontal and
obtained in test 4 – Image Retention. vertical directions. Calculate the aspect ratio
x/y. Select any corner of the image and
measure the horizontal (a) and vertical (b)
sizes of two squares as indicated in Figure 4.
Calculate the aspect ratio a/b. Repeat this for
a b one other corner. If possible download the
image as a DICOM file. Open the image
using a DICOM viewer such as Santeviewer.
Hold the cursor over a corner of a square in
the grid. Record the position within the image
(i.e. the x and y coordinates). Move the cursor
d e to the corner of the square of the grid 10cm
from the first corner in the x direction.
Record the coordinates again. Calculate the
Figure 16-3. pixel pitch, p(mm)=100/n where n=number of
pixels covering 10cm of the grid. Repeat for
e. Interpretation of Results. If ratio of corrected the y direction. This test is only necessary for
values to mean is greater than 10%, consult commissioning. Compare the pixel pitch to
with qualified service engineer. that stated by the manufacturer. The
difference should be no greater than the
7. Scaling Errors estimated measurement error.

a. Purpose. To assess the accuracy of software e. Interpretation of Results. If distances measure

distance indicators and check for distortion. outside of tolerances, consult with qualified
service engineer.
b. Regulations. See in Figure 16-4 that
measured distances x and y should agree 8. Blurring and Stitching Artifacts
within 3% of the actual distances at the center
or 5% at the corners. All calculated aspect a. Purpose. To test for any localized distortion
ratios should be within 1.00 +/- 0.03 at the or blurring and to highlight any stitching
center or 5% at the corners. artifacts if the system is formed from more
than one detector element.

b. Regulations. No blurring should be present.

If stitching artifacts are present there should
be no loss of information.
a c. Equipment. Contact mesh MS4 or MS5 test

d. Procedure. The test should be made with the

grid both in and out of the detector. Ensure
there is no attenuation in the beam and that the
b FDD is set as large as possible. With a
Figure 16-4. contact mesh on the detector, make an
exposure at 50-60 kVp and 10 mAs using fine
c. Equipment. M1 test object focus. An MS4 or MS5 test object is
appropriate. Visually inspect the image for

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
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blurring and stitching artifacts. Repeat with a could be compared to those form other similar
finer mesh if available. systems if available. Print or save the images
for future reference, if possible. Future annual
e. Interpretation of Results. If blurring or QA testing should be performed only at 4 uGy
stitching artifacts with loss of information are and be +/- 30% of baseline.
present consult with qualified service
engineer. c. Equipment. 1.0 mm Cu filtration

9. Limiting Spatial Resolution d. Procedure. Ensure the grid is removed from

the system, if possible. With the tube,
a. Purpose. To test the high contrast limit of the detector, and 1.0 mmCu filtration in the same
system’s ability to resolve details. positions as for test 5 – Detector Dose
Indicator Consistency. Place the TO20 (or
b. Regulations. These measurements should be equivalent) test object on the detector.
used to set a baseline for future QA tests. Collimate down to the size of the test object.
Print or save the images for future reference, Set 70 kVp and the appropriate mAs to deliver
if possible. Future annual QA testing should ~4 Gy. Ascertain whether clinical images
be +/- 20% of baseline. are most commonly viewed soft or hard copy.
If images are viewed softcopy, score them on
c. Equipment. Resolution test object a reporting workstation optimizing window
and level settings for each detail size. If they
d. Procedure. Ensure the grid is removed from view hardcopy, adjust the window to optimize
the system, there is no attenuation in the beam the visibility of the details, ensuring that
and the FDD is set as large as possible. Place background noise is perceptible, and print the
the resolution test object onto the detector image out on the largest film size. View the
aligned at 45o to its edges. Set 50-60 kV and image on a masked light box. Calculate an
expose the cassette using 10 mAs on fine image quality factor, IQF,
focus. Adjust the window level and
1 n H T  Ai   Dref 
magnification to optimize the resolution. 0.5

Score the number of resolvable groups of lines IQF   ref  

from the screen. The image should be scored n i 1 H T  Ai   D 
at a magnification of order x 5. If this facility
is not available on the review workstation then where:
images should be transferred to the reporting HT(A) = threshold contrast detail index
workstation for scoring. Look up the values calculated from the image,
corresponding resolution. Repeat the HTref(A) = threshold contrast detail index
measurement twice with the resolution test values calculated from a reference image of
object placed at a slight angle to the lateral or a system known to be in good adjustment,
longitudinal axis. If the system has more than D = the dose to the image plate,
one detector element, measurements at 45 Dref = the dose to the image plate for the
should be made for each element. reference image
n = the number of details in the test object.
e. Interpretation of Results. Compare
acceptance test to future QA test results. Repeat this test for exposures of ~1 Gy and ~12
Significant divergences in limiting spatial
resolution (outside of 20% of baseline) require
consultation with qualified service engineer.
e. Interpretation of Results. Compare
acceptance test to future QA test results.
10. Threshold Contrast Detail Detectability Significant divergences (outside of 30%
baseline) in image quality require consultation
a. Purpose. To monitor image quality by with qualified service engineer.
assessing the visibility of low contrast details.

b. Regulations. The results of this test are used

to set a baseline for future QA tests. Results

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

1. Dosimetry A/P Set FDD at 150 cm and chamber 30 cm Measured dose required
from detector. Collimate to chamber, for later tests 3, 4, 5, 6,
expose at 70 kVp using 1.0 mm Cu to 10 10.
uGy. Repeat twice. Determine mAs
required to deliver 1 uGy, 4 uGy, 12 uGy,
and 50 uGy.
2. Dark Noise A/P Close collimator, cover detector with lead Used as baseline for
apron. Expose at 50 kVp and 0.5 mAs, future QA tests. On future
record detector dose indicator value and annual tests, the tolerance
pixel value. should be +/- 50%
exposure equivalent.
3. Linearity, A Open collimators and expose entire area The trend-line plotted in
System of the detector at 10 kVp with 1.0 mm Cu Excel should have an R2
Transfer filter at the tube head. Set a mAs and fit value > 0.95. There is
Properties, FDD to deliver a dose of 1 uGy (as no tolerance for the STP
and Dark determined in test 1 – Dosimetry). Record equation; however the
Noise detector dose indicator value. Repeat for pixel value to dose
doses of 4 uGy, 12 uGy, and 50 uGy. relationship should be a
Record pixel value from the center of each simple relationship (e.g.
image from the acquisition workstation or log, linear, or square root).
reporting workstation. Plot a graph of There is also no tolerance
pixel value versus receptor dose (e.g. with for the dark noise image;
Microsoft Excel). A zero dose point can however the data may be
be obtained using the result of test 2 – useful as a baseline when
Dark Noise. Obtain equation of the trend rechecking the dark noise
line for this graph. in the event of other image
quality problems.
4. Image A Set the FDD to 180 cm. Close collimators If no evidence of ghosting
Retention and cover the detector with a lead apron. is found from visual
Set a low exposure (e.g. 50 kVp and 0.5 inspection of the images
mAs). Open collimators and place the then the test is passed
attenuating material (Cu or Pb 5 x 5 cm) and there is no need to
on the detector such that it covers part of perform ROI analysis.
the field. Make an exposure at 70 kVp There should be <5%
and mAs to deliver a receptor dose of 4 (remedial) difference
uGy. Obtain another blank image as between the STP
described above. This exposure should corrected pixel values in
be made 1 minute after the previous one. the ghosted region and
Set very narrow window and adjust the the surrounding areas.
level. Visually inspect the image for any
remnant of the previous image. If a
remnant is visible, use ROI analysis to
quantify the difference in pixel value
between the ghosted and unghosted
areas. See Fig 2. The ROI values should
be used to calculate indicated receptor
doses using the STP equation established
in test 3 – Linearity, STP, and Dark Noise.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

5. Detector A/P Set a field size to cover the entire detector The measurements should
Dose and a FDD as for test 1 – Dosimetry. be used to set a baseline
Indicator Expose the detector to a known dose of for future QA tests. The
Consistency 10 uGy at 70 kVp with 1.0 mm Cu at the indicated sensitivity
tube head. Set a mAs as established indices should not differ by
from test 1 – Dosimetry. Record the greater than 20% of
organ program, LUT name and detector equivalent exposure,
dose indicator, without changing the between exposures.
window and leveling. Repeat at least 3
times. Also repeat for 1 uGy and 12 uGy
(1 image for each).
6. Uniformity A/P Visually inspect all images obtained in test The images should not
5 – Detector Dose Indicator Consistency have obvious artifacts.
for uniformity and artifacts. The uniformity The ratio of the standard
of one of images should be assessed deviation of the 5 STP
using ROI analysis if available; to corrected ROI values to
measure the mean and standard deviation their mean (the coefficient
of the pixel values in position a-e, as of variation) should be
indicated in figure 3 (i.e. the center of the less than 10%.
image and the center of the four
quadrants). For detectors that are tiled
detectors an ROI should be drawn at the
centre of all tiles. The ROIs should be of
order 10000 pixels. If ROI analysis is not
available at the acquisition workstation
then images should be transferred to a
reporting workstation. If uniformity is poor
in the direction of the anode cathode axis
this is likely to be a result of the anode
heel affect. To confirm this, the test should
be repeated with the tube rotated through
90o. The five values obtained from ROI
analysis should be used to calculate five
indicated receptor dose values using the
STP equation obtained in test 4 – Image

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

7. Scaling A Position the M1 test object directly onto (See Figure 4: Scaling
Errors detector with FDD of 150 cm. Expose the Errors Test) The
detector at 50-60 kV with no attenuation in measured distances x and
the beam and 10 mAs. Using distance y should agree within 3%
measuring software tools measure the of the actual distances at
dimensions (x and y) of five central the center or 5% at the
squares in both the horizontal and vertical corners. All calculated
directions. Calculate the aspect ratio x/y. aspect ratios should be
Select any corner of the image and within 1.00 +/- 0.03 at the
measure the horizontal (a) and vertical (b) center or 5% at the
sizes of two squares as indicated in corners.
Figure 4. Calculate the aspect ratio a/b.
Repeat this for one other corner. If
possible download the image as a DICOM
file. Open image using a DICOM viewer
such as Santeviewer. Hold the cursor
7. Scaling A over a corner of a square in the grid.
Errors Record the position within the image (i.e.
(continued) x and y coordinates). Move cursor to the
corner of the square of the grid 10cm from
the first corner in the x direction. Record
the coordinates again. Calculate the pixel
pitch, p(mm)=100/n
where n=number of pixels covering 10cm
of the grid. Repeat for the y direction.
This test is only necessary for
commissioning. Compare the pixel pitch
to that stated by the manufacturer. The
difference should be no greater than the
estimated measurement error.
8. Blurring A/P The test should be made with the grid No blurring should be
and Stitching both in and out of the detector. Ensure present. If stitching
Artifacts there is no attenuation in the beam and artifacts are present there
that FDD is set as large as possible. With should be no loss of
a contact mesh on the detector, make an information.
exposure at 50-60 kVp and 10 mAs using
fine focus. An MS4 or MS5 test object is
appropriate. Visually inspect the image
for blurring and stitching artifacts. Repeat
with a finer mesh if available.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

9. Limiting A/P Ensure the grid is removed from the These measurements
Spatial system, there is no attenuation in the should be used to set a
Resolution beam and the FDD is set as large as baseline for future QA
possible. Place the resolution test object tests. Print or save the
onto the detector aligned at 45o to its images for future
edges. Set 50-60 kV and expose the reference, if possible.
cassette using 10 mAs on fine focus. Future annual QA testing
Adjust the window level and magnification should be +/- 20% of
to optimize the resolution. Score the baseline.
number of resolvable groups of lines from
the screen. The image should be scored
at a magnification of order x 5. If this
facility is not available on the review
workstation then images should be
transferred to the reporting workstation for
scoring. Look up the corresponding
resolution. Repeat the measurement
twice with the resolution test object placed
at a slight angle to the lateral or
longitudinal axis. If the system has more
than one detector element, measurements
at 45 should be made for each element.
10. Threshold A/P Ensure the grid is removed from the The results of this test are
Contrast system, if possible. With the tube, used to set a baseline for
Detail detector, and 1.0 mmCu filtration in the future QA tests. Results
Detectability same positions as for test 5 – Detector could be compared to
Dose Indicator Consistency. Place the those form other similar
TO20 (or equivalent) test object on the systems if available. Print
detector. Collimate down to the size of the or save the images for
test object. Set 70 kVp and the future reference, if
appropriate mAs to deliver ~4 Gy. possible. Future annual
Ascertain whether clinical images are QA testing should be
most commonly viewed soft or hard copy. performed only at 4 uGy
If images are viewed softcopy, score them and be +/- 30% of
on a reporting workstation optimizing baseline.
window and level settings for each detail
size. If they view hardcopy, adjust the
window to optimize the visibility of the
details, ensuring that background noise is
perceptible, and print the image out on the
largest film size. View the image on a
masked light box. Calculate an image
quality factor, IQF,

1 n H T  Ai   Dref 

IQF   ref  
n i 1 H T  Ai   D 
HT(A) = threshold contrast detail

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 16-1.—Direct Digital Radiography Systems Survey Requirements (continued).

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

index values calculated from the

HTref(A) = threshold contrast detail
index values calculated from a
reference image of a system
known to be in good adjustment,
D = the dose to the image plate,
Dref = the dose to the image plate
for the reference image
n = the number of details in the
test object.
Repeat this test for exposures of ~1 Gy
and ~12 Gy.

Abbreviations: A: acceptance; P: periodic/annual; ROI: Region Of Interest; FDD: Focus to Detector Distance; STP: System
Transfer Properties; uGy: micro-gray

Direct Digital Radiography System Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)


System Resolution

Energy Resolution


Pixel Size

Count Rate

System Sensitivity

System Linearity

Center of Rotation
Slice Uniformity
Slice Thickness
In Plane Resolution
Image Contrast
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/28 (06/2013) 16-11


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Chapter 17

Computed Radiography (CR) Systems

A. Introduction For acceptance testing use all guidelines of Reference
1 listed below, or the most up to date report from the
CR is a marketing term for photostimulable AAPM.
phosphor detector systems. CR utilizes a phosphor
plate based vice screen/film combination to retain B. Minimum Required Personnel
and ultimately generate a diagnostic image. The Qualifications
technology uses conventional radiographic
acquisition geometry to deposit x-ray energy in a Basic Diagnostic Imaging Equipment
photostimulable phosphor screen with delayed
luminescence properties. Stored x-ray energy is C. Testing Periodicity
released via photostimulable emission of the imaging
plate as it is scanned by a laser beam located within All reading units and each plate used in clinical
the reading unit. Phosphorescent light with intensity applications: Annually, upon acceptance and
proportional to the absorbed x-ray energy is emitted applicable portions after major repairs (i.e.
as the trapped electrons transition back to the valence replacement of laser).
band. The emitted light is captured, amplified within
a Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) and then converted
into a digital format for manipulation. The digital D. Equipment
data may be converted into analog format for viewing
on a CRT laser/thermal film or flat panel monitor. 1. X-ray system which passed all testing within last
12 months
It is highly recommended upon acceptance, that 2. Calibrated ion chamber with a test stand
the field service engineer for the given product be on 3. 0.1 - 0.01 mm Pb line pair phantom
site for administrative access and training on use of 4. Low contrast digital phantom, 14 x 17 inch
the system. screen-film contact test tool
5. Metal ruler (straight metal edge)
The testing protocols covered in this manual may 6. Copper/aluminum filters per manufacturer’s
not be the only way to test the equipment and may recommendation
require adjustment from time to time. Three vendors 7. Variable thickness Lucite step wedge
(Kodak, Fuji, and Agfa) are covered in this chapter. 8. Lead block or sheet
Other manufacturers may have more or fewer 9. Measuring tape
requirements for testing their systems. 10. Stopwatch
11. Computed Radiography System Survey
The imaging chain consists of both the CR
device (and plates) and the radiographic system used. E. References
The radiographic room used for the testing must have
passed all of its physics testing sometime within the 1 AAPM TG Report 93: Acceptance Testing and
prior twelve months. Quality Control of Photostimulable Storage
Phosphor Imaging Systems. October 2006


NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

F. General Requirements for Computed d. Procedure. Pre-expose the ion chamber free
Radiographic Equipment in air to approximately 5 - 10 mR at 72” SID
using 80 kVp with 0.5 mm Cu and 1.0 mm Al
filtration. Expose the full plate in the same
1. Phosphor Plate Throughput fashion. If unable to obtain 72” SID, expose
the plate to half the value necessary for the
a. Purpose. To verify the manufacturer’s plate
exposure and rotate the plate in between
exposures. All plates / cassettes should be
tested. Process the plate with the vendor
b. Regulations. The throughput should be within
recommended algorithm (system diagnosis /
10% of the manufacturer’s stated rate.
flat field / 200 speed-Agfa, Test / sensitivity,
Semi EDR- Fuji, Pattern-Kodak). Take global
c. Equipment. Watch with a second sweep hand
ROIs of each image and record the average
(stopwatch). pixel values and standard deviation. Record
the proprietary exposure indicator values for
d. Procedure. If needed, pre-identify the plates.
each image.
Choose a processing type appropriate for the
plate size / type. Start the time when the first
e. Interpretation of Results. If artifacts appear
plate is placed either in the buffer (multi-plate
on the image, clean the plate with the
system) or into the single reader slot. Run at
appropriate cleaner. If the artifact is still
least ten plates (max available if this is not
visible after re-exposure, consider taking the
possible) or four plates each exposed to ~ 2
plate out of service (the technologists should
mR. Stop the time when the image is
also be making this decision between annual
displayed on the vendor processing station and
evaluations). If the pixel values are not
extrapolate to an hourly rate. Repeat this for
appropriate, consider taking the “guilty plate /
all plate sizes and types.
plates” out of service. Plates should be
replaceable to the activity at no cost.
e. Interpretation of Results. If the measured rate
does not meet the vendor’s specifications,
consult with a qualified service engineer and 3. Exposure Indicator
the local networking staff. Some vendors’
specifications are network dependent. a. Purpose. To verify that system is calibrated in
the manner intended by the manufacturer.
2. Phosphor Plate Uniformity (Reproducibility) b. Regulations. The values should be within 2%
of the manufacturer’s programmed value. The
a. Purpose. To verify that the plates respond in a
values must be within 10% of manufacturer’s
uniform manner and that all respond in a
programmed value (Agfa lgM = 2.2 < + 0.045;
similar manner as a group. To verify that
Fuji S = 200 < + 20; Kodak EI = 2000 < + 45).
artifacts will not obscure the clinical image.
c. Equipment. Same as for previous test.
b. Regulations. The pixel values should be
within 10% of the average pixel value for all
d. Procedure. Expose three plates of each size to
of the plates. The standard deviation of each approximately 1 mR at 72” SID with the
average pixel value amongst all plates should
appropriate vendor energy, filter as per
be less than 25 for Agfa, less than 20 for Fuji
Table 17-1. Process the plate with the
and Kodak. The standard deviation of the appropriate vendor algorithm (Fuji test / sens
exposure indicator values (lgM-Agfa,
(L = 1) semi-EDR; Agfa-previous; Kodak-
Sensitivity-Fuji, EI-Kodak) should be less
than 0.02 for Agfa, less than 5% for Fuji
(standard deviation / mean sensitivity) and
e. Interpretation of Results. If values are outside
less than 20 for Kodak. The images should
of the 2% range, pay closer attention to this
also be artifact free.
throughout the year. If they fall outside of
10%, consult the vendor for proper
c. Equipment. 180 cc ion chamber, 1.5 mm
calibration. This value is crucial in daily use
Copper filter (Agfa)
by the technologist in monitoring dose and
determining the need for repeat images.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

4. Linearity e. Interpretation of Results: If significant jitter is

seen, consult with the qualified service
a. Purpose. To verify that the calibration is engineer.
6. Spatial Resolution
b. Regulations. Noise should decrease with
increased exposure. Proprietary values and a. Purpose. To ensure that the system meets the
average pixel values versus Log (exposure) manufacturer’s stated sampling rate (expected
should have linearity coefficients greater than resolution of Nyquist limit).
95%. See Table 17.1 for vendor specific
values. b. Regulations. The resolution must be within
10% of the manufacturer’s expected
c. Equipment. Same as in previous test. resolution.

d. Procedure. Pre-expose the ion chamber free c. Equipment. Line pair resolution pattern (0.01
in air to 0.1, 1 and 5 or 10 mR at 72” SID to a - 0.1 mm Pb) and 180 cc ion chamber
beam with 80 kVp in the same fashion as in
the previous test. Expose the same plate nine d. Procedure. Pre-expose an ion chamber free in
times (three using each exposure level) in the air at 72” SID to a beam using 60 kVp, no
same fashion. Process per previous test - added filtration and enough mAs for 5 mR.
Agfa (Fuji- Test / ave 4.0 Semi-EDR). Place Expose a cassette of each size in the same
ROIs on the images to get pixel values; fashion. If multiple test patterns are available,
technologists should also be making this you may expose each size once. If not, the
decision in between annual evaluations. Plot pattern must be exposed two times each
the average pixel value of the three, and the (center x (y-acceptance), periphery x).
proprietary indicators versus Log of the Collimation is necessary to avoid wash out,
exposure in Roentgens. but too much collimation may cause the
software to misjudge auto collimation. It may
e. Interpretation of Results. Consult the field also misjudge if multiple patterns are on a
service engineer if values vary greater than small cassette. Process the plates with an
expected. appropriate algorithm for the plate size (as in
the throughput test). View the image with the
5. Laser Beam Evaluation magnification tool (10 X on narrow window)
on a 2 K workstation (if not available at the
a. Purpose. To ensure that the CR reader unit site, consider printing on film, or viewing on a
laser is sampling all plate data points and is 1 K workstation).
not skipping data lines.
e. Interpretation of Results. If the resolution is
b. Regulations. There should be no signal drop below the expected value, first ensure that the
out and no more than occasional jitters. resolution for the radiographic tube is
adequate and then consult with a qualified
c. Equipment. Metal coated or steel straight service engineer. The laser may need to be
edged ruler and 180 cc ion chamber replaced.

d. Procedures. Pre-expose an ion chamber free 7. Low Contrast Resolution

in air at 72” SID to a beam with 80 kVp, no
added filtration and enough mAs to deliver 5 a. Purpose. To ensure that contrast detail is
mR. Expose a single cassette in the same satisfactory.
fashion with the ruler centered
perpendicularly to the scan lines (scan lines b. Regulations. The low contrast sensitivity
are in direction of plate opening) at a slight should be comparable to that of film / screen
angle. Process with vendor specific algorithm systems. The low contrast sensitivity should
as in previous test-Agfa (Fuji-test / sens semi- also be similar to that seen in the previous
EDR). View the image using the magnifying annual evaluation.
glass tool.

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

c. Equipment. Low contrast test pattern and 180 the test tool in the image center (i.e. apply
cc ion chamber. collimation). Process the plate with an
appropriate algorithm for the plate size. Re-
d. Procedure. Pre-expose an ion chamber in a expose at a very low exposure without the test
tabletop 40” SID free in air mode using 75 tool and using slightly smaller collimation.
kVp, 1.5 mm added copper filtration, and View on the image processing station.
enough mAs for 0.1, 1 and 5(Agfa) 10(Fuji)
mR respectively. Expose three cassettes in the e. Interpretation of Results. Consult a qualified
same manner with the test tool on top of each service engineer if a residual image is seen,.
cassette. Process the image using a general
low contrast algorithm (Agfa-flat field, 200 9. Phosphor Plate Dark Noise
speed Fuji-test / sensitivity, semi-EDR,
Kodak-pattern). View using window and a. Purpose. To ensure that electronic artifacts do
level as appropriate on a 2K/printer/1K not exist.
workstation (depending on availability).
b. Regulations. There should be no visible
e. Interpretation of Results. Consult with the artifacts. (Agfa- lgM < 0.28 / SAL < 130,
qualified service engineer if low contrast average pixel value < 350 and stand dev < 5,
resolution is noticeably degraded. Consider Fuji- Average pixel value < 280, stand dev <
using a DSA step wedge phantom to 4, Kodak EI < 80, stand dev < 4).
compensate for anode-heel effect.
c. Equipment. None
8. Erasure Thoroughness
d. Procedure. Process three newly erased plates
a. Purpose. To ensure that vestiges of previous per the manufacturer’s specified algorithms
images do not appear in the current image. (Agfa-system diagnosis / flat field / speed 200,
Fuji-Test / sensitivity (L = 1), fixed EDR (S =
b. Regulations. Ghost images of prior exposures 10,000). Perform ROIs on the resulting
should not appear in a current image. images. Record average pixel values,
standard deviation and proprietary values.
c. Equipment. High contrast tool (Pb or line pair
phantom) e. Interpretation of Results. Consult with the
qualified service engineer if values are not
d. Procedure. Expose a plate at 72” SID to an 80 below the specified limit or artifacts are seen.
kVp beam with a high incident exposure and

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Table 17-1.—Computed Radiography Systems Survey Requirements.

Test Frequency Measurements Tolerance

1. Phosphor A/P If possible, at least ten of each cassette Should be within ± 10%
Cassette size, or four of each size exposed to ~ 2 of manufacturer’s spec.
Throughput mR then extrapolate to hourly rate
2. Phosphor A/P Expose each plate to 10 mR at 80 kVp Agfa PVSD < 25, Fuji and Kodak
Plate Uniformity with 0.5 mm Cu and 1 mm Al filtration PVSD < 20 or all PVs within 10%,
(Reproducibility) and 72” SID. Gather pixel data with other values vendor specific, all
global ROIs and vendor specific values plates should be artifact free
3. Exposure A/P Expose three plates of each size to 1 Exposure Indicator should be within ±
Indicator mR at 72” SID, gather pixel data with 2% of manufacturer’s programmed,
global ROIs and vendor specific values absolutely must be within 10% (Agfa
(Agfa: 75 kVp, 1.5 mm Cu, no delay; lgM = 2.2 < +/- 0.045, Fuji S = 200 <
Fuji: 80 kVp no filter, 10 minute delay; +/- 20, Kodak EI = 2000 < +/- 45)
Kodak: 80 kVp, 0.5 mm Cu + 1 mm Al,
15 minute delay)
4. Linearity A/P Expose the same plate three times Noise should decrease with
each to 0.1 mR, 1 mR and 5-10 mR(if exposure, the linearity coefficients
can get to 10 with an exposure and slope values are vendor specific;
indicator) with 80 kVp beam; gather all plots should result in a straight line
pixel data with ROIs and vendor specific (Agfa-SlopelgM - 1 < +/- 0.1, Fuji-
values; plot the vendor specific values SlopeS +1 < +/- 0.1 or SlopePV/256 – 1
and pixel values versus lg (exposure) < +/- 0.1, Kodak-SlopeEI/1000 – 1 <
+/- 0.1 or SlopePV/1000 – 1 < +/- 0.1)
5. Laser Beam A/P Expose a plate to 5 mR with ruler There should be no signal drop out or
Evaluation centered on cassette and perpendicular no more than an occasional ± jitter
to the scan lines (slight angle)
6. Spatial A/P Expose a line pair phantom on each The resolution must be within 10% of
Resolution plate size to 5 mR using an unfiltered the manufacturer’s stated (Rhor / fNyquist
60 kVp beam at 72” SID in the x and y > 0.9, Rver / fNyquist > 0.9, R45° / (1.41
directions and at 45°, for both center fNyquist) > 0.9
and periphery
7. Low Contrast A/P Expose a low contrast phantom on a The low contrast should improve with
single plate to 0.1 mR, 1 mR and 5-10 increased exposure, it should be
mR comparable to film/screen, if annual,
should be similar to previous year’s
8. Erasure A/P Expose a large cassette to 50 mR with There should not be a ghost image in
Thoroughness high contrast object and process (72’’ second image; Agfa PV < 630, PVSD
SID, no filter). Re- expose processed < 5; Fuji PV < 280, PVSD < 4; Kodak
plate to 1 mR without object and ~ 5 cm PV < 80, PVSD < 4
reduced collimation; reprocess one
more time using “dark noise” settings
for quantitative data
9. Phosphor A/P Take three recently processed (erased) The plates should not show any
Plate Dark Noise plates and process per manufacturer’s visible artifacts, ROI values vary by
recommendations vendor

Abbreviations: A: acceptance, P: periodic, ROI: Region Of Interest, mR: milliroentgen

NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013


Computed Radiography System Survey NMCPHC TM 6470.1
JUNE 2013

Facility: Date:

Room Number/Location: ECN:


Model Number: Tube Serial Number:

Test Performed Pass Fail N/A Comments (failure comments must annotate minor or significant finding)

Phosphor Cassette

Phosphor Plate

Exposure Indicator


Laser Beam

Spatial Resolution

Wire Mesh Test

Low Contrast

Beam Central /
Mechanical Spot Film
Distance Accuracy
and Aspect Ratio
Phosphor Plate Dark
Additional Comments:

Purpose: Results:

Surveyor Name:

Surveyor Signature:

NMCPHC 6470/29 (06/2013) 17-7



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