Federal Public Service Commission
Federal Public Service Commission
Federal Public Service Commission
Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1 x 20=20)
Q.2. Define fossil, discuss various modes of fossilizations. Describe main morphological features of class
Trilobita of Phylum Arthropoda. (20)
Q.3. What are faults, how they are recognized in field? Give the classification
of faults based on Slip types. (20)
Q.4. Describe the morphological and structural characters of Salt Range. Discuss its importance
in geology of Pakistan. Give the lithological characteristics of Salt Range Formation. (20)
Q.5. In the context of earthquake, define epicentre and focus. Using P and S waves how the
epicentre of an earthquake is located? (20)
Q.6. How rock-forming minerals are classified on the basis of silicate structure?
Give example of each class. Write down the physical properties of mica group. (20)
Q.7. With examples, discuss the geological parameters which control the landforms of an area.
Describe the landforms resulted by sedimentation through ice and meltwater. (20)
Q.8. Write notes on the following: (5+5+5+5 = 20)
(a) Magmatic Differentiation (b) Diagenesis
(c) Dolomitization (d) Metasomatism
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Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (1 x 20=20)
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(xiii) To obtain information about magnetic minerals from Stereogram/Stereopair following instrument is used:
(a) Stereometer (b) Magnetometer (c) Resistivitymeter
(d) Seismometer (e) None of these
(xiv) Following rocks are not suitable as construction materials due to ASR and ACR hazards respectively:
(a) Granite and Diorite (b) Dolomite and Calcite
(c) Andesite and Dolomite (d) Basalt and Gabbro (e) None of these
(xv) Presence of Pegmatite is especially an indicator of possible occurrence of:
(a) Base-metals (b) Radioactive minerals
(c) Magnetic minerals (d) Non-metals (e) All of these
(xvi) For exploration and determination of underground water quality most suitable method is:
(a) Seismic (b) Magnetic (c) Geochemical (d) Resistivity (e) None of these
(xvii) If a map shows distribution of rocks and other geological materials (features also) of different ages over the
Earth’s surface or below, it is known as:
(a) Topographic Map (b) Geological Map
(c) Physiographic Map (d) Mine-Survey Map (e) None of these
(xviii) A map which shows the surface contours on an imaginary surface to which water would rise in a drilled well
is termed as:
(a) Piezometric Contour Map (b) Groundwater Contour Map
(c) Water Table Contour Map (d) Sonometric Contour Map (e) All of these
(xix) Following is the term describes the Iron-Oxide rich zone which lies above a Sulphide bearing ore deposit:
(a) Greisen (b) Genesis (c) Gossan (d) Gneiss (e) None of these
(xx) Oil seepages in the Sulaiman Range are from the rocks of the following ages:
(a) Triassic and Jurassic (b) Jurassic and Cretaceous
(c) Cretaceous and Paleocene (d) Paleocene and Eocene (e) All of these
NOTE:(i) PART-II is to be attempted on separate Answer Book.
(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II. All questions carry EQUAL marks.
(iii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be
Q.2. Name various geochemical prospecting methods for minerals. Describe any one of them in detail (20)
with examples.
Q.3. What geological considerations are essential before selecting a site for and during construction (20)
of a tunnel? Discuss in detail.
Q.4. Elaborate Hydrologic Cycle. How the water-flow budget of an hydrologic basin is calculated? (20)
Q.5. What are Kimberlites? Discuss their distribution in space and time, geological setting and (20)
Q.6. (a) Give the criteria for lithological interpretation on an aerial photograph. (10)
(b) Briefly discuss the merits and demerits of Aerial Photography and Satellite Remote (10)
Sensing over each other.
Q.7. Write about the tectonic setting and metallogenic province of RecoDiK Copper – Gold Belt of (20)
Balochistan. Discuss the genesis and petrography of the deposit.
Q.8. Give the occurrence of coal deposits in the Kirthar Province of Lower Indus Basin. Describe (20)
their stratigraphic association, coal varieties and reserves.
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