4500MB CH 3 Parr Stirred Reactors and Pressure Vessels Catalog v15 Literature

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Bulletin 4500 | Volume 15

Parr Instrument Company

Chapter 3 Start
This pdf is just one chapter from our Catalog 4500. Please refer to
all eight chapters to make the proper equipment choice for your needs.
Stirred Reactors and Pressure Vessels

Designing and Building Quality Pressure Apparatus for 120 Years

Multi Reactor Systems Chapter 3

Inside this chapter you will find

5000 Multiple Reactor System (MRS)

2500 Micro Batch Reactor System

Parallel Reactor Systems

Series Number:

5000 Multiple Reactor System (MRS)
The Parr Series 5000 Multiple Reactor System Stirring System
has been designed to provide an integrated system All six vessels are stirred with a single magnetic
Type: for running multiple reactions simultaneously stirrer system specifically designed and built for
Multiple Vessel and applying the principles of high throughput this application. The magnetic drives and fields are
experimentation to reactions conducted at elevated focused on the stirrer bars within each vessel. High
Stand: temperatures and pressures. strength compact magnets are used to provide
Bench Top The principal features of the 5000 System include: coupling forces which will operate through the
heaters and vessels. The stirring speed of the
Vessel Mounting: - Six reactors with internal stirring.
stirrer bar is variable from 0-1200 rpm. All vessels
Moveable - Operating pressures to 3000 psi. will have the same stirring speed during a single
- Operating temperatures to 300 °C. run of the apparatus. This arrangement ensures
Vessel Sizes, mL:
- Individual temperature control. that the difference in reaction rates between
45 and 75 vessels run in parallel are due to set conditions
- Continuous individual pressure monitoring.
Standard Pressure other than variations in stirrer speed.
- Computer control and data logging.
MAWP Rating, psi (bar):
- Manifold system for rapid turn around and to
3000 (200) Heaters
allow two different input gases.
The external heaters surround the vessel
Standard Maximum - Volumes and reactor geometry designed for
Operating Temp., °C:
walls for rapid and uniform heating and temperature
three phase reactions.
225 w/ FKM O-ring control. Each vessel is individually temperature
- Flexible Control Software. controlled. The 250-watt heater used on each
300 w/ FFKM O-ring
300 w/ PTFE Flat Gasket vessel produces heating rates up to 15 °C per
Stirred Batch Reaction Vessel minute. An optional reactor cooling support rack is
This multiple reaction system has been designed available for air-cooling.
around a vessel with 75 mL total volume. This will
accommodate between 15 mL and 40 mL of liquid
reactants which is close to the minimum volume
appropriate for heterogeneous catalytic reactions.
The vessel valves and accessories
are designed for maximum
operating pressures up to
3000 psi at operating
temperatures up to 300 °C.
A system with 45 mL
vessels is also available.

Model 5000 Multiple Reactor System, six 75 mL Vessels with Flat Gaskets
and Head-Mounted Valves, shown with included 4871 Process Controller.

68 Parr Instrument Company www.parrinst.com

M u l t i R e a c t o r s 3

Series 5000 Pressure Reactor System Specifications Operating Modes

The Series 5000 Multiple Reaction
Shaded bar indicates specifications that change within series. System provides an apparatus for running
Model Number 5000 up to six reactions in parallel to build a
Approximate Sizes, mL 45 75 database for comparing and optimizing
operating conditions. The user can design
No. of Reaction Vessels 6
experiments to:
Maximum Pressure (MAWP) 3000 psi (200 bar)
- Run all reactions at the same
Maximum Temperature temperature and pressure while
with FKM O-ring  225 °C varying catalyst loading or reactant
with FFKM O-ring 300 °C
concentrations to optimize these
with PTFE Flat Gasket 300 °C
- Run all reactors with identical loads
Closure varying pressures at a common
with O-ring  Screw Cap temperature to study the effect of
with Flat Gasket  Screw Cap (6 Compression Bolts) pressure on reaction rates.
Material of Construction T316SS
- Run individual reactors with individual
loading and temperature and pressure
Process Controller Model 4871 to screen multiple options for activity.
Analog Inputs  6 Temperature
A comparison of the plots of pressure
6 Pressure drop versus time within the reactors
1 Motor Speed running under parallel conditions will
Analog Outputs  1 Stirrer Speed (Optional)
usually be the most useful means of
measuring reaction rates and comparing
Digital Outputs  6 PID Temperature Control operating conditions. The internal
Temperature Measurement 6 Thermowells thermocouple also provides a means of
Heater Style 6 Band Heaters, Aluminum Block detecting temperature changes due to
exothermic reactions.
Heater Power, Watts 250W Per Station, 1500W Total
External Thermocouple Optional
Reactor Options
Stirrer Motor Type Manual or Computer Controlled
As Parr customers have come to expect
Stirrer Style PTFE- or Glass-Coated Magnetic Stirrer Bar with our line of laboratory pressure
Electrical Supply reactor equipment, these reactors are
Volts, AC 115 / 230 offered with a number of options which
permit the user to configure the system
Maximum Load, amps, 115 / 230 15 / 7.5
to their reactions and intended operating
Vessel Dimensions conditions. These options include:
Inside Diameter, inches 1.18 1.50 O-ring or Flat Gasket Seals. Vessels
Inside Depth, inches 2.69 Flat Gasket, 2.50 O-ring with O-ring seals are closed by simply
tightening the screw cap down
3 6
Weight of Vessel, pounds hand tight. The maximum operating
(w/ Panel-Mounted Valves) (w/ Head-Mounted Valves)
temperature will depend upon the
Dimensions Width, in. Depth, in. Height, in. Weight, lbs. O-ring material. When equipped
Heater 25.75 9.25 2.875 31 with FKM (Viton®) O-rings operating
temperatures up to 225 °C are permitted.
Stirrer 28 9.5 7.625 12
By substituting FFKM (Kalrez®) O-rings
4871 Controller 13 11 15 14 this limit can be raised to 300 °C.
Manifold, Remote 26.5 9.0 15 36 Careful consideration of chemical
Manifold, Head Mount 26.5 9.0 15 18 compatibility must also be given when
selecting O-ring materials. PTFE gaskets
Spare Parts Kit 5009M
can be used to temperatures up to
Other options available. See Ordering Guide, visit www.parrinst.com, or call for more information. 300 °C and offer virtually universal
chemical compati­bility. Six compression
bolts are used to develop the sealing
forces on the PTFE gaskets in this design.

1-800-872-7720 | 1-309-762-7716 Parr Instrument Company 69

Series Number:

5000 Multiple Reactor System (MRS)
Head Configuration. Each reaction vessel is are protected by stainless steel sheaths which
equipped with an inlet valve, exhaust valve, safety are inserted into a protective thermowell. These
rupture disc, and pressure transducer in addition to thermowells make it easy to install and remove
an internal thermocouple. Vessels can be modified thermocouples from the vessels, and also provide
to include a dip tube for liquid sampling or a cold additional chemical and mechanical protection for the
finger for cooling. The user can choose to have the thermocouple.
valves, transducer and rupture disc mounted on a We also offer an external thermocouple option with
multi-port adapter connected directly to the vessel the thermocouples positioned in contact with each
head, or remotely mounted on the back panel. cylinder wall.
- Head Mounted. The head mounted design Gas Manifold. The brass gas inlet manifold is
makes it possible to remove the pressurized designed to handle both a purge gas, usually
vessels from the heater/stirrer assembly or to nitrogen, and a reactant gas, usually hydrogen.
prefill the vessels in a remote location. PEEK This can be set up to automatically fill each vessel
flexible tubing with a quick slip connector is to the same initial pressure or to manually fill each
provided for each vessel for inlet of gas. Tubing vessel to a unique operating pressure. This gas
is easily removed after gas fill. manifold can also be supplied in T316SS to meet
- Panel Mounted. The remote panel mounted more corrosive requirements.
arrangement connects all the pressure inlets/ Gas burettes. For applications where gas
outlets to each vessel with a single PTFE lined consumption measurement is important, optional
stainless tubing. Alternate stainless steel tubing high pressure gas burettes can be provided (see
is offered if required. In the panel mount valve photo on this page). These burettes allow monitoring/
configuration the gas inlet tubing generally calculation of the number of moles of gas consumed
remains attached to the vessels during operation. during a reaction. A complete description and list
Materials of Construction. Type 316 Stainless of available volumes and delivery pressure ranges
Steel is the standard material of construction for can be found on page 126 of this catalog (or at
both the vessel with its https://www.parrinst.com/hpb.
wetted parts and the
4871 Process Controller
valve and head fittings
The Series 5000 Multiple Reaction System is
exposed to vapors.
controlled by a dedicated Parr 4871 Process
For investigators
Controller. A detailed description of this controller is
working with systems
found in Chapter 6 of this catalog, page 109.
containing strong
mineral acids or For this application the controller is set up
other more corrosive to provide:
systems these - Temperature monitoring and PID control
vessels can be made of each individual reactor
of most of the Parr - Pressure monitoring of each individual reactor
standard materials of - Data logging of temperature and pressure
construction. in each reactor
Stirrer Configuration. - Control and logging of the common stirring
Stirring is accomplished speed of the reactors.
by use of either PTFE
The controller provides Ramp & Soak programming
coated or glass coated
for individual reaction vessels, digital inputs and
magnetic stirrer bars.
outputs for interlocks, alarms or other safety
Thermocouple features, and additional analog and digital inputs and
Configuration. outputs to control flow meters or other accessories
Thermocouples are which might be added at some future date. The
mounted inside user’s control station is a PC running any current
the vessel for the Windows operating system. A simplified graphical
best temperature user interface has been designed for the control
monitoring and control. and monitoring of the Series 5000 Multiple Reaction
The thermocouples System. The PC is used strictly as the user interface
and data logging module. All control actions are
gener­ated in the 4871 Process Controller (not the PC).

MRS with individually

controlled Gas Burettes.

70 Parr Instrument Company www.parrinst.com

M u l t i R e a c t o r s 3

Series 5000 Ordering Guide

The Order No. for the Base System is: 5000(45)-T-SS-115-P-MV-2000-MB-CC
A composite identification number to be used when ordering a 5000 Series Reactor can be
developed by combining individual symbols from the separate sections below. For more
information on how to use this ordering guide, please see page 27.

A Base Model J Stirring Control

Model No. Size -M Manual
5000 45 or 75 mL -CC Computer Controlled
-RPM Digital RPM Display
B Gasket / Maximum Temperature
-OV FKM O-ring, 225 °C K Certifications
-OK FFKM O-ring, 300 °C -No Symbol No Certification
-T PTFE Flat Gasket, 300 °C -ASME ASME Certification
-PED PED Certification
C Materials of Construction -P Parr Certification
-SS T316 Stainless Steel
-MO Alloy 400 L Options
-IN Alloy 600 -SV* Dip Tube with Sampling Valve
-HB Alloy B-2 / B-3 -CF* Cold Finger
-HC Alloy C-276 -MPG Manifold Pressure Gage
-CS Alloy 20 -FMH Flexible SS Hoses
-TI2 Titanium Grade 2 -E-TC External Thermocouple
-TI4 Titanium Grade 4 -R-TC Redundant Thermocouple
-ZR702 Zirconium Grade 702 -RCS Reactor Cooling Support
-ZR705 Zirconium Grade 705 -2280 Gas Burettes (see page 126)
See page 10 or 24 for complete list of available alloys. * Dip Tubes & Cold Fingers cannot be installed at the same time.

D Electrical Supply M Spare Parts

-115 115 VAC -5009M Spare Parts Kit for 5000 Series
-230 230 VAC
Replacement Vessel, T316SS, 75 mL, including
head, cylinder, screw cap and thermowell
E Thermocouple
Replacement Vessel, T316SS, 45 mL, including
-No Symbol Type J (Standard) -5051
head, cylinder, screw cap and thermowell
-K Type K
Other Available Options
F Valve Mounting
Glass Liner
-H Head Mount w/ PEEK Tubing PTFE Liner
-P Remote Panel Mount w/ PTFE Lined SS Hoses

G Inlet Valve
-AC Automatic Check Valve
-MV Manual Valve
Parr also designs and builds a wide range of
H Transducer Range multiple reactor systems with overhead magnetic
-1000 0-1000 psi drive stirrers. Many of these multiple reactor
-2000 0-2000 psi systems have been based upon our Series 4590
-3000 0-3000 psi Micro Reactors, Series 4560 Mini Reactors, and our
Series 5500 High Pressure Compact Reactors. We
I Stirrer Type have also supplied multiple reactor systems based
-MB Magnetic Bar Stirrer, PTFE
on our largest 4555 Stirred Reactor Series. Please
see page 74 of this catalog for examples. Contact
-GB Magnetic Bar Stirrer, Glass
our Customer Service Department for details and
proposals for custom systems.

1-800-872-7720 | 1-309-762-7716 Parr Instrument Company 71

Series Number:

Series 2500 Micro Batch Reactor System
The 2500 Micro Batch Reactor System is our
smallest ever family of stirred reactors, available
Type: in a number of configurations. With reactor volumes
Micro Batch of 5 mL or 10 mL, independent reactor gas filling
PID temperature control, and a choice of two
Stand: closure styles, the flexibility of the MBS 2500 is
Bench Top sure to bring value to your small volume, high
pressure project.
Vessel Mounting:
Based on the popular Parr MRS 5000, the MBS
2500 offers even smaller volume options, a smaller
Vessel Sizes, mL: footprint, a stand-alone controller and data logging
5 and 10 system, and a lower per reactor price.

Maximum Operational Features of the Micro Batch System

Pressure, psi (bar): 2500 include:
3000 (200) Standard - Three reactors with 5 mL or 10 mL volume,
available in stainless steel, high-nickel alloys,
Standard Maximum titanium, zirco­nium, and other exotic materials
Operating Temp., °C:
150 w/ EP O-ring - Small 12" x 12" (30.5 cm x 30.5 cm) footprint,
225 w/ FKM O-ring with remotely located 4848-based controller for
275 w/ FFKM O-ring temperature/stirring control and pressure display.
300 w/ Carbon-Filled - Standard 3000 psi (207 bar, 200 bar for CE)
PTFE Flat Gasket at 300 °C rating in T316 Stainless Steel
- Trusted Parr seal geometry employing
either a captive PTFE flat gasket and
screw cap with compression bolts,
or a self-sealing O-ring with tool-free
screw cap closure

- Standard head fittings to include safety rupture

disc, pressure transducer, inlet/vent valve, and
internal thermocouple
- 3-valve inlet manifold for control of gas addition
- Common aluminum block heater with PID control
Parr Model 2500 Micro Batch Reactor alongside
- Individual reactor temperature monitoring
the 4848 Micro Batch System Controller
- Individual reactor pressure monitoring
- Common stirring speed via individual PTFE- or
Pyrex-encapsulated stir bars

72 Parr Instrument Company www.parrinst.com

M u l t i R e a c t o r s 3

Series 2500 Ordering Guide

The Order No. for the Base System is:
Series 2500 Micro Batch System Specifications MCM-4848MBSC
Shaded bar indicates specifications that change within series.
Model Number 2500 A Base Model
Model No. Size
Sizes, mL 5 10
2500 5 or 10 mL
No. of Reaction Vessels 3
B Gasket / Maximum Temperature
Maximum Pressure 3000 psi (207 bar, 200 bar for CE)
-OV FKM O-ring, 225 °C
Maximum Temperature (Internal)
-OK FFKM O-ring, 275 °C
with EP O-ring  150 °C -T Carbon-filled PTFE Flat Gasket, 300 °C
with FKM O-ring  225 °C -EP EP O-ring, 150 °C
with FFKM O-ring 275 °C C Materials of Construction
with Carbon-Filled -SS T316 Stainless Steel
300 °C
PTFE Flat Gasket -MO Alloy 400
-IN Alloy 600
-HB Alloy B-2 / B-3
with O-ring  Screw Cap
-HC Alloy C-276
with Flat Gasket  Screw Cap (6 Compression Bolts) -CS Alloy 20
Material of Construction T316SS -TI2 Titanium Grade 2
Controller Model 4848MBSC -TI4 Titanium Grade 4
-ZR702 Zirconium Grade 702
4 Temperature -ZR705 Zirconium Grade 705
Analog Inputs 
(3 Vessels, 1 Heater Block)
See page 10 or 24 for complete list of available alloys.
3 Pressure
D Electrical Supply
1 Motor Speed
-115 115 VAC
Analog Outputs  1 Stirrer Speed -230 230 VAC
Digital Outputs  1 PID Temperature Control
E Thermocouple
Temperature Measurement Individual Thermowell inside each vessel -No Symbol Type J (Standard)
Heater Style Aluminum Block -K Type K
Heater Power, Watts 450W F Transducer Range
Block Mounted Thermocouple Included -1000 0-1000 psi
Stirrer Motor Type Manual or Computer Controlled -2000 0-2000 psi
-3000 0-3000 psi
PTFE- or Pyrex-encapsulated
Stirrer Style
Magnetic Stirrer Bars G Stirrer Type
Electrical Supply -MB Magnetic Bar Stirrer, PTFE
-GB Magnetic Bar Stirrer, Glass
Volts, AC 115 / 230
H Certifications
Maximum Load, amps,
4.6 / 2.3 -No Symbol No Certification
115 / 230
-PED PED Certification
Vessel Dimensions
-P Parr Certification
Inside Diameter, inches 0.62 0.80
I Options
Inside Diameter, inches 1.06 1.22
Weight of Vessel, pounds 3 (w/ Panel-mounted Valves)
J Spare Parts
Dimensions Width, in. Depth, in. Height, in. Weight, lbs.
Spare Parts Kit with three Inconel
Main Unit 8 10.5 22 41 -2509M
rupture discs, 18 gaskets, and lube
4848MBSC Controller 13.5 11 10 14
Replacement vessel, T316SS, 10 mL,
Spare Parts Kit 2509M including head, cylinder, and screw cap

Other options available. See Ordering Guide, visit www.parrinst.com, Replacement vessel, T316SS, 5 mL,
or call for more information. including head, cylinder, and screw cap

1-800-872-7720 | 1-309-762-7716 Parr Instrument Company 73

Parallel Reactor Systems
Parr designs and builds custom parallel reactor and multiple
reactor systems for use in high-throughput screening, combinatorial
chemistry, corrosion testing, and catalyst testing.
These systems are based on our wide range of reactor systems
and feature overhead magnetic drive stirrers. Contact our Customer
Service Department for details and proposals for custom parallel
reactor systems.

Sixteen Reactor Parallel System Five Reactor Parallel System

This system is a combination of sixteen standard 4560 Mini Reactors This Parallel Reactor System incorporates five
with heaters, valves, pressure gages and rupture disc assemblies and 160 mL, 4560 Series Stirred Mini Reactors rated
two 4871 Process Controllers with sixteen 4875 Power Controllers. It for use at 350 °C and 3000 psig / 200 bar. Each of
allows the user to run multiple reactions simultaneously, applying the the reactors has a dedicated high pressure (5000
principles of high-throughput experimentation. Individual variables that psig / 345 bar) 100 mL general purpose vessel
can be controlled are gas mixtures, liquids, catalysts or other solids, associated with it serving as a reactant gas feed
stirring speed, temperature, pressure and time. reservoir. These feed vessels are located above
and immediately behind the main reactors and
are each equipped with a dedicated pressure
transducer, thermocouple and a constant pressure
regulator. The regulator maintains the downstream
reactor at a constant pressure while the pressure
transducer/thermocouple combination allows
the process controller to accurately monitor and
record the real-time consumption of reactant gas.
This system would normally be used to study
various aspects of hydrogenation or carbonylation
reactions. The 4871 Process Controller also
controls and records the reactor temperature,
stirring speed and monitors the reaction pressure.
The compact reactor system stand incorporates
not only reactant gas feed and vent/ purge
manifolds but cooling water feed and drain
manifolds to simplify the installation and hook up.
Twelve Reactor Parallel System
This system makes use of the lower cost 5500 High Pressure
Compact Lab Reactors that feature a modified stand, aluminum block
heaters, removable vessels and a standard gage block assembly. A
control system (not pictured) automates the process, monitors the
parameters and collects the data.

74 Parr Instrument Company www.parrinst.com

M u l t i R e a c t o r s 3

Three Reactor Parallel System

This system incorporates three 1.8 L 4570 Series High
Pressure/High Temperature reactors rated for use at
5000 psi (345 bar) at 500 °C. The reactors in this system
are manufactured of Alloy C-276 and are equipped with Four Reactor Parallel System on Moveable cart
internal coupon holders to facilitate study of corrosion This system consists of three 160 mL and one 450 mL 4560
processes in harsh environments. This particular Series Reactors rated for use at 3000 psi (200 bar) at 350 °C.
application does not require precisely controlled gas This configuration allows both high throughput screening
delivery, so Individual gas feed vessels are not present. and scale-up, if desired. Gas supply and vent manifolds for
However, gas supply and gas vent manifolds are provided. the entire system and pressure control for the larger reactor
A 4871 Process Controller is also included (not shown). are provided. Reactor temperatures and stirring speed are
controlled by four 4848 Reactor controllers (not shown).

Four Reactor Benchtop Parallel System

This system combines four 300 mL, 4560
Series Mini Bench Top Reactors dual rated for
2900 psi (200 bar) at up to 350 °C and 2000
psi (137 bar) at 500°C. This multiple reactor
system was designed for hydrogenation
testing in the petroleum industry and includes
individually controlled gas feed lines, a
liquid pump to sequentially fill the reactors,
and an automated vent system. Manifolds
for gas supply & vent, as well as cooling
water supply and drain are also included.
Independent temperature and motor control
for each reactor is provided by a 4871
Process Controller (not shown).

Parallel systems continued next page >

1-800-872-7720 | 1-309-762-7716 Parr Instrument Company 75

Parallel Reactor Systems, continued
< Parallel systems continued from previous page

Six Reactor Parallel System with Automatic

Sampling System
This system includes six 25 mL, 4590 Series Stirred Micro
Reactors rated for use up to 3000 psi (200 bar) at 350 °C.
Gas supply and vent manifolds are provided, as well as
manifolds to deliver and drain cooling water to/from either
the internal cold finger or the external aluminum block
heaters with cooling channels. Control is provided by a
4871 Process Controller.
Note, an automated liquid sampling system installed on
the far left reactor allows the sequential collection of
several ~1 mL liquid samples under full reactor operating
pressure. The system automatically clears the lines
between samples.
For more information on automated liquid sampling,
please see the 4878 Automated Liquid Sampler System
on page 130.

76 Parr Instrument Company www.parrinst.com

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