Cooking and Gardening Behaviors and Improvements in Dietary Intake in Hispanic/Latino Youth

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May/June 2019 jVolume 15, Number 4

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/chi.2018.0110

Cooking and Gardening Behaviors

and Improvements in Dietary Intake
in Hispanic/Latino Youth
Matthew J. Landry, BS,1 Annie K. Markowitz, PhD,1 Fiona M. Asigbee, PhD, MPH,1
Nicole M. Gatto, PhD, MPH,2 Donna Spruijt-Metz, MFA, PhD,3 and Jaimie N. Davis, PhD, RD1

Background: School gardening interventions typically include cooking and gardening (CG) components; however, few studies
have examined associations between CG psychosocial behaviors (attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivation), dietary intake, and
obesity parameters. This study assessed the association between changes in CG behaviors with changes in dietary intake and obesity
in participants of the LA Sprouts study, an after-school, 12-week, randomized controlled CG intervention conducted in four inner-
city elementary schools in Los Angeles.
Methods: Process analysis using data from 290 low-income, primarily Hispanic/Latino third through fifth-grade students who
were randomized to either the LA Sprouts intervention (n = 160) or control group (n = 130). Height, weight, waist circumference,
dietary intake via questionnaire, and CG behaviors were collected at baseline and postintervention. Linear regressions determined
whether changes in CG behaviors predicted changes in dietary intake and obesity outcomes.
Results: There were no differences in changes in CG psychosocial behaviors between intervention and control groups, therefore
groups were combined. Participants were 49% male, 87% Hispanic/Latino, and an average age of nine. Increases in cooking
behaviors significantly predicted increases in dietary fiber intake ( p = 0.004) and increases in vegetable intake ( p = 0.03). Increases
in gardening behaviors significantly predicted increased intake of dietary fiber ( p = 0.02). Changes in CG behaviors were not
associated with changes in BMI z-score or waist circumference.
Conclusions: Results from this study suggest that school-based interventions should incorporate CG components, despite their
potentially costly and time-intensive nature, as these behaviors may be responsible for improvements in dietary intake of high-risk
minority youth.

Keywords: childhood obesity; cooking and gardening; cooking behaviors; dietary intake; fruit and vegetable intake; fiber intake;
school-based intervention

Introduction such as high blood pressure, increased triglycerides, type

2 diabetes (T2D), and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.2–4

hildhood obesity continues to be a major problem Lower socioeconomic status is also associated with higher
in the United States with 17.5% of children rates of obesity in youth in the United States.5 It is crucial
between the ages of 6 and 11 years characterized to decrease obesity and metabolic disease risk especially
as obese in in low-income, minority populations.
2011–2014.1 Hispanic/Latino youth are affected by Increasing fruit and vegetable (FV) intake may be an
obesity and obesity-related diseases at a effective method to prevent obesity. 6–9 FV consumption is
disproportionately higher rate than non-Hispanic whites, associated with reduced risk of T2D, and vegetable con-
with 25.0% of Hispanic children (6–11 years) being obese sumption is linked to decreased visceral fat, liver fat, and
compared with 13.6% of non-Hispanic white children of insulin resistance in Hispanic/Latino youth. 10 Dietary fiber
the same age.1 Children who are obese are more likely intake is inversely associated with waist circumference,
than their normal weight counterparts to exhibit
cardiovascular disease risk factors

Department of Nutritional Sciences, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX.
School of Community and Global Health, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.
Center for Economic and Social Research, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.

visceral adiposity, T2D risk factors, inflammation, and the schools were randomly assigned to either the intervention
metabolic syndrome.11–14 Children in the United States do or control (delayed intervention). Schools were eligible
not meet the recommended intake for FV or dietary fiber, for the study if they met the following criteria: (1)
and intake is lower in low-income and Hispanic/Latino participa- tion in LAs BEST, (2) at least 75%
populations often due to limited access to affordable and Hispanic/Latino, (3) 75% were eligible for free or reduced
fresh FV.15–17 Interventions that provide access to fresh FV meals on the Na- tional School Lunch program, (4)
and target increasing FV and dietary fiber intake to reduce located within 10 miles of the University of Southern
risk of obesity and metabolic disease are warranted, es- California Health Science Campus, (5) approval from
pecially in low-income, Hispanic populations. LAUSD, and (6) expression of interest in being involved
Increased exposure to a food is associated with in the study. The main outcomes of the LA Sprouts
increased preference for that food, and food preferences intervention have been previously re- ported.29,40 Analyses
are formed during childhood.18,19 Thus, it is important to discussed here are based on 290 children (n = 160, LA
expose chil- dren to nutritious choices such as FV and Sprouts; n = 130, controls) who had complete data. A
other high-fiber foods early on. Children’s preference for flow of participants through this study and analysis is
FV has been shown to predict FV consumption, so outlined in Figure 1. The study was ap- proved by the
exposure to FV, specifically early in life, may lead to Institutional Review Boards of The Uni- versity of Texas
increased FV prefer- ence and consumption in childhood at Austin and the University of Southern California. The
and into adulthood.19–21 Psychosocial variables such as
trial is registered at (NCT02291146).
self-efficacy, attitudes, and knowledge of FV have been
identified as key contributors in determining dietary Description of the LA Sprouts Intervention
behaviors in children.19,22
In 2012–2014, the LA Sprouts intervention took place
School cooking and gardening (CG) programs are be-
afterschool on each school campus. Raised-bed gardens
coming popular tools to teach children about nutrition and
were built at each school, and classes were taught in des-
improve dietary intake, however, the CG components and
ignated teaching spaces near the gardens. The 12 classes
strategies in these programs as well as their duration vary
were 90 minutes in length and taught once per week to
widely.23,24 Consistently, cooking and/or gardening inter-
each grade during either the fall or spring semester. Each
ventions are effective at increasing FV preference and in-
class consisted of 45 minutes of cooking and nutrition
take, and some even show reductions in obesity measures
curriculum in addition to 45 minutes of gardening curric-
such as BMI and waist circumference. 25–38 The majority of
ulum. Educators with nutrition and/or gardening experi-
CG programs use a hands-on approach and involve chil-
ence were hired for this intervention to teach the lessons.
dren in the planting and growing of FV, as well as the
Students worked in small groups to prepare a recipe that
tasting and/or preparation of the produce. Evidence sug-
featured fruit and/or vegetables as ingredients. Students
gests that CG programs that expose children to FV
would then eat that prepared dish together. Children also
improve FV preference and dietary intake, 25–38 but it is
actively participated in gardening activities and were in-
important to determine which component(s) of these
cluded in planting, growing, and harvesting FV. The av-
programs are most likely to yield a positive impact.
The present study examined data from the 12-week CG erage class size was 20 students. Participants learned
randomized controlled intervention, LA Sprouts, 39 which about various aspects of healthy eating and gardening,
demonstrated significant increases in dietary fiber and such as the importance of dietary fiber, the benefits of
vegetable intakes as well as significant decreases in BMI eating fruits and vegetables, planning and planting a
and waist circumference in the intervention group com- garden, and composting. More detailed information on the
pared with controls in low-income, primarily Hispanic/ methodol- ogy, curriculum, and protocol is published
Latino third through fifth grade students. 29 The goal of the elsewhere.39,40
present study was to examine whether changes in CG Measures
psychosocial variables (attitudes, self-efficacy, and moti- Measures were collected by study research staff who
vation) were associated with the changes in dietary fiber were trained by key investigators. Obesity and anthropo-
and vegetable intakes, BMI, and/or waist circumference metric data were measured and questionnaires were col-
changes that were observed in the LA Sprouts lected pre- and postintervention (within 7–14 days of
intervention group. instruction beginning or ending). The following anthro-
pometric measures were collected: height via stadiometer
Subjects and Methods (Seca, Birmingham, United Kingdom), weight and
percent body fat via bioelectrical impedance (Tanita TBF
300A, Arlington Heights, IL), and waist circumference
The original LA Sprouts study involved 375 third
via tape measure using NHANES protocol.41 The Centers
through fifth grade students from four different schools in
for Dis- ease Control cutoffs were used to calculate BMI
the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) who
z-scores and percentiles. 42 Dietary intake was assessed
were all enrolled in the LAs Better Educated Students for
using the 41-item Block Kids Food Screener for Ages 2–
Tomorrow (LAs BEST) afterschool program. The four
17, 2007, which is designed to gather information on
foods eaten
Figure 1. Flow of participants through LA Sprouts, including participants included in enrollment, baseline, and follow-up testing and

‘‘yesterday’’ and measures intake by food group. 43 The groups with 19 Hispanic/Latino third through fifth grade
dietary fiber variable included grams of dietary fiber students who were not part of LA Sprouts. Intrarater reli-
coming from fruit, vegetables, and grains. Changes in ability was tested using a test–retest method, in which
BMI z-score, waist circumference, and dietary fiber and focus group participants completed the questionnaires at
vege- table intakes that were observed between control two time points with 7 days in between each test, and was
and in- tervention participants are published elsewhere.29 calculated with bivariate correlations that used averaged
Self-efficacy to cook fruits and vegetables was assessed scale values of each participant. Internal consistency for
using an adapted questionnaire from Baranowski et al.,44 each construct was calculated by Cronbach’s alpha using
and CG attitudes were assessed using a scale developed baseline data from participants in the focus group. Both
by the researchers.39 An adapted version of the Motivation intrarater reliability and internal consistency were satis-
for Health Behaving from the Treatment and Self- factory (alpha >0.7). These data have been previously
Regulation Questionnaire was used to assess motivation published.39
to cook and garden FV.45,46 Researchers also grouped
psychosocial variables to create a total cooking behaviors Statistics
and a total gardening behaviors variable by summing Normality of all independent variables (attitudes, self-
responses from attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivation efficacy, and motivation to cook and garden) was
scales. Table 1 provides a complete list of the CG assessed using histograms and box plots, and all variables
attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivation psychosocial included in the analysis were distributed normally.
questions from the question- naires that were used in this Change scores were calculated using postintervention
analysis. minus preinterven- tion values of all variables. Multiple
All child questionnaire scales were tested for internal linear regression models were run to assess differences
consistency and intrarater reliability using data from focus in changes in CG
Table 1. LA Sprouts Cooking and Gardening Psychosocial Behavior Items on Questionnaire
Cooking psychosocial behaviors Questionnaire items Response categories
Attitudes ●Cooking is fun. 1: I disagree very much
●Cooking is easy. 2: I disagree a little
●I like to cook.
3: I agree a little
4: I agree very much
Self-efficacy ●Help cook a dish with vegetables. 1: I disagree very much
‘‘I think I can.’’ ●Help cook a dish with fruits. 2: I disagree a little
●Read a recipe.
3: I agree a little
●Can use a sharp knife to chop FV
4: I agree very much
Motivation ●It is something we can do together as a family. 1: Very untrue
‘‘The reason I would cook regularly ●I believe it is a good thing for my health. 2: A little untrue
is because.’’ ●I have carefully thought about it and believe it is important for
me. 3: A little true
●My friends do this. 4: Very true
●It is an important choice I want to make.
●I want to set a good example for family and friends.
●I am concerned about my family’s health.

Gardening psychosocial behaviors Questionnaire items Response categories

Attitudes ●Growing FV is fun 1: I disagree very much
●Growing FV is easy. 2: I disagree a little
●I like to garden.
3: I agree a little
4: I agree very much
Self-Efficacy ●Grow FV at my house 1: I disagree very much
‘‘I think I can.’’ ●Grow FV at a community garden 2: I disagree a little
3: I agree a little
4: I agree very much
Motivation ●It is something we can do together as a family. 1: Very untrue
‘‘The reason I would garden regularly ●I believe it is a good thing for my health. 2: A little untrue
is because.’’ ●I have carefully thought about it and believe it is important for
me. 3: A little true
●My friends do this. 4: Very true
●It was an important choice I want to make.
●I want to set a good example for my family and friends.
●I am concerned about my family’s health.
●To make the world beautiful with plants and flowers.
●It is fun to grow things.

FV, fruits and vegetables.

behaviors between treatment and control groups. Models combined for further analysis. Linear regressions were run
were adjusted for covariates identified a priori, including to assess how changes in CG behaviors (independent
age, sex, ethnicity, and baseline values, for the dependent variables) predict changes in dietary fiber, vegetable intake,
variable of interest. There were no significant differences waist cir- cumference, and BMI z-score (dependent
between control and intervention groups, and therefore, a variables). Re- gression models were adjusted for
mediation analysis was not appropriate and groups were covariates identified a priori, including treatment group,
age, sex, ethnicity,
changes in energy intake (for dietary variables), and intake, obesity measures at baseline. Baseline and post-
baseline values for the independent variable of interest intervention scale scores for psychosocial variables are
(cooking or gardening behavior) and baseline values for the provided in Table 3. Possible ranges of responses are
dependent variable of interest (fiber, vegetables, waist provided in the footnotes of the table. Increases in
circumference, and BMI z-score). All data were analyzed cooking behaviors significantly predicted increases in
using SPSS Sta- tistics for Macintosh, Version 24.0 (IBM dietary fi- ber intake ( p = 0.004) and increases in
Corp, Armonk, NY), and an alpha level of p = 0.05 was vegetable intake ( p = 0.03) (Table 4). Increases in
used for significance.
gardening behaviors significantly predicted increased
dietary fiber intake ( p = 0.02) Changes in CG
Results behaviors were not associated with changes in BMI z-
Baseline demographic information, dietary intake, obe- score or waist circumference.
sity measures, and CG variables are presented in Table 2.
Study participants were 49% male and 87% Hispanic/ Discussion
Latino with an average age of 9.3 years. Fifty-one percent This process analysis sought to determine whether
of the participants were either overweight or obese, and changes in CG behaviors predicted improvements in the
91% received free or reduced lunch through the National dietary fiber and vegetable intake and reductions in adi-
School Lunch Program. Average energy, vegetable, and posity measures observed in LA Sprouts intervention and
dietary fiber intakes were 1371 kcal/day, 0.96 cup/day, control participants. Independent of intervention effects,
and increased cooking attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivation
13.7 g/day, respectively. There were no significant differ- were associated with increases in dietary fiber intake and
ences between students randomized to the intervention vegetable intake in low-income primarily Hispanic/Latino
or control in baseline demographic information, dietary

Table 2. Baseline Characteristics of LA Sprouts Control and Intervention Participants

Characteristicsa Control (n 5 130) Intervention (n 5 160) pb
Male 67 (51.5) 75 (46.9) 0.43
Hispanic/Latino 112 (88.2) 141 (88.1) 0.99
Eligible for free or reduced meals in NSLP 117 (90) 147 (91.9) 0.58
Age, years 9.2 – 0.9 9.2 – 0.9 0.94
Height, cm 135.0 – 8.5 134.8 – 8.6 0.82
Weight, kg 38.3 – 12.6 35.9 – 10.2 0.09
BMI, kg/m 2 20.7 – 4.7 19.6 – 4.1 0.05
BMI z-score 1.1 – 1.1 0.9 – 1.0 0.08
Waist circumference, cm 72.5 – 13.1 69.8 – 11.0 0.07

Overweight or obese, ‡85th percentile 71 (56.3) 77 (50.3) 0.32

Obese, ‡95th percentile 52 (41.3) 52 (34.0) 0.21

Dietary intake
Energy, kcal/day 1395 – 1227 1347 – 1092 0.73

Protein, g/day 66.8 – 74.9 61.7 – 62.8 0.53

Fat, g/day 65.5 – 73.6 60.6 – 63.9 0.55

180.4 – 173.0 170.8 – 145.0 0.61
Carbohydrates, g/day
14.5 – 15.0 12.8 – 10.5 0.25
Dietary fiber, g/day
1.0 – 1.1 0.9 – 0.9 0.37
Vegetables, cups/day
Data are mean – SD or n (%).
p was calculated using t-tests for continuous variables and chi-square (v2) tests for categorical
variables. NSLP, National School Lunch Program; SD, standard deviation.
Table 3. Baseline and Postintervention Cooking and Gardening Behaviors of LA
Sprouts Intervention Versus Control Participants
Control Intervention
variables Change pb
Baselinea Postinterventiona Changea Baselinea Postinterventiona Changea
Attitudesc 10.1 – 2.2 10.1 – 2.2 0.0 – 2.3 10.2 – 2.2 10.2 – 2.6 0.07 – 2.5 0.96
Self-Efficacy 12.9 – 2.9 13.0 – 3.0 0.09 – 3.6 12.5 – 3.2 12.97 – 2.9 0.46 – 3.3 0.30
Motivation 22.1 – 5.4 20.5 – 5.6 -1.6 – 6.3 22.2 – 5.1 21.5 – 5.3 -0.05 – 6.6 0.37
Total Cooking Behaviorsf 45.2 – 8.9 43.6 – 9.0 -1.6 – 9.5 44.8 – 8.1 44.8 – 8.8 0.05 – 9.6 0.83
Attitudesc 9.9 – 2.4 9.7 – 2.4 -0.14 – 2.4 10.3 – 2.2 10.2 – 2.5 -0.1 – 2.8 0.10
Self-efficacy 6.5 – 1.7 6.6 – 1.7 0.2 – 1.90 6.3 – 1.8 6.6 – 1.7 0.30 – 2.0 0.40
Motivation 27.8 – 6.5 25.5 – 6.8 -2.3 – 7.8 28.0 – 6.5 26.7 – 7.0 -1.4 – 8.2 0.31
Total gardening behaviors 0.36
44.2 – 9.0 41.9 – 9.4 -2.3 – 9.4 44.6 – 8.8 43.5 – 9.3 -1.1 – 10.3
Data are mean – SD.
p-Value reflects linear regression model adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, and baseline values for the dependent variable of interest.
Range of responses (3–12).
Range of responses (4–16).
Range of responses (7–28).
Range of responses (14–56).
Range of responses (2–8).
Range of responses (9–36).

Table 4. Linear Regression of Changes in Cooking and Gardening Behaviors Predicting

Changes in Dietary Fiber, Vegetable Intake, Waist Circumference, and BMI z-Score
Unstandardized b Standard error Standardized b 95% Confidence intervals p
Cooking behaviors
Dietary fiber, g/daya 0.092 0.032 0.081 0.030–0.154 0.004**
Vegetables, CE 0.009 0.004 0.091 0.001–0.017 0.03*
Waist circumference, cm -0.012 0.023 -0.036 -0.058 to 0.034 0.603
BMI z-score -0.001 0.001 -0.029 -0.004 to 0.002 0.684
Gardening behaviors
Dietary fiber, g/daya 0.073 0.032 0.068 0.010–0.137 0.024*
Vegetables, CEa 0.008 0.004 0.082 0.000–0.016 0.062
Waist circumference, cmb -0.042 0.023 -0.0132 -0.087 to 0.002 0.061
BMI z-score -0.002 0.001 -0.088 -0.005 to 0.001 0.219
Adjusted for age (continuous), sex, ethnicity (Hispanic/non-Hispanic), group (control/intervention), baseline-dependent variable
(fiber, vegetables waist circumference, BMI z-score), baseline-independent variable (cooking or gardening behavior), and energy
Not adjusted for energy (kcal).
*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.
CE, cup equivalents.

youth. Similarly, gardening attitudes, self-efficacy, and utilizes a closed-ended question design, can result in
motivation were associated with increased intake of di- recall bias, and uses the intake reference frame of foods
etary fiber. eaten ‘‘yesterday,’’ which may not be representative of
This is the first study to examine how changes in CG usual intake.49 Future studies can use a stronger measure
attitudes, self-efficacy, and motivation psychosocial be- of self- reported dietary assessment such as a 24-hour
haviors relate to changes in dietary intake and health out- dietary re- call, or better yet, a nonsubjective method of
comes in Hispanic/Latino youth. Although most cooking assessment. Only four schools, within in the same city,
or garden-based interventions are multifaceted with vary- were involved in the study, limiting the generalizability of
ing degrees of cooking, gardening, and nutrition compo- the findings. Although change in cooking behavior was
nents,25–38 it is unclear which aspect of these interventions associated with a statistically significant increase in
were most closely associated with positive outcomes on dietary fiber and vegetable intake, and change in
intervention participants. gardening behavior was associated with a statistically
The cooking component of an interventions can be significant increase in dietary fiber, the regression beta
costly and labor-intensive, so it is often the first to be coefficients were small. Other personal, behavioral, and
eliminated from a program once it is scaled up from a socioenvironmental factors may be contributing to
pilot study or implemented by teachers in school. 27 changes in intake of vegetables and dietary fiber.50
Interventions may implement cooking demonstrations or
taste tests rather than hands-on cooking instruction due to
these barriers.27,47 Conclusions
Children enjoy learning actively by participating in It is important to understand how components of
gardening activities and by direct involvement in food school- based interventions impact dietary intake and
preparation, which has been shown to result in greater health outcomes to tailor future interventions to focus on
improvements in cooking attitudes and behaviors. 47,48 the component(s) that are eliciting the greatest positive
Children who have greater improved attitudes and moti- out- comes. Our results suggest that attitudes, self-
vation regarding FV and fiber-rich food preparation may efficacy, and motivation to cook are linked with increased
adopt healthier eating habits. It is also possible that the dietary fiber and vegetable intake in Hispanic/Latino
‘‘seed to mouth’’ nature of CG interventions assists in the youth. Future school-based interventions should
child identifying with foods that they had never heard of incorporate cooking aspects in interventions despite their
before. Perhaps after planting, children adopt a personal potentially costly nature. Improving children’s
connection with ‘‘their’’ produce, and may be more likely perceptions toward cooking and engaging them in these
to consume it after having had that experience and con- hands-on processes may pro- mote improvements in their
nection with it. It is likely that the children who become dietary intakes and the adop- tion of healthier habits that
interested in preparing/cooking healthful, fiber-rich foods will hopefully accompany them into adulthood.
and vegetables would be more inclined to consume these
foods than children who had no such exposure to the
cooking process.
The present study found that the intervention did not The LA Sprouts study was supported by funding from
have a significant effect on CG behaviors. This may have the NIH (Grant No. 5R21DK094066) and by funding
been a result of the small sample size or short duration from the Keck School of Medicine at USC (a Community
of the intervention. All schools chosen to participate in Benefit grant).
the LA Sprouts program were schools that were interested
in having a school garden program, and all participants Author Disclosure Statement
signed consent forms that described the intervention.
While the control group received a delayed intervention, No competing financial interests exist.
their initial motivation in the program could potentially
explain why the control group would see increases in CG
behaviors without receiving the intervention. When treat-
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