Human Resource Organization Employees Stakeholders: Talent Development, Part of
Human Resource Organization Employees Stakeholders: Talent Development, Part of
Human Resource Organization Employees Stakeholders: Talent Development, Part of
an organization, its employees, its stakeholders, and groups of people within it, using planned
and unplanned learning, in order to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage for the
organization. Rothwell notes that the name may well be a term in search of a meaning, like so
much in management, and suggests that it be thought of as selective attention paid to the top
10% of employees, either by potential or performance.[1][2]
While talent development is reserved for the top management it is becoming increasingly clear
that career development is necessary for theretention of any employee, no matter what their level
in the company. Research has shown that some type of career path is necessary for job
satisfaction and hence job retention. Perhaps organizations need to include this area in their
overview of employee satisfaction.
1. It's a short term process.
2. Refers to instruction in technical and mechanical problems
3. Targeted in most cases for non-managerial personnel
4. Specific job related purpose
1. It is a long term educational process.
2. Refers to philosophical and theoretical educational concepts
3. Managerial personnel
4. General knowledge purpose
Purpose of Training:
1. To improve Productivity: Training leads to increased operational productivity and
increased company profit.
2. To improve Quality: Better trained workers are less likely to make operational mistakes.
3. To improve Organizational Climate: Training leads to improved production and product
quality which enhances financial incentives. This in turn increases the overall morale of the
4. To increase Health and Safety: Proper training prevents industrial accidents.
5. Personal Growth: Training gives employees a wider awareness, an enlarged skill base and
that leads to enhanced personal growth.
Steps in Training Process:
1. Discovering or Identifying Training needs: A training program is designed to assist in
providing solutions for specific operational problems or to improve performance of a
o Organizational determination and Analysis: Allocation of resources that relate
to organizational goal.
o Operational Analysis: Determination of a specific employee behaviour required
for a particular task.
o Man Analysis: Knowledge, attitude and skill one must possess for attainment of
organizational objectives
2. Getting ready for the job: The trainer has to be prepared for the job. And also who needs
to be trained - the newcomer or the existing employee or the supervisory staff.
3. Preparation of the learner:
o Putting the learner at ease
o Stating the importance and ingredients of the job
o Creating interest
o Placing the learner as close to his normal working position
o Familiarizing him with the equipment, materials and trade terms
4. Presentation of Operation and Knowledge: The trainer should clearly tell, show,
illustrate and question in order to convey the new knowledge and operations. The trainee
should be encouraged to ask questions in order to indicate that he really knows and
understands the job.
5. Performance Try out: The trainee is asked to go through the job several times. This
gradually builds up his skill, speed and confidence.
6. Follow-up: This evaluates the effectiveness of the entire training effort
Discovering or Identifying Training Needs -> Getting Ready for the job -> Preparation of
Learner (Creating desire) -> Presentation of Operation & Knowledge -> Performance Try
out -> Follow up and Evaluation
Training Techniques:
The Human
Resource Concept begins by separating human resources into three broad
egories: human resource utilization, human resource planning and
ing, and human resource development. Each has a different purpose but
contribute and are essential to the human development and performance
improvement formula.