Professional Behaviors 2021

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Jordan Krygsheld

Professional Behavior Evidence for why I chose Specific Strategies that I How will I determine that I
this behavior plan on using to maintain or have met my Professional
improve this behavior Behavior Goals
I have always had strong I think a key for maintaining Whenever I receive feedback,
communication skills. Entering and continually improving this be it from group members,
Interpersonal Skills this program, I have been skill is always assuming the supervisors, or instructors, I
better able to communicate best intention of others. When have been complemented on
and strengthen my this is done, I can my communication skills and
interpersonal skills. For communicate and work my ability to work well with
example, I have worked with alongside others without any others. I want to continue this
classmates for group projects, biases or assumptions. I will feedback and develop further
PA students in our anatomy make sure everyone is on the interprofessional skills as I go
dissections and presentations, same page when working with out into my clinicals where I
and collaborated with dance people from a variety of areas must work alongside other
students for their capstone and continue effectively healthcare professionals to put
projects regarding PD and communicating in a positive, the best needs of my patient
dance. uplifting way. first.
Especially in the age of online Maintaining an attitude of The more I take responsibility
learning (and the major being responsible for one’s for my own actions, the less
Responsibility adjustments we had to make own actions is key. I plan to stress and complaining I have.
last summer when Covid hit), I continue holding myself I am very conscious of when I
realized it was no one else’s accountable and taking know I have given everything
responsibility but my own to initiative in assignments, my best effort and have
take charge of my own studying, and preparing for worked ahead to eliminate
education. I must hold myself upcoming events to further my future stress I may have. By
accountable, and I did. I did level of responsibility. I will planning out activities, I can be
much better last summer when continue working ahead on accountable to a schedule
we were fully online when I things when I can and avoid (which can easily be identified
held myself to a standard and making excuses as to why I and tracked).
took responsibility for my can’t. I find lists are extremely
learning. I have carried that helpful in this.
with me into the following
semesters, as our weeks are
split between online and in-
person. In addition, I was
responsible for a HFH patient
Jordan Krygsheld

and our CP patients, where I

had to carry out a treatment
plan to allow for my patients to
be as successful as possible.
While this behavior is Making lists of what I must My stress levels are a direct
improving, it has always been accomplish, based on priority, indicator of how I have been
Effective use of time and an area of struggle for me. I helps me better manage my preparing and using my time.
resources am a procrastinator and often time. At the end of the day, I Not only that, but when I am
could make better use of my find going to bed much easier, able to submit assignments
time. As we near graduation, with less guilt/regret, knowing I earlier, eliminate “running
and the business of a case have accomplished what I around”, and show up to
load and the licensure exam, I should have. I also plan to class/appointments/work
understand the importance of continue using my study feeling prepared, I can also
budgeting time and planning group/friends to hold me know I have better time
out my day. This year, I am accountable. For things we management and used my
also planning a wedding which can work together on, we plan resources to their max
has forced me to make the out the times we will study or potential. Waiting til the last
best use of my time and complete this, which also minute to do things does not
resources more than normal to helps me better manage my allow me to put in my full effort
manage stress and anxiety time and resources. and feel good about what I
levels. have done, which also
increase my stress.
While I possess beneficial To improve these skills, I can When I feel more confident in
problem-solving skills, thinking work to be a continuous my decision making and
Critical Thinking “outside the box” and to the learner (aka taking advantage responses to group
next level, is still a challenge of every ongoing learning discussions, answering test
for me. I often rely on others to opportunity). In addition, I will questions, and being able to
take me to that “critical level” think for myself, developing my give well-thought-out
and need to be better at own thoughts and opinions, conversation/information, I will
pushing myself to do so on my before discussing with others. know I am strengthening my
own. I want to be able to slow Ethics class has helped me critical thinking skills. In
down myself, take a while to further develop these skills, addition, being able to be a
think through all possibilities, thinking through all viewpoints more active listener, without
and bring myself to a new level and possibilities of a situation. listening just to quickly
of thinking. respond, allows me the
opportunity to learn from what
Jordan Krygsheld

others are saying and develop

my own thoughts on the

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