Professional Behaviors 2021
Professional Behaviors 2021
Professional Behaviors 2021
Jordan Krygsheld
Professional Behavior Evidence for why I chose Specific Strategies that I How will I determine that I
this behavior plan on using to maintain or have met my Professional
improve this behavior Behavior Goals
I have always had strong I think a key for maintaining Whenever I receive feedback,
communication skills. Entering and continually improving this be it from group members,
Interpersonal Skills this program, I have been skill is always assuming the supervisors, or instructors, I
better able to communicate best intention of others. When have been complemented on
and strengthen my this is done, I can my communication skills and
interpersonal skills. For communicate and work my ability to work well with
example, I have worked with alongside others without any others. I want to continue this
classmates for group projects, biases or assumptions. I will feedback and develop further
PA students in our anatomy make sure everyone is on the interprofessional skills as I go
dissections and presentations, same page when working with out into my clinicals where I
and collaborated with dance people from a variety of areas must work alongside other
students for their capstone and continue effectively healthcare professionals to put
projects regarding PD and communicating in a positive, the best needs of my patient
dance. uplifting way. first.
Especially in the age of online Maintaining an attitude of The more I take responsibility
learning (and the major being responsible for one’s for my own actions, the less
Responsibility adjustments we had to make own actions is key. I plan to stress and complaining I have.
last summer when Covid hit), I continue holding myself I am very conscious of when I
realized it was no one else’s accountable and taking know I have given everything
responsibility but my own to initiative in assignments, my best effort and have
take charge of my own studying, and preparing for worked ahead to eliminate
education. I must hold myself upcoming events to further my future stress I may have. By
accountable, and I did. I did level of responsibility. I will planning out activities, I can be
much better last summer when continue working ahead on accountable to a schedule
we were fully online when I things when I can and avoid (which can easily be identified
held myself to a standard and making excuses as to why I and tracked).
took responsibility for my can’t. I find lists are extremely
learning. I have carried that helpful in this.
with me into the following
semesters, as our weeks are
split between online and in-
person. In addition, I was
responsible for a HFH patient
Jordan Krygsheld