Map Catalogue Full Version
Map Catalogue Full Version
Map Catalogue Full Version
5 Earthwise books
7 Holiday Geology Guides & Maps
7 Discovering Geology Fossil Focus Guides
9 Posters
9 Scottish Landscape and Geology Guides
10 Geology Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI)
11 Landscape from Stone (Ireland, north)
12 Field Equipment
14 Historical maps and books
77 Falkland Island Government
78 Commission on the Geological Map of the World
78 International Geological Maps
Introducing Geology
This section contains non-specialist books and guides on different themes in geology, such as fossils, regional geology, mining and
minerals. Field equipment and educational items on a geological theme are also available. Earthwise Publications cover a range of topics,
from the influence of geology on the taste of a good malt whisky to the causes and effects of earthquakes, and are written for amateur
geologists, students, walkers, or people who simply want to know more about the geology of Britain. These books and guides offer well-
illustrated geological information, presented in a clear concise manner.
Exploring the landscape of Charnwood Forest and Mountsorrel. Ambrose, K. 2007. ISBN
9780852725702 £12
A5 52- page book with colour illustrations and 1:25 000 scale map.
Leicestershire’s Charnwood Forest is the area where the oldest fossils in Britain were found – they are almost
600 million years old. The geology of the area is explored in this book and map pack, which describes ten walks
in Charnwood Forest, explaining the geology in clear, simple terms. The book is full colour and illustrated with
photographs and diagrams. The accompanying map shows the different rock types to be found in the area.
an important political frontier zone almost 2000 years ago. This exploration of the landscape shows that this was a major frontier zone
some 500 million years before Hadrian built his Wall.
A geological walk around Bradgate Park and Swithland Wood. McGrath, A. 2004. 0852724861 £2
A5 32-page paperback with photographs, maps and illustrations. This book describes two walks in rural
Leicestershire and gives an overview of how the landscape we see today was formed through time. Aimed at the
interested amateur, this pocket-sized guide will be an informative and friendly companion on these walks.
Whisky on the rocks — origins of the water of life. Cribb, S and J. 1998. 0852722907 £6.50
Malt whisky distilleries use local waters which have percolated through the ancient rocks of Scotland. This book
describes the geology of Scotland and Northern Ireland in relation to the important whisky producing districts,
and offers new insights into factors that influence the taste of single malt whiskies. Fully illustrated throughout by
renowned wildlife artist Richard Bell.
Lead Mining landscapes of the North Pennines. Forbes, I. 2003. 0902178202 £9.95
The North Pennines, which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and a European Geopark, may be
forgiven for assuming that it is a truly natural landscape. Undeniably beautiful though it is, this is far
from a wholly natural landscape and is in no sense the ‘wilderness’ it has been claimed. This book explores
the wealth of factors, natural and human, particularly in relation to the lead mining industry, which have
shaped the unique area we see today. Published by Durham County Council.
These concise guidecards provide a wealth of information on the geology of many popular tourist areas of England and Wales - from
fossiliferous heritage coasts to historic buildings of London. Holiday Geology Guides provide an illustrated description of the district,
while Holiday Geology Maps show the geology superimposed on the topography. Fossil Focus cards describe the common fossils which
can be found in the UK. All guidecards feature colour diagrams and photographs and are produced as folded A3 laminated cards.
Guidecards for the North York Moors and the Lake District maps illustrate the geology draped over a 3D satellite image of the landscape.
Concise guidecards with many diagrams and photographs, providing a wealth of information on major fossil groups found in Britain and
Europe, including trilobites, ammonites, fish, corals and plants.
Echinoids Woods, M A 1999 0852723180 £1.95
Fish Wilkinson, I P 2000 0852723504 £1.95
Foraminifera Wilkinson, I P 1997 08052722982 £1.95
Gastropods Wilkinson, I P 2002 0805272389X £1.95
Graptolites Wilkinson, I P 2002 08052723903 £1.95
Ostracods Wilkinson, I P 1996 0805272263X £1.95
Plants Wilkinson, I P 1999 08052723237 £1.95
Trilobites Molyneux, S G 1999 08052723385 £1.95
Guidecards offering insights into the geology and evolution of the Falkland Islands, South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia.
Title Author Publication ISBN Price
South Georgia: a Stone, P and 2002 0852724462 £1.95
landscape from rock, Walton, D
ice and sea
South Georgia: the Stone, P 2003 0852724667 £1.95
rocks and fossils
Rocks and fossils of the Falkland Islands. Stone, P, Aldiss, D and Edwards, E.
2005. 0852724942. £9
The Falkland Islands have a remarkable geological history: African origins going back 1000 million
years, a 400 million-year-old shoreline teeming with marine life, and ice age 300 million years ago
succeeded by the spread of forests, and emigration to the New World as the Atlantic Ocean opened a
mere 150 million years ago — with rotation so that north became south in the process. This colourful
account illustrates the rocks and fossils, shows how their features reveal the details of those ancient
environments, and explains how more recent climate changes has wrought the rocks into the unique
Falkland landscape.
The Lake District and surrounds. 1992. Flat. 0751823635. £5 (inc VAT)
A digitally enhanced satellite map of the Lake District obtained from the Landsat 5 satellite at an altitude of 700 km. 1:200 000 scale.
Size: 900 × 650 mm.
Scottish Natural Heritage, in association with the BGS, has produced the ‘Landscape fashioned by geology’ series of books covering the
regions of Scotland. They are well- illustrated with photographs and diagrams describing the evolution of the landscape in relation to
the underlying geology. They assume no geological knowledge on the part of the reader – only an interest in how Scotland’s diverse
landscapes evolved.
Title Author Publication ISBN Price
Ben Nevis and Stephenson, D 2007 9781853975066 £4.95
Outer Hebrides Goodenough, K 2007 9781853975073 £4.95
South west Macmillan, A 2008 9781853975202 £4.95
North east Leslie, G 2009 9781853975219 £7.95
Argyll and the Stephenson, D 2011 9781853976087 £7.95
Moray and Auton, C 2011 9781853976094 £7.95
Orkney and MeKirdy, A 2011 9781853976025 £7.95
Scotland – McKirdy, A 2011 9781853976711 £7.95
creation of its
natural landscape
This book presents detailed, comprehensive information in a user-friendly way: sites of national or international significance are de-
scribed and illustrated through photographs and large-scale maps. Published by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland; 298pp plus
index, full colour. 260 x 180 mm.
The last glacial termination in Northern Ireland. McCabe, A M. and Dunlop, P. 2006. 9780852725290 £10
This book chronicles the detailed sequence of events caused by the last great ice sheet in the Irish Sea Basin that affected Ireland,
Scotland England and Wales. Published by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland. Fully illustrated with coloured maps, diagrams and
photographs. 93 pages. 260 x 180 mm.
Geological maps and geological memoirs are listed elsewhere in this catalogue.
Books and Guidecards published by the Geological Survey of Northern Ireland in association with the Geological Survey of Ireland.
A story through time: the formation of the scenic landscapes of Ireland (north). McKeever, P J. 1999. 1899702237 £7
A comprehensive account of the geology and evolution of the landscape of the north of Ireland. Fully illiustrated. 100 pages; 200 x 210
These ‘popular’ publications are aimed at walkers and amateur geologists. The walkers guides, each featuring local walks, comprise a pack
of 14 or more laminated cards (250 x 97 mm). The explorers’ guides are 8-page A5 ‘fold-out’ guidecards.
Field equipment
A range of hand lenses, protractors, clinometers. Other items of field equipment, including compasses and geological hammers are
available only from the Geology Shops at Keyworth, Edinburgh and London, but please telephone for information on availability before
making a visit. Prices include VAT.
Hand lenses
Quality hand lenses for rocks, minerals, fossils, flora and fauna:
A x10 glass folding hand lens. Triplet lens, 18mm diameter. Made in Belarus (supplied with quality Order Code 6000004990 £12.50
inspection certificate in Russian). Exceptional value, high quality lens.
B x10 glass folding hand lens. Triplet lens, 20.5 mm diameter. Hexagonal shape; supplied with Order Code 6000006381 £14.50
leather case. High grade, made in China.
C Ruper ‘Professional style’ x10 glass folding hand lens. Doublet lens 20 mm diameter. Chrome Order Code 6000002734 £22.00
plated; supplied with plastic case. Made in Japan.
D Ruper ‘Professional style’ x10 & x20 glass dual folding hand lens. Doublet lenses, 14 mm and Order Code 6000003218 £28.00
8 mm diameter. Chrome plated; supplied with plastic case. Made in Japan.
Other hand lenses are normally available in our shops.
E BGS Knox Protractor. Professional grade protractor for National Grid maps, with 8 scales Order Code XZKNOX £12.50
(1:10 000, 1:10 560, 1:25 000, 1:63 360, 1:50 000) in Imperial/metric measures, plus angular protractor.
Size 170 x 125 mm).
F BGS Romer Protractor. Professional grade protractor for National Grid maps, with 5 scales Order Code XZROMER £12.50
(1:10 000, 1:10 560, 1:25 000, 1:63 360, 1:50 000 scales) in metric measures only. An alternative to the
Knox Protractor. Size 115 x 127 mm.
G BGS Scale rule. Professional grade geologists’ scale rule. Shows metric and imperial scales for Order Code XSCALER £5.00
1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale maps, a strata dip/thickness ready reckoner and a protractor.
Size 153 x 43 mm.
H Maxiclin Clinometer. Reliable clinometer for geological fieldwork. Size 150 x 80 mm. Order Code 6000000340 £14.30
Data cards
Grain size card. Translucent card with sorting chart, sizing guide and percentage area information for use when looking at sedimentary
rocks. Produced by GeoSupplies Ltd in association with the University of Leicester. Size 150 x 70 mm. Order Code 600000396X. £1.50
Grain size card. Guide to grain size and roundness. Produced by Geo Supplies Ltd. Included in the Field Datacard Pack (below).
Data Size 67 x 149 mm. Order Code 6000005954. £0.99
Field Datacard pack (not illustrated). A set of 9 handy data cards, produced by Geo Supplies, comprising:
Grain size card (67 x 149 mm). Photographic scale (52 x 149 mm), Sedimentary rocks and their textures (64 x 108 mm), Metamor-
phic rocks (64 x 108 mm), Igneous rocks (64 x 108 mm), Geological timescale (64 x 108 mm), Trace & microfossils (64 x 108 mm),
Sedimentary logging (64 x 108 mm), Mineralogy/crystallography (64 x 108 mm). Order Code 6000002475. £8.99
Geological hammers—a variety of Estwing and ‘Footprint’ brand hammers in several different styles. These items are only available
to callers.
Historical maps and books
From time to time the BGS produces facsimiles, reprints and new compilations of interesting or historically significant geological maps
and books. Facsimiles may be produced of originals held in the BGS Library or in other important archival collections. In addition to the
following printed publications, ‘print-on-demand’ copies of early ‘One-inch’ Geological Maps and Memoirs can be prepared to special
order (contact the Sales Desk for details).
William Smith, 1769–1839, spent much of his life surveying land for drainage canals, building stones and mines in many parts
of England. He acquired detailed knowledge of the geological features, recognising that fossils were of crucial importance in the
identification of strata. Smith’s Geological Atlas of England and Wales, published between 1819 and 1824, consisted of maps of 21
English counties. These maps represented a significant advance in Smith’s geological knowledge and were very fine productions from
both an artistic and scientific point of view. There is more information about William Smith on the BGS website:
William Smith’s 1820 Geological Map of England and Wales Flat. Order Code
WS1820 £5.95
“A New Geological Map of England and Wales, with the Inland Navigations; Exhibiting
the Districts of Coal and other Sites of Mineral Tonnage. By W Smith, Engineer.”
This map has been digitally re-created from an original of William Smith’s 1820 map
held in the BGS Library. The original was in sections, mounted on linen and folded. This
reproduction has had most of the section-marks and folds removed. It is the same size
as the original, and colour-matched.
Map size: 65cm high × 63.5cm wide.
Murchison’s Wanderings in Russia. Collie, M. and Diemer, J. 2004. 0852724675 now £30 (was £40)
Roderick Murchison was an important figure in geology, establishing the Devonian, Carboniferous and Permian systems of geological
time as part of his lifetime’s work. He produced the first geological map of Russia in 1845. During his Russian field seasons he kept two
sets of journals: scientific journals where he recorded his findings, and private journals where he recorded his thoughts and reflections
on his travels. He wanted to publish these private journals on his return as a 19th century popular science book, to make his discoveries
accessible to the public although he never did: Murchison’s Wanderings in Russia is that book.
Gold-blocked hardback, containing a full-colour life-size reproduction of Murchison’s geological map of Russia and colour reproductions
of the cross-sections; 474 pages. The book is also lavishly illustrated with etchings of Murchison’s field-sketches.
Small Scale Geological Maps
These maps offer whole-country coverage of the United Kingdom (onshore and offshore) over a range of geological themes. For an
explanation of geological map classifications (Solid, Drift, Bedrock, etc) see page 21 LINK. Maps dealing with more technical aspects of UK
geology (e.g. geophysical and hydrogeological maps) are listed in the Specialist Publications section, beginning on page 64.
The books and maps are available separately, or as a walleted pack containing the folded map and its accompanying book at a discounted
1:1 584 000 Geological map of the British Islands (Solid geology).1969, reprinted 2002. Flat
0751812080 £5.95
This map shows the solid geology of the whole British Isles on one poster-sized sheet. Ideal for
classrooms, students, and anyone seeking an overview of the geology of the British Islands. Size: 64 × 90
cm approx.
An encapsulated version is also available at £13. Order Code BIGMFE.
The Rocks of Wales/Creigiau Cymru. Map daearegol o Gymru. 1:250 000 (Solid). In English and Welsh.
Folded: 0751829196 Flat: 0751829188 £12
Stratigraphical Charts of the United Kingdom
These charts illustrate the age, type and duration of stratigraphical units, and gaps in the depositional record can also be seen. Sedimentary
and volcanic successions are displayed with the main intrusive phases and tectonic events. The charts are designed for students and
anyone seeking an understanding of the evolution of the environments in which the rocks of Britain were formed. Size of each chart 111 ×
85 cm approx. Flat.
These maps show the solid geology and the sea-bed sediments of the UK Continental Shelf or selected offshore areas. For maps at a larger
scale (1:250 000) see page 60.
1:1 000 000 Quaternary Geology around the UK
These maps show the Quaternary geology around the UK. Offshore geology only is shown on these maps; the onshore geology is not
shown. Bedrock geology is not shown on these maps; only the Quaternary geology, classified by chronological rock units. The maps are
available singly or as a pair at a discounted price.
The following maps show major structural features of the United Kingdom and adjacent areas.
Mineral and Resource Maps
These maps provide a general overview of various mineral resources of the British Isles.
Geophysical Maps
Gravity and magnetic anomaly maps illustrate the small departures from expected values of the Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields
caused by variations in the density and magnetisation of the rocks within the crust. They give an overview of the UK landmass and
continental shelf, for example depth of sedimentary basins for oil and gas exploration.
The maps listed here are 1:625 000 scale, the same as our main-series UK North and South Bedrock maps. For more detailed geophysical
maps at larger scales, please see the ‘Geophysical Publications’ section on page 66. The folded maps are available separately or together
for a discounted price.
Regional Guides
Regional Geology Guides
This series provides an overview of the geology of the individual regions of the United Kingdom, as illustrated on the index map. In
addition to explanatory text, they contain maps, diagrams, sections and photographs. These guides are suitable for informed amateurs,
geology students and professionals alike.
Some titles are currently only available as as print-on-demand (POD) publications produced as A4 books bound in clear acetate covers:
these are indicated by (POD) in the list.
Offshore Regional Reports
These reports describe the offshore geology of the United Kingdom and complement the Regional Geology Guides which cover the
onshore areas. Offshore Regional Reports cover all aspects of the geology, from the most recently formed sediments to the deep
structure of the crust, and include a chapter on economic geology. Some titles are currently only available as as print-on-demand (POD)
publications produced as A4 books bound in clear acetate covers: these are indicated by (POD) in the list.
Faroe-Shetland Basin
and adjacent areas
Report issued 2
4 5
6 7
Classical areas of British Geology Maps and Booklets
Classical Areas 1:25 000 scale Maps
For some areas of outstanding geological interest, which offer more detail than is shown on the 1:50 000 scale maps, we have published
a series of maps at the larger 1:25 000 scale. For some areas, explanatory books are also available: associated books are indicated by ‘#.’
in the map list. The series number refers to the numbers on the index map. For a description of the various map classifications, please see
the 1:50 000 scale map section. ‘OP’ indicates out of print titles.
Series Title Version National Grid 500 x Publication date Folded ISBN/ order Flat ISBN/ order Price
no 500km sheets code code
1 Church Stretton S&D SO49 1968 # 0751810797 0751810789 £12
2 Clevedon & Portishead S&D ST47 1968 0751810819 0751810800 £12
3 Bewcastle S&D NY57 1969 0751810851 0751810843 £12
3 Bewcastle SwD NY57 1969 0751810835 0751810827 £12
4 Craven Arms S&D SO48 1969 # 0751810878 075181086X £12
5 Wenlock Edge S&D SO59 1969 # 0751810894 0751810886 £12
6 Clitheroe & Gisburn S&D SD74, SD84 1970 0751810916 0751810908 £12
7 Edinburgh SwD NT16, NT17, NT26, NT27, 1971 OP 0751810924 £12
NT36, NT37
8 Matlock S&D SK25, SK26, SK35, SK36 1971 0751810959 0751810940 £12
9 Usk-Cwmbran S&D SO20, SO30, ST29, ST39 1971 0751810975 0751810967 £12
10 Milton Keynes S&D SP83, parts SP73, SP74, 1971 0751810991 0751810983 £12
SP84, SP93, SP94
11 Witham S&D TL81 1972 0751811017 0751811009 £12
12 Cross Fell Inlier S&D NY53, NY62, NY63, NY64, 1972 # 0751811033 0751811025 £12
NY71, NY72, NY73 (pts)
13 Central Snowdonia S&D SH53, SH55, SH63, SH66, 1972 OP 0751811041 £12
SH74, SH75
14 Peterborough S&D TF00, T10, TF20, TL09, TL19, 1972 OP 0751811068 £12
15 St David’s S SM72, SM62, SM74 1973 OP 0751811084 £12
16 Leintwardine, Ludlow S SO47, SO57 1973 0751811114 0751811106 £12
17 Middleton-in-Teesdale S&D NY82, NY92 1974 0751811130 0751811122 £12
18 Roaches & Upper Dove Valley S&D SK06 1975 0751811157 0751811149 £12
19 Buxton S&D SK07 1975 0751811173 0751811165 £12
20 Castleton S&) SK18 1975 075181119X 0751811181 £12
21 Cuckfield & West Hoathly S&D TQ22, TQ23, TQ32, TQ33 1975 0751811211 0751811203 £12
22 Capel Curig & Betws-y-Coed S&D SH75 1976 # 0751811238 075181122X £12
23 Miller’s Dale S&D SK17 1976 0751811254 0751811246 £12
24 Monyash S&D SK16 1977 0751811262 CA24CF £12
25 Dalton-in-Furness SwD SD27, SD17, SD37 1977 OP 0751811289 £12
26 Llandrindod Wells Ordovician Inlier S SO05, SO06, SO15, SO16 1977 0751811319 0751811300 £12
27 Hastings–Rye S&D TQ81, TQ70, TQ72, TQ80, 1977 0751811335 0751811327 £12
TQ82, TQ91, TQ92
28 Telford S&D SJ60, SJ61, SJ70, SJ71 1978 ECA28C 0751811343 £12
29 Dolgarrog S&D SH76 1981 # 075181136X 0751811351 £12
30 Bakewell SwD SK26 1982 0751811394 0751811386 £12
31 Channel Islands Sheet 2: Jersey S&D 1982 # 0751811416 0751811408 £12
32 Cheddar S&D ST45 1983 0751811432 0751811424 £12
33 St Kilda S 1984 OP 0751811440 £12
34 Passes of Nant Ffrancon and Llanberis S&D SH65, SH66 1985 0751811475 0751811467 £12
35 Bethesda and Foel Fras S&D SH66, SH67 1986 0751811491 0751811483 £12
36 Channel Islands Sheet 1: Guernsey S&D 1986 0751811513 0751811505 £12
37 Barnsley S&D SE30 1987 075181153X 0751811521 £12
Areas covered by 1:25 000 scale geological maps
(Classical areas of British geology series)
12 17
43 47
35 41
19 23 30
29 18
34 22 8
38 24
13 40
1 5
26 16
15 11
Series Title Version National Grid 500 x Publication date Folded ISBN/ order Flat ISBN/ order Price
no 500km sheets code code
38 Llyn Padarn S&D SH55, SH56 1988 0751811556 0751811548 £12
39 Ballantrae S NX08, NX18, NX19. 1988 # 0751811572 0751811564 £12
40 Snowdon S&D SH64, SH65 1989 0751811599 0751811580 £12
41 Conwy S&D SH77, SH78 1989 0751811610 0751811602 £12
42 Lorton and Loweswater S&D NY12 1990 0751811637 0751811629 £12
43 Devoke Water and Ulpha S&D SD19 1991 0751811653 0751811645 £12
44 Shelve Ordovician Inlier and adjacent S&D SO29, SO39, SJ20, SJ30 1991 0751819247 0751811661 £12
45 Moffatdale and upper Ettrick Valley S NT10, NT11, NT20, NT21 1991 # 9780751835786 0751819239 £12
46 Black Combe S&D SD18, part 28 1999 0751831530 0751831549 £12
47 Coniston S&D SD29, parts SD39, NY20, 2003 0751829072 0751829064 £12
48 Skye Central Complex B NG52, parts NG41, NG42, 1999 0751833029 0751833010 £12
NG51, NG61, NG62
49 Glen Coe B NN14, NN15, NN24 and 2006 # 0751833002 0751832995 £12
50 Dounreay B NC96, ND06, ND07 2006 0751834319 0751834300 £12
50 Dounreay Sup NC96, NC06, ND07 2006 0751834335 0751834327 £12
51 Ardnamurchan Central Complex B&Sup NM46, NM56, parts NM- 2009 9780751835779 9780751835786 £12
47SW, NM47SE, NM57SW,
Books have been produced to accompany some of the Classical Areas 1:25 000 scale maps. These are A5-sized paperbacks, and are
illustrated with black and white diagrams and photographs.
Other Booklets
1:50 000 Scale Geological Maps
Geological maps show the nature, extent and relative stratigraphical age of the different rocks within a district.
The 1:50 000 maps are the most widely-used of our geological map series: they offer comprehensive geological information for a wide
range of purposes and at a well-understood scale. Map coverage is available for most UK land areas. These maps present the results of
full geological surveys and incorporate information from subsurface or geophysical investigations which may be shown as diagrams on
the maps.
The area coverage of these maps is shown overleaf, and in greater detail on the ‘Index Map to 1:50 000 and 1:63 360 Geological Maps’
(available free from Sales Desks). For England, Wales and Northern Ireland, map sheets normally cover an area 30 km east-west and 20
km north-south. In Scotland, sheets are often divided into East and West portions, each 20 km east-west and 30 km north-south (some
older ‘full’ sheets also remain in-print).
‘Special’ geological sheets, often covering more than one standard map sheet, are produced for areas of major geological interest. Coastal
geology maps show the geology of near-shore areas, usually together with the adjacent onshore geology. For these maps the bedrock
and superficial formations occurring offshore are currently classified as Pre-Quaternary and Quaternary respectively.
Maps may be revised from time to time, hence the publication date may not always represent the original survey date(s) which, for some
sheets, may be significantly earlier.
The 1:50 000 scale maps are normally produced as litho-printed, full-colour editions and in flat or folded-and-cased formats (subject to
availability). Encapsulated flat maps are available to special order; the cost is £25 in addition to the cost of the map: please contact the
Sales Desk for details.
For some districts where modern maps are unavailable, digital reprints of previous editions may be produced to order: these normally
cost £18 per sheet, but earlier ‘Old Series’ Quarter Sheets are £25 each and Full Sheets are £60. All maps are produced as high
permanence inkjet prints and are supplied as flat copies only.
Many 1:50 000 scale maps are available in geo-referenced digital formats for use within Geographical Information Systems.
Additional Information
Bedrock (B) – formerly ‘Solid’ – show the pre-Quaternary geology, as it would appear if the superficial deposits were removed.
Boundaries of superficial deposits may be omitted or shown only by pecked lines.
Superficial Deposits (Sup) – formerly ‘Drift’ – show the Quaternary geology, usually unconsolidated deposits that include glacial and
postglacial deposits; artificial deposits, such as landscaped, worked and made ground are also shown.
Bedrock & Superficial Deposits (B&Sup) – formerly ‘Solid & Drift’ – show the bedrock and superficial deposits with equal emphasis.
These maps give the best picture of the ‘underfoot’ geology: geological boundaries and symbols for the surface outcrops of both bedrock
and superficial deposits are shown, but details of bedrock geology are normally abridged. There is no new equivalent to the former ‘Solid
with Drift’ (SwD) maps on which only abridged information is shown for the superficial deposits.
Superficial Deposits & Simplified Bedrock (Sup&SimpB) – For map sheets areas containing complex superficial deposits overlying
complex bedrock, a Simplified Bedrock and Superficial Deposits versions may be published. On these maps, the Bedrock stratigraphy
is shown simplified to Group or sub-Group level; individual geological formations are not generally shown. This is to allow clarity,
maximum understanding and interpretation of the superficial deposits. Maps in this classification thus show bedrock simplified to a
greater degree than shown on Bedrock & Superficial Deposits maps.
For some districts two versions of the geology may be portrayed as separate panels on the same map: these may be any of the versions
described above. These ‘combined maps’ are indicated in the form (B, B&Sup) or (S,D), as appropriate.
England and Wales map coverage at 1:50 000 and 1:63 360 scale
(Coverage for Scotland and Northern Ireland on page 37)
1:63 360 map
1:50 000 map
Contact the Sales Desk
for information
Special sheet
26 1&2
3 4
7 8 9 10
9 10
11 12 13 14
6 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27
SOLWAY EAST 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
37 38 40
39KENDAL 41 42 43 35 &
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
58 59 60 61 62 63 &
64 65
ISLE OF MAN 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 &
ANGLESEY 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 & 91
In-print maps, showing the earlier classifications (‘Solid’, ‘Drift’, etc), will continue to be available until new maps, with the new
classifications, are published to replace them. Out-of-print maps can often be reproduced as print-on-demand copies; contact the Sales
Desk for prices and availability.
Other Editions
‘One-inch-to-one-mile’ scale maps (1:63 360) are still the current editions for some districts and are indicated in the list by the symbol
‘#’ following the publication date.
‘Provisional’ editions may include substantial, but not complete, revision of the geology, and are indicated by [P].
‘Facsimile’ editions are 1:50 000 scale reprints of earlier 1:63 360 scale maps, and are indicated by ‘F’ after the facsimile date.
The availability of Geological Memoirs, Sheet Explanations or Sheet Descriptions produced to accompany geological maps is indicated by
the symbol (M), (SE), or (SD) as appropriate.
Maps in this section are £12.00 each, with the exception of print-on-demand maps, which are £18.00 each. ‘OP’ indicates out of print
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E1, 2 Berwick on Tweed and Norham S,D 1977 M OP 0751803405 £12
E3 Ford S&D 1979 M 0751803456 0751803448 £12
E3 Ford S 1976 M 075180343X 0751803421 £12
E3, S26 Coldstream B&Sup Due 2011
E4 Holy Island S&D 1925 # M OP 0751800007 £12
E4 Holy Island SwD 1974 0751803472 0751803464 £12
E5 The Cheviot S&D 1976 M 0751803499 0751803480 £12
E6 Alnwick S&D 1972 M OP 0751803529 £12
E6 Alnwick SwD 1972 M OP 0751803502 £12
E7 Kielder Castle S&D 1950 # 0751800252 0751800201 £12
E7 Kielder Castle SwD 1950 # 0751800155 £12 0751800104 £18
E8 Elsdon S&D 1951 (1993F) OP 0751827916 £12
E8 Elsdon SwD 1951 (1993F) OP 0751827894 £12
E9 Rothbury B&Sup 2009 M 9780751835809 9780751835793 £12
E9 Rothbury S 1934 # M E009S E009SF £12
E10 Newbiggin S,S&D 1997 M 075182951X 0751829501 £12
E11 Longtown S&D 1925 # M 0751800856 0751800805 £12
E11 See also: Solway East Special Sheet
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E12 Bewcastle S&D) 1969 # M 0751800066 0751800015 £12
E12 Bewcastle SwD 1969 # M 0751800953 0751800902 £12
E13 Bellingham S&D 1980 M 0751803596 0751803588 £12
E13 Bellingham SwD 1980 M 075180357X 0751803561 £12
E14 Morpeth S&D 2001 SE, SD 0751833347 0751833339 £12
E14 Morpeth S 2002 SE, SD 0751833363 0751833355 £12
E15 Tynemouth S&D 1968 # M OP 075180021X £12
E15 Tynemouth SwD 1975 M 0751803634 0751803626 £12
E16 See also: Scotland 1:50 000 Series
sheet S6W Kirkbean
E16 See also: Solway West Special Sheet
E17 Carlisle S&D 1925 # M OP 0751800414 £18
E17 See also: Solway East & West Special
Sheets (Scotland)
E18 Brampton S&D 1980 M 0751803677 0751803669 £12
E18 Brampton S 1976 M OP 0751803642 £12
E19 Hexham S 1975 M 0751803693 0751803685 £12
E20 Newcastle upon Tyne S&D 1992 M 0751823805 0751823791 £12
E20 Newcastle upon Tyne SwD 1989 M 0751803715 0751803707 £12
E21 Sunderland S,D 1978 M 0751803731 0751803723 £12
E22 Maryport S,S&D 1995 M 0751828475 0751828467 £12
E23 Cockermouth S&D 1997 M 0751829536 0751829528 £12
E23 Cockermouth S 1997 M 0751831409 0751831395 £12
E24 Penrith S&D 1974 M E024C 0751803820 £12
E24 Penrith SwD 1974 reprint M OP E024SWDF £18
E25 Alston S&D 1973 M E025C 0751803847 £12
E26 Wolsingham S&D 1977 OP 075180388X £12
E26 Wolsingham SwD 1977 OP 0751803863 £12
E27 Durham S&D 1965 # M OP 0751800716 £12
E27 Durham B 2008 9780751835540 9780751835533 £12
E28 Whitehaven B 2004 M 0751831603 075183159X £12
E28 Whitehaven B&Sup 2004 M 075183162X 0751831611 £12
E29 Keswick S&D 1999 SE, SD 0751830771 0751830763 £12
E29 Keswick S 1999 SE, SD 0751832308 0751832294 £12
E30 Appleby S&D 2004 SE 0751833584 0751833576 £12
E30 Appleby S 2004 SE 0751833886 0751833878 £12
E31 Brough under Stainmore S&D 1974 M 0751803979 0751803960 £12
E31 Brough under Stainmore SwD 1974 M 0751803952 0751803944 £12
E32 Barnard Castle S&D 1969 # M E032C 0751820512 £12
E32 Barnard Castle SwD 1969 # M 0751820504 0751820490 £12
E33 Stockton S&D 1987 0751803995 0751803987 £12
E34 Guisborough S&D [P] 1998 075183212X 0751832111 £12
E35, pt Whitby & Scalby S&D [P] 1998 0751832081 0751832073 £12
E36 See also: Isle of Man Special Sheet at
the end of this section
E37 Gosforth S&D 1999 M 0751831581 0751831573 £12
E37 Gosforth S 1999 0751831565 0751831557 £12
E38 Ambleside S&D 1998 M 0751831506 0751831492 £12
E38 Ambleside S 1996 M 0751828890 0751828882 £12
E39 Kendal B&Sup 2009 SE 9780751835656 9780751835649 £12
E39 Kendal B 2007 SE 9780751835526 9780751835519 £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E40 Kirkby Stephen S&D [P] 1997 M 0751830577 0751830569 £12
E41 Richmond S&D [P] 1997 M 0751830593 0751830585 £12
E42 Northallerton S&D 1994 M 0751828017 0751828009 £12
E43 Egton S&D [P] 1992 OP 0751800147 £12
E44 See: E35 Whitby & Scalby
E45–6 See: Isle of Man Special Sheet
E47 Bootle S,S&D 1997 M 0751829552 0751829544 £12
E48 Ulverston S&D 1997 M 0751830356 0751830348 £12
E48 Ulverston S 1997 M 0751831646 0751831638 £12
E49 Kirkby Lonsdale B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836172 9780751836165 £12
E49 Kirkby Lonsdale S Reprint of 1892 OP E049SF £18
1-inch map
E50 Hawes S&D [P] 1997 M 0751830372 0751830364 £12
E51 Masham S&D 1985 0751804053 0751804045 £12
E51 Masham SwD 1985 0751804037 0751804029 £12
E52 Thirsk S&D 1992 M 0751800279 0751800244 £12
E52 Thirsk SwD 1992 M 075181914X 0751819131 £12
E53 Pickering S&D [P] 2001 0751833061 0751833053 £12
E54 Scarborough S&D [P] 1998 0751832162 0751832154 £12
E55, E65 Flamborough and Bridlington S,D 1986 0751804096 0751804088 £12
E56–7 See: Isle of Man Special Sheet
E58 Barrow in Furness S,D 1976 M OP 075180410X £12
E59 Lancaster S&D 1995 M 0751829579 0751829560 £12
E59 Lancaster SwD 1995 M 0751830976 0751830968 £12
E60 Settle S&D 1991 M 0751819166 0751819158 £12
E60 Settle S 1989 M 0751804134 0751804126 £12
E61 Pateley Bridge S Reprint of 1889 OP E061SF £18
1-inch map
E62 Harrogate S&D 1987 M 0751804177 0751804169 £12
E62 Harrogate SwD 1987 M 0751804150 0751804142 £12
E63 York S&D 1983 0751804193 0751804185 £12
E64 Great Driffield S&D [P] 1993 0751823740 0751823732 £12
E65 See: E55 Flamborough and Bridlington
E66 Blackpool S,D 1975 M OP 0751804207 £12
E67 Garstang S&D 1991 M 0751804258 075180424X £12
E67 Garstang SwD 1990 M 0751804231 0751804223 £12
E68 Clitheroe S&D 1975 M OP 0751804266 £18
E68 Clitheroe SwD 1960 # M OP E068SWDF £18
E69 Bradford S&D 2000 SE, SD 0751832847 0751832839 £12
E69 Bradford S 2000 SE, SD 0751832820 0751832812 £12
E70 Leeds S&D 2003 SE 0751833843 0751833835 £12
E71 Selby B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751834420 9780751834413 £12
E72 Beverley S&D [P] 1995 0751830011 0751830003 £12
E73 Hornsea S&D [P] 1998 0751832103 075183209X £12
E74 Southport S,D 1989 M 075180441X 0751804401 £12
E75 Preston S&D Reprint of 1940 M OP E075CF £18
1-inch map
E75 Preston S 1982 M 0751804436 0751804428 £12
E75 Preston B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836240 9780751836288
E76 Rochdale B 2009 SE 9780751835564 9780751835557 £12
E76 Rochdale B&Sup 2009 SE 9780751835588 9780751835571 £12
E77 Huddersfield S&D 2003 SE, SD 0751833487 0751833479 £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E78 Wakefield S&D 1998 M 0751832189 0751832170 £12
E79 Goole S&D 1971 # M 0751800538 075180052X £12
E79 Goole SwD 1972 # M 075180049X 0751800481 £12
E80 Kingston upon Hull S&D 1983 M OP 0751804525 £12
E80 Kingston upon Hull SwD 1983 M 0751804517 0751804509 £12
E81, pts Patrington S&D 1991 075180455X 0751804541 £12
E82 &
E83 Formby S&D 1974 M OP 0751804584 £12
E83 Formby SwD 1976 M OP 0751804568 £12
E84 Wigan S&D Reprint of 1935 M OP E084CF £18
1-inch map
E84 Wigan S 1977 M E084S 0751804606 £12
E84 Wigan B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836257 9780751836295
E85 Manchester B&Sup Due 2011 9780751835977 9780751835960 £12
E85 Manchester B Due 2011 9780751835991 9780751835984 £12
E85 Manchester S&D 1930 # M OP 0751800589 £18
E85 Manchester S 1975 M 0751804630 0751804622 £12
E86 Glossop SwD 1981 M OP 0751804649 £12
E86 Glossop B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836233 9780751836271
E87 Barnsley B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751834444 9780751834437 £12
E88 Doncaster S&D 1969 # 0751800775 0751800724 £12
E88 Doncaster SwD 1969 # M 0751800678 0751800627 £12
E89 Brigg S&D 1982 M OP 0751804703 £12
E89 Brigg SwD 1982 M 075180469X 0751804681 £12
E90 See also: E81 Patrington
E90, pt Grimsby S&D 1990 M 0751804738 075180472X £12
E94 See also: Anglesey Special Sheet
E94 Llandudno S,D 1989 0751804754 0751804746 £12
E95 Rhyl S,S&D 1970 # M 0751800872 0751800821 £12
E96 Liverpool B&Sup 2007 SE 9780751834062 9780751834055 £12
E96 Liverpool B 2006 SE 9780751834048 9780751834031 £12
E97 Runcorn S&D 1977 E097C 0751804827 £12
E97 Runcorn S 1977 0751804819 0751804800 £12
E98 Stockport S&D 1962 (1993F) OP 0751827932 £18
E98 Stockport S 1977 0751804851 0751804843 £12
E99 Chapel en le Frith S&D 1977 M E099C 0751804886 £12
E99 Chapel en le Frith SwD 1975 M E099SWD 075180486X £12
E100 Sheffield S&D 1974 M OP 0751804908 £12
E100 Sheffield B&Sup Due 2011
E101 East Retford S&D 1967 # M OP 0751800635 £12
E102 Market Rasen S&D [P] 1999 E102C 0751832375 £12
E103 Louth S&D [P 1999 0751832359 0751832367 £12
E104 Mablethorpe S&D [P] 1996 0751831247 0751831239 £12
E105–6 See also: Anglesey Special Sheet
E106 Bangor S 1985 0751804959 0751804940 £12
E107 Denbigh S&D 1985 M 0751804991 0751804983 £12
E107 Denbigh SwD 1985 M 0751804975 0751804967 £12
E108 Flint S&D 1999 M 0751829595 0751829587 £12
E108 Flint S 1999 M 0751832405 075183239 £12
E109 Chester S&D 1965 (1990F) OP 0751805041 £18
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E109 Chester S 1986 M 0751805033 0751805025 £12
E110 Macclesfield S&D 1968 # M OP 0751800732 £12
E110 Macclesfield SwD 1968 (1990F) M E110SWD 0751805068 £12
E111 Buxton S&D 1978 M 0751805114 0751805106 £12
E111 Buxton S 1978 M 0751805092 0751805084 £12
E112 Chesterfield S&D 1963 # M OP 0751800783 £12
E113 Ollerton S&D 1966 # M OP 075180083X £12
E114 Lincoln S&D 1973 0751805130 0751805122 £12
E115 Horncastle S&D [P] 1995 075182805X 0751828041 £12
E116 Skegness S&D [P] 1996 0751830550 0751830542 £12
E119 Snowdon S&D 1997 M 075182867X 0751828661 £12
E119 Snowdon (S) 1997 M 0751831484 0751831476 £12
E120 Corwen S&D [P] 1993 0751823767 0751823759 £12
E121 Wrexham S&D [P] 1993 0751828114 0751828106 £12
E122 Nantwich S&D 1967 # M OP 0751800937 £12
E122 Nantwich SwD 1967 # M OP 0751800880 £18
E123 Stoke on Trent S&D 1994 M OP 0751828548 £12
E123 Stoke on Trent S 1994 M 075182853X 0751828521 £12
E124 Ashbourn S&D 1983 M 075180519X 0751805181 £12
E125 Derby S&D 1972 M 0751805211 0751805203 £12
E126 Nottingham S&D 1996 M 0751829617 0751829609 £12
E127 Grantham S&D 1996 M 0751828939 0751828920 £12
E128 Boston S&D [P] 1995 0751829633 0751829625 £12
E129 The Wash S&D 1997 0751831425 0751831417 £12
E129 See also: E145 King’s Lynn & The Wash
E130 Wells-next-the-sea B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751834697 9780751834680 £12
E131 Cromer S&D 2003 SE 0751833541 0751833533 £12
E132, pt Mundesley & North Walsham S&D 1998 SE 0751832421 0751832413 £12
E133 Aberdaron & Bardsey Island S,D 1994 M 0751828297 0751828289 £12
E134 Pwllheli S&D 1999 M 075182965X 0751829641 £12
E135, pt Harlech S&D 1982 M 0751805297 0751805289 £12
E135, pt Harlech SwD 1982 M 0751805270 0751805262 £12
E136 Bala SwD 1986 0751805319 0751805300 £12
E137 Oswestry S&D [P] 1999 M 0751832529 0751832510 £12
E138 Wem S&D 1967 M OP 075180536X £18
E139 Stafford S&D 1974 M OP 0751805386 £18
E140 Burton upon Trent S&D 1982 M 0751805416 0751805408 £12
E141 Loughborough S&D 2001 SE, SD 0751833320 0751833312 £12
E142 Melton Mowbray S&D 2003 SE, SD 075183316 0751833495 £12
E143 Bourne S&D 1964 # 0751801011 0751801003 £12
E143 Bourne SwD 1964 # 0751800996 0751800988 £12
E144 Spalding S&D 1992 0751820547 0751820539 £12
E145, pt King’s Lynn & The Wash S&D 1978 M OP 0751805467 £12
E146 Fakenham S&D [P] 1999 0751832340 0751832332 £12
E148 See also: E132 Mundesley & North
E149 Cadair Idris S&D 1995 M 0751828874 0751828866 £12
E151 Welshpool B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751834710 9780751834703 £12
E152 Shrewsbury S&D 1932 # M OP 075180102X £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E152 Shrewsbury S 1978 M OP 0751805483 £12
E153 Wolverhampton S&D 2001 SE, SD 0751833282 0751833274 £12
E154 Lichfield S&D 1922 # M OP E154CF £18
E154 Lichfield SwD 1926 # M OP E154SWDF £18
E155 Coalville B&Sup 2010 SE 9780751835670 9780751835663 £12
E156 Leicester B&Sup 2008 SE, SD 9780751834734 9780751834727 £12
E157 Stamford S&D 1978 0751805556 0751805548 £12
E158 Peterborough S&D 1984 M E158C E158CF £12
E159 Wisbech S&D 1995 0751830038 075183002X £12
E160 Swaffham S&D [P] 1998 0751832324 0751832316 £12
E161 Norwich S&D 1975 M 9780751835632 0751805580 £12
E162 See: 1:50 000 Coastal Geology Map
sheet E162 Great Yarmouth
E163 Aberystwyth S&D 1989 M 0751805653 0751805645 £12
E163 Aberystwyth S 1984 M 0751805637 0751805629 £12
E164 Llanidloes B&Sup 2010 9780751835694 9780751835687 £12
E165 Montgomery S&D 1994 M 075182819X 0751828181 £12
E165 Montgomery SwD 1994 M 0751828173 0751828165 £12
E166 Church Stretton S&D 1967 # M 0751801135 0751801127 £12
E166 Church Stretton SwD 1974 M 075180567X 0751805661 £12
E167 Dudley B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836028 9780751836035 £12
E167 Dudley S&D 1975 M 0751834653 0751805688 £12
E168 Birmingham S&D 1996 M 0751830410 0751830402 £12
E168 Birmingham SwD 1924 (1992F) M OP 0751801143 £12
E169 Coventry S&D 1994 M 0751828653 0751828645 £12
E169 Coventry SwD 1994 M 0751828637 0751828629 £12
E170 Market Harborough S&D 1969 (1997F) M OP 0751801216 £12
E171 Kettering S&D 2002 SE 0751833568 075183355X £12
E172 Ramsey S&D [P] 1995 0751829676 0751829668 £12
E173 Ely S&D 1980 M 0751805734 0751805726 £12
E174 Thetford B&Sup 2010 9780751835953 9780751835946 £12
E175 Diss S&D 1989 M 0751805750 0751805742 £12
E176 Lowestoft S&D 1996 M 0751829692 0751829684 £12
E177 Aberaeron B, B&Sup 2006 9780751829273 9780751829266 £12
E178 Llanilar S&D 1994 M 0751828599 0751828580 £12
E178 Llanilar SwD 1994 M 0751828572 0751828564 £12
E179 Rhayader S&D 1993 M 0751823783 0751823775 £12
E179 Rhayader SwD 1993 M 0751823821 0751823813 £12
E181 Ludlow S&D [P] 2000 0751832545 0751832537 £12
E182 Droitwich S&D 1976 M OP 0751805769 £18
E183 Redditch S&D 1989 M OP 0751805785 £12
E184 Warwick S&D 1984 M 0751805815 0751805807 £12
E185 Northampton S&D 1980 0751805831 0751805823 £12
E186 Wellingborough B&Sup 2006 SE 9780751834468 9780751834451 £12
E187 Huntingdon S&D 1975 M 0751805874 0751805866 £12
E188 Cambridge S&D 1981 M 0751805890 0751805882 £12
E189 Bury St Edmunds S&D 1982 M 0751805912 0751805904 £12
E190 Eye S&D [P] 1995 0751831204 0751831190 £12
E191 Saxmundham S&D 1996 M 0751828912 0751828904 £12
E193, pt Cardigan and Dinas Island S,S&D 2003 SE 0751833827 0751833819 £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E194 Llangranog B&Sup 2006 SE 9780751834482 9780751834475 £12
E195 Lampeter B&Sup) 2008 SE 9780751834673 9780751834666 £12
E196 Builth Wells S&D 2005 SE 0751830852 0751830844 £12
E196 Builth Wells S 2005 SE 0751834025 0751834017 £12
E197 Hay on Wye B&Sup 2005 SE 0751830518 075183050X £12
E198 Hereford S&D 1989 M 0751805939 0751805920 £12
E199 Worcester S&D 1993 M 0751828130 0751828122 £12
E200 Stratford upon Avon S&D 1974 M E200C 0751805947 £12
E201 Banbury S&D 1982 M 0751805998 075180598X £12
E202 Towcester S&D 1969 # OP 0751801232 £12
E203 Bedford B&Sup 2010 SE 9780751835762 9780751835755 £12
E204 Biggleswade S&D 2001 SE 075183338X 0751833371 £12
E205 Saffron Walden S&D 2002 SE 0751833460 0751833452 £12
E206 Sudbury S&D 1991 M OP 0751806021 £12
E207 Ipswich B&Sup 2006 SE, M 9780751834505 9780751834499 £12
E208, pt Woodbridge & Felixstowe S&D 2001 SE 0751833304 0751833290 £12
E209 St Davids S&D [P] 1992 E209C E209CF £12
E210 Fishguard B&Sup 2010 9780751834758 9780751834741 £12
E210 See: E193 Cardigan and Dinas Island
E211 Newcastle Emlyn B&Sup 2006 SE 9780751834772 9780751834765 £12
E212 Llandovery B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751834529 9780751834512 £12
E213 Brecon B&Sup 2005 SE 0751834297 0751834289 £12
E214 Talgarth S&D 2004 SE 0751832642 0751832634 £12
E215 Ross on Wye S&D [P] 2001 SE 0751833088 075183307X £12
E216 Tewkesbury S&D 1988 M E216C 0751806080 £12
E217 Moreton in Marsh S&D 2000 SE, SD 0751832863 0751832855 £12
E218 Chipping Norton S&D 1968 # M 0751835242 0751801283 £12
E219 Buckingham S&D 2002 SE 0751830437 0751830429 £12
E220 Leighton Buzzard S&D 1992 M 0751820563 0751820555 £12
E221 Hitchin S&D 1995 M 0751830054 0751830046 £12
E222 Great Dunmow S&D 1990 M E222C 0751806129 £12
E223 Braintree S&D 1982 M OP 0751806145 £12
E224 & Colchester & Brightlingsea B&Sup 2010 9780751835939 9780751835922 £12
E225 See: E208 Woodbridge & Felixstowe
E226, pt Milford S&D 1978 0751806196 0751806188 £12
E226, pt Milford SwD 1978 OP 0751806161 £12
E228 Haverfordwest S&D 1976 0751806234 0751806226 £12
E228 Haverfordwest SwD 1976 0751806218 075180620X £12
E229 Carmarthen S&D 1967 # M 0751801313 0751801305 £12
E229 Carmarthen SwD 1977 (1997F) M OP 0751806242 £12
E230 Ammanford S&D 1977 M 0751806293 0751806285 £12
E230 Ammanford SwD 1977 M 0751806277 0751806269 £12
E231 Merthyr Tydfil S&D 1979 M 0751806331 0751806323 £12
E231 Merthyr Tydfil SwD 1979 M 0751806315 0751806307 £12
E232 Abergavenny S&D 1990 M 0751806358 075180634X £12
E233 Monmouth S&D 1974 M E233C 0751806366 £12
E234 Gloucester S&D 1972 OP 0751806382 £12
E235 Cirencester S&D 1998 M 0751830453 0751830445 £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E236 Witney S&D 1982 M OP 0751806404 £12
E237 Thame S&D 1994 M 0751828033 0751828025 £12
E238 Aylesbury S&D 1923 (1997F) M OP 0751806420 £12
E239 Hertford S&D 1978 M OP 0751806447 £18
E240 Epping S&D 1981 M 0751806471 0751806463 £12
E241 Chelmsford S&D 1975 M 0751806498 075180648X £12
E244, pt Pembroke & Linney Head S&D 1983 OP 0751806501 £12
E246 Worms Head S&D [P] 2003 0751829293 0751829285 £12
E247 Swansea B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836004 9780751836011 £12
E247 Swansea B Due 2011 9780751835502 9780751835496 £12
E247 Swansea S&D 1972 # OP 0751801364 £12
E247 Swansea SwD 1977 0751806536 0751806528 £12
E248 Pontypridd S&D 1975 M 0751806552 0751806544 £12
E248 Pontypridd SwD 1963 (1992F) M 0751801399 0751801380 £12
E249 Newport S&D 1969 (1997F) M OP 0751801402 £12
E249 Newport SwD 1975 M OP 0751806560 £12
E250 Chepstow S&D 1972 M OP 0751806587 £12
E250-1 See also: Bristol Special Sheet
E251 Malmesbury S&D 1970 # M 0751801429 0751801410 £12
E252 Swindon S&D 1974 (1992F) E252C 0751801437 £12
E253 Abingdon SwD 1971 # OP 0751801453 £12
E253 Abingdon S&D 1971 # OP 075180147X £18
E254 Henley on Thames S&D 1980 M 0751806617 0751806609 £12
E255 Beaconsfield S&D 2005 SE 0751834009 0751833991 £12
E256 North London B&Sup 2006 M 0751834270 0751834262 £12
E257 Romford S&D 1996 0751829714 0751829706 £12
E257–9 See also: 1:50 000 Coastal Geology
Map E257 Inner Thames Estuary
E258, pt Southend & Foulness S&D 1976 M 0751806676 0751806668 £12
E261, pt Bridgend S&D 1990 M 0751806692 0751806684 £12
E263 Cardiff S&D 1988 M OP 0751806722 £12
E263 Cardiff S 1989 M 0751806714 0751806706 £12
E263 See also: 1:50 000 Coastal Geology
Map E263 Inner Bristol Channel
E264–5 See also: Bristol Special Sheet
E264 Bristol S&D 2004 M, SE 0751833800 0751833797 £12
E265 Bath B&Sup Due 2011 9780751835915 9780751835908 £12
E265 Bath S&D 1965 (1997F) 0751806781 0751806773 £12
E266 Marlborough S&D 1974 0751806803 075180679X £12
E267 Newbury B&Sup 2006 SE, SD 9780751834543 9780751834536 £12
E268 Reading S&D 2000 SE 075183288X 0751832871 £12
E269 Windsor S&D 1999 SE 0751832286 0751832278 £12
E270 South London S&D 1998 M 0751832065 0751832057 £12
E271 Dartford S&D 1998 M 0751832049 0751832030 £12
E271–3 See also: Coastal Geology Map E257
Inner Thames Estuary
E272 Chatham S&D 1977 M OP 0751806862 £12
E273 Faversham S&D 1974 M 0751806897 0751806889 £12
E274 Ramsgate S,D 1980 M OP 0751806900 £12
E275–6 See: E292 Bideford & Lundy Island
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E277 Ilfracombe S&D 1981 M 0751806935 0751806927 £12
E278, pt Minehead S&D 1997 M 0751829730 0751829722 £12
E279 Weston-super-Mare S&D 1980 M 0751806951 0751806943 £12
E279 See also: 1:50 000 Coastal Geology
Map E263 Inner Bristol Channel
E280 Wells S&D 1984 (1997F) M OP 075180696X £12
E280–1 See also: Bristol Special Sheet
E281 Frome S&D 2001 0751832901 0751832898 £12
E282 Devizes B&Sup 2008 SE 9780751835601 9780751835595 £12
E283 Andover S&D 1975 M 0751806994 0751806986 £12
E284 Basingstoke S&D 1978 (1981F) M E284C 0751807001 £12
E285 Guildford S&D 2001 SE 075183324X 0751833231 £12
E286 Reigate S&D 1978 M OP 0751807060 £12
E287 Sevenoaks S&D 1971 (1990F) M 0751807052 0751807044 £12
E288 Maidstone S&D 1976 M 0751807117 0751807109 £12
E289 Canterbury S&D 1982 M 0751807133 0751807125 £12
E290 Dover S&D 1977 M 075180715X 0751807141 £12
E291 See: E292 Bideford & Lundy Island
E292, pts Bideford & Lundy Island S&D 1977 M OP 0751807168 £12
276 &
E293 Barnstaple S&D 1982 M 0751807192 0751807184 £12
E294 See also: E278 Minehead OP
E294 Dulverton S&D 1974 0751807214 0751807206 £12
E295 Taunton S&D 1984 M 0751807230 0751807222 £12
E295 See also: 1:50 000 Coastal Geology
Map E263 Inner Bristol Channel
E296 Glastonbury S&D 1973 0751807249 £12
E297 Wincanton S&D 1996 M 0751831387 0751831379 £12
E298 Salisbury B&Sup 2005 SE, SD 0751834254 0751834246 £12
E299 Winchester S&D 2003 SE, SD 0751833401 0751833398 £12
E300 Alresford S&D 2000 SE 0751832502 0751832499 £12
E301 Haslemere S&D 1981 M 0751807354 0751807346 £12
E302 Horsham S&D 1972 # M OP 0751801577 £18
E303 Tunbridge Wells S&D 1971 # M OP 0751801593 £18
E304 Tenterden S&D 1981 M OP 0751807362 £12
E305, pt Folkestone & Dover S&D 1974 M 0751807397 0751807389 £12
E307, pt Bude S&D 1980 M 0751807419 0751807400 £12
E309 Chulmleigh S&D 1980 M 0751807435 0751807427 £12
E310 Tiverton S&D 1974 OP 0751807443 £12
E311 Wellington B&Sup 2009 SE 9780751834796 9780751834789 £12
E312 Yeovil S&D 1958 (1997F) M E312C 0751807486 £12
E313 Shaftesbury S&D 1994 M 0751828238 075182822X £12
E314 Ringwood S&D 2004 SE 0751833924 0751833916 £12
E315 Southampton S&D 1987 M E315C 0751807540 £12
E316 Fareham S&D 1998 SE, SD 0751831689 0751831670 £12
E317, pt Chichester & Bognor S&D 1996 SE, SD 0751829757 0751829749 £12
E318, Brighton & Worthing B&Sup 2006 M 9780751834567 9780751834550 £12
Map Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN/ Price
sheet Memoir; Sheet order code order code
no Explanation; Sheet
E319, Lewes & Eastbourne B&Sup 2006 M 9780751834581 9780751834574 £12
E320, pt Hastings & Dungeness S&D 1980 M 0751807613 0751807605 £12
E322 Boscastle S&D 1969 # M OP 0751801658 £12
E323 Holsworthy S&D 1974 M OP 0751807621 £12
E324 Okehampton S&D 1969 # M 0751805971 0751805963 £12
E325 Exeter S&D 1995 M 0751828793 0751828785 £12
E326, pt Sidmouth (S&D 2004 SE 075183047X 0751830461 £12
E327 Bridport B&Sup 2005 M 0751833983 0751833975 £12
E328 Dorchester S&D 2001 075183310X 0751833096 £12
E329 Bournemouth S&D 1991 M 0751807753 0751807745 £12
E330 Lymington S&D 1975 (1997F) M E330C 0751807761 £12
E330–1 See also: Isle of Wight Special Sheet
E331 Portsmouth S&D 1994 SE, SD 0751828076 0751828068 £12
E332 See: E317 Chichester & Bognor
E333 See: E318 Brighton & Worthing
E3341 See: E319 Lewes & Eastbourne
E335, pt Trevose Head & Camelford S&D 1994 M 0751828211 0751828203 £12
E337 Tavistock S&D [P] 1993 M 0751828092 0751828084 £12
E338 Dartmoor Forest S&D [P] 1995 M OP 0751830089 £12
E339 Newton Abbot S&D 1976 (1997F) M OP 0751807885 £12
E340 See: E326 Sidmouth
E341, pt West Fleet & Weymouth (S&D 2001 M 0751833126 0751833118 £12
E343, pt Swanage S&D 2000 M E343C 0751833134 £12
E344– See: Isle of Wight Special Sheet
E346 Newquay B&Sup Due2011 9780751835717 9780751835700 £12
E346 Newquay S&D 1981 OP 075180794X £12
E347 Bodmin S&D 1982 0751807974 0751807966 £12
E348 Plymouth S&D 1998 M 0751830496 0751830488 £12
E349 Ivybridge S&D 1974 M 0751808059 0751808008 £12
E350 Torquay S&D 2004 SE, SD 0751833908 0751833894 £12
E351, pt Penzance S&D 1984 M OP 0751808202 £12
E352 Falmouth S&D 1990 M OP E352CF £12
E353, pt Mevagissey S&D 2000 SE 0751832448 075183243X £12
E355, pt Kingsbridge, Salcombe & Start S&D [P] 2001 0751832464 0751832456 £12
E356 Point
E357, pt Isles of Scilly S&D 1975 0751808652 0751808601 £12
E358 See: E351 Penzance
E359 Lizard S&D 1975 M E359C 0751808709 £12
E360 See: E357 Isles of Scilly
These maps show the geology of selected near-shore, estuarine or offshore areas, defined as Quaternary or pre-Quaternary strata and
deposits. All maps include information on the onshore geology although for some areas this may only be an outline of the geology or
simplified geology which is normally published on other 1:50 000 Series Geological Maps.
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text Folded map ISBN Flat map ISBN Price
E162 Great Yarmouth S&D/Q& 1990 M 0751805610 0751805602 £12
E257, 258, 259 Inner Thames Estuary Pre-Q/Q 1997 M 0751831522 0751831514 £12
E263, pts E279, Inner Bristol Channel & Pre-Q 1996 M 0751831263 0751831255 £12
E295 Severn Estuary
E263, pts E279, Inner Bristol Channel & Q & Pre-Q 1996 M 075183128X 0751831271 £12
E295 Severn Estuary
These maps show the onshore geology of selected areas of outstanding geological interest, or important areas that may otherwise only
be shown on multiple map sheets (for example, islands).
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text Folded map ISBN Flat map ISBN Price
E92–3 & pts Anglesey S&D 1920 (1974F) OP E092SPC 0751808016 £12
E94, E105–6
E92–3 & pts Anglesey SwD 1920 (1980F) OP 0751808164 0751808113 £12
E94, E105–6
Pts E250–1, Bristol District S&D 1962 # M OP 0751801690 £12
Pts E330–1, Isle of Wight S&D 1976 M ES330C 0751808903 £12
Pts E36, E45–6, Isle of Man S&D 2001 M 0751833266 0751833258 £12
Medium scale geological maps of Orkney, the Hebrides and Outer Islands are listed under ‘1:100 000 Scale Maps of Scottish Islands’ on
page 44; maps of Shetland are listed under ‘1:50 000 Special Sheets (Scotland)’, also on page 44.
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S1 Kirkmaiden D 1982 M S001D S01DF £12
S1 See also: Rhins of Galloway
Special Sheet
S2 Whithorn S, D 1987 M 0751808466 0751808415 £12
S3 Stranraer D 1982 M 0751808660 075180861X £12
S3 See also: Rhins of Galloway
Special Sheet
S4W Kirkcowan D 1982 0751808865 0751808814 £12
S4W Kirkcowan S 1992 0751808768 0751808717 £12
S4E Wigtown D 1981 0751808172 0751808121 £12
S4E Wigtown S 1992 0751808962 0751808911 £12
S5W Kirkcudbright D 1980 M 075180827X 0751808229 £12
S5W Kirkcudbright S 1993 M 0751828319 0751828300 £12
S5E Dalbeattie D 1981 M 0751808474 0751808423 £12
S5E Dalbeattie S 1993 M 0751828416 0751828408 £12
S5-6 See also: Solway West Special
S6 Annan Western portion largely D 1983 0751808571 0751808520 £12
superseded by S6W
S6E See also: Solway East Special
S6W Kirkbean S&D 1998 0751831980 0751831972 £12
S6W Kirkbean S 1998 0751831964 0751831956 £12
Scotland and Northern Ireland map coverage at 1:50 000, 1:100 000 and 1:63 360 scale
(Coverage for England and Wales on page 26)
Special sheet
90 91 92 93 94 95
(NORTH) 97
81 82 83 84 85 86
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
42 / 51W 51 52 53 54 55 56 57
43 44 45 46 47 PERTH
48 49
36 37 38 39 41
35 40
28 29 30 31 32
27 33
19 20
22 23 24 25
3 4
ARRAN 14 15 16 17 6
7 8
7 8 9
11 6/12 13 14
RHINS OF 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
17 18 19 20 21 STRANRAER 6
4 5 17 18
24 25 26 3 CARLISLE
27 28 29
32/ 31 OMAGH 2 22 23
33 34 35
28 29
43/ 45
46 47
44/56 ENNISKILLEN 48 49
57 59 60 61
70 71 72
For full, detailed index map of 1:50 000 maps, call the Sales Desk
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S6W See also: Solway East & West
Special Sheets
S7 Girvan D 1980 M 0751808776 0751808725 £12
S7 Girvan S 1988 M 0751808679 0751808628 £12
S7 See also: Rhins of Galloway
Special Sheet
S8W Carrick D 1981 M 0751808970 075180892X £12
S8W Carrick S 1995 M 0751828491 0751828483 £12
S8E Loch Doon D 1980 M 0751808180 075180813X £12
S8E Loch Doon Sup & Due 2011 9780751835823 9780751835816 £12
S8E Loch Doon S 1994 M# 0751828971 0751828963 £12
S9W New Galloway D 1979 M 0751808385 0751808334 £12
S9W New Galloway S 1998 M 0751829315 0751829307 £12
S9E Thornhill D 1980 M S009ED 0751808539 £12
S9E Thornhill S 1996 M 0751829331 0751829323 £12
S9E See also: Solway West Special
S10W Lochmaben B 2007 9780751835267 9780751835250 £12
S10W Lochmaben B & Sup 2008 9780751835281 9780751835274 £12
S10W See also: Solway East & West
Special Sheets
S10E Ecclefechan D 1982 0751808784 0751808733 £12
S10E See also: Solway East Special
S11 Langholm D 1968 # M 0751801747 0751801739 £12
S11 Langholm S 1968 # M 0751801720 0751801712 £12
S11 See also: Solway East Special
S12 Campbeltown S&D [P] 1996 S012C 0751828327 £12
S14W Ayr B 2008 9780751835304 9780751835298 £12
S14W Ayr Sup & 2009 9780751835328 9780751835311 £12
S14E Cumnock D 1980 M 0751808199 0751808148 £12.
S14E Cumnock S 1980 OP 0751808040 £12
S15W New Cumnock S&D 2000 SE, SD 0751831948 075183193X £12
S15W New Cumnock S 2000 SE, SD 0751831921 0751831913 £12
S15E Leadhills S 2004 SE, SD 0751833940 0751833932 £12
S15E Leadhills S&D 2004 SE, SD 0751833967 0751833959 £12
S16W Moffat B 2009 9780751835342 9780751835335 £12
S16W Moffat D 1987 0751808695 0751808644 £12
S16E Ettrick D 1987 0751808792 0751808741 £12
S17W Hawick D 1982 0751808997 0751808946 £12
S17W Hawick S 1982 075180889X 0751808849 £12
S17E Jedburgh D 1982 0751809152 0751809101 £12
S17E Jedburgh S 1982 S017ES 0751809004 £12
S19 South Islay S&D [P] 1998 0751830259 0751830240 £12
S20, pt S21W Sound of Gigha S&D [P] 1996 0751828459 0751828440 £12
S21E See: S22W Irvine
S21W See also: S20 Sound of Gigha
and S29W Kilfinan
S22W & pt Irvine D 1987 M 075180925X 0751809209 £12
S22W & pt Irvine B 2005 M 0751828998 075182898X £12
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S22E Kilmarnock S 2003 SE, SD 0751831808 0751831794 £12
S22E Kilmarnock S&D 2003 SE, SD 0751831824 0751831816 £12
S23 Hamilton Western portion S 1912 # OP S023SF £12
superseded by S23W
S23 Hamilton Western portion S&D 1929 # OP S023CF £18
superseded by S23W
S23W Hamilton D 1993 M 0751828157 0751828149 £12
S23W Hamilton S 1995 M 0751831166 0751831158 £12
S24W Biggar D 1981 0751809454 0751809403 £12
S24W Biggar S 1980 0751809357 0751809306 £12
S24E Peebles D 1983 0751809659 0751809608 £12
S24E Peebles S 1996 0751830216 0751830208 £12
S25W Galashiels D 1985 0751809853 0751809802 £12
S25W Galashiels S 1985 SO25WS 0751809756 £12
S26 Berwick upon Tweed and Duns S&D 1969 # 0751801844 S026CF £12
S26/E003 Coldstream B&Sup Due 2011
S27 North Islay S&D [P] 1997 0751830135 0751830127 £12
S28W South Jura S&D [P] 1996 0751831328 075183131X £12
S28E Knapdale S&D [P] 1996 075183033X 0751830321 £12
S29W, pt S21W Kilfinan S&D [P] 2001 0751832928 9780751832914 £12
S29E, pt S21E Dunoon & Millport B&Sup 2008 9780751834161 9780751834154 £12
S29E See: S29 (Rothesay) & S30W
S30W, pt S29E Greenock D 1989 M 0751809950 075180990X £12
S30W, pt S29E Greenock S 1990 M 0751809063 0751809012 £12
S30E Glasgow D 1994 M 0751828432 0751828424 £12
S30E Glasgow S 1993 M 0751828351 0751828343 £12
S31W Airdrie D 1992 M 0751823686 0751823678 £12
S31W Airdrie S 1992 M 0751819182 0751819174 £12
S31E Falkirk S&D 1997 M 0751829854 0751829846 £12
S31E Falkirk S 1997 M 0751829838 075182982X £12
S32W Livingston B 2006 9780751830194 9780751830187 £12
S32W Livingston B&Sup 2008 9780751831900 9780751831894 £12
S32E Edinburgh B 2003 0751833606 0751833592 £12
S32E Edinburgh B&Sup 2006 9780751833621 9780751833614 £12
S33W, pt S41 Haddington D 1978 M 0751809462 0751809411 £12
S33W, pt S41 Haddington S 1983 M OP 0751809314 £12
S33E, pt S41 Dunbar D 1978 M 0751809667 0751809616 £12
S33E, pt S41 Dunbar S 1980 M OP 0751809519 £12
S34 Eyemouth D 1983 M 0751809861 0751809810 £12
S34 Eyemouth S 1982 M 0751809764 0751809713 £12
S35 Colonsay S&D [P] 1996 0751829870 0751829862 £12
S36 Kilmartin B&Sup [P] 2004 0751832588 075183257X £12
S37W Furnace B 2008 9780751835182 9780751835175 £12
S37E Lochgoilhead S 1990 0751809071 0751809020 £12
S38W Ben Lomond S 1987 0751809276 0751809225 £12
S38E Aberfoyle B 2004 9780751833867 0751833851 £12
S38E Aberfoyle B&Sup 2005 0751832944 0751832936 £12
S39W Stirling D 1974 M 0751809470 075180942X £12
S39W Stirling S 1974 M OP 0751809322 £12
S39E Alloa D 1974 M 0751809675 0751809624 £12
S39E Alloa S 1974 M OP 0751809527 £12
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S40 Kinross D 1973 0751802115 0751802107 £12
S40 Kinross S 1971 # OP 0751802085 £12
S40E Kirkcaldy S&D 1999 SE, SD 0751831867 0751831859 £12
S40E Kirkcaldy S 1999 SE, SD 0751831840 0751831832 £12
S41 North Berwick D 1971 # M 0751802158 075180214X £12
S41 North Berwick S 1970 # M 0751802131 0751802123 £12
S41 See also: S33E Dunbar and 33W
S42, pt S51W Tiree & Coll S&D [P] 1999 0751832200 0751832197 £12
S43S Ross of Mull S&D [P] 1999 M. 0751829358 075182934X £12
S43N Staffa S&D [P] 1996 M. 075183095X 0751830941 £12
S44 Mull S&D 1953 # M. OP 0751802220 £12
S44W, pt S44E Eastern Mull S 1992 M 075182058X 0751820571 £12
S44E Lismore S 1992 M S044ES 0751820598 £12
S45 Oban S&D 1926 # OP 0751802263 £12
S45W Connel S 1991 0751819204 0751819190 £12
S45E Dalmally S 1992 0751819220 0751819212 £12
S46E Killin Sup Due2011 9780751836394 9780751836387
S46E Killin B Due 2011 9780751836196 9780751836189
S46W Crianlarich Sup Due2011 9780751836158 9780751836141
S46W Crianlarich B Due 2011 9780751836134 9780751836127
S48W Perth D 1985 M 075180987X 0751809829 £12
S48W Perth S 1983 M 0751809772 0751809721 £12
S48E Cupar D 1982 M OP 0751809039 £12
S48E Cupar S 1982 M 0751809977 0751809926 £12
S49 Arbroath D 1981 M 0751809284 0751809233 £12
S49 Arbroath S 1980 M OP 0751809136 £12
S51E Caliach Point S&D [P] 1976 M OP 0751809438 £12
S51E, S52W North Mull and Ardnamur- B&Sup Due 2011 9780751836059 9780751836042
S51W See: S42 Tiree & Coll
S52 Tobermory D 1968 # M 0751802298 075180228X £12
S52W Ardnamurchan S 1977 M OP 0751809535 £12
S52E Strontian S 1977 M OP 0751809632 £12
S53 Ben Nevis S&D 1948 # M 075180231X S053CF £12
S53W Ardgour B 2007 9780751832600 9780751832594 £12
S54W Blackwater S&D 1974 0751809780 075180973X £12
S54E Loch Rannoch S&D 1974 0751809888 0751809837 £12
S55W Schiehallion S 2000 M 0751829374 0751829366 £12
S55E Pitlochry S 1981 OP 0751809934 £12
S56W Glen Shee S 2000 M 0751830151 0751830143 £12
S60 Rum S&D 1994 M 0751828610 0751828602 £12
S61 Arisaig D 1969 # OP 0751802360 £12
S61 Arisaig S 1971 # 0751802352 0751802344 £12
S62W Loch Quoich D 1975 0751809195 0751809144 £12
S62W Loch Quoich S 1975 0751809098 0751809047 £12
S62E Loch Lochy D 1975 075180939X 0751809349 £12
S62E Loch Lochy S 1975 OP 0751809241 £12
S63W Glen Roy S&D 1995 M 0751829056 0751829048 £12
S63W Glen Roy S 1995 M 075182903X 0751829021 £12
S63E Dalwhinnie S&D 2002 0751832669 0751832650 £12
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S63E Dalwhinnie S 2002 0751832626 0751832618 £12
S64W Newtonmore B 2008 9780751835380 9780751835373 £12
S64W Newtonmore B&Sup 2009 9780751835403 9780751835397 £12
S64E Ben Macdui B 2008 9780751835427 9780751835410 £12
S64E Ben Macdui B&Sup 2009 9780751835441 9780751835434 £12
S65W Braemar S 1989 0751809497 0751809446 £12
S65E Ballater S 1995 M 0751828955 0751828947 £12
S66W Aboyne S 1995 M 0751828858 075182884X £12
S66E Banchory S&D 1996 M 0751830119 0751830100 £12
S67 Stonehaven S&D 1999 0751830607 0751830615 £12
S70 Minginish S&D 2001 0751829390 0751829382 £12
S71W Broadford S&D 2002 0751830275 0751830267 £12
S71W Broadford SwD 1976 0751809594 0751809543 £12
S71E Kyle of Lochalsh S&D 1976 M 0751809896 0751809845 £12
S71E Kyle of Lochalsh SwD 1909 M OP 0751809748 £12
S72W Kintail D 1985 M 0751810010 0751810002 £12
S72W Kintail S 1984 M 0751809993 0751809942 £12
S72E Glen Affric S 1986 M 0751810037 0751810029 £12
S72E Glen Affric Sup 2007 9780751835205 9780751835199 £12
S73W Invermoriston S 1995 M 0751828254 0751828246 £12
S73W Invermoriston Sup Due 2011 9780751836332 9780751836325
S73E Foyers S 1996 0751829412 0751829404 £12
S74 Granton on Spey S&D 1914 # 0751802476 0751802468 £12
S74W Tomatin B 2004 0751832685 0751832677 £12
S74W Tomatin B&Sup 2004 0751832707 0751832693 £12
S74 Aviemore S 1993 M 0751828270 0751828262 £12
S74E Aviemore Sup Due 2011 9780751836356 9780751836349
S75W Glenlivet S 1996 0751829897 0751829889 £12
S75E Glenbuchat S 1995 0751829919 0751829900 £12
S76W Alford S 1993 M 0751823708 0751823694 £12
S76E Inverurie S&D 2002 M 0751830631 0751830623 £12
S76E Inverurie S 1992 M 0751820628 075182061X £12
S77 Aberdeen Sup 2004 0751834149 0751834130 £12
S77 Aberdeen S 1982 M 0751810045 0751810053 £12
S80W Dunvegan B&Sup 2007 M 9780751832723 9780751832716 £12
S80E Portree B&Sup 2007 M 9780751832747 9780751832730 £12
S81 See also: S80E Portree
S81W Raasay B&Sup 2006 M 9780751832761 0751832758 £12
S81E Loch Torridon S&D 1975 M OP 0751810185 £12
S82 Lochcarron S&D 1913 # 0751802514 0751802506 £12
S82 Lochcarron SwD 1913 # 0751802492 0751802484 £12
S82E Scardroy S&D [P] 1996 0751828513 0751828505 £12
S83 Inverness Western portion S&D 1954 # OP 0751802549 £12
superseded by S83W
S83 Inverness S 1914 (1997F) OP 0751802522 £12
S83W Strathconon S&D [P] 2002 0751832782 0751832774 £12
S84 Nairn S 1958 # OP S084SF £12
S84W Fortrose S&D 1997 M 0751828815 0751828807 £12
S84E Nairn S&D 1978 0751810231 0751810223 £12
S84E Nairn B Due 2011 9780751836318 9780751836301
S84E Nairn Sup Due 2011
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S85W Knockando S 1997 0751829935 0751829927 £12
S85E Glenfiddich S 1996 0751829439 0751829420 £12
S86 Huntly Eastern portion super- S&D 1923 # S086C 0751802603 £12
seded by S86E
S86W Huntly S 2000 0751830178 075183016X £12
S86E Turriff S&D 1995 M 0751829951 0751829943 £12
S87W Ellon S&D 2002 M 9780751831764 0751831751 £12
S87W Ellon S 1991 M 0751810258 075181024X £12
S87E Peterhead S,D 1992 M 0751823724 0751823716 £12
S90 Staffin B&Sup 2006 9780751833706 9780751833690 £12
S91, pt S100 Gairloch S&D [P] 1999 0751829471 0751829463 £12
S92 Inverbroom S&D 1913 # OP 075180262X £12
S92E Loch Fannich B Due 2011 9780751836219 9780751836202
S92E Loch Fannich Sup Due 2011
S93W Ben Wyvis B&Sup 2004 0751832960 0751832952 £12
S93E Evanton B&Sup 2004 0751833444 0751833436 £12
S94 Cromarty D 1972 # 0751802697 0751802689 £12
S94 Cromarty S 1973 # 0751802670 0751802662 £12
S95 Elgin D 1969 # M 0751802735 0751802727 £12
S95 Elgin S 1969 # M OP 0751802700 £12
S96W Portsoy S&D 2002 M 0751832561 0751832553 £12
S96E Banff S&D 2002 M 075183372X 0751830666 £12
S97 Fraserburgh S,D 1987 M 0751810312 0751810304 £12
S100 See: S91 Gairloch
S101E See: Assynt Special Sheet
S101W Summer Isles S&D [P] 1998 0751832022 0751832014 £12
S101E Ullapool B 2008 9780751835465 9780751835458 £12
S101E Ullapool Sup Due 2011 9780751836370 9780751836363
S102W See: Assynt Special Sheet
S102W Oykel Sup Due 2011 9780751836110 9780751836103
S102W Oykel B Due 2011 9780751836097 9780751836080
S102E Lairg S&D [P] 2001 0751831883 0751831875 £12
S103W Golspie S&D [P] 2002 0751831786 0751831778 £12
S103E Helmsdale S&D [P] 1998 0751832006 0751831999 £12
S107E See: Assynt Special Sheet
S107W Point of Stoer S&D [P] 2002 0751830690 0751830682 £12
S108W Ben Hee B 2009 9780751835847 9780751835830 £12
S108E Loch Naver B 2004 0751833746 0751833738 £12
S108W See: Assynt Special Sheet
S109 Achentoul S&D 1931 # OP 0751802840 £12
S109W Badanloch B 2004 0751834084 0751834076 £12
S109E Kildonan B 2003 0751833762 0751833754 £12
S110 Latheron S&D 1931 # 0751810339 0751810320 £12
S110 Latheron S 1985 0751802875 0751802867 £12
S113 Cape Wrath S&D [P] 1998 0751830712 0751830704 £12
S114W Loch Eriboll S) [P] 2002 0751830739 0751830720 £12
S114E Tongue S 1997 M 0751829498 075182948X £12
S115W Strathy Point S&D [P] 1996 0751828696 0751828688 £12
S115E Reay B&Sup 2003 0751833789 0751833770 £12
S115E Reay S 1985 0751810355 0751810347 £12
S116 Wick S&D 1913 # 0751802891 0751802883 £12
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text: Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
Memoir; Sheet code code
Explanation; Sheet
S116W Thurso S 1985 0751810371 0751810363 £12
S116E Wick S 1986 0751810398 075181038X £12
S129 Northmaven B 2004 M 0751832987 0751832979 £12
S130 Yell S,D 1983 M 0751828750 0751828742 £12
S131 Unst & Fetlar S,D 2002 0751830232 0751830224 £12
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN Price
order code
S1, S3 Rhins of Galloway S 1992 075182366X 0751823651 £12
S10W, S10E, Solway East Sup&SimpB 2006 0751834122 0751834114 £12
S11, S6W, S6E,
E11, E17
S5E, S6W, S9E, Solway West Sup&SimpB 2004 0751834106 0751834092 £12
S10W, E16, E17
S21 & S13 Arran D 1985 SS021D 0751810428 £12
21 & 13 Arran S 1987 SS021S 0751810401 £12
Parts of S101E, Assynt B 2007 9780751835120 9780751835113 £12
S102W, S107E,
S128 Central Shetland D 1981 # 0751803154 0751803146 £12
S128 Central Shetland S 1982 # 0751803138 075180312X £12
Parts S129, Northern Shetland S&D 1968 (1997F) # 0751803065 £12
S130, S131
Parts S129, Northern Shetland S 1968 (1997F) # 0751803049 £12
S130, S131
S126 Southern Shetland D 1978 # 0751803197 0751803189 £12
S126 Southern Shetland S 1978 # 0751803162 £12
S127 Western Shetland D 1971 # 0751803111 0751803103 £12
S127 Western Shetland S 1971 # 075180309X. 0751803081 £12
The following maps complement the 1:50 000 series geological maps but are published at the scale of 1:100 000.
Title Version Publication date Folded map ISBN/ Flat map ISBN Price
order code
Orkney S&D 2000 0751829994 0751829986 £12
Lewis and Harris (North) S 1981 N/A 0751815322 £12
Lewis and Harris (South) S 1981 N/A 0751815349 £12
Lewis and Harris North & South - pair S 1981 HEBSET1 N/A £17
Uist and Barra (North) S 1981 N/A 0751815365 £12
Uist and Barra (South) S 1981 N/A 0751815381 £12
Uist and Barra North & South - pair S 1981 HEBSET2 N/A £17
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text Folded map ISBN Flat map ISBN Price
N6 See: N12 (Limavady)
N7 Causeway Coast S 1998 0751832146 0751832138 £8
N8 Ballycastle S 2002 M 0751833525 OP £8
N11 Londonderry S,D 1995 0751831182 0751831174 £8
N12, pt N6 Limavady D 1981 0751810479 0751810460 £8
Map sheet no Title Version Publication date Associated text Folded map ISBN Flat map ISBN Price
N12, pt N6 Limavady S 1981 0751810452 0751810444 £8
N13 Coleraine S&D 1999 0751831700 0751831697 £8
N14 Cushendall B&Sup 2010 9780751834970 9780751834963 £8
N18 Dungiven B 2007 0751834351 0751834343 £8
N18 Dungiven B&Sup 2007 0751834394 0751834386 £8
N19 Maghera B&Sup 2006 9780751834376 9780751834369 £8
N20 Ballymena S&D 2001 0751833045 0751833037 £8
N21 Larne S,D 1994 0751829773 0751831212 £8
N25 Newtownstewart B 2008 9780751834642 9780751834635 £8
N25 Newtownstewart B&Sup 2008 9780751834628 9780751834611 £8
N26 Draperstown S&D 1995 0751831123 0751831115 £8
N26 Draperstown S 1995 0751830917 0751830909 £8
N27 Cookstown D 1985 0751810517 XN27D £8
N27 Cookstown S 1983 0751810495 N27SF £8
N28 Antrim S&D 1994 N28C 0751829765 £8
N29 Carrickfergus D 1968 #. M OP 0751803308 £8
N29 Carrickfergus S 1968 # M OP N29SF £8
N32 Kesh S&D 1994 0751828394 0751828386 £8
N32 Kesh S 1994 0751828378 075182836X £8
N33 Omagh S&D 1995 0751829811 N33C £8
N33 Omagh S 1995 075182979X 0751829781 £8
N34 Pomeroy D 1978 075181055X 0751810541 £8
N34 Pomeroy S 1979 0751810533 0751810525 £8
N35 Dungannon D 1961 # M OP 0751803340 £8
N35 Dungannon S 1961 # M OP N35SF £8
N36 Belfast D 1966 # M OP 0751803383 £8
N36 Belfast S 1966 # M OP 0751803367 £8
N37 Newtownards D 1988 M 0751810592 0751810584 £8
N37 Newtownards S 1989 M 0751810576 0751810568 £8
N43 See: N44 Derrygonelly and
Marble Arch
N44, pts N43, Derrygonelly and Marble Arch D 1989 M 0751810630 0751810622 £8
N44, pts N43, Derrygonelly and Marble Arch S 1991 M 0751810614 0751810606 £8
N45 Enniskillen D 1982 0751810673 0751810665 £8
N45 Enniskillen S 1982 0751810657 0751810649 £8
N46 Clogher D 1983 0751810711 0751810703 £8
N46 Clogher S 1983 075181069X 0751810681 £8
N47 Armagh D 1985 0751810754 0751810746 £8
N47 Armagh S 1985 0751810738 075181072X £8
N56 See: N44 Derrygonelly and
Marble Arch
N57, pt 58 Lisnaskea B 2005 0751834211 0751834203 £8
N57, pt N58 Lisnaskea B&Sup 2005 0751834238 075183422X £8
Pts of N60–1, Mourne Mountains Special S 1978 0751810770 0751810762 £8
N71–2 Sheet
England and Wales Geological Memoirs
(Coverage for Scotland and Northern Ireland on page 58)
Contact the Sales Desk
for information 34
Special sheet 25
3 4
7 8 9 10
9 10
11 12 13 14
6 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34
37 38 40
39KENDAL 41 42 43 35 &
47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
58 59 60 61 62 &
63 64 65
ISLE OF MAN 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
ANGLESEY 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 & 91
Geological Memoirs and Sheet Explanations
The BGS generally publishes a memoir for each of the 1:50 000 and the one-inch geological map sheets. Memoirs contain detailed
geological information on the map sheet areas in the form of text, diagrams, sections, photographs and any available information or
interpretation of the economic geology of the region.
Memoirs are suitable for the geology student or the professional. Some memoirs cover more than one sheet or are dedicated to a
particular theme (for example, a mining region); these ‘special memoirs’ are included in the sheet listing where appropriate, are also listed
at the end of the memoirs and are shown on the index map opposite.
‘Sheet Explanations’ and ‘Sheet Descriptions’ are gradually being introduced in place of memoirs. Sheet Explanations give a concise
account of the geology of a geological sheet district, in the form of a printed A5 sized booklet: many are available in a pack with the
accompanying 1:50 000 scale map at a discounted price. Sheet Descriptions contain additional, more detailed information and are
produced as print-on-demand (POD) A4 documents, or on CD (contact the Sales Desk for details).
Some previously out-of-print Memoirs are now available as print-on-demand publications, which are normally reproduced to special
order. These reprinted Memoirs provide interpretive geological information, but do not always refer to the current published
1:50 000 geological map. Hence, they do not normally provide the most up-to-date interpretation of the geology of an area. For further
information on this service please contact the Sales Desk.
Memoirs, Sheet Explanations, Sheet Descriptions (and print-on-demand publications) are indicated, appropriately, in the following list by
the letters M, (SE), (SD), and (POD) publication.
Print-on-demand publications can be produced either as printed and bound A4 documents, or digitally as PDF documents. Prices of
paper and digital publications are the same, but VAT is applicable to digital versions.
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E1-2 Berwick-on-Tweed, Norham and M (POD) Fowler, A 1926 EM001 £32
E3, E5 Cheviot Hills M (POD) Carruthers, R G 1932 EM003 £32
E4 Belford, Holy Island and Farne Islands M (POD) Carruthers, R G 1927 EM004 £32
E5 See: E3 Cheviot Hills
E6 Alnwick district M (POD) Carruthers, R G 1930 6000002548 £32
E9, and 10 Rothbury, Amble and Ashington M (POD) Fowler, A 1955 EM009 £32
E11, E16 & E17 Carlisle, Longtown and Silloth district M (POD) Dixon, E E L 1926 EM011 £32
E12 Bewcastle M Day, J B W 1970 0118800752 £18
E13 Bellingham M Frost, D V 1980 0118841378 £20
E13 See also: E19 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume I
E14 Morpeth also available in a pack with the map SE Young, B 2002 0852724276 £9
E14 Morpeth SD (POD) Young, B 2002 0852724438 £35
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E15 Tynemouth district M Land, D H 1974 0118806114 £10
E16-7 See: E11 Bewcastle
E18 Brampton district M (POD) Trotter, F M 1932 EM018 £32
E19, E25 & pts Northern Pennine Orefield — Volume I: M (POD) Dunham, K C 1990 0118844717 £32
E13, E24, E26, Tyne to Stainmore
E20 Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and M Mills, D A C 1998 0118845381 £25
E21 Sunderland M Smith, D B 1994 0118844989 £25
E22 Maryport M (POD) Eastwood, T 1930 EM022 £32
E22-4, E28-29, The Skiddaw Group of the English Lake M Cooper, A H 2004 0852724845 £35
E30-31, E48 District
E23 Cockermouth and Caldbeck M Eastwood, T 1968 0118841564 £15
E23 See also: E22 Maryport
E24 Penrith M Arthurton, R S 1981 0118841424 £25
E24 See: E22-4 Skiddaw
E24-6 See also: E19/25 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume I
E25 See: E31 Carlisle, Longtown and Silloth district
E27 Durham and West Hartlepool M Smith, D B 1967 0118842420 £22
E28, E37, E47 West Cumbria M Akhurst, M C 1997 0852723008 £25
E28 See: E22-4 Skiddaw
E29 Keswick district also available in a pack with SE Woodhall, D G 2000 085272375X £9
the map
E29 Keswick district SD (POD) Woodhall, D G 2000 0852723741 £35
E29 See: E22-4 Skiddaw
E30 Appleby also available in a pack with the map SE Millward, D 2004 0852724691 £9
E30 See also: E31 Brough-under-Stainmore
E30 See also: E22 Skiddaw
E31 & pts E25, Brough-under-Stainmore M Burgess, I C 1979 0118840053 £20
E31 See: E22-4 Skiddaw
E31-2 See also: E19-25 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume I
E31-2 See also: E40-41 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume II
E32 Barnard Castle M Mills, D A C 1976 0118807420 £15
E36 & E45-46, Isle of Man and its offshore area Research Report Chadwick, R A 2000 0852723954 £30
E56-57 (Research Report RR/01/06)
E37 See: E28/37/47 West Cumbria
E38 Ambleside M Millward, D 2000 0118845470 £30
E39 Kendal also available in a pack with the map SE Millward, D 2010 9780852726495 £9
E40 & E41, Geology of the Northern Pennine Orefield M Dunham, K C 1985 0118842846 £25
parts E31-32, — Volume II: Stainmore to Craven.
E42 Northallerton M Frost, D V 1998 0118845357 £22
E47 See: E28/37/47 West Cumbria
E48 Ulverston M Johnson, E W 2001 011884556X £20
E48 See: E22-4 Skiddaw
E50-1 See: E40/41 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume II
E52 Thirsk M Powell, J H 1992 0118844814 £20
E56-7 See: E36 Isle of Man
E58 Geology and hematite deposits of South M Rose, W C C 1977 0118807803 £32
Cumbria (POD)
E59 Lancaster M Brandon, A 1998 0118845268 £28
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E60 Settle M Arthurton, R S 1988 0118844032 £25
E60-1 See also: E40/41 Northern Pennine Orefield —
Volume II
E62 Harrogate M Cooper, A H 1993 011884489X £18
E66 Blackpool M (POD) Wilson, A A 1990 0118844628 £32
E67 Garstang M Aitkenhead, N 1992 0118844857 £20
E68 Clitheroe and Nelson M Earp, J R 1969 0118801287 £20
E69 Bradford district also available in a pack with SE Waters, C M 2000 0852723350 £9
the map
E69 Bradford district SD (POD) Waters, C M 2000 0852723555 £32
E70 Leeds also available in a pack with the map SE Cooper, A 2003 0852724284 £9
E71 Selby also available in a pack with the map SE Ford, J R 2009 9780852726327 £9
E74 & E83 Southport and Formby M (POD) Wray, D A 1948 EM074 £32
E75 Preston (Miniprint edition) M Price, D 1978 0118840436 £5
E76 Rossendale Anticline M (POD) Wright, W B 1927 0852725388 £32
E76 Rochdale also available in a pack with the map SE Crofts, R G 2010 9780852724989 £9
E77 Huddersfield also available in a pack with the SE Addison, R 2005 0852724969 £9
E77 Huddersfield SD (POD) Addison, R 2005 9780852724972 £35
E78 Wakefield district M Lake, R D 1999 0118845543 £22
E79, E88 Goole, Doncaster and the Isle of Axholme M Gaunt, G D 1994 0118844881 £25
E80, E89 Kingston upon Hull and Brigg M Gaunt, G D 1992 0118843990 £25
E81-2 See: E90/91 Grimsby and Patrington
E83 See: E74 Southport and Formby
E84 Wigan district M (POD) Jones, R C B 1938 EM084 £32
E85 Manchester and south-east Lancashire M(POD) Tonks, L H 1931 085272537X £32
E86 Holmfirth and Glossop M (POD) Bromehead, C E 1933 EM086 £32
E87 Barnsley also available in a pack with the map SE Hough, E 2008 9780852726020 £9
E88 See: E79/88 Goole, Doncaster
E89 See: E80/89 Kingston upon Hull
E90-91, & pts Grimsby and Patrington M Berridge, N G 1994 0118844962 £20
E94 See: E95/107 Rhyl and Denbigh).
E95 & E107, Rhyl and Denbigh M Warren, P T 1984 0118842250 £25
pts E94, E106
E96 Liverpool also available in a pack with the map SE Howard, A S 2007 9780852725894 £9
E98 Stockport and Knutsford M (POD) Taylor, B J 1963 EM098 £32
E99 Chapel en le Frith M Stevenson, I P 1971 0118801155 £20
E100 Sheffield M Eden, R A 1957 0118806785 £12
E101 East Retford, Worksop and Gainsborough M Smith, E G 1973 0118805908 £15
E106-7 See: E95 Rhyl and Denbigh
E108 Flint M Davies, J R 2004 085272487X £25
E109 Chester and Winsford M Earp, J R 1986 0118843923 £22
E110 Macclesfield, Congleton, Crewe and M (POD) Evans, E B 1968 0118842447 £32
E111 Buxton, Leek and Bakewell M Aitkenhead, N 1985 0118843893 £25
E112 Chesterfield, Matlock and Mansfield M Smith, E G 1967 0118842404 £22
E113 Ollerton M Edwards, W 1967 0118842471 £15
E119 Snowdon M Howells, M F 1997 0118845233 £20
E121 Wrexham Part 1: Lower Palaeozoic and M (POD) Webb, C B 1927 EM121A £32
Lower Carboniferous rocks
E121 Wrexham Part 2: Coal Measures and Newer M (POD) Webb, C B 1928 EM121B £32
E122 Nantwich and Whitchurch M Poole, E G 1966 0118807668 £10
E123 Stoke-on-Trent M Rees, J G A 1998 0118845373 £25
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E124 Ashbourne and Cheadle M Chisholm, J I 1988 0118844121 £25
E125 North of Derby M Frost, D V 1979 011884119X £25
E126 Nottingham M Howard, A 2010 9780852725795 £24
E127 Grantham M Berridge, N G 1999 0118845306 £25
E129 See: E145/129 King’s Lynn and The Wash
E130 Wells-next-the-Sea also available in a pack SE Moorlock, B S P 2009 9780852726297 £9
with the map
E131 Cromer also available in a pack with the map SE Moorlock, B 2002 0852724322 £9
E132, E148 Mundesley and North Walsham also SE Moorlock, B 2002 0852724381 £9
(part) available in a pack with the map
E133 Aberdaron, including Bardsey Island M Gibbons, W 1993 EM133 £18
E134 Pwllheli M Young, T 2002 0118845616 £22
E135 & E149 Harlech M Allen, P M 1985 0118843672 £25
E135 See also: Geological Excursions in the Harlech
E137 Oswestry M (POD) Webb, C B 1929 EM137 £32
E138 Wem M (POD) Pocock, R W 1925 EM138 £32
E139 Stafford and Market Drayton M (POD) Whitehead, T H 1927 EM139 £32
E140 Burton Upon Trent, Rugeley and Uttoxeter M Stevenson, I P 1955 0118842390 £10
E141 Loughborough also available in a pack with SE Carney, J 2002 085272411X £9
the map
E141 Loughborough SD (POD) Carney, J 2002 0852723881 £41
E142 Melton Mowbray also available in a pack with SE Carney, J 2002 0852724365 £9
the map
E142 Melton Mowbray SD (POD) Carney, J 2004 0852724896 £44
E145, E129 (pt) King’s Lynn and The Wash M (POD) Gallois, R W 1994 0118844954 £41
E148 See: E132 Mundesley and North Walsham
E149 Cadair Idris M Pratt, W T 1995 0118845098 £20
E149 See: E135 Harlech
E151 Welshpool also available in a pack with the SE Cave, R 2008 9780852725825 £9
E151 See: E165 Montgomery
E152 Shrewsbury M (POD) Stubblefield, C J 1938 600000141X £32
E152, 153(pt) Telford and the Coalbrookdale Coalfield M Hamblin, R J O 1995 0118845160 £25
E153 Wolverhampton and Telford also available in SE Bridge, D McC 2003 0852724411 £9
a pack with the map
E153 Wolverhampton and Telford SD (POD) Bridge, D McC 2003 0852723997 £38
E154 Lichfield M (POD) Barrow, G 1919 XEM154 £32
E155 Coalville also available in a pack with the map SE Strange, P 2010 9780852726341 £9
E156 Leicester also available in a pack with the map SE Carney, J 2008 9780852725740 £9
E156 Leicester SD (POD) Carney, J 2008 9780852725733 £37
E158 Peterborough district M Horton, A 1989 0118844091 £10
E161 Norwich M Cox, F C 1989 0118844105 £10
E162 Great Yarmouth M Arthurton, R S 1994 0118844911 £25
E163 Aberystwyth and Machynlleth M Cave, R 1986 011884394X £25
E165, E151 (pt) Montgomery and the Ordovician rocks M Cave, R 2001 0118845527 £20
around Shelve
E166 Church Stretton, Craven Arms, Wenlock M Greig, D C 1968 0118842579 £20
Edge and Brown Clee
E167 Dudley and Bridgnorth M Whitehead, T H 1947 0118842412 £12
E167 Dudley SE Waters, C Due 2011
E168 Birmingham M Powell, J H 2000 0118845454 £30
E169 Coventry and Nuneaton M Bridge, D McC 1998 0118845209 £25
E170 Market Harborough M Poole, E J 1968 0118842455 £10
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E171 Kettering also available in a pack with the SE Herbert, C 2005 0852724950 £9
E173 Ely M Gallois, R W 1988 0118843958 £20
E175 Diss M Mathers, S J 1993 0118844865 £12
E176 Lowestoft and Saxmundham M Moorlock, B S P 2000 0118845438 £22
E178-9 Llanilar and Rhayader M Davies, J R 1997 0118845101 £28
E182 Droitwich, Abberley and Kidderminster M (POD) Mitchell, G H 1962 0118807625 £32
E183 Redditch M Old, R A 1991 0118844776 £22
E184 Warwick M Old, R A 1987 0118844016 £20
E186 Wellingborough also available in a pack with SE Barron, A J M 2006 0852725213 £9
the map
E187 Huntingdon and Biggleswade M Edmonds, E A 1965 EM187 £10
E188 Cambridge M Worssam, B C 1969 011880068X £10
E189 Bury St Edmunds M Bristow, C R 1990 0118844059 £18
E191 See: E176 Lowestoft and Saxmundham
E193 Cardigan and Dinas Island also available in a SE Davies, J R 2003 0852724349 £9
pack with the map
E194 Llangranog also available in a pack with the SE Davies, J R 2007 9780852725665 £9
E195 Lampeter also available in a pack with the SE Davies, J R 2007 9780852725658 £9
E196 Builth Wells also available in a pack with the SE Schofield, D I 2004 0852724934 £9
E197 Hay on Wye also available in a pack with the SE Wilby, P R 2004 0852724926 £9
E198 Hereford and Leominster M Brandon, A 1989 011884427X £15
E199 Worcester M Barclay, W J 1997 0118845128 £25
E200 Stratford-upon-Avon and Evesham M Williams, B J 1974 011880619X £10
E201 Banbury and Edge Hill M Edmonds, E A 1965 EM201 £10
E203 Bedford also available in a pack with the map SE Barron, A J 2010 9780852726617 £9
E204 Biggleswade also available in a pack with the SE Moorlock, B S P 2003 0852724551 £9
E205 Saffron Walden also available in a pack with SE Moorlock, B S P 2003 0852724403 £9
the map
E206 Sudbury M Pattison, J 1993 0118845004 £15
E207 Ipswich also available in a pack with the map SE Mathers, S J 2007 9780852725726 £9
E208 & E225 Woodbridge and Felixstowe also available in SE Mathers, S J 2002 0852724314 £9
a pack with the map
E208 & E225 Woodbridge, Felixstowe and Orford The M Boswell, P G H 1928 0118805851 £10
geological information in this Memoir is
superseded and replaced by the SE, but the
palaeontological information is still current
E211 Newcastle Emlyn also available in a pack with SE Wilby, P R 2008 9780852725887 £9
the map
E212 Llandovery also available in a pack with the SE Schofield, D 2009 9780852726334 £9
E213 Brecon also available in a pack with the map SE Barclay, W 2005 0852725116 £9
E214 Talgarth also available in a pack with the map SE Wilby, P R 2003 0852724586 £9
E215 Hereford and Ross-on-Wye also available in SE Smith, N J P 2003 085272439X £9
a pack with the map
E216 Tewkesbury M Worssam, B C 1989 0118844261 £10
E217 Moreton in Marsh also available in a pack SE Barron, M 2003 0852724373 £9
with the map
E217 Moreton in Marsh SD (POD) Barron, A J 2002 0852724446 £35
E218 Chipping Norton M Horton, A 1987 0118843974 £20
E219 Buckingham also available in a pack with the SE Sumbler, M 2003 0852724330 £9
E220 Leighton Buzzard M Shephard-Thorn, E R 1994 0118845039 £25
E221 Hitchin M Hopson, P M 1996 0118845187 £25
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E222 Great Dunmow M Lake, R D 1990 0118844733 £15
E223 Braintree M Ellison, R A 1986 0118843931 £15
E225 See: E208/225 Woodbridge and Felixstowe
E229-30 & South Wales Coalfield — Upper M Archer, A A 1968 0118842528 £12
E246 Carboniferous … of the Gwendraeth Valley
E231 South Wales Coalfield. Part V — Merthyr M Barclay, W J 1988 0118844245 £10
E232 South Wales Coalfield. Part II — M Barclay, W J 1989 0118844083 £22
E233 & E250 Monmouth and Chepstow M Welch, F B A 1961 0118805843 £10
E235 Cirencester M Sumbler, M G 2000 0118845551 £20
E236 Witney M (POD) Richardson, L 1946 EM236 £32
E237 Thame M Horton, A 1995 0118845152 £25
E238 Aylesbury and Hemel Hempstead M (POD) Sherlock, R L 1922 EM238 £32
E239 Hertford M (POD) Sherlock, R L 1924 EM239 £32
E240 Epping M Millward, D 1987 0118844008 £18
E241 Chelmsford M Bristow, C R 1985 0118843354 £20
E246 See: E229-30 South Wales Coalfield — Upper
E247 Swansea SE Barclay, W Due 2011 9780852725818
E248 South Wales Coalfield. Part IV — Pontypridd M Woodland, A W 1964 011884542X £15
and Maesteg
E249 South Wales Coalfield. Part I — Newport M Squirrell, H C 1969 011884256 £10
E250 See: E233 Monmouth and Chepstow; E264
Bristol district
E251 Malmesbury district M Cave, R 1977 0118812424 £15
E254 Henley-on-Thames and Wallingford M (POD) Jukes-Brown, A J 1908 6000001215 £32
E255 Beaconsfield also available in a pack with the SE Morigi, A N 2005 0852724705 £9
E256-7, E270, London M Ellison, R A 2004 0852724780 £24
E258-9 Southend and Foulness M Lake, R D 1986 0118843915 £15
E261-2 South Wales Coalfield. Part VI — Bridgend M Wilson, D 1990 0118844253 £15
E263 (pt) South Wales Coalfield Part III — Cardiff M Waters, R A 1988 0118844024 £20
E264 Bristol also available in a pack with the map SE Barton, C 2002 0852724136 £9
E264 Bristol district: the lower Jurassic rocks M Donovan, D T 1951 0118843494 £15
(Covers some of the adjacent areas)
E264 & parts Bristol district M Kellaway, G A 1993 0118844660 £25
E265, E280-
E266 Marlborough M (POD) White, H J O 1925 EM266 £32
E267 Hungerford and Newbury M (POD) White, H J O 1907 EM267 £32
E267 Newbury also available in a pack with the SE Aldiss, D T 2006 0852725337 £9
E267 Newbury SD (POD) Aldiss, D T 2010 9780852726594 £35
E268 Reading also available in a pack with the map SE Mathers, S J 2000 0852723628 £9
E269 Windsor and Bracknell also available in a SE Ellison, R A 2000 0852723369 £9
pack with the map
E270-271 See: E256-7 London
E272 Chatham M Dines H G 1954 011880121X £10
E273 Faversham M Holmes, S C A 1981 0118841416 £20
E274, E290 Ramsgate and Dover M Shephard-Thorn, E R 1988 011884461X £10
E277, E293 Ilfracombe and Barnstaple M Edmonds, E A 1985 0118843648 £20
E278, E294 (pt) Minehead district M Edwards, R A 2000 0118845446 £20
E279 & pts Weston-super-Mare M Whittaker, A 1983 0118843486 £25
E263 & E295
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E280 Wells and Cheddar M Green, G W 1965 0118813994 £15
E280-1 See also: E264 Bristol district
E282 Devizes also available in a pack with the map SE Booth, K A 2010 9780852726600 £32
E283 Andover M (POD) Jukes-Browne, A 1908 EM283 £32
E284 Basingstoke M (POD) White, H J O 1909 6000002696 £32
E285 Guildford also available in a pack with the SE Ellison, R A 2002 0852724098 £9
E286 Reigate and Dorking M (POD) Dines, H G 1933 6000000413 £32
E287 Sevenoaks and Tonbridge M Dines, H G 1969 0118800671 £10
E288 Maidstone M Worssam, B C 1963 0118844598 £10
E289, Canterbury and Folkestone M Smart, J G O 1966 0118800655 £15
E290 See: E274/290 Ramsgate and Dover
E291 See: E292 Bideford and Lundy Island
E292 & pts Bideford and Lundy Island M Edmonds, E A 1979 0118841203 £20
E275-6, E291,
E293 See: E277/293 IIfracombe and Barnstaple
E295 Taunton and the Quantock Hills M Edmonds, E A 1985 0118842811 £20
E297 Wincanton district M Bristow, C R 1999 0118845519 £25
E298 Salisbury also available in a pack with the SE Hopson, P M 2007 9780852725436 £9
E298 Salisbury SD (POD) Hopson, P M 2008 9780852725443 £44
E299 Winchester also available in a pack with the SE Booth, K A 2003 0852724292 £9
E300 Alresford also available in a pack with the map SE Farrant, A 2002 0852724152 £9
E301 Haslemere M Thurrell, R G 1968 0118842439 £10
E302 Horsham M Gallois, R W 1993 0118844806 £20
E303 Royal Tunbridge Wells M Bristow, C R 1972 0118801503 £10
E304 Tenterden M Shephard-Thorn, E R 1966 0118845292 £10
E305-6 See: E289 Canterbury and Folkstone
E307-8 Bude and Bradworthy M Freshney, E C 1979 0118841173 £15
E308 See: E292 Bideford and Lundy Island
E309 Chulmleigh M Freshney, E C 1979 0118840355 £12
E311 Wellington SE Booth, S Due 2011 9780852725870
E312, E327 Bridport and Yeovil M Wilson, V 1958 0118801821 £12
E313 Shaftesbury M Bristow, C R 1995 0118845055 £20
E314 Ringwood also available in a pack with the SE Barton, C M 2003 0852724640 £9
E315 Southampton M Edwards, R A 1987 0118843966 £25
E316 & pts Fareham and Portsmouth District also SE Hopson, P M 2001 0852722358X £9
E331 available in a pack with the map
E316 & pts Fareham and Portsmouth District SD (POD) Hopson, P M 2001 0852723539 £35
E317, E332 Chichester and Bognor also available in a SE Aldiss, D T 2003 0852724357 £9
pack with the map
E317, E332 Chichester and Bognor District SD (POD) Aldiss, D T 2002 085272425X £35
E318, E333 Brighton and Worthing M Young, B 1988 0118844075 £22
E319 Lewes M Lake, R D 1987 0118844067 £25
E320-1 Hastings and Dungeness M Lake, R D 1987 0118844113 £15
E322 Tintagel and Bude (Geology of the Coast M (POD) Freshney, E C 1972 0118802143 £32
E322-3 Boscastle and Holsworthy M Mckeown, M C 1973 0118805878 £10
E324 Okehampton M Edmonds, E A 1968 0118842463 £15
E325 Exeter M Edwards, R A 2000 0118845276 £30
E326, E340 Sidmouth also available in a pack with the SE Edwards, R A 2004 0852724772 £9
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
E327-9 See: E341/342 Weymouth, Swanage
E327 See: E312 Bridport and Yeovil
E328 Dorchester M (POD) Reid, C 1899 6000001185 £32
E329 Bournemouth M Bristow, C R 1990 011884377X £20
E330-1, E344- A short account of the geology of the Isle M (POD) White, H J O 1921 0118807390 £32
345 (parts) of Wight
E331 See: E316 Fareham and Portsmouth
E332 See: E317 Chichester and Bognor
E333 See: E318 Brighton and Worthing
E335-6 Trevose Head and Camelford M Selwood, E B 1998 0118845144 £20
E337 Tavistock and Launceston M (POD) Reid, C 1911 EM337 £32
E338 Dartmoor M (POD) Reid, C 1912 EM338 £32
E339 Newton Abbott M Selwood, E B 1984 0118842749 £25
E341-3 & pts Weymouth, Swanage, Corfe and Lulworth M Arkell, W J 1947 011884010X £20
E346 Newquay M (POD) Reid, C 1906 EM346 £32
E346 Newquay SE Booth, S Due 2011
E347 Bodmin and St Austell (POD) M Ussher, W A E 1909 6000003838 £32
E344-5 See: E330/331 Isle of Wight
E348 Plymouth and south-east Cornwall area M Leveridge, B E 2002 0118845608 £22
E349 Ivybridge and Modbury M (POD) Ussher, W A E 1912 EM349 £32
E350 Torquay also available in a pack with the map SE Leveridge, B E 2004 0852724721 £9
E350 Torquay SD (POD) Leveridge, B E 2004 0852724764 £35
E351, E358 Penzance M Goode, A J J 1988 0118843885 £10
E352 Falmouth M Leveridge, B E 1990 0118844679 £15
E353 Mevagissey also available in a pack with the SE Leveridge, B E 2007 9780852725788 £9
E358 See: E351/358 Penzance
E359 The Lizard and Meneage M Flett, J S 1947 0118806181 £15
The following Sheet Explanations are available with the associated 1:50 000 scale folded geological map (usually the Bedrock &
Superficial Deposit or Solid and Drift version). Packs are supplied in plastic wallets.
Sheet no Title Order code Price
E155 Coalville EM155SEM £18
E156 Leicester EM156SEM £18
E171 Kettering EM171SEM £18
E186 Wellingborough EM186SEM £18
E193 Cardigan and Dinas Island EM193SEM £18
E194 Llangranog EM194SEM £18
E195 Lampeter EM195SEM £18
E196 Builth Wells EM196SEM £18
E197 Hay-on-Wye EM197SEM £18
E203 Bedford EM203SEM £18
E204 Biggleswade EM204SEM £18
E205 Saffron Walden EM205SEM £18
E207 Ipswich EM207SEM £18
E208 Woodbridge and Felixstowe EM208SEM £18
E211 Newcastle Emlyn EM211SEM £18
E212 Llandovery EM212SEM £18
E213 Brecon EM213SEM £18
E214 Talgarth EM214SEM £18
E215 Hereford & Ross-on-Wye EM215SEM £18
E217 Moreton-in-the-Marsh EM217SEM £18
E219 Buckingham. EM219SEM £18
E255 Beaconsfield EM255SEM £18
E264 Bristol EM264SEM £18
E267 Newbury EM267SEM £18
E268 Reading EM268SEM £18
E269 Windsor and Bracknell EM269SEM £18
E282 Devizes EM282SEM £18
E285 Guildford EM285SEM £18
E298 Salisbury EM298SEM £18
E299 Winchester EM299SEM £18
E300 Alresford EM300SEM £18
E314 Ringwood EM314SEM £18
E316 Fareham and Portsmouth Sheet Explanation EM316SEMA £18
covers sheets E316 & E331 and is sold with
E316 Fareham map
E317 Chichester and Bognor EM317SEM £18
E326 Sidmouth EM326SEM £18
E331 Fareham and Portsmouth Sheet Explanation EM316SEMB £18
covers sheets E316 & E331 and is sold with
E331 Portsmouth map
E350 Torquay EM350SEM £18
E353 Mevagissey EM353SEM £18
Subsurface memoirs
Stratigraphical memoirs
Scotland and Northern Ireland Geological Memoirs
(Coverage for England and Wales on page 47)
(SHEET 127)
Contact the Sales Desk
for information
Special sheet
90 91 92 93 94 95
NORTHERN SKYE 80 81 82 83 84 85
70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
51 52 53 54 55 56 57
43 44 45 46 47 PERTH
48 49
36 37 38 39 41
35 40
28 29 30 31 32 33
27 34
19 20
22 23 24 25
3 4
12 14
7 8
11 7 8 9
11 6/12 13
RHINS OF 7 8 9 10
11 12 13
17 18
19 20 21 STRANRAER 6
4 5 17 18
24 25 26 3 CARLISLE
27 28 29
32/ 31 33 OMAGH BELFAST 2 22 23
34 35 36 1
43/ 37 28 29
45 46
44/56 ENNISKILLEN 47 48 49
57 59 60 61
70 71 72
Scotland Memoirs
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
S1, S3 Rhins of Galloway M Stone, P1 1995 0118845136 £20
S2, S4 Whithorn, Kirkcowan and Wigtown district M Barnes, R P 2009 9780852725832 £24
S5W, S5E & pt Kirkcudbright M Lintern, B C 2000 0118845497 £20
S7 Girvan M Cameron, I B 1986 0118844180 £4
S8W, S8E Carrick-Loch Doon district M Floyd, J D 1999 0118845403 £25
S9W, S9E New Galloway and Thornhill District M McMillan, A 2001 0118845586 £20
S11 Neighbourhood of Langholm M Lumsden, G I 1967 SM011 £10
S13, S21 Arran M Tyrrell, G W 1928 0852720971 £20
S14 Central Ayrshire M Eyles, V A 1949 0118874101 £10
S15W New Cumnock district SE Smith, R A 2000 0852723377 £9
S15W New Cumnock district SD (POD) Smith, R A 2000 0852723458 £32
S15E Leadhills SE Floyd, J D 2003 0852724535 £9
S15E Leadhills SD (POD) Floyd, J D 2003 0852724616 £35
S22W and pt Irvine district M Monro, S K 1999 0118845500 £25
S21 See: S13/21 Arran
S22E Kilmarnock SE MacPherson, K A T 2001 0852723873 £9
S22E Kilmarnock SD (POD) MacPherson, K A T 2000 0852723733 £32
S23W Hamilton district M Paterson, I B 1998 0118845330 £22
S29E See: S30W Greenock district
S30E Glasgow district M Hall, I H S 1998 0118845349 £25
S30W, pt S29E Greenock district M Paterson, I.B 1990 0118844830 £15
S31E Falkirk district M Cameron, I B 1998 0118845411 £22
S31W Airdrie district M Forsyth, I H 1996 011884508X £20
S32 Neighbourhood of Edinburgh M Mitchell, G H 1962 011887408X £10
S33E, pt S41 Dunbar M Davies, A 1986 0118844539 £12
S33W, S41 Haddington district M Mcadam, A D 1985 0118844520 £15
S34 Eyemouth district M Greig, D C 1988 0118844040 £15
S39 Stirling district M Francis, E H 1970 0118804103 £15
S40E Kirkcaldy also available in a pack with the map SE Browne, M A E 2000 085272344X £9
S40E Kirkcaldy SD (POD) Browne, M A E 2000 0852723563 £35
S41 See: S33E, S41 Dunbar
S41, S49 East Fife M Forsyth, I H 1977 0118801643 £15
S43-4, S51-2 Tertiary and post-Tertiary Mull, Loch Aline M Bailey, E B 1924 0852720963 £15
and Oban
S48E & W, S49 Perth and Dundee district M Armstrong, M 1985 0118843680 £18
S51 & pt S52 Ardnamurchan, north-west Mull and Coll M Richey, J E 1930 0852720955 £20
S51W See: S51 Ardnamurchan
S52W See: S43–4 Tertiary and post-Tertiary Mull
S53 Ben Nevis and Glen Coe and the surrounding M Bailey, E B 1960 0118801635 £15
S55W Schiehallion district M Treagus, J 2001 0118845578 £22
S56W Glen Shee M Crane, A 2002 0118845462 £20
S60 Rum and the adjacent islands M Emeleus, C H 1997 0118845179 £22
S63W Glen Roy district M Key, R M 1997 0118845195 £25
S65E Ballater M Smith, G 2002 0118845632 £22
S66E, S67 Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of M Merritt, J W 2003 0852724632 £30
NE Scotland Special Memoir (contains CD)
S66W Aboyne district M Gould, D 2001 0118845535 £15
S71E, S72W Kintail district M May, F 1993 0118844849 £18
S72E Glen Affric district M Peacock, J D 1992 0118844792 £20
Sheet no Title Text type Author Publication date ISBN/order code Price
S73W Invermoriston district M May, F 1997 0118845322 £22
S74E Aviemore district M Highton, A J 1999 011884539X £25
S76E & W Inverurie and Alford M Gould, D 1997 011884525X £25
S76E See also: S66E Cainozoic geology … NE Scotland
S77 Aberdeen M Munro, M 1986 0118843907 £22
S77 See also: S66E Cainozoic geology … NE Scotland
S80, S90 and Northern Skye (Portree, Rubha Hunish, M Anderson, F W 1966 0118874128 £15
pts S81, S91 Applecross, Gairloch)
S84W Fortrose and eastern Inverness M Fletcher, T P 1996 011884511X £25
S86E, S87E&W See: S66E Cainozoic geology … NE Scotland
S90-1 See also: S80 Northern Skye
S95 Elgin district M Peacock, J D 1968 SM095 £10
S95, S96E & See: S66E Cainozoic geology … NE Scotland
W, S97
S114E Tongue district M Holdsworth, R E 2001 0118845489 £15
S127 and pts Western Shetland M Mykura, W 1976 0118801600 £15
S125, S126,
S130 Yell and some neighbouring islands in M Flinn, D 1994 0118845020 £22
S131 Unst and Fetlar M Campbell, S D Due 2011 9780852726358
The following Sheet Explanations are available with the associated 1:50 000 scale folded geological map (usually the Bedrock &
Superficial Deposit/Solid and Drift edition). Packs are supplied in plastic wallets.
Northern Ireland Memoirs
Geological Maps
Ss Sea bed sediments
Q Quaternary 8 6 4 2 0 2
Solid geology
1:500 000 62
Ss Q Ss Q Ss Q Ss Q
Maps in this series have normally been produced in three
Q s Q Ss Q Ss Q 58
Quaternary deposits: the maps are indicated accordingly. ST KILDA LITTLE
Each version is normally produced as a separate map, CENTRA MINCH PETERHEAD FORTIES
LID) Q s Ss Q
Q Q Ss Q Ss Q Ss
although sea-bed sediments and Quaternary geology 56 PEACH TAY DEVIL'S
(or sea-bed sediments and solid geology), may be
Ss Q Ss Ss Ss
Q Q Ss Q
Q Q Ss Q Ss 56
shown together on one printed map. Other data may be MALIN SWALLOW DOGGER
displayed in figurative form. The maps are available flat Ss Q Ss Q Ss Q Ss
Q Ss Q
Note: Quaternary geology maps provide information Ss Ss Ss Q Ss Q
for offshore areas only: onshore territory is not covered 50
Ss Q Ss Q 50
unless otherwise noted. COCKBURN
Ss Q Ss Ss
Corner co- Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
ordinates code code
48N 10W Little Sole Bank S 1986 0751812242 0751812234 £13.50
48N 10W Little Sole Bank Ss 1985 0751812269 0751812250 £13.50
48N 08W Parsons Bank S+Ss 1985 0751812285 0751812277 £13.50
49N 10W Cockburn Bank S 1991 0751812404 0751812390 £13.50
49N 10W Cockburn Bank Ss 1983 0751812420 0751812412 £13.50
49N 08W Scilly S 1982 0751812307 751812293 £13.50
49N 08W Scilly Ss 1982 0751812323 0751812315 £13.50
49N 06W Lizard S 1983 075181234X 0751812331 £13.50
Corner co- Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
ordinates code code
49N 06W Lizard Ss 1983 0751812447 0751812439 £13.50
49N 04W Guernsey S 2000 0751812366 0751832790 £13.50
49N 04W Guernsey Ss+Q 1989 0751812382 0751812374 £13.50
50N 08W Haig Fras (incl. part 50N 10W Labadie Bank) S 1987 0751812463 0751812455 £13.50
50N 08W Haig Fras (incl. part 50N 10W Labadie Bank) Ss 1986 075181248X 0751812471 £13.50
50N 06W Land’s End S 1985 0751812501 0751812498 £13.50
50N 06W Land’s End Ss+Q 1987 0751812528 075181251X £13.50
50N 04W Portland S 1983 0751812544 0751812536 £13.50
50N 04W Portland Ss 1983 0751812560 0751812552 £13.50
50N 02W Wight S 1977 0751830885 0751830887 £13.50
50N 02W Wight Ss+Q 1990 0751812587 0751812595 £13.50
50N 00 Dungeness Boulogne S 1988 0751812625 0751812617 £13.50
50N 00 Dungeness Boulogne Ss+Q 1989 6000005695 0751812633 £13.50
51N 08W Nymphe Bank S 1987 0751812668 075181265X £13.50
51N 08W Nymphe Bank (incl. part 52N 08W Waterford) Ss 1988 0751812684 0751812676 £13.50
51N 06W Lundy S 1983 0751812706 0751812692 £13.50
51N 06W Lundy Ss 1983 0751812722 0751812714 £13.50
51N 04W Bristol Channel S 1988 OP 0751812730 £13.50
51N 04W Bristol Channel Ss+Q 1986 0751812765 0751812757 £13.50
51N 02W Chilterns S 1991 078181900X 0751818992 £13.50
51N 00 Thames Estuary S 1989 0751812781 0751812773 £13.50
51N 00 Thames Estuary Ss+Q 1990 0751812803 075181279X £13.50
51N 02E Ostend Q 1992 0751818941 0751818933 £13.50
51N 02E Ostend S 1991 075181282X 0751812811 £13.50
51N 02E Ostend Ss+Holocene 1991 0751818925 0751818917 £13.50
52N 06W Cardigan Bay (incl. part 52N 08W Waterford) Q 1990 0751812870 0751812862 £13.50
52N 06W Cardigan Bay S 1982 0751812900 0751812838 £13.50
52N 06W Cardigan Bay (incl. part 52N 08W Waterford) Ss 1988 0751812854 0751812846 £13.50
52N 04W Mid-Wales and Marches S 1990 0751812897 0751812889 £13.50
52N 02W East Midlands S 1983 OP 0751812919 £13.50
52N 00 East Anglia (incl. onshore geology) Q 1991 0751818968 075181895X £13.50
52N 00 East Anglia S 1986 OP 0751812935 £13.50
52N 00 East Anglia (inc. the Wash at 1:100 000, pt of Ss 1988 075181296X 0751812951 £13.50
53N 00 Spurn)
52N 02E Flemish Bight Q 1984 0751813001 0751812994 £13.50
52N 02E Flemish Bight S 1984 0751812986 0751812978 £13.50
52N 02E Flemish Bight Ss 1984 0751813028 075181301X £13.50
53N 06W Anglesey Q 1990. 0751813087 0751813079 £13.50
53N 06W Anglesey S 1982 OP 0751813036 £13.50
53N 06W Anglesey Ss 1990. 0751813060 0751813052 £13.50
53N 04W Liverpool Bay S 1978 0751813109 0751813095 £13.50
53N 04W Liverpool Bay Ss+Q 1984 0751813125 0751813117 £13.50
53N 02W Humber-Trent S 1983 0751813141 0751813133 £13.50
53N 00 Spurn Q 1991 0751813184 0751813176 £13.50
53N 00 Spurn S 1985 0751813168 075181315X £13.50
53N 00 Spurn (incl. part 53N 02W Humber-Trent) Ss 1990 0751820466 0751820458 £13.50
53N 02E Indefatigable Q 1986 0751813249 0751813230 £13.50
53N 02E Indefatigable S 1987 0751813206 0751813192 £13.50
53N 02E Indefatigable Ss 1987 0751813222 0751813214 £13.50
54N 06W Isle of Man S 1982 0751813265 0751813257 £13.50
54N 06W Isle of Man Ss+Q 1985 0751813281 0751813273 £13.50
54N 04W Lake District S 1980 0751813303 075181329X £13.50
Corner co- Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
ordinates code code
54N 04W Lake District Ss+Q 1983 075181332X. 0751813311 £13.50
54N 02W Tyne Tees S 1995 075183114X 0751831131 £13.50
54N 02W Tyne-Tees Ss+Q 1986 0751813362 0751813354 £13.50
54N 00 California Q 1986 0751813400 0751813397 £13.50
54N 00 California S 1985 0751813389 0751813370 £13.50
54N 00 California Ss 1987 0751813427 0751813419 £13.50
54N 02E Silver Well Q 1988 0751813486 0751813478 £13.50
54N 02E Silver Well S 1988 0751813445 0751813435 £13.50
54N 02E Silver Well Ss+Holocene 1988 075181346X 0751813451 £13.50
55N 08W Malin S 1983 0751813508. 0751813494 £13.50
55N 08W Malin Ss+Q 1986 0751813524 0751813516 £13.50
55N 06W Clyde S 1986 0751813540 0751813532 £13.50
55N 06W Clyde Ss+Q 1986. 0751813567 0751813559 £13.50
55N 04W Borders S 1986 0751813583 0751813575 £13.50
55N 02W Farne Q 1988 0751813648 075181363X £13.50
55N 02W Farne S 1988 0751813605 0751813591 £13.50
55N 02W Farne Ss 1989 0751813621 0751813613 £13.50
55N 00 Swallow Hole Q 1991 0751818984 0751818976 £13.50
55N 00 Swallow Hole S 1989 0751813664 0751813656 £13.50
55N 00 Swallow Hole Ss 1990 0751813680 0751813672 £13.50
55N 02E Dogger Q 1991 0751819026 0751819018 £13.50
55N 02E Dogger S 1991 0751813702 0751813699 £13.50
55N 02E Dogger Ss+Holocene 1990 0751813729 0751813710 £13.50
56N 10W Peach Q 1992 0751819042 0751819034 £13.50
56N 10W Peach S 1992 0751819069 0751819050 £13.50
56N 10W Peach Ss 1990 0751813745 0751813737 £13.50
56N 08W Tiree Q 1987 075181380X 0751813796 £13.50
56N 08W Tiree S 1986 0751813761 0751813753 £13.50
56N 08W Tiree (incl. part 56N 06W Argyll) Ss 1988 0751813788 075181377X £13.50
56N 06W Argyll S 1987 0751813826 0751813818 £13.50
56N 04W Tay Forth Q 1987 0751813885 0751813877 £13.50
56N 04W Tay Forth S 1986 0751813842 0751813834 £13.50
56N 04W Tay Forth Ss 1986 0751813869 0751813850 £13.50
56N 02W Marr Bank Q 1985 0751813990 0751813982 £13.50
56N 02W Marr Bank S 1984 0751813958 075181394X. £13.50
56N 02W Marr Bank Ss 1984 0751813974 0751813966 £13.50
56N 00 Devil’s Hole Q 1985 0751814032 0751814024 £13.50
56N 00 Devil’s Hole S 1986 0751814016 0751814008 £13.50
56N 00 Devil’s Hole Ss 1985 0751814059 0751814040 £13.50
56N 02E Fisher Q 1986 0751814113 0751814105 £13.50
56N 02E Fisher S 1988 0751814075 0751814067 £13.50
56N 02E Fisher Ss 1986 0751814091 0751814083 £13.50
57N 10W St Kilda Q 1992 0751819107 0751819033 £13.50
57N 10W St Kilda S 1991 0751819085 0751819077 £13.50
57N 10W St Kilda Ss 1991 075181413X 0751814121 £13.50
57N 08W Little Minch (incl. part 57N 06W Great Glen) S 1986 0751814156 0751814148 £13.50
57N 08W Little Minch (incl. part 57N 06W Great Glen) Ss+Q 1988 0751814172 0751814164 £13.50
57N 06W Great Glen S 1989 0751814199 0751814180 £13.50
57N 04W Moray Buchan S 1977 0751814210 0751814202 £13.50
57N 04W Moray Buchan Ss+Q 1984 0751814237 0751814229 £13.50
57N 02W Peterhead Q 1986 0751814296 0751814288 £13.50
57N 02W Peterhead S 1982 0751814253 0751814245 £13.50
Corner co- Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
ordinates code code
57N 02W Peterhead Ss 1984 075181427X 0751814261 £13.50
57N 00 Forties Q 1987 0751814350 0751814342 £13.50
57N 00 Forties (incl. part of 57N 02E Cod) S 1989 0751814318 075181430X £13.50
57N 00 Forties Ss 1985 0751814334 0751814326 £13.50
58N 10W Geikie Q 1989 0751814415 0751814407 £13.50
58N 10W Geikie S 1989 0751814377 0751814369 £13.50
58N 10W Geikie Ss 1989 0751814393 0751814385 £13.50
58N 08W Lewis Q 1989 0751814474 0751814466 £13.50
58N 08W Lewis S 1990 0751814431 0751814423 £13.50
58N 08W Lewis Ss 1989 0751814458 075181444X £13.50
58N 06W Sutherland S 1989 0751820482 0751820474 £13.50
58N 06W Sutherland Ss+Q 1989 0751814490 0751814482 £13.50
58N 04W Caithness S 1982 0751814512 0751814504 £13.50
58N 04W Caithness Ss+Q 1987 OP 0751814520 £13.50
58N 02W Bosies Bank Q 1988 0751814598 075181458X £13.50
58N 02W Bosies Bank S 1987 0751814555 0751814547 £13.50
58N 02W Bosies Bank Ss 1986 0751814571 0751814563 £13.50
58N 00 Fladen Q 1988 0751814652 0751814644 £13.50
58N 00 Fladen S 1987 075181461X 0751814601 £13.50
58N 00 Fladen Ss 1985 0751814636 0751814628 £13.50
59N 08W Sula Sgeir Q 1990 0751814717 0751814709 £13.50
59N 08W Sula Sgeir S 1988 0751814679 0751814660 £13.50
59N 08W Sula Sgeir Ss 1988 0751814695 0751814687 £13.50
59N 06W Rona Q 1990 0751814792 0751814784 £13.50
59N 06W Rona S 1986 0751814733 0751814725 £13.50
59N 06W Rona Ss 1986 0751814776 0751814768 £13.50
59N 04W Orkney S 1988 075181475X 0751814741 £13.50
59N 04W Orkney Ss+Q 1984 0751814814 0751814806 £13.50
59N 02W Fair Isle S 1988 0751814830 0751814822 £13.50
59N 02W Fair Isle Ss+Q 1990 0751814857 0751814849 £13.50
59N 00 Bressay Bank Q 1990 0751814911 0751814903 £13.50
59N 00 Bressay Bank S 1987 0751814873 0751814865 £13.50
59N 00 Bressay Bank Ss 1987 075181489X 0751814881 £13.50
60N 06W Judd Q 1990 0751814970 0751814962 £13.50
60N 06W Judd S 1991 0751814938 075181492X £13.50
60N 06W Judd Ss 1990 0751814954 0751814946 £13.50
60N 04W Foula Q 1991 0751815039 0751815020 £13.50
60N 04W Foula S 1988 0751814997 0751814989 £13.50
60N 04W Foula Ss 1990 0751815012 0751815004 £13.50
60N 02W Shetland S 1984 0751815055 0751815047 £13.50
60N 02W Shetland Ss 1998 OP 0751831735 £13.50
60N 02W Shetland Ss+Q 1984 0751815071 0751815063 £13.50
60N 00 Halibut Bank Q 1988 0751815136 0751815128 £13.50
60N 00 Halibut Bank S 1987 0751815098 075181508X £13.50
60N 00 Halibut Bank Ss 1984 075181511X 0751815101 £13.50
61N 04W Flett Q 1991 0751815195 0751815187 £13.50
61N 04W Flett S 1989 0751815152 0751815144 £13.50
61N 04W Flett Ss 1990 0751815179 0751815160 £13.50
61N 02W Miller Q 1991 0751819123 0751819115 £13.50
61N 02W Miller S 1989 0751815292 0751815284 £13.50
61N 02W Miller Ss 1990 0751815276 0751815268 £13.50
61N 00 Cormorant Q 1986 075181525X 0751815241 £13.50
Corner co- Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
ordinates code code
61N 00 Cormorant S 1987 0751815217 0751815209 £13.50
61N 00 Cormorant Ss 1984 0751815233 0751815225 £13.50
Sheet coverage Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN Flat ISBN Price
Parts 51N 08W, 51N 06W, 50N North Celtic Sea Q 1991 0751815314 0751815306 £13.50
10W, 50N 08W, 50N 06W
Parts 51N 06W, 51N 08W, 52N St George’s Channel B with Tertiary 2009 9780751835229 9780751835212 £13.50
06W, 53N 06W subcrop
Parts 54N 06W, 54N 04W, 53N East Irish Sea S 1994 075182917X 0751829161 £13.50
06W, 53N 04W Liverpool Bay
Parts of 57N 04W,58N 04W Moray Firth S 1995 0751830992 0751830984 £13.50
Sheet coverage Title Version Publication date Folded ISBN Flat ISBN Price
56–58N, 08–15W Central Rockall Basin S 2003 9780751833423 075183341X £13.50
58–60N, 06–13W North Rockall Basin B 2007 9780751834994 9780751834987 £13.50
Geological maps at various scales are available for parts of the United Kingdom, these include individual maps and minor series. For an
explanation of map classifications see the 1:50 000 Scale Geological maps section.
Specialist publications
Many books, reports and maps produced by the BGS fall into the ‘specialist’ category, that is, publications aimed at geologists, mining
and civil engineers, planners and other professional users of detailed geoscience information and data.
This section of the catalogue is organised thematically; and includes large scale (greater than 1:25 000 scale) geological maps,
geochemical, minerals, hydrogeological and geophysical maps, books and reports.
For over 150 years primary geological mapping has been undertaken at a large scale, normally 1:10 000 or the earlier 1:10 560 scale.
There is almost complete large-scale map coverage of the UK, and some areas have multiple maps with a range of survey and publication
dates. These maps have been prepared as Bedrock, or Bedrock geology and Superficial deposits versions (or the earlier Solid or Solid and
Drift versions). ‘Geologists’ Standards’ are derived from the field maps and are normally available for purchase as digitally produced
print-on-demand copies.
National Grid maps: Primary geological survey mapping Areas covered by Geochemical Atlases
in rural areas is normally undertaken at the 1:10 000
scale (previously 1:10 560 scale) using National Grid Published
quarter sheets. For all new surveys, maps are produced Shetland
digitally and prints are produced on demand; earlier Planned
maps are produced from digitally scanned masters. For Out of print
some areas such as coalfields, litho-printed maps are Orkney
Sutherland South
County Series maps: For much of Britain, including &
areas not recently surveyed, earlier large scale maps Hebrides
may be available based on the Ordnance Survey 6-inch Great
(1:10 560) County Series maps. This Series was mostly Glen
England and Humber-
Map sheet Price
1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale National Grid sheets £80 North Wales
1:10 560 scale County Series full sheet £80 East Midlands
1:10 560 scale County Series quarter sheet £45 Wales
East Anglia
In the first seven volumes the account of the regional geochemistry is based on the point-source data plotted on geological maps at a
scale of 1:250 000. Subsequent volumes are in a new format and based on digital geochemical imagery. The point data has been gridded
using the Interactive Surface Modelling package (ISM), to generate a smooth continuous surface which has then been processed to
create colour-classified geochemical maps. Digital point-source data are still available if required: for further information contact the
Sales Desk.
Title Publication date ISBN/order code Price
North-east England 1996 0852722559 £50
Parts of North-west England and North Wales 1997 0852723075 £50
Streamwaters in Wales 2000 0852723636 £75
Stream sediment and soil: Wales 2000 0852723784 £75
Streamwaters in Wales and stream sediment and soil: Wales 2000 GA13PACK £120
— two volumes; special offer
The BGS publishes a wide range of geophysical information in the form of maps and
reports. A small selection of printed maps are listed here. For information on the full range FAROES SHETLAND NORWEGIAN
of publications contact the Sales Desk. SEA
Gravity and magnetic anomaly maps illustrate small departures from the expected value of 60 00’
66 00’
the Earth’s gravity and magnetic field (anomalies) caused by variations in the density and
magnetisation of rocks within the crust. They are used to determine the geological structure
of the UK landmass and continental shelf on a regional scale, including the depth and extent SEA OF NORTHERN NORTH SEA
of sedimentary basins for oil and gas exploration.
54 00’
In addition to the published maps listed below, several gravity and magnetic anomaly maps 54 00’
(notably 1:250 000 scale UTM sheets, which complement the UTM Series Geology maps),
are available to special order: please contact the Sales Desk for information.
Gravity anomaly and Magnetic anomaly maps of Britain and Ireland (UTM projection)
1:1 000 000 scale Gravity anomaly and Magnetic anomaly map packs (UTM series)
Two packs, each containing nine 1:1 000 000 scale magnetic anomaly and gravity maps (coverage illustrated on index map). Colour-
filled contours. Each pack also contains an overview /index map at 1:3 000 000. Maps are folded and supplied in a plastic wallet and are
not available individually.
Regional Geophysics of Southern Scotland and Northern England 2006 KSSNECD £25
Natural Environment Radioactivity Survey Series Maps, etc
3 4 5
10 11 12 13
27 28 29 30 31 32 33
35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46
to pollution. They are designed to be used by planners, developers and 7 Map published
These maps are based on data from the late 1980s early 1990s. More up-to-date digital data may now be available from the Environment
Agency - for information contact your local EA office or the EA National Enquiry Service (08708 506506). Sheet numbers refer to the
index map.
Sheet no Title Scale Publication date Flat order code Price
15 North Wales Coast 1:100 000 1990 HYGV15 £15
16 West Cheshire OP £15
17 Derbyshire and North Staffordshire OP £15
18 Nottinghamshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV18 £15
19 Lincolnshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV19 £15
20 Meirionnydd 1:100 000 1990 HYGV20 £15
21 West Shropshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV21 £15
22 South Staffordshire and East Shropshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV22 £15
23 Leicestershire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV23 £15
24 North Northamptonshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV24 £15
25 West Norfolk 1:100 000 1990 HYGV25 £15
26 East Norfolk 1:100 000 OP £15
27 Dyfed 1:100 000 1990 HYGV27 £15
28 Powys 1:100 000 1990 HYGV28 £15
29 Worcestershire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV29 £15
30 North Cotswolds 1:100 000 1990 HYGV30 £15
31 Bedfordshire OP £15
32 North Essex 1:100 000 1990 HYGV32 £15
33 East Suffolk 1:100 000 1990 HYGV33 £15
34 Pembroke 1:100 000 1990 HYGV34 £15
35 West Glamorgan 1:100 000 1990 HYGV35 £15
36 Mid Glamorgan 1:100 000 1990 HYGV36 £15
37 South Cotswolds 1:100 000 OP £15
38 Upper Thames and Bedfordshire Downs 1:100 000 1990 HYGV38 £15
39 West London OP £15
40 Thames Estuary OP £15
41 Northwest Devon 1:100 000 1990 HYGV41 £15
42 Somerset Coast 1:100 000 1990 HYGV42 £15
43 East Somerset and SW Wiltshire 1:100 000 OP £15
44 Northwest Hampshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV44 £15
45 West Sussex and Surrey 1:100 000 1990 HYGV45 £15
46 East Sussex 1:100 000 1990 HYGV46 £15
47 East Kent 1:100 000 1990 HYGV47 £15
48 East Cornwall 1:100 000 1990 HYGV48 £15
49 South Devon 1:100 000 1990 HYGV49 £15
50 East Devon and South Somerset 1:100 000 OP £15
51 Dorset 1:100 000 1990 HYGV51 £15
52 South Hampshire 1:100 000 1990 HYGV52 £15
53 West Cornwall 1:100 000 1990 HYGV53 £15
Hydrogeology Maps
These maps cover aspects of groundwater availability, exploitation and quality. Sheet numbers refer to the index map. ‘POD’ indicates
print on demand maps.
Sheet no Title Scale Publication date Folded ISBN/order Flat ISBN/order Price
code code
1 England and Wales (POD) 1:625 000 1977 OP 0751811688 £18
2 North & East Lincolnshire (POD) 1:126 720 1967 OP HY02F £18
3 Chalk and Lower Greensand of Kent - two 1:267 720 1970 OP HY03F £30
sheets (POD)
4 Northern East Anglia - two sheets (POD) 1:125 000 1981 OP HY04F £30
5 Southern East Anglia - two sheets 1:125 000 1981 OP 0751811769 £17
6 South Downs & part of Weald (POD) 1:100 000 1978 0751811815 0751811807 £18
7 South West Chilterns (POD) 1:100 000 1978 OP 0751811823 £18
8 Chalk of Wessex 1:100 000 1979 0751811858 075181184X £12.50
9 Hampshire & Isle of Wight. 1:100 000 1979 OP 0751811866 £12.50
10 East Yorkshire. 1:100 000 1980 0751811890 0751811882 £12.50
11 Northern East Midlands 1:100 000 1981 0751811912 0751811904 £12.50
12 Southern Yorkshire 1:100 000 1982 0751811939 0751811920 £12.50
13 Permo-Triassic & other aquifers of SW 1:100 000 1982 0751811955 0751811947 £12.50
14 Hydrogeology between Cambridge & 1:100 000 1984 0751811971 0751811963 £12.50
15 Dartford (Kent) (POD) 1:63 360 1984 OP HY15F £18
16 Fife & Kinross 1:100 000 1986 0751811998 075181198X £12.50
17 South Wales 1:125 000 1986 0751811793 0751811785 £12.50
18 Scotland 1:625 000 1988 0751811718 075181170X £12.50
19 Clwyd & the Cheshire Basin 1:100 000 1989 0751812013 0751812995 £12.50
20 Eastern Dumfries & Galloway 1:100 000 1990 075181203X 0751812021 £12.50
21 The Carnmenellis Granite: hydrogeological, 1:50 000 1990 0751812056 0751812048 £12.50
hydrogeochemical and geothermal
22 Jersey 1:25 000 1992 0751819263 0751819255 £12.50
23 Northern Ireland 1:250 000 1994 0751898015 0751898007 £12.50
Hydrogeology Reports
For land-use planning, various thematic maps have been produced to display the inter-relationships of environmentally significant
factors such as topography, economic geology, hydrogeology and engineering geology. The scope of the reports varies with local
conditions and the requirements of commissioning departments. The following printed reports and maps are available from stock: a full
catalogue of reports and thematic maps is available on request.
Report no Title Order code Price
WA/90/001 Nottingham: a geological background for planning and development. 9 maps at 1:50 000, 7 maps at 1:25 000 WA/90/001 £90
WA/90/014 Geology and land-use planning: Morpeth–Bedlington– Ashington. Part 1: Land Use Planning 1:25 000 sheets WA/90/014 £50
NZ28 and NZ38, parts of 1:50 000 geological sheets 9 (Rothbury), 10 (Newbiggin), 14 (Morpeth) and 15 (Tynemouth).
10 thematic maps at 1:25 000 scale
WA/90/019 Geology and land-use planning: Morpeth–Bedlington– Ashington. Part 2: Geology WA/90/019 £25
WA/91/004 Applied geological mapping in the Wrexham area: geology and land-use planning. 10 maps at 1:25 000 scale WA/91/004 £55
WA/91/001 Stoke-on-Trent: A geological background for planning and development. 12 maps at 1:25 000 scale WA/91/001 £90
WA/91/028 SW Essex - M25 corridor: applied geology for planning and development. 12 maps at 1:25 000 and 1:100 000 WA/91/028 £68
WA/92/033 A geological background for planning and development in the Black Country 15 thematic maps at a scale of WA/92/033 £95
1:50 000 scale
WA/92/054- Geology and land-use planning: Great Broughton-Lamplugh area, Cumbria Part 1: Geology.WA/92/054. Part 2: WA/92/054/055 £90
055 Land-use planning. WA/92/055. 9 maps at 1:25 000 scale.
Reports are not available separately
WA/92/001 Leeds: A geological background for planning and development. 8 maps at a scale of 1:25 000 scale WA/92/001 £75
WA/96/001 A geological background for planning and development in the City of Bradford Metropolitan District. WA/96/001 £110
Volume 1: A guide to the use of earth science information in planning and development. Volume 2: A technical guide
to ground conditions. 11 maps at 1:25 000, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000 scale. Reports are not available separately.
WA/92/037 Geology for land use planning: Livingston. 5 maps at 1:25 000 scale (POD) WA/92/037 £90
WA/91/025 Geology for land use planning: Stirling. 3 maps at 1:25 000 WA/91/025 £70
WA/95/003 A geological background for planning and development in Wigan. 10 maps at 1:25 000 WA/95/003 £95
WA/95/035 A geological background for planning and development in the Avon Teifi catchment. 6 maps at 1:25 000 WA/95/035 £75
19 11 2
17 7
15 3
13 9
8 6
Minerals Publications
There is an extensive range of minerals information on our website, including many publications which are available as free downloads.
Please visit:
European Mineral
The BGS maintains one of the largest databases in the world on the production and trade of minerals. Information is compiled from a
wide range of sources: home and overseas government departments, national statistical offices, specialist commodity authorities, com-
pany reports, and a network of contacts throughout the world. For more details, please go to:
World Mineral Production 2004–2008. A4 printed report. Order Code WMP2008. 9780852726556. £30
This comprehensive annual report contains production statistics, by country, for the majority of economically important mineral com-
modities, including ferrous and non–ferrous metals, industrial minerals and hydrocarbons, over a five year period. To download a free
copy, please go to:
New edition covering the period 2005–09 is due February 2011.
European Mineral Statistics 2004–2008. A4 printed version. Order Code WMS2004EUR. 9780852726587. £55
This annual publication contains production, export and import tables by individual country and by commodity, including summary in-
formation on the use and price of commodities. It covers the EU member states, applicants and associated countries. To download a free
copy, please go to:
New edition covering the period 2005–09 is due March 2011.
The term ‘BRIC’, used to refer to the four countries of Brazil, Russia, India and China, has become almost synonymous with the rise of
emerging economies in the global market. This report presents production and trade data for each of the four countries between 1999
and 2008, a synopsis of the main physiographic, geological and demographic features of each country. To download a free copy, please
go to:
African Mineral Production 2001–2005. A4 printed version. Order Code WMSAFR2001. 9780852725979. £15
This report gives production statistics for all African countries. To download a free copy, please go to:
China and SE Asia Mineral Production 2001–2005. A4 printed version. Order Code WMS03CSEA. 9780852725986. £15
This report provides mineral production statistics for China and other countries in south east Asia. To download a free copy, please go to:
South American Mineral Production 1997–2006. A4 printed version. Order Code WMSSAMER06. £15
This report provides a 10-year series of mineral production for South American countries. To download a free copy, please go to:
World Mineral Statistics: A limited number of printed reports are still available for the predecessor publication to World Mineral
Production. These publications, which ceased with the 1998-2002 edition, included production, exports and imports data for the same
extensive range of mineral commodities. Contact the BGS Sales Desk for further information.
World Mineral Statistics Archive: The BGS, and its predecessor organisations, have compiled production and trade statistics on a wide
range of mineral commodities since 1913. As part of an ongoing process to make this archive of important data more accessible to a
wider audience, the BGS has scanned a selection of publications from the World Mineral Statistics series and made them available to
download from our website:
United Kingdom Minerals Yearbook 2009. A4 printed version. Order Code UKMY2009. 9780852726662. £25
An annual publication providing comprehensive statistical data on UK minerals production, consumption and trade to 2008, estimates of
production for major mineral commodities in 2009 and a commentary on the UK’s mineral industry during 2010. To download a free copy
of this latest edition go to:
Directory of Mines and Quarries 2008. Printed edition. Order Code DMQ2008. 9780852726211. £40
The directory provides information on almost 2400 active mines and quarries in the UK, including those in Northern Ireland, the Isle of
Man and the Channel Islands. Each active mineral working is described in terms of its name, location, ownership, Mineral Planning Au-
thority (MPA), basic geology, commodity produced and, in some cases, the end use of the commodity. There is a short, up-to-date com-
mentary on the minerals industry accompanied by statistical information. The directory is arranged in four parts: introduction and survey
of the UK mineral industry, including colour distribution maps; mineral workings by commodity; workings arranged by MPA; operator list
in alphabetical order.
This publication is derived from a database, BRITPITS, assembled from the records of BGS, the Mineral Planning Authorities, industry
sources and the Coal Authority. The data are available under licence in a variety of digital formats, and a number of derived products
(such as maps) can be produced on demand. For information on the database and licensing contact: [email protected].
The Economic Importance of Minerals to the UK. 2004. A4 printed version. Order Code MEIMUK. 0852724829). £10
This report was produced for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in 2004 and provides an overview of the economic issues associ-
ated with the production and use of minerals in the UK and their contribution to sustainable economic development. BGS Commissioned
Report CR/04/070N. To download a free copy go to:
Summary of information on coal for land-use planning purposes. A4 printed version. Order Code CR/06/114N. £32
This report brings together data for the UK on coal production, trade, consumption and uses, and provides information on licensing and
reserves. It also summarises information on opencast coal sites granted and refused planning permissions.
The management of aggregates supply in support of construction activity in England has been an important part of minerals planning
policy and practice for the past 30 years. To assess whether such intervention is still necessary, a series of research projects was carried
out in 2007–8. BGS has published 4 reports based on this work. The following four reports are available to download from: These reports are not available as printed copies.
Managing aggregates supply in England: a review of the current system and future options
This report is an in-depth examination of the national managed aggregates supply system in England. The study assesses the strengths
and weaknesses of the current system and analyses costs associated with its operation. It compares existing practice with some alterna-
tive approaches and concludes with some recommendations. Report no. OR/08/042.
Aggregate resource alternatives: options for future aggregate minerals supply in England
This report examines the current situation regarding primary aggregate supply from designated areas such as National Parks and AONBs.
It also looks at the extent to which possible alternative supply options for aggregates would be able to sustain a steady and adequate
supply of aggregates should additional resources located within National Parks and AONBs become unavailable. Research partners on
this project were BGS and Green Balance Planning and Environmental Consultants. Report no. OR/08/025.
Aggregates supply in England: issues for planning
BGS has also published this Overview report on the management of aggregates supply in England, prepared by an independent consult-
ant under the DCLG-BGS Joint Minerals Information Programme. The Overview summarises the main findings of the report on Managing
Aggregates Supply in England: a review of the current system and future options. It also draws on essential messages from the other re-
ports derived from the aggregates research carried out in 2007–8. This report is available as a free printed document (plus P&P): contact
the Sales Desk. OR/08/059.
County Mineral Resource and Planning Constraint Maps have been prepared for various administrative areas in England under the Office
of the Deputy Prime Minister’s (ODPM) Research Project: Mineral Resource Information in Support of National, Regional and Local Plan-
ning. They are intended to assist all parties interested in the preparation and review of mineral development plans.
Four major elements of information are presented on digitally generated summary maps:
▪▪ the geological distribution of all mineral resources
▪▪ the location of mineral extraction sites
▪▪ the extent of mineral planning permissions and licences for coal extraction
▪▪ the extent of selected landscape and nature-conservation designations (National Parks, AONBs, SSSIs, NNRs, SACs, SPAs and scheduled
A primary objective is to produce baseline data in a consistent form which can be updated, revised and customised to suit planning
needs, including Mineral Local Plans and Minerals Local Development documents and Regional Spatial Strategies, together with SEAs
and E1As, and for the minerals industry. The data are held digitally, enabling easy revision and customisation using a GIS, including the
presentation of subsets of the data at larger scales. For further details go to:
Printed publications
In 2007 the BGS co-funded a project with the Scottish Executive to provide a comprehensive, relevant and accessible information base to
enhance the sustainability of mineral resources for 18 local authorities in the central belt of Scotland. A report and 4 digitally generated
maps at 1:100 000 scale are available as downloads from:
Printed copies of the above report and maps are available to special order: contact the Sales Desk for further information.
In 2009 the BGS co-funded a project with the Welsh Assembly Government to provide a comprehensive, relevant and accessible informa-
tion base to enhance the sustainability of mineral resources in Wales. A report and a series of 6 digitally generated maps at 1:100 000
scale are available as downloads from:
Printed copies of the above report and maps are available to special order: contact the Sales Desk for further information.
These series of reports provides information and maps related to the exploration and development of Britain’s mineral resources. They
were produced under the Minerals Reconnaissance Programme, funded by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) between 1972
and 1997. The reports contain the results of reconnaissance and follow-up mineral exploration surveys, new evidence of mineralisation
in Britain, and recommendations for further work. Over the next few months these reports will become available as free downloads from
our website:
Printed copies of many of these reports are available: contact the Sales Desk for further information.
This series comprises publications of the DTI-funded Minerals Programme (1998–2004). It covers a wide range of topics, including an
exploration guide to Britain and assessments of the mineral potential of various districts.
Exploration for metalliferous and related minerals in Britain: a guide (2nd edition). Order Code MPP001. 9780852723579. £20
This publication provides comprehensive information to assist all those interested in exploring for, and developing, metalliferous and
related minerals in Britain. It is also available as a free download at:
Exploration methods and new targets for epithermal gold mineralisation in the Devonian rocks of Northern Britain.
Research Report RR/00/08. Printed version: Order Code MPP002. £80
CD version: Order Code MPP002/CD. £40
Potential for mesothermal gold and VMS deposits in the Lower Palaeozoic Welsh basin. Research Report RR/00/09.
Printed version: Order Code MPP004. £60
CD version: Order Code MPP004/CD. £30
Evidence for gold mineralisation in the Lower Palaeozoic and Precambrian rocks of south-west Wales. Research Report RR/00/10.
Printed version: Order Code MPP005. £40
CD version: Order Code MPP005/CD. £25
BGS databases for mineral exploration: status in 2000. Research Report RR/00/11. Printed version: Order Code MPP006. £10
Potential for stratiform massive sulphide mineralisation in south-west England. Printed version: Order Code CR/010240. £50
CD version: Order Code CR/01/240/CD. £25
Minerals information GIS for regional development and inward investment in the Northern Highlands of Scotland.
Printed version: Order Code CR/03/0034N. £40
Mineral Assessment Reports (bulk mineral resources)
These reports are concerned with the assessment of bulk mineral resources of areas within the UK. They provide information on hard rock
aggregates, limestone, conglomerate, and sand and gravel deposits. A full list of reports is available on request from the Sales Desk.
The website is produced and maintained by staff in
the Minerals and Waste Science area of the British Geological Survey. It
was launched in 1999 to provide information about mineral exploration,
mining, production and trade. Since then the scope of the website has been
broadened and now includes content on a wider range of issues such as
resources, sustainable development, planning guidance and UK policy and
The Mineral Planning Factsheets cover economically important minerals that are extracted in Britain. They are regularly updated and
provide an overview of the supply of a specific mineral. They are primarily intended to inform the land-use planning process but will be
of much wider interest. Factsheets are currently available for 23 mineral commodities.
Stratigraphic nomenclature
The Lithostratigraphic Nomenclatures indicated by # were produced in association with the United Kingdom Offshore Operators
Association; other volumes were published by BGS.
Lithostratigraphic nomenclature of the Triassic, Permian and Carboniferous of the UK and offshore East 1996 0852722753 £40
Irish Sea Basin
Other Publications
The sea-bed sediments around the United Kingdom: their grain size, mineral composition and associated bedforms. BGS Research
Report SB/90/001. 47 page report plus set of thematic maps. 1991. 0852721944. £30
International Publications
The BGS publish and re-sell various books and maps for non-UK locations — some are listed here but many more are available. Contact
the Sales Desk for more information.
Rocks and fossils of the Falkland Islands. Stone, P, Aldiss, D and Edwards, E. 2005. 0852724942. £9
The Falkland Islands have a remarkable geological history: African origins going back 1000 million years, a 400 million-year-old shoreline
teeming with marine life, and ice age 300 million years ago succeeded by the spread of forests, and emigration to the New World as the
Atlantic Ocean opened a mere 150 million years ago — with rotation so that north became south in the process. This colourful account
illustrates the rocks and fossils, shows how their features reveal the details of those ancient environments, and explains how more recent
climate changes has wrought the rocks into the unique Falkland landscape.
Reports and Data
The geology of the Falkland Islands. Aldiss, D T and Edwards, E J. 1999. 100 pp. Order code: WC/99/010. £50
The geology of the Falkland Islands CD-Rom. 1999. Order Code: WC/99/010/CD. £60 (inc VAT)
Geological report (as above) plus digital images of the two 1:250 000 scale solid geology maps; digital geological information for the
1:250 000 scale superficial geology map and for each of the 29 1:50 000 scale geological sheets (uncoloured and no topography).
The BGS Acts as an agent on behalf of the Commission on the Geological Map of the World (CGMW), selling a selection of the small scale
maps produced by the Commission. These maps complement the larger scale maps produced by national surveys. For more information,
Geological maps
World geological map. 3rd Edition. 2010. Order Code 6000006640. £27.50
Three map sheets at 1:25 000 000 scale: Old World, New World, Polar Areas and Legend. The main sheets can be assembled as an Atlan-
tic- or Pacific- centred display map.
The changing face of the Earth: the break-up of Pangaea and continental drift over the past 250 million years in ten steps. Paperback
with CD ROM. 2003. ISBN 9231039008 £10.50
Geologic time scale 2008. 3rd edition. 2008. Folded only. Order Code: 6000005474. £3.50
Plate tectonics from Space. 2006. Folded: Order Code 600000236. Flat: Order Code 6000004087 £8.50
Satellite measurements of surface motions of Earth’s lithospheric plates are accumulating fast, and a spectacular image of horizontal
crustal deformation is emerging, solving plate kinematics enigma here and there and raising new questions elsewhere. The objective of
this map is to show the current plate tectonics framework in the light of these new satellite measurements, superimposed onto a physi-
ographic basemap obtained also from space techniques.
1 sheet. Scale: 1:50 000 000.
1:5 000 000 International geological map of Europe and adjacent areas. 2005. Folded only. Order Code CGMWEUR. £14
This new edition extends further to the north and the west covering a large part of the North Atlantic, Greenland, and the European
Arctic continental shelf (Barents Sea), as well as the West Siberian shelf (Kara Sea). To the south, the mapped areas stretch from the
Canaries Islands and southern Morocco to the far end of the Persian Gulf. An important innovation is the inclusion of the geological
mapping information of the offshore areas, which represent around 60% of the map surface. The map has been generated digitally and is
underpinned by a fully geoscientific spatial database. Scale: 1:5 000 000. Lambert conform conic projection. Total surface of the map 167
cm x 127 cm.
1:10 000 000 International geological map of Europe and adjacent areas. 2005. Flat only. Order Code CGMWR. £14
reduced scale version of the 1:5 000 000 map. (65 x 85 cm)
Seismotectonic maps
Seismotectonic map of the World (reduced scale map). Flat only. Order Code WSTMR. £7
Scale: 1:50 000 000 at Equator in 1 sheet. 2002. Based on the 1:25 000 000 scale map (see above). Size: 118 cm × 51 cm.
This map provides a global overview of seismicity around the world: the aim is to heighten awareness of these events and their second-
ary effects among the general public and also to improve programmes for earthquake-risk mitigation.
World stress map. 2007. Flat only. Order Code CGMWWS. £10.50
Shows ‘the tectonic regime and the orientation of the contemporary maximum horizontal compressional stress at more than 12 000
locations within the Earth’s crust’. Scale: 1:46 000 000 plus CD. Size: 120 cm × 54 cm.
Seismotectonic map of the Middle East. Flat only. Order Code WSMME. £20
This map covers a seismically highly active region. 1013 major historical earthquakes are
plotted, ranging from the 3rd millennium BC to 1900 AD, as well as 3029 teleseismic
events of the 20th century, with a magnitude of 5 and over: their magnitude and focal
depth are indicated. Geological Survey of Iran/ CGMW co-publication.1 sheet, in English.
Scale: 1:5 000 000. 1992. Size: 96.5 cm × 76.5 cm.
Metamorphic Maps
Metamorphic map of South and East Asia. Flat only. Order Code WMSEA. £8.50
1 sheet, with separate explanatory notes. CGMW publication in English. Scale: 1:10 000 000. 1984. Size: 105 cm x 78 cm.
Metallogenic Map of South and East Asia. Flat only. Order Code WMM-
SEA. £40
A CGMW/UNESCO co-publication in English.This map shows the major ore-
deposits, their geological environment, the type of deposits, the age and the size of
mineralisation. Comprises 4 sheets plus 1 legend sheet. Scale: 1:5 000 000. 1985. Size of
each sheet: 108 cm × 77 cm.
International Geological Maps
Some maps produced as part of the Survey’s participation in geological work abroad (normally outside Europe and North America) are
available for sale. The countries and major themes are indicated in the following list. Coverage of each country or region may only be
partial and maps may cover several themes. Details of individual maps, series, prices and availability may be obtained from the Sales Desk
Geological: Lesotho, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Somalia/Somali Republic, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania
Metalliferous minerals: Somalia/Somali Republic
Geological: Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Yemen/South Yemen
Geochemical & mineral locations: Oman
Southeast Asia
Geological: Malaysia
Geochemical: Hong Kong, Thailand
Mineral: Indonesia, Thailand
Energy resources: Indonesia
The copyright of materials derived from the British Geological Survey’s work is vested in the Natural Environment Research Council
(NERC). Subject to the general permissions granted below, no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, or stored in a retrieval system of any nature, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder, which permission the
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BGS is the successor department to the Institute of Geological Sciences (IGS), for both of whom copyright for maps and other
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▪▪ BGS maps may include topography licensed from the Ordnance Survey (users who do not have an
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▪▪ No BGS photographs, whether appearing on this website, or in any BGS publication, may be reproduced for any purpose without
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Where some users have proceeded with their own digitisation of BGS’ maps, they may unwittingly or otherwise be in breach of NERC
copyright. BGS reserves the right to take appropriate action where breaches of copyright are identified.
We strongly recommend that potential users refer to BGS for further advice regarding copyright permission for the use of BGS materials
in electronic/digital form.
BGS is keen to promote business with commercial organisations, institutions, individuals, and educational concerns, which wish to
produce and/or publish services and/or products based on BGS materials. In all cases the granting of permission will depend upon the
anticipated effect of the proposed usage on the promotion, sales and associated marketing activities involved with BGS’ hard copy and
digital materials. BGS is a member of the Information Fair Trader Scheme and treats all customers with fairness.
Contact details:
Potential users of BGS materials may discuss their requirements and make subsequent application for a permit or license by contacting the
Intellectual Property Rights Section, British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, United Kingdom.
Copyright enquiries
Tel: 0115 936 3544 email: [email protected]
This does not include the ‘BGS logo + British Geological Survey’ identifier, which is a Registered Community Trade Mark of Natural
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Enquiries should be directed to [email protected]
The non-exclusive permission to reproduce relates only to map extracts and NOT to reproduction of entire published map sheets.
General sales information
Our Guarantee on Books, Maps and Reports
We endeavour to ensure that the goods you order will be delivered promptly and at a reasonable cost. Our Sales team will be happy to
help if you have queries or difficulties with any part of your order or delivery. We will deal fairly with all customers; please let us know if,
or how, we can improve our products and services. Contact details are given inside the front cover.
Some printed publications are only stocked in small quantities and stocks are continually changing. If items that you order are out of
stock we will inform you and offer an alternative item, or a full refund. We cannot guarantee to re-stock items that sell out.
You have the right to cancel your mail order purchase at any time prior to dispatch. Also, you may return unwanted goods in their
original condition and at your cost within 10 days of receipt, and without any need to give a reason. We will refund the purchase price,
but not the original postage costs. When returning goods please ensure that a copy of the delivery note or receipt is enclosed.
If any item is faulty or supplied in error, or if there are any other problems, please tell us immediately: we will provide a replacement,
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Arrangements for special ‘Made-to-Order’ items are slightly different: these are items that are produced individually on request. They
include photocopies, ‘print-on-demand’ paper copies, individually scanned-on-request documents, digital downloads and other digital
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days of placing the order. If work on producing the ‘Made-to-Order’ items has not started there will be no charge, otherwise a charge not
exceeding 25% of the original value, may be made for cancellations and for unwanted items that are returned. Production and delivery
times for such items cannot be guaranteed; however, they are usually dispatched within seven working days of an order being placed.
Please check that ‘Made-to-Order’ items (especially maps) are correctly specified and are suitable for your purposes.
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We recommend always using the ISBN or the Order Code (indicated in the listings) when ordering publications, or enquiring about them.
Prices are inclusive of Value Added Tax (VAT) where applicable. EU customers will be charged VAT at the current UK rate unless a valid EU
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How to Order
British Geological Survey publications can be bought by mail order from our Sales Desks (details below), online from our Online Shop and
from good booksellers; a list of stockists is given at the end of the catalogue. Payment may be made using most credit and debit cards,
but we do not accept charge cards or cheques.
Prices in this catalogue do not include postage. Normal postal charges are based on order value. Postage charges are indicated below.
15% of total order value, with a minimum charge of £5 and a maximum charge of £20
For UK customers requiring special or urgent delivery of printed publications we provide a ‘Gold Star Service’. Orders received by midday
are dispatched the same day via a guaranteed next working day service. Working days are normally Monday to Friday (excl. public
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but excludes the Scottish Highlands. We cannot deliver to PO Boxes. The total cost is £20 plus VAT. Contact us for further information.
(Not available for Online Shop orders).
BGS London — enquiries, counter sales, local mail order
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Cromwell Road
London SW7 5BD
Tel: 020 7589 4090
Fax: 020 7584 8270
email: [email protected]
Cover image: Swaledale,
North Yorkshire Moors. P744572
James Rayner, BGS©NERC
email: [email protected]