Software Requirements Specification

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Software Requirements


Hospital Management System
Version 1.0 approval pending

Prepared by Sanjeev U Rao


Information Technology

National Institute of Technology Karnataka

Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 1

Table of Contents
Revision History........................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................................. 3
1.2 Document Conventions...................................................................................................3
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions...............................................................3
1.4 Product Scope..................................................................................................................3
1.5 References........................................................................................................................ 4
2.Overall Description....................................................................................................................5
2.1 Product Perspective.........................................................................................................5
2.2 Product Functions............................................................................................................ 5
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics...................................................................................6
2.4 Operating Environment...................................................................................................6
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints........................................................................6
2.6 User Documentation........................................................................................................ 7
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies....................................................................................7
3. External Interface Requirements...............................................................................................8
3.1 User Interfaces.................................................................................................................8
3.2 Hardware Interfaces......................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Software Interfaces..........................................................................................................8
3.4 Communication Interfaces..............................................................................................8
4. System Features........................................................................................................................ 9
4.1 User Class 1 - The Administrator....................................................................................9
4.2 User Class 2 - Doctor.......................................................................................................9
4.3 User Class 3 - The Receptionist....................................................................................11
5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements.........................................................................................13
5.1 Performance Requirements...........................................................................................13
5.2 Safety Requirements......................................................................................................13
5.3 Security Requirements..................................................................................................13
5.4 Software Quality Attributes...........................................................................................13
5.5 Business Rules.............................................................................................................. 13
6. Other Requirements............................................................................................................ 14
Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 2

Appendix A: Glossary................................................................................................................. 14
Appendix B: Analysis Models......................................................................................................14
Appendix C: To Be Determined List...........................................................................................14

Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Sanjeev U Rao 20/01/2018 Initial Version 1.0
Sanjeev U Rao 22/02/2018 Functional and Non Functional Requirements 1.1
Sanjeev U Rao 01/03/2018 Add System UI 1.2
Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 3

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose
The Software Requirement Specification document describes requirements and
functionality of the system. This document follows the IEEE Recommended Practice for
Software Requirements Specifications (IEEE Std 830-1998). The intended addressees
for this SRS are project examiners and the supervisor. Requirement Analysis is the first
technical step in the software process . A general statement of software scope is refined
into a concrete pattern that becomes the basis for all software engineering activities that

1.2 Document Conventions

The document has used the font type 'Times New Roman'. The fixed font size that has
been used to type this document is 12pt with 1.5 line spacing. It has used the bold
property to set the headings of the document. All pages except the cover page are
numbered, the numbers appear on the lower right hand corner of the page. Every
image and data table are numbered and referred to the in the main text. Standard IEEE
template is the template used to organize the appearance of the document and its flow.

1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions

The intended audience of this document would be the client and specific employees like
Manager and Receptionist, consultants and System Operators of the Pearson Specter
International Health Care, and project team, supervisor with the objective to refer and
analyze the information. The SRS document can be used in any case regarding the
requirements of the project and the solutions that have been taken. The document
would final provide a clear idea about the system that is building.

1.4 Product Scope

Currently Pearson Specter International Health Care is using a manual system to
handle the hospital process. When patients arrive they make an appointment at the
reception to consult a Doctor. These are being recorded in a file. As the current system
is file based , management of the hospital has to put much effort on securing the files.
They can be easily damaged by fire, insects and natural disasters. Also they could be
misplaced by losing data and information.
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1.5 References
IEEE Guide for Software Requirements Specifications
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2.Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

Pearson Specter International Health Care follows manual procedures to keep track of
its day to day activities. When scenarios such as patient information handling, employee
handling, stock handling, financial analysis and report generation is taken into
consideration there exists many issues with regard to efficiency, security, accuracy and
reliability. Due to improperly managed details medical center faces quite a lot of
difficulties in accessing past data as well as managing present data. The manual file
systems which are being used at present require storage facilities which is also another
overhead. The fully functional automated hospital management system which will be
developed through this project will eliminate the disadvantages caused by the manual
system by improving the reliability, efficiency and performance. The usage of a
database to store patient, employee etc. will accommodate easy access, retrieval,
search and manipulation of data. The access limitations provided through access
privilege levels will enhance the security of the system.

2.2 Product Functions

OPD and Consultation Management

 Recording patient details
 Recording Appointments taken
 Set Appointment status

Patient Management
 Register Patient
 Login/Logout
 Take Appointment
Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 6

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics

Admin has the full access to the system which means he/she is able to manage any
activity with regard to the system. Admin is the highest privileged user who can access
the system.

Every doctor has a unique account. Doctor can look at all the appointments requested
by the patients.

Patient can create an account and take an appointment with a doctor. Patient can view
all available doctors and their respective specialties.

Every receptionist has a unique account. The receptionist can manage doctor
appointments. The receptionist sets appointment status.

Users can schedule appointments. Every appointment has fields like patient, doctor,
date, status, status message. The status and status message are set by the

2.4 Operating Environment

Software requirements
● Django framework
● mysqli server

Hardware Requirements
● Core i5 processor
● 4GB Ram
● 20GB of hard disk space in terminal machines

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

● System is only accessible within the hospital premises.
● Database is password protected.
● Should use less RAM and processing power.
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● Each user should have individual ID and password.

● Only admin can access the whole system.
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2.6 User Documentation

As a part of the system itself a user documentation is provided to the customers which
gives an overview of the system. It will include the full description about the product and
complete orderly followed steps to install the software. The users will get the opportunity
to use the system without having any trouble.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies

● Each user must have a valid user id and password
● Server must be running for the system to function
● Users must log in to the system to access any record.
● Only the Administrator can delete records.
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3. External Interface Requirements

3.1 User Interfaces

 Welcome Page
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 User Registration

 Take Doctor Appointment

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 Edit Profile

 View available doctors

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 Receptionist Home Page

 Update Appointment Status

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 Admin Home page

 Appointment list
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3.2 Hardware Interfaces

Since the application does not have a designated hardware, it does not have any direct
hardware interfaces. The hardware connection to the database servers is managed by
the underlying operating system on the application.

3.3 Software Interfaces

Developing End
 JDK 1.8 - Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to
datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to
the Internet.
 Netbeans 8.1 - IDE for Java developing.
 MySQL server - Database connectivity and management

Client End
 OS – Windows / Ubuntu
 JRE 1.8 - JAVA Runtime Environment for run Java Application and
 MySQL server - Database connectivity

3.4 Communication Interfaces

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4. System Features
This section includes the requirements that specify all the fundamental actions of the software

4.1 User Class 1 - The Administrator

4.1.1 Login Description and Priority
The administrator has access to every database record. This is a high
priority. Stimulus/Response Sequences
On the homepage, login button is pressed. Below the login form, there will
be a link to the registration page. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: The registration page must accept name, username, password
and phone number as the input.
REQ-2: The password must be verified with a confirm password field.
REQ-3: The username must be unique for each user.
REQ-4: No field must be blank.
4.1.2 Manage Database Description and Priority
The administrator has access to every database record. This is a high
priority. Stimulus/Response Sequences
Admin has access to the database once logged in. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: Manage patient details.
REQ-2: Manage doctor details.
REQ-3: Manage scheduled appointments.
REQ-4: Manage all employee details.

4.2 User Class 2 - Doctor

4.2.1 Registration Description and Priority
Every doctor must have a unique account through which he/she can
manage appointments and visiting hours. This has a high priority. Stimulus/Response Sequences
On the homepage, login button is pressed.
Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 16 Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The registration page must accept name, username, password
and phone number as the input.
REQ-2: The password must be verified with a confirm password field.
REQ-3: The username must be unique for each user.
REQ-4: No field must be blank.

4.2.2 Login Description and Priority

Given that a doctor has an account, then the doctor should be able to log in to the
application. This has a high priority, because without this snippet, the entire
application would be useless. Stimulus/Response Sequences

On the homepage, login button is pressed. The login form is then shown. Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The login form must have radio buttons to select between doctor,
employee and administrator.
REQ-2: The login form must query for username and password.
REQ-3: In case of an error, the error is shown explicitly.

4.2.3 Manage working hours Description and Priority

Once the doctor has logged in, he must be able to manage his visiting hours
so that the hospital can schedule appointments accordingly. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: Doctor must be able to see scheduled appointments.
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4.3 User Class 3 - The Receptionist

4.3.1 Registration Description and Priority
The receptionist must have a unique account. This has a high priority. Stimulus/Response Sequences
On the homepage, login button is pressed. Below the login form, there will
be a link to the registration page. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: The registration page must accept name, username, password
and phone number as the input.
REQ-2: The password must be verified with a confirm password field.
REQ-3: The username must be unique for each user.
REQ-4: No field must be blank.

4.3.2 Login Description and Priority

The receptionist must be able to login using unique username and password. This
has a high priority. Stimulus/Response Sequences

On the homepage, login button is pressed. The login form is then shown. Functional Requirements

REQ-1: The login form must have radio buttons to select between doctor,
employee and administrator.
REQ-2: The login form must query for username and password.
REQ-3: In case of an error, the error is shown explicitly.

4.3.3 Schedule appointments Description and Priority

The receptionist must schedule appointments to the patients according to
the doctors’ availability. This has a high priority. Functional Requirements
REQ-1: Receptionist must schedule appointments according to the doctors’
visiting hours.

4.3.4 Manage Patient Details Description and Priority
Software Requirements Specification for Hospital Management System Page 18

The receptionist must record the patient details . This has a high priority. Functional Requirements

REQ-1: Receptionist must schedule appointments according to the doctors’
visiting hours.
REQ-2 Search for a patient record.
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5. Other Nonfunctional Requirements

5.1 Performance Requirements

 Fast response time.
 Efficiency and reliability in database access.

5.2 Safety Requirements

 Prevent access by unauthorized users.
 Handle catastrophic failure to the software or the database.

5.3 Security Requirements

All the administrative and data entry operators have unique logins so system can
understand who is login in to system right now no intruders allowed except system
administrative nobody cannot change record and valuable data.

5.4 Software Quality Attributes

 AVAILABILITY: The system shall be available all the time.
 CORRECTNESS: A bug free software which fulfils the correct need/requirements
of the client.
 MAINTAINABILITY: The ability to maintain and modify information and update
fix problems of the system.
 USABILITY: software can be used again and again without distortion.
 ACCESSIBILITY: Administrator and many other users can access the system but
the access level is controlled for each user according to their work scope.
 STABILITY: The system outcome/output won’t change time to time. Same output
will be given always for a given input.

5.5 Business Rules

 Warranty period of maintaining the software would be one year.
 If any error occur due to a user’s improper use. Warranty will not be allocated to it.
 Won’t take the responsibility of failures due to hardware malfunctioning.
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6. Other Requirements

Appendix A: Glossary

Appendix B: Analysis Models

Appendix C: To Be Determined List

● “Forgot password” section.

● In-App pharmacy.
● Security requirements
● Software quality attributes
● Business rules

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